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05x10 - New Ground

Posted: 01/24/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 45376.3.

We are approaching
the Planet Bilana III,

where a new method of propulsion,

known as the Soliton Wave,
is being developed.

The Enterprise has been asked
to participate

in one of the first tests
in this new technology.


Data, isn't this exciting?

We are going to witness
a moment in history.

Every nanosecond in this continuum

is a moment in history,
once it has elapsed.

No, no, no. I mean,
we are going to see something

that people will talk about for years.

I mean, think about it.

No more bulky warp engines,
or nacelles.

A ship just generates
a Soliton Wave

and then rides it through space
like a surfboard.

This is going to be like being there
to watch Chuck Yeager

break the sound barrier, or Zefram
Cochrane engage the first warp drive.

It should be interesting.

Very exciting.

I'm talking to the wrong crowd.

Donaldson, you're an engineer.

Lieutenant Worf,

you have a subspace communication
from the transport ship Milan.

Transfer the signal to this station.

Hello, Worf.


I hope you don't mind us dropping in
on you like this,

but when I heard the Enterprise
was to be in this sector,

we took the first transport
and here we are.

Is father with you?

No. But I brought Alexander
with me.

I thought the two of you
would like the chance to visit.

Very well. I will make arrangements
for you to come aboard.




It's so good to see you.
You look wonderful.

Is that a touch of gray
in your beard?

Don't worry, the Rozhenko men
have always had beards of iron-gray.

Hello, Alexander.


It's good to see you both.

How long can you stay?

I'm not going back.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations.

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Did you see the look on Alexander's
face when he saw the play area? Heh.

He's going to love it here.

Mother, why does Alexander
believe he is remaining?

Lapsang suchong tea, please.

- Are you eating? You look thin.
- Mother.

When your father was in Starfleet,

I always had to make sure
that I was...

Mother, we need to talk
about Alexander.

Alexander is a fine boy, Worf.

He's smart and he's high-spirited,
a lot like you were at that age.

Sometimes, when he comes
running through the house

and he knocks over that big
green lamp, just like you used to do.

Well, I don't remember you smiling
when I knocked over that lamp.

Well, maybe once,
when you weren't looking.

When we learned Alexander
was to come to live with us,

we were so happy.

The house had been so empty
since you left and we thought,

here is our chance to fill it
with the sound of children again.

But, the truth is, Worf,

your father and I, we're getting old.

Mother, you both have many years.

Oh, I don't mean we're ready
for the grave, not yet, anyway,

but we are a little less active.

And it's harder for us to keep up
with Alexander.

We are ready
to be just grandparents.

Alexander needs to be with
his father, Worf.

Mother, that is not possible.

We must find another option.

He needs his father, Worf.

Alexander is...

- He's having difficulties.
- Difficulties?

He's disobedient.


Klingon children
are often difficult to control.

I do know something
about how Klingon children behave.

Heh. It's not just his willful attitude.

He doesn't always tell the truth.

- My son is a liar?
- He is a boy, Worf.

And boys sometimes
take the wrong path.

They need guidance.
He needs a father.

His father to give him that guidance.

I have to leave soon.

The transport will be leaving
for Earth.

You must do
what you think is best for him.

That's all a parent can hope to do.

Did you enjoy going to school
on Earth?


Did you like your teachers?



I understand you lived
in my old room.




Come in.

Lieutenant Worf.

Very nice to see you again.

And you must be Alexander.

I hear you'll be coming to school
with us for a while.

Well, we're very excited
to have you with us.

I know the other boys and girls
will be happy to have a new classmate.

Uh, first, I need to get some
information from you.

Let's start with your name.

Alexander Rozhenko.
Hmm, that's a tough one.

Maybe you could help me with that.

Could you spell your last name
for me?


The teacher asked you a question.

It doesn't matter.
I think I can figure it out.

Uh, date of birth?

The 43rd day of Maktag,

stardate 43205.

Yes. Yes, of course.

I'll get the rest of his personal records
from the school on Earth

and, oh, one last question.

How long will he be staying
aboard ship?

It has not been decided.


Mr. Worf, I thought our meeting
was scheduled for 1100 hours.

I apologize for being late, Captain.
I was detained in school.

I was enrolling my son in class.

I see.

Well, Mr. Worf, as you're aware,
several new security officers

will be transferring to the Enterprise
next week and I would like to discuss...

Kyle to Lieutenant Worf.

Worf here.

I'm sorry to bother you again,

But I forgot to mention
that we need to arrange

for a series of placement
examinations for Alexander.

- If you could tell me when...
- This is not a good time.

I will contact you shortly, Ms. Kyle.

Sorry, Captain.

I would like to discuss with you

the specific areas of ship security
that I would like.

Sickbay to Worf.

Yes, doctor?

I need to schedule
a physical examination for Alexander.

I also need his complete
medical records from Earth

and the medical records of his...

I would rather discuss this
at a later time.

- There's no rush. Crusher out.
- Mr. Worf,

you are not the first officer on this ship
to have a new family member.

Take care of your son.

The security matters can wait.

Thank you, Captain.

Twenty-three field coils
working in concert

will generate the Soliton Wave
from this point on the planet's surface.

We will have our test ship
towed to a position

approximately 2 million kilometers
from Bilana Ill.

If our theories are correct,

the wave will envelop the ship
and push it into warp.

Warp without warp drive.

- They're gonna put you out of the job.
- I hope so, commander.

Dr. Ja'Dar, how closely
will the Enterprise

need to follow the test vehicle?

The Soliton emits a great deal
of subspace radio interference.

You'll need to remain
within 20 kilometers

in order to receive telemetry.

Doctor, how will you end
the experiment?

The wave will be directed
toward Lemma ll,

about three light years distance.

Our sister facility there
will generate a scattering field

which will dissipate the wave
and bring the ship out of warp.

I'll be sending you more detailed
operational plans within the hour.

Very well, doctor.
We'll contact you again

when we've finished studying
the mission specs.


I was just talking to Mrs. Kyle,
the primary school teacher.

She told me you'd enrolled Alexander
in her class this morning.

- Yes.
- I'm sure he'll do very well.

- She's a wonderful teacher.
- Good.

Did she tell you about the father-son
field trip this afternoon?

- Yes. We cannot attend.
- Why not?

I have a personnel review
scheduled at 1300 hours.

This would be a good opportunity
for you

to meet some of the other students
and parents.

Well, I might be able to reschedule
the review.

Good. I'll let them know
you're coming.

As the value of their horns increased,

the number of white rhinos
in the wild kept falling,

until they finally became extinct
about two centuries ago.

Now, I'd like to show you a pair
of animals

that we're trying to save
from extinction.

Would you follow me?

They're from Corvan ll,

where their homes
in the rain forests

are being threatened
by industrial pollutants.

They're called Corvan Gilvos.

They're a little shy.


The eating habits of the Gilvos

are very similar to those
of Earth's Draco lizards,

which died out over 300 years ago.

There are only 14 Gilvos
left on Corvan ll.

We're transplanting these two
to the protected planet, Brentalia,

where they should thrive.

Well, why don't you all have a look
around on your own for a while,

and if you have any questions,
please feel free to ask.


I'm sorry, I forgot to tell everyone
that the models

on the tables were for everyone
to play with.

So I guess you didn't know you
weren't supposed to take them.

I saw you playing with the lizard model
a while ago.

Do you still have it?

Are you accusing him of stealing?

Lieutenant Worf,
I can only tell you that...


Did you take the model of the lizard
from the table?

No, sir.

Lieutenant, I saw Alexander
put the model inside of his jacket.

Lieutenant Worf,
personal log, stardate 45376.8.

Alexander has acted shamefully

and as his father,
I must now deal with him.

But I find that I would rather fight
10 Balduk warriors

than face one small child.

A Klingon's honor is more important
to him than his life.

A Klingon would gladly face
the most horrible punishment

rather than bring shame
or disgrace to his family name.

His word is his bond.

Without it, he is nothing.

Do you understand?

Why did you lie to me?

I don't know.

Did you fear the punishment
you would receive?

I don't know.

You don't know why you lied
and yet you did.

You don't know why you stole
and yet you did.

Alexander, come here.

When I was a child,

younger than you,

I lost my parents,

my family,

my People.

Everything I had
was taken from me,

except my sense of honor.

It was the one thing I had
that was truly Klingon,

which no one could take away.

Do you know who they are?


And his brother, Morath.

They fought for 12 days
and 12 nights,

because Morath had broken his word
and brought shame to his family.

When you lie or steal,

you not only dishonor yourself,

but your family.

You dishonor me.

I'm sorry, Father.

I won't do it ever again. I promise.

I accept your word.

We will not speak of this again.

- Worf?
- Counselor.

I just wanted to know
how the field trip went yesterday.

- You have not heard?
- No. Why?


There was an incident.

Alexander stole a small model
and then told a falsehood.

But I have remedied the situation.

May I ask how?

I pointed out his error,

told him about Kahless and Morath

and explained the value of honor.
The boy understood.

I see.

Sometimes these things aren't over
as quickly as they seem to be.

I'd be happy to help
if you have any further problems.

Thank you.
That will not be necessary.

Alexander will not repeat
this mistake.

The prototype has been towed
into position, Captain.

Initiate a radio link to the ship.

Link established.
Receiving prelaunch telemetry now.

Incoming message
from Doctor Ja'Dar.

On screen.

Captain, we're ready to begin
the launch sequence.

- Mr. Riker.
- All science labs standing by.

Course laid in, sir.

The Enterprise is ready, doctor.

This is Dr. Ja'Dar to all stations.
You may begin the launch sequence.

And doctor,

good luck.

Thank you, Captain.

Sensors indicate the field generators

on the planet surface are charging,

The Soliton Wave has been initiated.
It's heading for the test ship.

The test ship has successfully
entered warp, sir.

Ensign, engage-

Ensign, bring us to within
20 kilometers of the test ship.

- Aye, sir.
- Telemetry looks good.

Soliton Wave is steady.

The test ship is maintaining
at warp 2.35, sir.

That's a little faster
than they anticipated,

but still well within mission

We're at 20 kilometers, Captain.

Mr. Data, is the wave affecting
our warp drive?

No, sir. The effect
has been localized

to within two kilometers
of the wave front.

Mr. La Forge, what's the power
efficiency of the wave?

Energy transfer is 98 percent.


Yes, sir, there's less than
a two percent energy loss

between the wave and the ship.

That is 450 percent more efficient
than our own warp drive.


Commander Riker,

have Science Lab 3 begin
a series of gamma-emission tests.

Sir, the wave's power signature
is fluctuating.

Wave efficiency has dropped
to 73 percent.

Test ship's warp field
is becoming unstable.

Sensors show multiple disruptions.

I'm reading a severe subspace
distortion, sir.

It is expanding toward us.

It appears to be interfering
with our engines, Captain.

I can't compensate for it.

Bring us out of warp, ensign.
All stop.

Aye, sir, all stop.

Hold on.

Damage report?

Sensors and warp drive are off-line.

Deflectors down to 15 percent.

Several injuries reported on deck 27.
No fatalities.

- What happened to the test ship?
- Our last readings indicate

the craft exploded
due to extreme shearing stress.

Incoming message from Bilana Ill,

On screen.

Captain, are you all right?
Was anyone hurt?

We sustained some minor damage.
Do you know what happened?

The preliminary data we received
indicate a transient power imbalance.

That would be consistent with our
telemetry readings from the ship.

We detected a sudden drop
in transfer efficiency

just before the expl*si*n.

Are you still tracking the wave?

No, the expl*si*n damaged
our main sensor array.

We'll have it repaired
in a couple of hours.

We'll contact you as soon
as the sensors are back online.


you did it.

Warp without warp drive.

For a while there,
it was really something to see.

Well, I hope you're here to see it
next time we try, Mr. La Forge.

So do I, doctor.

I apologize. I was detained.

It's quite all right. Please, sit down.

Thank you.


your son is a very bright,
very spirited young man.

From his test scores, I'm sure he'll
turn out to be one of my best students.


from his behavior in class so far,

I do have some concerns.

What sort of concerns?

Frankly, he's defiant.

He's overly aggressive
toward the other students

and he has a great deal
of difficulty paying attention.

Perhaps you do not have experience
dealing with Klingon children.

They require a firm hand.

And he seems to still have difficulty
telling the truth.

He takes toys
from the other students

and then denies taking them.

He acts like a bully and then says
someone else started the fight.

And he's bluntly told me you said:

"Klingons do not listen to teachers."

I did not tell him that.

No, of course not.

He's acting on his internal feelings

and then making up stories
to explain them.

It might be a good idea
for the two of you to sit down

- with Counselor Troi and try...
- Computer.

Where is Alexander Rozhenko?

Alexander Rozhenko
is on Holodeck 4.

- Lieutenant, I think we should...
- I will handle this.

Computer, what program
is being run?

Calisthenics program
of Lieutenant Worf.

Difficulty level, novice.

Computer, freeze program.

- Did you see it, Father? I won.
- Yes, I saw.

- Why are you here?
- I'm training.

But you did not ask permission
to take my bat'leth,

or permission to use the holodeck.

But you said you wanted me
to be a warrior.

I also said I wanted you
to obey your teachers

and keep your promise to me.

Miss Kyle told me about your behavior,
about your lies.

I have not lied.

- Alexander, do not continue to...
- She's lying.

She hates me, that's why
she makes up stories about me.

I will not listen to more lies.

Return to our quarters.

But you said we could go see
the Gilvos again.

Not now. Not after you have broken
your word.

You promised.

- You said that we could.
- Enough!

It is now clear to me that I have
failed in my duties as your father.

You have no understanding
about what it means to be Klingon.

I will arrange for you to attend
a Klingon school.

There you will learn the lessons
I have failed to teach you.

No, I won't go.

Would you further dishonor our family
with your disobedience?

No, sir.

You will go to our quarters
and remain there until I return.

Riker to Engineering. What's your
estimate on the engines, Geordi?

I need another hour, commander.

I still have to replace
three power couplings.

- Understood.
- Sir, sensors are coming back online.

Good. Begin a sensor sweep
for the Soliton Wave.

Aye, sir.

The wave is continuing on a course
to the Lemma ll colony.

It is bearing 020, mark 329.

Open a channel back here
to Dr. Ja'Dar.


the wave has increased in velocity
to warp 4.1.

Doctor, we've located
the Soliton Wave.

It's still on a course to Lemma ll.

However, the velocity has increased
to warp 4.1.

Have you checked the frequency
resonance of the subspace...

Sir, the energy level of the wave
has increased by a factor of 12.

At this rate, it will have increased
by a factor of 200

by the time it reaches Lemma ll.

Will we still be able
to dissipate the wave?

Commander, at that energy level,

the wave will not only destroy
the colony,

it'll take most of the planet with it.

Are you sure this is what you want?

It is not a question of what I want.

It is a question of what is best
for the boy.

He will be better off
at a Klingon school.

Have you discussed this
with Alexander?

He is a child.
I informed him of my decision.

I see.

You disapprove?

I'm not here to approve or disapprove
of the way you raise your son.

My concern right now is how
this decision is going to affect you.

How will you feel
when Alexander's gone?

I will be pleased that he is receiving
the guidance he requires.

Is that how you felt when he left
to live with your parents?

That was different.

At the time, I felt he needed a home,

a family,

the things I could not provide
for him.

I understand.

The idea of raising a child

can seem a tremendous burden,
especially to a solitary parent.

He was no burden.

I simply knew
that a Klingon child required

more attention than I could provide.

I see.

Have you ever wondered how
Alexander felt about being sent away?

He was very young.

I am sure that he was confused.

Do you think he felt abandoned?

After all, he left very soon
after K'Ehleyr's death.

In a way, he not only lost his mother,
he lost his father as well.

Are you saying that his misconduct

is a result of feeling abandoned?

It's possible.

Children don't have the experience
to handle emotional crises.

Instead of dealing with their feelings,
they act on them.

Tell me about the last time
you spoke with K'Ehleyr,

the night she died.

We argued.

About what?


About how she did not tell me
about him when he was born.

So you were angry with her?


Are you still angry with her?

Of course not.

It would be very normal
to be angry with her.

Angry because she died

and left you alone with a son
you never knew you had.

Being angry doesn't mean
you loved her any less, Worf.

But you can't hide
from your feelings,

just as Alexander
can't hide from his.

You both have a lot of healing to do.

Perhaps you should think
about doing it together.

- Alexander.
- I'm almost done.

Stop for a moment. Let us talk.


I want you to understand
why you are going away.

I understand.
You're ashamed of me.

You do not understand.

I'm concerned about your future.

A Klingon school will be
a better environment for you.

- You don't care about me.
- That is not true.

All you care about is your honor.


If your mother were here,

I do not think that
she would want us to fight like this.

My mother wouldn't send me away.

Lieutenant Worf,

please report to the
observation lounge.

Acknowledged. Remain here.

I will return shortly.


The Soliton Wave
has continued to increase in...

Excuse me.

The Soliton Wave has continued
to increase in power.

Its energy level has risen
by a factor of 96.

At its current rate of acceleration,

the wave should hit the planet
in a couple of hours.

How do we stop it?

Well, there are two possibilities.

We could attempt to use
our own warp engines

to generate
an inverse-resonance wave.

If we could match the exact frequency
and amplitude of the Soliton,

then we should be able
to neutralize it.

You don't sound very confident.

Because the Soliton
is constantly changing

in both frequency and amplitude,

it will be extremely difficult
to achieve an exact match.

Let's hear the second option.

It's a little more dangerous, but I think
there's a better chance for success.

We could create a backfire,

an expl*sive force set off
just in front of the Soliton Wave.

A large enough expl*si*n,

say five photon torpedoes,
should be enough to disrupt the wave

and allow it to dissipate.

How fast is the wave traveling now?

Warp 6.37, sir.

The good news is we can catch it.

The bad news is that in order
to set up this backfire,

- we have to be in front of it.
- Which would require the Enterprise

to go through the wave.

Why can't we go around it?

The wave has been growing
in size as well as power.

There is insufficient time remaining

for us to circumvent it
before it reaches Lemma ll.

How much protection
will the shields provide

if we attempt to penetrate the wave?

The shields have not been
fully restored.

Shield strength is down
to 33 percent.

It's gonna be quite a ride.

It's a better choice.

Lay in a course
for the Soliton Wave.

After we've passed through the wave,

I want you to take us
to a relative position

23 kilometers in front of it.

- Aye, sir.
- Alert Sickbay to prepare

for possible casualties.

- Aye, sir.
- The wave has increased in speed

to warp 7.2, Captain.

Ensign, take us to warp 7.21.

We're approaching the wave, Captain.
Distance, 200 kilometers.

Let's see it.

Stand by to increase speed
to warp 7.3, on my mark.

Red alert. Load torpedo bays,
set warhead yields to level 16.

- Aye, sir.
- All decks, this is the Bridge.

Brace for impact.

Torpedoes loaded.



We have passed through the wave,

We have dropped
to warp 7.2.

The wave is directly astern at
a distance of 23 kilometers.

Deflector strength
is down to 12 percent.

There are fluctuations in several
warp-transfer conduits.

Tractor beams and transporters

We have some gaps
in the aft shields, Captain.

When the torpedoes explode,

these areas will be contaminated
with ion radiation.

We need to evacuate
sections 24 to 47,

decks 35 to 38.

Make it so.

Sir, there is a fire in Biolab 4.

The fire-suppression apparatus
is not functioning.

Seal off that compartment.
Prepare to vent the air...

Sir, there are life forms
present in that biolab.

We're transporting
endangered animals from Corvan ll.

Readings also indicate the presence
of a humanoid, Captain.

Computer, identify humanoid
life-form in Biolab 4.

Life-form is identified
as Alexander Rozhenko.

Bridge to Biolab 4.
Alexander, can you hear us?

Sensors show he is alive.
He may be injured.

- Can we transport him out of there?
- Transporters are still off-line.

Captain, warp power is dropping.
We're losing speed.

Riker to Engineering.
Geordi, what is going on?

We lost four warp-transfer conduits,

The wave is gaining on us.
We need more speed.

I doubt that I can keep this speed up
much longer, commander.

You'd better fire those torpedoes
while we're still in front of the wave.

Mr. Data, how long before
the wave overtakes us?

At our current speed, four minutes,
30 seconds, sir.

Captain, permission to leave
the Bridge.

Granted. Commander, will you
accompany Mr. Worf to Biolab 4?

Captain, Biolab 4 is one of the areas

that will be flooded with ion radiation.

Commander. I can't let
the Soliton Wave hit the colony.

You have three minutes,
not one second more.

Primary control's shorted out.

Stand clear.

- Alexander!
- Alexander!

Can you hear me?


The Soliton Wave has closed
to 10 kilometers, Captain.

Stand by to fire torpedoes
on my command.


Commander, I found him.


- Where are you? Worf?
- Over here.

Help me.

It's too heavy.
I've got to find something to help us.

- Father.
- Be still. I am here.

My leg hurts.

I'm scared.

- The Gilvos.
- There's no time.

Please. They'll die.

The wave has closed
to one kilometer, Captain.

Picard to Commander Riker.

Bridge to Lieutenant Worf.

The wave is about to overtake us,

Commander Riker, acknowledge.

Fire torpedoes.

The wave has been disrupted, sir.

Picard to Riker.

Riker here, Captain.

We made it, sir.

The boy's going to be all right.

You're a very lucky little boy.

Just some minor smoke inhalation
and a hairline fracture of the tibia.

That's a bone in your leg.

I'd like to keep him here overnight,
but he should be fine by tomorrow.

Thank you, doctor.

Are you going to get in trouble
because of me?

Do not concern yourself with that.

Am I in trouble?


But we will discuss that
at a later time.

I'm sorry.

I promise I'll be good
at the Klingon school.

I'll make you proud of me.

Klingon schools
are designed to be difficult.

The physical and mental hardships
faced by the students

are meant to build character
and strength.


if you wish to face
a greater challenge

you may stay here with me.

It will not be easy

for either of us.

But perhaps we can face
the challenge together.

I accept your challenge, Father.
I will stay.

I believe your mother
would be pleased.