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05x12 - Violations

Posted: 01/24/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 45429.3.

While on a mapping survey,

we are conveying a delegation
of Ullians to Kaldra IV.

These telepathic historians
conduct their research

by retrieving
long-forgotten memories.

It's a chipped cup,

off-white with a crack in it.

I can see it, but I don't remember
anything else about it.

When you see it,
do you hear any sounds?

No, I don't think so.


Yes, uh...


- Someone's humming.
- A woman?

Yes, but I don't know who it is.

Try to touch the cup.

Ooh. It...

It has a sharp edge
where it's chipped.

Is there anything inside the cup?

A liquid. Dark.

Like tea?

It's not hot.

It's bitter.

There's something else
inside the cup.

Yes, uh...

- A wooden handle.
- A spoon?

No, it's more delicate than that.

Reach out for it.

A brush.

An ink brush.

I hear that humming again.

Keep listening to it

and hold out the brush.

See if anyone takes it from you.

It's Obachan.

My grandmother.

She's doing ink-brush writing.

I can remember it now. She, uh...

She used that cup
for cleaning the brushes

and it was my job to fill the cup
with water and bring it to the table.

I would sit beside her

and watch the most beautiful
characters come from that brush.

And the whole time,
she'd be humming to herself.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

That is remarkable.
You remembered such vivid details.

For years, I've seen
that old cup in my memory,

but I could never remember
what it was or why it was important.

- Thank you.
- You're entirely welcome, young lady.

Perhaps someone else
would care to try?

You, madam.

You're thinking
about that first childhood kiss.

Would you like to remember
more about it?

Father, you know you're not supposed
to probe someone's memory

unless they've given you permission.

You are right.

But sometimes,
with a beautiful woman,

I cannot help myself.

How about you, commander?

Got any memories
you feel like digging up?

None that I care to share
with an audience.

It's getting late. I'd better be going.

Subs corrected by awaqeded.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

To boldly go where no one
has gone before.

It is perplexing to me
that the Ullians' ability

to retrieve memory
is so highly prized.

If an event were important enough
to be recovered,

why would it have been forgotten?

Well, it's not quite the same for us
as it is for you, Data.

You record every second
of every moment of your life.

That is correct.

And then if you want to recall
any one of those moments,

you just access
the proper memory circuit.

My understanding
of the human brain suggests

the process is the same for you.

Each memory is encoded
in chains of molecules.

If you want to retrieve it,

you simply access
the proper RNA sequence.

Yeah, that's true.

Then in what way is it different?

Sometimes there are memories

we just can't... access
at the spur of the moment.

For instance, I have no recollection
of how I spent my last birthday.

Birthdays are important occasions

and you would think that I'd remember
how I spent the day,

but right now,
I can't even remember where I was.

Deck 2.

On the other hand,
I remember everything

about the time I got my first pet.

A Circassian cat. I was...8.

I remember
how funny-looking he was.

I remember how excited I was.

It was as if it happened yesterday.

Perhaps you remember
the pleasant memories

and forget the unpleasant ones.

No. Sometimes the bad memories
can be the most intense of all.

It would seem there is
no predictable pattern

to human memory.

It would seem.

This library of ours has been
in the planning stages for years.

A collection of the retrieved memories
of races

- from many different star systems.
- What my son means to say is,

we think of ourselves
as archaeologists of the mind.

We believe
that the history of a world

is contained in the personal experience
of its people.

Rather like the ancient
oral historians on Earth.


The library we propose will be
a vast storehouse

of these individual memories.

That sounds like quite a project.

How long will it take to finish
your studies on Kaldra?

Many months.

We've been working for years

and we've surveyed only 11 planets
in eight star systems.

But it's our way of life.

We wouldn't want to do
anything else.

Captain, Mr. Tarmin gave us
a demonstration

of his abilities this afternoon.

It's fascinating.

Perhaps you would like
to resurrect some memories.

I'd be happy to probe
your recollections, captain.

Most people find it
an enjoyable experience.

I'm sure.

However, I don't think I would make
a particularly good subject.

I'm sure you'd be ideal

and you must have
some intriguing memories.

We won't be on your ship for long.

This may be your last chance.

Yes, heh, heh, well...

Tarmin, we mustn't influence people.

We must let them
come to us willingly.

I have found over the years,

there are many who want
the experience of memory retrieval,

but who lack some encouragement
in order to come forward.

You, Mr. Worf.

I would love to explore
Klingon memories.

Klingons do not allow themselves
to be... probed.

But there is nothing to fear.


I am not fearful.

Oh, Commander La Forge, you?

Ha, I don't think so.

Thanks anyway.

I have rarely encountered
such squeamish people.

Oh, Dr. Crusher, Commander Riker.

Mr. Tarmin, are all Ullians
able to read memories?

Oh, no, my dear.

The technique requires
special training.

It is a serious commitment.

It takes years of study.

Tarmin is the most proficient
of our group.

Once Jev spent two days
with a contingent of elderly Gentons.

He couldn't get anything from them.

I spent only one hour with them

and retrieved a fragment
from the Gentonian trade wars.

Excuse me.

Exactly how long will it be
before we get to Kaldra, captain?

Mr. Data?

Four days, 11 hours.


I'm sorry, I... I'm being rude.

No, not at all.

My father finds it amusing
to demean me in public.

I reach the point
where I don't wanna hear anymore.

It's not easy having
an overbearing parent.

Believe me, I know how you feel.

Oh, that's right, you're an empath.

Oh, I can't read Ullians,

but I do know
a certain Betazoid mother

who is a great deal like your father.

Deck 8.

Deck 16.

I've learned to remind myself

that my mother and I are
two separate individuals.


And have you enjoyed much success
with this approach, counselor?


But I do keep reminding myself.

- Good night.
- Good night, counselor.

And thank you.

Have you stopped thinking
about us?

Hot chocolate.

Imzadi, we can't.

Not when we're serving
on the same ship.

Have you stopped
thinking about us?

Just answer that.

I can't stop thinking about you.

Will, don't.

Imzadi, we can't.

Not when we're serving
on the same ship.

Have you stopped
thinking about us?

We mustn't do this.

Will, don't.

Will, no.


Have you stopped
thinking about us?

Just answer that.

No. No.

Don't. Don't.

I can't stop thinking about you.


Have you stopped
thinking about us?


Captain's log, stardate 45430.9.

Counselor Troi has fallen
into a deep coma.

After thorough examination,

Dr. Crusher has been unable
to find signs of illness or infection.

- Any change, Dr. Martin?
- No.

I'm still getting unusual
neurotransmittal readings

in the diencephalon.

But they might be a result
of the coma.

Can you bring her out of it?

I've tried standard revival techniques.
She doesn't respond.

Until I find out what's caused this,

I don't wanna try anything
more extreme.

Do you know what she's doing
when this happened?

No. She was found
in her quarters this morning

when she didn't show up
for an appointment.

She was dressed for bed,
but the bed hadn't been slept in.

Who was the last person
to speak with her?

She left the dinner last night
with one of the Ullians.

I'll talk to him.

Ask if they would consent
to an examination. Just to be certain.

I'll check the biofilter readings
from the Ullian transporter log.

It's possible they could still be carrying
a harmful organism.

- May I join you?
- Commander.

Of course.

Something's wrong?

Counselor Troi's ill.

I'm sorry to hear it.

She's more than ill, she's in a coma.

Dr. Crusher doesn't know
what's causing it or how to treat her.

When did this happen?

Apparently sometime last night.

That's why I wanted to talk to you.

You may have been the last person
to see her.

Did you go with her
into her quarters?

Are you suggesting

that I behaved improperly,

Not at all.
I'm just trying to trace her steps.

We talked, in the turbolift briefly.

She got out at Deck 8.

I did not go with her.

Jev, I'm not accusing you
of anything.

Did she mention feeling ill?

She seemed fine.

She has a wonderful sense
of humor.

If you have no objections,

Dr. Crusher would like to examine
you and your group.

To what end?

She's just trying to eliminate
the possibility

that one of you might be carrying
an organism, harmful to Deanna.

I'm not implying
that you did anything intentional.

I'm just trying to get to the bottom
of the mystery.

We have nothing to hide.

- If you wish to examine us...
- Fine. Thank you.


I don't know if you can hear me.

I've heard doctors say
that even when someone's in a coma,

they may be able to hear
when people talk to them.

That it might help
stimulate the brain,

speed the healing.

In fact, I think you did that
for me once,

when I was in pretty bad shape.

I just thought... might help to hear
a friendly voice.

Even if you don't know
you're hearing it.

We've been busy mapping
the sector.

It's been pretty routine.

The most unusual thing we've seen
is a binary star system.

Let's see, what else?

I finished the personnel review
that we were working on.

You can check it out,

when you wake up.

I miss you.

Please don't stay away too long.


Will, I promise I'll let you know
the minute she regains consciousness.

I know.

There's nothing you can do here.

You'll wear yourself out.


It's late.

Go to bed.

That's an order.

Keller is still in there.

Let's go.

Everybody move. Everybody move.
Out. Out.

Come on. Keep moving.


I need to bring that door down.

Breach. Evacuate immediately.

Keller, can you get
to a Jefferies tube?

Ensign Keller, answer me.

You k*lled her.

Keller is still in there.


Radiation levels are critical.

- We've got to seal it off.
- She was right behind me.

Bring down the door.

- Keep moving.
- Commander.

I need to bring that door down.

Out. Out. Let's go.

Keller is still in there.

Didn't you hear?
Keller is still in there.

Riker to Transporter Room 3.

Prepare to beam Ensign Keller
out of the engine room.

Keller is still in there.

But Keller is still in there.

You k*lled her.

Ensign Keller, answer me.

You k*lled her.

I've got to get
that isolation door down.

Keller is still in there.

Bring down the door.

You k*lled her.

Bridge to Commander Riker.

Picard to Commander Riker.
Answer, please.

Computer, locate Commander Riker.

Commander Riker is in his quarters.

On my way, sir.

Medical log, stardate 45431. 7.

Commander Riker is
the second officer

who has fallen
into an unexplained coma.

I have examined the Ullians

and ruled out the possibility
that they carry a harmful organism.

I compared Deanna's brain scan

to the one
that I took during her last physical.

There is a difference.

This time there's a trace
of electropathic activity.

- And Commander Riker?
- I found the same pattern.

If I didn't know better, I'd say
they both had Iresine Syndrome.

That's the only medical condition
that would produce that pattern.

What is Iresine Syndrome?

A very rare neurological disorder
first diagnosed in the 23rd century.

It's characterized
by an identical electropathic residue.

Why discount the possibility
that it's responsible for these comas?

Iresine is always accompanied

by a severely decreased
histamine count.

Both Will and Deanna
showed normal levels.

I've asked Commander La Forge
to conduct a ship-wide diagnostic

to determine any other agent

that might cause
the same electropathic pattern.

Commander Riker
and Counselor Troi were

in perfect health
until the Ullians arrived.

It would be wise
to quarantine the aliens.

I believe it would be premature
to take that action, Mr. Worf.

There's no real evidence linking
these comas with the Ullians.

That's true,
but there is something curious.

The electropathic residue I discovered
is located in the thalamus.

That's the area of the cerebral cortex
that involves memory function.

I've been accused
of putting people to sleep

with one too many stories, captain,

but this is the first time
it's ever been suggested

that I might be the cause
of someone's coma.

I mean no disrespect, but we are faced
with an alarming situation.

Why do you suspect us, captain?

"Suspect" is perhaps
too strong a word.

I'm simply trying to determine

what has caused two of my officers
to fall into comas.

But you've already examined us.
We aren't carrying anything harmful.

In further study of the victims,

I detected some abnormal patterns
in area of the brain

that involves memory.

And in the light
of your telepathic abilities,

it raises the question.

Captain, it is not our wish
to obstruct you.

What would you like?

If I could do
some further examinations tomorrow,

perhaps monitor you
during a memory probe.

Scrutiny does not frighten us.

We will be happy to cooperate,

Thank you.
I'll contact you in the morning.

Since you're the only person
onboard to undergo a memory probe

by the Ullians,

I'd like to do a neurological workup

and see if I can detect
any residual effect.

Dr. Martin will monitor your vital signs
while I conduct the scan.

I'm happy to help.

Have you noticed
any unusual symptoms

since the probe?

Headaches, dizziness?

No, nothing like that.
It was a wonderful experience.

Electrical activity is normal.

CPK levels are normal.

Hippocampus is stable.

And the thalamus...

The thalamus is normal.

There is no indication at all
of any electropathic residual.

Is that good?

Oh, you're fine, Keiko, ha.

But I am no closer
to solving this mystery.

Computer, locate
the electropathic pattern described

in medical data base four-delta-one.

Electropathic pattern located.

Okay. We're going to track down
any possible cause

of that brain pattern.

First, what are the medical conditions
that might account for it?

Iresine Syndrome
is a cause of the electropathic pattern.

Right. And Dr. Crusher already
eliminated that.

So how many non-medical forces or
substances might cause the pattern?

There are 22 non-medical agents.

Okay. And how many of those
are present on the Enterprise?

None are present on the Enterprise.

Are the ship's sensors calibrated
to detect all those agents?

All agents are scanned
by the sensors.


Let's start
with the chemical substances.

Name them.

Ferrazene, hylanatine, dardilion,

chrysimite and manzene.


Ferrazene has
a complex molecular structure.

It breaks down
into bilenium and tarrisite.

Do the sensors scan for those?

Ship's sensors scan
for both compounds.

And are they present
on the Enterprise?

Bilenium and tarrisite are not present.

Do any of the substances
break down into by-products

that are not scanned for?

Dardilion contains
the by-product nilizene.

Sensors do not routinely scan
for that substance.

Well, this isn't a routine situation.
Scan for the nilizene.

There is no nilizene on the Enterprise.

How did I know
you were gonna say that?

Okay. Let's move on
to the non-chemical agents.

Anything more I can do for you?

No, thanks.

I was just doing some reading
on the Iresine Syndrome.

If a new strain has developed,

that might explain
the normal histamine counts.

- Any luck?
- Not so far.

Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

You shouldn't remember him like this.

You don't have to do this.

It's important to me.
I have to see him.

It's good of you to come.

It's the least I can do.

You shouldn't remember him
like this.

I have to face the fact that he's gone.

You shouldn't remember him
like this.

It's good of you to come with me.

It's the least I can do.

You shouldn't remember him
like this.

It's the least I can do.

I've spent two hours having
a cozy little chat with the computer.

I've checked everything
I could think of.

Any possible agent that might cause
that electropathic pattern.

I assume from your tone of voice
you were unsuccessful.

Didn't find a thing.

Dr. Crusher's not going to be
too happy with...

Emergency medical team
to Dr. Crusher's office immediately.

Dr. Crusher had me working
on a ship-wide diagnostic.

I'd gone to give her the results
when I found her.

Did your scans provide
any insights into these comas?


I've checked and cross-checked.
They're just dead ends.

We seem to have eliminated
all of the known factors

which may have caused the comas.

Except for the Ullians.

Mr. Data,

I want you to investigate
those 11 planets

that the Ullians visited.

See if there were any reports
of unexplained comas.

Aye, sir.

In the meantime, we must consider
restricting them to their quarters

as a precautionary measure.

If one of them is behind this,

will keeping telepaths in their quarters
prevent it from happening again?

What else can we do?

Station a guard?
Set up a force field?

I don't see that those would be
any more effective.

Sickbay to Captain Picard.

Picard here.

Counselor Troi has regained

She's asked for you, sir.

I'm on my way.

It's like waking up from a nightmare

and not remembering
what it was about.

What is the last thing
you do remember?

My hair.

I was brushing my hair.

And then?

I don't know. Just waking up here.

Why do I feel so frightened?
What happened to me?

We were hoping
that you could tell us.

- How long have I been here?
- Three days.

Three days?

You were the first.

The next day Commander Riker
fell into a similar coma.

Last night, Dr. Crusher.

What is going on here?

We're not certain.

It may be that there is
some unusual effect

produced by the Ullians'
telepathic activity.

I'm gonna talk to them.
And in the meantime,

you're to stay here and recuperate.

But if you remember anything at all
about what happened,

I want you to tell me immediately.

What are you suggesting, captain?

That you voluntarily confine yourself
to your quarters.

At least until we have unraveled
this mystery.

We're to be prisoners?


No, please don't look on it like that.

We have done everything
we can to explain these comas.

We have performed
physical examinations,

neurological scans.

We have conducted
a ship-wide diagnostic,

looking for viruses, parasites,

We've investigated
every possible cause

we could imagine,
and we have found nothing.

Nothing to explain these comas.

The only variable
that we have not been able to eliminate

is your presence here on this ship.

Now in the light of our actions,

we would ask you to understand
my request and to agree to it.


our history indicates
that we do not adversely affect

the people we contact.

I know that.

Then are you implying
an intentional as*ault?

I'm simply considering
all possibilities.

Surely you would give us the chance
to prove that we're innocent?

If that's possible, of course.

Then I would propose doing
a memory probe of Counselor Troi.

You have said
that she doesn't remember anything

that happened before she lapsed
into unconsciousness.

I could retrieve that memory.

There is a possibility
that it could explain the coma

and prove our innocence.

I'm sorry, I couldn't possibly subject
Counselor Troi

to a potentially dangerous procedure.

And I refuse to be a party
to any of these proceedings.

Jev is making a reasonable request,

If we're to be accused,
surely we're entitled to a defense.

Tarmin did a memory probe
on another of your crew.

Has she suffered any ill effects?


And neither will Counselor Troi.


You may have as many people there
as you need

to guarantee her safety.

But give us this chance
to vindicate ourselves.

I will discuss the matter
with Counselor Troi.

Well, that's it for Melina II.

No unexplained comas during the time
the Ullians were working there.

We have yet to receive transmission
from the two planets of Nel System.

Perhaps they will show
different results.


Maybe we're not checking
for the right thing.

Please clarify.

We haven't looked into the comas
that were explained.

Why would we do that?

Remember what Dr. Crusher said after
Counselor Troi became unconscious,

that it looked exactly like
Iresine Syndrome

- except for histamine count?
- Yes.

Well, maybe not every medical facility
is as careful as Dr. Crusher.

Maybe it's easier
to just make a quick diagnosis,

rather than keep hunting
for the real cause.

You are searching for instances
of Iresine Syndrome.


And correlating them with the visits
by the Ullians and...

And there we are.

Two cases of Iresine Syndrome
on Hurada III,

at exactly the time
Tarmin and his group were there.

Let's check the other planets.
I think we may have something here.

Counselor, I want to reiterate,

if you have any doubts whatsoever
about this procedure,

you don't have to go through with it.

I want to do it, captain.

Something awful happened to me
and I don't even know what it was.

Very well.

Counselor, what's the last thing
you remember about the other night?

Brushing my hair.

Would you get your hairbrush?

Tell me about brushing your hair.
Do you do it every night?

Yes, when I'm ready for bed.

What is it?

Someone's touching my hair.

Someone's with you in the room?


No, I'm alone. There's no one there.

Go on.

I get some hot chocolate.

Something's happening.

I'm alone in my quarters.

I'm remembering something
from a few years ago.

Go back into that memory.
You said...

...someone was touching your hair?



It's Will Riker.

That's right, I was thinking of him.

Remembering a time
when you were with him.


After a poker game.

It's a pleasant memory, stay with it.

Now he's hurting me.


You're frightened.

I want him to stop.

It's not Will.

Somebody's taken his place.

Someone else is there. Who is it?


He shouldn't be here.

Why is he here?

Stop, you're hurting me.

Can you see his face?



No, stop.

You're hurting me.

Who is it?

Who is doing this to you?

It's Tarmin.

It's your father.

Captain's log, stardate 45433.2.

We have set a course
for Starbase 440,

where the Ullians will disembark
and return home.

Inad and I have contacted
our home planet.

If you want to prosecute my father,
the authorities there will support you.

I'm not sure we have any legal basis
for such a prosecution.

Memory invasion is simply not a crime
that we've ever had to contend with.

According to what I've just learned,

it's a practice that was abolished
on our world centuries ago.

What could motivate someone
like your father to commit such an act?

I don't know.

A perverse source
of pleasure, perhaps,

a way to exercise control
over another.

Your father claims, quite strenuously,
that he's innocent.

My father has never been one
to admit that he's wrong,

but it is difficult to believe
he'd be capable of this.

I am told that the punishment
for this crime is

quite severe.

We are monitoring
my father's telepathic activities.

You have my assurance
he won't as*ault anyone else.

I am sorry for this, captain.

Picard to Commander Data.

Yes, captain?

How is your search coming?

We have uncovered
several cases, sir,

but we have not yet completed
our investigation.

Well, inform the medical personnel
on those planets

that we have discovered
the true nature of the comas.

I'm sure they'll appreciate knowing

- what really happened.
- Yes, sir.

We will keep searching, sir.

We just got the transmission
from the Nel System, Data.

No mention of Iresine Syndrome,

but there are two unexplained comas
on one planet, none on the other.

And were the Ullians present?

Checking the mission logs.

That's funny.

On stardates 45321 and 45323,
when the comas occurred,

Tarmin was on his home planet.

He wasn't anywhere
near the Nel system.

Come in.

Hello, Jev.

We'll be reaching starbase soon.

I wanted to say goodbye

and to apologize again for my father.

There's no need.

You're not responsible
for what he did.

Before all this happened,

I had hoped
we might become friends.

We still can.

After what he's put you through?

Maybe you can forget,

I'm not sure I can.

You're so lovely.

I have to go.

- Goodbye.
- Jev.

You're upset. Would you like to talk?


You'd feel better if you did.

Why do you have to be so nice?


So lovely.

What's happening?

It's happening again.

You're so beautiful.

So fragile.

It was you.

It was always you.

Have you stopped thinking about us?


No. No. Don't. Don't.

I won't let you.



- Are you all right?
- Yes.

Why are you here?

How did you know?

We discovered two instances
of unexplained coma on Nel III

while the Ullians were there.

But Tarmin was not
part of the group.

Further examination revealed
that there was only one Ullian present

for all incidents of coma.


Captain's log, stardate 45435.8.

Dr. Crusher and Commander Riker
regained consciousness

while we were en route
to the Ullian home world.

The slow process
of their recovery has begun.

I have asked that the finest physicians
on my world meet with you all

upon our return,

to help you in your healing process.

They've been in contact
with us already.

Thank you.

It's been three centuries
since we treated anyone for this...

This form of r*pe.

But there are medical records
from that era.

It was a time of great v*olence
for my people.

A time we thought
we had put far behind us.

That this could happen now,

it's unimaginable.

Earth was once a violent planet too.

At times, the chaos threatened
the very fabric of life,

but like you, we evolved.

We found better ways
to handle our conflicts.

But I think no one can deny
that the seed

of v*olence remains
within each of us.

We must recognize that,

because that v*olence is capable
of consuming each of us.

As it consumed your son.