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09x07 - Love Sick

Posted: 01/24/23 10:56
by bunniefuu
In new york city's w*r on crime,

The worst criminal offenders
are pursued

By the detectives of the
major case squad.

These are their story

Cool, man, thanks.

You promised. Damn it, jay.

- One last score.
- It's drug-dealing.

Shh. Hey.

I helped pay for your
college classes, right?

Let's go inside.

This is it.

* *

Think you can move up on me, huh?

Make a play for my turf? - No--ugh!

Leave him alone--aah!

Stand back from me, bitch.

Let's get out of here.

Let's hit it.

Shh-shh. Shh-shh. Let me see.

Let me see. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. - Get away from me!

Rachel, come back!

If cleanliness is
next to godliness,

You're going straight to heaven.

I need you in exam four,

And an answer about
dinner tomorrow night.

If you keep up with this,
I'll talk to management.

Is that a threat?

It's over, randall.
I'm with someone now.

You know how I feel about that.

Scarred in a bar brawl.

Not exactly what my
parents had in mind

For their little-
ah--iowa farm girl.

Nice, small stitches.
You won't get a scar.

And the doctor can
give you a cream too.

Just keep it moist.

He's gonna keep calling
till I talk to him.

I hate this.

What am I gonna do?

Maybe just let it
be for the night.

If I don't go home, he'll freak.

His fault anyway.

That's how I see it.

Yeah, you're right.


My shift's over in a few.

She's there?

What's she wearing?

Very nice. I like that.

All right, I'll be there in a few.

- See you later?
- For what?

For what? Amy's birthday, genius.

I got a couple nice rib-eyes
to throw on the grill.

Of course, uncle joe.

Just got to take care of
a couple things first.

You don't need to walk me.
I'm fine.

This isn't the best neighborhood.

What's your deal?
Can't take no for an answer?

He doesn't know the
meaning of the word.

Come on. Let's go.

My mom.

All I was supposed to do

Was milk cows, pop out kids,

And get fat.

I didn't have a mom.

She ran off when I was five.

It was just me and my dad.

That must have been hard.

At first, but he made up for it.

- Uh!
- Uh!

oh I can hardly believe

by giving in to this
sweet surrender

I have all that I want

all that I need

the wishes I whispered

you answered their call

just like I knew you would

you make love feel so good

Trancript by Adriano_CSI

The calls started
just after dawn.

This block is home to
half the fortune 500.

So no purse, no I.D.

Just jane doe as of right now.

Spiked heels.
Bridge and tunnel makeup job.

Very carefully done.

But the mousy brown hair...

I don't know,
feels more college girl

Than working girl somehow.

Of course,
in the age of craigslist,

She could be both.

Ligature marks
indicate strangulation,

Maybe with a strap of some kind.

Any timeframe?

Well, from lividity,
I'd say she's been here

Since between 4:00 and 5:00 a.M.

What's this on her cheek?

Some kind of offensive wound.

It's been covered over with makeup.

And stitches.

I doubt he interrupted his fun

For a trip to the doctor.

No, she wasn't going anywhere.

Her wrists are rubbed
raw where she was bound.

She made herself up
for the wrong client?

She didn't make herself up.

If I did my eyes like that

And lip liner and blush,

Then struggled in bondage,

Sobbed, faced death,

My face would look
like a clown mask.

Right. So done after death.

And her clothes?

I'd say more his
choice than hers.

Waiting on toxicology,

But it's rather remarkable.

r*ped and sodomized,
but no semen, blood or anything

That might give dna.

Every surface, every orifice
scrubbed and flushed.

All cleaning done post-mortem.

Mm-hmm. Found traces
of a medicinal cleanser

Called novacell.

Yeah, I used it on my
daughter when she was little

For cuts and scrapes.

The lingual bone is
completely crushed,

But not much bruising,

So it was probably done
after she was strangled.

Well, the logical reason
is to make absolutely sure

She was dead, unless we're
dealing with some extreme sadist

Whose thrill comes from
brutalizing the victim

After death.

Prints are in.
The name's rachel melhan.

She was in the system
on a loitering charge.

There's an address.

S- gur?En jayhe

R - that's not her.
That's not my rachel.

That's my rachel.

That's her.

An iowa farm girl?

Yeah, council bluffs.

She came here about a year ago

To get started at cuny.

This her wardrobe of choice?

Yeah. That's all she'd ever wear.

But she ended up on the upper
east side dressed like a hooker?

That doesn't make any sense.

We went to a club last night.

She had to leave early,
study for some tests.

About what time was that?

9:30, I think, around.
A little after 9:30.

So she left, and,
what, you stayed?

Yeah, I was gonna
talk to a few buddies,

Be right behind her.

I called, I called,

I left messages, nothing.

I was worried. - Worried?


Did you hit her?

This deep cut on her cheek.

It needed stitches, man.

Okay. There was a fight

At the club. Somebody
I was involved with.

She got hit, but not by me.

- And that's why she left?
- Yeah.


Who'd you piss off?

What's the name?

We'll go to the
club and get the name.

By then, you'll be
up on a drug charge.

It was andre lanier.

No idea what
you're talking about.

-We have testimony you
threatened jay linnet,

Roughed him up.
And hit his girlfriend.

I don't know nothing
about that guy.

People saw rachel melhan
bleeding when she left the club.

She was found at sutton place
and 57th, a m*rder victim.

If you didn't hit her there,
when did you hit her?

That ring could do some damage.


She might have gotten in the way.

Something accidentally happened,

But I don't know nothing
about her death, all right?

I don't go nowhere
near sutton place.

So after the club,
where were you last night,

Mr. Lanier?

Here. With my people.

All night?

Ask anyone. They'll tell you.

First, we'll review their priors.

Then we'll see what
they have to say.

So this dealer andre lanier
doesn't look good for this?

Well, neither he nor
anybody in his crowd

Have sexual as*ault
or r*pe charges.

All of their priors involve
protecting their drug trade.

And what do the tox screens say?

Valium and alcohol. A lot of it.

Plus small amounts of
something found on her skin.

A medicinal cleanser.

Whoever did this was precise,

Very thorough,
didn't want to leave a trace.

So this girl leaves the club,

Gets her face stitched up,
and then heads home.

Now doesn't that
highlight the boyfriend?

Cell phone records show

Him calling her seven
times last night.

Some calls coming in right
around the time of the m*rder.

He wouldn't be calling
her if he was k*lling her.

Right. Also when
we talked to him,

He seemed genuinely upset.

He even shed a few tears.

There's an old
saying in my family.

A man only cries when his
mother or his dog dies.

Well, for sure over the dog.

Tough family.

No. Just greek.

So you got the valium,
the medicinal cleansers,

And the stitches.

Sounds like there's a
medical connection.

With a cut that deep,

She might have gone
for immediate help.

I'll order a citywide
canvass of all ers, hospitals,

And clinics.

But now the clothes
and all that makeup.

Are we sure she
wasn't a working girl?

Her record's clean,
plus, in her apartment,

The photos and
clothing didn't point

To a streetwalking lifestyle.

Nothing indicates she
was ever a prost*tute.

The k*ller just wanted
her to look that way.

And cleaning her like that?

Leaving her out in broad daylight?

Yeah, I'd say that sends

A pretty strong message.

Yeah. All womeare prostitutes,

And he's proud of what he's done.

I'm sorry about last night.

My father had a name
for people like you.

Easy there, buddy.


What? We're not friends anymore?

Whatever we are, damon,
I don't think "friends"

Is the right word.

Yeah. Wouldn't work, you and me.

I'm fdny engine 12,
and you--you wear a smock.

Don't purse your lips.

It's unbecoming.

Can I get some help over here?

oh I can hardly believe

by giving in to this
sweet surrender

I have all that I want

all that I need

the wishes I whispered

you answered their call

just like I knew you would

you make love feel so good

Signs of r*pe.
Bruises on the wrist.

Deep ligature marks at the neck.

Let me guess. Her lingual
bone's been crushed post-mortem?

Well, have to put her
on the table to confirm,

But yeah, it looks like it.

Two blocks from our first victim.

Same exact message.

Even the same medicinal soap.

Oh, the skin's abraded in places.

The person scrubbed
so hard this time.

The crimes have excited a--

An obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Each one is gonna be
cleaner thanhe one before.

It's his signature.

Could be a serial k*ller.

Yeah. Now, what is this?

Doesn't look like
a defensive wound.

No, it's an impact trauma,

Like she maybe
slammed it in a door.

It's stained.

Someone swabbed it with betadine.

A mrs. Carol felix just reported

Her 19-year-old daughter missing.

She described our victim.

My little girl.

She caught her hand in a drawer.

That's all that-
that is what she said

The last time I spoke to her.

Do you remember the
time exactly, mrs. Felix?

Maybe 8:00.

No, no. Closer to 9:00.

Please cover her up.

Did your daughter mention

Getting treatment for her finger?

She said-- s,
she was going to a hospital

Or a clinic.

Could it be somewhere
close to her work?

She said it was the
only place around

Where you don't need insurance.

Wa- shye fofoena brok finger.

A a splint was applied.

And here's racl melhan here

On the same night she was k*lled.

In at 10:20, released at 11:05.

Face lac, stitches.

Are you here about those girls?

I was on duty that night.

I thought I should talk to you.

Yes, I'm detective nichols.
Detective stevens.

I'm maya sills.

I'm one of the nurse's aides.

You helped these girls?

Yeah, well, the one who
was here on Tuesday night.

Rachel melhan?

Right. That's right. Rachel.

I'm sorry. We have so many
people come rough here,

It's hard to keep track.

Um, she had a cut on her face,
a fight with her boyfriend.

I actually talked to her.

And the other girl, isabel felix?

E went to the nurse on duty.

Maya--and, maya,
who was that nurse on duty?

We'll be speaking to
everyone who works here, maya.

Maya, if you have information,
now's the time.

It's just that...

There's politics around here.

I want to know that I'm safe.

Then tell us who treated isabel.

His name is randall ames.

He's a night nurse.

He has a reputation.

What kind of reputation?

For liking young girls.

Did he like rachel
melhan and isabel felix?

Rachel actually complained to me.

He wouldn't leave her alone.

Someone told you I
came oto rachel melhan?

Who? - We're asking the questions.

I know who.

Maya hasn't exactly
been my biggest fan

Since we broke up.

You dated maya sills?

For a couple months.

Girl's a head case.

I treated her great,

Took her to nice restaurants,

But one day to the next,

It's... "lose my number."

Another guy?

So let's shift to rachel melhan.

Did you come onto her?

I offered to walk her home.

It's a crappy neighborhood.

Just being a gentleman?

Maya left with rachel, not me.

I was on the overnight shift

Both nights those girls were here.

You can check the timecards.
We will.

And the surveillance cameras.
You'll see who's lying.

Our boy randall didn't lie.

Hmm. Okay, so now
I'm kind of interested

In what he wouldn't tell us.

You mean, the guy
maya ditched him for.


Uh, I got the feeling
that randall knows him,

So maybe it's somebody
who comes around

Or works there.

People come, they go.

The real thing lacks
the pace of e.R.

You may want to
take a look at this.

I've got a fireman here
who rivals george clooney.

And he's talking to maya.

Oh, here we go. Here we go.

And look at the date.

That's last night,

The date that isabel
felix was m*rder*d.

Everybody in the hou tal .Ng

Hew terrible about those girl.

You guys close to this whack job?

Well, it's an
ongoing investigation,

So we're really not at-
- sorry. I got it.

Your girlfriend, mr. Kerrigan.

She was on duty the
nights in question?

Yeah, she was there.

It's got her scared.

She's talked about
randall ames, I guess.

She can't stand him.

Why's that?

He's a creep.

You're a woman. What do you think?

Did she ever say
he threatened her

Or anything?

No, but I knew they went out.

They dated,

And she didn't want
to talk about it.

That tells me something.

And the guy is still
obsessed with her.

We heard that maya went home

With one of the victims.

Did she mention that?

Not possible.

She was with me after her shifts.

We were together. - Both nights?

- Yeah.
- Where was that exactly?


One night's at my place,

One night I was with him.

Hey, uncle joe.

Me and maya were at amy's
birthday party, right?

Yeah, sure.


Sure. Thank you so much.

I'm thinking he's lying.

Puffed-up macho pride.

Thinks nothing can touch him.

Just wished he hadn't
made this career choice.

What about it?

Well, a person of interest?

His entire family is fdny.

Do you know the politics on that?

We can put him at the hospital
with access to the victims.

Because of access
to the girlfriend?

- Mm-hmm.
- So, wait, the guy meets

His girlfriend and still
manages to k*ll two women?

That's hard to swing
on the average date.

My big question-- who is this maya?


oh I can hardly believe

by giving in to this
sweet surrender

I have all that I want

Touch me the way you touch them.

with just the touch
of your hand

I'm no longer afraid

of the fall

the wishes I whispered

you answered their callÂȘ

just like I knew you would

you make love feel

feel so good

Maya was a ward of
the state by age 13.

Her father died suddenly
and left her alone,

No relatives,
in and out of foster care.

Yeah, there's no
mother in the picture.

Nobody to tell us
who she was or is.

Daddy's little girl.

They lived in queens.

Here's tax returns.

He was a machinist who
gave archery lessons.

That's not something
you hear every day.

So everything was a deduction.

The hunting gear,
equipment, licenses,

Membership in bow hunting clubs.

And here, a bow hunter's
license for maya

When she was just ten.

Well, if he gave lessons,

There could be former
students out there.

Right. Members of one of
these small niche clubs.

They belonged to a
group of weekend hunters

In jefferson county.

Their club sponsor took this

At a bow hunter rendezvous upstate.

He's got more photos.

He'll dig 'em out and send 'em.

That's good.
Look at the look on her face.

Looks like maya liked this.

- Uh-huh.
- And what's she holding?

Is it poultry shears or?

For dressing that deer.

Hunters call 'em game shears,
by the way.

They do?

We knew what to get
dad for christmas.

You check the father's records?

Federal and state?

Yeah, a single 1992 arrest

For soliciting a prost*tute.

So he kills, and she helps clean.

You know, in a darker variation,

She could be repeating
that whole dynamic.

Damon and her father have
similarities, don't they?

They're both working
class and physical,

Have issues with sex.

Damon had a felony
r*pe charge in 1999.

The victim was drugged,
tied up, r*ped, and sodomized.

- No conviction?
- No.

The girl withdrew her testimony,
and the case fell apart.

But damon's uncle joe is listed
as a witness for his defense.

I keep seeing her face.

It's late.

Come back to bed.

She's out wandering, damon.

Baby, you need to sleep.

You wanted to leave with her,
didn't you?


She was supposed to be our first,

And you let her go.

Did you love her?


I just wasn't ready.

But I love you.

Haven't I proven that?

Tell me we're bonded.

Tell me nothing will tear us apart.

We're bonded.

Now come back to bed. - Finish it.

She was months ago.

Finish it.

He was just a kid.

And those charges against
him were just a hummer.

She took everything back.

With your persuasion.

Right? You couldn't let
her tarnish the reputation

Of your family or this firehouse.

I resent that.

Damon was young,
he made a bad choice in girls,

And he moved on.

Now he's top-notch.

He's gonna make captain some day.

But you still have
to cover for him.

- Beg your pardon?
- Last time we were here.

Damon wasn't at amy's birthday.

Your sister lives in garden city.

He picked up maya at 11:30.

It's simple math... And geography.


He was with maya.

Ask her.

Who knows where she took him?

I'm guessing you're
no fan of hers.

She calls his
cell 20 times a day.

And she keeps him
away from his family.

Look, I'm old school.

I don't think a woman should have

That kind of hold on a guy.

Or a guy shouldn't have

That kind of hold on a woman.

Look, you believe what
you want to believe,

But my nephew is no k*ller.

A man drowning
in a sea of denial.

Mm. It's biological.

Protecting your own.

So if damon is the predator here,

What is maya?

Well, these cases have
fascinated forensic shrinks.

Now the man is a sexual predator.

There's little or no sexual
component for the woman.

But some women
dedicate their lives

Just to making their
man feel superior.

Yeah. Maya has markers of
a borderline personality.

I need help in the realm
of psychiatric trade talk.

Oh, borderlines are dominated

By an overwhelming
fear of abandonment.

They're needy, desperate to belong.

All of which makes her
the moon and the stars

For a narcissistic jerk like damon.

Yes, in the trade,
it's known as the dovetailing

Of neuroses.

These couples,
they don't start with m*rder.

They build to it.

That gets me thinking that
maybe there's a near-miss,

Someone who didn't
actually get k*lled.

Let's check a person with
strong opinions of maya.

Let's see what he
feels about damon.

You say you warned her
about damon kerrigan?

Yeah, but she just
thought I was trying

To get back with her.

Mm. And you weren't?

It was good with maya,

But no matter how I reassured her,

She always freaked out
that I was gonna leave her.

Then damon appeared,
and she left you.

It wasn't quite that simple.

Damon was seeing
another nurse's aide.

- And maya knew that?
- Yeah.

Maya used to steal dr*gs for her.

The two were friends. Maybe more.

More? Wait, what more?

There was talk that she,
damon, and maya

Were, you know, doing three-ways.

Then five months back,

Janine just up and left.

Janine. What's her whole name?

- Janine lutz.
- Mm-hmm.

My friend in human resources
says maya's still trying

To reach her, but they don't
have her current address.

Did you find janine lutz?

I'm finally learning
to use our database.

I did better than that.

Janine filed a civil action

Against damon kerrigan
and maya sills.

- A 90
-day restraining order

To keep them away from her person.

Getting a judge to issue this

Means something really scared her.

She tried for another t.R.O.,

But was turned down.

After that, she moved.

We're actively looking for her.

The union came through with
an address on staten island.


Second thoughts?

Let it go.

You're being paranoid.

You let her get away.


It never happened again.

Now let it go.

I put all my faith in you.

You gave me a life, damon.

You made me part of something

Only we can share.

Before you...

Come here.

Don't I give you everything?

I stalked her.

And now she's yours.

- Oh, thank you.
- Hey, buddy.

Fire department.
We got a report of a gas leak.

We need to check it out.

Thank you.

fire department.

We need you to open up the door.

There's a gas leak in the building.

You need to evacuate the premises.

It could be dangerous.

Hey, janine.

On the ground.

Get on the ground.

Police! Don't move!

- Get out of the car.
- Ah!

On the hood.


Maya sills, you're under arrest.

So he's got nothing to say?

I haven't heard any
charges worth addressing.

For starters,
there's aggravated r*pe.

Maybe kidnapping.

From janine lutz.

With her history
of substance abuse?

She's a better witness
for me than for you.

A makeable case only comes
with maya on our team.

With maya on our team?

They work as a pair.
She's as guilty as he is.

But she looks like an angel.

Jurors could look at
her and see innocence.

I want loaded dice.

Maya gets a deal, damon goes away,

Everyone's happy.

But that's not your call,

I'm not saying it
won't end up there,

But the case is still ours.

You really want to take
a stand on that attitude?

On basic procedure? You bet I do.

What matters are the rules,

Which haven't changed
since you sweated exams

At law school.

Now when the case is
suitable for prosecution,

You'll get it, not before.

Having successfully
alienated the d.A.'s office,

Can we make a case they can win?

Good place to start
seems like maya.

I'll do whatever I have to do.

He used and he betrayed me.

I won't be safe
until he's put away.

Which is why we're here, maya.

You see this?

He would tie me up and
make me do things.

Sexual things.

If I didn't...

I was so scared.

He beat me up.

It excited him,

And it made him...

You know...

Let's talk about the others.

Rachel melhan and isabel felix.

People will think you
facilitated that.

He picked whoever he wanted.

I brought them home.

But I never stayed.

I know I should have
gone to the police,

But I thought he would k*ll me.

I never came back home
until he was done.

To clean and dress them?

He made me do that.

He said all women were dirty whores

Who had to be punished

And then cleaned.

The d.A.'s right. She lays out
perfect accomplice testimony.

Mm-hmm. Self-serving lies.

But the betrayal,
that part sounded real.

Well, when damon let
janine lutz get away,

It aroused maya's
fear of abandonment.

And that would have
been the stressor

To make maya pusdamon
to the next step.

There was some consensual sex.

With damon?

With both of them, okay?

Then one night,
it got really weird.

Like they'd made some kind
of pact before I got there.

I was really wasted.

I don't know what they gave me,
but I didn't like it.

In the bedroom with damon,

I got scared.

Really scared.

I wanted to go.
He got really rough.

And where was maya?

I think--I think she
was there watching us.

When he spoke to her,

He didn't call her by name.

He called her diana.

When I was almost out,

Someone whispered in my ear...

"now you know who k*lled you."

I know that was maya.


Make them pay.

Oh, I believe janine lutz,

But she only supports
a r*pe charge.

And at this point,

Maya is still the only one
who can give us a m*rder.

Maya sills is a monster,

And she could make some
deal that let's her walk.

Yeah. Yeah. And I'm
guessing she knows that.

Ugh. You know, I was hoping that

By leaving internal affairs,

I would catch a break
on moral dilemmas.

Give us some time with maya.

It's what we do. Trust us.

And if it goes bad,
they'll be back in here

To take my name off that door.

So you don't want to risk it?


But do it.

- What's in there?
- Oh.

Well, we'll get to
that in a minute.

First, let's start with damon.

What drew you to him?

Come on. That's obvious.

He's very attractive.

I'm sure all the girls at the
hospital had eyes for him.

They did.

It made me feel special.

But he only wanted you.

This should be about him, not me.

Well, understanding
how he worked you,

That could really help us.

The first few months were great.

Our own little world.

But shared with janine.

He didn't care about her.
He was just using her.

Yeah, but he was also using you.

I know it's strange,

But when I devote
myself to someone,

It's very hard to break that bond.

Maybe that's my flaw.

I don't think that's your flaw.

No, that's what you know.

You know, you were
devoted to your father.

My mother abandoned us.

All we had was each other.

My first whitetail.

Let me see.

Let me see. Oh.

Hey, that's a beauty.

Gee, how do you-- how do you

Hunt an animal like that?

Oh, I must have been
eight or nine hours,

Watching, stalking, before...

The animals know.


I saw it in those big eyes.

She knew, and she just stood there.

I didn't move.

I didn't breathe.

And with sheer will,

I held her in for my father.

I'd never seen him so proud before.

Well, his little
girl was growing up.

And when the arrow
hit and she went down,

He told me to go
whisper in her ear,

"now you know who k*lled you."

You whispered
that to all of them.


We were trying to
understand things, diana.


That's what your
father called you.

Right? Yeah.
He wrote it on this--

On this christmas card.

Me and my little diana,
goddess of the hunt.

He called me that
sometimes. So what?

Janine claims damon
calls you diana.

Well, janine lutz
is a dope fiend.

They can discredit
that kind of girl.

You mean, the kind of
girl your father liked?

A prost*tute.

Those whores.

Diseased and disgusting.

He'd be alive now if
it wasn't for them.

Your father died
of a heart attack.

Their disease destroyed him.

He was all I had,
and they took him away.

So when he said he'd
never leave you, he lied.

He betrayed you.

Like damon.

He let janine go.
Did that break the bond?

We weren't bonded then.

It was the things you shared,

The others, that bonded you.

Like the deer.
You held your gaze.

Neither damon nor your
father could have done that.

They both knew I'd
do anything for them.

I proved that.

By finding them prey.

And moving so stealthily

The prey had no fear.

Rachel melhan and isabel felix.

They liked me.

I saw the trust in their eyes.

It was like the deer.

And when it was over,

Did you whisper in their ear

The words that your
father told you to say?

Now you know who k*lled you.

Anything else?

I think we're finished.

Yeah. We're finished.