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04x08 - Sex Pistols Appears, Part 2 / Six b*ll*ts Appears, Part 2

Posted: 01/24/23 09:19
by bunniefuu
Gio: All we need is someone to head to the island first and get rid of the guy.

Mista: It's perfect for situations like this.

Mista: I'll be going, too.

Gio: Mista! He's already on the radio!

Six: sh**t!

Bazoo,Sfx: Bazoo

Mista: Damn it! This isn't good!

Mista: It'll be bad news if this truck gets away right now.

JoJo-EpTitle,Mista: Episode Six b*ll*ts Appears, Part

Nar: Guido Mista's way of life ever since

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,he was little was to live it as simply as possible.

Nar: He loved to sleep and found joy in looking at branches

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,in the morning sun, watching the clouds go by,

Nar: the scent of wine, and having a bite of cheese.

Nar: Whenever he spotted cute girls,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,he would talk to them, even if they shot him down.

Nar: If he ran out of money,

Nar: he would jump any jerk badmouthing movie stars

Nar: in front of the cinema and take their money.

Nar: At times, he'd get his ass whooped so badly that the police had to intervene,

Nar: but Mista lived a very happy life nonetheless.

Nar: Being simpleminded could be taken as an insult,

Nar: but Mista always felt that

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,overthinking things invited fear into one's heart, which was bad.

Nar: When Mista turned , he learned from a certain incident

Nar: that people have pre-determined destinies.

Nar: When they're young, people may find themselves

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,at a standstill or taking the long way around at times,

Nar: but they ultimately end up traveling the path they were destined to walk.

Nar: On a clear summer night, Mista was wandering around like he usually did.

Girl: Mista!

Mista: Hey, wanna go have some fun?

Girl: Sorry, we have plans.

Girl: Ciao!

Mista: Sure.

Lady: No! Let go of me!

Thug: Shut your mouth! There's no point in resisting!

Thug: Shut up! Quit your screaming!

Nar: The woman being punched in the parked car was half-naked.

Nar: She was bleeding from her nose and mouth, and about to lose consciousness.

Nar: For a moment, Mista hesitated to get involved, but...

Thug: Y-You bastard!

Nar: Because he's so simpleminded, his body acted on its own.

Thug : You bastard! What do you think you're doing to our bro?!

Thug: You little shit!

Nar: No matter how close you may be, there is no guarantee

Nar: you'll hit your target just because you pulled the trigger.

Nar: When you're panicked or in a hurry,

Nar: you end up pulling the trigger even if your g*n isn't facing your target.

Nar: Both of the sh*ts the hooligan fired

Nar: went under Mista's arm and disappeared into the darkness.

Thug: The hell?!

Thug: S-Stay back! You hear me?!

Nar: Three, four, five, six sh*ts!

Nar: Unbelievably, they all faded into the darkness.

Nar: Then his panicked friends started sh**ting.

Nar: At this point, this is nothing short of a miracle,

Nar: but not a single shot hit Mista.

Nar: Meanwhile, Mista was astonished at his own state of quiet concentration.

Thug: What the hell's going on?

Thug: Wh-Who is this guy?!

Thug: Bro!

Thug: Wh-What are you—

Nar: After stealing one of the g*ns and some b*ll*ts,

Nar: Mista calmly loaded the cylinder,

Nar: and pulled the trigger as calmly as a nurse inserting a shot

Nar: into a patient's arm.

Nar: He pointed the g*n at their faces and shot four perfect sh*ts.

Nar: Of course, this was his first time k*lling someone,

Nar: but he didn't hesitate or feel any remorse.

Nar: In a helpless situation, Mista made the decision to cut through the shadows.

Mista: Eat lead!

Mista: The driver of the truck must be its owner,

Mista: because...

JoJo-main: ,his right leg isn't injured.

Mista: I wasn't planning to k*ll you, but...

Sale: O-Ow!

Sale: Damn it! You shot me twice, you piece of shit!

Mista: Quit moving! I'm going to aim properly this time, damn it!

Mista: How could I say something so lame?!

Mista: That's not what I meant!

Mista: I was supposed to ask how that bastard didn't die

Mista: after I shot him in the head!

Mista: Did the b*llet just happen to miss his brain?

Sale: That was so charming of you, Mista.

Sale: Your name is Mista, isn't it?

Sale: I heard that you have even more friends on Capri,

JoJo-main: ,but you're the only one who's seen my face.

Sale: Isn't that right, Mista?

Sale: After that little trap you set for me with the radio,

Sale: I wound up getting shot twice in that surprise attack,

Sale: but if I face you head-on with my Stand, Arts & Crafts,

Sale: I can easily deflect a b*llet from a puny little p*stol.

Sale: By the way, I was a bit too busy to count,

Sale: but how many b*ll*ts was that in all, huh?

Sale: You fired four on this truck...

Sale: And I'm pretty sure you fired two back at the watchhouse in Marina Grande.

Sale: Right? I counted correctly, didn't I, Mista?

Sale: Now I can get close enough to beat the shit out of you safely, right?

Mista: Shit. I need to reload!

Mista: Wh-What the?!

Mista: Y-You're kidding me!My left hand won't let go!

Mista: Whoa!

Mista: Hey! How long are you gonna keep driving?! Stop the damn truck, you dumbass!

Guy: Yeah... Someone stop it, please.

Guy: Someone stop this truck! This thing is...

Sale: Think about it for a sec.

JoJo-main: ,Why was I nice enough to let you know that you were out of b*ll*ts?

Sale: Did you think it was because I'm a nice guy?

Sale: Mista...

JoJo-main: ,I only told you because I knew you could no longer escape from this truck.

Sale: The driver also can't let up on the gas pedal,

Sale: nor can he let go of the steering wheel.

Sale: I told you because you won't be able to reload

JoJo-main: ,with your left hand stuck to the truck.

Mista: Those are the b*ll*ts that the bastard's Stand deflected.

Mista: They've stopped in mid-air, like they're fixed in place

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and moving in conjunction with the truck.

Mista: Fixed in place...

Mista: He must've used his ability to affix the b*ll*ts into place mid-air,

Mista: and to affix the driver and me onto this truck.

Mista: His ability is to fix something he's touched into place.

Mista: The b*llet I shot at him was also affixed to his skin at the opening of the wound

Mista: and hasn't actually penetrated his head. That's why he hasn't died!

Sale: To tell you the truth, Mista,

Sale: I'm ecstatic that you att*cked me.

Sale: So much that I'm willing to forget the fact that you shot a b*llet at my head.

Sale: I mean, it was up in the air if Polpo's fortune actually existed or not.

Sale: It's just a rumor among some thugs, after all.

Sale: But the fact that you att*cked me means it actually exists!

Sale: I'm overflowing with hope and motivation! All right!

Sale: I can passionately steal the ten billion from that bastard Bucciarati!

Sale: I told you it would be easy for my Stand to deflect your b*ll*ts!

b*ll*ts: Yee-haw!

Sale: Wh-What?! Another b*llet showed up from the shadows?

Sale: He fired two b*ll*ts in a single shot?

Sale: Is that Mista's Stand?

Sale: But...

Sale: I can still deflect it somewhat!

b*ll*ts: Hell yeah!

Mista: Well done, Six b*ll*ts Number and Number !

Mista: And now that we've thrown you from the truck,

Mista: there's nothing more to worry about!

Sale: Ow! You shot me again, you bastard!

Sale: But... you're not getting away.

Sale: This is for ten billion! You're not getting away!

Mista: There is a way to defeat him.

Mista: But he's strong... That's a fact.

Mista: Will I be able to do it?

Sign top: Sale

Sign bot: Arts & Crafts

Giorno: Blood...

Gio: A vehicle...

Gio: The enemy and Mista are in a car, heading toward the top of the island.

Gio: Will I be able to catch up with them?

Gio: Either way, I need to find a car to chase them in.

Mista: Four b*ll*ts?

Mista: What the hell's going on?

JoJo-main: ,I only have four b*ll*ts!

Mista: Why do I only have four left? Seriously!

One: Mista, it's because you dropped some b*ll*ts!

b*llet: You dropped them, dummy!

b*llet: Four is unlucky.

Five: Don't put all four in there. It'll just be bad luck.

Guy: I-I can take my hands off the wheel!

JoJo-main: ,Yes! My feet can move, too!

Guy: Now I can finally stop!

Mista: Don't you dare stop!

Guy: Huh? B-But you told me to stop the truck earlier!

Mista: And what I'm saying right now is more correct, at least when I'm talking to you.

Mista: Listen up. I want to go back to Marina Grande.

Mista: My buddy's back at the marina.

JoJo-main: ,There has to be another way back there.

Mista: I won't harm you. I'll even thank you if you take me back.

Mista: Got it?!

Mista: That bastard stops the b*ll*ts at the surface of his skin so they don't penetrate his body.

Mista: The ability to fix things in place...

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,How am I supposed to beat him?

Mista: If I can just sh**t into his mouth...

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,The inside of his body should be defenseless.

Mista: He might actually die.

Mista: But I only have four b*ll*ts left.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Damn it, talk about unlucky!

Mista: Three would've been much better.

Mista: Now that I've seen his face and know who he is, I don't need to do anything dangerous.

Mista: It'd be much safer to meet back up with Giorno at the marina.

Mista: I have extra b*ll*ts with the rest of my things, too.

Mista: Th-That bastard!

Mista: Impossible! He scaled the cliff already?!

Mista: Hey, stop the truck!

Guy: Huh? Now what?

Mista: Stop the truck, I said!

Mista: Hurry it up!

Guy: Th-That's the guy from earlier!

Sale: Mista...

JoJo-main: ,There's no way in hell I'm going to let you tell your buddies who I am!

Sale: I'm not letting you get away, Mista!

Mista: He can affix rocks in the air, just like the b*ll*ts?

Mista: He climbed up here like he was using a ladder?

Mista: Why the hell did you stop the truck, you dumbass?!

Guy: Huh?

Mista: Drive!

Guy: Huh? Wait, what?

Mista: Full speed ahead! You'll be sorry if you stop!

Mista: If you want to settle things right here, right now...

Mista: Let's do this!

Mista: Driver, don't you dare stop the truck!

Sale: Just gotta tap it slightly with my finger...

Sale: Even if it's just slightly, if I tap it over and over,

Sale: it'll just keep building up force in the place where it's affixed.

Sale: I can't hit it too hard.

Sale: It'll throw off my aim, and my enemy will figure out which way it's going to fly.

Sale: And then... I let it loose!

Bam,Sfx: Bam

Mista: What?!

Sale: It came back to you, Mista.

Sale: Those three Stands of yours that you just fired lost control and flew off.

Sale: Just a little at a time...

JoJo-main: ,You just keep tapping it with just a little bit of force.

Sale: Just like tapping an SOS in Morse code.

Sale: The aim's not perfect, so I can't use it on things that move around too much,

Sale: but I can definitely use it on you right now!

Mista: Th-This really sucks...

Mista: Talk about bad luck.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Four is always the absolute worst for me.

Mista: Ever since I was a kid...

Mista: There are just some misfortunes you can't see.

Mista: Still, other than that, it's a good number.

Mista: I only have one b*llet left, but this means the worst is over, right?

Mista: Now the number's one, damn it!

Seven: Number ! Number ! Group up!

Seven: We're all gonna group up on this last shot!

Seven: This is the the last of them, so give it your all!

All: Yeah!

Sale: Stay put, Mista!

JoJo-main: ,Don't you try to sh**t me again, you dumbass!

Sale: Just look at this distance! No matter what abilities your Stand uses on the b*ll*ts,

Sale: or how many you fire,I clearly have the upper hand.

JoJo-main: ,I have plenty of time to defend myself!

Sale: You've realized by now that it's impossible to beat me, haven't you, Mista?

Mista: If I told you...

Mista: that I only have one b*llet left in this chamber, would you believe me?

Mista: I'm telling you the truth.

JoJo-main: ,I only have one b*llet left.

Mista: If I sh**t it and you somehow manage to deflect it,

Mista: I'll be out of b*ll*ts.

Mista: You'll find out anyway, so I might as well tell you now.

Mista: If I miss this last shot, you'll see that I'm out of b*ll*ts!

Mista: Though messing up is hypothetical right now...

Mista: I'm definitely going to sh**t you with this one, final b*llet!

Sale: What are you pointlessly rambling on about, Mista?

Sale: It doesn't matter to me how many b*ll*ts you have left.

Sale: Whether you fire a single b*llet or a hundred, you can't defeat me!

Mista: It's not pointless at all.

Mista: You're definitely going to let your guard down

JoJo-main: ,now that you know I only have one b*llet left.

Sale: This is pointless.

Five: He's gonna use his Stand!

Seven: Leave it to me!

Seven: Let's go! We only have one target!

JoJo-main: ,Give it your all!

Sale: You're aiming for the inside of my mouth.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Am I wrong?

Five: He opened his mouth on his own!

Six: He's not going to defend himself!

Seven: We'll just have to charge right in!

Sale: I knew it.

Sale: Ow!

Sale: I knew you were aiming there...

Sale: At the inside of my mouth!

Sale: That's what any normal person would think...

Sale: That I shouldn't be able to use my ability to affix things inside my body.

Sale: It's a pain in the ass to guard myself, so I opened my mouth for you!

Mista: Impossible...

JoJo-main: ,He can even affix things inside his mouth to guard against the b*llet?

Sale: Damn... This really freakin' hurts!

Sale: But... it looks like you weren't lying about that being your last b*llet.

Sale: I see you're not sh**ting again.

Sale: You done now, Mista?

Sale: If you're finished...

Sale: The launching power on this baby...

Sale: is more than ready, Mista!

Sale: Take this! Release!

One: He really did let down his guard.

Six: He let his guard down because Mista was out of b*ll*ts!

Seven: We just wanted to get closer to him,

Seven: because the closer we get, the better we can aim!

Sale: Wh-What?!

Sale: Wh-When did they—

Sale: Shit! They're too close!

One: Here we go, boys!

One: Aim!

Sale: Arts & Crafts! Defend!

Sale: The b*llet split in two?!

Sale: It won't matter if he gets one more clean hit on me,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,but... he's not aiming for that, is he?

Sale: That's not good.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Don't tell me... he's aiming for that!

Sale: That's—

Mista: I aimed for the same wound.

Mista: If I sh**t another round at the one that's stopped in your head,

Mista: it's going to push it just enough to dig further into your skull!

Mista: I mean, if you're invincible enough to withstand that too, I'm sorta screwed, but...

b*ll*ts: We did it!

b*ll*ts: Yes!

b*ll*ts: Yes!

Mista: Come on, Number .

JoJo-main: ,I keep telling you to not bully Number , jeez...

Mista: He's still somewhat alive, even though he's got a b*llet in his brain.

Mista: Guess your Stand really is invincible.

Mista: Bucciarati told me not to k*ll you, but...

Mista: Hey, we're going back! Back to the marina!

Guy: What do you want?!

JoJo-main: ,What the hell is with you guys?!

Guy: Damn it.

Guy: Who the hell do they think I am?

JoJo-main: ,Telling me to stop, then go...

JoJo-main: ,I'm not a freakin' taxi, you dumbasses!

Guy: How dare you thr*aten me?!

Guy: I'll let you off the hook for now, but next time I'm gonna let you have it!

Gio: I'm terribly sorry, but I'm chasing someone.

Gio: Could you take me to the top of the island in this truck?

Gio: Quit wasting time! I'm desperate here!

JoJo-main: ,You're gonna drive! Got it?!

Guy: Y-Yes, sir...