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04x20 - The Final Mission from the Boss

Posted: 01/24/23 09:47
by bunniefuu
JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio The Final Mission from the Boss

Bruno: How much longer till we get there?

Fugo: We're almost at Rialto Bridge.

Fugo: It'll be at least another five minutes.

Bruno: All right. Keep going.

Gio: Bucciarati, what was the mission from the boss?

Bruno: I'm reconfirming the mission from the boss right now.

Sign: Are you all safe?I thank you for protecting my daughter Trish from the bottom of my heart.

Bruno: I'll read it aloud.

Bruno: "The information on this disc

JoJo-main: ,was inputted the moment all of you boarded the train at Naples.

Bruno: Therefore, I'd like to warn you that I have no way of knowing

Bruno: how many more are after you,

Bruno: or how many members you've lost at this point in time.

Bruno: The information on this disc is the safest way for me to meet my daughter,

Bruno: and also your final mission.

Bruno: Let me also warn you that, should you deviate even in the slightest

Bruno: from the instructions on this disc,it will be unforgivable.

Bruno: If any of you do anything other than what's instructed of you,

Bruno: even if it's accidental,

Bruno: I will consider it a warning that you mean to harm me.

Bruno: Here is your final mission.

Bruno: You will now head to

Bruno: the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.

Bruno: The place you will take my daughter is

JoJo-main: ,the top of the great bell tower of the church there.

Bruno: Once you take my daughter there,

Bruno: your mission will be over.

Bruno: Instruction one: there are no stairs to the top of the tower.

Bruno: Currently, there is only one elevator that goes to the top.

Bruno: The only ones allowed in the elevator are Trish and one bodyguard.

Bruno: Instruction two: the bodyguard is prohibited

JoJo-main: ,from carrying any knives, g*ns, cell phones, or anything else.

Bruno: Instruction three: you must land on the island within

Bruno: fifteen minutes of retrieving this disc.

Bruno: There is a tracking device in the disc, so I know where you are.

Bruno: Instruction four: the rest of you will wait on the boat.

JoJo-main: ,You are not allowed on the island."

Bruno: That's all of it.

Giorno: Bucciarati, we have arrived.

Nara: So the boss is at the top of that tower right now...

Fugo: Those are pretty detailed instructions. He seems extremely cautious.

Fugo: But I guess you couldn't be a mafia boss otherwise.

Abba: Anyway, this means our mission ends here.

Abba: We all made it out alive, so I guess all's well that ends well.

Mista: Yeah, just barely, though.

Mista: Let's live it up in Venice for a few days before we go home.

Mista: I hear the food's great there.

Nara: They have good food here?

JoJo-main: ,I just remembered I was hungry.

Nara: What kind of food do they have?

Mista: Well, they have squid ink pasta, horsehair crab salad,

Mista: and I hear the carpaccio at the Hotel Cipriani is fantastic.

Bruno: Hey, you bastards!

Bruno: Don't let your guard down!

Bruno: The mission's not over yet!

Bruno: Narancia, keep an eye on the radar.

Nara: S-Sure.

Gio: Bucciarati,

JoJo-main: ,I volunteer to be her bodyguard in the tower.

Gio: I'll take her to the top of the bell tower.

Abba: Who the hell do you think you are?!

Abba: Bucciarati's the capo, so of course he's going to take her, you dumbass!

Abba: The boss didn't specify anyone because he didn't know who was still alive!

Bruno: Of course. I'll go.

Bruno: All right, Trish.

JoJo-main: ,The two of us will go onto the island, as we were ordered.

Bruno: I know.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It's our chance to find out who the boss really is.

Bruno: I'll find him, no matter what.

Bruno: Oh, I know. Giorno,

JoJo-main: ,could you give me that charm to wish me good luck on this final mission?

Bruno: Ladybugs are considered sun bugs.

Bruno: They're symbols of life, right?

Bruno: They're good luck charms, right?

Gio: Oh, that's right.

Gio: Yes. Ladybugs bring good luck.

Bruno: This brooch that's been given life with Golden Wind's ability will act as a tracking device.

Fugo: Bucciarati.

Bruno: What is it, Fugo?

Fugo: I thought this was a good opportunity to say this.

Bruno: Why so formal? What is it?

Fugo: I knew that you'd become capo someday,

Fugo: and I know you'll be able to complete this mission.

Abba: Of course he can.

Fugo: Let's aim for an even higher position in the organization!

Bruno: Yeah... You're right.

Bruno: Let's go, Trish.

Bruno: If I can somehow get this onto the boss's body,

Bruno: Giorno will be able to track him down.

Bruno: Right now, we just need to find out who he is...

Bruno: No matter what.

Bruno: The elevator door is open.

Bruno: There are only two buttons, for the first floor and the roof.

Bruno: It goes directly to either. There are no other floors to stop on.

Trish: What's...

Trish: What's going to happen to me?

Trish: I suddenly got kidnapped by gangsters just like you guys,

Trish: had my life threatened,

Trish: and now, I'm going to be taken to a father I don't even know or love...

Trish: Where am I going to go now?

Bruno: The boss is just concerned for your safety.

Bruno: As for what will happen to you from now on,

Bruno: this is what I think...

Bruno: First, you'll be given a different name.

Bruno: You might even need to have plastic surgery.

Bruno: You'll be given a new identification and family registry.

Bruno: You'll be somewhere we won't know of,

Bruno: some far-off country, where you'll live happily.

Bruno: Your father has that kind of power.

Bruno: Here. Let me give you a hand.

Trish: It's not like...

Trish: I-I'm nervous or anything...

Trish: I wonder...

Trish: if I'll be able to like my father.

Bruno: No family worries about that.

Trish: Yeah...

JoJo-main: ,You're right.

Trish: It's strange to even worry about that.

Bruno: We're almost to the top.

Bruno: Trish? Tri—

Bruno: Wh-What?!

Bruno: Trish... No... What's—

Bruno: Trish and I should be the only ones here.

Bruno: No one other than the guys on my team knows we're...

Bruno: No... It can't be!

Bruno: Could the boss...

Bruno: In order to make sure he stays completely invisible...

Bruno: Did he have us protect his daughter

Bruno: in order to ensure that he could finish off his daughter himself?!

Nar: Bruno Bucciarati was born as a fisherman's son in a suburb of Naples.

Nar: His father wasn't the best at dealing with people,

Nar: but he was an earnest and honest fisherman

Nar: who tried to protect his family from the cruelties of this world.

Dad: Bruno.

Bruno: Dad.

Bruno: You need me to fix the net?

JoJo-flashback: ,Got it.

Nar: His mother was very kind, and Bruno loved his conversations with her.

Nar: He always looked forward to the bedtime stories she read to him before going to sleep.

Mom: All right, go to sleep, now.

Nar: But...

Nar: It occurred when Bucciarati was seven.

Dad: So what are you going to do now?

Mom: Well... I want a change, so I'm going to leave this town.

Nar: After ten years of marriage, his parents divorced.

Nar: As for the reason, only his parents would know the answer to that.

Dad: What are we going to do about Bruno?

Nar: After a discussion, Bruno's parents had him make a decision.

Mom: Bruno, your father and I both love you,

Mom: but we're going to be living separately now.

Mom: Who do you want to live with? Me or your father?

Mom: We want you to decide.

Mom: You want to leave this place with me and go to the city, right?

Mom: You're very smart.

JoJo-flashback: ,You want to go to a good school, don't you?

Mom: There'll be a lot more kids your age, too!

Mom: So, you want to live with your mother, right?

Mom: You'll come with me, right?

Bruno: I'll...

JoJo-flashback: ,live with Dad.

Mom: Huh?!

Mom: What?! Bruno, you should really think about this!

Mom: You like me better, don't you?

Bruno: I'll stay here with Dad.

Mom: No...

Bruno: Mom's strong...

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,She should be able to make it anywhere.

Bruno: But...

Mom: All right, I'm leaving.

Mom: I'll come back once a month to visit.

Bruno: Okay.

Nar: As Bucciarati had instinctively figured,

Nar: two years after his mother left, she remarried a man from Milan.

Nar: He would end up only seeing his mother at Christmas after that.

Nar: As for his father, because his wife left him for the city,

Nar: he became determined to send Bucciarati to a good school.

Bruno: Dad, I think customers are going to come by soon.

Dad: Oh, I guess it's about that time...

Bruno: I'll reapply the nets.

Dad: All right. I'll let you handle this.

Nar: Up until then, he'd only been a fisherman,

Nar: but in order to earn money for his son's tuition,

Nar: he started taking tourists and other fishermen on his boat.

Nar: And the wheel of fate continued to turn.

Dad: Sirs, that island isn't good for fishing.

Dad: There are better—

Guy: Whatever, man.

Guy: We wanna go fishing over there.

Guy : Just shut up and take us.

Guy: Got it?

Dad: R-Right...

Nar: That evening, Bucciarati's father would be rescued by the Coast Guard,

Nar: his body riddled with b*llet holes.

Guy: He's been shot seven times in his arms, shoulders, chest, and torso.

Nurse: We got an operating room open!

Bruno: Dad! Dad!

Guy: There are b*ll*ts still in his body.

Bruno: Dad!

Lady: For now, please just wait until the surgery's finished.

Lady: Be strong. Can you give us contact information for the rest of your family?

Bruno: Dad...

Cop: Forensics is coming by later, so give them this as evidence.

Nurse: Yes, sir.

Cop: Thanks.

Nurse: Right.

Bruno: H-How did this happen?

Cop: Good evening. Are you his son?

Cop: We found this at the scene.

Cop: Apparently, your father witnessed a drug deal.

Cop: He was shot so that he wouldn't talk.

Cop: Your father is a very important witness.

JoJo-flashback: ,We don't exactly want him to die, either.

Cop: I'm sure he'll be okay.

Bruno: My father was shot because of something like that?

Nar: Luckily, Bucciarati's father survived.

Nar: Despite being shot seven times, none of the wounds were fatal,

Nar: and the boat that found and rescued him

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,happened to have supplies to treat his wounds,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,allowing him to survive until he got to the hospital.

Nar: He was graced by good luck all around.

Nar: But in terms of Bucciarati's life, it might've been better if his father had died.

Nar: There are certain sticky situations where you don't

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,have the opportunity to choose the right path.

Guy: Fishermen have way too much energy, damn it.

Guy: I'll keep watch! Just hurry up and do it!

Guy: You've got some nerve, making us come here so late at night.

Guy: Go to hell already!

Guy: Wh-Who the hell are you?

Guy: A k-kid? H-Hey!

Guy: What are you doing under the bed?!

Guy : I-It's just a kid! Just take the knife from him!

JoJo-flashback: ,Th-That knife's dangerous! Put it down!

Thud,Sfx: {\c&HBD&\c&HFB&}Riiiiip

Guy: Wh-What are you—

Bruno: I'll protect you, Dad.

Bruno: Don't worry. Take your time getting better.

Nar: At the age of twelve, Bruno Bucciarati committed m*rder

Nar: and entered a territory no one should set foot in.

Bruno: I can't turn back now.

Bruno: They'll keep trying to get revenge and shut us up.

Bruno: I can't trust the police, either.

nar: The only one willing to protect this father and son

nar: was the organization that ran the city from the shadows.

Nar: Bucciarati knocked on the doors of that organization,

Nar: and in return for loyalty and service to the organization,

Nar: they guaranteed their safety.

Nar: Believing the organization was the true form of justice,

Nar: he worked hard there.

Nar: He made a name for himself within the organization,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and eventually, the capo Polpo took a liking to him.

Nar: Five years later, Bucciarati's father died due to complications from his wounds.

Nar: Bucciarati loathed the white powder of greed that had

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,dragged him and his father into this situation,

Nar: and swore that he would never forgive it.

Nar: But...

Punk: I-I'm sorry! I won't bother them again!

JoJo-flashback: ,I'll forget about that family!

Bruno: Good. You can't regret anything once you're dead, after all.

Bruno: If you're also a g*ng member—

Bruno: Those are...

Bruno: Hey! What the hell are those?!

Nar: He learned that the organization's boss,whom he thought was the true form of justice,

Nar: was involved in dealing the dr*gs he hated so much.

Bruno: In this city?

JoJo-flashback: ,I thought they were prohibited!

Bruno: And now...

JoJo-main: ,The boss is now...

Bruno: The most repulsive form of evil is

Bruno: to exploit innocent people who don't know anything,

Bruno: and to use others merely for one's own gain!

Bruno: A father did this to his innocent daughter,

JoJo-main: ,all to cover his own ass?!

Bruno: This is unforgivable!

JoJo-main: ,You have once again betrayed my heart!

Bruno: There... Trish is still alive.

Bruno: All right. It's on him.

Bruno: But, damn it, I can't see his face.

Bruno: Boss, I was just going to seek out your true identity,

Bruno: but the plan's changed.

Bruno: I'm going to get rid of you right now!

Bruno: There's no time,

JoJo-main: ,but the boss isn't expecting me to betray him right now.

Bruno: It will be...

Bruno: an assassination.

Bruno: I'll get ahead of the boss on his escape route and finish him there.

Bruno: This...

Bruno: This hole...

Bruno: I see.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It's a stairway to the charnel house that's found in the basement of any church.

Bruno: After he eliminates Trish down there, thinking he's in the clear,

Bruno: he'll go through there and exit the other side of the building.

Bruno: I managed to get here first.

Bruno: Here he comes.

Bruno: He came down the stairs!

Bruno: Now!

Boss: You should just go home now,

JoJo-main: ,Bruno Bucciarati.

Boss: If you step out from behind that pillar,

JoJo-main: ,you're going to die.

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Bruno: I-It's going to break off!

Bruno: So he knew I was after him...

Bruno: But since he hid himself again,

JoJo-main: ,I'm guessing he's not that powerful.

Boss: I'd like to ask you why.

Boss: What's the meaning of this?

Boss: I highly respected all the work you'd done for me on this mission.

Boss: Were you so happy to become a capo that you got greedy?

Boss: Or did you overestimate your own powers and get cocky,

JoJo-main: ,thinking you could actually surpass me?

Bruno: When Trish wakes up,

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to tell her that her father didn't even exist.

Boss: Trish?

Boss: What about Trish?

Boss: My daughter has nothing to do with you.

Bruno: You could never understand my true feelings!

Bruno: Giorno?

Gio: Bucciarati! Yes, I know he's on the move.

Gio: I know exactly where the boss is because of the brooch you put on him.

Gio: Right now, he's at the bottom of the stairs to the charnel house.

Gio: He's right by the pillar that's about two meters away from the stairs.

Giorno: But wait, Bucciarati!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Something is wrong!

Bruno: You're there!

Bruno: Take this! Zipper Man!

Bruno: The one who was in the pillar's shadow...

Bruno: was me!

Bruno: Wh-What...

Bruno: What's going o—

Boss: I decided to show you... as a parting gift.

Boss: Since this is the end, I'll fill you in.

Boss: What you just witnessed and felt

Boss: was you in the future.

Boss: You from a few seconds from the past witnessed yourself in the future.

Boss: This is my Emperor Crimson's ability.

Boss: I erased time and leapt past it.

Boss: I don't care who it is.

JoJo-main: ,I will not allow anyone to thr*aten my throne,

Boss: no matter what.

Boss: And now, you're going to have to disappear.

Boss: Bucciarati, your mission to act as Trish's bodyguard

Boss: has now come to an end.