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05x08 - Unification II

Posted: 01/24/23 15:55
by bunniefuu
Last time on Star
Trek The Next Generation.

Three weeks ago, one of our
most celebrated ambassadors

and advisor to Federation leaders
for generations disappeared.

I gave Spock the benefit
of experience,

of logic.

He never listened.

It's been suggested
that he might have defected.

Why would anyone want
a Vulcan shield array?

Beats me, commander.

Every question we answer here
seems to bring up two more.

Be careful, android.

Some Romulan beauty
might take a liking to you.

Lick that paint right off your ears.

You, do you know what
the Romulans will do to you

if they discover who you are?

I have a good idea.

Sir, the ship is locking phasers.

Shields up, red alert.

What do you know of this human?

Jean-Luc Picard, a Starfleet Captain.

- Hey, you've made a mistake.
- Quiet. Come with us.

I have come on an urgent mission
from the Federation.

I'm looking for Ambassador Spock.

You have found him,
Captain Picard.

And now, the conclusion.

What are you doing on Romulus?

That was to have been my question
of you, sir.

It is no concern of Starfleet.

On the contrary,
it is very much Starfleet's concern.

You're in a position to compromise
the security of the Federation.

You may assure your superiors,

that I am here
on a personal mission of peace.

And I will advise Starfleet
when it is appropriate.

That is not satisfactory.

You cannot remain here,
Captain Picard.

And I will not return
without a full explanation.

Ambassador, with great respect

for all that you've achieved
on behalf of the Federation,

this sort of cowboy diplomacy
will not easily be tolerated anymore.

Cowboy diplomacy?

If you wish to undertake a mission

with obvious repercussions
for the Federation,

then you should discuss it
with the Federation.

I'm here as their representative.

You'll have to discuss it with me.

That is precisely
what I had hoped to avoid.

I also have the responsibility
of being the bearer of unhappy news.


Sarek is dead?

Walk with me, Picard.

I know of your mind-meld
with my father

which enabled him to complete
his last mission.

It was an honor. He's a great man.

He was a great representative
for the Vulcan people

and of the Federation.

I was with him before coming here.

He expressed his pride in you,

his love.

Emotional disarray was a symptom
of the illness from which he suffered.

No. Those feelings
came from his heart.

He shared them with me, I know.

Sarek would no more approve
my coming here than you do, Picard.

For some time now, I've been aware
of a growing movement here

of people who seek to learn
the ideals of the Vulcan philosophy.

They've been declared enemies
of the state.

But there are a few
in the Romulan hierarchy,

like Pardek, who are sympathetic.

He asked me to come now

because he believes it may be time to
take the first step toward reunification.

After so many centuries?

After so many fundamental differences
have evolved between your peoples?

It would seem unlikely to succeed, but
I cannot ignore the potential rewards

that a union between our two worlds
would bring.

What is this first step
that Pardek suggests?

There is a new proconsul
in the Romulan senate.

He is young and idealistic.

He has promised many reforms.

Pardek believes that he may be
receptive to discussing reunification.

Why would you not bring something
so important

to the attention of your own people

or the Federation?

A personal decision, Captain.

Perhaps you're aware of
the small role I played

in the overture to peace
with the Klingons.

History is aware of the role
you played, ambassador.

Not entirely.

It was I who committed Captain Kirk
to that peace mission

and I who had to bear
the responsibility

for the consequences
to him and to his crew.

Quite simply, I am unwilling
to risk anyone's life

but my own on this occasion.

So I ask that you respect my wishes
and leave.

your logic escapes me.

If I didn't know better,

I would say that your judgment
is influenced by your emotions.

You speak as my father would
if he were here, Picard.

I speak as a Starfleet officer,

and I cannot ignore the risks to you.

I was involved with cowboy diplomacy,
as you describe it,

long before you were born.

Nevertheless, sir, I'm not prepared
to leave until your affairs are complete.

In your own way,
you are as stubborn

as another Captain of the Enterprise
I once knew.

Then I'm in good company, sir.

Subs corrected by awaqeded.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

We have more important things
to attend to

than acting as your nursemaids.

Captain Picard regrets
detaining you,

but it will be necessary
for a while longer.

In addition, I require access
to your ship's computer.

Access to our computer?

For what purpose?

I am going to attempt to penetrate
the Romulan Central Information Net.

Don't bother.

We've been trying for years.

I have unique skills
that may allow me to succeed.

I cannot reveal classified
Klingon entry codes to Starfleet.

Your entry codes can easily be
reconfigured after we depart.

And Captain Picard has authorized me
to share with you

any information we obtain
from the Romulan data banks.


Anything else?

We will also need to communicate
with the Enterprise in Sector 213.

You do and the Romulans will
instantly know our coordinates.

Using conventional means,
that would be true.

However, I suggest
we piggyback our signal

on Romulan subspace transmission.

- Piggyback?
- A human metaphor, pardon me.

We would use a Romulan signal
as a carrier for our own,

thus disguising its origin.

It won't work.

I believe it would.

During the last hour,

I have conducted a systematic review
of the entire Romulan subspace grid.

I have compared my findings

with the specifications
of your own transmission array.

They appear to be compatible.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Allow me to brighten your table.

The senate has adjourned.

Pardek will be here shortly.

How widespread is this movement?

There are groups
in every populated area.

I have personally spoken to members
from four provinces.

It has become a serious concern
for the Romulan leadership.

Serious enough for their leaders
to suddenly embrace

a Vulcan peace initiative? I...

I have...

I have some difficulty
in accepting that.

I sense you have a closed mind,

Closed minds have kept these
two worlds apart for centuries.

In the Federation,
we have learned from experience

to view the Romulans with distrust.

We can either choose to live
with that enmity

or seek a way to change it.

I choose the latter.

I will be the first to cheer
when the Neutral Zone is abolished,

but I wonder if this movement
is strong enough

to reshape the entire Romulan
political landscape.

One can begin to reshape
the landscape

with a single flower, Captain.

Jolan true, Mr. Spock.

Here, look what I've brought you.

This is my friend, D'Tan.

He's very curious about Vulcan.

Hello, D'Tan.

Where did you get this?
This is very old.

Well, they read to us from it
at the meetings.

It tells the story
of the Vulcan separation.


You should not bring that out here.

You've been told many times.

L... I just wanted to show it
to Mr. Spock.

Off with you.
We'll see you later tonight.

Will you tell us more stories
about Vulcan?

Yes, I will.

Perhaps this is not
such a good place to talk.

So, what do you think of your enemy,
Captain Picard?

These people are no one's enemy,

Many of my colleagues fear
what they have to say,

but I have learned to listen carefully.

Children like D'Tan are our future.

Old men like me

will not be able to hold on to
ancient prejudice and hostility.

Young people won't allow it.

But now...

Now that they've met
their first real Vulcan,

it has only inspired them more.

I am sure that is evident to you,

I did not anticipate such a passionate
response to my arrival.

Romulans are passionate people.

The Vulcans will learn to appreciate
that quality in us.

If we are successful.

We will know soon.

The proconsul has agreed
to meet with you.

First officer's log, stardate 45245.8.

The Enterprise remains
at Qualor II

as we continue to investigate
the theft of a surplus Vulcan ship.

The trail has led us to the former wife
of a deceased smuggler.


- A new face.
- Same one I've always had.

And what would you like to hear?

Know some blues?

Look at me, mister.
What do you think?

Seven different shades of them.

How about some Andorian blues?

Suck salt?

Never cared for it.

Hm. Good for you. Nasty habit.

So who are you looking for?

Who says I'm looking for anybody?

Your face, your uniform,
in a place like this.

Okay, I'm looking for you.

Oh, you just made my day.

I have to ask you
about your husband.

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

Which husband?

The dead one, I'm afraid.

Ooh. You must be
from the Enterprise.

You destroyed his ship.

He was into some bad business
and he took the evidence with him.

His one endearing quality,

he always cleaned up after himself.

And what do you want from me?

I was hoping you might know
his business partners.

And why should I help you?

To be honest,
I can't think of a good reason.

Well, you did k*ll my ex-husband,

and that's not a bad start.

So why don't you drop
a few coins in the jar

and I'll see what I remember.

I don't carry money.

Well, you don't offer much, do you?

Move over.

Oh, just what I need,
another set of hands.

Know this one?

Twentieth century, Earth.

Maybe I could teach you
a lick or two.

You already have.

So, what do you say?

Gonna be around
for a couple of days?

I can be.

Sooner or later a man named Omag
will come by for a song.

Always wants to hear the same thing,
"Melor Famigal."

He's an arms trader.

A fat Ferengi.



Yes, Pardek, come in.

Ambassador Spock of Vulcan.

- Proconsul.
- Oh, please,

I've never liked titles ever since I was
a lowly uhlan in the Romulan guard.

I am Neral.

Oh, how is it again?

Pardek has tried to show me.

- I am honored.
- Good.

Permit me to withdraw.

Will we see you and you wife
tomorrow at the state dinner?

We're looking forward to it.

It's been years since old Pardek has
been invited to an official function.

He's far too attached to
the common man

for most peoples' comfort.

That is their loss.

I have found Pardek to have
a unique insight into many issues.

Let me tell you something, Spock.

We are going to start something here,
you and I,

that will redraw the face
of the quadrant.

Are you prepared
to support reunification?

I believe it must eventually come.

Our two worlds need each other.

Forgive me, I did not expect to hear
a Romulan proconsul

speak like a member
of your underground.


I want you to know exactly
where I stand.

And do you believe that you can gain
the support of your full senate?

Well, things are not what
they once were in the senate.

The old leaders have lost the respect
of the people.

Involvement in the Klingon w*r,

endless confrontations
with the Federation,

they're tired of it.

Times are changing.

And leaders who refuse to change
with them

will no longer be leaders.


I am prepared to publicly endorse

the opening of talks between
our peoples.

What do you think the Vulcan people
will think of that?

They'll be cautious.

There are generations of distrust
to overcome.

But surely, with a man of your
influence leading the way...

Proconsul, the senate
has been recalled into session.

Very well.

Can we meet again tomorrow?

- As you wish.
- Good.

Jolan true, Spock.


Live long and prosper.

It's everything we could have
hoped for.

It is more than we could have
hoped for.

But if Neral is ready
to publicly endorse reunification...

It is hard to believe that he can rise
to the rank of senate proconsul

without the support
of the Romulan traditionalists.

That may be true, but I...

Then how can he turn his back
on them so easily?

How can he endorse reunification
when it's considered subversive?

Because he's not afraid of them.
He knows that we'll support him.

Captain Picard is correct.

It is not logical for the proconsul
to support reunification at this time.

Why would Neral lie?

Perhaps because he's hoping
to expose members of your movement.

No. This is our chance
for acceptance.

Finally to be heard.

I believe it's the Federation

that fears an alliance
between Romulus and Vulcan.

That is not true.

I came here to determine
the potential for reunification.

In spite of what has occurred,
I intend to continue with my efforts.

I intend to meet with the proconsul
as planned.

You let their emotions sway you.

On the contrary,
I am pursuing the most logical course.

You're as skeptical as I am.

Is it logical to ignore
your own good sense?

I fear the influence of Sarek
has colored your attitudes, Captain,

toward reunification
and perhaps toward me.

That is the second time
you have accused me

of speaking with
another man's voice.

It's true he will always be
a part of me.

His experience,

his spirit.

But I speak with my own voice,
not his.


That I should hear him so clearly
now that he is dead.

It is possible that I have brought my
argument with Sarek to you, Captain.

And if so, I apologize.

Is it so important that you win
one last argument with him?

No, it is not, but it is true
that I will miss the arguments.

They were, finally, all that we had.

But your fight with Sarek is over,

You have none with me.

I always had a different vision
than my father.

The ability to see beyond pure logic.

He considered it weak.

But I have discovered it to be
a source of extraordinary strength.

Sarek would have seen
this mission of reunification

as a fool's errand.

Somehow I think it is not.

Logic cannot explain why.

I only know that I must pursue this.

Even if it leads you
into a Romulan trap?

If the Romulans do have
an ulterior motive,

it is in the best interest
of all concerned

that we determine what it is.

So I will play the role
that they would have me play.

Have you had any success,
Mr. Data?

Negative, Captain.

The Romulan Information Net
employs a progressive encryption lock.

I have been unable to penetrate
their security measures.

May I assist you, commander?

I have had some experience
in these matters.

By all means, ambassador.

The Romulans have
incorporated a 43-part cipher key

into their entry sequence.

Yes, sir. The 29th is
the only one I cannot bypass.

I think I'll take this opportunity
to remove my ears.

He intrigues me, this Picard.

In what manner, sir?

Remarkably analytical
and dispassionate for a human.

I understand why my father chose
to mind-meld with him.

There's an almost Vulcan quality
to the man.

I had not considered that.

And Captain Picard has been
a role model

in my quest to be more human.

More human?

- Yes, ambassador.
- Fascinating.

You have an efficient intellect,

superior physical skills,
no emotional impediments.

There are Vulcans
who aspire all their lives

to achieve what you've been given
by design.


- You are half human.
- Yes.

Yet you have chosen
a Vulcan way of life.

I have.

In effect, you have abandoned
what I have sought all my life.

I believe I have isolated
the 29th cipher access code.

I shall attempt to access
the proconsul's files.

Ambassador Spock,
may I ask a personal question?


As you examine your life,

do you find you have missed
your humanity?

I have no regrets.

No regrets.
That is a human expression.

Yes. Fascinating.

Do you know any Klingon opera?

I don't get a lot requests for it.

Surely, you must know
at least one theme

from Aktuh and Maylota.

I may be a little rusty.

What is that dreadful noise?

It sounds like a Bardakian
pronghorn moose.

You know what I want to hear.

Yes, yes, I know.

Worf to Enterprise.

Go ahead.

A fat Ferengi has just entered
the establishment.

- Is that "Melor Famigal" I hear?
- It is.

I'm on my way.

Where's the waiter?

Ain't there no waiter
in this sorry place?

- Is there a problem?
- Yes.

- I need more napkins.
- Use your sleeve.

What did you say?

Use one of their sleeves,
I don't care.

Who are you?

Commander William Riker,
USS Enterprise.

Oh. Am I supposed to stand up
and salute?

We're investigating the disappearance
of a Vulcan ship.

Well, you've got the wrong Ferengi.

I never traded Vulcan ships.

We know that you're involved.

Who would want a Vulcan ship?

Vulcans are pacifists.

I deal in warships.

Can somebody get me a napkin?

Who would want a Vulcan ship?

Hypothetically speaking?

Hypothetically speaking.

I never learned to speak

Are you crazy?

Let me explain
what will happen to you

if you don't tell me
about the Vulcan ship.

Your right of passage through this
sector will be revoked,

and more than that,
I will be very unhappy.

I delivered it to a Barolian freighter.

- At what coordinates?
- I don't remember.

Watch it, you're stretching my neck!


Galorndon Core,
near the Neutral Zone.

That's all I know, I swear it.

Enjoy your dinner.

As soon as I heard
this Barolian ship

was at the Galorndon Core,
I started to think Romulans.

And the Romulans
are suddenly interested

in bonding with the Vulcans.

Spock has been meeting
with the new senate proconsul

about reunification.


The proconsul says that he is
prepared to endorse peace talks.

And Spock?

The ambassador is skeptical,

but he cares a great deal
about reunification.

As long as there's
a chance of success,

he's prepared to pursue it.

I'm afraid I don't see how a stolen
Vulcan ship fits into all this.

Neither do I, counselor.

How soon can you be at
Galorndon Core, Number One?

A little over eight hours.

Well, this may prove to be
a wild goose chase,

but I don't see that we have
any choice, do you?


We are losing our Romulan
carrier wave, sir.

We'll advise you further

as soon as you reach
your destination, Number One.

Picard out.

Ensign, set a course
for Galorndon Core.

Take us to warp 8.

Aye, sir.

Captain, the Romulan subspace logs
identify a transmission

from the Romulan surface
to a Barolian ship

near Galorndon Core 12 hours ago.

Galorndon Core
is along the Barolian trade route.

They traded a great deal
with the Romulans.

It's probably just routine.

This does not appear to be routine.

I was able to trace the source
of the transmission.

It incorporates the code prefix
of Romulan intelligence.

Can you access it?

It is a short sequence of numbers.

One, four, zero, zero.

- Nothing more?
- No, sir.


I've been looking for you.

I've been meeting
with the proconsul.

Does he still speak of reunification?

He speaks of nothing else.

Have you ever seen these?

The syllabic nucleus
of the Vulcan language.

They were my toys
when I was small.

Your parents wanted you to learn
to understand Vulcan?

Yes, as did their parents
before them,

to prepare us for the day
when we would live again

with our Vulcan cousins.

Your friends from the Federation
have returned.

They need to see you immediately.

I've told Pardek,
he'll meet you in the cave.

The only communication that was sent
were the numbers:

One, four, zero, zero.

What does it mean?

It means that the proconsul

has apparently been attempting
to deceive me,

for what purpose I cannot say yet.

But his conversations with me have
obviously been part of a greater plan

which involves
the stolen Vulcan ship.

How do you know that,

The time the proconsul set
for the subspace announcement

of our peace initiative
is 1400 hours tomorrow.


Why would they need
a Vulcan ship?

That will become clear very shortly.

Captain Picard,
welcome to Romulus.

I trust you've enjoyed your visit.

And this is the android
I've come to respect in battle.

Lieutenant Commander Data.

How could they know
of this location?

Someone has betrayed us.

Yes. You did.


We've been friends for 80 years.

It is the only logical conclusion.

You asked me to come to Romulus,

you arranged the meetings
with the proconsul

and you knew that Picard and Data

had returned to the surface
with new information.

The great Spock.

Very well.

Senator Pardek your service
to the Romulan people

is noted and appreciated.

Jolan true, Spock.

Do not be distressed.

Your dream of reunification
is not dead,

it will simply take a different form.

The Romulan conquest of Vulcan.

Bring them.

First officer's log, supplemental.

The Enterprise has reached
Galorndon Core

near the border of
the Neutral Zone.

Any signs of life, Mr. La Forge?

Negative, commander.

The Romulans could have
a cloaked base on the surface.

Or anywhere else along
the Neutral Zone.

Sir, a coded subspace signal
from Romulus.

It's the Captain.


"Maintain position
at Galorndon Core.

Diplomatic initiative appears
to be succeeding.

Will advise."

The message did employ
the proper coded sequence.

Yeah, I'm sure it did.

Come in, gentlemen.

Take a seat, please.

Excuse me, I'm just finishing up
a speech for you, Mr. Spock.

I rather enjoy writing.

I don't get to do it very often
in this job.

Perhaps you would be happier
in another job.

Please feel free to change any words
that you wish.

I've tried to make it sound Vulcan.

A lot of unnecessarily long words.

In a few hours,
you will deliver this statement

alongside our senate proconsul.

It will announce to the Vulcan people
that a peace envoy

is on its way from Romulus.

We will transmit it on all Federation
subspace frequencies.

Peace envoy
in a stolen Vulcan ship.

Actually, three Vulcan ships,

The Enterprise is only aware
of the one we stole from Qualor ll.

We have been following
their investigation.

It has forced us
to make some minor changes.

One of them, a message sent
in your name,

ordering them to stay
where they are.

The moment those Vulcan ships
enter the Neutral Zone,

the Enterprise will move to intercept.

In that event,
the Enterprise will be given

more important matters to attend to.

In the meantime,
Ambassador Spock

will be telling his people
to welcome the peace envoy.

And when they do,
our forces will seize control

before anyone realizes
what has happened.

You seriously believe

that the Federation
will not immediately intervene?

Of course it will
and we're fully prepared for it.

But we will be there entrenched.

And it will be very difficult to get us out
once we are.

Reunification will become
a fact of life.

I will not read this
or any other statement.

If you do not, you will die.

All of you will die.

Since it is logical to conclude
that you will k*ll us in any event,

I choose not to cooperate.

I hate Vulcans.

I hate the logic.
I hate the arrogance.

Very well.

Computer, holographic program.
Spock 1.

By taking advantage of holographic
sampling during the last few days,

we have created
a programmable Spock.

Run program.

This is Ambassador Spock
of Vulcan.

By now, Federation sensors
are tracking three Vulcan ships

crossing the Neutral Zone.

These ships carry the future
of the Romulan and Vulcan people.

Our long conflict is finally over.


We would have preferred
an interactive Spock

who could have responded
to questions,

but this will have to suffice.

Hard to believe
this will convince anyone.

I don't need to convince them,

just confuse them long enough
to reach Vulcan.

End program.

If you'll excuse me, it's time to send
our ships on their journey.


Commander Data,
are they still unaware

that we have access
to their computers?

I believe so, ambassador.

Then perhaps you and I can find a way
to create a diversion.

Sir, sensors are picking up three
vessels crossing the Neutral Zone.

- Vulcan ships.
- Vulcan?

What's their heading, Mr. Worf?

One-four-three, mark zero-one-two.

That would put them
on a course to Vulcan.

They don't seem to be in any hurry.

They're only moving at warp 1,

Worf, signal them on subspace,
request their status.

Geordi, see if you can tell if it's one of
the ships that we've been looking for.

They say they are escorting a peace
envoy from Romulus to Vulcan.

They request we monitor Federation
subspace channels.

Ambassador Spock will be making
an announcement shortly.

Perhaps his reunification talks
were successful.


None of the transponder
signatures matches that

of the missing ship.

They could have been altered.
I'll keep checking.

- Set a course to intercept.
- Sir.

The Captain's orders
were to maintain...

I know the Captain's orders,


Impossible. There's no way they
could have gotten out of this room.

That's far enough.

Stay right where you are.
Drop your weapons.

- How did you get in here?
- Drop your weapons.

Drop your w*apon.

Cease fire.


I'm afraid I don't know too much
about Romulan disruptor settings.

Cowboy diplomacy?

Well, done, Mr. Data. Though...

I don't think you got
Commander Riker's hair quite right.

I will be more observant
in the future, sir.

It doesn't matter what you do now.

Spock's announcement
will be made in minutes.

Our forces will be on Vulcan
before you can alert anyone.

We've just received
a priority one distress call

from the colony on Dulisian IV.

A massive failure of
the environmental support systems.

They're going to require evacuation.

Mr. Worf, any other ships
in the vicinity of Dulisian IV?

One, sir.
A routine archaeological vessel.

I'm sure it's not equipped to handle
something of this scale, Will.

Geordi, any update
on the Vulcan ships?

I've checked every sensor display
backwards and forwards

if the Romulans altered them,
they didn't leave any fingerprints.

I can't tie any of them
to the surplus yard.

The Vulcan ships
have entered Federation space.

Maintaining low warp.

Lay in a new course to Dulisian IV.

Incoming message from Romulus,
on all subspace channels.


This is Ambassador Spock
of Vulcan.

By now, Federation sensors
are tracking three Vulcan ships

crossing the Neutral Zone.

These ships carry
a Romulan invasion force

and must be stopped.

I repeat,
these ships carry a Romulan...

Doctor, contact Dulisian IV
and confirm this distress call.

I have a feeling it may prove
to be a false alarm.

Mr. Worf, how long before
we intercept the Vulcan ships?

Fourteen minutes, sir.

Communication lines have been
terminated at the transmitter,

but I am quite certain the message
was sent prior to the interruption.

Well, done, Mr. Data.

You'll never get out of this building.

I disagree, commander.

After studying
the design of this structure,

I have determined that
our best route of escape

would be the underground exit
to the east of this wing.

I have disconnected certain
security scanners to assist us.

I am afraid we cannot allow you
to warn your guards.

Not bad.

The Vulcan defense vessels
are also responding.

The Romulan forces are retreating
towards the Neutral Zone.

They're not taking those Vulcan ships
home with them.

- Visual range, commander.
- On-screen.

Romulan warbird
decloaking alongside the Vulcan ships.

Red alert.

Advise the warbird to withdraw
from Federation space

and tell them to leave the Vulcan ships
where they are.

The warbird is powering up
its forward disrupter array.

Ready phasers.

There were over 2000 Romulan troops
on board those ships.

They destroyed
their own invasion force.

Rather than let them
be taken prisoner.

Stand down red alert.

Mr. Worf.

Advise the Klingon ship
to signal us

as soon as Captain Picard and Data
are safely onboard.

Aye, sir.

This way.

Pardek never saw these caves.
It's safe.

They won't find us here.

- What will you do now?
- What we have always done.

Continue to teach.

Pass on the ideals
to a new generation.

Work for the day when new thoughts
may be spoken aloud.

The Federation
will welcome that day.

Captain, we will need to reach
our transport site in 14 minutes.

- I wish you well.
- Thank you, Captain.


I will not be coming with you.

- Ambassador...
- The reason for my coming here

has never been more clear.

The union of the Vulcan
and the Romulan people

will not be achieved by politics
or by diplomacy.

But it will be achieved.

The answer has been here before us
all along.

An inexorable evolution

toward a Vulcan philosophy
has already begun.

Like the first Vulcans,

these people are struggling
toward a new enlightenment.

And it may take decades
or even centuries for them to reach it,

but they will reach it.

And I must help.

I have learned that it is useless to
argue with you once your mind is set.

Not at all, Captain.

I have found our arguments
quite useful.

Almost as useful
as those I had with my father.

Would it surprise you to learn

that he found them
equally valuable?


you may know Sarek
better than his own son does.

My father and I
never chose to meld.

I offer you the chance to touch
what he shared with me.