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04x27 - King Crimson vs. Metallica / Emperor Crimson vs. Metallic

Posted: 01/24/23 10:16
by bunniefuu
Dia: Doppio...

Boss: Did you forget that I gave you a portion of my Emperor Crimson's power?

Boss: Now is the time to use it!

Boss: You have Emperor Crimson's arms and Eulogy!

Boss: Calm down and look carefully for movements.

Boss: And then try to predict the future movements that will occur around you.

Boss: Look carefully and predict the future movements that will happen

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Emperor Crimson vs. Metallic

JoJo-main: ,ten seconds from now.

Dopp: B-Birds!

JoJo-main: ,Birds went flying, just like what I saw!

Dopp: B-Boss! I just saw him!

Dopp: He was blended into the footage of ten seconds from now that Eulogy showed me!

Dopp: It looked like a person had blended into the rocks in the background!

Dopp: B-But I can't see him right now!

JoJo-main: ,I can't tell where he is by looking directly!

Boss: That's Risotto.

Boss: He's somehow hiding his appearance.

Boss: Could it be...

JoJo-main: ,He normally isn't visible, but you can see him because you saw the future.

Boss: Look a few seconds into the future to see how he's going to attack, Doppio!

Dopp: Th-There he is!

JoJo-main: ,H-He moved!

Dopp: Wh-What?!

Dopp: Th-This is awful, Boss!

Dopp: In ten seconds, s-scissors are going to c-come out of my throat!

Boss: Calm down, Doppio.

JoJo-main: ,What you saw wasn't you dying.

Boss: Risotto is the assassin that no one in the organization could find.

Boss: You should expect a little bit of damage.

Boss: You need to see how he's going to attack you

JoJo-main: ,a few seconds in the future!

Dopp: The fact that he gets close to me

JoJo-main: ,means that it's definitely not a remote-controlled Stand.

Dopp: Th-This footage showing that there'll be scissors inside my throat...

Dopp: Does it mean this future is unchangeable, Boss?!

Boss: Correct.

Boss: Now that you've seen that footage, you're going to have to prepare yourself.

Boss: It's true that you're going to have scissors shoved down your throat.

Boss: But see through it!

JoJo-main: ,See through how he's going to attack you!

Boss: If you can see through his methods, you'll find his weakness!

Boss: And then, get within two meters of him

JoJo-main: ,and strike him with Emperor Crimson's arm, Doppio!

Dopp: Damn it!

Dopp: There you are! Take this!

Riso: You're sloppy.

Riso: But then again, in all my years of being an assassin,

JoJo-main: ,you're the first one to ever land a blow this close to my location.

Riso: How truly interesting.

Riso: How did you know?

Riso: I'm curious about your ability.

Riso: But still... you're going to die!

Dopp: I-Impossible!

Dopp: How did he get the scissors under my skin?

Dopp: He hasn't laid a finger on me, and I haven't opened my mouth.

Dopp: H-His Stand hasn't even touched me...

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,But the scissors are opening on their own!

Dopp: A-At this rate, he's going to chop open my throat!

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&H&\c&HDCCA&}S{\c&H&}t{\c&H&}a{\c&H&}b{\c&HFAB&}!

Dopp: I need to get them out!

Riso: Those movements...

Riso: I thought I'd be able to slice open his throat,

JoJo-main: ,but it's as if he knew I was going to place those scissors there.

Riso: He just put his hand to his throat and defended himself.

Riso: There's something going on.

Riso: I need to be more careful...

JoJo-main: ,so I can finish him off completely in my next attempt.

Dopp: God damn you!

Dopp: Damn it... I couldn't tell.

Dopp: The boss is going to be upset with me.

Dopp: I still don't know how he's invisible.

Dopp: B-But this damage... I-I'm losing strength in my legs...

Dopp: Th-That's—

Boss: What's the matter, Doppio?

Boss: Were you able to see his attack?

Dopp: B-Boss!

Boss: You couldn't see it?

JoJo-main: ,Then move away from there immediately.

Boss: Figure out exactly where he is by having him chase you!

Dopp: Y-You bastard!

Dopp: I've made up my mind.

JoJo-main: ,I'm definitely going to see through him next time.

Dopp: Damn it.

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to get within two meters of him, no matter what!

Boss: You just saw Emperor Crimson's next footage, didn't you?

Boss: What did you see?

Boss: I'm asking you a question, Doppio!

Boss: What did you see?

Dopp: My right foot, Boss.

Dopp: For the next move, in a few seconds,

JoJo-main: ,it's going to be scissors again.

Dopp: It went flying off.

Dopp: My foot is going to go flying off.

Boss: What did you say, Doppio?!

Dopp: H-He's coming! I saw a glimpse of him!

Boss: Get away from there right now!

Boss: Why didn't you move immediately after seeing the footage, Doppio?

Dopp: Risotto Nero, the assassin.

Dopp: While his movements are careful, he's already made preparations to k*ll me.

Dopp: I can't get my legs to move.

JoJo-main: ,I'm not sure if I can run.

Dopp: Razor blades, scissors...

Dopp: He was preparing for me to lose all this stamina!

Boss: Shit. Doppio won't be able to win now.

Boss: It's going to take me at least ten seconds to come out.

Boss: This isn't good.

Boss: The damage he'd endure from losing his foot would be less than ideal.

Boss: I need to minimize the damage somehow.

Boss: I'm telling you to move away from there now!

Boss: You're going to be k*lled!

Dopp: But, Boss, if I may interject...

Dopp: That's exactly why I shouldn't move.

Dopp: I've used up my stamina.

JoJo-main: ,That's why it's easier to tell if I don't move.

Dopp: All I've been thinking about is where he was attacking me from

JoJo-main: ,with the razor blades and scissors.

Dopp: But I was going about it the wrong way!

Dopp: There you are!

Dopp: His ability...

JoJo-main: ,is to use the iron within a living creature to create

JoJo-main: ,iron razor blades within their bodies!

Dopp: The fact that this frog and I are so worn out gave me the answer!

Dopp: You use your Stand ability

JoJo-main: ,to use the iron within a living creature to create razor blades!

Dopp: And given that the razor blades came out of the frog before they came out of me...

Dopp: That's the direction you were approaching from!

Riso: Th-This bastard...

Dopp: Looks like the prediction was correct.

JoJo-main: ,Someone's foot went flying off.

Dopp: And the mystery behind the enemy's form is slowly becoming apparent, Boss.

Dopp: Huh? Boss?

Dopp: That's strange. I could've sworn I was holding a phone...

Dopp: Where did I drop it?

Dopp: I mean, that's a frog...

Dopp: Oh, there it is!

Dopp: How the heck did I drop it down there?

Dopp: It's underneath all these rocks, and now it's covered in sand.

Dopp: Oh, jeez. And I need to report to the boss immediately, too...

Dopp: D-Did it break?

Dopp: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Dopp: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Dopp: Yes!

Dopp: As small as they make electronics these days, I guess they're pretty sturdy!

Dopp: Hello? Praise me, Boss. He can't move anymore.

Riso: Impossible...

Boss: Well done, Doppio.

JoJo-main: ,My Doppio...

Dopp: Am I going to be the one to finish him off?

JoJo-main: ,Or should I wait until you get here, Boss?

Boss: I want to make sure that Risotto Nero is finished off for good.

Boss: I'll take care of him myself.

Boss: Get closer to him, Doppio. Get within two meters of him...

Boss: And then, I'll go there.

Boss: Until then, get closer to him.

Dopp: You got it! I'll get closer to him, Boss!

Dopp: Inside the wound where his foot was severed...

JoJo-main: ,They're wriggling.

Dopp: Risotto's Stand is inside his body!

Riso: You have precognitive powers, don't you?

Riso: You had a decent idea of what would happen and how I would move.

Riso: Otherwise, there's no way you could've predicted my position or my attack.

Riso: It's true that, at first, you were a beginner who couldn't do anything on your own.

Riso: But... who are you right now?

Riso: Your personality is now filled with confidence.

Riso: And what's that look on your face?

Riso: Those eyes don't belong to a young man.

Riso: It's as if there are two of you.

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HDADCD&\shad}Shink

Riso: Could that be what's going on?

Riso: No, that's not it.

Riso: There's no doubt about it.

Riso: I'm much closer than I realize...

Riso: to the one I'm after right now!

Riso: Two years.

Riso: It's been two years since we were

JoJo-main: ,basically pups who had been collared, shaking in fear.

Riso: You're definitely something more than what we've been looking for.

Riso: I'm certain of it.

Riso: I want to know what you are.

Riso: I want to see your true form.

Riso: I want to know what you are when I k*ll you... no matter what!

Sign: Risotto Nero

Sign: Metallic

Pro: Solido Naso... That's probably one of the boss's aliases.

Ghia: Otherwise, he wouldn't hide his daughter so quickly.

Form: We came all the way here, but it's just a waste of damn time.

Form: Damn it.

Pesci: But if we're able to get his daughter,

JoJo-flashback: ,we might find out who the boss is!

Pesci: Right, Bro?

Pro: We haven't been able to make a move

JoJo-flashback: ,ever since what happened to Sorbet and Gelato.

melone: I wonder who's guarding his daughter.

melone: Pericolo's not a Stand user, so maybe it's Polpo.

Illu: Then maybe we should head toward Naples and ask him.

Riso: Don't get ahead of yourselves.

Riso: It's times like these that you should remain calm before doing anything.

Riso: I understand how you feel,

JoJo-flashback: ,but you need to lock away what happened to Sorbet and Gelato.

Riso: Failure equals death.

Riso: I'm excited, but...

Riso: The one who gets too excited in this situation is the one who dies.

Dopp: The foot I chopped off!

Dopp: I was right. Risotto Nero...

Dopp: I can now see your powers! Magnetism!

Dopp: You're controlling your Stand at that distance with magnetism!

Dopp: You took control of the iron inside me

JoJo-main: ,and made me spit out those razor blades and scissors!

Dopp: The way you make yourself disappear is by covering yourself in iron powder

Dopp: and camouflaging yourself to match the scenery around you!

Riso: Correct.

Riso: You may have figured out what Metallic is, but it's too late.

Riso: Because you are already complete.

Riso: Iron.

JoJo-main: ,You can find iron anywhere in this world.

Riso: Of course, it's in sand,

Riso: as well as spring water and plants.

Riso: And of course, iron is also found within humans, as well.

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HEC&}S{\c&HDEE&}t{\c&HEE&}a{\c&HDED&}b {\c&HEC&}S{\c&HDEE&}t{\c&HEE&}a{\c&HDED&}b {\c&HEC&}S{\c&HDEE&}t{\c&HEE&}a{\c&HDED&}b

Boss: What are you doing, Doppio?

Boss: You predicted his movements!

Boss: I will not allow you to receive further damage!

Dopp: Th-This is... B-Boss!

Riso: You saw through my ability, and my foot got chopped off.

Riso: But you are already complete.

Riso: There's nothing you can do about that.

Riso: Large amounts of iron can be found in

JoJo-main: ,vegetables like spinach and meats like liver.

Riso: It's an important substance that's within your bloodstream.

Riso: What happens when all the iron within you leaves your body at once?

Riso: To put it simply, your blood turns a horrible shade of yellow and you die.

Riso: The iron in your blood captures the oxygen

JoJo-main: ,that enters your body when you breathe,

Riso: and carries it throughout your body.

Riso: Without that, the precious oxygen doesn't reach your fingertips or your brain.

Riso: Which means, now that you've been robbed of so much iron,

JoJo-main: ,despite how hard you're breathing, oxygen isn't entering your body.

Riso: Your body is going to become a corpse before you actually die.

Riso: Now, then...

JoJo-main: ,I wonder what I should do next.

Riso: Should I wait until you croak, or...

Riso: We seem to be out of time anyway,

JoJo-main: ,so should I just go over there and finish you off?

Dopp: B-Boss...

Dopp: That's...

Dopp: They're near the mansion!

Dopp: It's Bucciarati!

Dopp: He finally showed himself!

Dopp: Narancia's also there, and... Abbacchio's there, too!

Boss: What? Abbacchio's there?

Boss: We're out of time.

Boss: Doppio, finish him off with your next move!

Boss: Predict Risotto's movements in the footage!

Dopp: I'm already looking!

Dopp: Risotto will come around my right side, and then...

JoJo-main: ,He disappears! I can't see him!

Dopp: I-It can't be...

Boss: What do you see, Doppio?

Boss: What do you see?

Dopp: I'm gonna turn the tables, damn it!

Dopp: I'll finish him off, Boss!

Dopp: A few seconds before what happens in this footage happens...

Dopp: I'll blow off his head instead!

Dopp: Just like I chopped off his foot earlier!

Dopp: H-Here he comes!

Boss: Don't do anything else, Doppio!

Boss: There's nothing else you can do.

Boss: Listen well, Doppio. This is important.

Boss: Don't waste any more energy.

Boss: I'm heading there right now.

Boss: It'll be a few more seconds, but I'll deal with Risotto.

Dopp: A few seconds?!

JoJo-main: ,But it'll be too late! He's going to attack me any second!

Boss: Deal with it!

Boss: If my full abilities get there,

JoJo-main: ,I can just erase the time you saw in the footage!

Dopp: But I'm the one who's going to be att*cked!

Dopp: So I'll finish him off!

Boss: Doppio! This is the only way!

Boss: This is the only way you're going to survive!

Boss: Your body can't take any more.

Boss: I won't allow you to waste any more energy on my behalf!

Boss: You're going to finish him off?

JoJo-main: ,Risotto Nero is not someone you can find twice!

Dopp: But what if I can, Boss?

Dopp: If I know where he is...

Dopp: If his ability is going to try to steal even more iron from my body...

Dopp: H-Here he comes! He's attacking!

Dopp: He should have the strength to pull...

JoJo-main: ,He should have the strength to pull the iron from my body!

Dopp: The scalpel is pointing in the direction of the magnetic force!

Dopp: You're right there, Risotto!

Riso: I figured that's what you'd do.

riso: Magnetism pulls at the iron.

Riso: If you can figure out which way it's being pulled,

JoJo-main: ,you thought you could figure out my location.

Riso: However, unfortunately...

Riso: What you sensed was

JoJo-main: ,the magnetism that Metallic is producing in the foot you chopped off.

Riso: I left it there.

JoJo-main: ,I learned from my mistake of letting you chop off my right foot.

Riso: I need to make the best of that situation.

Riso: There's barely any oxygen left in your body.

Riso: You are complete.

Riso: You shouldn't even be able to move an inch.

Riso: You're different from before.

JoJo-main: ,Now you're brimming with confidence.

Riso: The excessive physical changes to your body,

Riso: and the way you're talking to yourself...

Riso: It all makes sense now.

JoJo-main: ,I finally figured out who you really are!

Riso: Yes, this had already been confirmed in th century Germany.

Riso: There are people in this world who have multiple personalities.

Riso: In some cases, it doesn't just affect them mentally.

JoJo-main: ,Their body... Their physique can change, as well as their way of speaking.

Riso: I had just thought that you were the boss's most trusted subordinate.

Riso: But you...

JoJo-main: ,To think that you...

Riso: I can't wait.

JoJo-main: ,I can't what to see what your face will look like once you die!

Riso: There's nothing else you can do.

Riso: I'm keeping my distance.

JoJo-main: ,You have no strength to resist.

Riso: There's nothing you can do!

Riso: I've won!

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to chop off your head!

Riso: This is the end! Take this!

Riso: Metallic!

Riso: Wh-What?

Boss: Risotto,

JoJo-main: ,I told Doppio...

Boss: that you were no longer an enemy he could handle.

Riso: Don't tell me...

Bruno: I knew it. The enemy was already here.

Nara: But I shot right through him! I hit him good, too!

Riso: Y-You...

Boss: If the blood in my body that's been robbed of iron

JoJo-main: ,isn't going to carry oxygen throughout my body...

Boss: It's the same thing as if my body wasn't breathing.

Boss: Which means that the only thing Li'l Bomber can track right now...

Bruno: How many enemies are there, Narancia?

Nara: Just one!

Nara: There's only one person breathing on that cliff!

Boss: your breathing, Risotto.

Boss: I see.

Boss: This is the same thing that happened in the footage that Doppio saw, but...

Riso: I was winning...

JoJo-main: ,I would've won...

Riso: But you had thrown the scalpels at them...

Riso: Boss...