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04x23 - Clash and Talking Head / Crush and Talking Mouth

Posted: 01/24/23 10:13
by bunniefuu
Squalo: None of his friends realize that there's another Stand.

Tiziano: Yes, they don't realize that my Stand,

Tiziano: Talking Mouth, is attached to your tongue and making you say

Tiziano: the exact opposite of what you mean.

Gio: Narancia,

Gio: there must be some reason you can't tell us the truth.

Nara: Giorno!

Nara: Giorno's getting pulled under!

Nara: Even though the water's so shallow!

Nara: Li'l Bomber!

Nara: The bastard is teleporting from liquid to liquid

Nara: while still holding on to Giorno's body,

Nara: despite there being so little water!

Squalo: Yes! I got him.

Squalo: If we first take care of Giorno Giovanna, who controls life and can heal his friends,

Squalo: it'll be a piece of cake to eliminate the rest of his friends one by one.

Tiziano: Yeah, it's all going according to plan.

Tiziano: But we should finish off Giorno immediately, Squalo.

Squalo: Huh?

Tiziano: According to my information, Narancia's Li'l Bomber can track carbon dioxide.

Tiziano: Even though Giorno's unconscious right now,

Tiziano: if he's breathing, your Crush, which bit into him, will be tracked down.

Tiziano: Even if you jump from liquid to liquid.

Tiziano: It won't be good if Li'l Bomber tracks down your location and gets ahead.

Tiziano: It'll track us down.

Squalo: All right, Tiziano.

Squalo: I'll stop Giorno's breathing.

Squalo: Right now.

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Crush and Talking Mouth

Nara: This isn't good.

Nara: I can't let them take Giorno away!

Gio: This enemy...

Gio: So there were already two Stands here?

Nara: Shit! The more I miss,

Nara: the more I'm spreading the water around and giving them the upper hand!

Nara: I have to get ahead of them!

Nara: Where are they? Where'd they go?!

Nara: There!

Nara: They may be able to teleport, but if I can get ahead of them,

Nara: I can fill them full of holes!

Tiziano: He's got his radar out.

Tiziano: As I figured, he's going to try to track us down and sh**t us.

Tiziano: We should stop Giorno's breathing immediately.

Squalo: Quit being so pushy. I know, Tiz.

Squalo: But it sure is hard to attack Giorno while teleporting!

Nara: I got the timing down! Now!

Nara: Wha— Into his neck?!

Nara: Giorno! I-I didn't mean to sh**t you!

Nara: Wh-What? His breathing...

Nara: The symbol indicating Giorno's breathing...

Nara: It disappeared from the radar!

Nara: Shit! They got away!

Squalo: Excellent. Crush went into the sewers.

Squalo: I'm just going to continue down into the canal and dispose of Giorno's body.

Tiziano: Hold it. What was that, Squalo?

Squalo: I said I'd take his body to the canal and...

Tizi: No, I'm talking about Narancia.

Tizi: I almost didn't hear it, but he definitely said it!

Tizi: He said, "They got away!" With his voice!

Tizi: As long as my Talking Mouth is on his tongue,

Tizi: he should only be able to say the opposite of his intent.

Tizi: But he said, "They got away!"

Tizi: He even said the radar symbol disappeared.

Tizi: Squalo! Move from there immediately!

Squalo: What are you talking about, Tiziano?

Squalo: Giorno's not breathing at all!

Squalo: There's no one else who can track down my Crush!

Tizi: He said, "They got away!" on purpose!

Tizi: It was to put you at ease!

Tizi: It was to stop Crush's teleportation for even a moment!

Tizi: I don't know how, but he's definitely tracking you!

Nara: Back then, Giorno moved on purpose so I'd sh**t him.

Nara: That way, there'd be residue from the g*nshots, and I could actually track him!

Nara: I can see him.

Nara: I can see him clear as day!

Nara: Here we go! I'm gonna fill them with holes!

Nara: Here I come, you bastard!

Nara: This means Giorno's not dead yet!

Nara: If we can resuscitate him within a few minutes, he'll be saved!

Tizi: This isn't good, Squalo!

Tizi: Now that he's fired at you twice,

Tizi: he's going to go after the residue from your b*llet wounds!

Nara: I did it! I got him out of the sewers!

Abba: It's no use, Bucciarati.

Abba: I can't replay this enemy any further.

Abba: I know for sure that they were in this cup on top of this table.

Abba: But they were only there for a moment.

Abba: From there, Moody Jazz can't transform, nor go forward.

Bruno: What do you mean, Abbacchio?

Abba: I don't know. Maybe they can teleport.

Abba: But I don't have the answer.

Abba: The replay for this enemy...

Abba: It won't go any further, like a video tape that's been torn.

Squalo: I can't believe Narancia would go this far...

Tizi: No, it's Giorno.

Tizi: This all happened because Giorno intentionally got shot

Tizi: by Li'l Bomber's g*ns.

Squalo: Shit! I can't get rid of the residue!

Squalo: Even in the water!

Squalo: Because the b*ll*ts were from a Stand.

Squalo: I have to disappear somehow.

Squalo: Somewhere he can't detect me!

Nara: I've been watching...

Nara: and this shark bastard is pretty damn fast for a remote-controlled Stand,

Nara: but it looks like it can't get very far in a single leap.

Nara: Looks to be about two to three meters!

Squalo: Shit!

Squalo: H-His att*cks are becoming more precise!

Nara: It could be due to injuries, but their speed's getting slower!

Tizi: Squalo!

Nara: Yes! Now I just need to end this with a finishing blow!

Nara: Take this, you fishy bastard!

Nara: Th-This smell...

Nara: There's a gas leak!

Squalo: This is all according to plan, Narancia.

Squalo: Because you shot,

Squalo: hot water spilled from the potand extinguished the burner.

Squalo: Now Li'l Bomber won't be able to sh**t its g*ns!

Squalo: Now you can't track me!

Squalo: If one of the sparks from your g*n happens to ignite the gas,

Squalo: you may survive, but everything around there will burn,

Squalo: filling the room with carbon dioxide, and you won't be able to find me anymore!

Squalo: Narancia, just go ahead and try to sh**t

Squalo: those g*ns!

Squalo: We've won!

Nara: You know, if I can't sh**t...

Nara: I have other ways of k*lling you!

Nara: Yes! I got the enemy!

Nara: Bucciarati! Mista! The enemy's here!

Nara: Abbacchio, the enemy's able to move from liquid to liquid!

Nara: Giorno's breathing again!

Nara: Huh?

Nara: Wait. What did I just say?

Nara: Why was I able to speak the truth?

Tizi: Squalo, I've released Talking Mouth from Narancia's tongue,

Tizi: just like you planned.

Tizi: You're pretty badly injured, but I'm sure the boss will be satisfied.

Mista: Did you just yell something, Narancia?!

Abba: Did you say the enemy's over here?

Tizi: But the release of Talking Mouth is only temporary.

Mista: Giorno's... That must be the enemy!

Nara: Wh-What?!

Nara: W-Wai—

Tizi: We win, Squalo.

Tizi: Yes... This is all according to plan!

Mista: Here we go, Six b*ll*ts!

Nara: sh**t, Mista!

Mista: Wh-What?!

Nara: Sh-Shit! My radar!

Nara: I can't track them! They're going to attack!

Nara: Giorno's going to be taken because of my lie!

Gio: N-Narancia!

Gio: L-Look for it!

Nara: G-Giorno!

Gio: Don't go after the Stand...

Gio: Go after the user!

Nara: Giorno!

Mista: Hey, Narancia!

Mista: You bastard! Why'd you tell me to sh**t?!

Mista: This room was filled with gas!

Nara: Look out! It's the enemy! The enemy's above!

Nara: No! Below! The enemy's below!

Mista: What?!

Nara: Guys!

Nara: It's no use! I can't stop myself from talking!

Nara: I have to stop talking!

Nara: It disappeared!

Nara: They're planning to eliminate Giorno before anyone else!

Gio: Don't go after the Stand...

Gio: Go after the user!

Nara: Giorno!

Nara: Giorno told me to find the user.

Nara: Right... They're hurt.

Nara: Because they're hurt, their breathing is probably labored.

Nara: So that's what he means.

Nara: He wants me to use my radar to find them.

Nara: I'm alone in this. I have to do this alone.

Nara: Someone who's breathing hard...

Nara: They have a remote-controlled Stand,

Nara: but they have to be somewhere around here.

Nara: There's no time! I have to be quick and find them!

Sign: Talking Mouth

Sign: Tiziano

Tizi: Okay, this is all according to plan.

Tizi: With Giorno gone, there's no one to fix their injuries.

Tizi: Now, finish off Giorno.

Tizi: For good.

Squalo: Yeah, I'll do it.

Squalo: I've been injured,

Squalo: but I have plenty of strength left to attack him.

Squalo: Hey, look. It's Narancia.

Squalo: What's he doing out here?

Tizi: Where is Crush right now?

Squalo: Over there.

Squalo: It exited the restaurant's sewer pipe and is heading down the canal.

Squalo: He shouldn't be able to track it anymore...

Squalo: Don't tell me he's trying to find me instead!

Squalo: My breathing...

Tizi: Calm down, Squalo.

Tizi: That's impossible.

Tizi: He's just struggling because he's run out of options.

Tizi: How many people do you think there are within hundred meters of here?

Tizi: Fifty? A hundred?

Tizi: There's no way he could tell you apart from the others.

Squalo: But I'm injured.

Squalo: If he's trying to find someone with labored breathing...

Tizi: Don't panic, Squalo.

Tizi: Look at the bottom of the stairs.

Tizi: There are many with even more labored breathing than you in that square.

Tizi: Calm yourself and your breathing.

Tizi: If we hide your injuries and head into the square like nothing's wrong, we'll be safe.

Tizi: We still win!

Squalo: Yeah, you're right... You're exactly right.

Squalo: There's no way he'd find us.

Nara: I found you!

Nara: You're right there!

Squalo: Wh-What?!

Squalo: Shit! I have to retrieve Crush!

Tizi: Calm down, Squalo! Think this through!

Tizi: He can only say the opposite of what he's thinking right now.

Tizi: He said he found us, meaning he hasn't found us!

Tizi: Don't forget that!

Squalo: Then why did he bother saying that?!

Tizi: He wants you to panic and make your breathing even more labored!

Tizi: Please calm down. If you panic, it's exactly what he wants.

Tizi: There's no way Narancia can single you out.

Tizi: This is just his futile, last-ditch attempt.

Tizi: Calm your breathing.

Nara: I found you...

Nara: There you are.

Nara: I finally... found you.

Squalo: He said it again!

Tizi: Please, calm down.

Tizi: He hasn't found us. That's fact.

Tizi: He's definitely lying!

Tizi: My Talking Mouth is still definitely on his tongue...

Squalo: H-Hey, look!

Tizi: Wh-What?!

Squalo: He cut out his own tongue!

Squalo: With his own knife!

Tizi: That's impossible!

Tizi: No one can survive after cutting out their own tongue,

Tizi: let alone speak!

Nara: I found... you!

Tizi: H-He has another tongue!

Tizi: The ladybug became a tongue!

Tizi: It can't be!

Squalo: It's Giorno!

Squalo: Giorno Giovanna!

Squalo: Just as the boss had said, he's the biggest problem!

Squalo: That bastard Giorno must've created a tongue

Squalo: for Narancia in the kitchen and given it to him!

Squalo: He's coming! He's heading this way!

Squalo: So he was tracking my breathing!

Tizi: It's the opposite!

Tizi: If he was actually tracking you, he would've att*cked already!

Nara: Considering the number of people out here, there's all kinds of breathing.

Nara: Labored breathing, slow breathing...

Nara: There's so much that I can't single anyone out.

Nara: But I've been waiting...

Nara: I've been waiting for this...

Nara: For the moment when someone's breathing drastically changes suddenly!

Nara: For someone to change their breathing drastically

Nara: after seeing me cut my tongue out with a knife!

Nara: For someone to see their Stand hanging out along with my tongue

Nara: and panic bigtime!

Nara: That's what I've been waiting for!

Nara: Just when I thought I'd lost you guys and was about to give up!

Nara: You, over there!

Nara: Your breathing just fluctuated, didn't it?!

Nara: Yeah, you! I'm talking to you!

Nara: I'm talking to you, long hair!

Tizi: This can't be!

Tizi: He actually cut out his tongue to track me!

Nara: Which must mean the shark user is the dude next to you!

Nara: He seems pretty damn pale.

Tizi: Squalo, retrieve Crush!

Squalo: I'm already on it!

Squalo: It's traveling through the sewers and heading toward that well.

Squalo: But... there's no water here!

Squalo: There's no liquid that Crush can jump at Narancia from!

Nara: You must be him!

Nara: The guy who dragged Giorno away!

Squalo: Tiziano!

Tizi: Now you have some liquid... Squalo.

Tizi: This didn't... go exactly according to plan...

Tizi: But this doesn't change our victory.

Tizi: We're still going to... win...

Squalo: I don't give a damn about the boss's orders anymore.

Squalo: I'm not going to k*ll you because I was ordered to as one of the elite guard.

Squalo: Tiziano... I'm going to eliminate him for you!

Squalo: I'll k*ll all of Narancia's friends, too!

Squalo: I'll rip them to pieces and make them pay!

Squalo: I'll make them all pay!

Squalo: Crush! Rip out his throat!

Nara: Do you think... I'm going to falter?

Nara: Because of... Because of something like this?

Nara: We're...

Nara: going to get the hell out of Venice,

Nara: completely safe and sound.

Nara: See ya...

Nara: Volare via.

Rome___a_m_,Nara: "Go flying"

Squalo: You're a damn traitor...

Squalo: You're supposed to be eliminated by the boss...

Squalo: You're supposed to have no choice but to fear your future...

Squalo: What in the world is driving them forward?

Squalo: Why does it seem like they have hope?

Squalo: Wh-What could it...

Guy: Someone just collapsed!

Nara: Giorno!

Nara: Y-Yes! He's breathing again, faintly!

Nara: Giorno, wake up! Giorno! Giorno!

Giorno: Narancia...

Nara: Abbacchio doesn't think too highly of you,

Nara: but we all end up moving under your direction,

Nara: as though you're leading us...

Nara: We might actually have some hope for this journey... with you around.

Nara: Giorno, let's get back to everyone else.

Bruno: How long has it been since the attack began?

Bruno: Four to five minutes?

Bruno: Anyway, it's hard to imagine that another assassin

Bruno: from the organization is in Venice right now.

Bruno: It should be wide open.

Bruno: Let's head toward the airport!

Bruno: We'll get a plane!

Bruno: We're going to get a plane and head to Sardinia, no matter what.

Bruno: We must find out about the boss's past as quickly as possible...

Bruno: or we lose.