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09x09 - Traffic

Posted: 01/24/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
In new york city's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders

are pursued by the detectives

of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

That was riveting.

Yeah, but I'm still
a fact-checker.

Hey, that was your mother's idea.

To t*rture me.

You've read my latest, but
you haven't said anything.


Culture of youtube.


You write far too well
for such a crappy title.

I want to know
everything about you.

Uh-oh. Everything?

Yeah, um, your first job.

Shining shoes.

Um, first thing you
ever got published.

Uh, a penthouse letter?

Well, now I have
some rotten business

Waiting for me at the office,

But we'll see each other
later at the party.

You are coming.

I can't.

Oh. Come on.

And spend the whole
night staring at you?

She'll see and she'll know.


Frankie, it's a cover.

The c-- a photo
montage is puerile?

Are we looking at
the same thing here?

Frank, your covers win awards.

You don't want that out there.

Uh-huh. Okay.

So--so tell me what
do you want to do?

You want to-
you want to just chuck it?

Just--just throw it away?

You can do better.

Is that fabulous?

You're late.

I have to go.

You're gonna have to
call for another car.

I'm not going.

I told you we had
to leave by 8:00.

I'm not going.

Stuck at the office?

Not quite the glamorous line
of work you thought, huh?

I don't feel well.

Do you want me
to call dr. Harris?

Showing yourself to the boys.

What were you being?

I was being bad.

Show me what you did.


That's so naughty.

You want a spanking, don't you?

Uh-huh. I deserve it.

He likes you, the doctor.

Yes, he'll be a regular.

That's good.

Sofia, paulina, this is dmitry.

Look at these sweet girls.


When they see you, all the
men will want to marry you.

I read your blog.

You're expanding your single

Into a seven-parter
on the russian mob.

That's daunting.

Yeah, like trying to decide
what to wear with a flak vest.

Time to make up, amigo.

Frankie, hey, I'm your
biggest supporter.


Oh, um, I'm gonna pass

On my party plans
for tomorrow night.


I've considered your
serialized piece.

Won't happen.

Not funny, connor.

It's not a joke. I'm sorry.

One and done.

One and done?

It's--it's the russian mob.

It's gonna be hot.

Serialized isn't working.

Ad pages are down.

Not for my stuff.

Don't shut me down

Because no one in the checkout line

Bought your 9,000 words
on the art of myanmar.

Look, patricia...

When you're running things,

Publish whatever the hell you want.

Until then, suck it up.


Thank you. Thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, and thank you.

Please, everybody come in.

Come on, come on, come on.

You beautiful people, you.

Thank you alfor coming.

You look absolutely fabulous,

Every single one of you.

I couldn't be happier
that you're all here

To share in this
amazing celebration.

Now, over the last year,

We've lost some brethren--

Gourmet, vibe, pc, jane,

Playgirl went bottoms up.

Come on. Everyone, raise a glass.

Take a look around you.

After 50 years, inset lives.

We're still here. Huh?

we're still here.





I'm sorry, okay?

Oh, my god.


Traffic 9x09

I had a lot to drink, okay?

I must have blacked out.

I don't--I don't remember
anything after the party.

Just seeing him.

Master bedroom's clean.

Well, I assume the maids

Came and cleaned up
before the party.

So you woke up in...

In the guest bedroom upstairs.

And was there anybody
else in the house?

I don't know.


So...You woke up,

And then you found him,

And you called 911.

Mr. Bollinger, what
is that on your shirt?

Is that blood?

I hugged him.

But he was dead.

"I was drunk. I blacked out.

I have blood on my shirt."

Gee, I could have done
much better than that.

You're not an amateur.

Uh, dead maybe 5 1/2 hours.

Two blows to the head.

Probably struck first
by a blunt, heavy object

On the left temple.



Oh, second blow's different.

Yeah. Blunt force trauma
to the back of the head.

Possibly a fall after
the first blow, or...

Or the k*ller smashed
his head into the floor.



Ooh, what are these?

Minor lacerations.

Something he grabbed and held.

Yeah. Let's get photos of that.

Csu should check this for prints.

It's out of place.

The awards are all on that shelf.

The scott ison award
for publishing.

This might be dried
blood at the base.


Mom, have you seen my phone?

Dad, what are you doing here?

What's going on?

Hey, sweetheart.


Honey, connor was
m*rder*d last night.

- What?
- We are all in shock.

- No!
- Honey, I know--


Lousy time for magazines.

My father read inset.

I remember this picture
of ursula andress.

She had this brassiere
that shot b*ll*ts.

Your father read it.

It was, uh, shared.

We fought over the
crossword puzzles.

Connor james' final editorial--

Everything must die.

No kidding.

His art director's a guy
named frank bollinger.

Discovered the body
just after 5:00 a.M.,

Called 911.

Bollinger spent the night?

Can we take something from that?

My take is that frank's gay.

Hmm. Well, he didn't
tell us that, but, uh...

But women know these things.

So maybe it was a lover's spat.

Well, bollinger seemed
sincerely distraught,

And he didn't try to hide
the blood on his shirt,

And hung around, called 911, so...

People never m*rder and
then feel bad about it.

Anyway, the king is dead.

So who's moving on the throne?

The stockholders asked me e toak

Edi r pro tem.

I couldn't refuse.

No, no, sure you couldn't.

Continuity of leadership is, uh-
-it's crucial, huh?

Still, it's hard to walk
past connor's empty office.

We need to get in there
before anything's packed up.

You're gonna hear that
I wanted this position,

And I did, but not like this.

- So, um, your-
- your working relationship

Was, uh, pretty good?

Connor was cautious
and I lead with my chin,

But every month,

We got the book to the
printers without a hitch.


Oh, in the trade, we
never say "magazine."

What about connor
and frank bollinger?

Oh, connor was frank's mentor.

Hmm. Sleepovers usually
imply something more.

Oh, of course.

No, connor was straight.

He was fond of frank, and
frank worshipped connor.


But what?

Frank was sensitive
about his work.

But so am I, so--

So when they argued,
you understood.

What'd they argue about?

Connor trashed
frank's cover design

For the next issue.

He said frank lost it.

He ranted. He threw all
of his work in his face.

Rage issues.

I have a lot on my plate.

Grieving staff.


Frank bollinger has
an as*ault record.

He was arrested at a bar.

So he drinks and gets violent.

And when connor james
nixed his cover design...

Doesn't seem like a
reason to k*ll him.

Oh, this qualifies him.

His prints match those
found on the m*rder w*apon.

I'm here because connor
and I had an argument?

I could have been here a lot

During the past seven years.

Except connor
hadn't been m*rder*d.

Was kicking and throwing your
work in his face your trademark?

Come on. I, uh, acted out.

Along with a d.U.I.
, you have a past as*ault charge.


No, wait, I want
them to hear this.

I was out with my boyfriend

And some redneck was hassling us.

I don't take that crap.

But, see, frank,
this is our problem.

Your prints are on-
-on this m*rder w*apon.

I don't know.

I was recovering from
being really drunk,

And I--I might have picked...

Don't speculate.

Frank, look, you know,

Nothing about this
seems premeditated.

What happened?

A quarrel accelerated beyond words,

And, you know, got physical?

Tell us what happened.

Maybe we can talk about a deal.

We don't talk based
on rampant speculation.

Don't you get it?

I have no future without connor.

I'm not easy, and, um,

And he put up with me.

I loved him.

We hear that a lot.


Okay. I'm destroyed.

I'm as dead as he is?

You look pretty alive to me.

Yeah, well, patricia
caruso hates me.

And my work.

She'll replace me with some
stefan sagmeister wannabe.

I'm gone. Okay?

I'm a ghost.

While that bitch goddess prevails.

Frank is arrested. Not
just person of interest.

Frank bollinger? Not good.

If he talks, disturbs business,

He upsets people who
must not be upset.

Nobody wants this.

"vile, snouted faces,

"pig-like, with tiny, porcine eyes,

Dead to mercy or consideration."

Patricia hits hard in this
article on the russian mob.

Hmm, pig-like and porcine?

That's the same thing.

That's kind of cheesy writing.

Oh, there's a note at the end.

Says she planned six more.

The mob's role in dr*gs,
extortion, shylocking.

Well, he hated that,
but look at this.

He--he liked this.

Nothing but accolades.

"original voice.

"fresh take.

Great work, mia."


Wonder who's mia.

Connor had some
additional files in storage,

So I sent for them.

Uh, that was my first pass.

Yeah, oh, russian gangsters?

Gee, that's, uh-
that's strong stuff.

Connor didn't quite
share your enthusiasm.

He reduced that series
to a one and done.

I think connor was
afraid of the russians.

Hmm. But not you.

Not writing stuff like that.

My ex-husband is forrest caruso.

Great, great defense attorney.

Uh, he "caruso-fied" the
prosecution witnesses

For the italians.

Oh, wait. Did he-
did he defend the russians?

Gee, that could get, uh...


Forrest said that is a
line he won't cross.

So your work was cut
from seven to one?

Must've hurt.

Well, luckily, I just started.

So I picked myself
up, and I partied.

I got home around 1:00.

That is what you wanted
to ask me, right?

Forrest must have warned you.

Nobody's immune.

My daughter mia and
forrest were both at home.

Mia, yeah.

Hey, what, uh...

What's mia-- does she work here?

She interns two days
a week. Fact checking.

The rest of the time she's at
nyu majoring in journalism.

Wants to be like mom.

We'll see.


You know, it's so funny.

My father, he's a psychiatrist.

He wanted me, you know,

Taking notes while other
people were relaxed on a couch.

But, what do you know,
here I am a cop.

Observing behavior?

It's not that far off the mark.

This youtube essay by mia,

A very distinctive voice.

She's developing
quite a fan base.

No, connor's praise
was well deserved.

Mm-hmm. Not just the
kinder, gentler treatment

Of a young journalism intern?

Who might be very attractive?

You think so?

Well, it's obvious you
think her mother, patricia,

Is a bit of a knockout.

Was I that obvious?

So if mia's looks
were in the genes,

Along with a superior talent...

You have a wicked imagination.

I like that in a partner.

The dominant, older man
coddles a young intern?

Not without precedent.

I'd like to meet this mia.

At connor's memorial service,

We can see all of 'em.

Wow. Looking at
patricia and forrest,

You'd never know it
was a bitter divorce.

Yeah, cozy.

Well, I'll bet it
was tough for him

Walking out on her.

I'm guessing she gave
the marching orders,

And now, as is often the
case, heants back in.

Mm-hmm. And how about mia?

I think you were right. She
got the mom's good looks.

Mr. Caruso.

Detective nichols.

This is my partner,
detective stevens.

This is hardly the time.

We have a m*rder.
You know how it works.

Oh, patty said you
stopped by t office.

Yeah, really?

She was, uh, busy.

I'm surprised she noticed.

Hey, did you happen
to read that stuff

She wrote about the russian mob?

I hate reading about crime.

You two seem very close.


Acrimonious tabloid divorce.

Seeing you together,

Looks like you're
working things out.

Well, patty and
I have a daughter,

So above all else,
we're mindful of that.

You, uh, were with patricia

The night of the m*rder,

But you didn't go to the party.

Is that right?

Well, it's her scene, not mine.

But, yeah, we spent the
night at her place.

So being so close to patricia,

Did she happen to confide in you

About connor cutting
back her article?

What she confided is
irrelevant, detective.

I have corroborated patty's alibi,

And that's all you need.

So have a nice day.

He's good.

Very slick.


Mob didn't pay him 800
an hour for nothing.

I know who you are.

I've seen your face in magazines.

Yeah, okay.

We're coming out.

That was rikers.

Frank bollinger was
stabbed to death.

He lived long enough to I.
D. His k*ller.

We know that you
followed frank bollinger

Into the bathing area.

Video surveillance picked you up.

But no cameras in showers.

You have nothing.

We have frank's description.

Plus the cos found
this under your bunk.

Everyone has shank.


Why did you k*ll frank bollinger?

It was somebody who
hates queers, not me.

I don't hate anybody.

In russia, you're wanted
on multiple m*rder charges,


You're a hired g*n.

No, you're mistaken.

I'm a pest exterminator.

So the m*rder of connor james

Made frank bollinger a pest?


You expect us to believe

You didn't know frank was a suspect

In connor james' m*rder?

I only know I went
to shower to get clean.

To not smell.

Doesn't always work.


You tell us who ordered the
hit on frank bollinger,

You might not end
up in the supermax.

You have just suspicion.

No evidence.

I've been extradited,

And you cannot stop it.

He's right.

Mr. Ivankov does have
some frequent flyer miles

Coming his way.

State department is honoring
moscow's petition to extradite.

So let's run this thing
again from the top.

We have a professional hit

Possibly related to patricia's
piece on the russian mob.

Well, she said that connor
was afraid of the russians.

I don't think he was that afraid.

I noticed he only edited things

That related to the
mob's sex rings.

The rest, the names of
mobsters, their connections,

It's all in here.

So all we really know
about frank bollinger

Is that he designed a lousy cover

And ended up dead.

No, obviously he did more.

I got to get o.C.C.B. In on this.

Bollinger and connor's
m*rder are somehow connected.

And are we agreed?

Connor was straight?

Women know about these things.

I say we go talk to another
woman who's close to him.

No, mr. Connor? No, not gay.

At all.

You sound pretty sure.

Mr. Connor was
always with the girls.


Say, this chest...

This was not here when we searched.

Mr. Connor put all
this in the basement,

Make room for the party.

He definitely wasn't into guys.

"love, laura."

They autographed the backs.


Zen yoga.

The art of fly fishing.

Ten ways to a stronger marriage.




Home sex videos?

More girls. All young.

Yeah, they look like prostitutes.

How'd he find 'em?

Maybe by taking risks.

More people with a
motive to k*ll him.

Here's connor playing
the aging lothario.

And he tapes all this.

Sleaze bag.

Wait, how old are you?


I'm paying top dollar for youth.

Sorry, sweetheart.
You don't qualify.

Please, my boss will be mad.

Mm-hmm. What do you get? 5,000?

This guy was all heart.

Come on, come on.
Come on, I'm a busy man.

Let's go, get out. Get out!

Right, bye-bye.

Frankie! Frankie, you
just cost me five grand!

Yeah, I need another girl.

Frank--frank, not now
with the art layout.

Frank bollinger was
his conduit to hookers.

Girls with accents.

Probably victims of
human trafficking

Brought in by the russian mob.

Maybe he did the heavy
edit on patricia's piece

'cause he was afraid
his name would show up.

So did the mob, though,
do the heavy edit on him,

Or was it enough just
to k*ll frank bollinger

Who hooked connor up?

I think he hooked up
with this one on his own.


I wonder if mom knows
that her daughter

Was doing more than
just fact checking.


Mrs. Caruso, can we come in?

It's about your daughter.

We want to speak to her.

It's important.

I was just about to leave.

I have a pen dinner in midtown,

And mia is still struggling
with connor's death.

So are we.

You're aware your daughter

Was sexually involved with connor?

What? How dare you?

Patricia, come on.

Connor james, also a big
fan of young prostitutes.

Gonna tell me that
that was a big secret?

Yeah. And the russian
mob was supplying 'em.

You didn't uncover that in
your journalistic endeavors?

Hi, counselor.

Well, maybe that explains
why he butchered your piece,


He also recorded
his exploits on dvds.

Quite a collection.

That sick son of a bitch.

Don't tell me our daughter...

You're really saying
that you weren't aware

Of mia's involvement with him?

We're not answering
anymore questions.


So we should talk to mia.

Is she under arrest?


Then you know the drill.

This is a family thing.

Leave us alone.

Not an arrest. I
can't endorse that.

You want forrest caruso brought in,

You do it on a material
witness warrant.

But an arrest is the only way

We isolate him from
patricia and mia

While we question them.

Probable cause?

These phone records
cover us on that.

Mia's phone is in
her father's name.

Ergo her records are his records.

Here's a text we downloaded
from connor's phone,

Sent to mia during the party.

That's interesting,

But it doesn't prove forrest
knew about the affair.

Unless he scanned his
daughter's phone.

Not something I haven't done.

Your kid's eight.

By the time she's 18, you might
want to back off on that.

There's more.

Oh, yeah, this.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, 2:13 a.M.,

Mia called her father.

That's the same time
connor was m*rder*d.

Time when patricia and forrest

Claim they were home with mia.

In the same house, so why call?

What if they weren't
in the same house?

What if mia went to
connor's after the party,

Finds out about the other girls...

Completely loses it.

Panics and calls her dad?

Forrest comes to cover it up.

Frames frank bollinger,
who's there, passed out.

oh, I don't know.

Oh. Rogers has something.

Remember the
lacerations on his hands?

They form a radiating pattern,

Something he clenched
at the instant of death.

Oh, look at that.

Do you have any idea what that is?

Oh, it's something
square and sharp.

The cuts are clean.

And he had it in his hand

For 25 to 30 minutes after he died.

You sure about that?

Sometimes the victim's hand

Has to be literally pried open.

Why k*ll him and wait 25 minutes

Before removing whatever it was?

What are you doing?

I'm, uh, seeing
what this looks like.

Trying to connect the dots.

Odd shape. Distinctive.

Yeah, what do you think?

Warrants for forrest,
patricia, and mia?

Mia? This better be good.

Forrest caruso eats red meat.

You arrest his daughter,
he'll be out to eat us.

No, no, no, we'll be okay.

Serena lit a candle.

Why can't my dad be here?

We're saying nothing
until he gets here.

Your father is, uh, in custody.

Forrest has been arrested?

What the hell is this about?

Possible accessory
after the fact.


We believe he
helped your daughter

Cover up the m*rder
of connor james.

Uh, no. I didn't k*ll connor.

You called your
father from connor's

At 2:00 a.M. On the
night of the m*rder.

No, I wasn't there.

She was at home with
her father and myself.

Mrs. Caruso, mia's cell
phone records and gps

Tracks her to connor's.

It's not true.

How can they have this?

Sweetheart, we will--

No! I want my father.

I don't want you handling anything.

He was m*rder*d because of
that crap that you wrote.


She made him a
target for mobsters.

Mia, we're going to hold
you pending arraignment.

W--what's going on?

I'm telling the truth. -
Hands behind your back.


Don't do this.

But I didn't hurt anyone. Please.

This is all wrong. Mom. Mom!

Miss caruso.

You know my feelings about this.

Uh, yes, but--

It verges on breaking rules,

So whether it works
or doesn't work,

You make it fast.

My husband is gonna
tear your throat out.

Treating our baby like a criminal.

We're aware of the
mitigating factors.

Connor's age, her age,

It could qualify as
voluntary manslaughter.

And, um, you know,

It could even plead down
to negligent homicide.

You know, she does a
suspended sentence.

No time at all.

I suppose you
have proof beyond...

My poor baby.

Well, you know, she's
only 17 years old,

And she comes from a good home

And responsible, loving parents.

That bastard, connor!

I tried to warn her away from him,

And she just wouldn't listen.

You weren't aware
of the actual affair.

Of course not.

I saw a crush developing,

But I never thought
it would come to this.

To mia's k*lling him.

When I heard about his death,

And she wasn't in
our home that night,

I thought, "oh, god, please
don't let it be true."

Whatever she did, she
is really not to blame.

You've been very...Helpful.

Detectives, they've
brought mr. Caruso.

This is to verify that
he got the call from mia.

He won't accept it.

He is not ready.

We're gonna have to
cue patricia's testimony

To the exact right spot.

If forrest gets even a whiff--

Of how we worked her,
worked her daughter.

We've destroyed a relationship
between a mother and daughter.

This isn't easy for me.

Okay. I can go it alone.

You're being noble,
which means even you think

This could really go wrong.

Like a possible career-ender?

Tell her. It's only fair.

The captain's right.

L-let's talk.

You heard patricia's testimony.

We follow through on that,
this can all be put to rest.

Not so long ago,
I heard testimony

Possibly involving the russian mob.

But that's gone away.

Now we have an absolute admission.

No, don't call it an admission.

It's an accusation.

In the d.A.'s hands,

What patricia just said in there

Could get an innocent
girl convicted of m*rder.

But we're not
bringing in the d.A.

That's not our choice.

If patricia suddenly
decides to lawyer up,

She'll be in the grand jury
indicting her daughter,

And you'll both be transit cops.

But we have no choice, none.

I meant what I said
about going it alone.

But the only way is forward.

He has a terrible
way of being right.

When you spoke to
her, did she sound high?

My daughter's too
smart to do dr*gs,

And I've not said I spoke to her.

Uh, you do realize

That every cell phone
has a gps, which--

Which can be tracked
from various towers.

It's not infallible.

I've got experts who can and
will refute that evidence.

Okay, I suppose our next question

Is gonna be whether or not

You'll refute the
testimony of your ex-wife?


I understand a father being
protective of his daughter,

But your ex-wife is being
more realistic about it.

You weren't aware
of an actual affair?

Of course not.

I--I could see a crush developing,

But I never thought
it would come to this.

To mia k*lling him?

When I heard about his death,

And she wasn't in our
home that night...

- Ah!
- I thought, "oh, god, please,

Don't let it be true."

Okay, stop this.

Mia is innocent.

- Patricia says--
- stop!

Counselor, we've got, uh--

I'm not gonna try
to explain evidence

To you of all people, but look.

I've got mia's phone
records right here.

It's on your account.

Here in this highlighted part

Is the call itself
from connor to you.

You don't know who made it.

Well, uh, what jury would
believe that it wasn't mia,

What with the testimony
of her own mother?

My daughter can't go down
for something she didn't do.

Patty was frantic.

She'd fought with connor.

She hit him with something
during a struggle.

She panicked.

Naturally, she called me.

And you went to help her.

Understand, it was
patty's reaction

To finding out the man
violated our daughter.

There was more than one blow.


Not patty. Me.


When I got there,

Patty's earring was in his hand,

And he wouldn't let go.

Suddenly, he moved.

I reacted. I slammed his
head against the floor.

Finished him off.

I checked his heart.

And he was dead.

Patty didn't k*ll him.

I did.

We'll be processing your release.

So you know I'm innocent?

Your father gave us a statement.

He k*lled connor.

He...And your mother.

She reacted to the news you
were sleeping with him,

And acted out of rage, and...

It's my fault for being
with connor, anyway.

No, it's not your fault.

Don't believe that.

Why should I believe
you about anything?


We're not letting her go
until we're all finished.

- She's a 17
-year-old girl.

We accused her of m*rder.

She's alone in a holding cell.

Yeah, where she's gonna stay

Until the voided arrest process.

That's what we do.

If frank's statement
will get it to trial,

There's nothing left for us to do.

Understand her intent.

Patricia's intent?

As a mother, I can almost get
my head around her intent.

No, you can't. She's not you.

You know, you should
have been a shrink

Like your father wanted.

Serena, I don't care
about complaining husbands

And cheating wives

And treating people
with nervous acne.

But I am driven to understand

Why some people are so different

That they disrupt our sense

Of all behavior and logic.

And you'll do whatever it takes.

I don't buy that patricia

k*lled to protect her child.

Why not?

It's not who she is.

And who is she?

We don't know.

Ms. Caruso,

Your husband has
told us everything--

How you called him from connor's

On mia's phone.

Don't blame him for lying.

He is desperate to save mia.

I mean, maybe he's right.

Maybe we should sacrifice ourselves

For the sake of our child.

Miss caruso, this tells us

That you were present
when connor died.

He cut his hand...

Clutching... At this earring.

Observe, if you will.

You see that?

See that?


I've noticed since then
you've worn clip-ons.

Would you remove them?

So when you struggled,

Connor pulled this
earring out of your ear.

- Okay, so what-
- what happened that night?

You, um, somehow wound
up with mia's cell phone,

And you intercepted a text message

From connor that was meant for mia.


He bragged.

He described mia's first orgasm

In lugubrious detail.

But we have the text right here,

Ms. Caruso.

This is what he wrote.

"your words, style,
and structure, mia,

"are gifts touched by god's wand.

"nothing is owed to a mother

Who has suppressed and
denied your talent."


Considering the purpose,
I'll stick with "filth."

Even I would have to admit

That mia's writing is not
only superior to yours, but--

You're a cop.

You can't judge what I create.

I don't care what you think.

But you did care...

What connor thought, didn't you?

Connor wanted le mot
juste. Flaubert.

Sylvia plath.

I write tough.

Not the sop you see on oprah.

It sells. That is why
I'm running the place.

Don't you feel that
mia has a special gift?

Connor said what
he said to get laid.

A decade ago, I learned
exactly how he works.

Okay, you want the whole story?

I didn't k*ll connor. Forrest did.

But you struck him
before forrest got there.

Yeah, but when forrest got there,

Connor moved.

Forrest and I both saw it.

So forrest took his head,

And he slammed it into the floor.

And he never moved again.

That was a muscle contraction.

That's a function of rigor mortis.

Your blow actually did
k*ll connor james.

And for reasons that
are far less noble

Than you'd like us to think.

You've gone from a mother
trying to frame her daughter

To accusing the ex-husband
who still loves you.

I think patricia

Is finally starting
to arrive at reality.

It's time she heard her rights.

You're a stickler
for behavioral theory.

Listen to this.

"these individuals can have

"a grandiose view of themselves,

"and demand excessive admiration.

"they maneuver well in
difficult situations,

"but their self-esteem is fragile.

"any threat to their self-image

Might agitate or even enrage them."

Oh, that's right out
of the psych textbook.

Yeah, narcissistic
personality disorder.

It's a psychopathology

That fits our patricia to a "t".

Or a sign of the zodiac.

She's a scorpio.


Well, you know, my father
would k*ll me for saying this,

But, uh...

Equally valid.