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05x17 - The Outcast

Posted: 01/24/23 16:12
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, star date 45614.6.

We have been contacted by
an androgynous race, the J'naii,

to investigate
the mysterious disappearance

of one of their shuttlecraft.

Captain, we are approaching
the designated coordinates.

On screen.

Long-range scan, Mr. Data.

The sensors find no evidence
of the shuttle in the system.

It couldn't have travelled
outside the system.

Reconfigure high-resolution sweep.
Check for any debris.

Scans find no debris in that radius.

I don't understand.
A shuttle doesn't simply vanish.

There has to be an explanation.

Captain, I'm detecting
an unusual reading,

a neutrino emission
with no visible source.

- Explanation?
- I have none, sir.

I recommend we launch a probe.

Make it so.

Probe is launched.

Sensors show no evidence
of any unusual phenomenon.

Probe is no longer transmitting.

What happened?

Where did it go?

Captain's log, supplemental.

The disappearance of our probe
suggests that we may have found

the first instance of null space.

an anomaly which until now
had been theoretical.

Cmdr Riker has been working
with J'naii specialists,

to formalize this hypothesis.

During the creation of a star system,

when clouds of interstellar dust
and gas coalesce,

turbulent magnetic and gravitational
fields may develop.

In certain conditions, these condense
into abnormal pockets of space.

We think your system
contains one of these pockets.

The pocket
absorbs electromagnetic energy

from anything entering it.

- Like a shuttle.
- Or probe. Making them powerless.

But outside the pocket,
the energy is bent around it,

making it naturally cloaked.

That's why we cannot see it,
and our sensors cannot read it.

- Is the shuttle still there?
- We think so.

It couldn't sustain its energy,
but it wouldn't be damaged.

Since our shuttles carry
plestorene backup systems,

we think life support would sustain
for as long as ten days.

Perhaps our crew survived?

We can send in one of our shuttles,
but its energy would be absorbed.

We're working on maintaining reserves
long enough to rescue your crew.

we're grateful for your help.

Whatever resources
we can provide are yours.

I've been thinking.

When the time comes,
I want to pilot the shuttle.

It's a Starfleet craft.

I cannot ask you to put yourself
in danger for our crew.

You can't pilot a shuttle
you don't know.

I happen to be a good pilot.

I happen to be a good pilot, too.
And I know my way around the shuttle.

What if we team up?

When can we go over
the flight operations?

Right now.

Is this the one?

This is it. Short-range craft,
two 1250-millicochrane warp engines.

- Microfusion thrusters?
- Right.

- Armament?
- None usually.

But this has two type-four phaser
emitters, to chart the null space.

Chart it?

Mr. La Forge thinks the energy
absorption is linked to its size.

I'm not sure how we'd map
something we can't see.

With the emitters.

sh**t photon pulses into the pocket
and chart where they disappear.

- That should give us an outline.
- Let's look at the controls.

Later we'll do a flight simulation.
Let's do a systems review.

- I'll talk you through it.
- Propulsion, transfer conduits.

Where's the schematic

There it is.

Engine nacelles.

There's nothing here
that's unfamiliar.

Navigational deflector,
polarity-source generators.

It's like you grew up in a shuttle.

I did. My parents were pilots. I was
flying with them before I could walk.

Then I entered flight school.
Krite was my instructor.

He had a good student.

"He"? There are no "hes" or "shes"
in a species without gender.

OK, for two days I've tried to form
sentences without personal pronouns.

Now I give up. What should I use?
"It"? To us, that's rude.

We use a pronoun that is neutral.

I do not think
there is a translation.

I'll muddle through. Forgive me
if a "he" or "she" slips by, OK?

Well, if that's the systems review,
I don't see any problem. What's next?


Thank you.

- What is it?
- Split-pea soup.

It's my father's recipe. I had it
programmed into the replicators.


Unusual. But I think I like it.

It's very healthy. Helps to keep
you warm on cold Alaskan nights.

We prefer to stay warm
by sleeping with a friend.

I see.

Not to mate.

Just to sleep together for warmth.

Still sounds better than pea soup.

- We are puzzling to you, aren't we?
- A little.

It's hard to grasp
the idea of no gender.

It is just as hard for us
to understand

the strange division
in your species,...

..males and females.

You are male.

Tell me about males. What is it
makes you different from females?

Snips and snails
and puppy dog tails?

- You have a dog's tail?
- It's an old nursery rhyme.

Girls are made from sugar and spice,
boys are made from snips and snails.

It sounds better to be female.

It's an old-fashioned way
of looking at the sexes.

Not to say there's
no real difference between them.

Physically men are bigger, stronger.
We have different sexual organs.

Men can't bear young.

What about feelings or emotional
attitudes? Are they different?

Most people think so.

But that kind of question
would take a lifetime to answer.

Let me ask you, what's it like on a
planet where people have no gender?

I'm afraid I don't understand.


Who leads when you dance?
lf you dance.

We do. And whoever's taller leads.

Without the battle of the sexes,
you probably don't argue as much.

Because we don't have gender
doesn't mean we don't have conflicts.

We're strong-minded,
we love a good fight.

There's not much difference
between our species.

Maybe not.

What kind of woman
do you find attractive?

I like one who's intelligent
and sure of herself,

who I can talk with
and get something back.

But the most important thing of all?
She has to laugh at my jokes.

Tell me, is that the kind of woman
that all human males prefer?

Not at all.

Some like quiet, demure women.

Others prefer a lot of energy.

Some only respond
to physical attractiveness.

Others couldn't care less.
There are no rules.

You make it sound very complex.

Believe me, it is.

Well, perhaps it is
that complexity...

..which makes the differences
in the sexes so interesting.

- Good evening, Commander.
- Good evening.

Please take my place, Krite.
I have to be going.

Thank you for going over the flight
protocols. It was very helpful.

Captain's log, supplemental.
Riker and the J'naii pilot

will chart the null-space pocket.

If they are successful, we can
proceed with the rescue attempt.

I've illuminated Delta four grid map.
We'll start there and expand.

Stand by. Forward phaser array.

Pulse vanished at Delta 4.2 by .3.

Firing second burst.

- Delta 4.4 by .5.
- This is working.

Initiating computer task hand-off.

tell me about your sexual organs.

Is that an uncomfortable subject?

No, but it doesn't tend to be
a topic of casual conversation.

I'm interested
in your mating practices.

What is involved with two sexes?

Correcting course. 021, mark zero.


Right. It's pretty simple.
Men inseminate the women.

The women carry the baby.

Our foetuses are incubated in fibrous
husks, which the parents inseminate.

From what we know of other species,

our method is less risky
and less painful.

- And less enjoyable.
- Less enjoyable?

For humans, the sexual act
brings a closeness and intimacy.

It can be
a very pleasurable experience.

Inseminating a husk...

That's just the last step.

Mating is a long ritual for us,
full of variety and adventure,

and I assure you,
it is extremely pleasurable.

I'm picking up a neutrino emission
from within the null space.

That may be from our shuttle.
I'll note these coordinates.

- I wonder...
- What?

If a human and a J'naii
would be sexually compatible.

I don't know.

- But it would never be permitted.
- Why not?

The idea of gender,
it is offensive to my people.

You see, long ago,
we had two sexes, as you do.

But we evolved into a higher form.

I don't mean to sound insulting,

but on my planet we have been taught
that gender is primitive.

- Primitive?
- Less evolved.

Maybe so. But sometimes,
there's a lot to be said

for an experience that's primitive.

Delta five grid map is fully plotted.

Adjusting course. 029, mark zero.

- The port engine's down!
- Reducing power.

Not enough.
Activate manoeuvring thrusters.

Thrusters aren't responding.

I'll reroute the firing sequence.

Inertial dampeners failing! Hang on!

- Shuttle, do you read me?
- Affirmative. We've lost an engine.

We'll try a tractor beam.

The sooner the better.
We have an injury.

- Transport Soren to sickbay!
- Right away.

It's just a minor concussion.
You're going to be fine.

This will reduce the inflammation.

Doctor, you are female.


Forgive me, I do not mean
to be rude, but I'm curious.

What is it like?

Well, it's... It's just the way I am.

I've never thought
about what it's like.

I notice you tend
to have longer hair,

and you arrange it more elaborately.

- You apply colour to your bodies.
- Colour?

You put colour on your mouths.

And your eyes, your cheeks,
your fingernails.

The men don't.

That's true.

Then, it is up to women
to attract the men.

No. Men want to be attractive,
too, believe me.

They just go about it differently.

- No colour.
- No colour.

They pretend they're not
doing anything to attract a woman,

even when it's the most
important thing on their minds.

This is very confusing.

Then, are women considered
more superior or the men?


In the past, women were often
considered weak and inferior.

But that hasn't been true
for a long time.

Will, your co-pilot is gonna be fine.
The injury was minor.

Glad to hear it.

You're not rid of me yet, Commander.
I can complete the mission.

- Glad you feel better.
- Why did the shuttle go into a spin?

The port nacelle must have nipped
the null pocket and shut down.

- Are we still on schedule, then?
- That depends on how you're doing.

I'm fine.
We should check the port engine.

Whoa! Maybe we should get
the Doctor's opinion first.


I don't see any problem.

But if you have headache
or dizziness, come back.

You have my word.

Alright. This hand,
the game is Federation Day.

What is that?

The Federation was founded in 2161,

so, twos, sixes and aces are wild.

- That is a woman's game.
- Why is that?

All those wild cards,
they support a weak hand.

A man's game has no wild cards.

So, it's a woman's game because
women are weak and need more help?


And only today, I told a J'naii those
attitudes were but a distant memory.

The J'naii. They bother me.

- Why, Worf?
- They just do.

They're all alike.
No males, no females.

I'm sure
we're just as strange to them.

One of them is overcoming
the differences,

at least in regards to one of us.

- What are you saying, Doctor?
- I could be wrong.

But I get the impression that Soren
is attracted to Cmdr Riker.

A human and a J'naii? Impossible!

- Why?
- Good question. Worf?

All these wild cards. It's difficult
to know what is exactly in my hand.

However, I will open with 50.

The transporter array is in. In null
space, we'll need to initialize it

before we beam the J'naii crew
onto this shuttle.

But there should be power left
to beam us to the Enterprise.

Is the buffer-field generator in?

Geordi thinks it'll be ready
by 0800 tomorrow.

But before that, we should see
if we can balance this engine.

Can you access
the starboard manifold thrust?


Set the arc at 6.3.
I'll optimize the plasma flow.

I'd like to tell you something.

Something that's not easy to say.

What's that?

I find you attractive.

I'm taking a terrible risk
telling you that.

It means revealing something to you,

something that, if it were known on
my planet, would be dangerous for me.

Occasionally, among my people,...

..there are
a few who are born different,...

..who are throwbacks
from the era when we all had gender.

Some have strong inclinations
to maleness,

and some have urges to be female.

I am one of the latter.

I have to admit I had a feeling
you were different.

I was hoping you would.

But in front of the others, I must
be careful not to reveal myself.


On our world,
these feelings are forbidden.

Those who are discovered
are shamed and ridiculed,

and only by undergoing
psychotectic therapy and...

..having all elements
of gender eliminated,

can they be accepted
into society again.

Those of us who have these urges
live secret and guarded lives.

We seek each other out,...

..always hiding, always terrified
of being discovered.

How long have you known
that you were like this?

I've known I was different
all my life.

But I did not know how or why
until I was older.

And when you realized, what then?

I remember when I was very young,

before I knew what I was,

there was a rumour at my school...

..that one of the students preferred
a gender, in that case, male.

The children started
making fun of him.

And every day they were more cruel.

They could tell he was afraid, and...

..somehow that seemed
to encourage them.

One morning in class, he appeared,

bleeding and in ripped clothes.

He said he had fallen down.

Of course, the school authorities
found out and took him away,

and gave him psychotectic treatments.

When he came back,...

..he stood
in front of the whole school...

..and told us how happy he was
now that he had been cured.

After that, I realized how dangerous
it was to be different.

And once I got older,
and knew what I was, I was terrified.

I have had to live with that fear
ever since.

Do you have relationships
with others?


With those who have discovered
they are male.

I have had to live a life
of pretence and lies.

But with you, I can be honest.

Please, don't say anything.

Just think about it.

That's it, everything checks out.
The energy buffer is functioning.

It should reduce the power drain
by 40 percent.

How long will we have?

Let's just say,
don't waste any time in there.

He'll need continuous readouts
on consumption.

The rate may not be constant.

- I understand.
- Then that's it.

I'll monitor what I can, but
inside the pocket you're on your own.

The crew's condition is unknown,
so we'll all beam to sickbay.

I'll tell Dr Crusher
to be standing by.

- La Forge to bridge.
- Picard here.

Ready to initiate
pre-launch sequence.

- Proceed, Mr. Data.
- Initiating pre-launch sequence.

Request flight clearance.

Clearance is granted.
The shuttle is under way, sir.

- Good hunting, Commander.
- Thank you, sir. See you for dinner.

Heading confirmed.

Energy readings normal. Power
reserves stabilized at 100 percent.


It's dead ahead,
approximately 50 kilometres.

Riker to Enterprise,
we're taking her in.

Riker to Enterprise?

Riker to Enterprise.

- Power reserves down to 84 percent.
- Look!

Try hailing them.

Calling the Taris Murn,
do you read me?

They're unconscious but alive. Stand
by. I'm gonna transport them over.

Power reserves at 68 percent
and dropping.

The null space is affecting
the annular-confinement beam.

We used ten megajoules.
We're down to 34 percent of reserves.

We can give it one more try.

Any more, we won't have
enough power to get out.

They need attention quickly.

OK. Stand by to transport
to the Enterprise. Here we go.

Energy consumption?

We're down to nine percent.
Not enough to get back.

Sitting here, we'll lose all systems
in an hour, including life support.

I'll reroute the propulsion system
to the transporter.

Rechannel navigation systems.
Transfer all the energy we've got.

Sensors, life support.
This might give us one last shot.

An energy shift that size will
cause an overload. The shuttle...

Will explode!
But if we stay, we're dead anyway.

Maximum energy levels,
five seconds.

See you in a minute.

They've been oxygen-deprived.

There isn't any significant damage.
Prepare some dexalin.

Commander, thank you.

Soren was very helpful.

Would you all join us this evening?
We want to express our gratitude.

We'd be happy to.

Noor will be eager for a report.
We should return to the surface.

I will see you later, Commander.

There you are. I wondered what had
happened to our guest of honour.

I needed some air.

After a while at social functions,
I need to breathe a little.

I would think
you had attended so many affairs,

that it had become
second nature to you.

I was raised outdoors. I've never
been comfortable in crowded rooms.

What do you think of our planet?
Isn't it beautiful?

Yes, it is. It's beautiful.

We have many varieties of plant life.

Perhaps you would like
to inspect some of them?

Yes, I would. I've always been
interested in exobotany.

Please, let me take you on a tour.

Thank you. It's kind of you.

One of my favourites
is this menellen tree.

The leaves first turn pure white

and then blue,
when the weather gets cold.

This is called a falla bush.

It produces a fragrant flower
on only one day of the year.

Captain's log, star date 45620.4.

In the hope that a map of null space
will prevent losing other ships,

we remain in orbit of J'naii,
charting the anomaly.

Come in.

Hello, Will.

- What's all this?
- Wonderful things!

My mother sent a box that belonged
to one of my father's ancestors.

It was stored on Earth
and just recently turned up.

You know
who any of these people are?

No. Some of the pictures
have names on, but most don't.

I look at them and wonder who they
are and if they are related to me.

This one looks like you.

Deanna, I have something on my mind.

I had to see you.

Has something happened?

I've met someone. Someone
who's becoming important to me.

- Soren.
- Yes.

You're my friend, and I thought...

I don't know.
I thought I should tell you.

I'm glad you did.

Nothing will change between us,
will it?

Of course it will.

Relationships constantly change.

But we'll still be friends,
maybe better friends.

You're a part of my life
and I'm a part of yours.

That much will always be true.

Hello, I'm here to see Soren.

I know.

- We had an appointment to discuss...
- I don't think so.

- Excuse me?
- We know what you two are doing.

- Where is Soren?
- It won't happen again.

Where is Soren?

In custody,
and there's nothing you can do.

The hell there isn't.

You are aware of
the charges against you?


Do you intend to dispute them?

Well, what is your response?

- These proceedings are closed to...
- I just opened them.

This is a private matter.

We are grateful for your help, but
that gives you no right to interfere.

I just want you to know what
happened. It was all my fault.

I was attracted to Soren.

I pursued. I insisted.

I didn't understand your ways
until she explained and rejected me.

Nothing happened between us.
I ask forgiveness.

I behaved inappropriately.

- Is this true?
- No.


I am tired of lies.

I am female.

I was born that way.

I have had those feelings,

those longings, all of my life.

It is not unnatural.

I am not sick
because I feel this way.

I do not need to be helped.

I do not need to be cured.

What I need...

..and what all of those
who are like me need... your understanding,...

..and your compassion.

We have not injured you in any way.

And yet, we are scorned and att*cked.

And all because we are different.

What we do... no different from what you do.

We talk, and laugh.

We complain about work,...

..and we wonder about growing old.

We talk about our families,
and we worry about the future.

And we cry with each other
when things seem hopeless.

All of the loving things
that you do with each other,

that is what we do.

And for that we are called misfits,

and deviants and criminals!

What right do you have to punish us?

What right do you have to change us?

What makes you think you can dictate
how people love each other?

I congratulate you, Soren.

Admitting your perversion makes it
much more likely we can help you.

Wait. You don't have to do this.

Let her go with me to the Enterprise.
We would give her asylum.

You'd never see her again. That would
solve it. You'd be rid of her.

She would never
influence anyone again.

After Soren's diatribe, you must
think us a cruel, repressive people.

Nothing could be more untrue.

I'm looking for a solution
for everyone.

We take our obligations
to our citizens seriously.

Soren is sick,
and sick people want to get well.

What if she wants
to stay the way she is?

You don't understand.

We have a very high
success rate in treating deviants.

And without exception, they become
happier people after treatment,

and grateful
that we care enough to cure them.

You see, Commander, on this world,
everyone wants to be normal.

She is!

Take her away.
Treatment will begin tomorrow.

Don't do this! Soren!

No more, Commander!

Riker to Enterprise.
One to transport.

I just can't leave her
to be given psychotectic treatments.

I don't know what to do!

Well, I could talk to Noor.

Perhaps there's a way
to work something out.

Their minds are set. They don't
want to hear an alternative.

Then, I'm not sure
there's much we can do.

There has to be.

My relationship with Soren is not
trivial. She's very important to me.

It's my fault. I have to help her.

If you're here for sanction,
I can't give it to you.

I know. But I have to do something.

Interfering with J'naii affairs
is against the Prime Directive.

I'm aware of that.

If you violate it,
you may jeopardize your career.

Starfleet takes this seriously.

I can't defend you if you go too far.
You understand?

You've made yourself clear, sir.

Don't put at risk
everything you've worked for.

Thank you. May I be excused now?

- Who is it?
- Lt Worf.

Come in.

I have the plan for deploying
warning buoys around the null space.

- Fine. I'll take a look at it later.
- Yes, sir.

Thank you.

You're dismissed.

Commander, I know what transpired
on the planet's surface.

Are you, by any chance,
considering an unannounced visit?

- I will go with you.
- Lieutenant...

Sir, you are my commanding officer.
If you order me to stay, I will obey,

but I ask you
not to give that order.

A warrior does not let a friend
face danger alone.

Something's happening.
They're leaving.


Excuse me. I need to speak to her
alone for a moment.


Don't worry,
we'll be out of here in a minute.

- Please, don't!
- Alright, we're almost there.

You cannot do this.

I won't let them hurt you.
You'll be safe on the ship.

I am so sorry. It was my fault
that you got involved in all this.

Everything's going to be alright.

No, it is not.

What are you talking about?

It was all a mistake.

And I should have realized it
from the beginning.

- What?
- That I was sick.

I had these terrible urges.
That is why I reached out to you.

But it was wrong.
And I see that now.

I do not understand
how I could have done what I did.

Maybe Dr Crusher can treat you and
bring you back to the way you were.

Why would I want that?


I love you.

I'm sorry.

How long to the Phelan system,
Mr. Data?

At warp six, 53 hours, sir.

- Commander.
- Captain.

Starfleet is asking us
to proceed to the Phelan system

- to negotiate a trade agreement.
- Yes, sir.

I didn't know
when to tell them we will be there.

Is our business
with the J'naii finished?

Finished, sir.

Very well.

Take us out of orbit. Set a course
for the Phelan system, warp six.

Aye, sir.
