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09x16 - Three-In-One

Posted: 01/24/23 11:35
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime, The worst criminal offenders are pursued By the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

These are truly remarkable.

I have third graders who can do this, But this boy tommy is only five.

What's the boy like?

Father came on his own.

Wanted to spare him the disappointment In case we don't accept him.

Father's a divorced house painter.

He didn't balk at our tuition.

Blue collar promotes our image of economic diversity.

Have him bring in the young artist So we can meet him.

I'm getting the exam right now.

Yeah, I'll get the insurance.

Right, doc?

Blood pressure's fine.

nice people.

Making me carry term life for a mil.

'cause they're thinking I'll drop dead In the middle of their case.


I should sue.

Well, I'm guessing you'll outlive them all.

Ever need a lawyer, doc, come see me.

Both parties are very qualified And looking to bottom feed.

And this place?

First look is everything.

Gotta be sure the work is done before they see it.

I'll talk to you later.


-hoo! Painter! Did you repaint the trim?

It looks wet.

I wish you hadn't done that.

What's all this paint and this dust?

Why is he sanding?

The master bath! Did you finish in there?

This bathroom isn't done.

Have you even been in here?

Sub by Adriano_CSI This building.

What, is it condemned?

You kidding?


-end real estate.

Just not habitable.

Sitting empty for a year, waiting on permits.

The city inspector who found her


- We'll need to speak with him.

He'll be at home.

Had to be tended to by the paramedics.

This one's rough.

What's happening here?

They're removing the victim?

Brooklyn m.


Says he wasn't waiting on you people.

But we got photo coverage.

Let's go check this out.

Hildegarde glazer, 53.

A realtor with hanlon webb.

Was she the agent for this building?

We spoke to her office, but no connection, As far as we know.



Look at this.

She was right here.

Yeah, multiple s*ab wounds.

We think that she was transported in that drop cloth.

WellNo shortage of insects, huh?

Any thoughts, uh, on a t.




We have pupa casings for two hatches of flies.

At ambient temperature, I'd say she's been dead For at least three, maybe four days.

Ugh, she might have had a visitor.

There's a lunch truck sandwich wrapper dated yesterday.

Someone came here and ate?

That's why we called you guys.

There's no question.

This one is special.



What's this?

"please stop.

" And this.

It's some sort of Mini snow angel.

Rendered in blood.

A horrendous crime in a gentrifying neighborhood.

The victim, a successful realtor.

People are understandably hysterical.


We think she was brought here While she was still alive, kept there for a while, And then m*rder*d.

Also, it's likely the k*ller returned to the scene After her death.

All right, a sandwich bag.

But why did he bring her to this particular basement?

It had to be a place the k*ller knew.

And this graffiti


- "please stop.

" What do our experts say?

Possibly a, uh, dyslexic, Left

-handed adult.

Or, even more likely


- More likely what?

A four to seven


-old child.


No on that.

They gotta be wrong.

Some trauma to her face.

Lips cut.

A crown from a front incisor was pushed off The implant post from behind.

So in the struggle to subdue her, He would have probably pushed something into her mouth?



Now, the k*lling itself was more elegant.

He knew anatomy.

He maybe even had experience dissecting a body.

So maybe a doctor or mortician.

Or he's carved up others and gotten experienced.



Now, this incision Just below her left armpit, Goes through the floating ribs And directly into the left ventricle.

It was done accurately And caused intense internal bleeding.

And there's no tearing around the wound, So it doesn't appear that she struggled.

Well, she might have been immobile.

The tox screen revealed a substantial amount of versed.

Which has to be injected.

Now, these wounds On her lower abdomen were all postmortem.

So he knows anatomy.

Then why, why does he Come back and make those postmortem wounds?

Well, from a heart puncture, It's right where the blood would pool.

So he dips his fingers into the blood For his artwork.


Our victim's husband is here.


I never thought this.


Did she mention any problems that she'd had lately?


People she wasn't getting along with.

Cowoer or a neighbor.

Whoever did that couldn't be anyone that we knew.

She's been missing four days, But you never contacted the police.

We're living separately.

I wasn't aware.


But there were no hard feelings.

Sometimes, life just changes people.

When was the last time you spoke with her?

I tried to call her yesterday.

A notice came about her car.

Her jaguar was impounded for parking and towed.

Hildy loves that car.

I thought, "how could she let it be towed From some address in park slope?

" E sh a

- me,caot l Getting adplacp y r ne e w thfobuyer.

Any security cameras out in that hallway?

Uh, just the front and back entrance, Plus the elevator, sir.

You know, the people in this building, They value their privacy.

Mm, ho, hey! Hang on right there.


There's even the outline Of what I'm guessing is the drop cloth.

Hey, the new owner will get a cleanup Before they move in, huh?

Yeah, you're gonna have to delay that.

Delay it?

We think this is a crime scene.

These two scrape marks, One narrow and one wide.

The narrow one could be a high

-heeled shoe.

And this other one If the other shoe came off, Her heel would leave that mark.


So he drags her into here Onto the drop cloth.

Which was rightThere.

Detectives, we found something in the bathroom.

You should take a look.

Okay, nina.




It's broken from an implant post.

So this is where she struggled.

Process that smear.

I'm guessing it will match her prints.

So people come and go, But nobody shows I.



Look, every worker has to be approved by our board Before they do any work in this building.

Someone was here on the day she was k*lled.

How did they get in unnoticed?

Yeah, there was a painter's van over there.

I saw that.

But you never saw the driver?

I carried groceries to 11b for mrs.


I didn't see him come in.

But he'll be on the foyer camera.

And I remember the van was white.

Let's see that camera, please.

How many times have I told him?

The last thing we need is trouble from the doctor.

There he is with the painting cart And this drop cloth.

It's all we have.

The elevator camera's out of service.

This might strike terror in the tenants of the building, But what does it give us?

Well, this next shot makes it clear That he's our guy


- look at that.

Transporting our victim?

And soon coming up in this series of sh*ts Is him leaving for the last time with the cart.

He's camera savvy.

His cap was always pulled down so we can't see his face.

What about latent prints on the doors, Elevator call buttons, brass trim?

It's a first

-rate building.

Brass and trim are polished every second day.

All right, roger says there's evidence Of medical expertise.

Not much here.

She had facial surgery four years ago.

We have a copy of her day runner.

I don't see a doctor's appointment.

But here's something.

"send check, $10,000, To empire allied life term insurance.

" Makes it a pretty big policy.

Maybe a million.

Could be part of her divorce settlement.

My ex and I took out policies To cover the cost of raising our daughter.

And we were required to take a medical exam.

Yeah, on her work calendar, Two days before she was k*lled, exam in office.


C fiu we Tce?

It's courtesy for policies of $1 million or over.

And she was in good health.

I'm sorry.

Confidentiality laws.

Confidentiality could apply to a suspect, Not a homicide victim.

Yes, she was in good health.

The exam was very routine.

You studied in grenada.

Nice weather.

I didn't attend med school to enjoy the weather.

Then why grenada?

My education was paid for Out of my aunt's small pension.

Do I need to say more?

Plus internship and residency.

I don't know how anybody does it these days.

Hey, a, uh, an insurance exam What does that entail, exactly?

Our check list covers 23 points, Takes roughly 30 minutes, barring interruptions.

Were there any interruptions with mrs.


She was on her phone much of the time.

Who was she talking to?

I never eavesdrop.

How many patients do you see a day, dr.


In fact, I have three waiting right now.

Are almost finished?


Say, are you a, uh, Are you a married man, dr.



No wives or children.

Well, you've been, uh, absolutely helpful.




Sorry for the delay.

So grenada medical school?

Wow, that really got you going, didn't it?

Well, it's not a sterling medical credential.

I'm sure it was more about The low admittance qualifications Than auntie's pension.

All right, no kids, He lives alone in jamaica, queens.

Hey, was it just me, Or was there something, like, really creepy about that guy?




-woman creepy?

Yeah, right.

So you and hildy wer onho e For some 26 minutes.

Somebody had a lot to say, huh?


While we were talking, she kept pushing the doctor To finish.

Did she mention at all that apartment That was getting a remodel, the one in park slope?

SureThe subs were driving her crazy.

SheTalked about going there.

Did she talk about anything else?

She talked about her daughter And her grandchild in Italy.

The way the italians coddle their children.

Hildy was very concerned.

Ah, concerned about what?

Well, hildy was a believer in discipline.

No coddling for her.

Look, I'm really sorry, But I have a showing.

AndI know that hildy Would not have wanted me to miss a sale.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


Believer in discipline?


So dr.

Curtis was here.

Maybe he has a


- a cuff on her arm.

Yeah, but he didn't act out right here.

I think she triggered something very deep in him.

He leaves.

He starts thinking about it.

And then impersonates a house painter?

Seems very out there.

And why this particular realtor?

It doesn't make sense.

According to the dmv, Dr.

Curtis does not own a white van Or any vehicle.

But this validates your theory.

At that same address.


A white '97 ford, Registered to andy quinn.

That's a, uh That's a nice job.


Curtis, mr.

Quinn, We're here with a warrant to search this property.


Nothin' in here.

Very tidy.

Not so tidy in here.


Here's Here's our painter.

Andy quinn.

- Mm


There's a juvenile living upstairs.


My nephew loves these.

How old?



" Our child artist.

Riffing on his favorite theme.

Our doctor and his mother.

Yeah, or maybe this is the aunt That paid his way through med school.

So dr.

Curtis is our k*ller, Andy quinn's our painter.

And the child How are they somehow connected?

Are we saying that three different people Actually live here?

Or one person Who thinks he's three different people.

-About him in the long run.

Um, he does many things well.

He's very good at organizing his things, And he responds well to instructions most of the time.

Can you


- Oh, just wait one minute, would you?

Thank you.



I was trying to reach you.

We're so excited about enrolling your son At our school.

Yeah, actually, I've decided against it.


I just don't think he's ready.

I want his paintings.

Look, let's talk about it.

I'm, um, I'm just wrapping up a conference.

Can you give me five minutes?



Okay, um, as I was saying, Uh, the nicest thing for any child Is not necessarily being nice.

It's firmness.

negative reinforcement When your boy acts inappropriately.

He'll try to manipulate you.

Every inch he gets is a victory for him.

Set boundaries! Enforce them.

In an old

-fashioned word Discipline! Discipline! Discipline! make sense?

Thanks for coming in.


So, mr.

Quinn I'm going to make the case For having your son at our school.

You should address me as doctor.

Children's toys, rooms with different clothes.

It's all



- I'm so sorry that we're late.

I wanted to get our, uh, our material.


Sanderson, detectives stevens and nichols Are working the case.

- How do you do?

- Hi.

I'm so excited that you agreed to come in.

This guy is, uh, he's famous.

He goes on tv.

Yes, well, the mayor's office Prevailed on me for a forensic consult.

The mayor.

Well, let's get right into it.

We're thinking that dissociative identity disorder Could explain some of this.

Yes, I see you're carrying the dsm


I prefer "multiple personality.

" It has the fictional ring it deserves.


I don't follow.

With all due respect to your diagnostic efforts, A bunch of academics inventing a term Doesn't make it real.

The so

-called multiples are malingering.

Malingering to bolster an insanity defense?


But he hasn't even been arrested.

He thinks he'll be.

So he's using elaborate aliases To hide behind.

On court tv, I blew the whole notion Of dissociative identity disorder to pieces.

You may have more than one suspect.

I'd get busy on that idea.

I'm sorry, I have a lunch.

Well, thank you for your time, doctor.

By 5:00 p.


, he'll be on new york one Telling them we're on the wrong track.

It's a clearly defined condition.

Different personality states are experienced, Each with a distinct personal history, Self

-image, and a separate name; it fits.

I need something better than your take from a textbook.

Well, I actually know somebody Who's treated this in a clinical setting.

Well, why aren't we talking to them?

It's not so easy.

* * It's been a while since I've heard that.



Your mother said you

- you play in a band.

Yes, with some jazz purists.

You should invite me.

Well, I did.

Uh, you were in zurich.

Anyway You look, uh You


-you look so well.

Riding my bike.


It's amazing how a simple thing like that Offers something akin to a hypomanic state.

Heh heh.


Well, the place looksGood.

You know, still spotless.

It's our settlement.

Today, zara takes care of me.

Thursdays, she's with your mother, Giving a full report of my comings and goings.

SoYou came for advice.

Have you finally met miss right?

Dad, when that happens, I, uh, I probably won't share.

A thinly

-veiled barb Directed at my dysfunctional marriage.


It means you've reached oedipal terminus.

Is it a, uh, police matter?

Yeah, it's a case that, uh, I believe involves dissociative identity disorder.

You feel there are valid symptoms?

Yeah, well, if you read this file, I

-I think it may provide a chance To counter your opposition.

Who's been consulted?


Oh, please.

Michael sanderson?

I knew you'd have an opinion.

An utter failure on every scholastic level.

If you were in this profession, As it was most fervently wished, I


-IYou Okay.

If it helps you.

If it helps me?

And I do enjoy revenge.

Well, it's a matter of some urgency.

Yes, yes.

His behavior is informed by the persona Of the child.

So this man in his mid

-30s Actually believes he's a child?

Yes, with a level of belief that motivated taking a life.

But forensic evidence demonstrates knowledge Of anatomy, medicine.

The doctor persona kills, But in service to the fears of the child.

"please stop.

" The child wrote that because Yes.

He felt remorse.

I said be still! So the child is not a psychopath.

The doctor's the psychopath.

The evil doctor's the creation of a child who was hurt, Emotionally or physically, And wanted a protector.

The child patient, who's probably A borderline personality and very anxious to please Creates other identities.

But why someone like the house painter, Andy quinn?

He seems to me a fantasy father figure.

But one identity is dominant.

That's the doctor.

Ohh! The doctor persona kills In service to the fears of the child.

I like what you're saying, But we found these drawings in a coloring book In the child's room.

And see the panda?

He keeps making the pandas.

And he chose mellower colors, Not the vivid reds of his rage.

And here, the panda on the roof of a house.

Possibly a refuge.

Maybe something he's actually seen.

We'll go through everything from the search.

Maybe find what it is.

Oh, that would seem a major undertaking With no guarantee of success.

Dad That's what we do.


Is this about the boy?

Discipline is punishment.

Now, I heard you advising her, "be cruel.

" No.

I've never told anyone to


- Discipline, knowing that discipline Leads to cruelty! The boy needs to be protected from women like you.

No! Checking the trademark of every toy we found.

Nothing with a panda.

Well, I have something.


- What do you got?


Randy quinn's checkbook.



Tuition for caravaggio school.

But it's voided.

I called.

They'll have the teacher who met with andy quinn Get back to me, But then there's this.

A check made out to panda's arms.

Let me see.

Oh, $250 Uh, marked charity.

What's panda's arms?

A camp for emotionally disturbed kids.

Check out the logo.

We gotta get a hold of their records.





Give me your name.

That was caravaggio school.

Terry myers, The teacher who met with andy quinn, Can't be located.

Detective, uh, here's mr.

Quinn's Application for his son.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Huh, the only reference he gives Is dr.

Maynard curtis.

We know who that is.

Uh, he also left these the first time he came.



The angel.

An angel on a mountain.

Look at these pastel pods.

His pain is obvious.

You see these faces?



Tears, a child crying.

His van was spotted by a unit on 23rd street, But they lost it in traffic.

That's where his office is.

There's something he wants.

He's gonna come back for it.

Thank you, mr.


Thank you.

Hey, here's, uh, Here's more of these.


Probably what he's coming for.

This time, the panda is riding a bus.

Get down! Get down! Uhh! What's goin' on?

I'm just here about a painting job! Shut up.

Get up.

You don't remember us, dr.


No, I don't know you.

How 'bout someone you do know?

Where's terry myers?


-I know the name, But I don't know where she is.

Let's go.

There was no painting equipment In your van.

Not on the job right now.

Didn't you recently do an apartment?

In park slope.

Yeah, I did some work over there.


Who gave you that job?

Uh I'm trying to remember.

Um Was the doctor?

There are some people, Some people who aren't here now, Who are very much a part of your life.

You know who I mean.

Like, uh, like the boy Who did these.

What about you?

Did you paint when you were a boy?


- Mm


- Yes.

Was the boy afraid Of attending the caravaggio school?


What made him afraid?

Things were said By the teacher.

But he was never there.

So it must have been you who heard things she said That made him afraid.


-I I don't know.

When tommy's afraid, Does he tell you, or do you Do you just feel it?

Uh I love the boy.

And the boy values love, not Not discipline.


It's frightening, isn't it?

And who can protect you?


Who is there?

I need dr.


But I don't like what he does.


You don't like what does.

ThenYou could send him away.

He'd be gone?

You could make him vanish.



" Tommy, when the doctor protected you from the teacher, Did he tell you where he took her?

Zack Tommy, we need to know that.





- Don't frighten tommy.

We mustn't frighten tommy.

Do you want something?

A, uh, uh, a soda or anything, you know?

I'm hungry.

You can't usurp my authority.

Dad Make the doctor vanish?

The doctor knows where she is.

Therapy involves breaking his wall of dissociation, Finding the core persona.

This isn't about therapy.

That could take months.

We have one purpose here.

And total disregard for this man's mental health.

It's not about this guy.

There could be a trial.

I could be on the stand, forced to testify How I acted in a completely unprofessional capacity.

You're trying to save a life.

There's no disgrace in that.

DadWe confront people.

We have methods.

Which are not my methods.

Wait, wait.

This is not about methodology.

This is about something else entirely, And we both know what that is.

You ask me for my expertise.

Then you want me to denigrate it with your


- DadWhat's at stake here Is more than the nichols family feud.

Try taking the blinders off for one second

- Ohh.

- And see the need to act Dad! Don't belittle yourself with some kind of scene, zack.

I will do anything, whatever it takes, To get us back to the issue at hand.

Saving a life.

I agree, you have a dilemma.

The defense is gonna use whatever they can To discredit you, But leaving now, that's a professional copout.

well, that's easy for you to say.

It's not easy for me to say.

None of this is easy.

But I know, I'm certain, That my father Is more than a match for any lawyer On any cross


And as for some opposing shrink, Tell me you wouldn't actually enjoy Shreddin' somebody like sanderson.

Not bad, zachary.

Do I hear you agreeing?

We'll need your partner as well.

The woman's role is important.



The boy's been in trouble before?


These are his records from panda's arms.

He started fires, broke things, Pushed kids.

Those are lies.

These are police, tommy.

The punish people for these things.

I'm not bad anymore.

What about curtis?

Would you deny he does bad things?



Curtis He's just an excuse for your own behavior, Isn't he, tommy?

Your mother wouldn't have put up with that.

She knew what you were up to.

She wouldn't have been a fool.

She knew what you needed.

The word.

Say it.

Say the word.

Say it.

You heard the teacher say it.

Say it.

The boy will never be disciplined.

Never again.

Or what?

He doesn't need to admit anything.

He just did.

He bragged about how he looks after tommy.

That wasn't tommy bragging?

Was that you, dr.


I'm not bragging.

I protect him.

So you can't separate yourself.

You're the boy.

- I'm dr.


Well, it's clear that you've made a significant mistake.

I don't make mistakes.


Did you tell tommy How much the teacher admired his paintings?

You didn't.

That's what I thought.

The teacher wrote about tommy, "the boy has talent.

A gift.

Needs a chance, and we can give it to him.

" Did tommy see this?

Did he?

What if he wants to meet this teacher?

Would you not let that happen?

Are you that cruel?

Tommy does wonderful work.

People want to praise him.

Why prevent it?

Isn't it possible For this admiring teacher To meet tommy?

Tommy Where is that?

Where I grew up.

You did?

In a bus?

It's an rv.

My auntie lived there.

And look at this.

You had a christmas tree Like this one?

And where is that christmas tree now?

I don't know.

I don't know.

My auntie died, and I was scared, But


-but I don't know.

When did she die?

A year ago.

A year ago! And I was afraid.

I'll check the registration on the rv.

Maybe there's an address.

He's facing us alone.

He hasn't called for any protection.

Yes, and we need more.

All right.

You know what, tommy?

I don't believe you! You know where auntie kept her rv.

Where is she?

I don't know.

He's lying; he knows.

Well, of course.

No doubt! No question!

- Shut up! You son of a bitch! Stop! Back off! Back off! No one will touch the boy! I'll k*ll you! I will k*ll you! I will k*ll you! You will not touch him.

I will k*ll you, you bastard!

- You okay?

- I will k*ll you! Oh, yeah.

Remember, I did 20 years of clinical.

I got used to it.



Ahem! An rv was owned by the mother's sister, Only it hasn't been reregistered Since her death last year.

But it did find this in andy quinn's bills.

Monthly rental charges from randall's boat yard In staten island.

Some of those places store both.


She's alive.

Guys Go, go.


You're reading arts and entertainment?

- I'm just, I'm


-I'm seeing if the vermeers Are gonna come back to the met.

Everyone from zara to our doorman, And of course, your mother, Is reading about what you've done.

And more mention should have been made of your name.

One mention's enough.

Um, by the way, I've lobbied our press relations people To keep your name out of it.

You know In therapy, When we've had a really good session, We jokingly say, "today, we've been to lourdes.

" Meaning You've achieved a miracle cure?

No, just meaning it was a very good session.

But I believe it may be You and I have been to lourdes.

Should I take that as Approval?

Don't presume.

Ahem! Don't presume.

I'm so glad you called, dad.

Uh, the next time you play, Your mother and I want to come.



-that'd be great.
