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04x26 - A Little Story From The Past ~My Name Is Doppio~

Posted: 01/24/23 10:15
by bunniefuu
JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio A Little Story From the Past ~My Name Is Doppio~

Nar: This is a little story from the past.

Sign: Summer,

Nar: We're going back to the summer of .

Lady: Prisoner ! What's going on here?!

Lady: Prisoner !

JoJo-flashback: ,Did you eat something bad?

Lady: She's pregnant?

JoJo-flashback: ,This is a women's prison on a remote island.

Lady: There are only women here!

Lady : Not to mention, this prisoner

JoJo-flashback: ,was sentenced to ten years for bank robbery and as*ault.

Lady : She's been here for two years already.

Lady : Push! Just a little bit more!

Lady : When could she have gotten pregnant?

JoJo-flashback: ,She wasn't big earlier today.

Lady : And now...

Lady: Hey, you! Who the hell's this kid's father?!

Inmate: He's... dead...

Inamate: For over two years... now...

Lady: You can't be serious.

JoJo-flashback: ,A barnacle growing in your knee would be more believable than that.

Lady: Looks like the baby made it.

Lady : Yes... But something's strange.

JoJo-flashback: ,The baby's eyes have been open ever since he was born.

Lady : And he's not crying at all.

Lady: This goes without saying, but we can't raise a baby here.

Lady: We'll find someone to take him.

Lady : Where are you from?

Inmate: Sar...di...nia...

Nar: A priest at a small church there took the child in.

Nar: Time passed, and the boy became known as someone

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,rather cowardly and a bit slow.

Sign: {\fad(,)\pos(,)\fs}June,

Doppio: Well, I'll be going now. See you later, Mr. Frog.

Man: Hey, watch it!

Man: Oh, it's you.

Man : Walk closer to the edge, you dumbass!

Man: Don't you dare tell the priest about this.

Doppio: Th-That was close...

Doppio: But I'm glad you didn't get squished.

Girl: Do you like frogs?

Girl: I like frogs, too.

JoJo-flashback: ,I hate bugs, though.

Girl: I also don't like guys who smell.

Girl: I hate everything that's not beautiful.

Girl: Are you from around here?

Doppio: Y-Yeah...

Doppio: Say, it's a bit hot out. Want to get something to drink?

Girl: Well...

Girl: That's not a bad idea.

Girl: Then I want sparkling water.

Girl: Hard water from France.

Girl: I hope you're treating.

Priest: You want to become a sailor?

Doppio: Yeah...

Priest: Well...

JoJo-flashback: ,You're a simple man.

Priest: That's probably best for you.

Priest: Oh?

Guy: He walked all this way?

Guy: Good on him.

Priest: It might be a good idea to get him a car.

Nar: In order to build a garage next to his room,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,the priest started digging into the floor with a pick.

Priest: What's this?

Priest: A corpse?

JoJo-flashback: ,No, it's...

Nar: As he carefully picked at the concrete...

Nar: The person he discovered was a woman.

Nar: It was the woman who gave birth to the boy the priest took in.

Priest: Sh-She's alive...

Nar: She couldn't move nor talk, but somehow, she was being kept alive.

Nar: How many years had it been?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,The woman had no sense of time.

Nar: Hatred? Love?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Her heart was dark.

Priest: This hair color...

Nar: That night, the whole village burned,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,with strong winds carrying the fire to every single house.

Nar: No one knows how it started.

Nar: Seven people died, and others went missing.

Nar: On the list of the deceased were

Nar: the names of the priestand the boy he'd taken in.

Sign: {\fad(,)\fs\pos(,)}Olbia, Sardinia: Present Day

Boy: Why, you!

Doppio: Hey, kid! Look out!

Boy: Shut up. I know.

JoJo-main: ,There's a truck coming, right?

Driver: You bastard!

JoJo-main: ,Where the hell do you think you're walking, you dumbass?!

Doppio: O-Ow...

Doppio: Aw, man... Ow.

Doppio: Guess I had the wrong idea.

Guy: Looks like you're down on your luck. Having a bad day?

Guy: Or have you been having a streak of bad luck?

Doppio: I'd say so. I've had one problem after another.

Guy: Why not let me tell your fortune?

Guy: I'll make it cheap.

Doppio: Huh? Nah, I'll pass...

Guy: Sardinia is your home, isn't it?

Guy: And it's been a while since you've been back here, hasn't it?

Doppio: I wouldn't call that fortunetelling.

Doppio: You can tell I'm a traveler just by looking at me.

JoJo-main: ,Anyone could figure that out.

Guy: You're... living with a secret.

JoJo-main: ,Light and shadow, what's inside and what's out.

Guy: You could probably call it two separate lives.

Guy: But you take advantage of that secret and have an unyielding personality,

JoJo-main: ,which has earned you nothing but victories.

Doppio: What?

Guy: Oh, please forgive my rudeness.

Guy: There's something about your face that is very intriguing to someone in my field.

Guy: Please, let me tell you your fortune.

Guy: I'll make it ,... no, , lire.

Doppio: Everyone has their secrets.

JoJo-main: ,That's a pretty broad statement.

Guy: You're looking for someone.

JoJo-main: ,You're currently looking for someone very important to you.

Doppio: Seriously...

Doppio: Everyone spends their lives looking for someone.

Doppio: A beautiful girlfriend or a good friend...

Doppio: But I guess it's nice to hear these things at times.

JoJo-main: ,How do you go about doing it?

Doppio: With that crystal ball?

Guy: No... I've already begun.

Guy: I can tell just by looking at the shape of the mud splatter on your pants.

Guy: It's been said for thousands of years that in Romani fortunetelling,

JoJo-main: ,the best results come from looking at the shape of something that formed coincidentally.

Guy: Because that is the symbol of fate.

Guy: Your daughter...

JoJo-main: ,Yes.

JoJo-main: ,The person you're looking for is your daughter.

Guy: You came back to Sardinia to find the child of the woman you left fifteen years ago...

Doppio: Huh?

Guy: Huh? Er... Something's strange.

JoJo-main: ,You're rather young...

Guy: I know what I just said, but this is strange...

Doppio: Whose child? Mine?

Guy: But you have one. I'm sure of it.

Guy: Let me see your palm!

Doppio: Hey!

Guy: Please! My pride as a fortuneteller is on the line here!

Doppio: Let go of my hand... Don't touch me...

Guy: I won't ask for payment... Actually, I'll pay you!

Guy: ,... No, I'll pay you , lire!

Guy: Please!

Doppio: You're friggin' annoying! Don't touch me!

Doppio: What good would it do for you to see it, huh?!

Diavolo: Considering you're about to die!

Guy: Your face... Your age...

Diavolo: It appears you're not a Stand user.

Diavolo: You have the wisdom to see people

JoJo-main: ,for who they really are, and you made that your business.

Diavolo: That was your greatest failing.

Diavolo: No one in this world is allowed to know who I really am.

Diavolo: But I now know that you are indeed an excellent fortuneteller.

Diavolo: Out of respect for that, I'll be sure to k*ll you instantly so you don't feel any pain.

Diavolo: So answer my question...

Diavolo: This man's name is Risotto.

Diavolo: He's a traitor.

Diavolo: He is also looking for my daughter and trying to find out my true identity.

Diavolo: I want you to tell me where he is right now.

Guy: Where he is?

JoJo-main: ,I can't tell that much...

Guy: But I'm sure you'll encounter him soon.

Guy: He's here in Sardinia...

Guy: He is filled with vengeance,

JoJo-main: ,and you will certainly encounter him here.

Diavolo: I see. Very well.

Diavolo: That's plenty.

Guy: I knew it!

JoJo-main: ,I was right! Light and shadow, what's inside and what's out.

Guy: Two personalities!

Guy: As long as you bear this secret, the death of people will bring you good fortune,

Guy: and you will never lose your splendor!

Guy: What a beautiful palm!

Guy: I've never seen a hand like this before!

Guy: Huh? Something's wrong. It suddenly looks strange.

Guy: The lifeline is totally different...

Guy: I see!

Guy: This is my own hand! It changed before I even realized it!

Diavolo: Emperor Crimson.

Doppio: You...

Doppio: I'm so glad you weren't squished.

JoJo-main: ,It's dangerous to be on the sidewalk.

Doppio: Go on, shoo.

Doppio: Be careful. Go on.

Kid: Huh?

Taxi: Where to, sir?

Doppio: Costa Smeralda, please.

Taxi: You got it.

Lady: And now for our next story,

Lady: the investigations involving the site of the crash off the Olbia coast in Sardinia.

Lady: However...

Doppio: Driver, do you have a cell phone?

Doppio: Mine broke...

Taxi: No, I don't. Sorry.

Doppio: I see...

JoJo-main: ,C-Could you stop for a sec, driver?

Doppio: I'll get out here! This is fine!

Doppio: I'll get out here.

Doppio: That's the building.

JoJo-main: ,There's no doubt about it.

Doppio: I just have to keep an eye out over there.

Nar: Costa Smeralda in Sardinia.

Nar: This area was forgotten by history until about half a century ago,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,when a certain millionaire from India was enamored by the scenery of this coast,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,where the winds and cliffs met,and started living there.

Doppio: Hey, wait a sec!

JoJo-main: ,There seems to be an extra digit on your meter...

Taxi: So you actually think I rigged the meter

JoJo-main: ,because I wanted more money?

Taxi: Is that what you think? Huh?!

Doppio: N-No... But , lire to get from the city to here seems a bit...

Doppio: I don't have that much.

Taxi: Like hell a guy on vacation doesn't have money!

Taxi: I know you hid some in your pocket earlier.

Taxi: I saw you hide an envelope in your pants.

Doppio: Don't—

Taxi: Come on, let me see.

Doppio: Don't touch me... I-I'm getting a headache...

Taxi: See? I knew it.

Doppio: You friggin' idiot!

Doppio: Those who have seen what they shouldn't have seen

JoJo-main: ,don't need to exist in this world!

Taxi: Y-You bastard...

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: Hey... Did you just hear a phone ring?

Taxi: Huh?

Doppio: Where did it come from?

Doppio: Hey! I asked you a question!

Doppio: That phone's busted, so there's no way it could've rung!

Taxi: H-Hell if I know! What are you—

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: There it is again! Where is it?

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: Where is it?

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: Hey, what the hell? You have a car phone!

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: Hello? Yes, this is Doppio.

Doppio: Boss... Yes, I just arrived.

JoJo-main: ,It's the spot in the photo.

Doppio: I just need to keep an eye on this place, right?

Doppio: Huh? The driver didn't see what was in the envelope,

JoJo-main: ,so I don't need to finish him off?

Doppio: If I may interject, Boss,

JoJo-main: ,I believe he saw the photo that he wasn't supposed to see.

Doppio: Right. I'm very sorry, Boss.

JoJo-main: ,Yes, I'm about to start watching the building.

Diavolo: You're about to watch the building?

Diavolo: No, my Doppio.

Diavolo: Take a good look. Slowly... Naturally.

Diavolo: Don't do anything suspicious.

Diavolo: The one who's being watched...

JoJo-main: ,is you, Doppio.

Doppio: Th-That's Risotto! The traitor assassin!

Doppio: He appeared just like the fortuneteller said!

Diavolo: Apparently, due to the plane crash,

JoJo-main: ,he came to notice the existence of this photo of Sardinia that was at Trish's house.

Diavolo: We need to take care of him first.

JoJo-main: ,Otherwise, he'll interfere once Trish arrives.

Diavolo: I'll be the one to finish him off.

Diavolo: We need to get close to him without him figuring out my true identity.

Diavolo: Risotto's ability is a mystery to me, as well.

Diavolo: Draw him out about two meters away from you.

Diavolo: Then he'll definitely be within Emperor Crimson's range.

Diavolo: You can do it.

JoJo-main: ,I'm hanging up, my Doppio.

Doppio: Yes, I understand, Boss.

JoJo-main: ,Beep.

Doppio: What's this? My head... It hurts.

Doppio: O-Oh, yeah. I don't have time to worry about a headache.

Doppio: I just had a call from the boss.

Doppio: My mission is to keep an eye on that building and... uh...

Doppio: What was it again?

Doppio: Get closer?

JoJo-main: ,Right! I have to get closer!

Doppio: But to what?

Risotto: I won't get closer to you.

Risotto: Look over here.

Doppio: Wh-What the?!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,But I think I've seen him before...

Doppio: Wh-Who is he again?

Risotto: Move your hand.

Risotto: Otherwise, I can't see your face.

Doppio: I-I don't have any money!

Doppio: B-Blood!

JoJo-main: ,Why does this always happen to me?!

Risotto: Maybe I just imagined it.

JoJo-main: ,The ignorance and fear in his expression are not an act.

Risotto: If he was from Passione, he wouldn't act like this.

Risotto: Not to mention, he's more unguarded than a baby.

Risotto: He must be a civilian.

Doppio: Please don't!

Risotto: Stop fussing. I'm just going to pick up my knife.

Risotto: I don't care about you anymore.

Doppio: I-I don't feel so good... My head hurts...

Doppio: T-Two meters...

Risotto: That's right.

JoJo-main: ,There was just one thing you did that seemed like an act.

Risotto: When you fell,

JoJo-main: ,you reflexively hid the envelope so I wouldn't see it, didn't you?

Risotto: It's right under your left shoe.

Risotto: What are you hiding?

JoJo-main: ,If I'm satisfied with what I see, I'll leave.

Doppio: What is your deal?!

JoJo-main: ,I-I don't have any money! Just let me go!

Risotto: It wasn't murderous intent or hostility, but your expression there seemed fake.

Risotto: Stand up, move your left leg, and show me.

Risotto: I told you to stand up! Stand up!

Risotto: Oh, so it's just an envelope.

Risotto: There's nothing in it.

Risotto: Your trembling certainly isn't an act,

JoJo-main: ,and I can tell you're a coward who can't lie.

Risotto: But now... I'm even more interested in you.

Risotto: You're definitely a Stand user.

Risotto: You heard that sound, too, didn't you?

Risotto: Just now, you glanced over toward that sound.

Risotto: That's the sound of scouting.

Risotto: It's carefully scouting the area.

Risotto: That sound and shape...

Risotto: is Li'l Bomber!

Risotto: They've finally made it here!

Risotto: And who are you to show up to such an important location?

Risotto: It must mean that the boss trusts you greatly.

Risotto: But there is true fear in your heart.

Risotto: You're a walking contradiction!

Doppio: Shut your trap!

JoJo-main: ,You're the one who's about to be shaking in your boots!

Risotto: I see.

JoJo-main: ,Since you're running toward me, you must be a close-ranged power type.

Risotto: Your range is around two to three meters.

Risotto: As long as I know that, I know how I'll k*ll you.

Doppio: What... the... M-My throat!

Doppio: Th-These are...

JoJo-main: ,actual razor blades?!

Doppio: T-Two meters, damn it!

Doppio: I'll shove these razor blades right up your ass!

Risotto: I told you, I know how I'll k*ll you.

doppio: Impossible! I'm not done yet, damn it!

doppio: H-He disappeared?

Doppio: That's his... That's his assassin ability...

Doppio: But how...

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: There's a phone ringing somewhere!

Doppio: Bring, ring, ring, ring, ring...

Doppio: I can't believe it!

JoJo-main: ,There just happens to be a pay phone in a place like this!

Doppio: Click!

Doppio: Beep!

Doppio: Hello?!

Boss: My Doppio...

Doppio: Wh-Where are you, Boss?

Doppio: Are you nearby?

Doppio: If you are, please come quickly!

Boss: I cannot.

Boss: I cannot go there until you get close enough to him.

Boss: Because everything will be over

JoJo-main: ,if he happens to see me and then manages to escape.

Doppio: B-But—

Boss: You need to get closer. You need to get within two meters of Risotto!

Doppio: Boss! I don't know what his ability is!

Doppio: He could attack me again at any second!

Boss: Doppio...

JoJo-main: ,Oh, Doppio...

Boss: My adorable little Doppio...

Boss: Did you forget that I gave you a portion of my Emperor Crimson's power?

Boss: Now is the time to use it!