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04x11 - Narancia's Aerosmith / Narancia's Li'l Bomber

Posted: 01/24/23 09:28
by bunniefuu
Nara: I think it might be worth it to sh**t the shit out of that fatty there!

Nara: Yes!

Form: Th-That was close...

Form: If I hadn't returned to my normal size, I would've been done for!

Form: If time hadn't passed to the point of you becoming so small

Form: that your Stand power was rendered useless...

Form: I would've been a goner!

Nara: I-I didn't get him!

JoJo-main: ,D-Damn it.

Nara: If I'm getting smaller and smaller,

JoJo-main: ,does that mean Li'l Bomber's power got smaller, too?

Nara: That bastard's on the move!

Nara: Come back, Li'l Bomber!

Nara: Th-This really pisses me off,

Nara: but I need to hide somewhere.

Nara: The dude's desperate.

JoJo-main: ,If he finds me, he'll do everything he can to get me to tell him

JoJo-main: ,where the boss's daughter is.

Nara: I-It's so far!

Nara: The sidewalk's so damn wide!

Nara: Move! You're in my way, damn it!

Nara: Damn it...

Form: Now I've got you.

Form: Well, shit...

Form: You've caused me so much trouble.

JoJo-main: ,Once you've been hit with Tiny Feet's ability, you can never get away.

Form: Now, you're going to tell me

Form: where Bucciarati and his guys are hiding the boss's daughter.

Nara: K-k*ll me!

Nara: Damn it, just k*ll me already!

Nara: Do you really think I want to live so badly

Nara: that I'd tell you where my friends are? Huh?!

Nar: Narancia Ghirga was born in and is a Leo.

Nar: When he was ten...

Mom: N-Narancia...

Nara: I'm right here, Mom.

Nara: Mom...

Nara: Hey, Dad...

JoJo-flashback: ,Mom's eye disease...

Nara: You shithead...

Nar: That was the beginning of the path that led Narancia to where he is now.

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Narancia's Li'l Bomber

Nara: Hey, I need to ask for directions.

Nara: How many minutes would it take to walk to this place?

Nar: Narancia rebelled against his father.

Guy: Minutes? That'd take you hours.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,He'd sleep over at his delinquent friends' houses,

Nar: and get by daily by eating the food he had stolen that day.

Nara: It all went as planned!

Nara: It's all because you told us about that shop, Bro.

Blonde: You sure you don't need to go to school?

blonde: You actually come from a decent home.

Nara: Like I give a shit about that home.

Nara: The most important thing in this world is friendship!

Blonde: Yeah.

Blonde: You should dye your hair blonde like mine.

JoJo-flashback: ,Then the chicks would be all over you.

Nara: Yeah!

Guy: What? Seriously?

Nara: What do you think?

Guy: You look so dumb!

Nara: Hey, where's Bro?

Guy: Who knows? I haven't seen him in a few days.

Nara: Huh...

Nar: But the next day...

Nara: You bastards!

Cop: Put both hands on the wall!

Cop: You little shit! You're going to juvenile hall!

Nara: What the hell are you talking about?! Me, a robber?!

Nara: Of course I'm no—

Cop: Quit lyin'! We have a witness!

Nara: Wha—

Lady: That's him! That blonde brat is the suspect!

Nara: N-No, I'm not!

Lady: I'm sure of it! He beat me up and took my money!

Nara: Quit lyin', you old hag! I didn't do anything!

Cop: Just admit to your crimes, you little shit!

Guy: Hey! That's going too far!

Cop: You saw him, Counselor.

JoJo-flashback: ,He was about to hit her again!

Nara: A robber...

JoJo-flashback: ,A blonde brat...

Nara: Don't tell me...

Nara: No, that's not possible!

Nara: Stop thinking up shit like that, damn it!

Nar: A year later, when Narancia left juvenile hall, his eye was afflicted.

Nar: After the officer hit his eye,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,the eye wound up infected and never got better.

Nar: When he returned to town, strange rumors were going around.

Guy: Look at that.

JoJo-flashback: ,I heard his mom died from an eye disease, too.

Nara: How do they know that?

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,I only ever told Bro that...

Blonde: Wow, they already let you out?

Blonde: I don't want to get infected.

Blonde: Stay the hell away from me.

Nara: It couldn't be... But Bro is...

Nara: He felt trapped, so he used me as a scapegoat...

Nar: The one most afraid of these rumors concerning the eye disease

Nar: was Narancia himself.

Nara: This is fate...

Nara: Soon... just like Mom...

Nara: I'm going to die from this eye disease!

Nar: That's what he believed. He had nowhere to go.

Nar: He was all alone.

Nar: Narancia had given up on life at the age of fifteen.

Lady: How awful. He's just a child.

Old: It's a pity, but we shouldn't get involved.

Nar: The boy brought Narancia into a restaurant,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,then told his friend at the table and the shop's host...

Fugo: I'd like to feed him some spaghetti!

Fugo: You don't mind, do you?

Nar: His friend at the table didn't ask any questions,

Nar: nor did he give him a look of disgust.

Nar: He just set the plate of spaghetti he'd ordered for himself

Nar: in front of the filthy child.

Nar: He then had the kid receive the treatment he needed.

Nar: Three weeks later...

Nara: Why are you doing all this for me?

Bruno: There's no reason.

Bruno: If you want, you can stay at my house.

Bruno: But kids like you should go back home to their parents.

Bruno: Also, go to school. Got it?

Nara: U-Um, are you in a g*ng?

Nara: I don't want to go back home.

Nara: Please let me work for you!

Bruno: Don't be so naïve, you little shit!

Bruno: If you say that again, I'll punch you!

Nar: As instructed, Narancia went back home and even started going back to school.

Nar: But he could never trust his father again.

Nara: Why did he get so serious about scolding me?

Nara: There's nothing special about me.

Nara: But...

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,That rage didn't come from hate or disgust,

JoJo-flashbackinternal: ,and it didn't feel like it was meant to insult me.

Nara: It was totally different from when my dad or those cops got mad at me.

Nara: When I think about how he acted, I feel confident.

Nara: Real men...

Nara: should work for guys like him!

Nar: Six months later, Narancia went to see

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,one of the capos of the organization, Polpo, without Bucciarati knowing...

Nar: and he passed the test.

Form: Narancia, if you're going to tell me where that girl is,

Form: now is probably the best time to do it.

Nara: The girl you're trying to kidnap doesn't belong to a g*ng or anything like that!

Nara: She's just an ordinary girl!

Nara: Bucciarati hates shit like that, even if it's an order!

Nara: No decent person would like that!

Nara: We said we were going to protect her,

Nara: so we're going to protect her, no matter what!

Form: Would you quit with your worthless drivel?

Form: Well, shit...

Form: All this crap about your friends and protecting this chick...

Form: That's not what we're talking about here.

Form: I'm talking about the fact that if we defeat the boss,

JoJo-main: ,we'll have a drug route worth hundreds of billions.

Nara: Y-You bastard!

Form: Hundreds of billions!

Form: That's an amount worth a few people dying over!

Form: It's going to be ours! There's no turning back now!

Form: Since she's the boss's daughter, she's bound to have a Stand ability!

Form: The boss doesn't want people finding that out!

Form: We'll definitely be able to figure out who the boss is through his daughter's ability!

Form: His daughter is a hint for defeating the boss,

JoJo-main: ,whose identity we don't even know!

Nara: What? That girl's a Stand user?

Form: Did you know...

JoJo-main: ,In South America, there's a spider called the southern black widow.

Form: Apparently its venom can even k*ll humans.

Form: This spider isn't deadly.

JoJo-main: ,I actually caught it in the sewers earlier. It's completely harmless.

Form: But...

Form: Even a normal spider's bite is venomous.

Nara: Y-You aren't gonna...

Form: More than venomous enough to paralyze tiny little insects and eat them!

Nara: Li'l Bomber!

Form: Whoa, there!

Form: I told you, your Stand is powerless now!

Form: This bottle is gonna be the ring, Narancia!

Nara: Y-You bastard! Hey!

Form: It's looking at you! It's looking right at you!

Form: It's watching you carefully with all eight of its eyes!

Nara: Open up! Open the bottle!

Nara: Damn it!

Form: Listen carefully. Even if it bites you, you won't die instantly.

Form: First, its venom will paralyze your body, so you'll no longer be able to move.

Form: But once you can't move and it traps you, you're in real danger.

Form: Then it'll start injecting you with even more venom and digestive juices.

Form: Those digestive juices will slowly melt your insides to the consistency of a milkshake

Form: so it can suck you right up.

Form: And you're going to be conscious the whole time.

Form: If you finally feel like talking, you can still talk while you're being eaten.

Form: But you're probably better off telling me right now

Form: where the boss's daughter is.

Form: I really don't want to see a person end up melted and eaten by a spider.

Nara: I-It's fast!

Nara: You bastard!

Form: A shard of glass?!

Form: He somehow got it and kept it on him?!

Nara: W-Webbing?

Nara: When did...

Form: It bit him!

Form: You can't move anymore because your muscles are spasming.

Form: Just hurry up and tell me.

Form: This is your last chance if you don't wanna die.

Nara: Damn it... Like hell I'm gonna tell you!

Nara: Damn it!

Form: Looks like it's injecting its digestive juices into you now.

Form: It's gonna melt you...

Form: Huh?

Form: What's that?

Form: You dropped this when you took that shard

JoJo-main: ,of glass out of your pocket, so I picked it up...

Form: Maybe... I don't need you to tell me anymore.

Form: This is a map of this city.

Form: It's a driving map. Not only that...

Form: There are things marked on here with pencil,

Form: so you wouldn't get lost!

Form: How stupid are you?!

Form: If I follow these directions in reverse, I can see where you came from!

Form: A vineyard!

JoJo-main: ,You came from a vineyard that's about twenty kilometers southeast!

Form: Grazie, Narancia!

Form: Now you can get eaten or have that thing lay eggs in you or whatever,

Form: you moron!

Sign: Tiny Feet

Sign: Formaggio

Form: Twenty kilometers southeast!

Form: The boss's daughter Trishis somewhere in that area!

Form: I did it! You don't have to talk anymore!

Nara: My Li'l Bomber has the ability to detect and pursue carbon dioxide.

Nara: But carbon dioxide doesn't just come from living creatures.

Nara: It's also produced by burning things.

Nara: I just remembered...

Nara: When I was chasing you with Li'l Bomber,

Nara: I also shot at the car.

Nara: I'm pretty sure I shot the gasoline t*nk...

Nara: But I can't really tell where the hole is from here.

Nara: Still,

JoJo-main: ,I was thinking that since the b*llet hole is technically burning, it'll have

JoJo-main: ,carbon dioxide coming from it,so I can find it using Li'l Bomber.

Nara: So I shot at it.

Nara: See, it wasn't the spider I was sh**ting at earlier.

Nara: But it's a small hole,

JoJo-main: ,so it took a while for the fire to actually start, and I was getting nervous!

Form: What?!

Nara: Damn it!

Nara: All the shopping bags got burned to a crisp!

Narancia_s_Heigh,Sign: Narancia's Height: .cm -> .cm (His normal height)

Nara: But it feels great to be back at a size where a spider bite won't matter.

Form: How dare you?!

Form: I'm gonna m*rder all of your friends!

Form: Hideout... Blergh!

Form: Vineyard... Blah!

Form: Just you wait, Narancia!

Form: Tiny Feet!

Nara: Wh-What?!

Nara: He put out the fire with the blood that squirted out of his wrist?!

Nara: Damn it! This isn't good!

Nara: Letting him get away now is not good at all!

Nara: I have to find him using Li'l Bomber's ability!

Nara: Sh-Shit!

JoJo-main: ,Th-The radar...

Nara: These flames...

Nara: Y-You bastard! Where are you?!

Form: Is this lucky or unlucky?

Form: Narancia, because you set the car on fire,

Form: you can't track me because of all the carbon dioxide coming from the flames!

Form: I guess if this comes down to winning or losing, I've won!

Nara: You're not getting away!

Form: I know where the boss's daughter is.

Form: Now I just need to get out of here and let my buddies know.

Form: We'll m*rder you all!

Form: Assassinations are our specialty!

Nara: Assassinations?

Form: I'll make sure I pay you back for this soon!

JoJo-main: ,You won't be able to find me anymore!

Form: I win!

Bazoo,Sfx: {\c&HCCE&\c&HAE&}Boooooom

Nara: If I can't track your breathing...

Nara: If the flames are too big...

Nara: I'll just make them bigger!

Nara: If I set the whole damn street on fire,

JoJo-main: ,you'll burn up and die because you're so tiny!

Nara: You're not getting away, Formaggio!

Form: Are you mad, you bastard?

Form: You actually set the whole street on fire!

Form: Are you sane? You bastard!

Form: Huh?!

Nara: I guess I don't need to set the whole city on fire now.

Form: When I asked if you were sane,

Form: what you basically did was tell me that you want me to k*ll you as soon as possible.

Form: Thanks to the flames, I was able to get this close to you.

Form: Did you forget?

Form: At this distance, my Stand is faster than yours!

Nara: It might be.

Form: Bring it, Narancia...

Form: Tiny Feet!

Form: Well, shit...

Form: I guess your little shopping trip wasn't as easy as you thought it'd be,

Form: was it, Narancia?

Form: Now things are going to get more difficult...

Form: for you bastards!

Nara: "Go shopping," they tell me...

Nara: Mission... incomplete.

Nara: Both the money and the stuff I bought...

Nara: went up in flames...

Fugo: Narancia, repeat it one more time.

Nara: I told you, the shopping—

Fugo: Not that!

JoJo-main: ,You just said the enemy found out where we're hiding.

Nara: But I took care of him right after—

Fugo: That's not the issue here!

Abba: Bucciarati, we should get the hell out of here.

Fugo: After I warned you so many times...

Fugo: You fool!

Gio: I think Narancia did a great job stopping the enemy.

Gio: I think he did everything he should've done.

Gio: And now that the Hitman Team knows about us, if he's a reasonable boss,

Gio: he should give us a method of escape.

Gio: I don't think we should leave until we hear from the boss.

Fugo: Well, aren't you clever?

Fugo: Do you think you're an advisor now?

Abba: And how do you know that the boss will contact us soon?

Abba: No one cares about your damn hunches!

Mista: Bucciarati!

Mista: I think we got a message from the boss!

Sign: Message for Bucciarati

Mista: This is how the boss always sends his orders to the capos.

Mista: This is the first time Bucciarati's received one!

Bruno: I'll check out the message.

Bruno: "Head to the Pompeii Archaeological Park. I've hidden a key near the dog mosaic."

Bruno: Look into that immediately!

Bruno: "That key is for a vehicle that'll bring my daughter safely to me."

Abba: Vehicle? What does he mean by a safe vehicle?

Nara: A helicopter!

Nara: That must be a key to a helicopter!

Nara: We can go anywhere in a helicopter without anyone following us!

Bruno: It's a bit less than fifteen kilometers from here to Pompeii.

Bruno: An hour should be plenty of time to get over there and get the key.

Bruno: Fugo! Abbacchio! Giorno!

Bruno: You three head to Pompeii and get that key!

Bruno: Mista, Narancia, and I will remain here and protect Trish from the Hitman Team.

Bruno: Retrieve the key, and if it seems safe, contact us.

Bruno: Then we'll take Trish and head to over to that vehicle.

Bruno: I'm counting on you.