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04x12 - The Second Mission from the Boss

Posted: 01/24/23 09:29
by bunniefuu
Bruno: "Head to the Pompeii Archaeological Park. I've hidden a key near the dog mosaic."

Bruno: "That key is for a vehicle that'll bring my daughter safely to me."

Bruno: Fugo! Abbacchio! Giorno!

Bruno: You three head to Pompeii and get that key!

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio The Second Mission from the Boss

fugo: The city of Pompeii was known to the Romans as a peaceful, prosperous health resort.

Fugo: It was then abruptly destroyed by the lapilli and lava

JoJo-main: ,that came from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius

Fugo: on August th, AD.

Fugo: Later, archaeologists discovered that all the houses, streets,

Fugo: wine bottles, and even carriage tracks left behind

JoJo-main: ,were preserved as they were when the volcano erupted , years ago.

Fugo: The dog mosaic we're looking for

Fugo: is located near the entrance of the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii.

Gio: Oh, Fugo,

Gio: you were supposed to turn right at that corner, not left.

Fugo: You should've told me sooner, Giorno.

Fugo: What point is there if you tell me that after I turn?

Gio: You're exactly right.

Gio: I apologize. I'll be more careful next time.

Fugo: That's not the point here, damn it!

Abba: Hey, Fugo.

Abba: We're in a hurry, so don't lose it now.

Fugo: I know that!

Fugo: Damn it...

Abba: Well, Fugo's always like this.

Abba: I'm more concerned about this newbie, Giorno Giovanna.

Abba: If Bucciarati insists that I treat him as one of us, I'll follow his orders,

Abba: but there's just something I don't like about him.

Abba: This guy's going to do something...

Abba: Something that might get us k*lled.

Abba: Pompeii, huh?

Abba: I haven't been here since I visited on a field trip as a kid.

Fugo: Abbacchio, Giorno, let's hurry.

Fugo: The place we're looking for is about meters ahead.

Fugo: It should take us about thirty minutes to get what we need

JoJo-main: ,and get back to the others.

Fugo: Abbacchio, Giorno, be on your guard.

Fugo: To think we'd be found so soon...

Abba: How many are there?

Fugo: One... for now.

Fugo: He's peeking around that stone pillar behind us.

Gio: Pillar? Which one would that be?

Fugo: Wake up, Giorno.

Fugo: There's only one pillar.

Fugo: Can't you see it?

Abba: Fugo, there is definitely a single pillar,

Abba: but I don't see anyone, either.

Fugo: Quit messing around! He's heading right toward us!

Abba: Fugo?

Fugo: There! The guy walking over here!

Fugo: H-He was right there...

Fugo: A guy came out from behind that pillar!

Fugo: I saw him in this mirror!

Fugo: Wh-What?!

Fugo: There! He's right there! He's coming out!

Fugo: H-He's inside the mirror?

Fugo: He's revealed his Stand! Who's going to fight him?!

Abba: Hold on, Fugo. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Gio: Is something wrong with the mirror?

Fugo: This isn't good! He's going to attack!

Fugo: Get away from the mirror!

Fugo: What?

Fugo: Giorno! Abbacchio!

Fugo: Wh-Where are you, Giorno? Abbacchio?

Fugo: Where did you go?!

Fugo: The guy who was in the mirror is gone, too.

Fugo: What did he do?

Fugo: It was bizarre to have a mirror hanging in a place like this to begin with!

Fugo: What in the world is this ability?

Fugo: I don't...

Fugo: I don't know what it is...

Fugo: But there's something off about this scenery.

Illu: I'm right here.

Fugo: What?!

Illu: Pannacotta Fugo...

Illu: Highly intelligent, with an IQ of , and entered university at the age of thirteen.

Illu: But he went berserk on a professor there

JoJo-main: ,and beat him senseless with a four-kilogram encyclopedia.

Illu: From then on, he spiraled down to where he is now.

Illu: The ones who accompanied him are the former cop Leone Abbacchio and...

Illu: No documents on the other guy. He must be new.

Illu: I think I heard you call him Giorno.

Fugo: What did you do to them?

Fugo: Y-You bastard...

Fugo: Where did you hide them?!

Fugo: My watch is backwards?

Fugo: Also, I was wearing it on my left wrist, but now it's on my right?

Fugo: D-Don't tell me this place is...

Fugo: Your ability is—

Illu: I guess you're pretty quick on the uptake.

Illu: One at a time, Fugo...

Illu: It didn't really matter who was first,

Illu: but we'll start with you, since you were the first to look at the mirror.

Fugo: I-It wasn't Abbacchio and Giorno that disappeared...

Fugo: W-We're inside the mirror!

Fugo: It was me!

JoJo-main: ,I'm the one who was dragged in!

Abba: Fugo!

JoJo-main: ,Where did you go, Fugo?!

Abba: Hey, Giorno!

Abba: Didn't you see anything?!

Gio: I'm not sure.

JoJo-main: ,It looked as though he suddenly disappeared to me, as well.

Abba: Fugo! Where did you go?!

Gio: Before he disappeared, Fugo yelled at us to get away from the mirror.

Gio: And he asked whether we could see the man walking from behind the the pillar.

Gio: This mirror...

Gio: Is there something... about this mirror?

Illu: The question is...

JoJo-main: ,Where did you hide the boss's daughter?

Illu: That's the most important question...

Illu: But I'm pretty sure I also need to know why

JoJo-main: ,you three came to Pompeii, the city of death.

Illu: I figure you're here to look for something...

Illu: And if that's the case, you came here to get something that'll help you protect the girl,

JoJo-main: ,isn't that right?

Illu: If you turn just up the way, it'll lead you to the famous dog mosaic.

Illu: Is there something there?

JoJo-main: ,Well?

Illu: I'll be taking it!

JoJo-main: ,Tell me what you came here for, Fugo!

Fugo: I refuse!

Illu: Then die!

Fugo: No...

Fugo: You'll be the one dying when you witness my ability!

Fugo: Purple Smoke!

Fugo: My Stand won't appear?

Illu: I see... So your Stand is named Purple Smoke.

Fugo: Something's wrong. My Stand did come out.

Fugo: I can feel it... So why?

Abba: Hey, Giorno...

Abba: Slowly walk toward me.

Gio: Slowly what?

Abba: Just come over here, you dumbass!

Abba: Forget the "slowly" part! Just get over here!

Gio: What?! Th-That's—

Abba: Giorno! Forget about that!

Abba: That's not our enemy! That's Fugo's Stand!

Abba: Just hurry up and get away from it!

JoJo-main: ,Don't get any closer!

Gio: Fugo's—

abba: Get away from Purple Smoke!

abba: Hurry up!

Illu: Your current location is inside the mirror.

Illu: I'm sure you can figure out exactly why I dragged you in here alone.

Illu: If I'd brought you in here along with the others,

JoJo-main: ,who can fight, it'd put me in danger!

Illu: I control the inside of the mirror... That's my ability.

Illu: All the things in here are objects that have no life.

Illu: You and I are the only living beings here.

Illu: That's because I didn't allow anyone else.

Illu: I only allowed you, and you alone, to come in.

Illu: Which means... your Stand ability was left outside!

Illu: This is my Mirror Man!

Fugo: Purple Smoke has appeared outside the mirror.

Fugo: Then there should be some way to fight!

Sign bot: Mirror Man

Sign top: Illuso

Nar: Pannacotta Fugo was born into a wealthy family

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,that owned a huge home in the suburbs of Naples.

Nar: On top of being born into a life of luxury,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,he was born with high intellect, having an IQ of .

Nar: It appeared as though he lived the perfect life.

Nar: But the weight of the expectations that his parents and others

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,put on Fugo were slowly crushing his young heart.

Nar: At times, Fugo would experience fits of rage that even he didn't understand,

Nar: but he would do everything he could to control them and get by.

Nar: Then, when he entered university just after turning thirteen,

Nar: that rage went out of control in the worst possible way.

Creep: Fugo.

Fugo: Professor.

Creep: What are you doing here so late?

Fugo: I'm working on the assignment due next week. I couldn't find the right judicial precedent...

Creep: Oh, come on.

JoJo-flashback: ,I told you that if there's anything you didn't understand, you could come to me anytime.

Fugo: No, I shouldn't keep bothering you...

Creep: My job is to teach and lead young people like you in the right direction.

Creep: How about it?

JoJo-flashback: ,Why don't you come by my house again for dinner, and...

Fugo: Please excuse me.

Creep: Now, wait just a moment.

Creep: I wouldn't mind telling you what's going to be on the next test...

Creep: It'll be fine. Just relax, now.

Fugo: Stop... Stop...

Fugo: Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop!

Creep: I'll be gentle.

Fugo: I told you to stop, damn it!

Fugo: I looked up to you!

Fugo: You piece of shit!

Guy: Did you hear?

JoJo-flashback: ,Apparently Fugo's really close with one of the professors.

Guy: Are you sure he wasn't the one to lead him on?

Guy: That's probably how he got into this school, too.

Nar: Fugo's parents used their money to ensure he was found not guilty,

Nar: but they then treated him like filth and disowned him.

Nar: All alone, Fugo started shoplifting and picking pockets to survive.

Nar: Ironically, this lifestyle actually let him use his intellect to its full potential.

Guy: You little bastard! How dare you try to dine and dash?!

Guy: I'm gonna make sure they throw you in jail!

Fugo: No, that won't be possible.

Fugo: Are you familiar with the De Sica vs. Argento case from ?

Fugo: Going by that judicial precedent,

JoJo-flashback: ,there's a very good chance that the court will see this as me acting out of necessity.

Guy: Mr. Bucciarati! Please say something to this brat!

Bruno: Well, that sounds interesting.

Nar: That was right around the time Bucciarati was thinking about creating his own team.

Fugo: That basically sums up my life story.

Fugo: Please don't pity me.

JoJo-flashback: ,I don't think of myself as unfortunate.

Bruno: I see. But, well... I think our meeting is fate.

Bruno: Would you like to join my team, Pannacotta Fugo?

Bruno: I want your intellect and knowledge.

Fugo: Mr. Bucciarati, was it?

Fugo: Joining a g*ng doesn't sound so bad, but I've already made up my mind.

Fugo: I'm going to live on my own, not bothering with anyone else.

Bruno: Oh? And why is that?

Fugo: I told you.

Fugo: When I lose my temper, I do horrifying things.

Fugo: If I were to join your team, I might even end up k*lling you.

Bruno: In that case, let's see if that'll actually happen.

Bruno: Come with me, Fugo.

Bruno: I'll bring out the best in you,

JoJo-flashback: ,including that fierce, impulsive rage of yours.

Nar: Those words moved Fugo's heart.

Nar: After that, Fugo underwent Polpo's test and gained Purple Smoke.

Gio: So this is Fugo's Stand...

Gio: Fugo's not here, but his Stand appeared for some reason.

Abba: Since that thing appeared, Fugo must be okay for the time being, but...

Abba: Damn it! Where the hell is Fugo?

Abba: How's he protecting himself?

Abba: Get back, Giorno!

Abba: Get back even further!

Abba: Fugo rarely lets this guy out.

Abba: He only does when he's in serious trouble.

Abba: Which means that Fugo's trying to fight somewhere!

Abba: Get further back, Giorno!

Gio: He seems to be more worried about that Stand than about where Fugo is.

Gio: He acts like he feels threatened.

Gio: What the? It just started attacking out of nowhere!

Abba: This isn't good. We really shouldn't stay here.

Abba: We're getting out of here! Come on!

Gio: I don't know what you're talking about!

Gio: There's something in that mirror!

Gio: We need to find where Fugo is!

JoJo-main: ,That's far more important right no—

Abba: Stop talking back to me, you little shit!

Abba: I don't care what happens to you,

JoJo-main: ,but I'm trying to be nice and warn you, since you don't know what's going on!

Abba: It punched it! Run, Giorno!

Illuso: I see.

Illuso: So you activated your Stand outside the mirror.

Illuso: But... that doesn't mean a thing!

Illuso: It doesn't matter what your Stand tries to do with its ability.

JoJo-main: ,It will never be able to hit me.

Illuso: But I can hit you as many times as I like and finish you off!

Illuso: A crow?

Illuso: Why did a crow fall?

Gio: A crow just suddenly...

Abba: Stay back.

Abba: When Purple Smoke uses its fists, no one can stay nearby.

Illuso: What the hell is with these corpses?

Abba: It's a k*ller virus.

Abba: That's Fugo's Stand, Purple Smoke's ability.

Gio: A virus?

Abba: Look at its hand.

Abba: When it hits something with its fist, that capsule breaks open,

Abba: and the virus comes spilling out!

Abba: The virus disperses into the air and enters your body

JoJo-main: ,through inhalation or skin contact.

Abba: It then multiplies rapidly.

Abba: It infects its host within thirty seconds, then kills them instantly.

Abba: And once the virus spreads, it doesn't matter who's nearby, be they friend or foe.

Abba: Just like those crows, all of your metabolic functions will shut down,

JoJo-main: ,and you'll die as you rot from the inside out.

Abba: That includes your Stand, too.

Gio: What's its range?

Abba: Five meters.

JoJo-main: ,Right now, Fugo should be controlling his Stand

JoJo-main: ,somewhere within five meters of his opponent.

Gio: That's definitely important, but what's the range on the virus?

Gio: How close do you have to be to be infected by the virus?

Abba: At this distance, we should be safe.

Abba: The virus that comes from that capsule dies

JoJo-main: ,within a few dozen seconds of exposure to an average indoor level of light.

Abba: So those crow corpses will soon be disinfected by the sunlight.

Abba: Savage!

Abba: It att*cks like an expl*si*n, and then disappears like a storm.

Abba: It's a Stand that personifies Fugo's violent nature.

Gio: What's it doing?

Abba: I think it's trying to wipe off the drool that dripped on its leg.

Abba: It always looks pissed off, but it's apparently

JoJo-main: ,really high-strung, and really cares about being clean.

Abba: I guess you could say that's the Stand's idiosyncrasy.

Gio: It doesn't look like the Stand itself is very intelligent...

Abba: It's just a reflection of his violent side.

Abba: That would also mean Fugo's isn't able to see Purple Smoke.

Abba: He's not controlling it properly at all.

Abba: If he was, he wouldn't let it do that.

Illuso: This corpse...

JoJo-main: ,This crow...

Illuso: Is it sick?

Illuso: Was it infected by some virus or bacteria?

Abba: I knew it... Fugo's unable to control it.

Abba: It just att*cked some random spot again.

Gio: Wait, is it actually random?

Gio: There must be something in that mirror!

Illu: Now the mirror got att*cked from the outside...

Illu: But it's no use, Fugo.

Illu: That's just a normal mirror,the kind you can find anywhere.

Illu: No matter what your Stand is doing out there...

JoJo-main: ,No matter what ability it may use...

Illu: Not even viruses can enter Mirror Man's world!

Fugo: Abbacchio, Giorno, please get my message...

Fugo: Please make sure you don't get dragged into the mirror!

Abba: We need to hurry, Giorno!

Abba: Hey, Giorno!

Abba: Don't just stand there! Let's go!

Gio: Let me ask you this... Where are we going?

JoJo-main: ,To get the key?

Gio: You're willing to abandon Fugo, who's in danger right now?

Abba: Watch your mouth, you bastard.

Abba: Listen up. Our mission is to get the key and safely get that girl to the boss!

Abba: I want to save Fugo as much as you do,

Abba: but getting that key is paramount right now!

Abba: Even if I was the one currently being att*cked instead of Fugo,

Abba: I would want you guys to abandon me.

Gio: I beg your pardon...

JoJo-main: ,but I don't believe that's true!

Gio: Fugo is indeed in danger, but he hasn't lost!

Gio: We should risk our lives and save him!

Gio: And making any movements when we don't know the enemy's ability

JoJo-main: ,is dangerous to us, as well.

Abba: No! All three of us being taken out is the worst possible outcome!

Abba: I'll say it again! We're moving on! Come on!

Gio: And I humbly decline!

Gio: We're going to solve this mystery, save Fugo, and defeat the enemy!

Gio: That's the best way to ensure we're all safe!

Abba: I have seniority here, so in this situation, what I say goes!

Abba: Are you still going to decline?

Abba: You'd better be prepared!

JoJo-main: ,That is, if you manage to survive!

Illu: I'll ask you one more time, Fugo.

Illu: What are you looking for here?

Fugo: I have no intention of telling you.

Illu: I see.

Illu: Very well. There are still two others.

Illu: I just need the last one standing to tell me.

Illu: You're finished. Take this!