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09x01 - Loyalty: Part 1

Posted: 01/24/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued

By the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

- You see them?
- Yeah.

- Full
speed, 0-4-5.

Pirates, starboard. Pirates!

[alarm buzzing]

- Over there.
- Return to port.

- [speaking russian]

[men speaking russian]

- [indistinct shouting]
- all right, get ready.

Let's go.

[machine g*n fire]

- Up! Up!

sh**t! sh**t!

- Ahh!

- [pained groan]


[all cheering]


[cheers and applause]

- Thank you for coming, everybody.

Please enjoy.

- You've mastered the art of
turning work into pleasure.

- [chuckles] don't forget profit.

Ten people, $70,000 apiece.

I can book two of these
pirate safaris a month.

- Let's move on to bigger things.

- You have found someone clean?

- Squeaks.

A new york city police captain.

- And he's willing?

- Willing to listen.

Struggling to recover
from a nasty divorce.

- He's got my sympathy.

- Tragic.

Our father, his bride, k*lled on the boat.

- I feel sadness,
although I barely knew him.

In boarding school, I remember,
for occupation of father,

I put king.

- He was a sheik.

- But who knows what that is,

Or what he did?

His death means the fun
is over for you, hassan.

It's time to pray and seek guidance.

- Remember how commissioner
ray kelly created

An effective law
enforcement agency in haiti?

That's what we want for northern somalia.

An area called puntland.

- What you're asking might be impossible.

- Aren't most things
simply a matter of funding?

Puntland's current
government borders on anarchy.

Warlords rule.
- And pirates.

- You can turn that around
with the latest weapons

And technology.

- Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

- Stop it. That's awful.

Where are we going tonight?

Sub By: Adriano_CSI

- People saw her from the bridge.

The calls started at daybreak.

- So she floated in?

- No footprints when we got here.

- Her skin's abraded from the
barnacles on those pilings.

- Small
-caliber entry. No exit.

No significant abdominal distention.

Just enough gas to make her float.

- So it might have happened last night.

- Well, she spared no expense
on her undies--la perla.

- Or this, if it's real.

- Well, she's had high maintenance.

She's got a great dye
job by a skilled colorist,

First-rate veneers on her teeth,

Some cosmetic work on her chin.

- Well, this is cheap sari cloth.

Like, 20 bucks on canal street.

It's a glitch in her fashion statement.

- Right, if it's hers.

- So having her wear it
might have had significance

To her k*ller.

[cell phone rings]

- Yeah?

Okay, we'll get there.

We have a middle-aged white male,

Single shot to the head.

Found by fishermen off
of governor's island.

- Big diamond on her

And a very nice watch on him.

- I guess the k*ller wants us to know

It's not about money.

- So john and jane doe,
both of apparent means,

Are shot execution style
and dumped in the east river.

- Prints have gone to the
fbi, and the m.E. Is doing

Complete dental x-rays.

- The watch looked unique
to me. I checked it out.

It's called a sky moon tourbillon.

Now, you can only buy those in person

From patek philippe in geneva.

- Well, maybe a limited client list

Will give us an I.D.--
What do they cost?

- They're over a million dollars.

- Over a million for a watch?

Well, whatever he did, he's obviously done

Far better than I've done.

- Rodgers is ready.

- Both shot with a .22 hollow point.

His case, the b*llet bounced
around inside his skull

And broke into pieces.

Hers lodged in the mastoid bone.

- So with luck we might
get lands and grooves.

- I'm placing time of
death around 11:00 p.M.,

Shortly after they shared
a lavish last meal--

Caviar au blini.

He drank more wine.

I'm guessing a sancerre.

- [sniffs]

Too yeasty. I'll go with champagne.

- Who argues with an expert?

- Caviar au blini-- aren't
there a limited number

Of restaurants who would even serve that?

- Five
-star dining,

But it could also have
been a high-end dinner party

Or a diplomatic function.

- She has breast implants.

- I know.

And they have serial numbers.

- Yes.

- You saw the chin?

That was a custom piece,

Not something out of a box.

People think that you just poke a hole

And put in a jelly bag.

That doesn't give you these beauties.

This is art.

- So marya onegin, 29.

Is this 23rd street address still current?

- No, I ran into her about
a month ago in baretta.

She introduced me to this
older guy as her fiance.

Said they were living on park and 63rd.

- Seems like your work did her some good.

- Yeah, big rock on her hand.

He was buying her
top-of-the-line safari gear.

- This him?

- Yeah.

- Safari gear?

- Said they were heading
to africa, big game.

- So what do you know of your great

Sayyid abdullah hassan?

- Only that he was called the mad mullah.

- He defeated the british.

To discredit him, they dubbed him mad.

- I have much to learn,
and I must do it quickly.

- I will give you the
poems of abdullah hassan.


So you will know of your heritage.

You have read the koran?

- In english.

- Ah, english.

[speaking arabic]

Don't worry, I will help you.

- Sorry I took so long.

- No problem.

Is everything good?

Can they arrange a memorial service?

If there's anything I can do...

- Jill, would you be offended
if I can't invite you?

- Family, don't worry. I get it.

- Small coffee.

Thank you.

We have an I.D. On our
male victim's prints.

- Taras broidy,

Born in 1956 in lausanne, switzerland.

Why are these files redacted?

- There's a pending federal indictment.

Luckily, the memo was probably pigeonholed

And didn't reach all agencies.

- All right, looks like
they've been looking at him

Since 2005

For illegal weapons trading.

But every record's been redacted.

- Yeah, I'll call judge
shrum, get a warrant.

- No, we should tell ross.

- But the fbi memo shows they copied him

On broidy's identification.

He knew it before we did.

- Well, why didn't he tell us?

- He might have other things on his mind.

- Other things, like what?

- I saw him when I finished running.

Uh, he was with a woman.

Our captain might be
getting his life together.

- So he's getting involved with someone?

- Seemed at ease with someone

Who happens to be very attractive.

- I could've come to manhattan.

- For exploring employment opportunities,

Nothing tops fresh air and privacy.

- Understood.

- I'm on board,

Pending a certain detail.

- The money?

- You're asking that I spend years

In a place that's hardly a garden spot.

- I'm authorized to offer 2 million

For a two-year contract.

- Plus travel and all expenses.

- Of course.

And a perk,

100,000 miles on our corporate jet,

For r&r.

Would you like to be paid foreign?

- Can't do me much good.

Swiss banks no longer have secrecy laws.

- Cook islands trusts are inviolate.

- Cook islands trusts?

- We know all the tricks.

- At the risk of seeming too eager...

I've sold my soul.

- Gold
-plated land mine.

Taras broidy wasn't exactly
ashamed of what he did.

- Not ashamed of the
company he kept either--

Omar bongo,

Charles taylor, african dictators,

Radovan karadzic, w*r criminal.

- She looks a bit more wholesome.

Could be his daughter.

The castle in the background
looks like England.

- Looks like she dressed for fox hunting.

Picture was taken over four years ago.

They banned fox hunting in England, 2005.

Looks like someone was putting together

An album of their recent travels.

- Between hard
rounds in bed--

Vasodilators, cocaine residue.

- What's going on here?

What's happened? Where's my father?

- Your flight got in at 8:00.

- I was in scotland visiting my mom.

She doesn't like me calling
him when I'm with her.

- So I assume it was
an acrimonious divorce.

- I think that's kind of personal.

- He was with a much younger woman.

- If she wasn't dead,
I'd think she did it.

- Marya? What made her so bad?

- It was so obvious
the way she worked him.

She wanted him in
her idea of society--

Shallow nouveau riche.

My dad wasn't ashamed of what he was.

- But she was ashamed?

- Yeah.

Dad found the weapons, made the sales.

- This is almost a depiction
of the sword of damocles.

Is there any significance?

- Damocles security was the
name of dad's security company.

- He owned a security company?

Did he have bodyguards?

- Always.

You can check with his partner.

- I always thought that taras would keep

At least one of his nine lives in reserve.

I've seen him in vile african backwaters,

Arguing with qat-crazed warlords

For the last penny on an arms sale.

He always come out unscathed
with a big bag of money.

- We think his clear and present danger

Was closer to home.

- Oh. Have you established
a time of death?

I'll be happy to provide an alibi.

- That certain you'll have one?

- I'm rarely alone.

- Which begs the question,

Where was broidy's personal security?

- He was very casual about that.

- That's not what we've heard.

- From jolie?

Yes, of course he had
protection around her.

He was frightened she's be kidnapped.

With marya, it was quite he opposite.

- Opposite how?

- Well, she was 30 years his junior,

Surround her with strapping,
young security men--

I leave the rest to your imagination.

- This recent?

- Vacation on the red sea.

- That's an m240 machine g*n.

That's an odd choice
for a vacation cruise.

- Some people like to sh**t
skeet off their yachts.

Taras liked to test his toys.

- What's the line of succession
here at damocles security?

- Please, my dear friend
has not yet been buried.

- So when you, you know,
overcome your grief,

Mr. Van dekker, who is it

That takes over the empire here?

Is that you?

- There are no silent partners.

- So the search of the victim's apartment

Brought in a lot of material.

We're gonna need time
to work through it all.

- Also we need a warrant
for damocles security.

Jan van dekker, the man
who ran it for broidy,

Is a former mercenary.

- Did you note that the
fbi file on taras broidy

Was redacted?

- Yeah, so I went to the A*F database.

- Those files were
redacted for a valid reason.

- Right.

There's a rico investigation.

- Yes, they want a moratorium on this.

- Okay, we've been in
these situations before.

We'll keep a low investigative profile.

- I want no profile.

I'm honoring the fbi's request.

- But it's a double homicide.

We've fought jurisdictional
battles before and won.

- We wait for the rico indictment,

And the case will grow cold.

- I'm not contesting jurisdiction.

No more warrants. No interviews.

- Well, do we have a name?

Who's in charge of this case for the feds?

- You don't need to know that.

- To whom do we address our files?

- Organize everything, put it on my desk.

I'll see that they get it.

- Were you waiting for
what I was waiting for?

- Yeah, you mean a wink and a nod,

Tells us to proceed with the case?

- What is this?

- What?

- You'd better see this.

I've been going through the emails

From taras broidy's home computer.

- Ross told us we should have

Everything on his desk
by the end of the day.

- Yeah, I know.

"two mil for two years.

Ross approved."

So what is this?

- An email from loftin to broidy.

- Is there any other
mention of this ross?

- No.

The other emails are
all about some aircraft.


We'll ask him about it.

- Yeah.

So who's this roy loftin?

- Um...

The fbi looked at loftin

As the weapons transport person.

- Rents hangar space
at patterson airport.

[indistinct chatter]

- Wait a minute. Excuse me.

- Yeah?

This is so great.

I came here to see an antonov 124.

You're mr. Loftin.

- Yes.

What is this about?

- You bought an an
-225 in kazakhstan last year.

I mean, most people get them

For the six ivchenko turbo fans, right?

I mean...

[imitates plane engine]

Right? Talk about power.

- I'm not running an air museum.

What is all this about?

- Well, I know that you're
not running an air museum.

You have troop carriers
with weapons capability.

I mean, this is clearly something else.

- Hey.

Is this about broidy? Are you a cop?

- Broidy was your partner.

- He was. I'd like to see some I.D.

What department are you with?

- Why would that matter?

- I can go above your head.

The fact that you won't
say answers my question.

- Which answers my question,

Which brings another question to mind.

Who would you go to?

- Yeah, I have an unauthorized
person in our hangar area.

No, he refused.

- They look fine.

- Just fine?

- Well, you look more than fine.

- Kadra, perfect timing.

Now I can finish my work.

- You told me you were going to be fair.

It's obvious you said nothing.

- When the time is right.

- I know
it's hard--

Those perfect legs, long blonde hair.

But it's no longer a matter of choice.

She cannot be a part of things.

- Like I don't know that.

[cell phone rings]

- Kadra, can you give me a hand?

- Hello.
- Sure, jill.

- So then we'll have to take action.

- Seems like you made a decent start.

I can read the look.

It's hard being pulled off a case.

- Yeah, there's that.

There's also a lot of questions.

- I'm sure there are.

Right now I can't give you any assurances.

Anything else?

- No. Nothing.

- That's for you.

[silenced g*nf*re]

- Ah!

[cell phone rings and vibrates]


- Eames.

Oh, my god.

- I saw him before the fbi got here.

A small

I can't believe this.

No, they won't let you in there.

- What? - They have
their own people--

- Hey, I'm with major
case. You cannot--

You cannot keep us out
of a crime scene. Hey!

- Detectives, I'm agent
stahl. I'm in charge here.

- Hey, you heard agent stahl.

- You listen to me. That's
our captain over there.

- Your captain was k*lled
working a federal assignment.

You know the law.

- Yeah, working with you.

- I've said all you need to know.

- I saw you with him.

- He was undercover. I was his contact.

- Oh.

- So we lost him on your rico case?

- Look, we don't have
to tell you anything.

Do I have to get someone from
your commissioner's office here?

- This is not about cop/fed politics.

He was our friend.

- About a week ago, your
captain was contacted

By a man named roy
loftin with a job offer.

- We know roy loftin

Was involved with taras
broidy's weapons trading.

- Yeah, he knew we were
looking at both men,

So when the call came
to him, he called us.

- What was the job offer?

- Setting up a police
force in northern somalia.

We told him to go along with it.

- A cover for a weapons deal?

- Possibly related to something bigger,

But I'm not gonna get into it.

- So he backed us off broidy's homicide

To protect your operation?
- And that still holds.

We can't allow a police investigation

To compete with our own.

- Nobody regrets
more than we do--

- Oh, come on with the regrets!

You can't keep us from there!

We do what our boss tells
us. You're not our boss.

Our boss is over there.

You're not stopping us.

- I think our investigation
got him k*lled.

- No.

Our suspicions?

- I ambushed loftin at his hangar,

And I think he read me for a cop.

- Well, we don't have time
for you to t*rture yourself.

We have to beat the fbi to his files.


- Okay, so here's his
first email about the offer.

And there's an even bigger one here.

The easiest thing would be
to just take the hard drive--

- I wouldn't do that.

- Zack.

- There's a question about the legality

Of downloading information.

But taking that hard drive, that's theft.

- We're not asking you to share the risk.

- I just spent the last
hour trying unsuccessfully

To console danny's sister.

He was my former partner.

Enough said?

- Then maybe you could nd a screwdriver?

- Here, here's a 16
-gig flash drive.

You can download everything.

Plus, look. Look what's going on here.

You've made a mess.

- Fine. Let's clean up.

We'll fill you in.

- We got financial records here.

"set up law enforcement agency.

Spare no expense."

- So they have major backing.

That means a possible money trail.

- A new york city police captain?

- Russell, we were all caught off guard,

But you have total deniability.

- Do you realize the
stink that this will cause?

I mean, I'm okay with chaos in
some lawless foreign setting,

But this is where I live,
where my family lives.

This is an outrage.

- It in no way impacts
you, nor will it ever.

- But it happened.

All that money?

- But our side wasn't involved.

Things are set to move very fast now.

- How?

Without the police captain,

You've lost the potential to
legally ship those weapons.

- There was always a plan
"b" just as effective.

- More costly no doubt.

- But that'll be absorbed
by the other side.

What happened was not a
matter of choice for us.

- You said the same thing
about broidy and that woman.

- Again, it all comes
from the other side.

We're not dealing with people like us.

- Move things along.

Oh, and don't contact me.

- Okay.

Why do you suppose the
fbi sent our captain ross

These articles from a djibouti newspaper?

- I saw them, but I don't speak french.

- I was able to stagger through.

It's about a local sheik

Lost at sea between djibouti and somalia.

- Found these pictures
in broidy's apartment.

It's van dekker and broidy

On an armed yacht in the red sea.

Djibouti's between
somalia and the red sea.

- This man's a sheik?

- Yeah.
- And who's this woman?

- It's his new bride.
But what's the connection?

- Well, I'd say this.

This was wrapped around the neck

Of taras broidy's mistress.

And the sheik's wife is wearing it.

- Do you know this guy?

- Hmm, no, I don't.

- Heads up. He's coming this way.

- It's awfully tidy in there.

I'm lieutenant stanley maas.

Chief of ds sent me to maintain order.

Now, I know you searched,

Because that's what I would have done.

What did you find?

- We haven't had time
to process anything.

- We were told at the
crime scene that the fbi

Has jurisdiction over our captain's death.

- Huh.

Well, I haven't gotten that memo.

And until I do, this
belongs to major case,

So pull warrants, whatever it takes.

- You want to try it?

Airport's only 20 minutes away.

- It's not something I intend to use.

- Simply a marvelous commodity

That will buy you the loyalty

Of every w*rlord and
t*rror1st in north somalia.

- Are you suggesting I limit my scope?

- Hassan, as your father's eldest,

It's in my interest to see you controlling

The entire horn of africa.

- And the mineral rights of hamadi.

Let's see, you have copper in katanga,

Blood diamonds in guinea.

Always something, isn't it?

- Globalization.

- What's this?

- Battery pack. Check that date.

It was serviced less than three weeks ago.

- That matters.

Limited battery life is the
w*apon's single weakness.

You can't just run down to radio shack

To replace them.

- These were stolen in
transit returning from iraq?

- On their way to a depot in virginia.

The soldiers guarding the convoy

Were getting drunk at a truck stop.

- Why replace the batteries

If they were headed for storage?

- Someone bought a lot of
hookers for pentagon brass

And won a contract to
replace all fim-92 batteries.

Why argue with a good thing?

- Feel the potential.

- It's heavy.

- Not for what it delivers.

Within three miles of any aircraft,

Point and sh**t.

It's a certain k*ll.

- Ready for a taste?

- Lock in on the fire.

Now point straight up. No need to aim.

It will read the heat from
the flames and home in.


Well done.
- Yeah!

- A natural, hassan.
- Very nice.

- Bloody natural.

- Excuse me, sir. You can't go in there.

- Hello.

This is a warrant relating
to a series of killings.

- Including m*rder on the high seas.

- The horn of africa is hardly
within your jurisdiction.

- Why don't you explain it, zack?

- Yeah, it's interesting.

A law that's been on the
books since george washington

Allows for the prosecution of pirates

Wherever they're apprehended.

- That would be here and now.

- [sighs]

- Detective.

- Look what we found.

- [clinks handcuffs]

So booked
for piracy--

Actually a first for me.

Mozambique, congo, liberia.

This guy's fought everywhere.

- Plus two years on a chain
g*ng in equatorial guinea.

So much for the threat of hard time.

- Typical fearlessness of a psychopath.

- Hmm.

I see a little boy
in a soldier suit--

A narcissist, desperate,
craving self-aggrandizement.

- You puff him up.

- No problem. I'm a hemingway fan.

- This guy plays his
character to the hilt.

- Mm
-hmm, till you come in,

Cut him down.

What do we use?

- I sent the g*n from the
search to fbi forensics.

Maybe we'll get a match.

- Fbi forensics. Why them?

- Their lab's the last
place they'll look.

- Headquarters says they can have

A federal attorney and six marshals here

Within the hour.

- With all the paperwork done,

"I"s dotted, "t"s crossed.

I want loaded dice for these pricks.

- Look,
this is so--

This is-- this
is just amazing.

You're not afraid of diseases
or anything like that?

- What?

- You know, all those bugs.

The "cee zee" fly.

- [chuckles] tsetse fly.

- I could never go there.

That's definitely
not my-- my thing.

oh, yes,

This luxury yacht that you're on

Is such a major contradiction.

- Contradiction?

- Well, you know, I mean,

You're the real deal.

But here you are with rich tourists

On a luxury yacht
sh**ting at unarmed boats.

- No, I told you, we
didn't sh**t at boats.

- Yeah.

And, um, from broidy's camera,

You with otar tenishvilli.

He's a russian oilman.

That's not your kinda guy.

- How do you mean?

- He's paunchy.


When they grab otar for piracy,

He'll sell you out.

Isn't that how you
ended up on a chain g*ng

In equatorial guinea?

The rich backers bailed,

And that's when the coup went bad?

- It's called professional risk.

- Ah!

- Here's-- here's
hard evidence

From this woman m*rder*d on the high seas.

- [chuckles]

What woman?

Where's the body?

Feel like a bit of lunch.

- We will have transport,
a livestock plane,


- Seems too easy.

I just hope when you ship the weapons

The americans won't interfere.

- It's been their plan all along.

Maybe they arranged this plane.

- In somalia, you can dismantle the gps.

- Or not.

- And I once worried

My brother is not ruthless enough to rule.

- Did you get the ballistics?

- Yes and something else.

- The fiery worm of moses
lays under your skin,

Devouring you like a living varicose vein.

Old fundis know how to
wind it out on a stick.

- It's a guinea worm.

It's rampant in the great sudd,

The marshlands of the nile.

- He knows geography, very remote.

- Place might suit you right about now.

- The great sudd beats
a hangar in jersey.

- Our paperwork is all in order.

- Nobody moves until I've read this.

- Read fast.

- I told you.

I only knew loftin through our business.

- Were you unhappy with the
way he conducted business?

- From a security camera in the place

Where loftin was shot.

The car is registered
to damocles security.

- Equatorial guinea all over again.

- You know I couldn't have done this.

I've been in custody.

- There's a match

From the g*n found in your offices

To the b*llet found in captain ross.

- That was planted.
- He could be right.

The g*n, the car.

I think he's more savvy than that.

- There's currently a moratorium

On capital punishment.

At least you won't end up like this.

- Van dekker?

You know what we want.

- k*lling of your captain was stupid.

I wasn't part of it.

Look, for me right now,
it's all about survival,

The right deal.

But before I discuss it,

I want a higher
authority here--

A district attorney.

- We can do that.

- Okay, this stops right now.

- They've got us. Paperwork is in order.

He goes into their custody.

- This is just great.

You realize he was about
to cooperate with us, right?

- So we'll get him there too.

- And then he'll jump bail.

He'll leave the country,

Or get k*lled, or both.

- I told you about bigger priorities.

- Our captain is dead.
That's a big priority to us.

- Detective!


Not worth it.

The g*n will still work for us.

- Yeah, yeah.

- When he clears federal arraignment,

We can re-arrest on a different charge.

- If he's alive.

Broidy's dead, loftin's dead.

Van dekker's next.
Who's running this show?

- Yeah, we're a long
way from knowing that.