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04x28 - Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling

Posted: 01/24/23 10:16
by bunniefuu
Boss: Which means that the only thing Li'l Bomber can track right now...

Riso: I was winning...

Riso: I would've won...

Riso: But you had thrown the scalpels at them...

Riso: Boss...

Nara: He's down! Li'l Bomber finished him off!

Abba: All right.

JoJo-main: ,I'll go find out who it was.

Bruno: Hold on, Abbacchio.

Bruno: We don't know how many of the boss's men are on this beach right now.

JoJo-main: ,I need you to hurry

Bruno: and replay the footage of the one who took the photo of Trish's mother

JoJo-main: ,on this beach fifteen years ago.

Bruno: We need to get out of here as soon as we can, or we'll be in danger.

Nara: But there's only one of them on the cliff!

Abba: Bucciarati, I remember the Stand from the plane.

Abba: Despite Mista turning that guy into a corpse, we still went through hell.

Abba: I have to confirm who's up on that cliff, or I won't be able to relax.

Bruno: Narancia, is the enemy up there dead?

Nara: He's barely hanging on.

Nara: But his breathing has just about ceased.

Nara: He hasn't moved a millimeter.

Bruno: All right.

JoJo-main: ,Narancia and I will be the ones to go and check.

Bruno: Abbacchio.

Nara: Use your Moody Jazz to get the replay going right away.

Abba: All right.

Bruno: We can't stay here for too long.

JoJo-main: ,How much time do you need?

Abba: Well, we're talking fifteen years ago.

Abba: It'll probably take eight to ten minutes.

Bruno: Do it in five.

Bruno: Giorno, Trish, and Mista are standing by in the turtle, so I'll bring them out here, too.

Bruno: And the moment we learn the boss's true identity from Moody Jazz's replay,

Bruno: we'll leave here.

Bruno: Narancia, use Li'l Bomber to signal for Giorno and the others to get out here.

Nara: You got it!

Riso: I finally... figured it out...

Riso: I know... your identity...

Riso: Before I die...

JoJo-main: ,show me... show me your face...

Boss: I will not allow you to continue this conversation any longer, Risotto Nero.

Boss: The last thing I wanted was for Bucciarati and his crew to find out we were here.

Boss: You should die with pride as the leader

JoJo-main: ,of the Hitman Team, since you made it this far.

Boss: I'm sure your men who are waiting in the afterlife will be proud of you.

Boss: You're going to die at any second.

Boss: And Bucciarati will come find you up here at any moment.

Boss: Before that happens, give me back all the iron you stole from my body.

Boss: If you do, I'll finish you off myself.

Boss: Wouldn't it be the worst embarrassment of your life if you were

JoJo-main: ,to die slowly and miserably in front of Bucciarati

JoJo-main: ,and his men, who took the lives of your team?

Boss: Not to mention, they already consider you a pathetic enemy.

Riso: I... die...

Boss: What was that? I couldn't hear you.

Boss: Hurry up and give me back the iron that was in my body, Risotto Nero.

Riso: I'm saying... that I won't die alone.

Riso: Within the chunks of flesh that Li'l Bomber blew off...

Riso: The parts of me that scattered...

Riso: This time, I'll be the one using it...

Rios: Li'l Bomber, that is!

Riso: Die!

Nara: What the heck? Li'l Bomber is...

Nara: That bastard stuck itself to my Li'l Bomber!

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HE&\c&HF&}F{\c&HED&}o{\c&HCFFFB&}o{\c&HAE&}m

Boss: Emperor Crimson.

Boss: I blew away . seconds' worth of time.

Boss: Everything that was in this world within that span disappeared,

JoJo-main: ,and all that remains is what happened after those . seconds.

Boss: Just the results of the b*ll*ts hitting you.

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HDB&\c&HD&}Rata tat tat tat tat tat

Boss: Well done, Risotto Nero.

JoJo-main: ,You died before you could lose your pride.

Boss: But that also means I'm still facing this unfortunate predicament.

Boss: This isn't good.

JoJo-main: ,I have to do something...

Bruno: Are you sure, Narancia?

Nara: Yeah.

Nara: Something made its way into Li'l Bomber!

Boss: Shit!

Boss: They're coming...

Boss: I have to hide... and somehow replenish my iron...

Bruno: Stop right here.

Bruno: We need to assess the situation carefully from here.

Nara: Got it.

Nara: It's all right, Bucciarati.

JoJo-main: ,His breath's completely stopped, and his Stand has disappeared.

Nara: He's definitely dead.

Nara: Though, I shot him in the face, so it might be hard to tell who he actually was.

Bruno: That man is probably the leader of the Hitman Team.

Nara: How can you tell?

Bruno: He's here alone without a team, which means that either

JoJo-main: ,he was a very confident k*ller someone sent after us,

Bruno: or he had no one left on his team.

Bruno: And he was just k*lled by whoever this other very confident k*ller was

JoJo-main: ,for getting in the way.

Nara: Uh, hello? Bucciarati?

JoJo-main: ,It was my Li'l Bomber that turned him into a honeycomb—

Bruno: You're wrong. You were just being used.

Bruno: There was someone else here.

Bruno: Look at his right foot.

Bruno: Li'l Bomber's att*cks would have left burn marks.

Bruno: But there are no burn marks on that foot.

Bruno: It was only torn off.

Nara: But... there was only one person on Li'l Bomber's radar!

Nara: I'm still not getting any other signal!

Nara: And why would anyone need to do that, anyway?!

Bruno: Neither of them likely expected

Bruno: the other to be as powerful as themselves, so the survivor is probably very badly wounded.

Bruno: Though, I don't know how they're hiding their breathing.

Bruno: Narancia, you sent out a signal for Giorno and the others to gather, didn't you?

Nara: They should be heading to the place the picture came from right now.

Bruno: All right, let's go after them.

Bruno: From now on, don't overlook even the smallest hint of breathing,

JoJo-main: ,even if it's a lizard or a mouse.

Bruno: The other k*ller is still nearby.

Bruno: He's an extremely dangerous k*ller sent by the organization.

Boss: Damn it...

JoJo-main: ,To think I'd have to endure this hell

JoJo-main: ,back home on Sardinia,

Boss: all because of those bastards...

Nara: I know this is a rocky area, but there are way more than I expected.

Nara: When I'm tracking the breathing of things like frogs and field mice,

Nara: there are just too many!

Nara: And if I make the range too sensitive,

JoJo-main: ,I'll even pick up the breathing of the tourists and the exhaust from their cars.

Nara: Damn it! Should I just light this whole place up?!

Bruno: Calm down!

Bruno: Frogs and field mice will try to hide in nearby holes.

Bruno: Those aren't the movements you're looking for.

Bruno: Look for the movement of someone trying to get away from us.

Nara: Movement of someone trying to get away from us...

Boss: I have to hurry...

Boss: Abbacchio...

Boss: I have to stop his Stand!

Mista: That must be it.

Mista: Hey, where are Narancia and Bucciarati?

Mista: I only see Abbacchio on the beach.

Gio: An enemy must've appeared.

Gio: They're probably pursuing the enemy.

Gio: And it seems that Abbacchio hasn't started his replay yet.

Gio: Trish remembered that the photo was taken fifteen years ago in June,

Gio: but she doesn't know the exact date.

Gio: Moody Jazz is searching with a timer for the exact time.

Gio: When it figures that out...

Mista: It'll be able to change into the boss.

Gio: Let's go.

Kid: Hey, let's play over here.

Kid: You're the goalie today.

Kid : What? No way!

Kid: Rock-paper-scissors, then!

Bruno: Well? Can you tell them apart?

Nara: I found it, Bucciarati! There's just one!

Nara: It's meters to our right.

JoJo-main: ,That must be it. It's not very fast,

Nara: but it's headed toward the tourists!

Bruno: Narancia, don't attack just yet!

Bruno: First, we have to determine exactly who we're dealing with.

Nara: His movement stopped.

Nara: Bucciarati?

Nara: Blood?

Bruno: You, there! I'm about to attack you!

Bruno: If you are unable to fight anymore, come out from behind that rock.

Bruno: I promise not to take your life.

Bruno: I'll wait just three seconds. Got it?

Bruno: It's been three seconds!

JoJo-main: ,I take it you're prepared to fight!

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HD&\c&HAB&}R{\c&HD&}i{\c&HDFAD&}p

Kid: Hey, come on!

Kid : Where the heck are you kicking the ball? You suck!

Kid: Oh, come on!

Kid: It's your fault for not being able to get it!

Kid: Just shut up and go get it already!

Kid: You go get it!

Abba: It's already the th. June's going to be over soon.

Abba: How long is this gonna take?

JoJo-main: ,It better actually be June fifteen years ago, damn it.

Kid: Higher! Higher, damn it!

Kid: Throw some rocks at it!

Kid: Shake the branches! Climb up there!

Abba: Hey! Pipe down, you little brats!

Abba: Go play someplace where there's more room!

Kid: Duh, we know that.

Kid: Who the heck kicked it up there?

Kid: Hey! Stop throwing rocks!

Kid: Reach out your hand a little more!

Kid: I know, damn it!

Kid: I can't reach any further!

Abba: Oh, hell. Go on, move out of the way!

Nara: What the hell is this?!

Bruno: Wait.

JoJo-main: ,Don't attack, Narancia!

Bruno: He's just a kid! He's one of the tourists!

Nara: His mouth is sewn shut with the laces from his sneakers!

Bruno: Only a Stand user could have done this.

Bruno: They must've switched places with him.

Bruno: And by the look of this kid, he seems to have lost a lot of blood.

Bruno: But where did all that blood go?

Nara: What the hell?! Where's the bastard that did this to him?!

Nara: How the hell did he disappear?!

Nara: He was super weak a second ago!

Bruno: I don't know...

JoJo-main: ,What in the world is going on?

Kid: Thanks!

Kid: All right!

Kid: C'mon, let's hurry!

Kid: Thanks, mister!

Kid: Thanks!

Kid: Hey, wait up!

Dop: Thanks!

Boss: Nothing beats coming back home.

Boss: Luck's on my side.

Kid: Let's go!

Kid : Kick it right this time!

Kid: You're the one who kicked it over there!

Kid: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sign: {\c&HFC&\fad(,)}Leone Abbacchio

Sign: {\c&HAC&\fad(,)}Moody Jazz

Abba: Uh... What are you doing under there, officer?

Cop: Sorry to bother you while you're eating.

Cop: I'm conducting an investigation.

Cop: I'm looking for fingerprints.

Cop: There was a robbery across the street last night.

Cop: The victim was struck with a bottle.

Cop: It shattered, and shards went everywhere.

Cop: But all the shards weren't on the sidewalk.

Cop: Particularly the part that was being held.

Cop: We heard that the suspect threw something away here,

JoJo-main: ,so I thought I might find something in this recycling bin.

Cop: I should be able to get some fingerprints.

Cop: That's the part I'm looking for.

Abba: You're going to look through all that?

Cop: Well, it's my job.

Abba: I see.

Abba: Yeah...

Abba: Say, uh...

Cop: Yes?

Abba: For reference... I'm just curious.

Abba: What are you going to do if you don't find the shards?

Abba: You might not get any fingerprints.

Abba: No... Even worse, if you do find them,

Abba: and the suspect hires a crafty lawyer and is found not guilty...

Abba: What makes you keep working so hard despite all those problems?

Cop: Well...

JoJo-main: ,I'm not just after the result.

Cop: When all you want is the result, you start to look for shortcuts.

Cop: And if you take that shortcut, you might lose sight of the truth.

Cop: You'll become less motivated.

Cop: I think the most important thing is the will to find the truth.

Cop: As long as you have that,

Cop: even if the suspect gets away this time, you'll get them eventually, right?

Cop: Because that's what you're after.

Cop: Don't you think so?

Abba: I envy you.

Abba: I used to think I wanted to become a police officer.

Abba: Ever since I was a kid,

Abba: I wanted to become a distinguished police officer.

Abba: At some point, I even had that same will you have.

Abba: But I messed up.

Abba: You see, people like me

Abba: are worthless.

Abba: We never see things to the end.

Abba: We always mess up somewhere along the way.

Cop: That's not true, Abbacchio.

Cop: You're doing great.

Cop: We have the same will.

Cop: That will you had when you first became a police officer

Cop: resides within your heart again now...

Cop: Abbacchio.

Abba: Why...

JoJo-main: ,do you know my name?

Abba: Come to think of it...

JoJo-main: ,I think we've met before.

Cop: Where are you going, Abbacchio?

Abba: I'm getting on that bus!

Abba: I'm starting to remember...

Abba: That's right!

JoJo-main: ,I have to go!

Abba: I need to get back to my comrades!

Cop: Did you forget, Abbacchio?

Cop: You came here on that bus.

Cop: This is the last stop.

Cop: You can never return.

Abba: Y-You're...

Abba: That's right! You're...

Abba: You're the one who died because I took that bribe...

Cop: Abbacchio, you did very well.

Cop: That's right...

JoJo-main: ,So well that I can say I'm proud of you.

Nara: No way...

Nara: This can't be happening!

Nara: God damn it! You can't be serious!

Nara: Hurry up and heal him, Giorno!

Nara: I said hurry up and heal him!

Nara: Don't make me kick your face in, you bastard!

Gio: It happened in a moment...

Gio: It happened in a second at close range.

Gio: We were too late...

Gio: We were too late.

Gio: How could someone like Abbacchio

Gio: let him get that close?

Bruno: Mista...

JoJo-main: ,Don't let Trish out of the turtle.

Bruno: The enemy will probably attack again, to try to finish Trish off.

Bruno: We have to leave here immediately.

Bruno: This is my fault.

Bruno: We can't gather any more clues about the boss here.

Nara: Wh-What are you talking about, Bucciarati?

Nara: Abbacchio is gonna wake up any second!

Nara: It's just taking a bit longer than usual!

Nara: He'll wake up if we just wait a little longer!

Nara: Right, Giorno?!

Nara: That's what happened before, right?

Nara: H-Hey!

Bruno: That's enough, Narancia!

Bruno: It's too dangerous here!

bruno: You need to use Li'l Bomber to survey the area.

Nara: What are you talking about, Bucciarati?

Nara: What the hell are you talking about?!

Nara: If the enemy's gonna show up, I'll k*ll him right here, right now!

Nara: If he's nearby, I'll face him head-on!

Nara: Mista! Right, Giorno?

Nara: Hey, Mista!

Gio: We have to go, Narancia.

Gio: Just as Bucciarati said!

Nara: Wh-What?

Nara: What did you just say?!

Nara: Giorno!

JoJo-main: ,You're probably just not trying hard enough!

Nara: Bring him back!

Nara: Give it all you have, you bastard!

Mista: That's enough, Narancia!

Nara: Shut the hell up!

Mista: Narancia!

Nara: Abbacchio...

Nara: Are we just going to leave him here, Bucciarati?!

Nara: Are we just going to leave Abbacchio all alone?!

Nara: I don't want to leave him behind!

Bruno: This is an order, Narancia!

Bruno: Abbacchio knew that this was a possibility when he came here!

Bruno: We're leaving.

Nara: Bucciarati, wait!

Gio: That's...

Gio: Bucciarati, wait. Just for a moment.

Gio: This must mean something. It has to.

Mista: He's holding something.

JoJo-main: ,What is it?

Gio: It looks like a piece of rock from somewhere.

Gio: It must mean something. Golden Wind!

Gio: Go back to where you came from!

Mista: Hey, look!

Mista: Apparently, Abbacchio had completed his replay!

Bruno: This is a death mask!

Bruno: A death mask from the replay!

Bruno: Right before Abbacchio's Moody Jazz disappeared...

Bruno: It took the last of its Stand energy

JoJo-main: ,and pressed its transformed face into the stone pillar!

Bruno: Abbacchio left us this at the very end!

Bruno: This is the boss's true face!

Cop: Abbacchio, you did a great job.

Cop: And your will to get to your truth...

Cop: The ones left behind will get it.

Cop: Because that's what important.