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04x34 - The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 1

Posted: 01/24/23 10:24
by bunniefuu
Dia: Time, resume!

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HFC&\c&HBAD&}s*ab

Dia: What?

Dia: Who are you?! How long have you been standing there?!

Dia: Wait! Who are you?

Dia: What's that mark I can see on your neck?

Dia: Wh-What is this? What's going on?

Dia: Why did the arrow fall from my hands?

Dia: You! I told you to stop!

Dia: Show me... your... face...

Dia: Why am I sitting down?

Dia: He was on top of the wall where Chariot melted...

Dia: Could it be... the arrow's...

Gio: M-Mista! Something's wrong...

Gio: Th-This feeling...

Gio: Everyone else is also...

Gio: What's going... on...

No_one_can_escap,Op subs: No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them.

No_one_can_escap,Op subs: All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.

No_one_can_escap,Op subs: Eternal greatness exists only within myself.

No_one_can_escap,Op subs: Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished.

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part

Gio: Wh-What? Did I fall asleep?

Trish: What... happened?

Trish: It's already dawn.

Gio: Yeah. I'm not sure why, but it seems like we've been asleep for a few hours...

Gio: Wh-What is this?

JoJo-main: ,Why are my hands all wet?

Gio: Is this blood?

JoJo-main: ,Wh-Why?

Trish: Were we att*cked?

JoJo-main: ,Are you hurt anywhere, Giorno?!

Crunch,Sign: {\fad(,)\c&HC&\c&HF&}D{\c&HAA&}a{\c&HEA&}s{\c&HAAD&}h{\c&HAB&}!

Trish: Giorno! Get behind the wall!

Trish: You're right out in the open!

Trish: If you're hurt, you need to tend to your wounds!

Gio: I-Is Giorno hurt? I can't seem to see him anywhere.

Gio: Hurry up and hide, Giorno!

Gio: Wh-Where the heck is he anyway?

Gio: I can't see him at all from where I am.

Gio: Could you tell me where he is, Trish?

Gio: If he's hurt, we need to go save him!

Trish: What the hell are you talking about?

Gio: Huh?

Trish: Nothing you're saying makes any sense.

Trish: Wha—

Trish: What the hell is this?!

Trish: H-Hey, what the hell is going on?!

JoJo-main: ,Why do I have these things?!

Trish: N-No, wait! I'm missing something!

Trish: It's totally gone!

Trish: What I'm missing is way more important!

Trish: Hey, Giorno! What's up with the blood on your hands?!

Trish: Where the hell are you looking?! You! I'm talking to you!

Gio: Y-You're talking to me?

Gio: I mean, I was surprised earlier, but whatever this blood is, I don't feel any pain.

Gio: It must be from when the mold att*cked.

Gio: I had Giorno fix it for me, but the wound hasn't completely closed,

Gio: so I think the blood is from my shoulder.

Trish: The mold's attack?

JoJo-main: ,But you...

Mista: What... in the world...

JoJo-main: ,happened?

Mista: Did I fall asleep?

Mista: I feel strange.

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&H&\c&HFCC&}Rumble

Both: Wh-What the...

Gio: Th-This face...

Gio: G-Giorno's body and my body...

Gio: No, wait. It's our souls, our minds.

Gio: Could it be that while we were sleeping, Giorno and I, and Mista and Trish...

Gio: Each pair's minds have been swapped?!

Mista: Oh, no... I... I...

Mista: What's with this face?!

Mista: This body!

Mista: I stink!

Mista: My armpits...

Mista: smell so bad!

Trish: H-Hey, come on, Trish!

Trish: That's not the problem right now!

Trish: We were att*cked by a Stand.

Trish: It's definitely not the boss's Emperor Crimson,

Mista: Why me? No!

Trish: but our minds have been swapped for some reason!

Gio: Damn it! Could it be another one of the boss's elite guard?

Nara: No, Narancia.

JoJo-main: ,The boss is already somewhere near the Colosseum,

JoJo-main: ,so I don't think he'd rely on one of his subordinates.

Gio: Plus, Mista and Narancia mentioned an attack, but is that really what this is?

Gio: Our minds have been swapped, but we're not hurt.

Gio: What could have...

Gio: H-Hey, Giorno.

Gio: No matter what happens, I-I'm still older than you. Got it?

Mista: Oh, my gosh! I have hair growing on my fingers!

Mista: And my nails are so gross and malformed!

JoJo-main: ,And they have so much dirt under them!

Mista: I can't deal with this!

Mista: I knew it! That stinks, too!

JoJo-main: ,Why? Why did I have to be Mista?!

Trish: H-How am I supposed to know?!

Trish: Probably because we fell asleep near each other.

Trish: And is that really what you think about me?

JoJo-main: ,Do I smell that bad?

Mista: Hey!

Mista: What the hell are you touching there?!

Trish: H-Hey, don't get the wrong idea!

JoJo-main: ,I wasn't trying to touch it! It's just itchy around the elastic...

Mista: Don't stick your fingers in my panties!

Trish: Okay, I got it...

Mista: If you spread your legs any further, I'll k*ll you.

Trish: Okay, I get it! But you're wearing panties to make your butt look firmer,

JoJo-main: ,so everything's so tight and itchy!

Trish: You're even wearing a push-up bra.

Mista: Just so we're clear!

JoJo-main: ,The next time you stick your hand into my skirt, I'll k*ll you!

Mista: I'm going to

Mista: curse you to death!

JoJo-main: ,Narancia!

Trish: Tch. Don't you get it? That's Giorno.

JoJo-main: ,And so what, you're going to k*ll yourself?

Mista: Stop that!

Gio: Hey, guys...

JoJo-main: ,I, um, have a question.

Gio: So, Bucciarati...

Gio: Um, so it's me and Giorno, and Mista and Trish.

Gio: If we swapped minds with whoever was closest to us,

Gio: then who did Bucciarati...

Gio: I've been watching him, but he's not moving at all.

Gio: Is he okay?

Nara: Stay away from him, Narancia!

Gio: Huh?

Trish: There should be someone else inside Bucciarati, too.

Trish: And we don't know who that is.

JoJo-main: ,Is that what you're saying, Giorno?

Nara: It all comes down to what went down at this Colosseum before we got here.

Nara: Who was near Bucciarati?

Nara: And what happened to the boss and the man waiting for us at the Colosseum?

Trish: Narancia, scout the area with Li'l Bomber!

Gio: I've been trying... but...

Gio: Something's wrong. Li'l Bomber isn't...

Gio: M-My Stand ability...

Gio: Appear! Li'l Bomber!

Gio: It's no use! Li'l Bomber won't come out!

Gio: D-Don't tell me our Stands—

Nara: No, Narancia. That's not it.

Nara: Take a closer look.

Gio: Li'l Bomber!

Gio: I-It's so fast! It's so fast, I couldn't even see it!

Gio: But what the hell?!

JoJo-main: ,I don't know what's going on, but I feel so refreshed!

b*ll*ts: I don't know what's going on, but...

b*ll*ts: ...we're so full of energy!

Trish: My Stand is still with me, but it seems to have powered up!

Trish: I destroyed six iron railings in a single shot!

Trish: My mind is on point!

Nara: What in the world is this Stand ability that can swap people's minds?

Nara: What's the purpose of this?

Gio: This Stand user...

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,As much as I don't want to believe it, are they our enemy?

Gio: There's no one else nearby.

Gio: I can't tell if any of them are the boss.

Gio: Everyone around the Colosseum...

Gio: is fast asleep.

Gio: Even with my radar, I can't really tell how far it reaches.

JoJo-main: ,No, wait...

Gio: Some of them are moving just a little bit.

JoJo-main: ,Some are even waking up!

Cop: Man, that was a great dream.

Guy: Wh-What the hell is this?!

Cop: I assaulted some female cop and even handcuffed her.

Cop: Tweet, tweety tweet.

Guy: Arooo!

Lady: Waaah! Waaah!

Trish: So all the passersby got swapped, too?

Gio: Yeah, it looks that way. There's confusion everywhere.

Trish: What a weird ability...

Trish: Hey, Giorno. What are you doing?

Nara: I should be able to sense a soul's energy through the ground.

Nara: But I can't... Who is it?

Nara: Who did Bucciarati swap with?

Mista: Narancia... I mean, Giorno.

Mista: If you're thinking that the boss and Bucciarati got swapped,

JoJo-main: ,there's one thing that's clear.

Mista: That's not it. That's definitely not the boss's soul.

Mista: If it were him, I would be able to sense him.

Mista: But the strangest thing is that I'm certain the boss isn't nearby, either.

Mista: The boss disappeared somewhere.

Nara: Bucciarati...

JoJo-main: ,You're saying we won't know about him until he wakes up?

Nara: Until then, we can't take our eyes off of him.

Turtle: It hurts...

Turtle: Without question, the enemy is Diavolo.

Turtle: Got it?!

Turtle: I-It hurts...

JoJo-main: ,But listen to me, Narancia... No...

Turtle: Are you Giorno Giovanna?

Nara: Golden Wind!

Turtle: No... I'm not speaking from inside the turtle.

Turtle: It's me. I'm the one speaking.

Turtle: My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff.

Turtle: I was the one who arranged to meet you here at the Colosseum,

Turtle: but Diavolo backed me into a corner,and I could no longer fulfill my promise.

Who_swapped_with,Sign: Who swapped with who

Mista___________,Sign: Mista Trish

Mista___________,Sign: Giorno Narancia

Mista___________,Sign: Bucciarati

Mista___________,Sign: Turtle Polnareff

Trish: Who the hell is this guy? Who's "Polnareff"?

Turtle: Let me just say this first...

Turtle: I only did this because Diavolo left me with no other choice.

Turtle: This strange phenomenon that's happening to all of you right now...

Turtle: is a part of the arrow's power,the arrow I was supposed to give you.

Turtle: I'm desperately hanging on to my soul... so I can tell you this.

Nara: The arrow?

JoJo-main: ,So you're saying this was caused by that arrow?

Turtle: To be more precise, it's because my Stand, Silver Chariot, took hold of the arrow.

Turtle: My body is already dead upstairs.

Turtle: The reason I was able to swap souls with this turtle and survive is

JoJo-main: ,because of that arrow.

Gio: There's definitely someone in the hallway on the second floor.

Gio: There's a dead guy who's been knocked out of his wheelchair!

Turtle: It's only my body? Where's Diavolo?

Trish: Hey! If everything you're saying is true,

JoJo-main: ,your Chariot can return us to normal, too, right?

Turtle: No... I currently don't have the power to control Chariot or make it disappear.

Turtle: I don't even know where it is right now.

Turtle: Chariot has basically gone berserk.

Mista: Your own Stand went berserk?

JoJo-main: ,How irresponsible can you—

Nara: No. More importantly, what happened with the boss?

Nara: What happened to him?

Nara: Where is Diavolo right now?

Turtle: I don't know.

JoJo-main: ,Diavolo was right in front of me, but he disappeared.

Turtle: All of you, listen very carefully.

Turtle: The arrow is not your enemy, nor is it your friend!

Turtle: What I'm about to explain to you is hope!

Turtle: Such a trivial... trivial coincidence happened two years ago.

Turtle: After I was incapacitated by Diavolo,

JoJo-main: ,I somehow managed to survive and hid in a small farming village.

Turtle: That's where the trivial thing occurred.

Turtle: The arrow we had retrieved in Egypt fell between the wall and some furniture.

Turtle: It's truly an insignificant thing.

Turtle: Normally, one would just stick their arm back there and pick it up.

Turtle: But for my body, it was an arduous task.

Turtle: I thought about just leaving it there,

Turtle: but I figured that Chariot could get it for me.

Turtle: That's when it happened.

Turtle: Chariot hurt its finger on the arrow.

Turtle: It was mere coincidence.

Turtle: The arrow draws out Stands from those who have potential.

Turtle: But if it happens to pierce a Stand...

Turtle: I don't know how old that arrow is,

Turtle: but I'm starting to understand what the person who created it was thinking.

Turtle: There's more to the power of a Stand!

Turtle: Something that goes far deeper!

Turtle: Suddenly, the birds in the sky fell,

Turtle: bugs hid beneath leaves, and cattle laid on the ground.

Turtle: And the farmers started sleeping in the streets.

Turtle: I felt a slight change, but a much bigger change had taken over Chariot.

Turtle: I had a bad feeling, so I immediately took the arrow away from it...

Turtle: before it could go berserk.

Turtle: Everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Turtle: Then I realized that if someone who had enough power were to use this arrow,

Turtle: they would have the power to control the minds of all living creatures!

Turtle: But I currently don't have that kind of power.

JoJo-main: ,And that's why I waited...

Turtle: for someone like you who was searching for Diavolo's true identity.

Turtle: Though, in the end, Diavolo was able to outdo me.

Trish: So this controlling minds thing...

JoJo-main: ,Do you mean the thing going on right now?

Trish: It's just swapping souls?

Turtle: No.

Turtle: Remember when I said that this was just a part of its power?

Turtle: I can't control it, so I wasn't able to see its potential beyond that.

Turtle: But it definitely exists!

Turtrle: Go retrieve the arrow!

JoJo-main: ,Stop Chariot before the boss can, and reclaim the arrow!

Turtle: The only way to defeat Emperor Crimson

Turtle: is for you to use the arrow to its full potential!

Turtle: So in order to take back the arrow, you're telling us to k*ll Chariot.

Turtle: Am I assuming too much?

Turtle: That's fine.

JoJo-main: ,Once you take the arrow, Chariot will be destroyed regardless.

Turtle: Besides, I've already been finished off.

Turtle: There's one other unbelievable and important thing that I need to tell you.

Turtle: Are you the girl called Trish?

Mista: Yes, though I currently have hairy knuckles.

Turtle: I see...

Turtle: The boss is a duo.

Turtle: There was a kid who was somehow able to transform into you and trick Bucciarati.

Turtle: Diavolo and this kid were like a well-coordinated team.

Mista: What? B-But how?

Nara: But that's impossible.

JoJo-main: ,The boss trusts no one. That's how he kept his identity secret for so long.

Turtle: I'm not sure what happened, either...

JoJo-main: ,But there was definitely a mysterious kid.

Turtle: If it wasn't for that kid, there's no way I'd have let Diavolo get that close to me.

Nara: Two... So the boss is a duo?

Nara: What's...

Gio: Giorno! Something's moving!

Gio: Nine o'clock. Uno signal.

Gio: It's a person!

JoJo-main: ,There's a person heading in from the gate on the right!

Mista: H-He's...

Mista: That face!

Mista: The boss! No... Diavolo!

Nara: Narancia...

JoJo-main: ,Get Li'l Bomber behind him—

Turtle: Giorno, wait!

Turtle: The left! Look to the left, in the shadows!

Turtle: So there it is!

Turtle: That's my Stand, which the arrow evolved...

Turtle: Chariot Requiem!

Nara: He's—

Nara: Th-This isn't good!

Nara: Diavolo was looking for Chariot!

Nara: He's trying to get the arrow!

Turtle: Giorno, wait!

Turtle: Don't attack just yet!

Mista: That Stand!

Nara: It's Zipper Man!

Gio: Th-That's Bucciarati!

Gio: It's Bucciarati's...

JoJo-main: ,soul!