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05x06 - The Game

Posted: 01/24/23 15:53
by bunniefuu

I know you're back there.
Don't make me come after you.

- Give me that.
- You don't need that.

Yes, I do.

I need that communicator.

Commander Riker to Enterprise.

I have a terrible problem
down here on Risa.

- Give me that.
- Go get it.

- I don't believe you did that.
- Believe it.

- Mm.
- What is this?

It's a game.

Everyone here's playing it. It's fun.

- Do I keep my eyes opened or closed?
- Open.

- What am I seeing?
- The playing field.

- Now what?
- You see the disc and the cone?

- Yeah.
- Concentrate.

Make the disc go into the cone.

How do I do that?

Just let go. Relax.

You'll do it.


- What was that?
- Ha-ha-ha.

Your reward.

For clearing the first level.

How far does this game go?

As far as you can take it.
Would you like to go for level two?


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 45208.2.

Commander Riker has rejoined
the Enterprise from Risa.

And we are on our way
to an uncharted area

called the Phoenix Cluster.

We are all anticipating this historic
first look at the region.

Starting to get busy around here.

Five science teams beamed in
from the Zhukov.

The quarters are filling up fast.

On top of everything,
there's been a change.

We've been given two weeks
to complete the exploration.

Two weeks? That's not enough time
to explore a region that size.

I thought we had five weeks.

Commander, Starfleet has added
a diplomatic mission to Oceanus IV.

I'm leaving it up to you to make sure
that all the science departments

have an equal chance
at completing their research.

That'll be quite a juggling act.

Oh, and one piece of good news.
We're to rendezvous with a shuttle

carrying Wesley Crusher.
He's on vacation from the Academy.

Wesley, good. We'll need an extra
hand around here.

Geordi, how are you coming
with the survey preparations?

I'm up to my neck in observation
schedules right now.

Our biggest hurdle
is sensor availability.

Yeah, especially
since two new exobiologists

and three stellar cartographers
have joined us from the Zhukov.

Fifteen science teams, only two
weeks, and one long range array.

- It doesn't make for a combination.
- What about the lateral sensors?

They're booked solid
for planetary observation.

- The gamma ray scanner?
- We're reprogramming them now.

Lefler, a moment of your time,

- You know Robin Lefler.
- Of course.

Her work here
has been so sensational,

I've decided to make her
a mission specialist.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you, sir.

All right, specialist.
What is our sensor status?

We're increasing the available
bandwidth so more science teams

can use the sensors at once.

We figured out a way to do it
by multiplexing the array.

Can we have that done
before we arrive?

Yes, sir. You can count on it.

Keep it up, Lefler.

Geordi, I brought something back
from Risa that you have got to try.

I'd love to, but I'm running a full sensor
recalibration in about 10 minutes.

- Can it wait?
- Of course.

- I'll catch up with you later.
- Mm-hm.

Chocolate ice cream, chocolate fudge,
and chocolate chips.

You're not depressed, are you?

I'm fine, commander.

Would you like me
to leave you two alone?

No, you can join us.

No, thanks.

- I don't like fudge.
- Really?

I never met a chocolate I didn't like.

- Doesn't it taste good?
- Mm-mm. Of course it does, but...

It's not just a matter of taste.

It's the whole experience.

First of all,

you have to spoon the fudge
around the rim,

leaving only the ice cream
in the middle.

Then, you gently spoon
the ice cream around the sides,

like you're sculpting it.

Relish every bite.

Make every one an event.

And then,

with the last spoonful,

close your eyes.

I had no idea it was such a ritual.

Chocolate is a serious thing.

I brought something back from Risa.

Better than chocolate.


What is it?

Just a game.

Chief O'Brien.

Welcome back, Wesley.

- Congratulations on little Molly.
- Oh. Thank you.

Wait till you see her.
She's the spitting image of her dad.

So where is everybody?

- Is my morn around?
- The senior staff is in a meeting.

You're supposed to go
to your mother's quarters.


Do you think it'd be all right
if I dropped in, just to say hi?

I'll check.

- Chief O'Brien to Bridge.
- Bridge here.

Wesley Crusher has arrived,

and wants to know if he can stop
by the Observation Lounge to say hi.

I suppose that is acceptable.


- Surprise.
- Mom.

- Welcome home.
- Hi, Mom.

- Wesley.
- Captain.

- Ooh.
- Ha-ha.

Your Latin has improved.

You're looking very handsome.

You really do
that cadet uniform justice, Wesley.

I bet you're driving
all the girls wild, huh?


Tarvokian pound cake.

- I made it myself.
- Thanks, Worf.

Wesley, was our attempt
to make you uncomfortable effective?

You bet it was.

For a second there,
I thought I was on the wrong ship.

- Did you find our deception pleasing?
- Yeah, it's fun to be surprised.

Are you here to work or to play,
Mr. Crusher?

- Sir?
- I know you're on vacation.

Probably like to sleep,
spend some time on the Holodeck.

But if you're so inclined,

we could use your help
with the Phoenix Cluster survey.

Sounds great, sir.

Excellent. Get settled, come down
in Engineering, we'll get you started.

- Okay.
- Oh.

So, what kind of game is this?

Come by my quarters,
and I'll show it to you.

Have you found the Academy
challenging, Wesley?


I thought after being on the Enterprise,
it would be a breeze.

But there's a lot more to learn
than just starship operations.

What was your first year like?

Although I did extremely well

my lack of human understanding
often created social obstacles.

Like what?

I particularly remember
the phenomenon of practical jokes,

- several of which I fell victim to.
- Tell me about it.

The first week that I was there,
this guy named Adam Martoni

reprogrammed the sonic shower
to cover me with mud.

It took me a while,
but I got him back really good.

Good for you.


I also found social gatherings

There was one event,
an Academy tradition.

- The Sadie Hawkins dance.
- They still hold it, every year.

A notably awkward experience.

I know what you mean.

- I can't even dance.
- Really?

Your mother is quite an expert.

She recently taught me.

- The dancing doctor?
- Mm-hm.

Yeah, she tried to teach me too
but I just don't have the knack.

I would be happy
to teach you dancing.

I have programmed a comprehensive
17-part course,

with some interesting
holographic partners.

- I'll let you know.
- Hmm.

I'll modify the planetary scanners.

Just make sure we have enough
data lines open for the stellar physics.

No problem.
I'll compress the signal flow.

All right.

Why aren't these registering?

You might try calibrating them

- Excuse me?
- The detectors.

They tend to get temperamental.

You can try calibrating them
by hand.


You're kidding.

- The computer has to do this.
- No.


The sub-routine lets you do it
from the panel.

Law 17, when all else fails,
do it yourself.

It's working.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

By the way.

I'm Wesley.

- Wesley Crusher.
- I know.

Just back from the Academy.

- That's right.
- Robin Lefler.

- Hi.
- Hi. Heh.

- Your neutrinos are drifting.
- They're what?

Geordi, a conflict has arisen
between the planetary evolution team

and the stellar physicists.

Each wishes to be the first to use
the thermal imaging array.

Well, tell them to flip a coin.
We've got to work together

on this mission, otherwise,
we're never gonna get it done.

A coin. Very good.
I will replicate one immediately.

- Dr. Crusher to Data.
- Data here.

Do you have a minute to join me
in Sickbay?

I need your help with something.

Yes, doctor. On my way.

- You wanted to see me, doctor?
- Yes, Data.

I need to ask you to do something
for me.

I'm working on a new experiment
with bioactive silicon.

Would you reprogram this tricorder
to these specifications?


I'm sorry to bother you with it,
but I need it done quickly.

It does not bother me, doctor.
In fact, I am happy...

Computer, secure Sickbay.

All entries to Sickbay are secured.

Let's see, I have Novakovich
for Anthropology,

- and Horne for Creative Writing.
- Walter Horne?

- Is he still teaching?
- Yeah, he is.

And he's good too.

And you'll be pleased to know,

I took your advice.

The first week that I was there,
I went and met Boothby.


How is old Boothby? I, uh... Heh.

I hope he didn't tell you a lot of stories
about me.

He didn't remember you, sir.

At first.

I found an old yearbook photo of you
and he remembered you right away.

He said he's very proud of you
that you're Captain of the Enterprise.

Is he still tending grounds?

Or have the years finally caught up
with him?

Not that I can tell.

He took me on a grand tour
of the place.

He showed me every single blade
of grass, practically.

I had the very same tour.


what do the initials AF stand for?

Boothby said he caught you carving
those initials into his prized elm tree.

Oh. Just an acquaintance of mine.

Wesley, if you meet someone

whose initials you might want
to carve into that elm tree,

don't let it interfere
with your studies.

I failed Organic Chemistry
because of AF.

Crusher to Captain Picard.

Go ahead, doctor.

I need you in Sickbay immediately.

On my way-

He came in complaining
of a servo-malfunction,

but my scans came out negative.

- Then he just collapsed.
- What have you found?

His biosystems and positronic
functions seem to check out,

and his power cells are active.

From what I can tell,
his higher functions are intact,

but the signals aren't getting
from his brain to the rest of his body.

It's like he's in a coma.

Data performs self-diagnostic routines
on a regular basis.

We should take a look at his logs.
They may reveal something.

I recommend going
through his quarters.

Never know what we might find.

Agreed. Continue the analysis.
Keep me informed.

Standard security sweep
shows nothing out of the ordinary.

Personal logs,


duty logs, they all appear normal.

There's no evidence of anything
that could lead to Data's shutdown.

Maybe we should ask his cat.

I guess I'd better get back to Sickbay.

See if there's any change
in his condition.

Dr. Crusher's got everything
under control, Geordi.

If there's any change,
you'd be the first to know.

I guess so.

Looks to me like you need a break.
Unwind a little.


- Maybe you're right.
- I've got just the thing.

Why don't you join me
in Ten-Forward?

There's something I'd like you to try.

Conduits 12 and 22
are still down for testing.

We can reroute
through junction 14-B.

You have a funny way
of looking at conduit configuration,

but it works.

That's Law 36.
You got to go with what works.

What are all these laws
that I keep hearing about?

They're my personal laws.
Every time I learn something essential,

I make up a law about it
so I never forget.

- How many do you have?
- A hundred and two, so far.

Looks like the starboard array needs
another sub-processor.

It'll be online in a few minutes.
I'm way ahead of you.

They said you were good.

Why do I get the feeling
that you already know me?

I have a few friends at the Academy.

Your name's come up
a couple of times.

It's really some stunt you pulled
on Adam Martoni in the physics lab.

I just want to know how you got
the anti-matter regulator

to spray chili sauce.

There is another side to that story.

Is it true what they say
about your birthmark?

This isn't fair.
I hardly know anything about you.

Hey, that's Law 46.

- Life isn't always fair...
- Always fair.

Yeah, I know that law.

I still have to work
on the sensor relays.

But I'd like a chance to even
the score.

Ten-Forward, 1900 hours.

- Will you join me for coffee?
- No.

But I'll meet you for dinner.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have arrived
at the Phoenix Cluster.

But it will take us several hours
to determine

the best possible location
for which to conduct our survey.

Commander Data's condition
remains unchanged,

with no further indication
as to the cause of his collapse.

- Mom?
- Wesley.

What are you doing?

Oh, I'm embarrassed to say.

This was meant for you,

but it was so much fun
I couldn't resist.

What is it?

It's a game.

Riker brought it back from Risa.

Everybody's playing it.

- Want to try?
- Maybe later.

How's Data?

Geordi is still working on him.
He's going to be fine.

- I think I should go give him a hand.
- No.

Wesley, you are on vacation.

You have done enough already.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Computer, increase light level.

Are you in a hurry?

Yeah, I'm late for a dinner date.

Really? With who?

Robin Lefler from Engineering.

Why don't you invite her here?

We can all play the game together.

I can replicate a couple more.



It's just that, I want to spend
some time together while you're here.

We'll have time together, I promise.

- Okay-
- Okay-

Just one game.

- Come on, try it on for si...
- Mom.

I really need to get ready.

- Have a good time.
- Thanks.

I will.

So when your parents are the only
plasma specialists in the sector,

you do a lot of traveling around.

We went from base to base to base.

I felt like a piece of luggage
after a while.

I spent all of my time around
technical equipment.

- My first friend was a tricorder.
- Really?

My very first friend was a warp coil.

My parents' work came first.

They didn't really have time for me.
Even when I needed them.

So that's how I learned
my first law.

Law one, you can only count
on yourself.

Sounds kind of lonely.

- Well, now you're here.
- Now I'm here.

- Well, I'm glad.
- Ha-ha.

You wouldn't believe what's going on
in Engineering.

Commander La Forge and the others.
They're crazy about some new game.

Yeah, what kind of game is it?

It's some Risian gadget
that fits over your ear.

- Have you played it?
- Mm-mm. Not yet.

My mom has one.

She keeps trying to get me to play it.

It's everywhere.

See what I mean?

Do you think that's a little strange?

Everybody playing it all the time?

It's just a fad.

It's here this week, next week
we won't even know it existed.

Hmm. I wonder how it works.

Why don't you try it and find out?

I'd like to know a little bit more about it
before I try it.

I bet if we worked together
we could figure it out.

Yeah. We could hook it up
to one of the computers.

The medical programs
in the lab can be set up

to emulate human responses.

I noticed it uses a visual interface.

We could connect it
through an optical sensor.

I've loaded the neurological
behavior program.

This sensor pad will allow
the computer

to process whatever information
the game sends at it.

- Let's see what happens.
- Okay.

It's activating the reticular formation.

There's heavy synaptic
activity all over the place.

I wonder what happens
after prolonged exposure.

Speed up the processor
and we'll find out.

The effects seem centered
around the frontal lobe.

Computer, enhance
frontal lobe, full spectrum.

It's stimulating the septal area.

That's the pleasure center
of the brain.

Whatever this thing does,
it must feel pretty good.

No wonder it's so popular.

Look at this.
Serotonin levels are way off.

Let's run a neurochemical analysis.

I'm seeing widespread bonding
to neuro-receptors.

Correct me if I'm wrong,

but this looks like
a psychotropic reaction.

Are you saying you think
the game's addictive?

What's going on
in the pre-frontal cortex?

Doesn't that area control
higher reasoning?

Yeah, it sure does.

I'd better go talk to the Captain.


Sorry to bother you, sir.

It's no bother, Wesley.

Please, sit down.


How are the survey preparations
coming along?

Oh, they're coming along fine.

But that's not what I'm here to talk
to you about.

What then?

There's a game going around.

It's something that Commander Riker
brought back from Risa.

It's a device that hooks
around the ears.

Mm. Yes, I've seen it.

I did some preliminary tests
on the game.

And what I found leads me
to believe

that it may have some harmful
side effects.

Specifically, sir,
I think it's psychotropically addictive.


What have you discovered?

The game initiates a serotonin cascade
in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Now, I know that's nothing

but it could explain why everyone
is so attracted to it.

And at the same time, it stimulates
the brain's reasoning center.

I don't know what that's all about.

Mm. I'll start
an investigation immediately.

Thank you, Mr. Crusher.

Thank you, sir.


It's good to have you back again.

Have you tried this?

- I've tried it. Thanks, it's great.
- Uh-huh.

- Robin.
- Where have you been?

Everybody's after me to try it.

I know, I got stopped
in the corridors twice.

I talked to the Captain.
He's gonna look into it.

I hope he makes a ship-wide

Because this thing is really starting
to give me the creeps.

Did you forget your game?

We left them in our quarters.

- Well, then you can use mine.
- No, thanks.

- Try it.
- She said no thanks.

You know what else is really weird?

This game is so addictive.

There's only one person on board we
can be sure wouldn't be affected by it.


Right. And he managed
to get injured

right when the game
was brought on board.

We'd better take a look at him.

Maybe you should go check again.

The nurse is still playing the game.

I don't know what to make of this.
There's brain activity,

all his systems seem to be working.

How can that be? He's unconscious.

Maybe there's a signal breach
between his brain and his body.

Let's map his neurosystem
and see if we can isolate a weak link.

Patch the neural output
through to that station.


The signal stops
just below his cortex processor.

There's some kind of damage.
It's almost unreadable.

Let's look at it on the viewer.

Wesley, look at that.

It looks like some of his positronic links
have been severed.

The cuts are precise.
Look at how clean the edges are.

Computer, increase magnification
factor four.

Only two people on board
know enough about Data

to do something like this.

Commander La Forge

and my mother.

Why would one of them do this
to him?

Maybe there's more going on here
than we thought.

What if someone's trying
to use the game

for some purpose
other than pleasure?

Then Data would be a threat
to that plan.

And only with Data out of the way
would everyone become addicted.

And everyone has.

Except us.

We have reached the designated
coordinates. There's a ship

bearing 327 mark 152
on an intercept course.

Advise them of our status, Mr. Worf.

Go. Replicate what you need,

and see that the devices
are properly distributed.

Not forgetting Mr. Crusher.



In here, Mom.

It worked.

We should keep these mockup
with us.

We can't trust anyone anymore.
Not even the Captain.

I'm supposed to be on duty
in Engineering.

I've got to go before Commander
La Forge suspects something.

Okay. When you get there,

start accessing the codes
to the security tracking system.

There's something I want to try.

Wesley, don't forget Law 91.

Always watch your back.

You too.

The vessel is approaching, Captain.

Computer, all senior officers report
to the Bridge.



Welcome, Etana.

The Enterprise has been secured.

We await your further instructions.

The expansion will proceed
as follows.

Commander Riker, you will pilot
a shuttlecraft to the Cleon System,

where you will rendezvous
with the starship Endeavor.

Proceed with distributing the device
to that vessel.

Commander La Forge,
Counselor Troi,

take a shuttle to Starbase 67.

Distribute the device to all starships
currently docked there.

We also have an opportunity
to introduce the game

- to Starfleet Academy.
- Excellent.

See to it.

The Ktarians commend your efforts,

Once the expansion is complete,
you and your crew will be rewarded.

Deck 36.

Wesley, at what level are you?

I'm only at Level 10.

I'm at Level 47.

That's great.

You know what the secret is,
don't you?

Don't force it.

If you just let the game happen,

it almost plays itself.

I'll try that.

I think we're gonna be okay.

I've just got one more thing to do.

Help me compile the force field

What are you doing?

I created a site-to-site
Transporter program.

If things get difficult, this will keep us
one step ahead of them.

Were you able to access
the security tracking codes?


It's your turn.

Play the game, Wesley.

Get back here.

Activate security containment field,
Deck 36, Section 52.

Computer, transport program
Crusher One.

Riker to Bridge, we lost Crusher.

It appears he rigged
a site-to-site transport.

Security alert, Condition Three.

Computer, shut down all transporter
systems and shuttle bays.

Mr. La Forge?

I can't track him, sir.

He's done something
to the internal security sensors.

I'll try bypassing his subcommands.
Hold on.

I'm picking up a piece of his trail, sir.

Sensors show power activation
in Transporter Room three.

That would put him somewhere
on Deck Six.

Seal off Deck Six. Activate
security fields sections 23 through 29.

Aye, sir.

We've got him, Captain. Section 25.

Looks like he's trying to cut through
the force field with a phaser.

Security to Deck Six, Section 25.

On our way.

You check left.

Where the hell is he?

I am attempting to isolate him
with thermal sensors.

Narrow the scan field.
Go deck by deck if you have to.

he knows our procedures.

He will avoid all corridors
and public areas.

Commander, an unidentified
heat source,

Deck Seven, Section 23, there.

Let go of me.

It's okay, Wesley.

You led us quite a chase,
Mr. Crusher.

Dr. Crusher.

- No.
- Hold him steady.

It's okay, Wesley, it won't hurt.

- No!
- You'll like it.

His eyes.

That's right, Wesley.

Just let it go. Yes.

Just let yourself go. Relax.

resume normal illumination.

Mr. Worf, you will find a small
alien ship off the starboard bow.

Please secure it with a tractor beam
and raise our shields.

Engaging tractor beam.

Are you all right, Captain?

I think so, Mr. Data.

Captain, we are being hailed
by the alien vessel.


Explain yourself, Picard.

The explanation is simple.

Your attempt to capture our ship
has failed.

Release us immediately,
or we will open fire.

Tactical analysis, Mr. Worf?

Their w*apon systems
are substantially inferior to ours.

They are not a threat.

Get her off the screen.

I can't believe what we were
about to do.


we deactivated you.

I managed to reconnect
his positronic matrix.

Wesley's subsequent diversions
gave me adequate time

to modify the palm beacon.

The optical burst patterns
we programmed

were successful in counteracting
the addictive effects of the game.

And the rest of the crew?

We programmed the main computer

to transmit the same optical burst
to all display screens,

stations and terminals
throughout the ship.

That should reach almost everyone.

- Take a medical team to treat the rest.
- Aye, sir.

We'll take the alien ship
to nearest Federation starbase.


lay in a course.

Captain's log, stardate 45212.1.

We have delivered the Ktarian vessel
to Starbase 82

and are now on a course
to rendezvous

with the starship Merrimac,

which will transport Wesley Crusher
back to Starfleet Academy.

I never saw you wear these.

Afraid someone might see
your birthmark?

Now, I wonder who started
that birthmark rumor?

I wish you didn't have to go.

Me too.

You'll write, won't you?

Somebody has to k*ll all those rumors
you keep hearing about me.

Mr. Crusher, we've
rendezvoused with the Merrimac.

Please report to
Transporter Room Two.

On my way, sir.

Gotta go.


A gift, so you'll remember.

Robin's Laws, all 102 of them.

- Law one hundred and three?
- Yes?

A couple of light years can't keep
good friends apart.
