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04x03 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall / Meet the Mafioso Behind the Wall

Posted: 01/24/23 09:12
by bunniefuu
Giorno: Because you're going to join me.

Giorno: I plan on defeating your boss and taking over this city.

Bruno: What?!

Giorno: In order to get rid of gangs that sell dr*gs to children,

Giorno: I'm going to have to become a gangster myself.

Bruno: Are you saying...

Bruno: that you're going to join our organization?!

Bruno: Are you serious?!

Bruno: Do you even know what that means?!

Giorno: What a great view...

Giorno: Yes. If I'm going to take over this city,

Giorno: I'll have to join the organization that rules it and work my way up.

Giorno: Bucciarati,

Giorno: I'm going to become a g*ng-Star!

Kid : Pass! Pass!

Kids: Thanks!

Kids: Thanks.

Kids: Thanks!

Bruno: Fine.

Bruno: I'll report back saying I couldn't find the one who att*cked Luca

Bruno: and introduce you so you can join the organization.

Bruno: However, if they find out at any time that you're going after the boss...

Bruno: I'm not going to save you.

Bruno: Traitors can't be saved.

Giorno: You'll have to deal with your own failure.

Bruno: Otherwise, I'll wager on your golden dream and

JoJo-main: ,the honorable, golden resolve it took to go so far as to rip off your own arm,

Bruno: Giorno Giovanna.

Bruno: Our organization oversees every industry in Naples.

Bruno: Passione... That's the name of the organization.

Bruno: Passione means "passion," but that's not actually related to the boss's name.

Bruno: No one actually knows the boss's name, nor does anyone know what he looks like.

Bruno: We receive orders from a number of his capos.

Bruno: Giorno, the capo who'll be deciding whether you'll join the organization

JoJo-main: ,is a man named Polpo.

Bruno: He's in this building.

Giorno: But this building...

Loom,Sfx: Loom

Giorno: It's a prison.

Bruno: Correct. Polpo was convicted of a certain crime

JoJo-main: ,and won't be out for fifteen years.

Bruno: But he gives me orders from the inside and commands the organization.

Bruno: He can leave this place whenever he feels like it, but he doesn't.

Bruno: There's simply no reason to.

Giorno: But why?

Bruno: You'll understand once you go in.

Bruno: Giorno Giovanna, you're going to be interviewed by him, and you have to pass.

Bruno: It's basically like any other job interview.

Bruno: What the interview actually entails will depend on his mood,

Bruno: but whatever you do, don't let him find out your true intentions.

Giorno: All right.

Giorno: Oh, yeah. The Stand ability...

JoJo-main: ,That's what you called it, right?

Giorno: I never asked how you ended up with that ability,

Giorno: but are there others with it?

Bruno: That'll also be answered once you get inside...

Bruno: If you pass, that is.

Cop: First, place your belongings, watch,

JoJo-main: ,and everything in your pockets into the tray,

Cop: then proceed to the next room for a body check.

Lady: Stand right there and raise your hands over your head.

Lady: Once you go through that gate, please continue straight down the hall.

Lady: N- is where Polpo's cell is.

Lady: The room is divided with reinforced glass, but you'll be able to talk to him.

Lady: Touching the glass, giving him anything,

JoJo-main: ,and receiving anything from him are all forbidden.

Lady: You have fifteen minutes.

Lady: Once you pass through, the gate will close.

Lady: If something happens, please yell.

Bruno: I'm going to meet him directly in his cell?

Bruno: Not in some visiting room?

Lady: You don't know who he is?

Polpo: That left arm of yours...

JoJo-main: ,Is it injured?

Giorno: That's no bed...

Loom,Sfx: Gwooo

Polpo: It's just on your right hand,

Polpo: but the fingers are slightly red, like you were holding something.

Polpo: Like lines that would be left after holding a bag.

Polpo: Which would mean that you were holding a bag in your right hand up until now.

Polpo: Why's that?

Giorno: Well, uh... You're right.

Giorno: I was holding a bag in my right hand,

Giorno: because as you observed, I hurt my left arm.

Polpo: I envy your ability to be so reckless with your body.

Polpo: Would you like some wine?

JoJo-main: ,I have some exquisite Chianti Classico.

Polpo: It pairs perfectly with some Scamorza cheese and caviar on a cr*cker.

Giorno: I've been told that I'm not allowed

JoJo-main: ,to give you anything or receive anything from you.

Polpo: They're just saying that.

Polpo: What people say and what they do...

Polpo: are vastly different.

Polpo: That's the best and worst thing about people.

Polpo: The only downside to being in this cell is.... well...

Giorno: Polpo...

Polpo: The fact that I can't admire Michelangelo's great painting in the Sistine Chapel.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It's not that he doesn't need to leave the prison.

Giorno: Things would just be the same for him whether he left or not.

Giorno: With that body, he might actually be safer in the cell.

Giorno: More importantly, how did he get through the door?

Polpo: Bucciarati's told me all about you.

Polpo: So you want to join our organization?

JoJo-main: ,Hmm... Giorno Giovanna, was it?

Polpo: Well, why don't we get this interview started?

Giorno: What the hell was that?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Did my eyes play a trick on me?

Giorno: For a moment, it looked like he took a bite out of his finger along with the cr*cker...

Giorno: No... Maybe Polpo is also a Stand user, just like Bucciarati.

Giorno: Either way, I can't let him find out that I'm one, as well.

Polpo: What do you think is the most important thing

JoJo-main: ,when it comes to choosing someone, Giorno Giovanna?

Giorno: Is it what they're capable of?

Polpo: Oh? And what exactly are you capable of?

Giorno: I borrowed a few things when she was patting me down.

Giorno: I thought these would be useful for your test.

Giorno: Of course, I'll be returning them to her when I leave.

Polpo: Do you have anything else?

Giorno: Other than that, the only skill I have

JoJo-main: ,is being able to completely fold my ear into my head.

Polpo: That's rather amusing.

Polpo: But, you see...

Polpo: There's something else that's far more important,

Polpo: and that's trust, Giorno Giovanna.

Polpo: The most important thing when it comes to choosing people is trust.

Polpo: In comparison, being smart or being talented means as much

JoJo-main: ,as this piece of cr*cker between my teeth.

Polpo: This test is all about seeing how trustworthy you are...

Polpo: with this lighter's flame.

Polpo: Take it, and make sure the flame doesn't go out.

Polpo: Whoa, there.

JoJo-main: ,Be extra careful to make sure the flame doesn't go out.

Polpo: Fuller, the th-century theologian, said,

JoJo-main: ,"He's my friend that speaks well of me behind my back."

Polpo: In order to join our organization,

JoJo-main: ,you'll have to show how trustworthy you are when we can't see you.

Polpo: For hours, you will hold on to that lighter without letting the flame go out.

Polpo: If you can do that, I'll approve of you joining the organization.

Polpo: Simple, right?

JoJo-main: ,The lighter has plenty of fluid in it.

Polpo: All you have to do is sit quietly in your room until PM tomorrow

JoJo-main: ,and make sure the flame doesn't go out.

Polpo: If you're a careful man who'll work hard to make sure it doesn't go out,

JoJo-main: ,the flame shouldn't go out.

Polpo: Which means you're someone we can trust.

Polpo: However...

Polpo: If you're a man who is taking us too lightly,

Polpo: and you fall asleep, sneeze, or knock it over,

Polpo: or a sudden wind blows the flame out...

Polpo: It means that you're untrustworthy,

Polpo: and I can't allow you to join our organization.

Polpo: Now, take the lighter.

Polpo: This is your entrance exam.

Polpo: You have hours.

Polpo: I'm looking forward to seeing you come to visit me again tomorrow at PM.

Giorno: For hours...

Cop: All visitors must go through another body check when they go through the gate.

Cop: Once you're told that you can leave the facility,

Cop: please continue to the next room and grab your belongings.

Giorno: Wait! Polpo didn't tell you anything?

Lady: What?

Lady: I'm going to pat you down now.

Lady: Let me remind you that it's prohibited for you to accept anything from him!

Giorno: Shit! I was under the impression that Polpo bribed all these guys,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,giving me permission to take the lighter out of here!

Giorno: Visitor, put your hands up and proceed forward!

Giorno: So Polpo's test for me has already started...

Giorno: And...

Giorno: I have no choice but to go through with it!

Giorno: I have to pass this test and get into Passione!

Sign: Koichi Hirose

Sign: Reverb Act

Lady: Visitor, hurry forward!

Giorno: Just like I hid her ID in my hand where no one could see earlier,

Lady: Put your hands up and proceed forward! I will conduct a body check!

Giorno: I'll hide this flame!

Lady: You're free to go.

JoJo-main: ,There are no problems here.

Lady: You may leave this facility.

Lady: However...

Lady: Please open up your hand.

Lady: Let me remind you that it's prohibited to accept anything from him.

Lady: Visitor, open up your hand! I'm going to check it.

Lady: A flower?

Lady: A real flower?

Lady: Very well. I'll allow you to take that out.

Lady: You are permitted to leave this facility.

Giorno: I turned the lighter into a flower and hid the flame within it.

Giorno: That was too close.

Giorno: But is this flame Polpo's Stand ability?

Giorno: The wind's definitely bad news!

Guy: Hey, Giorno! Perfect timing!

Guy: Could you push the shutter button on the camera?

Giorno: No.

Old: Sorry, but could you help me out here?

Giorno: No.

Giorno: I finally made it back to my dorm.

Giorno: Th-That was close...

Giorno: Now the lighter won't fall over, and even if the air moves,

JoJo-main: ,the flame will be protected.

Giorno: Now, just as Polpo said, I just need to watch over this for the next hours.

Giorno: I know.

JoJo-main: ,I'll make sure my window is locked, just in case.

Giorno: I need to make sure it doesn't randomly open and allow the wind to blow in here.

Giorno: What?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Who's opening my door without even knocking?

Giorno: Th-That's—

Koichi: Looks like he's out.

Koichi: Now's my chance.

Giorno: It's that Japanese guy again!

Giorno: His name was... Koichi Hirose!

Giorno: How did he find out my address?

Koichi: Looks like my suitcase and belongings are long gone.

Koichi: But my passport might still be around.

Koichi: It's probably harder to sell someone's ID.

Koichi: I feel like a thief, sneaking into someone's room like this, but...

Koichi: No! He's the thief here!

Koichi: What's so wrong with trying to find what belongs to me?!

Giorno: His passport? Shit!

Giorno: It's in the documents case on top of my desk because

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,I'd planned to return it to him!

Giorno: At this rate, Koichi's going to see the lighter's flame!

Giorno: Then he'll probably put it out!

Giorno: He'll think it'll set the place on fire!

Giorno: What should I do?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,I have to hurry up and retrieve that lighter!

Giorno: Golden Wind!

Giorno: I used Golden Wind to turn the light cord into a snake.

Giorno: That bread is pretty delicious.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Good job biting into it!

Giorno: Now I'll pull it up with the cord...

Giorno: What? Shit!

Giorno: I can't believe this.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,He found the lighter.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,This isn't good.

Giorno: I have to make sure he doesn't blow the flame out!

Koichi: Oh?

Koichi: This mark! The mark symbolizing Japan!

Koichi: I found it! It's my passport!

Koichi: I-It's burning!

Koichi: Thank goodness...

JoJo-main: ,Huh?

Koichi: That's strange. I could've sworn I saw a lit lighter...

Giorno: That was close.

JoJo-main: ,He almost extinguished the flame.

Giorno: I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!

Giorno: And to take my first step toward that dream,

Giorno: I have to protect this flame, no matter what!

Old: Whoa, that was close.

Old: Sorry about that. I was cleaning the stairs.

Old: I'm glad it was just a slight mist and the water didn't actually hit you.

Old: This must mean we've both done good things in our daily lives.

Old: Your daily actions are very important.

Old: If you weren't careful, you'd probably be wearing that bucket of water on your head.

Giorno: Seriously? This isn't good.

JoJo-main: ,The flame...

Giorno: I wonder if I can ask Polpo to let me try again.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,No...

Giorno: If he were that forgiving, he wouldn't have tested me with this.

Old: Flame?

Old: Is that lighter not lighting up anymore?

Old: Is it broken? Is it my fault?

Giorno: No, it wasn't you.

JoJo-main: ,I'm actually trying to process what happened...

Old: But from what I can see, it doesn't look broken.

JoJo-main: ,The lighter is still letting gas out.

Giorno: What did you just say?

Whoosh,Sfx: Whoosh

Old: Yes, there's still gas coming out.

JoJo-main: ,Is this the switch?

Old: Did you try pushing it?

Giorno: No... It shouldn't be able to light.

Old: But look at this fine craftsmanship!

Giorno: This whole test depended on if the flame was lit or not.

Old: It's a very impressive lighter.

Giorno: If I were able to just light it again, there's be no point in this test!

Old: I was startled by the size of the flame, but it looks like it's working fine.

Old: See?

Old: By the way, since you have that lighter, you're not smoking cigarettes, are you?

Giorno: Something's wrong.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It actually lit up again... There has to be something wrong!

Giorno: What the...

Giorno: That couldn't be his Sta—

Black: You relit the lighter, didn't you?

Black: I'll give you one more chance. You have two possible paths.

Giorno: Th-That's...

Black: The first path is to live and become a chosen one.

Black: Your only other path is death.

Giorno: A Stand!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,That's gotta be Polpo's Stand!

JoJo-main: ,There's no doubt about it!

Black: You relit the lighter!

Black: This is your fate!

Giorno: No way! You bastard! What the hell are you doing?!

Black: This soul...

JoJo-main: ,did not belong to one who should be chosen.

Giorno: One who should be chosen?

Giorno: H-Hey, are you...

Giorno: He's dead. He's uninjured, but he's dead...

Giorno: Was it because...

Giorno: That Stand pulls people's souls out and kills them with an arrow?

Giorno: Is that it?

Giorno: But does "the one who should be chosen"

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,mean someone who can join the g*ng?

Black: You relit the lighter, too, didn't you?

Black: I'll give you one more chance. You have two possible paths...