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04x06 - Moody Blues' Counterattack / Moody Jazz's Counterattack

Posted: 01/24/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
Nar: Leone Abbacchio became a police officer after graduating from high school.

Nar: This was due to his strong sense of justice.

Nar: But soon after he became a police officer, his lifelong dream,

Nar: Abbacchio realized there were many contradictions that came with this job.

Nar: The police were supposed to risk their lives to save others,

Nar: while those very people they were risking their lives to protect

Nar: were the ones who were stealing, injuring others in hit-and-runs,

Abba: Hey, you two!

Nar: and throwing rocks at police cars, breaking their windshields.

Guy: Honey!

Abba: Are you all right?

Guy: Hey, you!

Guy: You're a cop, aren't you?!

Nar: The masses were unappreciative,

Nar: demanding, and irresponsibly discredited and insulted the police,

Nar: asking, "What are the police even doing?!"

Nar: Even if the police risked their lives to arrest criminals who were lower than scum,

Sign: "Serial Burglar Isacco Finally Arrested!"

Sign: "A Whole Group Wiped Out"

Nar: the law for the masses was rather lenient as long as they had money,

Sign: "Isacco Releasedon Million Lire" "Victims Furious"

Nar: and they would be released.

Guy: Quit causing us so much trouble.

Isacco: My bad.

Guy: It doesn't matter now.

Guy: We just have to find more people to rip off.

Nar: Eventually, Abbacchio started to learn from these contradictions.

Pimp: Come on, Officer.

Pimp: Cut us some slack.

Pimp: That girl's father is swimming in debt, so she needs the cash.

Pimp: It's not like we're hurting anyone.

Girl: Hey, are you done yet?

Girl: I've got a client waiting.

Pimp: I know, I know.

Abba: Even if I were to arrest them, they'd just post bail and be released.

Abba: The only difference is they pay either me or the court and their lawyers.

Pimp: You're a very passionate man,

Pimp: and a very passionate police officer.

Nar: One night, they received a report that a shop was being robbed.

Guy: Abbacchio! Go around the back.

Abba: Freeze! You're under arrest!

Pimp: H-Hey, it's you.

Pimp: Looks like I messed up.

Abba: You're...

Guy: He's been shot in the head.

Pimp: Hey, couldn't you just pretend that you didn't see me?

Pimp: Come on, let me go.

Pimp: I won't cause you any more trouble.

Abba: No! You're under arrest!

Pimp: Come on, think this through...

Pimp: If I get arrested, the fact that you took a bribe from me will get out, too.

Pimp: That g*n's really dangerous...

Pimp: Could you point it somewhere else?

Guy: Abbacchio! He has a g*n!

Pimp: Ow! It hurts, God damn it!

Pimp: I'm gonna die...

Pimp: I'm gonna die...

Pimp: I'm gonna die...

Pimp: I'm really gonna die...

Nar: That moment was the end of Abbacchio's future.

Nar: Not only was he charged for being a dirty cop,

Nar: but he allowed his partner todie because of his actions,

Nar: and that was a cross he'd have to bear for the rest of his life.

Nar: It was then that his body and soul plunged into darkness.

Nar: No matter who died, or even if he lost a limb or two,

Nar: his heart would probably never be moved again.

Bruno: Abbacchio, wasn't it?

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Moody Jazz's Counterattack

Gio: You can solve the mystery, right?

Gio: I'm counting on you!

Bruno: Giorno!

Bruno: What the hell are you doing?!

Sfx: Roar

Bruno: G-Giorno!

Bruno: Giorno's in trouble!

Abba: Giorno Giovanna...

Abba: You're one crazy bastard.

Abba: All this to prove yourself...

Abba: What the hell is wrong with you?

Gio: Y-You bastard...

Gio: Th-This Stand...

Bruno: Use your Golden Wind to defend yourself!

Bruno: I-Impossible!

Bruno: Giorno... Where are you?!

Abba: Don't go down there, Bucciarati.

Abba: Actually, stay back.

Abba: It's not that I trust Giorno Giovanna as one of us,

Abba: but Giorno seems to believe that you won't abandon him.

Abba: He does some pretty crazy shit.

Abba: Giorno Giovanna...

Abba: What if that had actually k*lled you?

Abba: So, again, Bucciarati, don't go down there.

Bruno: Th-That fly...

Bruno: Narancia's shoe...

Bruno: Giorno's powers haven't disappeared yet.

Bruno: Does that mean Giorno's alive?

Abba: They're here, Bucciarati!

Abba: Narancia and the enemy are below deck!

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Bruno: Narancia, Fugo, Mista, and Giorno aren't here!

Abba: Maybe they're right under where the fly is.

Bruno: It's just like Giorno said.

Bruno: The enemy's not just hiding in some locker or behind something to attack...

Abba: Hey. The fly's coming around now.

Bruno: That's strange...

Bruno: Where is the enemy going?

Bruno: How and where is the enemy hiding?

Abba: Regarding this enemy's abilities...

Abba: I hate to admit it, but it looks like I'll have to accept what Giorno was saying.

Abba: I'll use my Stand to solve this mystery!

Abba: But... This spot's bad news, Bucciarati!

Abba: Moody Jazz!

Abba: Does Narancia from five minutes ago work?

Bruno: Yeah. That should be fine.

Abba: Is the fly all right?

Bruno: It's heading toward the bow.

Bruno: Now's our chance. Do it quickly.

Abba: Yeah.

Bruno: What's that noise?

Abba: His headphones.

Abba: Five minutes ago, Narancia was listening to his boombox.

Nara: Huh? What's wrong with this thing?It just stopped working!

Nara: Why'd it stop?

Bruno: This isn't it.

Nara: I just bought it!

Bruno: Narancia was att*cked a little after this.

Nara: Damn it! How dare he sell me something like this?!

Abba: I'll try fast forwarding and searching.

Nara: That stupid old guy from the electronics store is gonna regret this!

Bruno: That ten billion now belongs to us!

Bruno: With that money, we can claim the rank of capo!

Nara: A-Awesome!

Nara: Where is it?

Bruno: That was my voice.

Nara: Where'd you hide that kind of fortune on Capri, Bucciarati?

Bruno: It was right after this conversation that Narancia was att*cked!

Bruno bg: I can't tell you that yet.

Bruno: We'd better be able to see just how he was att*cked, Abbacchio.

abba: My Stand replays everything.

abba: We'll be able to see everything, from Narancia's sweat to his pulse.

Abba: And it'll follow him everywhere.

Bruno: It's about time.

Bruno: Let's get behind Narancia.

Bruno: He's about to be att*cked!

Bruno: L-Look! It's the same wound Giorno had!

Crunch,Sfx: {\c&HFA&\c&HBAA&}Roar!

Bruno: It's coming!

Bruno: Th-This is...

Bruno: He's deflating like a balloon losing air!

Sign top: Mario Zucchero

Sign bot: Tender Machine

Bruno: Air is leaking from his wound, deflating him.

Abba: Looks like we know what the enemy's abilities are now.

Bruno: He's being pulled in!

Bruno: Pause it, Abbacchio!

Bruno: I see... So he's inside the pipe.

Bruno: This is the answer to our mystery.

Bruno: His nails, flesh, and bones are all floppy like a condom,

Bruno: even his shoe and his belt buckle,

Bruno: but he still has a pulse.

Bruno: Just like Giorno said, he's alive.

Bruno: So that's what's going on...

Bruno: The enemy is also doing this to his own body,

Bruno: hiding in pipes or between the planks or walls,

Bruno: and he's dragged in Mista, Fugo, and Giorno, as well.

Bruno: That explains why Giorno's fly can trace the general area,

Bruno: but can't pinpoint exactly where they are.

Abba: We figured out the enemy's ability.

Abba: Now all we have to do is chase the enemy,

Abba: find out where Narancia and the others are and save them,

Abba: and then beat the shit out of the guy.

Abba: I'm resuming Moody Jazz's replay.

Bruno: Chase? Wait a second, Abbacchio!

Bruno: While you're replaying, you can't attack or defend yourself. You're totally defenseless!

Bruno: It's dangerous to go into the pipe.

Abba: I know exactly where Moody Jazz is going.

Abba: When that bastard is near, use your zippers to open the floor and get him!

Abba: We can't defeat the enemy if we don't chase him, Bucciarati!

Abba: It went left.

Abba: That's where he got Mista.

Abba: Moody Jazz is going right underneath that ring buoy.

Abba: It's going around toward the cabin where it got Fugo and Giorno.

Bruno: So the enemy is moving them around while keeping them captured.

Abba: It's moving much slower...

Abba: That's where the bastard was hiding earlier.

Abba: On the inside of that rope fastener!

Abba: The enemy's right below the deck there!

Bruno: The enemy's coming for us.

Bruno: I'm not sure if he knows that we know his ability, but...

Abba: Bring it on!

Abba: The pipes! Cut through them and get them outta there!

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Bruno: Th-They're not there!

Bruno: Where's the enemy, Abbacchio?

Bruno: Where's your Moody Jazz? Where are they?

Abba: Right there.

Abba: It's my Stand. I know where it is.

Abba: It's right around there.

Bruno: Right around where?

Abba: I'm telling you, right where you opened up!

Abba: My Moody Jazz is definitely right there!

Bruno: Where are they?

Abba: Where are they?

Abba: Impossible... It's definitely right here.

Abba: Does this mean there's a mystery we haven't solved yet?

Bruno: This isn't good!

Bruno: Undo the replay and call your Stand back!

Abba: I already did.

Abba: Something's wrong...

Abba: What wall is this?

Abba: Where the hell are you?

Abba: Did you hear that, Bucciarati?

Abba: That's the sound of the inside of a pipe.

Abba: We can't see it, but Moody Jazz is definitely right there...

Abba: inside the pipe.

Bruno: What are you doing?

Bruno: The enemy's right there!

Abba: The pipe's wide open, but it's in the pipe...

Bruno: It's coming closer...

Abba: So it's right here...

Bruno: We need to run!

Abba: Run?

Abba: That Giorno Giovanna, whom I hate, told me to solve this mystery.

Abba: He's an annoying little brat,

Abba: but I'm going to solve it!

Bruno: Abbacchio...

Bruno: It's coming!

Abba: There's one more mystery surrounding this enemy.

Abba: I'm finally starting to see it.

Abba: I'll solve this and k*ll that bastard!

Abba: That awkward feeling I got when I saw the mast...

Abba: Back then...

Bzzzzzz,Sfx: B{\c&HCDE&}zzz{\c&HAADA&}zzz

Bruno: It's right there! Call back your Stand!

Abba: I've figured out the other mystery!

Bruno: Abbacchio...

Abba: k*ll him... Bucciarati!

Abba: This mystery...

Abba: The place the enemy's hiding...

Bruno: You're being dragged in! Grab on to me!

Bruno: Damn it!

Bruno: He's not there...

Bruno: Where did he go?

Bruno: What?

Bruno: You bastard...

Bruno: Where did you take Abbacchio?!

Bruno: He's not in the cabin or the drainage pipe...

Bruno: Where are you hiding Abbacchio and the others?!

Mario: The fact that there are seagulls flying around...

Mario: must mean we're getting close to shore.

Mario: Looks like you're finally all alone, Bucciarati.

Bruno: You bas—

Mario: Oh, hang on one sec.

Mario: Ah, ah, ah!

Mario: I'm the one who's gonna do the talking here.

Mario: Shut your trap until I tell you to answer my questions, damn it!

Mario: Very good.

Mario: I can finish you off at any time, and your crew is still alive,

Mario: but in suspended animation.

JoJo-main: ,You should be grateful.

Mario: I could've k*lled them and thrown them into the sea,

Mario: all chopped up nicely so the fishies could eat them easier.

Mario: Depending on your actions, I may even consider turning your crew back to normal.

Mario: All you have to do is tell me where Polpo's secret fortune is!

Bruno: Are you from Passione?

Mario: You really...

Mario: don't get it at all.

Mario: I'll m*rder you, you little shit!

Mario: Listen up! All you're allowed to say is where the money is!

Mario: Just try and utter any other word from that assh*le of a mouth!

Mario: For every word you say, I'll k*ll one of your friends!

Mario: Say, "What?" and I'll k*ll them!

Mario: Stay silent, and I'll k*ll them!

Mario: If I find out you're lying later, I'll k*ll them again!

Mario: Got it?

Mario: Speak cautiously and very carefully.

Mario: Now, then, let me ask you...

Mario: Where's the money hidden?

Bruno: Black-tailed gulls.

Mario: Sorry, where?

Bruno: Those aren't seagulls.

Bruno: They're black-tailed gulls.

Bruno: How do you tell them apart?

Bruno: The ones that sound like they're meowing are black-tailed gulls.

Bruno: You called them seagulls, but you were wrong.

Bruno: They're black-tailed gulls.

Mario: I'm gonna k*ll one now!

Bruno: Just try it! Better hope youdon't get dragged down!

Mario: Wh-What the hell are you doing?!

Bruno: I didn't punch the deck earlier to find where Abbacchio was.

Bruno: It was to put a hole in the bottom of the boat.

Mario: A h-hole?!

Bruno: Abbacchio figured out where you were,

Bruno: and he was kind enough to show me...

Bruno: where you are and how to know for sure.

Bruno: It was Abbacchio's blood.

Bruno: Abbacchio intentionally hurt his hand and showed me the blood trail.

Bruno: The blood trail didn't go down below the deck!

Bruno: It was cut off right on the deck!

Bruno: So what does that mean, and where was he dragged to?

Bruno: I rented the yacht that was on the left.

Bruno: Abbacchio realized that when he looked up at the sky.

Bruno: I know where you are, so if you don't wanna drown,

Bruno: you'd best come out.

Bruno: There were two boats!

Baaaaaa,Sfx: Bwaaaaa

Mario: You bastard...

Bruno: You were hiding by thinly covering this yacht with another one.

Bruno: You were traveling through the thin gap between them and attacking us from there.

Bruno: No wonder we couldn't figure it out. You get points for that.

Mario: Stay back, Bucciarati!

Mario: I'll k*ll your friends!

Bruno: You should know better than anyone that

Bruno: you couldn't survive in a g*ng if a measly little threat like that scared you.

Bruno: Give up, and I'll forgive you.

Bruno: But the moment you s*ab Abbacchio...

Bruno: I will end your life.

Fwip,Sfx: Fwip

Bruno: It's just as Giorno said.

Bruno: The fact that you had to hide to attack is your weakness.

Bruno: You're way too slow.

Pop,Sfx: Pop

Bruno: Abbacchio!

Abba: Well done...

Bruno: Abbacchio,

Bruno: what's important isn't the end result.

Bruno: It's how you get there.

Bruno: Join my team.

Bruno: Don't die bound by your past.