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05x19 - The First Duty

Posted: 01/24/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 45703.9.

We are en route to Earth,
where it will be my pleasant duty

to deliver this year's commencement
address at Starfleet Academy.

I'm also looking forward to seeing
Wesley Crusher again.

His flight team will perform
a demonstration near Saturn

that will be transmitted
to the graduation ceremonies.

Captain, Starfleet Academy
is requesting an update

on our estimated arrival.

Mr. Data?

We should be arriving at Earth
in ten hours, 16 minutes, sir.

Please inform the Academy,
Mr. Worf.

And send my regards
to Superintendent Brand.

WORF: Aye, sir.
TROI: Do you know Admiral Brand?

We've met a few times.

She's a formidable woman.

Sounds like my superintendent.

When I was at the Academy,
we had a Vulcan superintendent

who had memorized the personnel
files of every single cadet.

Knew everything about them.
It was like having your parents around.


My superintendent was a Betazoid,
full telepath.

When he sent for you to his office,
he didn't have to ask what you'd done.

You got called
to the superintendent's office?

That's a story I'd like to hear.


Sir, we are being hailed again
by the Academy.

It is Admiral Brand.


Sir, she is requesting
a private channel.

In my Ready Room.

Admiral Brand,
what can I do for you?

Hello, captain.

I know you're a close friend
of the Crusher family.


I wanted to inform you personally.

There's been an accident.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

PICARD: He had second-degree burns
on the chest

and multiple fractures of his right arm,
but he's going to be fine.

Have they completed
the regeneration series?

I'm not certain.

Wesley's allergic
to metorapan treatments.

I think they'll have to use
a bicaridine substitute.

- Beverly.
- I should send his complete records

to the Academy infirmary.

Of course,
they probably already have them,

but you can't be too sure.

Beverly, he's fine.

I know he's fine. I know he's fine.

How did it happen?

Apparently his squadron
was practicing

on the Academy flight range
near Saturn.

They were flying a close formation.

There was a collision.

All five ships were destroyed.

Four of the cadets were able to
transport out.

One didn't make it.

Do you know who it was?

Yes, his name was Joshua Albert.

Wesley spoke of him,
they were friends.

Wesley was so excited
to make the flight team.

Of course, I was a little nervous,
but I was proud.

I always knew there was a chance
that something like this might...

Beverly, Wesley's alive
and he's well.

There was very little to salvage
from the wreckage.

We did recover one of the ship's data
recorders, but it was badly damaged.

We are attempting to restore
the information,

but that will take some time.

Standard procedure calls
for an immediate investigation

by two command-level officers.

Captain Satelk and I
will be taking depositions

from Nova Squadron
at 1500 hours today.

Commander Albert,

I'm sure that everyone in this room
joins me

in expressing my deepest sympathies
to you on the tragic loss of your son.

There will be a memorial service
for Cadet Albert

this evening in the West Garden.

It has been suggested that we should
cancel the graduation ceremonies

in the light of what's happened.

Commander Albert and I
have discussed this

and we've agreed that commencement
should go forward as planned.

The cadets should know
that even after a tragedy like this

there are still duties to perform.

And life continues.

Thank you all for coming.


It's good to see you again, captain.

I wish it were under
better circumstances.

This is an unhappy way
to begin commencement.

If you require any assistance,
then the Enterprise is at your disposal.

I'm sure we'll be able
to conduct the investigation.

But thank you for your offer.



I was so worried about you.

How are you feeling, Wesley?

Not bad.

The arm's a little sore.

We were very sorry to hear
about Joshua.

Would you like to talk about it?

No. I don't think so.

No, thank you.

I know you're just trying
to be helpful, sir,

but it seems that's all I've talked about
for the last two days.

- And I don't wanna go through it again.
- I understand.

I just want you to know that I'm
available if you change your mind.

Thank you, sir.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Captain, sir.

At ease, cadet.

This is my squadron leader,
Nicholas Locarno.

This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the Enterprise,

my mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher.

- Hello, doctor.
- Hello.

- Captain Picard.
- Mr. Locarno.

I came by to see
if Wes had healed up all right.

And how are you feeling,

Oh, I'm okay.

I just never lost anyone
under my command before.

I'm afraid that never gets easier.

Captain, Mom.

Will you excuse us, please?

Nick and I have some things
we need to talk about.

Of course.

- Let me know if you need anything.
- I will.

I'll see you at the inquiry.

Good to meet you, Mr. Locarno.

You too, sir.

The inquiry is scheduled
for 1500 hours.

You ready?

I think so.

Look, don't worry about it, Wes.

Everything's gonna be all right,
as long as we stick together.

MAN: Hey. Can't you see
that's a flower bed?

- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
- Well...


PICARD: Boothby.
- Mm-hm?

Jean-Luc Picard, class of '27.

I know that.

What happened to your hair?

How are you?

I'm pretty damn cranky, thank you.

I've already replanted this bed
four times this week.

Let me give you a hand.


I've acquired an interest
over the years.


don't plant them too deep.

- The stems will...
- Will rot.

Captain Picard.

Of the Enterprise, no less.

And giving the commencement

You sound surprised.


Uh-uh. Nothing you ever did
surprised me, son.

Except that time you caught
that Ligonian, with a reverse body lift,

and pinned him in the first 14 seconds
of the match.

- Didn't think you had it in you.
- Well, it was all in the legs.

All that running I did.


- Boothby.
- Hmm?

I don't think that I ever...

I don't think I ever told you

- how much I appreciate...
- Mm-mm.

There's nothing to tell.

Yes, there is.

I... I just wanted to while I was here.

Look, you know as well as I do,
I would never have graduated if you...

You made a mistake.

There isn't a man among us who hasn't
been young enough to make one.


You did what you had to do,
you did what you thought was best.

I just made sure
that you listened to yourself.

At the time I thought you were
a mean-spirited, vicious old man.

I was.

And by the way, I was about
the same age you are now.

I didn't speak to you for months.

You needed to get your bearings.

I knew that.

The important thing is, what you did
with your life afterwards.

Seems you did okay.

That's thanks enough for me.

Did you know the boy
from Nova Squadron who was k*lled?

Josh Albert? Yeah.

Crusher, Hajar, Sito, Locarno.

I know them all.


You nervous?



That's okay, so am I.

But we're gonna be all right.
We've got some tough times ahead,

but we've always come through
for each other.

Whatever happens,
I want you all to know

that leading this team has been the
high point of my years at the Academy.

No one could have asked
for a better team,

or better friends.

Let's go.


At this point, we accelerated

and ex*cuted a starboard turn
of 27 degrees.

We came out of the turn
on course for Titan.

And you were still
in the lead position?

LOCARNO: Yes, sir.
- Continue.

As we entered Titan's gravitational
sphere, I gave the signal to tighten up

and move
into a diamond-slot formation.

in the diamond formation,

we ex*cuted a low apogee turn
around Titan,

then began a Z plus 25 degree climb
in preparation for a Yeager loop.

Approximately nine seconds later,

Cadet Albert's ship collided
with Cadet Hajar's.

We had less than two seconds to
activate our emergency transporters

and beam to the evac stations
at Mimas.

Everyone made it, except Josh.

Thank you, Mr. Locarno.

Cadet Hajar.

As team navigator,

you filed a flight plan with the Academy
Range Officer before the exercise.

- Correct?
- Yes, sir.

Did Nova Squadron deviate from that
flight plan

after you entered the Saturn range?

No, sir.

Then how do you explain the fact that
the low apogee turn around Titan

was at least 2,000 kilometers closer to
the moon than indicated in your plan?

We were still within flight safety
parameters, sir.

That was not my question, cadet.


We had discussed changing our
approach after I filed the flight plan.

The final decision was made
en route to Saturn.

I didn't consider it significant enough
to mention here.

I apologize for the confusion, sir.

I should have been more precise.

Did you see Mr. Albert's ship
break formation

before it collided with your ship?

No, sir.

My first indications of trouble were
when my proximity alarm went off.

You may be seated.

Did any of you see the collision
take place?

No, sir.

Cadet Sito?

You were in the tail position,

therefore you should have seen any
sign of trouble from Cadet Albert.

And you saw nothing?

That is correct, sir.

Did your attention falter?

No, sir.

I was flying solely on sensor
readings at the time.

I did not have any visual contact
with Cadet Albert's ship

when he broke formation.

Sensor readings?


What's wrong?

Well, it's unusual to fly on sensors
alone during this type of maneuver.

A pilot relies on visual clues from the
other ships to maintain formation.


If you were flying on sensors alone,

perhaps you could tell us
the orientation of his ship

before the collision.

I don't know, sir.

You were flying a ship,
traveling 80,000 kph,

with Cadet Albert's ship less than
10 meters away,

and you don't know
what his orientation was?

I don't remember, sir.

Sir, may I?

Go ahead.


Josh was a good pilot,

but lately
he'd been having difficulties.

He'd get nervous
during close fly-bys

and pull away in the final seconds.
His formation flying was a little erratic.

And you didn't report this to anyone?

No, sir, I didn't.

We'd flown together a long time.

I thought he could handle it
if I gave him a chance.

I was wrong.

BRAND: Then you are saying that
the accident was Cadet Albert's fault?

I think Josh got frightened,

and tried to pull out
of the turn prematurely,

and then crashed into
Cadet Hajar.

Josh was our friend.

We didn't want him to be remembered
as someone who panicked.

Please, be seated.

I am very disturbed
by what I have heard here today.

By your own admission,

you allowed your teammate to fly

when you knew he was having
difficulties maintaining formation.

That demonstrates
a serious lack of judgment.

I am also disturbed by the fact
that you did not come forward

with this information immediately.

We should have the first data from
Mr. Crusher's flight recorder tonight.

We will reconvene
at 1300 hours tomorrow.


Everything's fine. Trust me.

I don't know, captain,
the Academy has one of the best

reconstructive analysis labs
in Starfleet.

I'm not sure there's much we could
contribute to the investigation.

Yes, that may well be.

But Wesley's one of our own.

Understood, sir.

- We'll get right on it.
- Good.

I've spoken with Admiral Brand.
She's agreed to allow us access

to all of the physical evidence
and testimony.

Thank you, gentlemen.

You shouldn't have said it, Nick.

Josh wasn't responsible
for what happened.

I had to do something.

You said that we weren't gonna have
to lie to them.

We all agreed not to lie to them.

I didn't lie.

Everything I said was the truth.

The accident was not Josh's fault.

Look, he was my friend too, Wes.

I worked to get him on this team,
but the truth is, he panicked.

- We don't know that.
- Of course we do.

None of us has wanted to say it out
loud, but we've all had same thought.

Haven't we?

He must have pulled away too soon.

I think he got scared.


Wes, I know you wanna protect
his memory, we all do.

But we have to look out
for ourselves now.

What do you want to do, walk in and
tell them everything that happened?

We might as well turn in our uniforms
and start packing our bags.

Are we ready for that?

We'll take this one step at a time.

This is the preliminary report
from your flight recorder.

It was damaged
so badly in the crash

that the lab could only retrieve a third
of the total telemetry from the recorder.

And all of it is before the collision.

There's no problem here.

I don't know if I can do this, Nick.

You don't have to lie.

Just don't volunteer
any new information.

The first night I met you, Wes,

I knew I wanted you on this squad.
You more than any of the rest

would understand what it means
to be able to count on someone.

Because you've been out there,
putting yourself on the line.

You know you've gotta be able to
count on the people on your team

because your life is in their hands.

And their lives are in yours.

We made a promise to each other,
right in the beginning,

that we'd stick together.

We were Nova Squadron.

Nobody else could say that.

And even after we graduated, we'd
try to get posted on the same duty.

We were gonna be a team.

For a long time.

Josh can't be a part of those plans

but I think he would still want us
to be a team.

What do you think?

Mr. Crusher?

- Sir.
- At ease.

Am I interrupting?


I was just going over my
deposition for tomorrow.

They told me you'd be here.

I found this in Josh's room.

I think it belongs to you.

Our ski trip.

Josh and I went to Calgary
last month.

He forgot his sweater
so he borrowed one of mine.

He told me you helped him
with his classes.

A little. He only needed help
in statistical mechanics.

If Josh had a weakness,
it was mathematics.

No, he could do it.

He just didn't like to.

His mother and I thought he'd never
get out of calculus.

Then he found out what the Academy
entrance requirements were like

and that turned him around.

He stayed after class,

got a tutor.

He really worked hard.

He never gave up on anything.

And he had a lot of respect for you,

and everybody on the team.

I realize it was his fault.

That everybody
could have been k*lled.

And I wanna say that...

I wanna say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that he let you down.

Are you ready, Mr. Crusher?

Yes, sir.

This is the beginning
of our run toward Titan.

I'm on the right wing.

Where is Mr. Albert at this point?

He was on my port quarter,
approximately 50 meters away.

We've just received the signal to begin
the diamond-slot formation.

That's Cadet Locarno coming
into view now.

We're in a 20-degree turn
around Titan.

We should be coming out
of Titan's gravity well about now.


That is the extent of the data we were
able to recover from the flight recorder.

Mr. Crusher, would you
describe what happened

after you left the orbit of Titan?

Once we cleared the moon,

Mr. Locarno led us
into a Yeager loop.

Approximately nine seconds later,
my proximity alarm went off.

I tried to veer away
but it was too late and I was hit.

I lost control of my ship,

a power coupling exploded
in my cockpit.

I don't know how,

but I managed to activate
my escape transporter.

And the next thing I remember
is finding myself

on the emergency evac station on
Mimas with the rest of the squadron,

except Josh.

Do you have anything to add
to your testimony?

No, sir.

Mr. Crusher, will you describe
a Yeager loop?

The ships begin in a
diamond-slot formation

and climb and loop backwards
at a steep angle.

And at the peak of the loop, turn over
and accelerate in a new direction.

Mr. Crusher, did your team remain
in formation throughout the loop?

Yes, sir.

I want you to be absolutely clear
on this point, Mr. Crusher.

Before the collision,

was Nova Squadron
in a diamond-slot formation?

Yes, sir.

Computer, display
Saturn NavCon file 6-379.

These images were obtained from
a navigational control satellite

in orbit around Saturn during
a standard sensor sweep.

Computer, freeze image.

Magnify sector Gamma 3
and enhance.

This image was recorded when your
ships moved briefly

into the satellite's sensor range.

And according to the time index,

what you see on the monitor
took place seven seconds

after Nova Squadron completed
the Yeager loop.

Mr. Crusher, are these ships
in a diamond-slot formation?

No, sir.

What is your explanation,
Mr. Crusher?

I have none, sir.

Everything's going
to be okay, Wesley.

There must be an explanation
for all of this.

Data and Geordi are already analyzing
the flight recorder

- and the satellite transmission.
- Why?

Well, there must be something wrong
with the satellite data.

- It might have been tampered with.
- Mom.

Well, there must be
some explanation for this.

I know you're telling the truth

but the satellite data
made it look as if you were lying.

I've spoken with the other parents.

I am going to talk to Admiral Brand

- and ask her to delay the inquiry...
- Mom.


You can't do that.

I am not going to let them ruin
your career, Wesley.

You haven't done anything wrong.


don't try to protect me.

Please stay out of this.

Uh-huh. The weeds keep popping up
in the pittosporum.

Poor plants don't have a chance
to grow.

You could use a good herbicide
instead of pulling the weeds

- with your bare hands.
- Mm-hm.

And you could explore space
on a holodeck instead of a starship.


tell me some more
about Nova Squadron.

Not going well, is it?

No, it isn't.

You remember the pareses squares
tournament of '24?

The final game against Minsk.

It took me three weeks to repair
the grounds after the celebration.

We had a lot to celebrate.

Our team wasn't supposed to win.

We were very proud of them.

Well, the cadets today are just
as proud of the Nova Squadron.

The celebration they held
after Nova won the Rigel Cup

made '24 look like a dinner party.

To the other cadets,
the members of that team are gods.

And that's a hard image to live up to.

But Nick Locarno,
he watches out for them.

He keeps them together.

Nick is what makes
that team special.

He's their coach, surrogate father
and best friend, all in one.

A natural leader.

The members of that team love him.

If he asks them to do something,
they do it.

Even if it means
going right over a cliff.


Nothing conclusive.

We do know that the collision
occurred about four seconds

after the satellite images
were recorded.

But we still don't know how the ships
got into the new formation,

or why the crash occurred.

We unsuccessfully
tried 53 different computational models

in an effort to simulate
the movements of the Nova Squadron

just prior to the crash.

There are just too many variables
to take into consideration.

Speed, attitude, course.

Did Wesley's flight recorder indicate

that there was anything unusual about
the ship or the way it was operating?

Well, the starboard power flow
was fluctuating.

However, it was well
within operational limits.

LA FORGE: Fluidic pressure
in the landing struts was low

but I don't know what difference
that would make.

We did find that Wesley opened his
coolant interlock

just before beginning the maneuver
around Titan.

That is a bit unusual.
Normally the interlock is closed

unless you're performing
a check on the engine coolant levels.

But there's no evidence that Wesley
was performing that sort of a check.

Filling the primary coolant tanks
requires an open interlock,

but that can only be performed
in a maintenance bay.

Is there any other reason
for opening the valve?

Well, it's the first step
in purging the plasma exhaust.

That procedure would be extremely
hazardous while the ship was in flight.

Yeah, the engine would
probably ignite the plasma.

Ignite the plasma.

That's exactly
what they were trying to do.




Can you tell me what
this maneuver is?

It's a Kolvoord Starburst, sir.

Five ships,

crossing within 10 meters of each
other and igniting their plasma trails.

It's one of the most spectacular

and difficult demonstrations
in precision flying.

And it hasn't been performed at the
Academy for over a hundred years.

Do you know why?

It was banned by the Academy
following a training accident, sir.

An accident in which all five cadets
lost their lives.

I think that Nicholas Locarno

wanted to end his Academy
career in a blaze of glory.

And that he convinced
the four of you to learn

the Kolvoord Starburst for the
commencement demonstration.

If it worked, it would thrill
the assembled guests

and Locarno would graduate
as a living legend.

Only it didn't work.

And Joshua Albert paid the price.

Am I correct?

Cadet, I asked you a question.
Am I correct?

I choose not to answer, sir.

You choose not to answer?

But you've already given
an answer to the inquiry.

That answer was a lie.

I said the accident occurred after
the loop. It did.

What you neglected to mention was
that following the loop,

your team attempted a maneuver
that was the direct cause of the crash.

Oh, you told the truth, up to a point.

But a lie of omission is still a lie.

Do you remember the first day
you came aboard this ship?

Your mother brought you
on the Bridge.

- Yes, sir.
- You even sat in my chair.

I was annoyed.

A presumptuous child
playing on my ship.

But I never forgot how you already
knew every control, every display.

You behaved as though you belonged
on the Bridge.

And then later, when I decided to make
you an acting ensign,

I was convinced you could be an
outstanding officer.

And I never questioned
that conviction,

until now.

The first duty of every Starfleet officer
is to the truth,

whether it's scientific truth
or historical truth or personal truth.

It is the guiding principle
on which Starfleet is based.

Now, if you can't find it within yourself
to stand up and tell the truth

about what happened,
you don't deserve to wear that uniform.

I'm gonna make this simple
for you, Mr. Crusher.

Either you come forward and tell
Admiral Brand what took place or I will.

- Captain...
- Dismissed.


Your message said it was urgent.

They know, Nick.
They know what we did.

Calm down.

Now tell me exactly what happened.

Captain Picard called me
onto the Enterprise.

And when I got there,
he told me that he knows.

The Kolvoord maneuver,
the cover-up, everything.

He said that if I didn't come forward
and tell the truth now, he would.

You said he figured it out.
Does he have any evidence?

No, but he knew exactly
how it happened.

Captain Picard
doesn't know anything.

He has a theory.

So let him tell the inquiry.

They'll ask us, "ls it true?"
We'll say, "No, sir."

There's no evidence, so there's no
case. We'll get off with a reprimand.

I can't call Captain Picard a liar.


We have to hang on
just a little bit longer.

Then this will all be over.

It's wrong, Nick.

- Wesley.
- No.

I'm gonna tell them what happened.

You're gonna tell them
what happened.

You, alone,

are gonna decide what happens
to me,

to Sito, to Jean.

You're gonna decide that?

I'm not gonna lie
to them again, Nick.

I can't live with it.

You can't lie to them.

You can't live with this.

You have to tell them what happened.
Who the hell are you?

- Nick.
- You're gonna turn us in?

- No, wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.

He got to you, didn't he?

Picard told you some big story
about duty and honor.

Well, it must have been a good speech
to make you turn on your friends.

We're Starfleet cadets.

We have a duty to the truth.

What about your duty
to your friends?

I got you on this team.

I gave you a chance when there
were upperclassmen waiting in line.

I said, "He won't let us down.

He was on the Enterprise.

He knows what it's like
to trust somebody with his life."

Well, I guess I was wrong.

If we all come forward together
and tell Admiral Brand...

We don't wanna come forward.

Sito, Jean and me,
we don't have a problem with this.

But if you do,

then resign your appointment
to the Academy and walk away.

Don't make us pay
for your guilty conscience.

You'd let me do that?

You'd let me throw away my career
just to save your neck?

To save the team.

That's more important than you.

And it's more important than me.

And if I were in your place, I'd do it,
without hesitation.

But that's me.

BRAND: Captain Satelk and I
have gone over your testimony

and the physical evidence
from the crash.

Your statements cannot be reconciled

with the data collected
from the NavCon satellite.

Your unwillingness to offer any
explanation for this contradiction

is disappointing
and raises suspicion.

We cannot escape the conclusion

that either the data is faulty
in some way,

or you have lied to us.

However, suspicion is not proof,

and I have no proof that you
have lied to this inquiry.

Therefore, if no further evidence
is presented,

I have no choice
but to close this investigation.

For filing an inaccurate flight plan,

and for allowing Cadet Albert to fly

when you knew he was
having difficulties,

I'm ordering a formal reprimand

placed on each of your
permanent records.

I am also revoking
your flight privileges.

This inquiry is closed.


I would like to add something
to my testimony.

Proceed, Mr. Crusher.

Yesterday I testified that the crash
occurred following a Yeager loop.

That is not entirely true.

We performed a loop,

and afterwards broke formation
and attempted a Kolvoord Starburst.

We knew it was prohibited,

and we knew it was dangerous.

But we wanted to do
something spectacular

for the commencement

We pushed Josh into it
and he wasn't ready.

We thought we could do it.

We thought we could do anything.

But we were wrong

and Josh died.

Josh didn't let us down, sir.

And it wasn't his fault.

Mr. Locarno,

you are the leader
of Nova Squadron.

Do you have anything to say?

Mr. Locarno?

No, sir.

Mr. Locarno has been expelled.

They should have expelled all of us.

They very nearly did.

Mr. Locarno made an impassioned
plea for the rest of you.

He said that he'd used his influence
as squadron leader to convince you

to attempt the Kolvoord maneuver,

and then to cover up the truth.

He asked to take full responsibility.

He did exactly
what he said he would.

He protected the team.

I feel awful.

I've letdown everyone.

My mother, my friends, you.

You should feel bad.

And you will pay
for what you've done.

Admiral Brand has decided that,
in addition to a formal reprimand,

your academic credits
for the past year will be canceled

and you will not advance
with your class.

I understand.

It's not gonna be easy,

staying here on campus.

Everyone knowing what you did.

You have difficult times ahead.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, captain.

You knew what you had to do.

I just made sure
that you listened to yourself.

Goodbye, cadet.

Goodbye, captain.