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04x21.5 - Determination

Posted: 01/24/23 10:05
by bunniefuu
JoJo-internal/narrator: ,In order to join a g*ng, you need resolve.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Because you never know when you'll have to fight for your life.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,What does "resolve" mean to them?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Why did they join a g*ng?

Bruno: Arrivederci.

Sign: "Goodbye"

Nar: Leone Abbacchio became a police officer after graduating from high school.

Nar: This was due to his strong sense of justice.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,But...

Abba: Even if I were to arrest them, they'd just post bail and be released.

Pimp: You're a very passionate police officer.

Nar: One night, they received a report that a shop was being robbed.

Guy: Abbacchio! Go around the back.

Abba: Freeze! You're under arrest!

Pimp: Hey, it's you.

Guy: Abbacchio! He has a g*n!

Nar: It was then that his body and soul plunged into darkness.

Abba: The only time I can feel at ease

Abba: is when I'm following the orders of something great and absolute.

Abba: Because then, all I need to do is be a soldier who doesn't have to think for himself.

Abba: Moody Jazz!

Illu: Shattering the mirror actually worked in my favor, Abbacchio.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,No matter who died, or even if he lost a limb or two,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,his heart would probably never be moved again.

Illu: Let me see that hand!

Illu: What the hell are you doing, you bastard?!

Abba: Did you lose something?

Abba: Did you find what you were looking for?

Bruno: Abbacchio, wasn't it?

Bruno: What's important isn't the end result.

Bruno: It's how you get there.

Bruno: Join my team.

Bruno: Don't die bound by your past.

Nar: Narancia Ghirga was born in and is a Leo.

Nara: It all went as planned!

Nara: It's all because you told us about that shop, Bro.

Nara: The most important thing in this world is friendship!

Blonde: You should dye your hair blonde like mine.

JoJo-flashback: ,Then the chicks would be all over you.

Nara: Yeah!

Guy: What? Seriously?

Nara: What do you think?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,But the next day...

Nara: You bastards!

Cop: Put both hands on the wall!

Cop: Quit lyin'! We have a witness!

Nara: Wha—

Nara: A robber...

JoJo-flashback: ,A blonde brat...

Nar: A year later, when Narancia left juvenile hall, his eye was afflicted.

Blonde: Wow, they already let you out?

Nara: He felt trapped, so he used me as a scapegoat...

Nar: He had nowhere to go.

Nar: He was all alone.

Nar: The boy brought Narancia into a restaurant.

Nar: His friend at the table set the plate of spaghetti he'd ordered for himself

Nar: in front of the filthy child.

Nar: He then had the kid receive the treatment he needed.

Nara: I don't want to go back home.

Nara: Please let me work for you!

Bruno: Don't be so naïve, you little shit!

Bruno: If you say that again, I'll punch you!

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,That rage didn't come from hate or disgust,

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,and it didn't feel like it was meant to insult me.

Nara: Do you really think I want to live so badly

Nara: that I'd tell you where my friends are? Huh?!

JoJo-main: ,I'll m*rder you!

Nara: Real men...

Nara: should work for guys like him!

Nar: Narancia went to see

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,one of the capos of the organization, Polpo, without Bucciarati knowing...

Nar: and he passed the test.

Nar: Pannacotta Fugo was born into a wealthy family

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,that owned a huge home in the suburbs of Naples.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,He was born with high intellect, having an IQ of .

Fugo: Professor.

Creep: What are you doing here so late?

Fugo: I'm working on the assignment due next week. I couldn't find the right judicial precedent...

Creep: How about it?

JoJo-flashback: ,Why don't you come by my house again for dinner, and...

Fugo: Please excuse me.

Creep: Now, wait just a moment.

Creep: Just relax, now.

Fugo: Stop... Stop...

Fugo: Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop!

Creep: I'll be gentle.

Fugo: I told you to stop, damn it!

Fugo: I looked up to you!

Fugo: You piece of shit!

Nar: Fugo's parents used their money to ensure he was found not guilty,

Nar: but they then treated him like filth and disowned him.

Nar: All alone, Fugo started shoplifting and picking pockets to survive.

Nar: That was right around the time Bucciarati was thinking about starting his own team.

Abba: When it hits something with its fist, that capsule breaks open,

Abba: and the virus comes spilling out!

Abba: It infects its host within thirty seconds, then kills them instantly.

Nar: Fugo feared his own ferocity.

Fugo: I've already made up my mind.

Fugo: I'm going to live on my own, not bothering with anyone else.

Bruno: Oh? And why is that?

Fugo: When I lose my temper, I do horrifying things.

Fugo: If I were to join your team, I might even end up k*lling you.

Bruno: Come with me, Fugo.

Bruno: I'll bring out the best in you,

JoJo-flashback: ,including that fierce, impulsive rage of yours.

Nar: Those words moved Fugo's heart.

Nar: After that, Fugo underwent Polpo's test and gained Purple Smoke.

Nar: Guido Mista's way of life ever since

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,he was little was to live it as simply as possible.

Nar: On a clear summer night, Mista was wandering around like he usually did.

Nar: The woman being punched in the parked car was half-naked.

Nar: For a moment, Mista hesitated to get involved, but...

Nar: Because he was so simple-minded, his body acted on its own.

Thug: Stay back! You hear me?!

Nar: Three, four, five, six sh*ts!

Nar: Then his panicked friends started sh**ting.

Nar: But not a single shot hit Mista.

Nar: Meanwhile, Mista was astonished at his own state of quiet concentration.

Nar: After stealing one of the g*ns and some b*ll*ts,

Nar: Mista calmly loaded the cylinderas sh*ts were being fired at him,

Nar: and pulled the trigger.

Nar: The result of the trial:

Nar: they did not see his actions as self-defense,

Nar: and he was sentenced to to years in prison.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,In a helpless situation, Mista made the decision to cut through the shadows.

Mista: The path toward the resolve to be willingly shot by my own b*ll*ts...

One: Y-You can't take any more, Mista!

Three: You're going to lose consciousness!

Two: We're also...

Six: ...going to disappear!

Mista: N-Not yet!

JoJo-main: ,I'm still conscious!

Guard: Get up. You're being released.

Mista: You're the one who bailed me out?

JoJo-flashback: ,Yes. Come with me.

Bruno: Pardon me.

Guy: Yes, sir?

Bruno: Could I get some bruschetta for him... I should get some for them, too.

Bruno: Could I get four orders of bruschetta?

Bruno: No, make that five. I guess I'll get an order for myself.

Guy: Right away, sir.

Bruno: So, continuing our conversation...

Mista: I'm in.

Mista: I think you and I will get along great.

Mista: So, I'm in.

Nar: Mista learned that people have predetermined destinies.

Nar: When they're young,

Nar: people may find themselves at a standstill or taking the long way around at times,

Nar: but they ultimately end up traveling the path they were destined to walk.

Nar: Giorno Giovanna, a young man from Naples, and Bucciarati's encounter began with a battle.

Bruno: And here I thought you were just some brat

JoJo-main: ,who wasn't affiliated with any organization...

Giorno: So I'm going to be disposed of, right?

Giorno: And you came here fully prepared, right?

Giorno: When you're going to dispose of someone,

Giorno: you're always prepared for the possibility that

JoJo-main: ,you could end up being the one disposed of, right?

Bruno: He's going to k*ll me... He's serious!

Bruno: This brat is actually going to try to k*ll me!

Bruno: He's intense enough

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,that he'd actually do what he says he's going to do!

Kabaam,Sfx: Kabaam

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Giorno: So that's his Stand?

Kabaam,Sfx: {\c&HD&}Kashink

Bruno: Now I know for sure that my Zipper Man is more powerful.

Bruno: I wasn't told that I need to bring the suspect back alive.

Bruno: I wouldn't mind taking care of you here.

Bruno: But I've had my fill of dealing with your dangerous powers today,

Bruno: so I'm leaving.

Bruno: I'm going to keep my distance for now,

Bruno: but I'll take care of you eventually.

Giorno: He can even pass through a solid wall by putting a zipper on it?!

Bruno: I'm ending you right now!

Bruno: Unbelievable...

Giorno: Golden Wind!

Bruno: I-It's happening again!

Bruno: I'll probably die from the shock of the pain!

Bruno: Don't!

Bruno: Stop!

giorno: Because you're a good person.

Giorno: You were shocked to see the state of this arm because of the dr*gs.

Giorno: How old is he?

Giorno: Thirteen.

Giorno: There are people in this city who would sell dr*gs to kids.

Giorno: They're unforgivable.

Giorno: That's what you believe.

Giorno: But the one selling those dr*gs is your boss.

Giorno: You can't help but feel conflicted about that.

Giorno: That's why your heart ached when you saw his arm.

Giorno: I plan on defeating your boss and taking over this city.

Bruno: What?!

Giorno: If I'm going to take over this city,

Giorno: I'll have to join the organization that rules it and work my way up.

Giorno: Bucciarati,

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to become a g*ng-Star!

Nar: Bucciarati was able to relate to Giorno's dream through their battle

Nar: and brought him into the organization.

Bruno: I'm not going to save you.

Bruno: Traitors can't be saved.

Nar: And then, Giorno Giovanna joined Bucciarati's team,

Nar: and they started down a new path.

Bruno: I'll wager on your golden dream

JoJo-main: ,and honorable resolve, Giorno Giovanna.

Nar: Once an organization is established and starts to mature as a group,

Nar: there will always be people within that group who want to rebel.

Nar: When smuggling cheap dr*gs coming from Central Asia

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,to various countries in Europe as well as America,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,they make a profit that's tens to hundreds of times more.

Nar: Which means it's not the least bit strange

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,that there will be those who show up and try

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,to take over the boss's territory, even at the risk of their own lives.

Form: Well, damn... I was sure it'd be Polpo.

Form: Who is it, then?

Form: Who's the one guarding Trish, who disappeared?

Nar: The Hitman Team has nine members.

Nar: Formaggio is one of them.

Guy: It's the same thing as usual.

Lady: I always worry that you might be pushing yourself too hard.

Lady: Dear, don't you think you're drinking too much today?

Pros: So, Formaggio, how are things going?

Form: That's all yours, Pesci. A little gift from me to you.

Pros: Looks like things went well.

Form: Yeah, the job's basically done.

Form: All right, let's finish things off.

Lady: What's the matter, dear? Are you in pain?

Form: All right, let's go home.

Risotto: How'd it go?

Form: Perfectly!

Form: The guy's been blown to bits.

Ghiaccio: Melone, how much was this job?

Melone: Twenty million lire.

Ghiaccio: Damn, that's cheap!

Risotto: Ghiaccio, calm down. We'll talk about money later.

Risotto: More importantly...

JoJo-flashback: ,Where are Sorbet and Gelato?

Ghiaccio: Are they playing hooky?

Illuso: Maybe they're getting it on somewhere.

JoJo-flashback: ,They're a couple, aren't they?

Form: And you call my Stand ability useless?

Risotto: Sorbet would never miss out on a chance to get rich.

Risotto: He's always made sure to show up to claim his share.

Ghiacchio: Polpo's in control of all the gambling,

JoJo-flashback: ,and the jerks selling the dr*gs are also making a fortune.

Ghiacchio: But the only thing that we, the Hitman Team, get is our pay from the boss!

Ghiacchio: This ain't fair!

JoJo-flashback: ,We're the best there is in the whole damn organization!

Ghiaccio: We deserve way better!

melone: He suffocated?

Form: Yeah...

JoJo-flashback: ,Just Gelato, though.

JoJo-flashback: ,Sorbet's corpse isn't here.

Rome___a_m_,Sign: "Punishment"

Form: Punishment...

Nar: A few days later, a bunch of packages with no sender were delivered to the team.

Ghiaccio: Seriously? Again?

Ghia: Who the hell's the sender?!

JoJo-flashback: ,Oh, hell no...

Form: You can't be serious... This is...

Melone: That's...

Nar: They were pieces of Sorbet's body, chopped up and preserved in formalin.

Nar: When they put his face together, they saw that it was distorted in fear.

Nar: He was likely cut into pieces by a very sharp knife, starting with his toes.

illuso: Do you think that Sorbet

illuso: was sliced up right in front of Gelato?

Melone: Yeah. And he was so overcome with fear and despair

Melone: that he choked on his own gag and suffocated!

Nar: This was a silent message from the boss.

Risotto: Forget all about Sorbet and Gelato.

Nar: From then on, they ended up getting the cold shoulder.

Nar: They never tried to find out the boss's identity ever again.

Nar: At least, not until...

Nar: they found out that the boss had a daughter.

Form: You already know that Polpo died yesterday, right?

Nar: In order to get information and kidnap the boss's daughter,

Nar: the Hitman Team went after Bucciarati and his team.

Nar: The members of the Hitman Team were ready to risk their lives,

Nar: making them formidable enemies.

Melone: Could you be quiet and listen?

Baby: Simple is best.

Nar: They were also risking their lives, driven by their goal to defeat the boss.

Gio: This guy has no weak point when it comes to ice!

Nara: H-Hell, yeah! He's a capo!

Nara: Bucciarati's finally a capo!

Mista: But the ball suddenly started rolling as soon as this newbie Giorno joined.

mistA: Is he some kind of lucky boy or something?

Abba: Watch your mouth, you bastard.

Abba: Even if I was the one currently being att*cked instead of Fugo,

Abba: I would want you guys to abandon me.

Gio: I beg your pardon...

JoJo-main: ,but I don't believe that's true!

Gio: We should risk our lives and save him!

JoJo-main: ,Golden Wind!

Nar: Through their mission to keep Trish safe, the members of Bucciarati's team

Nar: started opening up to Giorno.

Fugo: He comes up with the most insane ideas and pulls them off...

Fugo: And there's something I can trust behind that.

Fugo: It's not something that's spoken.

Fugo: He has true loyalty within him!

Fugo: Just like Bucciarati did back then!

Fugo: Giorno! You have my utmost respect after risking your life!

Mista: Recently, I... started noticing...

Mista: that despite Giorno Giovanna...

Mista: being a newbie...

Mista: things always seem...

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,to play out exactly how he says.

Mista: The resolve I showed just now was also partly Giorno's.

Mista: It was making its way into my heart before I even realized it.

Mista: It almost feels like he's my capo, even more so than Bucciarati,

Mista: and he kept me moving.

Gio: Your resolve is shining upon the path,

Gio: even brighter than this rising sun.

Gio: And it's shining on the path...

Gio: that we're meant to take!

Bruno: I know.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It's our chance to find out who the boss really is.

Bruno: I'll find him, no matter what.

JoJo-main: ,Could you give me that charm to wish me good luck on this final mission?

Bruno: Ladybugs are considered sun bugs.

Bruno: They're symbols of life, right?

Bruno: They're good luck charms, right?

Gio: Yes. Ladybugs bring good luck.

Trish: I wonder... if I'll be able to like my father.

Bruno: No family worries about that.

Bruno: We're almost to the top.

Bruno: Wh-What?!

Bruno: No... It can't be!

Bruno: Could the boss...

Bruno: In order to make sure he stays completely invisible...

Bruno: Did he have us protect his daughter

Bruno: in order to ensure that he could finish off his daughter himself?!

Bruno: A father did this to his innocent daughter,

JoJo-main: ,all to cover his own ass?!

Bruno: This is unforgivable!

JoJo-main: ,You have once again betrayed my heart!

Bruno: Boss, I was just going to seek out your true identity,

JoJo-main: ,but the plan's changed.

Bruno: I'm going to get rid of you right now!

Boss: What about Trish?

Boss: My daughter has nothing to do with you.

Bruno: You could never understand my true feelings!

Giorno: Bucciarati!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Something is wrong!

JoJo-main: ,Zipper Man!

Bruno: The one who was in the pillar's shadow...

Bruno: was me!

Boss: I decided to show you... as a parting gift.

Boss: I erased time and leapt past it.

Boss: I don't care who it is.

JoJo-main: ,I will not allow anyone to thr*aten my throne, no matter what.

Boss: Bucciarati, your mission to act as Trish's bodyguard

Boss: has now come to an end.

Nar: After meeting Giorno, Bucciarati decided to make a wager on his golden dream.

Nar: Their path is likely to be filled with even more hardships.