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04x31 - Green Day and Oasis, Part 2 / Green Tea and Sanctuary, Part 2

Posted: 01/24/23 10:22
by bunniefuu
Bruno: By that time,

Bruno: my life...

Bruno: had already ended.

Gio: What?!

Bruno: Above us! It's a helicopter!

Cio: Now they're cornered.

Cio: And whoever Bucciarati and his men were meeting in Rome

Cio: will be dealt with by Green Tea.

Gio: We have to take care of him before the mold's k*lling spree reaches the Colosseum!

Gio: Bucciarati,

Gio: we can leave the guy beneath the ground to you, right?

Bruno: Go, Giorno!

Bruno: Run, Mista!

Mista: All right! Let's go, Giorno!

Secco: Either way...

Secco: I'm taking care of you first...

Secco: Buccia... rati...

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Green Tea and Sanctuary, Part

Secco: Bucciarati...

Secco: How dare you ambush me back at that village...

Secco: I'm never falling for that again.

Secco: How dare you do something so cleaver?!

Secco: No, wait...

Secco: Something so lever... no wait.

Secco: Something so beaver... wait, or was it sever? Griever?

Bruno: You mean "clever"?

Secco: I knew that, damn it! What are you, a language teacher?!

Secco: Y-Y-You jerk!

Secco: Oh, yeah. I need to record a video.

Secco: It shouldn't take me too long to take care of you.

Secco: Let's see...

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Bruno: H-He's... His power and speed...

Secco: I-If we're doing this one-on-one...

JoJo-main: ,I don't even need to dive into the ground.

Bruno: Th-This ability...

Bruno: It surpasses my Zipper Man...

Bruno: both in speed and in power!

Bruno: It's recoil. He's hitting the ground with his elbows.

Bruno: He's using the ground to give him elasticity

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and increasing his power with that recoil.

Bruno: That's why he's fast!

Bruno: Just like a boxer using the ring ropes to increase the power of his punches!

Secco: Sanctuary!

Secco: Take this! I'm out of time!

Secco: As I thought... There's no mold growing on you,

Secco: even though you fell.

Secco: Cioccolata's Green Tea will k*ll any living creature.

Secco: What the hell's going on with your body?

Secco: I mean, I guess I'll just have to pulverize

JoJo-main: ,every last inch of your body until you can't move anymore...

Secco: w-w-with my Sanctuary!

Cio: Giorno Giovanna!

Cio: I heard that he's a newbie.

Cio: He has the ability to give objects life.

Cio: The b*ll*ts that missed...

Cio: The plant that has a hold on this helicopter must be his plant!

Cio: They're coming.

JoJo-main: ,How dare they underestimate me?

Cio: Your life force energy is no match for my Green Tea!

Cio: I'll rot all of these vines!

Cio: We're making this helicopter take off, Green Tea!

Cio: Spread your mold! We're breaking free of these vines!

Cio: Wh-What?!

Cio: I can't take off!

JoJo-main: ,It's not moving at all!

Cio: Th-That's not good!

Gio: Okay, looks like it's grown to its full size.

Gio: It's turned into a tree! Now that helicopter is secured.

Gio: Mista! We're gonna climb up the tree to get to the helicopter!

Mista: There's no need, Giorno.

JoJo-main: ,It's well within range of my b*ll*ts.

Mista: Yee-haw!

Mista: Go, b*ll*ts!

Mista: Your target is his head!

b*ll*ts: What?!

Five: Mista! The others are saying they can't find him anywhere in the helicopter!

One: Where is he?! What the hell?!

One: There's no way he can hide!

One: He can't get out, either!

One: Everyone, look for him! Find hi—

One: Number Two! Number Three!

Five: N-Not good! Mista, hurry and call everyone back! Hurry—

Gio: Mista!

One: Number Two! Number Three! What happened to you guys?!

One: Th-That's impossible!

One: Why isn't he here?

One: Each Stand should only have one ability!

One: His ability is to attack you with mold if you drop down to

JoJo-main: ,a lower position than where you currently stand.

One: That should be the only one!

Six: Run, Number One...

One: Number Six! Seven!

Six: We can't... defeat him...

Six: Hurry up and get out of this helicopter!

Six: He's—

Both: ...too dangerous!

Gio: Mista! Hurry up and call the b*ll*ts back!

Gio: Undo your Stand ability!

Mista: I can't... I can't call them back...

Mista: He got the b*ll*ts...

Mista: I-I underestimated him...

Five: Mista!

Five: Mista! Send me over there!

Five: I'll go bring everyone back!

Gio: No, it's no use, Number Five.

Gio: He's captured the b*ll*ts that he's destroyed,

Gio: because he knows Mista won't be able to heal unless he gets his Stand back.

Gio: I can't heal him.

Five: N-No...

Gio: And he's probably waiting for you to come.

Gio: If he manages to destroy you, the final b*llet, Mista will die.

Gio: He's someone we should've faced head-on!

Gio: Mista! I'm leaving Trish and Narancia here.

Msita: Right...

Mista: Watch over them!

Five: Mista! Mista...

Mista: Follow him... Number Five.

Mista: Back Giorno up...

Mista: Take this b*llet.

Five: Okay...

Gio: I feel a life force...

Gio: Why couldn't the b*ll*ts find him?

Gio: I don't know his exact location, but he didn't leave the helicopter.

Gio: In that case...

Gio: Golden Wind!

Gio: There's no effect?

Gio: What is he doing?

Gio: How is he hiding in there?

Gio: Medical supplies?

Gio: He's a doctor?

Gio: The aftermath of the mold...

JoJo-main: ,It's spreading to the Colosseum!

Gio: There's no more time! I have to defeat him immediately or all will be lost!

One: Th-The enemy's true identity is...

Gio: Come over here, Number One!

Five: Don't go any closer, Giorno! It's a trap!

JoJo-main: ,Useless!

Gio: What?!

Gio: Wh-What the hell is that thing?

Five: Giorno, be caref—

Five: Giorno!

Cio: Curiosity...

Cio: is the most important factor for mental growth.

Cio: I've never been so grateful

Cio: as I am right now for all the experimentation that was conducted on me as a child.

Cio: I made very close observations on what parts of the human body

JoJo-main: ,I could sever and still keep that body alive...

Cio: Of course, I'm quite aware of which veins

Cio: need to be closed off to prevent bleeding out, too.

Cio: And if I cover the parts that I sever with Green Tea's mold,

Cio: I can continue moving around,

Cio: despite being in pieces, and hide wherever I need to.

Five: You can't fall, Giorno!

Five: If you fall any further, the mold's going to attack you!

Five: G-Giorno!

Sign: Secco

Sign: Sanctuary

Five: Hurry and climb up!

Cio: There are times when you truly feel blessed, aren't there, Giorno Giovanna?

Cio: I believe there are two situations in which you feel blessed.

Cio: The first is when despair changes to hope... You feel blessed.

Cio: When your plant grabbed on to this helicopter,

JoJo-main: ,I actually panicked because I thought I was in danger.

Cio: I was in utter despair.

Cio: But I got through it.

Cio: I was able to turn that despair around with my experience and mental strength.

Cio: And that makes me feel truly blessed right now.

Gio: Golden Wi—

Cio: Don't you dare climb up here!

Five: Giorno!

Cio: Did you forget that both of my legs were still hiding?!

Cio: And the second situation that makes one feel blessed...

Cio: is when you look down upon someone who's in utter despair!

Cio: I've won!

Cio: By the time you hit the ground,

Cio: the mold will tear your body to shreds!

Five: Giorno, take this!

Five: Jump in there, Giorno!

Five: Hurry and return to the helicopter!

Gio: Grazie, Number Five!

Five: Pound him!

Cio: How pitiful.

Cio: Nothing's changed, Giorno Giovanna.

Cio: I, Cioccolata, am still going to win!

Cio: The branch you just grew is also living.

Cio: Meaning if it drops even a few centimeters,

Cio: mold will attack that branch!

Five: Jump onto the helicopter, Giorno!

Five: Hurry!

Five: Giorno!

Cio: I did it! Now, show me that expression!

Cio: Show me despair!

Cio: Show me, as clear as can be,

JoJo-main: ,the moment you lose all hope and die!

Cio: Show me your despair as you fall to your death!

gio: Bene.

JoJo-main: ,The angle I calculated toward the helicopter's propellers was perfect.

Gio: Because it was alive, the branch was destroyed by the mold.

Gio: However,

Gio: the part of the branch that fell from its root no longer holds life.

Gio: It's just a piece of wood.

Gio: Because you destroyed it, the branch returned to being a b*llet.

Gio: By the way, all that bullshit about being blessed that you were yapping about...

Gio: I can't say I feel blessed at all, even though I'm looking at you.

Gio: Because I've been winning against you from the start.

Five: You did it! I can't believe it, Giorno!

Five: That was close!

JoJo-main: ,You defeated him before the mold got to the Colosseum!

Five: Please take care of Mista's wounds, too, Giorno!

Five: That was close! Now the rest of the b*ll*ts will be back, too.

Gio: Could you move just a little to the right, Number Five?

Five: Huh?

Gio: I might just be worrying too much, but... What was his name? Cioccolata?

Gio: He might actually be...

Gio: You're just pretending to be dead, aren't you?!

Gio: And you're thinking.

Five: Giorno?

Gio: If you can move your body just a few centimeters before I climb up there,

Gio: you can slip beneath the trench and escape.

Gio: You'll be able to activate the mold again,

Gio: and you'll win. That's what you're thinking.

Gio: To be honest, I have a hole in my right lung right now.

Gio: My subclavian vein has been severed, and four of my ribs,

JoJo-main: ,my right humerus, and my right hand bones have been shattered.

Gio: I'm honestly not sure how fast I can get up there.

Gio: But my Stand is Golden Wind.

Gio: It's a power type with a range of two meters.

Gio: If I just take a moment, I'll be able to end you.

Five: H-He's dead! You shot him through the head!

Gio: Good point.

Gio: If you continue to stay still, I'll incapacitate you,

Gio: but I promise you I won't do anything else.

Gio: I'm giving you a choice.

Gio: So, what are you going to do?

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to start climbing now.

Cio: Stay away from me! Look behind you, you moron!

Cio: I've taken Mista and the turtle hostage!

Cio: You dumbass! While you were busy talking,

Cio: you apparently didn't notice that I snuck my right arm

JoJo-main: ,up from under the tree's shadow!

Cio: I'm going to chop off Mista's neck now!

Cio: If you come after me, you won't be able to treat Mista!

Five: Mista!

Cio: I'm the winner, after all!

Cio: Take this!

Gio: It's true.

JoJo-main: ,I kept talking because I wanted to buy some time.

Gio: The time I needed to make the b*llet that went through

JoJo-main: ,your head earlier evolve and return to your wound.

Gio: The piece that remained in your head lured the b*llet and returned to being a stag beetle.

Gio: When I aimed for the propellers,

Gio: I imbued it with Golden Wind's life force...

Gio: so that I could finish you for good,

JoJo-main: ,whether you were dead or alive.

Cio: B-But you said... th-that if I stayed still.... y-you wouldn't do anything...

Gio: Oh, please.

JoJo-main: ,Did you really think you'd be that lucky?

Gio: A piece of shit like you?

Cio: Y... You're so mean!

Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!


Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Gio: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Gio: Useless!

Sign: Burnable Trash PickupMon, Wed, Fri

Five: Giorno!

Five: Mista's waking up!

Five: Mista! Mista!

Gio: What's that doing there?

JoJo-main: ,Is that Cioccolata's... Don't tell me...

Gio: Was he actually on the phone during the battle?

Gio: But with who? What was he telling them?

Secco: Why, though? Cioccolata...

Secco: Why aren't you answering your phone?

Secco: But I'm calling you...

Secco: Um, it's flashing...

Secco: What's this mean again? Um...

Secco: O-Oh, right!

JoJo-main: ,It does this when I have voicemails, I think!

Secco: How many do I have? Two! When did he call?

Secco: Was it when I was chasing Bucciarati?

Cio: It's me, Secco.

Secco: I-It's Cioccolata!

Cio: I finished off the gunslinger Mista.

Secco: Yes!

Cio: Now it looks like the newbie, Giorno Giovanna, is trying to climb up to the helicopter.

Cio: But it doesn't matter. I win.

Cio: You concentrate on Bucciarati.

Cio: I'll scratch your back when you get back.

Cio: I'm sure you want some sugar cubes, too, don't you?

Cio: I'll throw you some.

Cio: You deserve a treat.

Cio: How many would you like?

Secco: Um... Um...

Cio: Two?

Secco: No! I want more! More! Mooooooore!

Cio: I'm only kidding. I'll throw you five.

Cio: I'll throw five at once.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Think you can catch them all with your mouth? No using your hands.

Cio: Listen well, Secco.

Cio: We are invincible.

Cio: The strong have the right to rule over the weak.

Cio: No, I should say that the strong have a duty to rule over others.

Cio: Even if that includes the boss.

Cio: I plan to surpass the boss during this battle, as well.

Cio: You're going to do this, too, Secco.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,You are strong.

Cio: Giorno's here. I need to hang up.

Cio: But that's why...

Cio: I love you.

Cio: Let's go.

Bruno: This should be far enough. I should've lost that underground guy...