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05x15 - Power Play

Posted: 01/24/23 16:11
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 45571.2.

We are going into orbit around
an unexplored M-class moon

of Mab-Bu VI.

Though the moon was reported
to be uninhabited,

we have picked up a weak
distress call.


DATA: The electromagnetic whirlwinds
on the moon's surface

make it virtually impossible to locate
the source of the signal, captain.

Any indications of life, Mr. Worf?

Scanners read negative, sir.

But they may be affected
by the interference.

Have you ever heard anything
like this, Data?

I believe so, commander.

- At Starfleet Academy.
- The Academy?

I will verify it.

Just as I thought.

It is a Starfleet subspace
distress signal.

to Daedalus-class starships.

There hasn't been a Daedalus-class
in service, for what?

One hundred seventy-two years, sir.

Are there any records
of missing ships in this vicinity?

The USS Essex under the command
of Captain Bryce Shumar,

disappeared in this sector
over two centuries ago.


I have accessed the subspace
transponder signature of the Essex.

It is identical to the signal coming
from the moon's surface.

We arrived a little late.

Mute it, Mr. Data.

With all that storm activity
down there,

it isn't worth the risk
to check on a ghost ship.

Advise Starfleet,
that we have solved the mystery

of Captain Shumar and the Essex.

I'm not sure we have.

Someone's down there.


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

First Officer's log, supplemental.

The interference on the surface

has been judged too dangerous
for anyone to transport down.

So we have taken a shuttle
to investigate.

Shields are holding, sir.

Wind shear is incredible.

Data, keep an eye on the stabilizers.

If it's like this on the ground,

I don't see how people can survive
on this moon for very long.

Maybe they've been living

The question is where? I still can't
locate the source of the damn signal.

Forward thrusters have failed, sir.

- We are losing power.
- Enterprise.

Go ahead.

We've lost our thrusters,

attempting to compensate
with secondary boosters.

Sir, the shuttlecraft's impulse
generators have shut down.

Commander, can you hear me?

Enterprise to shuttle, please respond.

Hold on. We're going down.

Initiating emergency
landing procedures.

Maintain the approach attitude, Data.

I'm taking her in. Brace for impact.


The shuttle has crashed
on the surface.

- Do you have their position?
- I'm picking up the shuttle's signature.

But the surface interference
is distorting its position.

Can you locate them?

I think I can. I followed their entry
almost all the way in.

We can calculate the coordinates
from their angle of descent.


- Aah!
- Your arm.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's broken.

It is unlikely we will be able to establish
communication with the ship

given the electromagnetic

We'll stay in the area
until the Enterprise finds us.

Take an inventory of the shuttle.

See if there's anything
left in there that's usable.

The ground cover
is all non-porous rock,

which makes me believe it's even
less likely there's anyone living here

that have not been damaged
by our landing, sir.

What is that?

RIKER: That doesn't look like
any storm front I've ever seen.

The tricorder is picking up high levels
of EM bursts across the spectrum.

No life sign readings
other than our own.

There is someone alive here.

I'm more certain of it now than ever.

Well, I hope they can find us.

Because there's no way
we'll find them.

They're coming.

They're coming with the storm.

We can't get a pattern lock
on their communicators

because of the EM bursts, captain.

There's no way we can beam them out
of there. Not under these conditions.

The same conditions won't permit
a shuttle to land safely, Mr. La Forge.

Any Suggestions?

Give us a minute, captain.

Sir, let me beam down
with a pattern enhancer.

Chief, there's no guarantee you won't
rematerialize in a million pieces

if your signal gets caught up
in that electromagnetic whirlwind.

I can boost the confinement beam.

One person might be able to make it.

Captain, Chief O'Brien
wants to beam down to the surface

with a pattern enhancer.

His chances of making
it down there safely

are no better than
fifty-fifty in my opinion.

Captain, a major storm front
is moving in

on the away team's coordinates.

You're aware of the risks,
Mr. O'Brien?

Yes, sir.

- I think I can make it.
PICARD: All right then. Good luck.

Aye, sir.


Mr. O'Brien.

- Nice of you to join us.
O'BRIEN: Nice spot for a picnic, sir.

We need to distribute these enhancer
rods at seven-meter lengths.

That should do it.

Is this storm front going to interfere
with the transport, chief?

I'd really like to get us out of here
before it hits, commander.

I'm supposed to be feeding
the baby lunch.

Molly gets in a terribly foul mood
if I'm late.

I'm with you.


Lunch time, Miles. Let's do it.



- Aah!
- Easy, Deanna.

You're back on the Enterprise now.
You're gonna be okay.

My skin, it's tingling.

You're experiencing the after images
of the electromagnetic discharge.

The sensation will pass.

They're all fine too.

Now, I want you to take your time,

Doctor's orders.

Injury report, doctor.

Mostly minor abrasions.

Commander Riker took the worst
of it with a broken arm.

- Mr. Data.
- Sir.

- Good work, chief.
- Thank you, sir.

- Ready for duty, sir.
- You sure, Number One?

It's not the first broken bone
I've ever had.

And how are you, counselor?

Very glad to be here.

Good. Let's go.

- So, what happened down there?
- It was just one hell of a storm.

It moved in on our position
faster than anything I've ever seen.

Was there any evidence of life?

RIKER: No, but if Troi was right,
we were pretty close to it.

So how do you suggest we proceed?

We need to adjust the scanners so
that they can penetrate those storms.

Do you have any ideas, Data?

We might be able
to employ virtual imaging


...missing data.

Is something wrong, commander?

My apologies, sir.

It seems my primary
speech processors

are experiencing a minor fluctuation.

I will have it corrected in a moment.

Captain, may I speak with you
for a moment in private?

Of course.
You have the Bridge, Number One.

Mr. Data, deploy sensor scans
when you're ready.

Ensign, take us to a synchronous
orbit aligned around our crash site.

RO: Aye, sir.
DATA: Sir.

Given the EM field properties
of this moon,

I recommend a search pattern

beginning in the southern polar region.

The polar region?

That would be starting from scratch,
Mr. Data.

Our latest readings would suggest

that we begin our scan around
our crash site.

The Essex signal
was never clearly located, sir.

A systematic survey of the moon

from a polar orbit
might be more practical.

Well, you may be right, but I'd like
to give the crash site a once-over first.

Maintain our current orbit.

Understood, sir.

I've never felt anything like it.

It was as though
they were calling to me.

Are you saying someone
was communicating telepathically?


For an instant.

It was like their voices
were being carried on the wind.

What were they trying
to communicate?

I'm not sure.

But they were calling me
to the southern polar region.

I believe that's where we should look
for the Essex.

Commander, did you override
my orbital heading?

Override them?

We've moved into a polar orbit,
and I'm locked out.

The helm isn't responding.

Do you know anything about this,
Mr. Data?

- Data?

Security to the Bridge.



Computer, transfer command
to engineering. Full security alert.



O'BRIEN: This way.
- What happened?

He would not move to a polar orbit.

You couldn't wait?
The captain would have done it for me.

Deck 36, engineering.

Computer, reenable Bridge control.

Security protocol.
Authorization: Riker, Omega, Three.


Data, O'Brien and Troi tried
to commandeer the ship.

They're in Turbolift 4.
Engaging override controls now.


- They trapped us.
TROI: What deck is this?

O'BRIEN: We're on Deck 10.
TROI: Can you move us again?

I know how to override
the Bridge command.

Activate security fields,
decks eight through 15.


Sir, the turbolift is moving again.

They're still inside.

Initiate emergency bulkheads
in Turboshaft 4.

Aye, sir.

They have been stopped
at Deck 13.

Mr. Worf.


Do you know how to deactivate this?

The computer won't allow us
to override

an emergency force field command.

My entity's artificial substructure
may be useful.

They've broken through a security field.
Deck 10, section two.

Security to Ten-Forward.




Mama's here. Shh.

Everyone get down on the floor.


Shh. On the floor.

Everyone down. Now.






Multiple phaser sh*ts, Ten-Forward.

Commander Worf, report.

Mr. Worf, acknowledge.
Can you hear me, Mr. Worf?

Yes, Bridge. He can hear you.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Following an aborted attempt
to take control of the Bridge,

Counselor Troi, Mr. Data and Chief
O'Brien have seized Ten-Forward.

Position security teams
at both entrances.

- Yes, sir.
- Mr. La Forge,

shut down all computer access
to Ten-Forward.

I can't, captain.

They've already set
up a remote security lockout.

We'd have to shutdown computer
function in the saucer section.

Transporter Room 3, can you get a
pattern lock on Data, Counselor Troi

and Chief O'Brien in Ten-Forward?

Attempting to lock on, sir.


You were correct.

They're attempting
to engage their transporters.

But I know how to shut them down.

Do it.

Bridge, the entire transporter array
has been taken offline

and placed into diagnostic mode.

I can't override. It'll take a couple
of hours to complete the cycle.

How many people are down there?


They just shut down the internal
scanners too, captain.

Dr. Crusher to the Bridge.

On my way.

What are you doing now?

I can reverse the polarity
of their force fields to isolate this room.

- Good.
- Their communicators.

Now, they'll learn nothing
except what we tell them.

They've done something to the
force fields on Deck 10, section one.

- Geordi?
- I don't recognize the configurations,

but they've completely isolated

What about flooding their air vents
with anesthizine gas?

That won't affect Data.

No rescue plan will work unless
we can knock out all three of them.

A concussive charge would blow out
the security fields.

We can go in with our phasers
on a wide beam, stun everybody.

Sort it out later.

Doctor, go back
to the biofilter readouts

taken of the away team's transport
from the moon's surface.

See if you can come up with any clue
that might explain this.

Ten-Forward, this is Captain Picard.

I am prepared to discuss
this situation.

There is no need
for further v*olence.

Please, identify yourselves.

They will now attempt to negotiate

for the safety and release
of their people.


Under normal circumstances,

I would be counseling the captain
at a time like this.

And what would you tell him to do?

I would help him find a way
to secure our trust.

What are you looking at?

You, Klingon.

Attack me.

Are you afraid?

I have no fear of death.

And I have no fear of k*lling you.

Stop it.

Please respond, Ten-Forward.

Are there any members of my
crew who require medical assistance?

We can discuss your wounded.

But first, you will move the ship.

Move it where?

You will change orbit to an
inclination of 80-degrees south.

That's the southern polar region.

That's where Data tried
to move the ship.

And that's what Troi asked me
to do, but why?


If you could be more specific

about our intended destination,
then perhaps we could...

You have 30 seconds
to change your heading,

or additional members of your crew
will require medical attention.

We need to stabilize this situation.
Play for time.

I suggest that we move the ship
as they've asked.


Set a new heading, but take us there
as slowly as you can.


We are moving
the ship as you requested.

He's telling the truth.
Their heading has changed.

Captain, I've compared
the away team's

last transporter trace patterns
to their earlier records.

They're exactly the same,
except in Data, Troi and O'Brien,

there's an unusual synaptic activity,
some kind of anionic energy.

It might be another life form

superimposing it's neural patterns
on our people.

Why wasn't I affected?

I don't know.

The only difference between you
and the others is that you were injured.

My broken arm.

CRUSHER: The fracture caused pain
receptors to fire,

which may have made you immune
to this energy.

If your theory is accurate, doctor,

what would happen if we were
to inflict pain on the others?

It might force whatever it is out
of our people.

A plasma shock.

It would be painful, but it wouldn't
cause any physical harm.

I could hookup a modified laser
scanner to a plasma invertor.

What about Data?

Well, a plasma shock will definitely
overload his neural net.

It will work on him too.

We have to penetrate the force field
around Ten-Forward.

I might be able to interrupt the
force field for a few seconds,

but I'll be fighting the computer
for control. Timing will be critical.

We'd have to hit all three
with a single discharge.

If they're standing together,
it shouldn't be a problem.

How will you gain access?

A micro-optic drill through the ceiling,
and they'll never detect it.

If this is going to work,
we have to have some way

to contain or neutralize
this anionic energy

once it's out of our people.

Yes, doctor.
That will be your top priority.

Very well. Proceed.

Bridge to Ten-Forward.

Now, that we are moving the ship
as you requested,

I would like to know the nature
of the injuries to members of my crew.

Five of your people
have been injured.

How serious is their condition?

You, Klingon, tell him.

Captain, one person has what looks
like a level-five phaser hit.

And four others have secondary burns.
They require medical attention.

And our captors are not affected

- by a phaser stun setting...
- Silence, Klingon.


you must release these people

so that they can receive proper
medical attention.

I will release no one.

If you will release them,
I will take their place.

I don't trust him.

It may be a deception.

The crew values Picard's life
above all others.

Captain Picard,
we agree to your proposal.

Expect a medical team
to accompany me.


Sickbay, this is Picard.

Have an emergency medical team
meet me outside Ten-Forward.

Sir, putting you down there
only strengthens their position.

So long as they're onboard the ship,
I'm a hostage no matter where I am.

We all are.

I must find out
who we're dealing with.

If La Forge and Ro can attempt a
rescue in short order, let them proceed.

If they can't,

I will provide you with another
opportunity. Watch for it.

Yes, sir.


DATA: Silence that child.
- Shh.


I know you.


I know who you are.

And I know what this is.

She's frightened.
Why don't you just let us go?


Make it stop.


Ten-Forward, we're outside the door.

Lower the force field.

Welcome, captain.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Captain Bryce Shumar,
of the Federation starship Essex.

The starship Essex vanished
over 200 years ago.

Indeed. I know, I was there.

This is my First Officer,
Commander Steven Mullen.

And my Security Chief,
Lieutenant Morgan Kelly.

And you have survived
all this time as...

Spirits? Ghosts?

But you're a man who would never
believe in ghosts, Picard,

isn't that true?

You see, Troi knows you.

And so I do as well.

Then Counselor Troi is still alive?

Yes, of course she is.

I have no wish to harm her
or to harm anyone else.

I'm very pleased to hear that.

We have been forced
to take this action, captain,

because we need your help.

My help?

Our consciousness has been trapped
on this moon for two centuries.

We must escape this t*rture.

How did this happen to you?

I can't explain how it happened.

I only know that it did.

The Essex was caught
in an electromagnetic storm

just as your shuttle was.

Moments before we crashed,
the Bridge was struck by lightning.

The ship was ripped apart.

Somehow, in that instant,
our consciousness

was absorbed into the magnetic
currents on the surface.

Why didn't you tell us this?
Why the deception?

The v*olence?

Because, as I said,

I knew you would not believe us.

Even now, I know you don't.

What was your vessel's designation,
and its complement?


Daedalus-class starship. Crew, 229.

Under whose command in this sector?

Admiral Uttan Narsu, Starbase 12.

You will find all this
in Starfleet records.

I don't need to see the records.

Then you know I am correct.

End this,

and I will give you
whatever help you need.

No. You don't trust us.

And I can't risk trusting you.

It is taking too long.
We should have been there by now.

He is manipulating you.

Captain Picard has every right
to be curious.

He will delay until a rescue attempt
is possible.

I know that.

I also know that he will make every
effort to protect the lives of his people.

Since our demands
are not excessive, captain,

I hope you will see
that it will be simpler to accede

than to risk further injuries.

- What do you want?
- All you need to know for now

is that we want to rest.

Simply, finally, to rest.

Section 2, B,

A. Section 1.


I never wanna see this part
of the Enterprise again.

I hear you, this is what starship
designers call "easy access."

Yeah. Yeah, this is it.

I thought we might have a problem

with conduit number 227,

but it looks like we're gonna be
able to get by it.


We're through.

Good. Let's hookup the scanner
and see what we've got.

Got it.

All three have got to be in the circle
if this is going to work.

We're halfway home.

La Forge to Crusher.
How are you doing?

CRUSHER: I think I've come up with
an idea for a containment field.

This anionic energy seems
to be vulnerable

to the same magnetic flux density
we monitored in the storms.

If we can duplicate it, we can trap it
once it's out of our people.

Well, you should be able to do that
by flooding Ten-Forward

with ionogenic particles.

Exactly what I was thinking.

RIKER: Geordi, how long will it take
to get it all ready?

Uh... We still have to calibrate
the plasma invertor, commander.

My guess is 45 minutes to an hour.

I can have the containment field
ready by then.

Keep me advised.

DATA: Watch them, please.
- I will.

He's confused.

Impressions, Mr. Worf?

Spiritual possessions of this sort

have been reported
throughout Klingon history.

It is called Jat'yln.
The taking of the living by the dead.

Human history
is full of many similar legends.

Then you believe
they may be telling the truth.

Not for one moment.

Sir, they know much
about the Essex.

If it is the spirit of Captain Shumar...

Then he should be behaving
very much better, don't you think?

- A Starfleet captain?
O'BRIEN: You two, sit down.

Hey. All right.

Living disembodied for two centuries,
perhaps they've gone mad.

I assure you, Mr. Worf,
these are not Jat'yln.

Our job is to find out exactly
what they are.

And then to determine
how to deal with them.

All right, that's enough.

Sit down, both of you.
You over there, you there.

- Down.
O'BRIEN: I gave you that.


In a place called McKinley Park.

Green grass, tall trees.

- Please, don't.
- I hid the bracelet in your pocket.

You were surprised.


You said,
"Miles, you make me feel so happy."

No, get away. Get away from me.

Leave her alone.

Captain Shumar.

We'll be approaching
the southern polar region

that you requested in a few minutes.
I need to give additional instructions.

Very well.

We're taking you to our crash site.

At the southern pole?

That is correct.

Nothing our sensors were able
to detect,

indicated that the Essex went down
in that region.

As I told you, captain,
the ship broke up in the atmosphere.

And the Bridge went down here.

When we reach it,
you will beam what's left

of our skeletal remains
onboard this ship,

and then take them back to Earth
for a proper burial.

You see how simple
a request this is?


If you will let these people go,

I'll order the Bridge
to follow your instructions.

I will release no one.

If you are who you say you are,
there's no need for any of this.

We'll gladly take you home.

I wish you were truly as open-minded
as you say, Picard.

If you don't release the hostages,
I won't cooperate.

Oh, you will cooperate, captain.

You will cooperate
or someone will die.

Who shall it be, huh?

How about the Klingon?

Get another one.


Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Pick one to die, captain.

Or I k*ll them both.

RO: They're all in range.
I have to do it now.

I can only shut down the force field
for seven seconds

before the computer compensates.

Well, if they're the right
seven seconds, it'll be enough.

Bridge, prepare to release
the ionogenic field on my signal.

Standing by.


- k*ll the force field.
- Force field down.

Firing plasma charge.



Tell them to stop or I k*ll everyone
in this room, starting with you.

Picard to Bridge. Abort immediately.

As you say, captain.

Riker to La Forge.

Return to the Bridge.


Are you ready to cooperate?



First Officer's log, supplemental.

The Enterprise has moved
into a synchronous orbit

near the southern polar region.

We await further instructions
from Ten-Forward.

Any sign of the Essex?

Negative, commander.
Electromagnetic disturbances

are even worse here.
Scanners can't read a thing.

Bridge to Ten-Forward.

Intense storm activity
over the southern pole

is making it virtually impossible for us
to pick up any trace of the Essex.

We are giving you
the exact coordinates

of our remains onboard
the wreck of the Essex.

I'm receiving those coordinates now.

Can you tell what's there?

Just your basic ionic cyclone.

I can't read a thing.

Well, I'm sure as hell not gonna beam
up whatever might be down there.

I've got a good excuse for you.

Transporters aren't gonna work
any better than the scanners.

Bridge to Ten-Forward.

Whatever is blocking our scanners,

will prevent the use
of the transporters.

- They're lying.
PICARD: On the contrary,

we've had a difficult time
with the transporters since we arrived.

That's why we had to send down
the shuttle.

You should all have been aware
of that fact.

We must be able to use
the transporters.

Mr. O'Brien was the one who safely
ex*cuted the return of the away team.

He's the most qualified person
onboard to operate the transporters

under these circumstances.

- Can you do it from here?
- No.

I'd have to use a transporter pad.

I could...

I could give you safe passage

to a transporter pad
in one of the cargo bays.

It is a trick.

He is trying to divide us.

We must not be separated.

I could give you all safe passage.

Why are you suddenly
being so helpful?

Because I assume that if you choose
to go to the cargo bay,

then you won't take all
of the hostages.

Their safety is my chief priority.

What are the risks
when we leave this room?

Without the protection
of the force fields,

we are completely vulnerable.

They could use the transporter
against us.

Once the force field is down, they could
beam us back to the surface.

But there is a way to neutralize
that threat.


Bridge, transfer all transporter
functions to Ten-Forward.

In order to do that,

you will have to release
your computer control lockouts.

That's not true.

Let me talk to him.

Number One, I think we have
an opportunity to end this siege.

It will require the cooperation
of all concerned.

Our guests will be moving shortly
to Cargo Bay 4,

from where the transport will occur.

I want you to ensure them
of safe passage

between Ten-Forward
and the cargo bay.

Understood, captain.

- Doctor. Mr. La Forge.
- Yes, sir.

Transporter controls
are being transferred.

Ten-Forward to Bridge.

I said all transporter controls,

including all those
aboard your shuttlecraft.

Almost had them, ensign. Nice try.

Riker to Ten-Forward,

remaining transporter functions
are being transferred to you.

Once we create
our own access code,

we can prevent anybody using
the transporter against us

as we go to the cargo bay.

What about the weapons?

We will each take a hostage
for protection.


Picard, you are mine.

Please, let her stay.

Lower the force field.

Security teams, standby.

They're heading
through Section 5.

Mr. La Forge, doctor, they'll be at
their destination in less than a minute.

They've stopped at Deck 18, sir.

Security, allow them access
into Cargo Bay 4.

Aye, sir.

I will require assistance.

Captain Shumar,

how do you intend to achieve this rest
that you so desire?

What do you mean?

PICARD: Well, how do you intend
to free yourselves

of this existence that has so trapped
your consciousness?

It will fade as we move further
from this planet.

Really? And what is your
scientific basis for that?

I don't need a scientific basis.

Just be quiet.

Captain Shumar, when are you gonna
tell me who you really are?

I've initialized the transporter signal.


They're firing up the transporter,

Mr. La Forge.

I've isolated Cargo Bay 4
with a neutrino field, sir.

But it'll only take Data and O'Brien
a couple of minutes to override it

once they discover that it's there.

I hope that will give the captain
enough time to play his hand.

Do you know what he's going to do?

There's only one reason
he chose Cargo Bay 4.

If it becomes necessary, ensign,

you'll blow the cargo bay hatch
on my orders.

Yes, sir.

You're right, Picard.

It's not rest we seek. Only escape.


We were brought to this moon
over five centuries ago

from a star system called Ux-Mal.

We were separated from our bodies
and left to drift in the storms.

Once we almost escaped,
onboard the Essex.

But that ship was incapable of eluding
this moon's electromagnetic storms.

You really think that using
their identities

would gain our sympathy?

It was a better approach
than asking you

to allow hundreds
of condemned prisoners onboard.

Then this moon is a penal colony.

That's correct.

But now, we have your ship
and your bodies to carry us home.

I'm reading dozens of them,

They have the same anionic signature
we saw on the biofilter scans.

I think we can give the captain
a new bargaining chip.

Dr. Crusher.

Flood the cargo bay
with your containment field.


Let them go or you will all die.

Your threats are meaningless now.

We are still in control
of these three bodies.

We will not let them go.

And are you prepared to sacrifice
the lives of these others?

They'll all die when the cargo bay
hatch is blown.

You will die too, Picard.

I would die to save the life
of my child.

To die defending one's ship
is the hope of every Klingon.

PICARD: If you each know
the officers you inhabit,

then you know they are equally ready
to give their lives for this ship.

Free them now,

and I will return you
to the moon's surface.

I advise you, Picard,
not to pass our way again.

Picard to Bridge.

RIKER: Aye, sir.
- Our guests will be leaving shortly.

I need an emergency medical team
down here.

On our way, captain.

Mr. Worf.

Prepare to transport these prisoners

down to the moon's surface.

Gladly, sir.

Captain's log, stardate 45572.1.

Dr. Crusher has examined
Troi, Data, and O'Brien.

There seem to be no residual effects
from their experience.

It was as though
my own consciousness

were pushed to the side.

I was watching everything happen,
hearing my own voice,

but not being able
to control any of it.

What about the entity
that controlled you?

What were your perceptions of him?

He was intelligent, actually.

Thoughtful in a ruthless kind of way.


Lieutenant, I must apologize for my
inadvertent misconduct toward you.

No apology necessary.

Your restraint was most remarkable.

You have no idea.

- How do you feel?
- Hungry.

That's a good sign.

Go home.

How do you feel?

I'm just glad to have you back.

If I could have k*lled that thing
inside me, I would have.

I know. We both know.