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04x14 - Express Train to Florence / Il Treno Espresso per Firenze

Posted: 01/24/23 09:35
by bunniefuu
Abba: Let me see the key we obtained again,

Abba: Narancia.

Nara: Huh?

Nara: Here.

Abba: Wait! Don't throw it!

Abba: You little shit!

Nara: Dang, talk about overreacting.

JoJo-main: ,Isn't the fact that you're feeling pain a good sign?

Abba: I just had it reattached thirty minutes ago...

Abba: It still hurts, damn it!

Abba: "I thank you for protecting my daughter, Bucciarati.

Abba: Go to the drinking fountain with a turtle on the sixth platform at Naples Station,

Abba: and use this key.

Abba: Then, take my daughter to Venice by train.

Abba: P.S. My missions for you will end once you get to Venice."

Abba: What's supposed to be by the drinking fountain at the station?

Bruno: The boss mentioned a way for us to travel without being found by the enemy.

Bruno: The station is dangerous, but we'll just have to trust him and go.

Nara: D-Do you think the boss is actually in Venice?

JoJo-main: ,Since it's mentioned in that note...

Bruno: We don't need to think about that.

Bruno: We're just going to do as we're ordered.

Bruno: There's a super express leaving for Florence in ten minutes. We'll take that.

Bruno: Mista, is anyone following us?

Mista: So far, we're good.

Mista: I can't say the same for the station, though.

Mista: There'll be plenty of paid guys who'll report information about us.

Fugo: The boss's daughter, Trish.

Fugo: Her life is being targeted because of a father she's never met.

Fugo: I wonder how that feels...

Mista: Yeah, I get it, Fugo...

Mista: I can't help but stare at her you-know-whats, either.

Fugo: Huh?

Fugo: Th-That's...

Mista: Please forgive Fugo!

Mista: He didn't mean any harm!

Mista: He wasn't trying to take advantage of the sudden braking

JoJo-main: ,to see your breasts or stroke your thighs under your skirt!

Mista: He just couldn't help himself!

Fugo: Hey, stop that!

Fugo: I actually lost my balance, but you're making it sound worse!

Mista: Please don't tell the boss!

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Express Train to Florence

Narancia_s_Heigh,Sign: Florence bound leaving at : from platform

Pro: He's really here. That's Bucciarati.

Pesci: I can't believe he actually showed up at a station where we could easily find him.

Pesci: I'm gonna k*ll him!

Pro: Maybe he was pushed to his limits and lost his mind,

Pro: or he's somehow confident that he'll be able to give us the slip.

Pesci: Either way, I'm gonna k*ll him!

Pesci: He k*lled Formaggio and Illuso! I'm gonna k*ll him!

Pro: Hey, dumbass.

Pro: Drop the "I'm gonna k*ll him" crap already.

Pro: That phrase doesn't exist in our world.

Pro: Only weaklings use that phrase.

Pro: Because when I or my other team members so much as think those words,

Pro: our target is already dead, and the job is over!

Pro: So I've never uttered those words in my life.

Pro: You're gonna be that way too, right, Pesci?

Pro: If you're truly one of us.

Pro: Do you understand what I'm saying?

Pesci: Yeah... I got it, Bro!

Pro: You can say, "I k*lled them!"

Pesci: Prosciutto...

Pro: I'm going to head straight over there via the platform.

JoJo-main: ,Pesci, you board the train and head to the lead car.

Pesci: Got it!

Pro: We'll flank him.

Pro: We need the boss's daughter alive, after all.

Gio: Bucciarati, the train's about to leave.

Gio: Is something wrong?

Bruno: There's no other drinking fountain on this platform, is there?

Bruno: This key won't fit into this keyhole.

Bruno: Not to mention...

Bruno: you don't even need a key to open it.

Bruno: It's just a stopcock.

Gio: Bucciarati, how about the lock on that fire hydrant?

Bruno: The shape's completely different.

Bruno: There aren't any locks or doors that this key will fit.

Bruno: They just aren't here!

Gio: Should we pass on this train?

Gio: The next one departs in fifteen minutes and is bound for Rome.

Bruno: No!

Bruno: I'm sure some of our enemies know we're here and are heading to the station now.

Bruno: We have to leave here immediately!

Bruno: The sixth platform...

Bruno: The drinking fountain with the turtle...

Bruno: This has to be the spot!

Bruno: Damn it! What's—

Bruno: The turtle...

Pro: Hey, Pesci, why the hell am I running into you here?

Pesci: I-I could ask you the same thing! Where did Bucciarati go?

Pro: Bucciarati hopped onto the train right in front of me.

Pro: It makes no sense that he didn't bump into you in the hallway.

Pro: Well? I'm right, aren't I?

Pesci: I didn't run into anyone!

Pesci: Bucciarati, his crew, the newbie, and the boss's daughter definitely aren't here!

Pro: Something's strange...

Pesci: Bro, the train's about to leave.

Pesci: They must be hiding somewhere inside this station.

Pesci: They're gonna keep an eye on us tracking them and hop on another train to get away.

Pesci: Let's use some homeless guy or something to search the station!

Pro: There was something placed at the drinking fountain.

Pro: He must've picked it up.

Pro: He picked up something that looked black!

Pro: Get on, Pesci!

Pesci: But why?!

Pro: I just have a hunch.

Pro: I don't know how,

Pro: but I think Bucciarati and the others are somewhere on this train.

Pesci: You think?

Pesci: You think?!

Pro: I'm sure the boss is helping them out somehow.

Pro: I have a feeling that if we don't board this train, we'll lose them forever!

Pesci: A feeling?

Pro: Just shut up and get on, Pesci!

Nar: It takes takes three and a half hours to get from Naples to Florence by train.

Nar: It's an hour and a half non-stop to the next stop, Rome.

Pesci: Aw, we ended up getting on...

Pro: Shut up!

Pro: Hey, the gap between the door and floor...

JoJo-main: ,What's on the other side of this door?

Pesci: Isn't that the driver's cab?

Pesci: But there's no way seven guys are in there.

Pro: You never know.

Pro: Use your Fisher Man to attack that room.

Pro: Do it.

Pesci: Fisher Man!

Pesci: There aren't seven guys in here...

Pesci: There are two!

Pesci: Got 'em!

Pro: Damn it. It really is small in there.

Pro: I guess there's only the driver.

JoJo-main: ,But they're definitely somewhere on this train.

Pesci: Huh? Hey, wait a second.

Pesci: There's only one?

Pesci: I know I sensed two living things in there.

Pesci: I could've sworn there was one more...

Pro: Hey, Pesci!

Pro: We're going to search this train from end to end!

Pro: We'll drag Bucciarati and his crew out!

Pro: But you stay here.

Pesci: Huh?

Pro: If they realize we're here, they might come to stop the train.

Pesci: You got it, Bro!

Pro: They have the girl with them,

Pro: so they shouldn't be able to just move around or jump off this train easily.

Pro: That's going to give us our advantage.

Pro: We'll slaughter them all before we get to Rome and take the girl!

Bruno: The key wasn't made to fit in a keyhole.

JoJo-main: ,It actually fit right into this turtle's shell.

Bruno: That, in turn, somehowactivated the turtle's ability,

Bruno: creating this space and making the key itself the entrance so that we could hide inside.

Nara: Th-The turtle is a Stand user?

Nara: O-Ow!

Nara: Wh-Where the hell am I?

Nara: I'm under the seat?

Nara: Ow!

Nara: B-But man, this is awesome!

Nara: This turtle is like some kind of spaceship!

Fugo: But this room isn't some kind of illusion.

Fugo: This is a real room.

Fugo: Even the sofa and other furniture is real.

Abba: There are some chilled drinks in here.

Bruno: I guess the boss left them in there for us.

Bruno: Turtles like being in the shade, they aren't loud, and they don't scuttle about.

Bruno: This way, we should be able to get to Venice by train without worry.

Pesci: I guess there's no way someone would be in the locker...

Pesci: I just don't have my bro's intuition.

Pesci: B-Bro!

Pesci: D-Don't tell me he...

Pro: The Thankful Death!

Pesci: A-Are you really going to do it?

JoJo-main: ,You're going to do in all of the passengers?!

Pesci: We don't even know if they're on this train!

Pro: I already told you

Pro: that I would be thorough about this!

Pro: They're definitely here.

JoJo-main: ,What's the big deal, anyway?

Pro: Every year, there are lots of train crashes all over the world.

Pro: This won't be as brutal as those.

Sign: Mr. President

Sign: Coco Large

Mista: It's probably because we're in a room inside a turtle,

JoJo-main: ,but it's sorta muggy in here.

Mista: You want a drink, too, Narancia?

Mista: There are only cold drinks, but there's cola, mineral water,

JoJo-main: ,carbonated, non-carbonated, apple juice, orange juice, and pineapple juice.

Mista: Hey, are you even listening?

Nara: Huh? What was that?!

Mista: I'm asking if you want something to drink!

Mista: Why don't you get some rest while you're at it?

Mista: You look pretty tired.

Mista: I'll keep an eye on the ceiling.

Nara: Oh, okay!

Nara: My shoulders suddenly feel stiff, and my back hurts. There we go...

Nara: I'd really like something warm...

JoJo-main: ,Something that won't upset my stomach.

Mista: I told you, there are only cold drinks in here!

Mista: You never listen, do you?!

Nara: I'll just eat this banana, then.

Nara: Man, gardens like these make me sigh.

JoJo-main: ,They're so calming...

Nara: They're so beautiful...

Nara: I'd love to drown in nostalgia and think back on when I was a kid

JoJo-main: ,while I just lay out in the sun in a garden like this.

Mista: Hey, stop that!

JoJo-main: ,Licking your finger before you turn the page is gross!

Nara: Huh? Did I do that?

Nara: Me? No way!

Mista: Hey, there's something hanging from your mouth.

Mista: Talk about gross. What the hell is that?

Mista: Hey!

Mista: A tooth?

Nara: I can't eat this banana for some reason...

Nara: It's all hard and dry...

Mista: Hey... Are you messing with us?

Mista: Man, you startled me... That sort of looks like a tooth.

Mista: I'm still pretty grossed out, so I can't really laugh...

Mista: What is that hanging from your mouth?

Nara: Huh? Did you say something again... Mista?

Nara: You're speaking too softly...

Nara: I couldn't hear you very well...

Nara: I'm telling you, this banana is crumbling...

Nara: I-I can't eat it...

Nara: Th-They're all dry...

JoJo-main: ,A-All the fruits are dry...

Mista: Wh-What the hell is wrong with you?!

Nara: Didn't you hear me? Okay, then...

Mista: There's something wrong with your face!

Mista: N-Narancia, you...

Nara: I'll say it even louder this time!

Nara: Are you paying attention?! I can't eat this banana!

Nara: Look. It's just crumbling...

Nara: It's old, damn it...

Mista: Bucciarati!

Bruno: I know! It's a Stand attack!

Bruno: Th-There must be an enemy on this train!

Nara: Huh? What? What's this white stuff?

Nara: It came from my head...

Nara: What the hell is this?!

Gio: What's the matter?

Gio: Did something... happen?

Bruno: Th-They've all aged!

Kid: Mama... Wake up... Wake up...

Kid: Mama... Mama...

Kid: Wake up...

Nara: Wh-Who the hell is th-this?

Nara: What? No way... This can't be!

Nara: This is me?!

Nara: What the hell's going on?

Mista: A-A Stand that makes people age?

Mista: Did they figure out we're in this turtle?!

Bruno: Calm down, Mista.

Bruno: If they knew we were inside this turtle, they would've used a more direct attack.

Bruno: And since they haven't, that means we haven't been found yet.

Bruno: The enemy probably only knows that we're somewhere on this train

Bruno: and, in order to find her,

Bruno: they're attacking everyone on the train indiscriminately!

Mista: D-Does that mean this train is running with everyone on board affected?

Bruno: Probably.

Bruno: They're desperate. I'm sure they'll do anything...

Bruno: And without a second thought.

Bruno: This leaves us two choices.

Bruno: One, take Trish and somehow get off this train.

Bruno: Two, we find this enemy, even though we don't know their range, and dispose of them.

Mista: Obviously, we'll go with the second choice.

Mista: If we want to take her and run,we'll have to stop the train.

Mista: It's too dangerous.

Mista: Assassinating them is more definitive,

Mista: with my Six b*ll*ts!

Bruno: Yes, you're right.

JoJo-main: ,But we don't have any time.

Bruno: We're aging at an alarming rate...

Nara: B-Bucciarati...

Nara: M-My hands...

Nara: Th-They're crumbling!

Nara: They're falling apart!

mista: You're right, Bucciarati. We really don't have any time!

Gio: Wait a minute, Mista...

Gio: It's too early... to go...

Mista: What the hell are you talking about, Giorno?

Gio: I'm telling you... it's too early to go...

Mista: We don't have any time to waste!

Bruno: Wait.

Bruno: Hear him out.

JoJo-main: ,What are you trying to say, Giorno?

Gio: Why are we all aging at a different rate than Bucciarati?

Bruno: Mista's and my symptoms are light...

Bruno: Trish's are even less!

Bruno: But why?

Mista: Apparently, we're just aging at different rates! I'm going!

Gio: No... If they're attacking everyone indiscriminately with age...

Gio: They might end up k*lling her as well, despite her being the target.

Gio: There's some kind of prerequisite to how fast we're aging.

Gio: I'll tell you what I think...

Gio: I think the enemy is differentiating between

JoJo-main: ,men and women by the difference in their body temperature.

Gio: I read somewhere that women have more fat in their bodies, which makes them

JoJo-main: ,less susceptible to temperature fluctuations.

Gio: Apparently women also age better and live longer than men.

Gio: Don't you think it's been a little hot?

Gio: The enemy is differentiating the aging speed based on

Gio: slight differences in body temperature.

Gio: All that matters is that the men age faster and she ages slower.

Mista: Yeah, that sounds about right,

Mista: but then why are you and I aging at different rates?

Mista: Are you insinuating that I'm a girl?!

Trish: Change in body temperature...

Trish: Come to think of it, our bodies were slightly cooler...

Trish: Because we had something cold to drink.

Trish: Narancia didn't have anything to drink.

Mista: Th-That's...

Mista: Giorno, it's exactly like you said!

Mista: We're aging slower because our bodies were slightly cooler!

Mista: Cool everyone down! Cool everyone down with ice!

Bruno: Hold it, Mista!

JoJo-main: ,You're going to have to take that ice with you!

Mista: Th-This is all that's left?

Bruno: It doesn't change the fact that we have to dispose of this enemy.

Bruno: Mista, you're going to take that ice and defeat the enemy...

Bruno: Before the ice melts and you lose your Stand power!

Mista: Just the driver... It doesn't look like anyone else is in here.

Mista: It's so muggy...

Mista: This Stand really is attacking indiscriminately.

Mista: I wonder if this turtle is aging, too...

JoJo-main: ,But they say that turtles live for , years.

Mista: Guess they live longer than us.

Pesci: Damn it...

Pesci: What's Bro thinking? This is so dangerous.

Pesci: What's he gonna do if I get old, too? Damn it...

Mista: The air conditioner?

JoJo-main: ,If I turn it on inside the driver's cab, everyone in the turtle will cool down,

JoJo-main: ,and that might slow down their aging!

JoJo-main: ,There it is!

Pesci: Something took the bait!

Mista: Wh-What the hell is this needle-like thing?!

Mista: A d-different Stand than the one that's aging us?

Mista: There's another one? There are two of them?

Mista: There are two enemies?!