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05x09 - A Matter of Time

Posted: 01/24/23 15:56
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 45349.1.

The Enterprise is on its way
to Penthara IV,

where a type-C asteroid has struck
an unpopulated continent.

The resulting dust cloud
could very well create a phenomenon

not unlike the nuclear winters
of 21st century Earth.

Commander La Forge
has begun work on a plan

that would counteract
the devastation.

The numbers coming in

are already indicating
climatic changes, commander.

What kind of drop can we expect?

If the Pentharan spheral forecasts
are correct,

10 to 12 degrees Celsius
within the first 10 days.

If it continues like that, their entire
ecosystem will be shot to hell.

And I doubt if they're prepared to cope
with the cold that's coming.

PICARD: Commander Riker.
- Yes, sir?

Would you join me on the Bridge,

RIKER: Right away, sir.
- Are you certain, Mr. Worf?

There was
a space-time distortion, sir.

And there is something back there.
We passed within 300 kilometers of it.

That's too close to be a coincidence.

- Mr. La Forge.
LA FORGE: Yes, Captain?

Would a delay of one hour
affect your plans?

Not unless another asteroid decides
to pay a call on Penthara, sir.

The odds of that occurring

are extremely unlikely given
the time frame.

Thank you, Mr. Data.

Ensign, bring the ship about.

Let's take a look
at Mr. Worf's distortion.

- Aye, sir.
- Mr. Worf's what?

The lieutenant's sensors
have detected a temporal distortion

almost in our current course.

There's a small object back there
that wasn't there a few moments ago.

The object is 50 kilometers ahead,

- Full stop, Ensign.
- Aye, sir.


Dimensions, Worf?

Approximately five meters in length,

Life signs?

No signs of any kind.

Our sensors do not penetrate
the hull.

Try hailing it.

- Well, that's odd.
- What's odd?

We've received a response, but--

Yes, Mr. Worf?

They want you to move over, sir.

Reply that the Enterprise
isn't going anywhere, lieutenant.

Not the Enterprise, captain. You.

What are you trying to tell me,
Mr. Worf?

Oops. Excuse me, captain,

but you were standing
right where I needed to be.

- Who are you?
- Rasmussen's the name, sir.

Professor Berlinghoff Rasmussen.

Oh, this is wonderful.

Actually quite a bit larger
than I thought.

- Really?
- Where I come from,

every historian knows the Bridge
of old 1701-D.

And where exactly do you
come from?

Why, Earth.

Late 26th century Earth,
to be exact.

I've traveled back nearly 300 years
just to find you.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Exactly what kind
of historian are you?


Oh, um... My focus is on the 22nd
through the 24th centuries.

Early interstellar history.

You know, it was always believed
this was on your desk, not here.


Don't you move it on my account.

You can't expect me to believe
that the layout of my Ready Room

can possibly be of interest
to future historians.

Oh, no less so than your legendary
modesty, captain.

I wish I could describe to you
what a thrill it is to be here.

This is the original.

You flatter me, professor.

But I can't help but wonder
what could possibly have caused you

to select me as a subject
for your study.

Even in this decade,
there are far wiser

and more experienced humans
in and out of Starfleet.

I'd love to tell you, Picard,
I really would,

but try and imagine what a young
Caesar might have done differently

had someone given him a hint
of what lay ahead.

Or if Lincoln had been coerced
into changing his theater plans.

I truly wish I could be more specific
on why you were selected,

but I'm afraid
the exchange of information

will have to flow
in one direction only.

Five, six, seven meters. Ha!

I was right.

- Why now?
LA FORGE: Right.

If you've come back to study us,
to study the captain,

why did you pick today?

Why not a year ago,
or a year from now?

Oh, I picked the right day, all right?
Just wait, you'll see.

Now, do you always sit there
on that side of the table?

Usually. Why?

It's not important.

Professor, at what point does time
travel become a tool for historians?

Now, now, commander.
You know better than that.

I've studied a great deal about
your century,

including the fact that you're all
quite aware of the dangers

of anyone altering the past.

And that's exactly what I'd be doing

if I were
to divulge information like that.

- Telurian plague.
- I beg your pardon?

The Telurian plague, was it cured?

I mean, did they finally cure it
by your century?

Oh, it can't do any harm to ask that.

I realize that it's difficult,

but we must keep to ourselves
questions about the future.

Go on, professor.

I'll be preparing questionnaires
for each of you.

Please complete them
at your convenience.

If you're concerned about a possible
breach of security,

I'm sure your captain can make
a determination.

And, uh, thank you in advance
for curbing your curiosity.

If I hand my assignment in on time,

can I get a glimpse
into next week's poker game?


Mr. Data, would you escort
the professor to his quarters?

This way, sir.

What did he mean,
he picked the right day?

You know everything I do,
Number One.

- Deanna?
- It's hard to tell.

But he is holding something back.

Well, of course he is.

All the things he could tell us,
all the things he would like to tell us.

It might be that. I don't know.

What if he's an impostor?

God knows we've seen enough
of them.

Well, he is human. The medical scans
have proven that, right, doctor?

He's human all right.

And there was a temporal distortion
back there, correct, Worf?

- Yes, sir.
PICARD: And no one can deny

that that ship of his
is unlike anything we've ever seen.

The hull is made of some kind
of plasticized tritanium mesh.

We've nothing like it on record,
at least not until now.

Mr. Worf,
I do appreciate your caution.

I share it.

Bring his vessel into the shuttlebay.

- Place it under guard.
- Yes, sir.


I realize that this visit is going
to be difficult for some of us.

But I've examined his credentials,
and everything seems in order,

so I think we should extend to him
every courtesy.

Including questionnaires?

Including questionnaires, Mr. Worf.

This is really a thrill, Data.

Like running across a Redstone
m*ssile or a Gutenberg Bible.

To think, the Model T of androids.

If you were referring to the first
production model automobile

of the 20th century,

perhaps the subsequent Model A
would be a more apt analogy

since I am Dr. Noonien Soong's
revised prototype.

I stand corrected.

Is there a problem, professor?

Mm, I suppose it'll have to do
for now.

I'll get you a list of the things
I'll be needing, okay?

Would I be correct, professor,

in assuming that you know whether
or not I am still

alive in the 26th century?

Since you seem to know so much

about Captain Picard and the ship,
I assumed you would--

It would be best if you kept your
assumptions to yourself, wouldn't it?

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

Captain's log, stardate 45350.3.

We have arrived at Penthara IV,

and can see for ourselves
the atmospheric devastation

caused by the asteroids impact.


We've located three underground
pockets of carbon dioxide,

here, here, and here.

Now, our drilling phasers

can release enough of the gas
to form an envelope

which should temporarily hold
in the heat of the sun.

We spent years, decades,

trying to avoid anything that would lead
to a greenhouse effect.

And now, here we are,
about to create one on purpose.

Less than 20 percent
of your normal sunlight

is getting through that dust, doctor.

If we can hold enough heat
in with the CO2,

that should give the planet time
to mend itself.

- Excuse me, Dr. Moseley.
WOMAN: What now?

New Seattle's reporting a cloud depth
of 12 kilometers.

Two rivers, tropical rivers,
are beginning to freeze.

We better get started
before there's nothing left to mend.

RIKER: Look who's here.

I hate questionnaires.

Professor, come and join us.

- Heh. Hope I'm not intruding.
- Not at all.

I'm sure you're the topic
of conversation

at every table in this room.

Heh. Uh, as I promised,
here are your assignments.

And I'm sure they'll be painless.

Please try and complete them
by tomorrow.


No problem, professor.

Well, you're all very calm.

Is there some reason
we shouldn't be?

History always records
where people were,

what they were doing,
when important events took place.

But it rarely remembers
their activities,

say, a week before,
or a day, or even an hour.

Are you suggesting
that an important event is imminent?

I didn't say that, now did I?

Please, just go on doing what
you're doing and pretend I'm not here.

Why is there no record
of other future historians

traveling back to witness
important events?

We're obviously very careful.
As a matter of fact,

a colleague and I recently paid a call
on a 22nd century vessel.

They hadn't perfected
quarantine fields.

You probably saw
some surgical masks and gloves.

Isn't it fascinating how everyone
has different interests

when it comes to history?
Different perspectives on progress.

Would you mind telling me
what that is?

Oh, just checking the time.
No problem.

Is something important supposed
to be happening here?

No, no. Nothing. It's nothing.

What about you, commander?

What do you see as the most
important example of progress

in the last 200 years?

I suppose the warp coil.

Before there was warp drive,

humans were confined
to a single sector of the galaxy.

Spoken like
the consummate explorer.

What is going on?
Are you expecting someone?

- Phasers.
- I beg your pardon?

There were no phasers
in the 22nd century.

Oh, you see, doctor.

Our Klingon friend
is a perfect example

of what I was trying to tell you.

He views history through the eyes
of a hunter, a warrior.

His passion lies in the perfection
of the tools of v*olence.

How delightfully primitive.

As soon as we input
this atmospheric data,

the computer should tell us
how many holes we'll have to punch.

What have you learned about
the stability around the drilling sites?

Couldn't be better.
Our scans were all clear

and there hasn't been
so much as a quiver there

in well over a century.

Aha. Just the two I'm looking for.

I brought you the forms
I need you to complete.

It shouldn't take anything more than
a couple of hours.

We're kind of busy here.
Tomorrow would probably be better.

Data, we've got about 23,000
thermal simulations.

Do you think you'd check them
for anomalies?



Is that as fast as he can go?

Not fast enough for you, professor?

Well, there's very little known
about Data's efficiency.

Almost nothing about his part
in this mission.

It's a topic of great conjecture.

Two-hundred nine anomalies
all within acceptable parameters.

Thanks, Data.

You're here to witness this mission.
That's it, isn't it?

It would be best if you just
thought of me as a fly on the wall

and went about your business.

I will have your answered questions
as soon as possible, professor.

Data at Penthara IV.

If you'll excuse me.

Your prosthesis,
what do you call it again?

- VISOR, right. A VISOR.

You know, I have a picture of you
wearing that in my office.

- How do you like it?
- It allows me to see, I like it just fine.

You know, Homer was blind.

Milton. Bach. Monet. Wonder.

- A fly on the wall, huh?
- A fly on the wall.

The computer has configured the
drilling patterns and specified depths.

Captain, we've got everything we need.
I'm ready to transport to the surface.

PICARD [OVER COM]: I'll notify
Dr. Moseley. Good luck, Geordi.


Who said these moments
were any less exciting

when you know the outcome?

I know of no one who said that,

The Enterprise will monitor
the CO2 concentrations

at six different altitudes.

If all goes well, it shouldn't
take more than 20 bore sites.

Let's hope all goes well.

La Forge to Commander Riker,
how are you doing?

RIKER: We've gotten word
from the monitoring stations.

They're all on-line.

- We're ready when you are, Geordi.
- That's excellent.

All we need now
is an open channel to Data.

Open a channel, Mr. Worf,
and prepare to fire at target one.

Computer has locked in
the phaser depth calculations.

- Mr. Data?
DATA [OVER COM]: Ready, sir.



Target one is emitting
2,000-cubic meters per second.

Target two, 1,600.

Surface wind patterns
over the target are stable.

You picking up anything
at altitude, Data?

DATA: CO2 concentrations remain
unchanged at upper elevations.

Did I miss much?

Target 14 complete, sir.

- Data, what have you got?
- No change, sir.

How are the surface winds, Geordi?

Holding steady, sir.

The computer has stopped drilling.

We should be getting
something now, Data.

Elevated CO2 levels
at 20 kilometers, sir.

Now, you're talking. We've got some
new temperatures coming in.

All thermal monitoring stations are
reporting no further temperature drops.

Correction, doctor. Two equatorial
stations are reporting slight increases.

Thank you. Thank you, all.

You've given us what we need: time.

We're glad to be of help, doctor.

The Enterprise will remain in orbit
and continue to monitor your progress.

- Picard out.
- "You've given us what we need:



- Ensign, return to synchronous orbit.
WOMAN: Aye, sir.

Very clever, Picard. And well done.

We always knew how you did it,

but to experience the moment,
to witness the nuances,

it's indescribable.

He's after more than a history lesson,
I can tell you that.

What is it?
What are you getting from him?

I don't know.

It's like he's trying to confuse us,
misdirect us somehow.

There you are.

Well, that certainly was exciting,
wasn't it?

Professor, is everything all right?
Are you well?

Yes, couldn't be better. Thank you.

Um, I just thought we might chat
about your questionnaire.

Buck up, crewman.
You're a credit to that uniform.

- I've got some things to take care of.
- No, please.

I would very much appreciate
your remaining.

Doctor, in response
to my sixth question,

you spoke of a neural stimulator.
Uh, may I see one?

I don't see why not.
Give me a minute.

- You don't like me very much, do you?
- I don't dislike you, professor.

Keep your eyes wide, soldier.

You'll be telling your grandchildren
how you were there at Penthara IV.

But you don't trust me.

- You should, you know?
- Should I?

"Picard's empath won't trust you."
That's what they all said.

Picard's empath?

We're not that unalike, you and I.

You possess a sense that is foreign
to the others.

My knowledge of the future
is similar.

You know, some of my best friends
are empaths.

They trust me.

Why should you care
whether I trust you or not?

We're birds of a feather,
we're colleagues.

We could learn a lot
from each other.

You're right. I don't trust you.

- I knew you'd say that.
- I'm sure you did.

Well, I'm glad to see you two
are finally getting along.

I really have to be going.

Thank you.

Why don't you try a Berylite scan?

I'd be interested to see
what his micro-levels are.

So, what else can I show you?

You're a very curious woman.

No, no. I don't mean curious like that.

I mean, you're curious about things,

about Berylite levels,

about the future.

Well, curiosity is why all of us
are out here, isn't it?

I understand, but, um, you're different.
You're more vibrant.

- You're more, um...
- More vibrant.

That's nice. I like that.

You know, whenever I travel back,
I meet very interesting people.

Men and women.

But I've never met anyone

who gave me thoughts
about not going home.


You're not supposed
to be influencing the past, remember?

And I am beginning

to feel just a little bit influenced.

Anyway, I could be your great,
great, great,

great grandmother.



What kind of questions did he have
for you, Number One?

All he wanted to know about
was previous starships.

What I thought was innovative about
the last Enterprise, the one before that.

He said he wanted to see if we had
a grasp of the fundamentals.

His questions to me primarily
focused on Dr. Soong's--


Captain, I'm detecting a massive
earthquake on the surface.

- Two earthquakes.
- Location?

Both epicenters are beneath the two
southern most drill sites, captain.

Is La Forge still down there?

WORF: Yes, sir.
- Find him.

We've also got some volcanic
activity, pretty severe.


La Forge here, captain.

Moseley and I are on our way back
to his lab.

- Are you all right?
LA FORGE: We're okay,

but those were pretty big, sir.

If this was Earth, I'd say around
an 8 or an 8.5 on the Richter scale.

We're starting to see
some volcanic plumes, captain.


Two more eruptions.

It is likely we overestimated
the geologic stability

around the CO2 pockets, captain.

LA FORGE: We're in the lab, sir.
- On-screen.

We're fairly well quakeproof
down here, Picard.

It's the volcanic dust
I'm worried about.

What about the dust?

The ash the volcanoes are throwing
into the atmosphere

is gonna compound
the existing problem.

In a matter of days, there'll be no
sunlight getting through these clouds.

MOSELEY: And no amount of CO2
will help us then.

Captain, take a look at this.

These are the coordinates
of the eruptions.

And these

are the coordinates
of the phaser drilling sites.

The mantle is collapsing
where the pressure was released.

LA FORGE: Captain, Dr. Moseley
and I have a couple of ideas,

but it's gonna take some time
to sort them out.

- Sort them out, Geordi.
- Aye, sir.

We came here to help these people.

And look what we've done.


What in God's name is that?

Music, professor.

- Music?
- Yes, sir.

Mozart's "Jupiter Symphony"
in C major,

"Brandenburg Concerto Number 3,"

Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony,"
second movement, molto vivace,

and "La donna é mobile,"
from Verdi's Rigoletto.

Do you think you could
thin it out a bit?

Computer, eliminate program one.

Computer, eliminate program two.

eliminate program three.

Computer, half volume.

How the--?

How the hell can you listen to
four pieces of music at the same time?

Actually, I am capable of distinguishing
over 150 simultaneous compositions.

But in order to analyze
the aesthetics,

I try to keep it to 10 or less.

Only four today?

I am assisting Commander La Forge
with a very complex calculation.

It demands a great deal
of my concentration.

Hmm. Well, I, uh, came to thank you
for answering my questions,

though I probably should have asked
you to limit yourself to 50,000 words.

You did ask me to be thorough.

I realize it's hard to believe, Data,

but very few records
of Dr. Soong's work survived

to the 26th century,
so it would be invaluable to myself,

and other historians, if you could
provide us with some schematics.

Certainly. As soon as my work here
is completed.

As long as it's before 0900

That's when I'll be, uh, heading back.

WORF: Bridge to Commander Data.
- Yes, Worf?

Commander La Forge is hailing you
from the surface, sir.

Patch him through, please.

Have you rerun the phase
reversal figures, Data?

There were no errors, Geordi.

The variance must be no
more than 0.06 terawatts.

Well, I don't see any other choice.

We'll continue to run the numbers
down here,

but I doubt we'll come up
with anything different.

You better inform the captain
of the good news and the bad news.

La Forge out.

Which do you suppose he's gonna
wanna hear first?

The good news.

The motion of the dust has created
a great deal of electrostatic energy

in the upper atmosphere.

With a modified phaser blast,

we can create a shock front
that would encircle the planet

and ionize the particles.

That would be like striking a spark
in a gas-filled room.

With one exception, sir.

The particles would be converted
into a high-energy plasma,

which our shields could absorb,

and then redirect harmlessly
into space.

Turn the Enterprise
into a lightning rod.

Precisely, sir.

And the bad news?

If our phaser discharge
is off by as little as 0.06 terawatts,

it would cause a cascading
exothermal inversion.


We would completely burn off
the planet's atmosphere.

Captain's log, supplemental.

While Dr. Moseley takes
La Forge's plan

to the leaders of the colony,

I find myself weighing
the potential consequences

of a more philosophical issue.



I imagine you know
why I've asked you here.

Yeah, I have a fairly good idea.

I'm faced with a dilemma.

There is a planet beneath us
which is slowly turning to ice.

And unless we do something about it,
I'm told that in a matter of weeks,

thousands, maybe
tens of thousands, will die.

- That would be a shame.
- Yes, it would.

It would be quite a shame.

So, uh, what's your dilemma?

Commander La Forge
has a possible solution.

The margins of error
are extremely critical.

But if successful,
there would be no more threat.

And if it's not successful?

Every living thing on the planet
will perish.

So do nothing
and thousands will die.

Do something
and millions could die.

That's a tough choice.

Not if you were to help me.

You're not suggesting I tell you
the outcome of your efforts?

Oh, no. I'm not.

Everything that Starfleet stands for,
everything that I have ever believed in,

tells me I cannot ask you that.

But at the same time,

there are 20 million lives
down there.

And you know what happened
to them,

what will happen to them.

So it seems you have another

One that questions your convictions.

I've never been afraid of re-evaluating
my convictions, professor.

And now, well, I have
20 million reasons to do so.

And why did you ask to see me?

Because your presence gives me

a potential access
to a kind of information

that I've never had available
to me before.

And if I am
to reexamine my beliefs,

then I must take advantage
of every possible asset.

It would have been irresponsible
of me not to ask you here.

However you come to terms
with you beliefs, captain,

I must tell you,
I'm quite comfortable with mine.

How can you be?

How can you be comfortable,
watching people die?


Um, let me put it to you this way.

If I were to tell you
that none of those people died,

you'd easily conclude that you tried
your solution, and it succeeded.

So you'd confidently try again.

No harm in that.

But what if I were to tell you
they all died.

What then? Obviously you'd decide
not to make the same mistake twice.

- What if one of those people grew--
- Yes, professor.

I know. What if one of those lives
I saved down there is a child

who grows up to be the next
Adolf Hitler, or Khan Singh?

Every first-year philosophy student
has been asked that question

since the earliest wormholes
were discovered.

But this is not a class
in temporal logic.

It's not theoretical,
it's not hypothetical, it's real.

- Surely you see that.
- I see it all too well.

But you must see
that if I were to influence you,

everything in this sector, in this
quadrant of the galaxy, could change.

History. My history would unfold
in a way other than it already has.

Now, what possible incentive

could anyone offer me
to allow that to happen?

I have two choices.

Either way, one version of history,
or another, will wend its way forward.

The history you know, or another one.
Now, who is to say which is better?

What I do know is that here, today,

one way, millions of lives
could be saved.

Now, isn't that incentive enough?

Everyone dies, captain.
It's just a question of when.

All of those people down there
died years before I was born.

All of you up here as well.

So you see,
I can't get quite as worked up as you

over the fate of some colonists,

who, for me, have been dead
a very, very long time.

Of course,
you know of the Prime Directive.

Which tells us that we have no right

to interfere in the natural evolution
of alien worlds.

Now, I have sworn to uphold it.

But nevertheless,
I have disregarded that directive

on more than one occasion,

because I thought
it was the right thing to do.

Now, if you are holding on to some

temporal equivalent of that directive,

then, isn't it possible

that you have an occasion here
to make an exception,

to help me to choose,
because it's the right thing to do?

Are we just talking about a choice?

It sounds to me you're trying
to manipulate the future.

But every choice we make
allows us to manipulate the future.

Do I...?

Do I invite Adriana or Suzanne
to the spring dance?

Do I take my holiday
on Corsica or Risa?

A person's life,

their future, hinges on each
of a thousand choices.

Living is making choices.

Now, you ask me to believe
that if I make a choice

other than the one that appears
in your history books,

then your past
will be irrevocably altered.

Well, you know, professor, perhaps
I don't give a damn about your past,

because your past is my future.

And as far as I'm concerned,
it hasn't been written yet.

Captain, the electrostatic conditions

are about as good
as they're going to get.

If we're going to try this,
now's the time.

Please don't ask me, captain.

I can't help you.

I'm sorry.

How long will it take to program
the phasers, Number One?

We've just got to tie into Geordi's
atmospheric sensors.

So you've made your choice
after all.

And without my help.

Oh, on the contrary, professor.

- You were quite helpful.
- How's that?

By refusing to help me,
you left me with the same choice

I had to begin with.

To try or not to try.
To take a risk or to play it safe.

And your arguments have reminded
me how precious the right to choose is.

And because I've never been one
to play it safe,

I choose to try.

Mr. Data,
program the firing sequence.

Aye, sir.

Captain's log, stardate 45351.9.

Dr. Moseley has met
with the colony leaders,

who all agree they are willing
to take the risk.

Warp power has been rerouted from
the main deflector dish, commander.

Keep those phasers
on active surge control, Worf.

We're only gonna get
one shot at this.

Well, this is it.

- Do you have the sequence locked in?
- Yes, sir.

After an 8.3-second burst
from the dish,

we will discharge all E-P-S taps
through the phasers.

Time for you to return, Mr. La Forge.
Mr. O'Brien, stand by to transport.

Excuse me, captain, but I can be
of a lot more help down here.

We're gonna have to compensate
for the variations

right up to the last second.

Dr. Moseley's computers
can accomplish the same task, sir,

but I believe Geordi
would be better able

to anticipate unexpected variances.

You know better than anyone that
there's no guarantee that this will work.

If it fails--

There's no guarantee
it's going to fail, captain.

I'd like your permission
to remain here on the surface.

Permission granted.

La Forge remained below.

PICARD: Good luck, commander.
- Thank you, captain.

DATA: The deflector dish
has been reconfigured, sir.

Proceed, Mr. Data.

Stand by for auto-phaser interlock.

Activating deflector beam.

E-P-S taps on-line. Phasers firing.


Activating shield invertors... Now.

Mr. La Forge?

La Forge here.
Still breathing, captain.

We've got particulate levels
right where they're supposed to be.

And the sun is shining.

See, captain?

I told you there was nothing
to worry about.

Report back to the ship
when you're ready, commander.

Doctor, we'll stay in orbit and analyze
the remaining volcanic disturbances.

But the best advice would be
to let them cool down on their own.

I'm getting in the habit
of thanking you, Picard.

Well, I'd love to see more,
but it's nearly time for me to go.

I am tickled pink to have had the
opportunity of witnessing this, Picard.

And you did it all without any help.

Well, I must run.
I got some packing to do.

You know, you're taller in person,

Well, would you look at this?

Who would have expected
a teary farewell?

We're going to have to take
a look inside your vessel.

Curious until the end, eh, captain?

You can't be serious, Picard. We've
been through this more than once.

A number of objects have been
discovered missing

in the last two days,
and if they're in your possession,

then we would like them returned.

I'm not here in search of relics.

I'm sure they'll turn up.

If you will not open the vessel, I will.

With expl*sives, if necessary.

I doubt you have the means.

If we don't get in that thing,
I guarantee you don't either.


Considering the sensitive nature
of my equipment,

I think you'll understand if I request
that only Mr. Data be allowed to see it.

Why Data?

Because if I order Mr. Data never to
divulge what he sees in there, he won't.

With the exception
of anything that might belong to us.

Understood, sir.

Back in a minute.

I do not believe any of these items
belong to you, professor.

Nor does this.

This phaser is set
at the highest stun setting.

If I'm correct, that is sufficient
to immobilize even you.

Why have you stolen these objects?

- To put in a museum?
- They're far too valuable for that.

You see, in the century I come from,
they haven't even been invented yet.

But this vessel,

and the temporal distortion
that coincided with your arrival.

Oh, this is a time pod.

And it is from the 26th century.

At least, that's what the poor
fellow said.

You see, he decided to travel back
to the 22nd century. That's my time.

And he had the misfortune
of meeting me.

His clothes fit quite well,
don't you think?

It took me weeks to figure out
how to work this thing.

- Then you are not an historian?
- More of an inventor.

Up until a few weeks ago,
a dismally unsuccessful one.

What are your intentions,

Well, thanks to your captain, it seems
my intentions have changed slightly.

I was quite content with the notion
of returning with these trinkets.

I'd invent about one a year.

But now, look what fortune
has graced me with.

You will take a little longer
to figure out than a tricorder,

but it should be well worth
the effort.

If the auto-timer is programmed
the way I think it is,

in about two minutes,

we should be on our way back
to a place called "New Jersey."

I'm afraid you won't be awake
for the ride.

I assume your hand print
will open this door,

whether you are conscious or not.

That w*apon
was working yesterday.

You were right to suspect him, sir.

But he is not from the future.
He is from the past.

Trying to make my history unfold

in a way other than it already has,
eh, professor?


This was all a misunderstanding,

Just let me back in there.
We'll forget the whole thing.

Now, what possible incentive
could anyone offer me to allow that?

I believe you'll find all of the
missing items in the vessel, sir.


Very nice performance.

Not all of it. Some of it was real.


He claims to be a 22nd century
inventor, captain.

Pity you weren't a bit more inventive.

If fewer things had disappeared,
we might never have suspected you.

As it was, the only stumbling block
was your ship.

Our sensors couldn't penetrate it.
But once the door was open,

the computer was able to detect

and deactivate everything
you'd stolen, including this.

I'd love to hear more, Picard,
but I really must get back in that pod.

Take him to a detention cell,
Mr. Worf,

and notify Starfleet
that we'll be dropping him off

- at Starbase 214.
WORF: Aye, sir.

You can't do this.

I've gotta get back.
I don't belong here.


I'm sure that there are more than
a few legitimate historians at Starfleet

who will be quite eager to meet
a human from your era.

Oh, professor.

Welcome to the 24th century.