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10x03 - Boots on the Ground

Posted: 01/24/23 11:22
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime

the worst criminal
offenders are pursued

by the detectives of
the major case squad.

These are their stories.

- I'm little out of my element.

Is your girlfriend... classic

or a little more kinky?

- She's both.
- Well, which one do you like?

I like the red one.

- The faster it comes off,
the more she'll love it.

- No, man, you first.

- w*r's blood and guts.

k*ll more of them than
they k*ll you, you win.

That's why here at
Ascalon Security

we teach hostage
rescue, human intel,

wet work... the whole nine.

- Terrence...

This is a wonderful facility.

But we are now more concerned
with Internet security issues.

- That's why we started on a
cyber warfare division, buddy.

- Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya...

Thousands of demonstrators
pulled to the streets

from Facebook and Twitter.

We have our own radicals.

- Senor mendoza, I've
trained armed forces

in half a dozen Latin
American countries.

I'll give you computers
are important...

But computers don't k*ll people.

People k*ll people.

- The w*r of tomorrow
is being fought today.

The stuxnet computer virus

sets back Iran's nuclear
enrichment programs five years,

direct proof that w*r
as we know it is over.

Sun tech's programming teams
create offensive strategies

such as data deletion and the
targeted spread of viruses.

As well as measures to ensure
our own infrastructure.

In the future, a
computer-wielding David

will be able to strike down
a nuclear-armed goliath.

So you folks from
defense, NSA, CIA,

you can all use sun
tech to help you guard

America's cyber security.

- You sure you don't
want to come in?

It's raining.

- No, we're fine. Thanks.

- Send the malware protection
contract for Stewart to vet,

and set up a 4:00 p.
M. With Harvey

in case he cancels again.

- I'm warning you.
Stay away from mendoza.

- The man needs computers,

not the G.I. Joe
crap you're selling.

Big fish eat
little fish, Naomi.

- Hey, I'm up here.
Where are you?


What was that? Oh, my God!

He landed on the cab.

Presumably falling
from this building.

All he had was some cash

and an I.D. Badge
from Ascalon Security.


You've heard of Ascalon.

Send out mercenaries
all over the world.

Got into trouble for
civilian casualties.

- Yeah.
That's why we called you guys.

The name on the I.D.
Is Ian masefield.

- Thanks.
- It's a kanji tattoo.

I remember them from when
I was stationed in Korea

back in the '90s.

- Jumper?

- See the fresh bruising
on the back of his hand?

- That's a high fall.

Partial shoeprints. Two sets.

Looks like there was a struggle.

Can you plaster these, please?

- The...Lingerie.

- Box is crushed.

- Looks like it was part
of the same struggle.

- The railing didn't
do much good.

- Yeah...

White powder.




Climbing chalk.

Used for parkour.
- Urban climbing.

- Somebody scaled onto
this deck from below.

- See the shape of the bruising?

Crushed knuckles,
broken fingers.

- Somebody stomped his hands

while he was hanging
onto the roof.

- Partial shoeprint.
Lab matched the tread.

They're parkour climbing shoes.

Fivefinger kos, size 9.

- You're victim's
feet were size 12.

Weighed in at 180.

- The k*ller was a lot
smaller than the victim.

- The realty company's faxing us

all apartment owners
with access to the roof.

The negligee's by coquin...

We're waiting on their
retail outlets.

- The negligee.

Any chance this was
a lover's quarrel?

- Climbing chalk on
the adjacent wall?

The k*lling was premeditated.

- Chalk on a wall.
That's pretty thin evidence.

- The victim, Ian masefield,

had an I.D.
Badge from ascalon securities'

cyber warfare division.

- Ascalon Security
has gotten over

a billion in government contracts
in the last two years.

- Yeah, right.
My nephew worked for them in kabul.

Real Alpha dogs.

- As usual, it's all
about the money.

The w*r on terror

turned into the w*r for
big fat contracts.

- If cyber warfare is
the next cash cow,

then Ian was an asset.

- Sorry.

I'm good with faces, bad
with names, you know?

- Our lucky day.

- Oh.


Ian masefield.
I do recognize him.

Gee. Sorry he died.

He just joined our cyber
warfare division.

- Cyber warfare?

That's a big leap from
boots on the ground.

- Yeah. In this business,
you either grow or die.

It's obvious that
computers are a component

to modern warfare.

- Ian must not have
been a big player,

otherwise you'd know his name.

- So why would someone
want to k*ll him?

- I have no idea.
- Who'd he work for last?

- I have employees and
independent contractors

all over the world.

You'd have to ask the human
resources department that.

- We'll need Ian's
home address, please.

- Ma'am, we're detectives

with the New York City
major case squad.

Does Ian masefield live here?

- Oh, no. He doesn't.

- This is the address
he gave his employer.

- He's a friend of my son's.

He uses my house as
a mailing address.

What's this about, anyway?

- We're sorry to say that Ian
was m*rder*d last night.

- Oh, God, that's terrible.

Please come in.

I only met him three
or four times

when he was picking up his mail.

I think he was from Milwaukee.
Not really sure.

- Why use your home
as a mailing address?

- Ian traveled all the time.
Something with computers.

I don't really
understand computers.

- How did your son know him?

Did they meet at school?

- Matt makes
a lot of friends.

- You, uh...
Home-schooled your son?

- Yes, I did.
- Yeah, I just see

you have all the materials
that the state requires.

But hegel and Marcus aurelius?

It's hardly required.

- Matt got through the
high school curriculum

by age 12.

We still debate immanuel
kant over breakfast.

- Where is he right now?

- Never know where that boy is.

Last email said he was trekking
the inca trail in Peru.

- Well, lookthanks.

We're sorry about his friend.

- Let's run Matt Clark,

see if he can tell
us about his buddy.

- Pretty sophisticated.

- Matt is a black hat hacker?

- There's nothing here.

No address book.
No connection to Ian.

- Connection?

How about a really
close connection?

Matt Clark is Ian.

- So we just told elise
Clark her son was dead?

- And she didn't even flinch.

- I rented this place to
elise for the last 12 years.

- Cash? Month-to-month?

- Yeah. How'd you know?

Elise! You home?


- Closet's empty.

- She's gone.

- Wonder what she's
running from.

So, Matt Clark was working at
Ascalon Security as Ian Masasefield.

The question is why?

After we told Matt's
mother that he'd died,

she disappeared.

Elise Clark has a
social security number,

driver's license.

Lived in new Jersey
for 12 years.

No police record.
So why is she in the wind?

She must have known
what he was up to.

He had hacking equipment
in his apartment.

- Okay. But what was he doing
on the roof that night?

- Realty company sent over
a list of apartment owners

in the building.

One's owned by sun
tech industries.

- Sun tech is a company

that specializes
in cyber warfare.

- We checked Matt
Clark's tax records.

Until a month ago, guess
who his boss was.

- Matt Clark.

Yes, he worked for me.

That's horrible.

- The property manager says

Matt had access to your
corporate penthouse.

- From which he
fell to his death.

- Yes, Matt sometimes met
with out-of-town clients

at the corporate apartment.

- She was pretty high level.

- It seems like in today's world

Matt would be the
Robert Oppenheimer

of the computer age, you know?

Inventing an h-b*mb
virus on his laptop.

Y- you must have been
angry to lose him.

- These things happen.

He had a dozen other
companies chasing him too.

- I-is this an exceptional
service medallion?

- It's my late husband.
He was k*lled in Afghanistan.

- Sorry.

- Seems odd...

Matt would be on the roof
of your snazzy apartment

while he was working
for ascalon.

We found a slinky little
nighty up there too.

- You're kidding, right?

I'm dating a hedge fund manager.

- That's not what we
were implying at all.

We're just saying if you were
to plant him at ascalon,

then you'd have like a
double agent thing going

and...Well, then, you'd have a
mole in your rival's company.

- He steals data.

Gives you info on pending
government contracts.

- Yes.
He was still working for me.

- Matthew Clark.

I don't recognize the name.

- Ring any bells?

- Ian masefield. Okay.
That's a surprise.

- You know he worked
for sun tech?

- Give Naomi credit.

She knew I started
a cyber division.

She planted him as a mole.

- Sun tzu.

"All warfare is deception."

- All right.
She punked me, okay?

But I didn't k*ll Ian... or Matt

or whatever his real name is.

I was in mezzo that night
with ten other people.

- But he stole from you.

I mean, there are potentially
billions of dollars at stake.

- Yeah.
I'll be looking into that

the minute you guys leave.

- Consider us gone.

- This is the information Matt
hacked from ascalon's files.

- How many pages of documents
on these hard drives?

- Over 50,000.

The cops'll definitely
subpoena this stuff.

- Good.

- We're coquin's only u.
S. Retail store.

- Remember him?
- Oh, for sure.

He was pretty tall, kinda cute.

He had two friends with him,
big guys, kinda awkward.

They were standing
next to the door.

- What did he buy?
- A negligee.

- Which one?
- Uh...This one.

He had a hard time deciding
between this and classic black.

Then he called
like an hour later

and ordered the black one too,
and that one we delivered.

- I love this place.

- I'm totally
devastated by this.

We were good friends.

- Friends with benefits?

- What's that got to
do with anything?

- Did you know that he worked
for a private security firm

under the name Ian masefield?

- He worked at sun tech.

- What do you do, Rebecca?

- I teach a krav maga
class at crunch.

- Israeli self-defense.

- You're a sabra.

And you like computers
too, just like Matt.

- Oh, that's just a hobby.

- Diplomatic cables between
Egypt and Washington.

That's a fun hobby.

- These are just
something I downloaded.

Look, I have to
go teach a class.

- Oh.

Well, thanks for your time.

- You're welcome.

- You better cancel krav maga.

You have confidential
cables and documents

all over your apartment.

Once the judge
signs our warrant,

we'll search your
place top to bottom.

Now's your chance
to get ahead of it.

Have a seat.
- Thanks, man.

- What's on your wrist?

- A tattoo.

- Your place is filled
with hacking gear.

- The gear's legal.

- Same stuff that Matt had.

And same tattoo.

Was your affiliation with him...

Did that go beyond
friends with benefits?

- No. It didn't.

- You were in the Israeli army.


That's an elite unit.

It's tougher than the
rangers, spetsnaz.

You studied krav
maga, urban combat.


I bet you really could
scale a city wall.

- We took a plaster
cast of shoeprints

from the roof where
Matt was k*lled.

Will we find parkour
shoes in your apartment?

- I wouldn't k*ll Matt.
We had the same goals.

- Which were what?

- Destroy the contractors.

Ascalon, sun tech,

halliburton, Blackwater...

All the warmongering bastards.

- Rebecca Landon claims
she and Matt Clark

were both out to steal
classified data

from private security companies.

- To what end?
- They believe

these companies break
the law with impunity.

Making their secrets
public is the goal.

- So Matt went to work for Naomi

who used him as a mole
against Terrence Brooks.

- Yeah, but we think that
Matt had his own agenda.

And he... seized the opportunity

to try and bring
both companies down.

- Matt Clark is connected to...

Naomi, Terrence, and Rebecca.

And I have a migraine.

- Well, there's one
other person... his mom...

Who wouldn't be a
person of interest

if she hadn't disappeared
the minute we told her

Matt had died.

- The question is
who k*lled Matt?

- If we knew what data
Matt stole from Terrence,

we might have a definite motive.

- All right.

Then throw a subpoena
on sun tech.

Let's see what we get.

- Rebecca Landon was
one of a select group

of anonymous sources providing
classified information

to websites like wikileaks...
Same as Matt Clark.

- Matt was my employee.
- Matt played you.

Just like he played Terrence,
which gives you motive.

- You got a subpoena, all right?

Everything Matt lifted from
Terrence is on those drives.

- Which was what, exactly?

- Matt found his poison pill.

Terrence's protection.

- Poison pill.

I like that. A poison pill.

So... so Terrence holds documents

that could damage his enemies,

and he threatens to
release them publicly

in the event of his death?

- His life insurance.

- And Matt took it away.

- All right, Chelsea
square diner.

You guys hungry? Come on.

They're open all night.

Oh, yes.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

These are the components
we collected at the site.

Y- you traced the
partial lot number

on this piece of battery?

- Energizer sent
shipments of that lot

to three different walmarts...

In greenwich, new
haven, and Fairfield.

- Wow. Your teams are
already there, huh?

- Set off a b*mb in New York,

even a rinky dink like this,
you'll get our attention.

We've got surveillance
tapes from Walmart

and two dozen A*F and FBI
agents already in Connecticut.

- This b*mb is... old-school.

You know?

Like it's out of the '70s.

- Naomi Halloran told us

Matt was stealing secrets
from your company.

- I'm sure she was very
pleased with herself.

- Matt...Takes your secrets.

Which include files
of hundreds of people

who have thousands
of secrets to hide.

Now, those files...

They act as your life insurance.

What do they... what
do they call it?

- A poison pill?
- Right, poison pill.

Now, Matt, he takes
your poison pill.

Now, what he knew
could k*ll you.

Actually, you know what,

that actually gives him
a very good motive.

- Look...

You guys have my alibi.
I didn't k*ll anyone.

- So Naomi's trying
to frame you?

- Naomi's not stupid enough
to accuse me of m*rder.

- She has a grudge, doesn't she?

Her late husband John Halloran.

Wasn't he a CIA station
chief in kabul?

He was k*lled because
of a su1c1de bomber.

Got in the building.
He was posing as an informant.

Now, wasn't your company ascalon

supposed to be
protecting that station?

- It was a real tragedy.

- Maybe she holds you
responsible for his death.

- Oh, please.
John was a great soldier.

He was a lousy husband.

He screwed anything that moved,

and she was bitter
as hell about it.

Naomi and I fight over
government contracts.


- I loved John.

We had difficulties like any
couple in the military,

but Terrence Brooks is a liar.

- Terrence claims
he was clueless

about Matt's agenda
to steal his secrets.

- He was.

- Were you clueless Matt
was stealing from you?

Come on, he was
working with hackers

who published stolen
documents on the web.

- We've never had
a document leak.

Not one.

- We'll verify that.

- Okay.
If I wanted to k*ll him...

Not my style, by the way...

But if I did, why would
I have hired bodyguards

to follow him after
work every day?

You seriously thought
that I would put

one of my most
valuable employees

in Terrence's company
without protection?

- But they were gone when he
went to the roof that night.

Otherwise, he'd still be alive.

- He must have sent them home.

I guess he wanted to be alone.

Make sure we get those
calls sent today.

I don't want the time
getting away from us.

- Pretty smart.

You know, it's one thing
to try and frame me

with a poison pill,

but you could have k*lled me
with that amateur b*mb of yours.

- That wasn't me.

You know, your company's

k*lled thousands of people
all over the world.

It ever occur to you

that maybe somebody's
looking for some payback?

- Was there anything
on the hard drives

that Naomi gave us

that would give Terrence
a reason to k*ll Matt?

- I'm barely through half of it.
There's thousands of pages,

but nothing that incriminates
any major contractor.

No poison pill.

- Okay.
- Hold on a minute.

Naomi says Matt was
working for her.

Terrence has an alibi for
the night of the m*rder.

Rebecca is on Matt's team.

So unless they're having
a lover's quarrel,

she has no clear motive.

- Uh, Stan, do me a favor.

Look up the kanji tattoos

that were on Rebecca
and Matt's wrists.

- You called it, goren.

Those kanji symbols
are the hallmark

of the people's
liberation brigade.

- Those were the dickwads

who tried to blow up the
bull statue on wall street

'75, '76.

I was on mayor beame's
detail back then.

- So if Rebecca's
with this group,

makes sense she'd hold
Terrence responsible,

try to blow him up.
- We saw her place.

She's a 21st century

No bombs. Just computers.

Now see if you can bring up, uh...

The FBI mug sh*ts

from the pl brigade fugitives.

We need to find Matt's mom.

- You ran the minute we
told you mattas dead.

You set off a b*mb
in New York City

and think you can
hide in new haven?

It took A*F agents
less than six hours

to track you down.

- You tried to k*ll
Terrence Brooks

with the same exact
b*mb you used

to blow up the bull in '76.

- He k*lled my son.

- What makes you so sure?

- The man's a mass m*rder*r.

He's k*lled hundreds of
civilians the world over.

- Your son.


Tattoo on your wrist...

Makes it clear that you and Matt

had the same ideals.

You home-schooled him.

You taught him Marx and mao,

turned him into a revolutionary.

- Mm.

Beats being a cop.

- Matt was extremely...

He hacked into ascalon's
computers and...

Stole thousas of files.

- He had 170 iq.
He was a genius.

And Terrence Brooks k*lled him.

- Why Terrence Brooks?

Matt undoubtedly stole
from Naomi too.

- She wouldn't k*ll him.

- 'Cause boots on the
ground isn't her thing?

- Because they were lovers.

Did you know that Matt
was sleeping with Naomi Halloran?


That would be a
betrayal of the cause.


Matt's mother told us

that they were having
a relationship.

But he was buying
you sexy lingerie.

- The warrant came through.
We searched your apartment.

We found parkour shoes, size 9.

- I didn't k*ll Matt.

- What happened?

Something happened to you.

- My friend is dead.

- Take a break.

We're digging a dry hole.

Her answers have been rehearsed.

She's been coached.

- Where are we at
with the shoeprints?

- Labs'll be back
within the hour.

- Which will bring nothing,

because there's probably been
hundreds of size 9 sold.

- Any sunshine here?

You can't put Naomi
at the scene,

and assassination's not her m.O.

- No. It's Terrence's.

- Half his employees would k*ll
someone if he told them to,

but [Stammers] Why would he?

- Even if Rebecca threw
Matt Clark off the roof,

someone ordered her to do it.

- And for some reason,

he had no bodyguards
to protect him.

- How goes it, Stan?

- I've been throrough 80%
of the stolen documents,

and I've got nothing

Just more internal memos,
innocuous emails.

- Keep going.
- No...

Don't bother.

- There's still 8,000 pages.

- There is no enemy trying
to take Terrence out.

We have a grieving mother

and no poison pill.

I mean, all of our
document analysis

is designed to waste our time.

You didn't even flinch
when we told you

that Matt had died.

I guess...
You know, all the lying

and hiding you've been doing...

Playing it cool when a
cop pulls you over,

gives you a ticket, you know...

Been doing that stuff
since the '70s.

You're tough, you know.

Any normal mother
would have broken,

but you...
You... you keep it together.

- Do you have a
question, detective?

- Here's one.

What'd you do after we left?

Did you cry then?

- Here's one for you.

Do you believe in anything
beyond that badge?


- Well, I-I guess...

I believe that victims
need an advocate.

- And you have me in a cell?

I've spent my entire life
fighting for the victims

of racism, of imperialism,

of the blind selfishness
of capitalism.

Was it worth it?

Did you bring down
the warmongers

and the bankers?

Did your...Revolution

crush the capitalist system?

They're all still there.
But your son's gone.

This revolution...

Was it worth his life?

Look, I-if you want
justice for Matt,

if you wanna bring
down a warmonger,

I- I need your help.

- How?

- I've advised my client
that he's not under arrest

and that this is just
an informal meeting.

- No, of course, right.
We appreciate you coming in.

- Captain, I've already told
your detectives all I know.

- Well, I just wanted to
see where things are at

with the case.

Have a seat.

- So, captain,
Terrence Brooks here,

he...He protects American assets

all over the world.

You know, embassies, diplomats,
politicians abroad.

He doesn't do it for
the money, do you?

You... you're...

A patriot.

- That's very nice.

You clearly know all the moves.

Then you were army intelligence,

weren't you, detective?

- He's also a former Navy seal,

so he knows about
interrogation techniques too.

- Pride and ego. Very effective.

I would have started with
the direct approach, but...


- Okay. Fine.

How's this?

You k*lled Matt Clark,
and you had help.

- That's direct.

- What is he doing here?

- We were told this was
an informal meeting.

- Yes, it is.
I'm captain Joseph Hannah.

Do you mind?

- Hi. Well, we're just gonna...
You know,

lay it all out for
you and... and, uh,

tell you where we are.

We found hard drives with data...

Stolen by Matt Clark,
aka Ian masefield.

Now, Matt belonged to...

A group of computer thieves.

- Who were stealing what?

- Information.
Specifically your information.

- Makes 'em traitors, right?

- Where did you find
these hard drives?

- Naomi gave them to us.

She told us that Matt
stole them from Terrence.

We think that Terrence
gave them to her.

- Are you crazy?

- Matt would hack information

from the various companies
he infiltrated.

Which...Wasn't hard, apparently.

You both hired him, right?

- Well...
Matt's skills were impressive.

He was clean-cut, you know,
well-spoken, and, uh...


So he gave these hacked files

to Rebecca Landon.

Rebecca made sure that it
was published on wikileaks.

And wikileaks sent it...

- Is there a charge lurking

in this miasma of speculation?

- So Naomi, she gave us

these 50,000 ascalon documents.


She told us that they were Terrence's...
Poison pill.

And it's a lotta stuff.

'Cause in actual fact,

it's just thousands of pages
of useless information

to mire us, designed
to waste our time

and expose nothing.

And that's when I knew.

- What?

What did you think
you knew, detective?

- The two of you...

You teamed up.

- Oh, this is ridiculous.

- Well, there was
a lot at stake.

I mean, it would have
been ridiculous not to.

- I wouldn't k*ll Matt Clark
over stolen documents.

- That's right.

A- and k*lling's not your style.

- Don't say anything.

- It's tough to meet
a man in New York.

Who could measure up?
To your intellect, your income?

It would have to be
someone very special.

- Yeah. I think we'll end this.

- Matt was special.

He was handsome.

And he was a genius. Or close.

And you were in love.

- Okay. I see.

The omnipotent "we know
everything" technique.

- No, no.
It's you that knows everything.

I mean, you told
Naomi that Matt was

sleeping with Rebecca.

He told you that Matt was
a lying, cheating dog

like your late husband.

That must have made you crazy.

Uh, captain?

- Ladies and gentlemen... to th.

- Our cell was small.
Four people.

Just me, Matt,

Rebecca, and her husband.

- Rebecca has a husband?

- I won't tell you his name.
He's like Matt.

He infiltrates.

- So Rebecca and Matt,

their relationship was platonic.

- I'd have been thrilled

if he'd fallen in love
with someone like Rebecca.

- So Matt had no sexual
relationship of any kind

with Rebecca Landon.

- No. Just Naomi.

He called it love.

I called it treason.

- Matt made a purchase
at la petite coquette

the day that he died.

He bought a negligee... for you.

- An hour later, someone
called the shop

and had one sent to Rebecca
Landon, but it wasn't Matt.

There are no records
from his phone

that he called the shop.

It was Terrence setting you up.

- You motherf... -
Be cool, Naomi!

- You're right! It was him.

He told me that Matt
was sleeping around,

that he was just like
John, and I lost it, I...

I called off the bodyguards.
That's all I did.

- Shut up.
- That's all you did...

Was get the guy who loved you...

He betrayed his own cause
because he loved you,

and that cost him his life.

Well, maybe you
should mull that over

for the next 25 years in prison

for m*rder conspiracy.

Well, she's confessed.
How about you?

- This woman has libeled Mr.
Brooks for years.

I'd love to put
her on the stand.

- We don't need
Naomi's testimony

to convict your client.

See, we were just looking
for her confession.

Boots on the ground.
That's your slogan, isn't it?

- Yep.

- These boots...

We matched them to shoeprints

at the m*rder scene.

They're Rebecca's.

- So?

- You couldn't send one
of your own employees.

Too much money at stake
if they got caught.

So you sent a proxy.

I hear that you have
family in Israel.

How they doing?

You have a brother and
sister back there?

Cousins? Nieces? Nephews?

- I got a call...
From Terrence Brooks.

He told me my 12-year-old cousin

had just died, a hit-and-run.

The next time Terrence
called, I did what he asked.

- Which was what?

- Naomi called Matt to the
roof where they sometimes met.

I was there instead.

He tried to fight back.

- But he's not a
trained fighter.

- It was him or my family.

My God...

What have I done?

- He put you in a position that
no one should have to face.

He's a monster.

- Matt was in the business of
putting you out of business.

So he needed to die.

You had an innocent
12-year-old girl k*lled

to force Rebecca to k*ll Matt.

But at the least you're
going to prison.

Rebecca's testifying
against you.

- These two, then Rebecca,

and elise Clark.

- Everybody goes to jail.

- I thought about what you said.

You know, I'm not afraid...

I mean, maybe I am, but
you were right, you know.

I- I... my world is treacherous.

- I need you to sit.

- I have this friend, Louis.

He works on cars.

He told me that the biggest
mistake that people make

is they have an old car.

It's worn down.
It stalls all the time.

They get the
transmission flushed,

clean out all the
gunk, you know.

But they k*ll it.

You see, all that gunk,

it was there for a reason.

It was there to plug
up all the holes.

Car never runs again.

- You're afraid if you
get into this with me,

you'll stop functioning?

- Y-you're gonna say you
won't allow that to happen


You know, I can trust you.

- I wouldn't presume to
tell you who to trust.

I do think it's interesting

that you likened
yourself to an old car.

Cars don't feel.
They stop and...Reflect.

They're made to work, to go.

- Um...

My mother...

She, you know...

Did her best to take care of me.

But she was mentally ill.

- You were only a boy?

- How old were you when
you first realized

your mommy wasn't like
all the other mommies?

- Seven.

- Were you ashamed?
- And frightened.

It's... it's my turn.

- Detective?

- I've talked to someone
about this before.

- In therapy?
- No.

In the interrogation room. I...

I betrayed my family.
I pimped out my family

to get a... a confession.

You did what you had to.

You always have.

And I don't think you
betrayed your mother.

But what have you
done for her son?