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1x05 - Heart of Stone

Posted: 11/16/13 20:53
by bunniefuu
(White Rabbit) No one believed Alice when she spoke of her adventures in Wonderland, so the Knave of Hearts and I brought her back to search for her true love.

(Alice) He's here. I can feel it.

There are those who will try to stop her.

What we want can't be accomplished until the girl's made all her wishes.

But Alice's greatest adventure has just begun.

Previously in Wonderland...

Maybe you've fooled all these people, but I know who you really are.

People want you dead.

(Whooshing and crumbling)

I can't move.

Alice, what's happening?




So you're just going to jump through some magic mirror?


We can be whoever we want to be.

Next stop...



(Gasps softly)

(Whooshing continues)

What are you doing?


Did you follow us here?

Damn right I did.

You're going to run off with this... loser?

Is that what's happening here?

It's none of your business.

I birthed you, dear.

So if you are going to ruin your life, it absolutely is.

It's not ruined, mom.

I found Will.

I know.

That's the tragedy.


I wanted a queen for a daughter, but what did I get instead?

A failure.

I'm happy...



With him?

I did not spend my entire life working my fingers to the bone so that you could move up, only to have you toss it all away.

Obviously you're not princess material, but I thought you could at least land a nobleman.

Not him... Will Scarlet, the thief.

I'm no thief. Not anymore.

What kind of a life is he going to give you?

He doesn't need to give me anything.


I love him.

You cannot live on love, Anastasia.

And when you learn that lesson the hard way, you will be right back here where you started.

But when you come back, bring a bucket.

Because the only way you'll be coming back inside my house is to empty my chamber pot.

Off with you then.

At least I have your sisters.

(Will) Don't listen to her.

I'll build us a life... brick by brick if I have to.

I love you... for who you truly are.

Not for who I want you to be.

Come on.

(Whispers) Good-bye, mom.


Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x05

Heart of Stone

Original air date November 14, 2013

(Wind whistling)


(Debris clatters)

(Birds chirping in distance)

There you go... in case of rain or snow or... anything that might fall from the sky.


I'm so sorry, Will.

If I hadn't bribed you with that wish, you would have never...

Cyrus always said they had consequences.

Now I understand.

I will get you out of this.

If I can find Cyrus, then together we can...

Who am I fooling?

I don't even know where he is.

Then it's a good thing I do, darling.

Perhaps we can help one another.

(Blade zings)

Why would I do anything to help you?

You'd be surprised what people are willing to do when the right circumstances present themselves.

There's not a circumstance you could present that would ever...

Not even finding out where your precious genie is being held?


So why don't you get down off your high horse, and we can make a deal?

What sort of a deal?

The sort of deal to handle the one problem we both share...


You're working together.

How is he a problem for you?

Well, he's simply a means to an end, darling.

But when that end comes, I need to ensure I have the power to protect myself.

Wouldn't want to end up like your friend here, now would we?

He was your friend, too, once.

More than a friend, from what I gather.

Or was he just a means to an end as well?

That's your problem, Alice... always dwelling on the past, when really you should be thinking about the future.

What exactly is it you want me to do?

Help me procure something.

Just a little bit of magic in the form of dust.

It's about a day's journey away.

And it's going to protect me against dark magic such as Jafar's.

If you want it so badly, get it yourself.

I would, darling, but there's a reason something so powerful sits untouched.

Retrieving it, for most, is a su1c1de mission.

And you think I'll just agree to risk my life?

No. No, not unless you're properly compensated.

Which is why I propose a trade.

You get me the dust, and I'll help you find your genie.

I'll find him myself, thank you.

Not if you don't know where you're looking.

Jafar's tower is hidden, enshrouded by magic.

You could be standing right in front of it, not knowing it's there, without my help.

If you want to find Cyrus, then I am your best bet... your only bet, actually.

(Scuffling and grunting)


(Thuds and clanks)

Uhh! Aah!

(Clanks and rattles)


(Clangs and clatters)

(Keys jangle)


What did they do to you?

Today... (Chuckles) it was the giant rocks.

(Strained voice) Some of them as large as a man.

He makes me move them from the bottom of the stone staircase to the top.

For what purpose?


Well, then why does he keep you here?

Like you...


I have something he wants.

Which is what?

Doesn't matter.

Because it's something he will never get.


And so my punishment continues.

Well, not for long, old man.


Because today's the day we get out of here.

(Birds chirping)

Are you sure this is the spot?

I've not seen a single berry, and I'm bloody starving.

Yeah, there was a bunch here last week.

What about that fish we caught the other day?

We got any of that left?


Just the bones.

We could soak 'em in water long enough... (Chuckles) and call it soup.

Bloody hell, will you look at that?

(Leaves rustling)

This'll make a right fine stew.

(Blows air)

Ah! No! Don't!

Those are the mushrooms that make you grow big.


We can barely fit in the wagon as it is.

The wagon too small for ya?

No, of course not.

It's all we need.

I'm sorry, luv. I am doing the best I can.

I know.

I just thought things would be different here.

When I first heard about Wonderland, I figured that the "wonder" was short for "wonderful," not "wonder how we're gonna make it?"


Well, I love ya.

And I promise ya, we will make it.

(Hooves clopping, wheels clattering in distance)

(Reins clinking)

Ahh! Smell that bread, it smells heavenly.


Can you spare a loaf, mate?

Can't. It's for the palace.

There's to be a ball, and every crumb's spoken for.

Well, thanks a lot then.

Maybe we should go.

But we haven't found any berries yet.

No, to the ball.

We should go.

I hear the palace is dazzling inside.


There's the slight matter of not being invited.

Since when has that ever stopped us?

We could both do with a little change of scenery.

And more importantly, some of that bread.

(Exhales deeply)

You know, that dress will never do.

We'll have to borrow you a new one.

(Wheels clattering)

(Hooves clopping)

(Man) Hyah! Hyah!

Where's this dust?

The other side of the great divide.

I've heard of that place.

There's a darkness there.

There's a darkness everywhere when the sun goes down.

Just so we're clear, I'll get you your magic dust.

But when this is all over...

Jafar will be the least of your problems.

Let me guess, you're going to make me suffer for what I did to your Cyrus?

(Clattering continues)

I'm not the monster you take me for.

I didn't k*ll Cyrus.

Being a prisoner again is the same as death to him.

But not to you... which is what got you back to Wonderland.

What exactly do you hope to gain from all of this?

You have power, wealth...

What more could you possibly need?

There are some things that all the wealth and power cannot get you.

Like what?

We all come to Wonderland looking for something more, darling.

I seem to remember a little girl in a blue dress wanting her father's love.

You and I are nothing alike.

We both want something we don't have, Alice.

It's just a matter of what we're willing to do to get it.


Tell me again what you saw.

This hallway goes North to a staircase that only leads down.

And the guards?

Only a few... which worries me.

How's that?

Jafar is vigilant... always ahead of his enemies.

If he only has a handful of guards inside...

Then perhaps the majority of them are on the outside.

Well, then we wait for nightfall, and make our way out under the cover of dark.

I've seen others try.

None succeeded.

But I think none were as determined as you.

Well, the trick is to not see the bars, but rather what lies beyond them.

Surely there's someone out there you love.

A family?

I... had a life once.

It is lost to me now.

Well, then a new one awaits you.

After a lifetime in a bottle, I know this... no one deserves to be another man's prisoner.

And if I am to be free, then so are you.

(Clangs loudly)


(Door opens, bag rustles)


The item you requested.


(White Rabbit whimpering)

(Whimpering continues)

(Nervously) Jafar...

Uh... what do you want?

I'm intrigued by you, Rabbit.

Not in a... a main course kind of way, I hope?

Rest easy, you're far too valuable to cook.

Oh, what a relief.

I'm interested why someone who's known Alice for so long would betray her so deeply.

I, uh, haven't known her that long.

I'm more of an acquaintance, really.

You have a problem, and I'm good at solutions.

I'm offering to help you with your debt to the Queen.

All that I require in exchange is that you help me.

With what?


You've known her since she was a girl.

I need to know everything about her... particularly everyone she's ever loved.

Now... do we have a deal?

(Door opens)

(Footsteps retreat)

(Door closes)

(Breathing nervously)

My friend... don't look down.


(Chains rattling)

(Creaking continues)


(Thuds loudly, scrapes)

(Debris clatters)


(Door opens)

Orang! I need something up here.



(Cyrus) You looking for me?


Uhh! (Grunts)




(Keys jangle)

(Voice echoes) Aah!


(Wind howling)

I haven't seen this place.

Few have and lived to tell the tale.


Well, then...


Where exactly is this magic dust?

Over there.

Across the ravine?

(Chuckles nervously)

I don't suppose there's a bridge or...

Afraid not.

And your magic?

Darling, if I could have gotten it myself, don't you think I would have by now?

Maybe it's impossible.

Not for everyone.


"The pure of heart shall make the leap."

It appears to be some sort of test.

How do you know I'll pass?

I don't.

But between the two of us, I like your chances better than mine.

I am many things, darling, but pure of heart is not one of them.


(Orchestral music playing)

(Whispers) Wow.

(Normal voice) Look here.

It's even more beautiful than I imagined.

(Indistinct conversations)

Me trousers feel like they're on backwards.

Stop squirming, will you? People are looking.

That's 'cause we don't belong here, Anna.

Just for a moment, imagine we do.

If we believe it...

(Whispers) so will they.

Look at all that food.

It would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Are you coming?

In a moment.

I'm just gonna look around.

All right.

I'll be back.

And don't you look lovely?

Why, thank you.

I was just admiring the crown jewels, darling.

They're simply to die for.

(Imitates posh accent)

"I was just admiring your crown jewels, darling. I was just admiring your crown jewels, darling."

(Indistinct conversations continue)

(In posh accent) Hello, darling.


Most people go with "Your Majesty."

(Voice trembles) So sorry.

I didn't mean to...


I know. No need to apologize.


Don't mind if I do.




It's been so long since I've been to a proper ball.


Are there many improper ones?



I must confess, I find them... boring.

I'm desperate for a change of scenery.


Yes, I know the feeling.

I know every lady in my court.

Why haven't I seen you before?

I'd say... either you haven't been looking hard enough... or maybe I'm no lady.


(Man) Thief! Thief! Grab him!

(Gasping and murmuring)

(Man) Come on. Move it!

Sire... his invitation is clearly a forgery.

That's my dress!


She stole it from my carriage.


(Woman) A common thief!

(Murmuring continues)

(Woman) Imposter!



(Thuds) Uhh!



(Breathing heavily)

We did it.

(Normal voice) Did it?

We got pinched.

Nah, we did the pinching.

This'll last us a week at least.

And we won't have to bother with them stuffed shirts.




Come on, let's go home. Bread's still warm.

How do I know this isn't a trick?

That you intend for me to fall?

Then I'll have to use one of my wishes to save my life.

If I wanted you to fall off the cliff, I'd push you.

"The pure of heart shall make the leap."

(Wind whistling)

No one could leap over that, no matter how pure their heart was.

Unless that's the point.

What do you mean?

There's no way you can do it.

It's a riddle.

Maybe it's a figurative leap... like a leap of faith.

Faith in what?

I don't know.

I had such high hopes for you.

Alice, you can say good-bye to seeing your genie again.


"The pure of heart shall make the leap."

Maybe I just need to have faith in the purest thing in my heart... my love for Cyrus.

My faith in him will carry me across.

You're quite sure?

When two people love each other... there's nothing they can't accomplish together.

If only that were true.

Our hearts are entwined.



(Water dripping)



(Gasps and shrieks)



(Voice echoing) Queen?!


(Wind whistling)


Can anybody hear me?!

(Wind howling)

She failed.

Back to the palace, Your Majesty.

I shall be the one that tells you when we are leaving.

(Wind howling)

(Anastasia) We failed.

It's time to go home.

I'm sorry, did you say you wanted to go...

Home... to my mother.


No way.

Look, I know things aren't exactly how we imagined.


They're nothing like we imagined.

You're not going back to your mother's.

She'll never let you live it down.


Didn't say we had to go back empty-handed, eh?

What do you mean?

(Breathing unevenly)

We are gonna steal the crown jewels.


I saw them. They were at the palace.

In a case off the main hall.

Oh, Will, come on.

Weren't you the one that said it was okay to steal if it was for a good reason?

When you were with the merry men, isn't that what you did?

Stole from the rich and gave to the poor?

Well, we are poor, Will.

Only difference is no one's givin' us anything.

I know.

You'll wait beneath the balcony on the East side of the palace.

I'll sneak up... take the jewels and drop 'em down to ya.


We said we were done with all that... thieving, life on the run.

That's why it's perfect.

One last time.

Then we disappear through the looking glass... and sell the riches when we're back home, without any fear of being caught.

You've given this a lot of thought.


Because it's our best chance of living the life we imagined.

I thought I was your best chance for that.

It's gonna work.

It has to work.


We only get one shot at this.

You ready?

(Keys jangle)



What are you doing?

Making certain I don't slow you down.

You know what you must do.

Good luck, Cyrus.

I won't leave you!

There's no time to argue.

When Jafar learns you witnessed my escape without alerting the guards, he will k*ll you.

No. He won't.

How do you know?

Trust me.

I know.

You're as familiar with the guards' schedule as I am.

If you don't leave now, you have no chance.

(Exhales sharply)

Farewell, then.

And good luck.

To you as well, my friend.

She enjoys tea parties?

That's the insight you give me?

Well, it's true.

I already know that.

In fact, I know everything you've told me thus far.

Stop stalling.

She has a weakness.

And that weakness is she cares about people.

I need you to tell me who else in Wonderland matters to her... enough so she might wish for their survival.

Well, I'd like to help you, but I really don't know any... (Clank)




I wonder who coined the term

"lucky rabbit's foot."

(Crying and whimpering)

Certainly wasn't the Rabbit, was it?

Now... it so happens that for about the next minute, I can reverse your predicament.

Oh, please.

(Watch ticking)

I can make you whole again.

(Voice breaking) Please, anything.

Who else in Wonderland does she care about?

Tick... tock.

There... there is someone, but they're not in Wonderland.

(Ticking continues)

(Voice echoing) Hello?!

Can anybody hear me?

(Girl's singsongy voice echoing) Alice!

Is somebody there?


(Rocks crumble)

Who's there?

(Singsongy) Alice...

(Blade zings)

Show yourself!

(Rocks continue crumbling)

Hello, Alice.

It's lovely to see you again.

What... what are you?

I'm here to help you.

Do you know where I can find the magic dust?


I know a lot of things.

Will you show me?

Not yet.

Why not?

Because you haven't earned it.

Tell me what I need to do.

(Voice echoing)

You know what you have to do, Alice.

Really, I don't.

When you were locked away, your dreams.

Remember your dreams?


I dreamt of Cyrus.


Because I loved him. I thought he was dead.

(Distorted voice)

Because you wanted revenge.


You dreamt of what you'd do to those who took him.

That's not true.

Alice, I'm you! You can't lie to me!

You can't lie to yourself!



(Thud, loud rumbling)

What are you doing?

I'm helping you get what you want.

Which is what?

The chance to k*ll the Red Queen.


(Loud thud)

(Rocks crumbling)





Go ahead.

But she's gonna tell me where Cyrus is.

And you believe her?

Now then, what is going on here?

Do it, Alice.

I'm the one you can trust!

No, you're just a vision. You're just in my head.

I'm in her head, too.

I know what you know. I know what she knows.

k*ll her! And I'll tell you where Cyrus is.


(Warped sound)

(Young Alice laughs)

Magic doesn't work down here.

She's defenseless, just like you were when she took Cyrus away.

She's been bad her whole life, and we've been good.

And where's that gotten us?

She's a queen, and we're suffering.


Alice... please.

Do it!

I'm sorry.

But someone needs to make you pay for what you've done.

(Blade whooshes)

(Rocks crumble)

That's just not going to be me.

(Exhales sharply)

Alice... congratulations.

You did it.

But she lives.

Indeed, that was the test.

You truly are pure of heart.

Would you?


The magic dust!

We did it.


I don't understand.

Why didn't you k*ll me?

You'd have had everything you wanted.

Because I'm not like you.


I suppose you're not.

(Lock rattles)




Pretty, isn't it?


Come on, then. Hand it over.

First, tell me where I can find Cyrus.

Oh, Alice.

Isn't being such a good person reward enough?




You lied.


Lest we forget...

one of us is pure of heart.

I gave you your life.

No! Nobody ever gave me anything.

Everything I have, I had to take.

What about everything you've lost?

Take care, Alice.

I'm sure I'll see you again soon.

Can't hold onto those wishes forever... or the hope of seeing Cyrus again.


I will see him again.

(Man) Did you hear that?

Jafar will have our heads if anyone gets away.

Let's go have a look.

Thank you, Rabbit.

I actually think that was helpful.

Uh, can I leave now?

Not quite.

But I've told you everything.

There might not be more to say, but there's certainly more to do.

(Inhales deeply)

I'd like to take a trip now.

Well, you've got your carpet.

Where I want to go is a place only you can take me.

Start digging.

Jafar, I can't just leave.

The Queen will know something is wrong, a... and then...

You work for me now, Rabbit.

Or do I really need to remind you?




(Jafar) Rabbit!




(Whispers) Please don't.


(Jafar) Rabbit!

Just go.


Find her. Go!


I know it's futile to resist you, Jafar.

I'll do what you ask.

You made the right choice.

Even if you did find your way out of the tower, there's no escaping what's beyond it.

Wh... what does that mean?

Just be glad you didn't find out.

Now dig your hole.

Where to?

You know where.



Sneaking into my ball was one thing.

I rather admire the boldness of it.

But stealing from me?

What possessed you?

Does it matter?

It might.

You have more wealth than anyone in the realm.

You'll hardly miss it.

I need it more than you do.

What does a peasant need with jewels?

What does a king need with them?

That, my dear, is the way it goes.

My world... filled with wealth, and yours... filled with longing.

Generally, our realms don't meet.


You caught me.

What will my fate be?

That depends on you.

Ah, there's something about you, girl.

The life you're in, it isn't the one you were meant for, is it?

It's all I need.

Then why are you stealing?

What if instead of stealing these jewels, they simply... belonged to you?

You'll give them to me?


At what price?

Your hand.

In marriage.

I have been searching for a queen.

And you fit the bill.

What you have... goes far beyond your beauty.

What you have is what is most elusive... the drive to be more than you are.

That is how one rules.

And that... is what I desire at my side.

What if I love another?

Yes, the fellow from the ball.

Love is a noble thing.

But how far will it get you, hmm?

Let's say you sell this.

How long would it last you before you're right back where you started?

And that love you cling to, it won't be long before you realize, it's not enough.

And then?

And then, my dear, it will be too late for you.

(Under breath) Come on, come on.

(Trumpets playing fanfare)

People of Wonderland, I give you... your Queen.


(Whispers) Anastasia.

I'm sorry.




(Breathing heavily)

All right, Cyrus.

I know you're out there somewhere.

Now show me.

I'm coming for you.

Alice, I'm coming for you.