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09x11 - Lost Children of the Blood

Posted: 01/24/23 11:08
by bunniefuu
In new york
city's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders

are pursued by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

- That man cannot tolerate
a meaningless existence

Was central
to jung's understanding.

But how does this relate
to jung's shadow theory, hmm?


[snapping fingers]
welcome back.

Jung's shadow theory.

- We all have a shadow side.

And jung felt the less it's
embodied in our conscious life,

The more dangerous it is.

- Yes, that--
that's well said.

[cell phone rings]
- hi, sis.

I always know when it's you
with a dose of personal concern.

Where I was all night?
What does it matter?

Because that's all he needs
to know.

- You look really cool.

- Cool?
What are we, in high school?

I'm your mistress
of the night.

- And we are seekers
of a greater truth.

Let's go.

[club music]

- Hey, hang here.
I'm gonna push for the bar.

- I could make you
my next meal.

- What would I taste like?

- First bite,
like a dark-chocolate truffle.

You take
- w more than a bite?Like?

- Like a lamb...

Flayed of its skin,

But quivering
and wanting more.

- Hey.
I'm kyle...

The boyfriend.

- Oh, kyle. This is--
- a dark encounter.

- I'm afraid
you've lost her, old boy.

My deepest sympathies.

- Why don't you get acquainted
with him while I...

Screen this little lamb?

- Now let's ease your pain.

- A strange
and beautiful creature

Desires you
with aching hunger.


My princess of the night.

- You like him?
- Kyle, you're--

Kyle, you're hurting me.

- You like rough?
I can give you rough.

- She hasn't called back.
She hasn't picked up her phone.

Our father is very concerned.

Transcript by Adriano_CSI

Lost Children of The Blood

- I was thinking of keira.

In ten years, I'll be sending
her off to college.

- Right. They go off.
They go off.

You know, they tell you
they're sexually ambivalent

Or want to be ecoterrorists.

But with any luck,
you know,

You're not gonna
get this, right?

- Well, it's hard to tell much.
There's so much blood.

Possibly vaginal penetration

And a slight bruising
on the neck,

But not enough
to suggest strangulation.

- Maybe erotic asphyxiation?

- I'm thinking maybe a rupture
of the varices

In her esophagus.

She vomited blood,
maybe choked on it,

Or simply bled out.

- Exsanguination--
extreme loss of blood.

My father was a corpsman.

It's the most common cause
of death on the b*ttlefield.

- And a death usually associated
with alcoholism.

- Goth queen outfit.

Thank you.

Uh, quotes here
by foucault, kant.

Look at this.

Look at this.

Oh, this takes me
to my dad's study.

- Something interesting.
- Yeah.

This is the red book
by carl jung,

The newly published edition.
- I don't follow.

- Oh, the red book
was, uh, for half a century

Only pirated.

It reigned as the most
influential unpublished book

In the history of psychology.

- Why didn't jung
want it published?

- Well, it recorded,
uh, his own confrontation

With his unconscious.

Thoughts and visions so weird,
they frightened him.

He thought everybody
should have a red book--

All disturbing thoughts
written down and filed away.

- There's--
there's an inscription.

"come discover
a deeper spiritual life.

Struggle with evil
and integrate the devil...

Welcome to the journey.

- Very trippy stuff.
So who's "k"?

- Detectives, the victim's
father and sister are here.

- [crying]

Sarah was always different.

In our teens, when I was reading
young romance,

She read poe, lovecraft,
all kinds of occult stuff.

- That's still reflected in
her choice of dress and decor.

- Detectives,
we know so little.

We--we shouldn't jump
to assumptions here.

- We make an effort
not to do that, congressman.

Uh, you live here
in the city.

Did you see her often?
- We met for lunches.

I knew something was wrong
by the way she was dressing

And her eye makeup.

But she'd laugh and say
it was just a fashion statement.

- What about people she knew?

Ever met anyone
she was close to?

- I haven't.
Caroline, have you met anyone?

- We believe she was close to
or possibly involved

With someone
whose initial was "k."

- Lately, she's shared
so little with me.

- She was going through
a phase.

- Dad, it started
before she left home.

- What did you notice,

- Sarah hated dad's world--

The campaigning,
the--the public life,

Always telling the media
that everything's perfect.

She longed to escape
and find something else.

- Whatever she found
k*lled her.

- [crying]

- "going through a phase."
I've said that.

Hell, most parents
have said that.

- They seem pretty out of touch
with her.

- You know, when my oldest
daughter got a small tattoo,

I thought the next thing
was gonna be

The downtown club scene
and then rehab.

Instead, she's at columbia
in pre-med.

So maybe sarah just needed
some room.

So when the calls
start coming in

From whomever
the ohio congressman leans on,

What words of encouragement
can I give them?

- Well, one of our first steps
is gonna be to uncover

His daughter's missing life.

- Kids in the dorm said
she skipped a lot of classes,

But aced exams.

There was one psych class
that really held her interest.

- We were thinking
it might've been the subject,

Or it might've been
the professor.

- It's a good place to start.

- She had promise.
She worshipped jung.

We shared that.

- Freud gets the credit,

But jung probed
the deep, dark depths, yeah?

- I can almost agree
with that.

- So did she do her homework?
- Sometimes.

- But she passed
all the tests.

- She had
an intuitive understanding

Of jung's theories.

- Yes, the thing
you shared with her.

- In class, only in class.

- Beyond your classroom,
her life is a mystery?

- Yes, to me, it was.

- Somebody gave her
the newly published red book.

- Well, then someone picked
the right gift for sarah.

- Somebody
who signs themself "k."

- There's no "k" in my name,
if that's where you're going.

- Uneasy. Arrogant. Petulant.
- Yeah.

Makes him ideally suited
for academia,

But not necessarily guilty.

- Sarah was clearly pulled
by both worlds

And a dozen school clubs--

Running for treasurer
of the student body,

Yet dressing like a goth.

- Hmm. Stacy mendelson
would never have done that.

- Who?
- Our valedictorian...

President of the, uh,
senior council, every club.

I-I can't picture stacy
as as goth...

Although she did marry
a biker.

You never really know,
do you?

[cell phone beeping]

- Sarah's phone records
are in.

- But any parent who has gone
through similar grief

Knows these are young people
who society overall has failed.

- Sarah's father--
he's used the word "phase"

Four times
in this one interview.

What do you got?
You got something?

- Kyle, as in "k" wyler,

He called her
numerous times daily.

I've got a dmv photo.

He's from rhinebeck.

- He's kind of

Name pop any placelse--
the school?

- He was registered,
but dropped out last quarter.

And there's an address.

- Mm-hmm.
We should invite him in.

- I'm still
just taking it all in.

It doesn't feel real.

- Well, it didn't look real,
I'll tell you.

It looked, uh, more like

Some nightmare illustration
from the red book.

- This is the inscribed copy
you gave her.

- Yeah. Uh, we're--we're both
into jung.

- "the prophet
of our personal darkness"?

- Who o-offered an understanding
of who we really are.

- Were you with sarah
last night?

- No. I pulled an all-nighter
studying in my dorm room.

- Why'd you bother?
You dropped out last semester.

- It's not a good idea
to lie this early on

In an interview, kyle.

- Uh, look,
I-I-I like sarah.

Uh, I'm really upset
that she's dead,

But lately
we haven't been in touch.

- Now you've made
matters worse.

At 7:13 last night, cell records
indicate you called her.

- One more try
at a straight answer.

Did you see her last night?

- Yeah. We, uh--
we met at a club.

But she went her way.
I went mine.

I didn't--I never realized
that this would be the last time

I'd ever see her.

- What was the name
of this club?

- The holy mother.

People that--who were there
can tell you

That I didn't leave with her.

- Mm-hmm. Right here
in sarah's red book,

"we must struggle with evil
and integrate the devil..."

What'd you mean by that?

- It--it was just exploring

Sarah and I wanted something
real and authentic.

- Would you say
she found it?

- No. No.

[club music]

♪ ♪

I don't know
what dr*gs we took,

But I am completely blank.

- Really? Well, I remember
everything we did.

No, I wouldn't blame
the dr*gs.

I mean,
when you saw her in there

And anton was doing her,

It had to piss you off.

- Yeah. I mean, I confronted her
in the alley,

And it got a little heavy,
but I didn't--

Later, I'm not sure
what I did.

- Well, maybe you broke through,
completed a dark passage.

That's wild.
- It's wild, virgil?

I'm a m*rder suspect.

- So I'll tell them
you were with me--

Whatever you want.

- But for myself,
I need to know.

- You came here,
and you trust me.

- Yeah.
What we did...

I didn't know
where else to go.

- What we did
was our beginning.

Sarah is a part of the past.

- She cleaned up pretty good.

- Yeah?
What's the story?

- Aw, never rush
the good stuff.

So vaginal penetration
approximately two to three hours

Before her actual death.

And the guy left a little
of himself behind.

- Dna?

- Codis matched dna coding
to jeremy parks,

A former resident of rikers.

- Well, this is good.

Six months
for selling club dr*gs.

Uh, but other than that,

Pretty unimpressive
criminally speaking.

- So she had sex,
went home, passed out,

A vein ruptures
in her esophagus,

She vomits blood,
and chokes to death.

Are we looking
at a poisoning?

- Ah, that brings us
to the problem of a tox screen,

Which requires her blood.

Sarah price was drained.

- Drained?
- Totally dry.

Drainage points
in the right femoral artery.

Missed it at the crime scene.

- With all the blood on the body
and the bedding,

Can you use that
for toxicology?

- All that blood she vomited
didn't belong to her.

It was someone else's.

- Vomited blood
that wasn't her own?

Talk about a tabloid headline
that writes itself.

- And her taste in blood
was for a rare vintage,


Mainly present in people
of west african descent.

- West africa?

Don't you tell me you're gonna
bring voodoo into the mix.

- No. The rarity of that blood
is actually a lucky break.

Hospitals are hard-pressed
to keep a supply.

We might get lucky
with a, uh, blood bank canvass.

- And the dna match
on the semen?

- His name is jeremy parks.

He was released from rikers
six months ago and disappeared.

- Ah, flew away on bat wings,
did he?

Look, can we have
something real, please--

Something that wasn't drawn
from current hit movies,

Maybe a prior case?

- There was a real event
ten years ago

In melbourne, florida.

Uh, john crutchley abducted
a 19-year-old girl.

She was r*ped and tortured,

And he drained 45%
of her blood,

But she didn't die
and managed to escape.

- Good.
You call the cops down there.

You find out
if this crutchely guy

Was part
of a wider cult movement.

And can we confirm
the boyfriend's alibi?

- If he doesn't come up
with some names,

He's coming back in.

- Meanwhile, we're gonna get
the dorm security tape,

See who shows up.

- Good.

- Well,
he sure looks wasted.

- That looks like kyle.
- Yeah, it's kyle.

But it doesn't look like he's,
uh, toting any bags of blood

Under his clothes.

And it's not sarah's dorm.

Their security system's
been down since September.

This is kyle
in his own building.

He's walking unsteadily,

But no visible blood
on his clothes.

And the time is 3:41 a.M.

- That almost gives him
an alibi.

On another note,
we have a duffy-negative match.

A harlem blood bank
that buys rare types.

Sarah drank blood that belonged
to souleyman camara,

Formerly of senegal.

- Do we have an address?

- Last known was a flop
on the bowery,

But the clinic says
he hasn't shown up

In over a month to sell blood.

He might've been selling
his blood on the streets.

Prices have gone up, apparently,
since the vampire craze.

- So along with phony watches,
cds, falafel, and kabobs,

There's type "a," "b," "o,"
and duffy-negative.

- Our undercover narcs
say the sellers

Are called "blood whores"--

Mainly junkies.

- N.Y.P.D.

- Hey! Take it easy!

- What, are you nuts?
That's how people get shot.

Souleyman, we just
want to talk.

We just want to talk.

- I did nothing.
Nothing. I'm innocent.

- Yours?

She's beautiful.

Costs a lot of money
to take care of a young family.

You're an illegal.

[baby cries]

- We know you have
limited options.

- What is this about?
- We know you sell blood.

We know
you're duffy-negative.

Do you know this man--
jeremy parks?

- What did he do?
- Maybe nothing.

But we need to speak
with him.

- I know him,
but his name's not jeremy.

It's anton.

- He buys from you?

- Because I'm clean--
no aids, no disease.

Also, he likes
that my blood is rare.

- Do you know his last name?

- We meet up outside
one of the clubs.

He wears strange clothes,
like from another time.

- Right look?

- And me without my purell.

- Hard to imagine that all these
people weren't just born here,

That they had other lives.
- Uh-huh. Many still do--

Jobs, kids at home,
little wifey over the stove.

- Oh, we've been made.

- You beautiful people...

Especially you--

Too beautiful
to be in my place.

Just, please, no badges--
bad for business.

What do you need?

How can I speed your exit?

- We're looking for people
who drink human blood.

- I see.
And this is strange to you?

- I was a boy scout.

- Yes, some drink blood.

People don't come here
to hide who they are.

The darkness flows.

- Really? Flows to what purpose?
- Self-awareness.

Dr. Jung suggested
"face your demons.

"get to know, even love them,

And you've opened up
your soul."

- Ever open up his soul?

- I'd have no business
if I couldn't keep secrets.

- Suborning evidence, impeding
a m*rder investigation--

Having no business
won't be your major problem.

- My partner's very locked
into the reality-based.

- Okay, I don't need
police problems.

Anton lebrun.

I've heard him brag about having
a loft in carmine street.

- Some people
need to push limits.

Ignoring any element
of our nature,

Even the darker sides,
limits knowing who we are.

- Is that the hermetic wisdom
of jung's red book

Or your own rationale
for cheap thrills?

- Foucault called them
"limit experiences"--

Going beyond
where you feel is safe.

It's similar to meditation.

- With meditation,

You give yourself over
to a sense of harmony, of peaee.

- But erasing the boundaries
between the conscious

And the unconscious,
who knows what you'll find?

- Like a vampire craze
posing as a faith?

All: I am powerful,
more powerful than others.

I am stronger.

I have a greater reserve
of health.

I will not die.

I have power over others.

- Anton lebrun?

Or is it jeremy parks?

Can we have a moment
in private, jerry?

- [chuckles]
we have nothing to hide nor fear

From mortals such as these.

I will speak,
but only before them.

- Oh, you want to make it
performance art?

We're gonna limit you
to a small room

And an audience of us.

- Give us space.

- So now on to sarah price.
- Ah, yes.

The headlines
that brought you.

- Along with the dna
from the semen

Found inside her body.

- Ah, well,
many offer themselves

To the leader of a coven.

- If you want to brag
about your conquests,

Let's stay focused
on the one who was m*rder*d.

- Wine?
- Mm.

- You mind
if I check the, uh...?

- By all means.

Welcome to the darkest part
of the dark side, detective.

- You're a vampire?

You drink human blood?

- Very impressive.

Do you practice in the mirror
after yoga?

- Top-dollar veneers
on those fangs--

Park avenue dentist.

- [sighs]
you guys are wasting my time.

You can only hold me
for another six hours

Without charging me.

- What's your hurry?

I thought you guys
were immortal.

- [chuckles]

- We matched the blood
in your refrigerator

With the ten pints missing
from sarah price.

We'll hold you longer
than six hours.

- I did not k*ll
sarah price.

- Then explain away the dna.

- No, no, no.
No, no, no.

I didn't say
I didn't have her.

But she was, oh, so willing.

- How'd you meet?
- At the holy mother.

I saw two beautiful people...

Ripened fruit just begging
to be plucked.

Miss price
and, uh, her boyfriend,

Um, kale or colin
or something.

- Kyle.
- Kyle.

I debated, and then
my hetero animus won out,

And I picked her.

We drank blood and had sex--

You know, good, clean fun.

You should try it sometime.

- The blood was foreplay.

- Blood arouses.

But I don't k*ll for it,
in case you're interested.

- You only reported
$45,000 of income

For your faith-based,
nonprofit coven.

But you live pretty well
as a vampire.

- Oh, well...

You can attribute that

To bored upper east side women

Who pay for encounters.

Love in "vein,"
if you'll allow the pun.

- These women,
the upper east side addresses,

Are your clients?

- Where anton takes
his liquid lunch...

Which brings me to my alibi.

After sarah,
I enjoyed the company

Of a lovely young lady

By the name
of michelle linden.

[knock at door]

- Preliminary tests
on the confiscated blood.

It's not sarah's.

- And I was starting to enjoy
his company.

- Where is he?
I understand you've got him.

- We heard you found
a refrigerator

Full of human blood.

- There is someone of interest--
- I want to see him.

- It's not a good idea.
- In here?

- Congressman, congressman.

- I'm sarah's father.

[chair rattles loudly]

We had a home.

We had a family.

You took that.
- Your daughter came willingly.

She fled your lies
and hypocrisy

And your unhappiness.

I don't take them.

Parents like you
send them to me.

- Why--
- okay. Hey, hey, hey.

- They'll come.
They'll always come.

And there's nothing you can do
to stop them.


- My name
was in his address book?

- He speaks
as if he knows you.

- My husband
is the president of a bank.

What on earth would I be doing
with some creature

Who calls himself a vampire?

- So you're not afraid?

- He's given you as his alibi
for m*rder.

- I should consult
our attorney.

- Mrs. Linden, this clearly has
the potential for embarrassment.

But he claims
that you contracted his services

The night that sarah price
was k*lled.

- Ridiculous.
I was at an event.

- Mm-hmm.
How'd you get there?

- We have our own driver.

- We'll need to speak
with him.

- Those pearls...

It's a very lovely choker.

- It was my mother's.

- Mind if I look?

Mrs. Linden,
you could be in danger.

Show me what you're hiding.

Show me.

- I know what
you're thinking, but...

It's very...Intimate.


It feels...

I-it's very different
than what I'm used to.

We were together
until first light...

Of dawn, I mean.

- How'd you meet him?

- I have a friend
who is the patron

Of a avant-garde poet,
a brilliant and budding rimbaud.

His name is virgil.

He, uh--
she brought him over,

And he brought anton.

- Any sense of the relationship
between anton and virgil?

- Possibly sexual.

Uh, virgil said
he was anton's protege.

He arranged our meetings.

- So you have a way
of ctacting him.

- Yes.

- I didn't hear you come in.

- No one ever does.

You know,
it's like home in here--

Such peace
and total, absolute devotion.

Brought my own tonight.

I heeded the call.


- Special?

- To prepare you
for the demands from beyond.

- But I obey your demands.

- Nothing's real until...

It was taken.

A demand was made.
I obeyed.

Some would call that madness.


It is sarah's blood.

Taste the adrenaline.

That was the fear
that coursed through her.

Yes, that excites you.

I'm special.

I will not die.

My belief will always give me
power over others.

A coven is no place
for pretenders, my love.

- Virgil is an a.K.A.
For jonathan parish.

Born 1984 in altha, florida.

There's an arrest
for lewd behavior,

Plus indecent exposure.

- Florida, 1984--

He was only 12
when the blood draining

Of that earlier girl occurred.

- Yeah, but that must've been
heavily covered in the news.

Rich fodder for the adolescent
masturbatorial fantasies

Of a disturbed youth.

- Combining arousal and death.

- Yeah, and there are more
elements of a deprived youth.

Father spent most
of the kid's life in jail.

- Mom was
a working role model--

Steady employment
at a meatpacking facility.

- Once again,
the presence of blood.

- And a possible fixation
on his mother.

- So we started with jung,

Then switched to freud.

The boy sees his mother
coming home from work

Covered in blood.

She showers.
He watches her.

- He constructs violent,
erotic images.

Maybe brings in
some vampire stuff.

- No shortage of that
in our world.

- Then blood becomes connected
to his arousal.

- It's the same
basic behavior

That can kick-start
a serial k*ller.

[cell phone beeping]

- The state tax board--

Guess where virgil's
currently employed?

- Sarah price...

Yes, I met her.

But I was much more taken
with her handsome boyfriend,


Only for a short while--
they were both pretenders.

- Pretenders?
- Groupies.

They can be fun,
but short-lived.

Oh, was that insensitive?

- Deliberately so.
You people try too hard.

Along with your impressive
demo of the skills needed

To carry out sarah's m*rder,

Begging us to ask the questi,

Where were you that night
between the hours of 11:00 p.M.

And 2:00 a.M.?

- Home.
Sadly, I was alone.

- Mm. You know,
it's interesting.

Uh, your mother bled dead pigs,
and you're doing this.

Isn't that interesting?

- Interesting.

- Well, prepping meat,
prepping the dead.

In some places, there's
a special caste for that work--

Pariahs, outcasts.

Nobody wants to know them.
- Doesn't bother me.

- Yeah, if it did,
you've overcome it

With a more theatrical identity.

Vampire beats the hell
out of pariah.

- People should respect
what I do.

In the end, everybody ends up
in my hands

Or in the hands of someone
just like me.

- Who don't all claim
to be vampires.

- Does anybody really know
what they are?

Now, unless you plan
to arrest me,

I better finish tending
to mr. Rockwell.

Does it hurt?
- [crying] yes.

But it's good.


Oh, I'm ready for the best.

- Let the pain bear you away
on silent wings,

And there
will be bigger things.

The voice will call to you
as it called to me.

[metal clatters]

Belief requires obedience

To make it real.

- There's no question
in our minds

This virgil guy is real.

- Real what?
And don't say vampire.

- Well, here,
take it down to basics.

He's a textbook psychotic--

devoid of empathy.

But I think also
he's delusional.

- So in his own mind,
he is a vampire?

And he feels
the need for blood,

And now with this cultural fad,
it's readily available to him?

- k*lling sarah price
would validate him,

Make him feel authentic.

- More than performance art
in a low-life club scene.

- The upper east side lady
had it wrong.

It's virgil who leads.
Anton follows.

- So virgil,
like his namesake,

Leads those
who are willing to follow...

Into hell.

- Hmm.

- I am priest, prophet,
and pacifier.

Blood, given at birth,
returns in death.

I banish your soul
from this body

And grant you
everlasting life.

You are brave.

You've earned this,
as sarah did.

Prepare yourself.

You will join her.

- To whom it may concern,

This is done
by my will alone.

I am a seeker.

And I release my blood
for others to share.

I fulfill my longing to embrace
the wealth of the spirit.

The psyche does not exist
within the constraints

Of time and space.

The psyche does not exist
within the constraints

Of time and space.

- What an idiotic waste.
- Yeah.


Death and transfiguration--

Moving from human flesh
to radiance.

It's a common religious theme.

- Want to talk creepy theology,
let's start with him.

- He said anything?

- Claims he walked in
and found the guy.

Did his duty as a citizen,
called 911.

- How would kyle
have gotten into your loft?

- I don't know.

- So people just wander in
and bleed themselves to death?

That's a service you offer?

- The loft is a holy sanctum.

A young man exercised his right
to be at one with his belief.

I don't see the crime
in that.

- Well...

Do you see the crime
in this?

- Sarah price?

We've been through that.

- But not
without fresh evidence.

- See this needle
and the tubing?

The bags used
for blood storage--

They not only had
kyle's blood type,

But also sarah's.

- I don't know
where that came from.

- We do. This equipment
was used to drain her.

Dna will tie you
to sarah's m*rder.

- You got nothing going for you
at this point, anton,

Except our belief...

That you're innocent.

- What?

- We think it's obvious
you're being framed.

- Unfortunately, what we think
isn't gonna carry

Any weight with the d.A.S.

They're gonna lay
a m*rder case on you

Just like virgil planned it.

- No. No, virgil is
an elevated person.

He leads the faith.

- He can be pragmatic
when it comes to saving his ass.

- You brought sarah
into your world.

Look at that.

And this is
how she ended up...

Like that.

So you have feelings.

But virgil has none.

And that's his strength,
his power over you, anton.

- His strength comes in powers
beyond your understanding.

- Uh, his behavior is totally
within our understanding.

There are three textbook phases
of psychopathy.

Phase one is assessment.

When virgil first meets you,
what does he see?

- A year and a half ago,
you were waiting tables.

Is that when you met virgil?

- What of it?

- Well, he decided
that you were worth knowing,

Of value to him.

So he raises you
from waiter to warlock,

Sets you up
with these rich clients.

- No, he raised me
to a greater truth.

- Oh, yeah,
when you're committed,

He moves on to phase two--

You start acting
on his commands.

You find sarah and kyle,
deliver them to virgil.

- Maybe we have it wrong.

Maybe anton k*lled
sarah and kyle.

- No.
- No.

k*lling was a ritual
that took virgil

To a higher level.

He knew it was something
anton couldn't do.

- See this?

Did you do this?
Yes or no?

- Which takes us to the third
and final phase

Of virgil's psychotic behavior--

You couldn't reach
a higher level,

So you were
of no more use to him.

So he plants sarah's blood
in your loft.

- He put you on our altar
for sacrifice.

[footsteps approaching]

- Anton...

I understood
they arrested you.

- They questioned me, yes.

- And you were true
to the faith?

- They showed me
evidence, virgil.

- Please say
you haven't disappointed me.

- Especially with all the effort
you made to frame him,

Right, virgil?

- The cops?

I offer things,
but people aren't appreciative.

I simply wanted anton to know
the true glory of martyrdom.

- We think that's a glory
that you deserve.

- Yeah, if you actually are
what you say you are,

You should be envious
if somebody else gets credit

For your work.

- No, I'm beyond envy...

But not disappointment.

You failed me.

- I believed in you
until you betrayed me, virgil.

- Oh, I always knew
you were weak.

There's so little strength
in this world.

- It doesn't take strength
to have delusions, virgil,

And that's all you have.

- Delusions
are unfounded beliefs.

My beliefs are proven
by everything I do.

Have they taken away...

Everything you know, anton?

Have you nothing left
of our faith?

You remember the pledge.

Am I not the source...

The blood...

The deliverer and the taker?

Sacred words
that bind us as family.

- Planted evidence
cuts a lot of family ties.

- Say the pledge.

Take strength from me.

There are higher levels.

- You've lost him, virgil.

You're alone.

- No...

Never alone.

I will always have
the power of darkness.

- Anton doesn't see it.
We don't see it.

That's because
I will always be

The light
that shines upon you.

- At last, the real you.

- My power is undiminished.

- No, with a little
soap and water,

Your power has vanished.

- Why am I here?

Why this waste
of my time?

- Well, we would be remiss
in our professional obligations

If we didn't
at least mention a plea.

- A plea?

- We have evidence,
witness testimony--

All that's needed
for a m*rder conviction.

If you allocute,
avoid a trial,

Saves the state
a lot of money.

- You know, you might do better
than life in supermax.

- No.

I want a trial.

- Still desperate.

- Your act really means
that much to you, huh?

- Knowing
that I am eternal

Means that
I have nothing to fear.

- Well, you know,

I think you may be wrong
about that, jonathan.

Locked in an 8-by-12 cell,
no human contact,

No hope of parole,

And time slowing
to a glacial pace.

And there you'll sit...

Just being eternal?