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01x13 - Things Fall Apart

Posted: 02/07/14 08:05
by bunniefuu
STEPHEN: My name is Stephen Jameson.

I'm one of the Tomorrow People.

They call our powers the three T's.


CARA: Stephen?

STEPHEN: Telekinesis...

And teleportation.

There is a shadow w*r going on between us and Ultra...


... the secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep my species from going extinct is to find my father.

And the only way to do that is by working for the enemy.

Previously on The Tomorrow People...

Stephen. I'll check on Astrid for you.

I've seen what Ultra does to humans who know too much.

Don't want to make a mess, do we?


How long do I have to stay here for?

Until it's safe.

But you have to let us protect you.

You're the reason I need protection in the first place.

So, what happened with your mom's boyfriend?

There were times that I was sure he was using his powers.

Maybe it wasn't him using powers.

It's Luca.

He's breaking out.


Drop the money! Hands in the air!

I said hands in the air!



(b*ll*ts FIRING)



Stephen, heading out?

Yeah. Running late.

Astrid's father called again.

He's really worried. He hasn't heard from her in 24 hours.

You don't seem concerned at all.

What are you asking me, Mom?

Where is she? I know she wouldn't go anywhere without telling you.

All I can say is that Astrid'll be home soon.

Okay? I need you to trust me.

Hey, this is not some game, you're messing with people's lives here.

Now, if you need my help, you know you can come to me.

I know.

I know, and I would.

But I gotta go.


This is just sad.

You rescue Astrid from Ultra, you can't even clean yourself up.

Are you here to make fun of me?


No, you look pretty pitiful enough already.

Hand it over.

You were right. About Astrid.

God, that's good to hear.

I can always stop.

Or I can be a better patient.

How's she doing anyway?

She's fine.

You saved her life.

Guess the two of you are pretty close, huh?

When I was lying there, bleeding out, not sure if I was gonna make it... it wasn't Astrid I was thinking about.

You lost a lot of blood.

Stephen, I know I've told you before how I feel about...

You sent a k*ll squad after my best friend, tried to g*n her down, in cold blood. She is a civilian!

Astrid Finch was seen consorting with a known rogue paranormal.


She met John through me, accidentally.

Before we parted ways.

She is no threat to Ultra.

Well, I wish that was the case.

Sadly, it's not.

Any coordination between a paranormal and a human poses a threat.

It is my job to eliminate those threats. It's standard protocol.

We had a deal.

I agreed to work for Ultra, you promised my friends and family would be safe.

And our deal did not include you revealing your powers to a high school girl.

Now, perhaps if you had shown a little bit more discretion, she wouldn't be in this situation, would she?

Okay, maybe it is my fault.

But I still need to erase her name from the system.

Not gonna happen.

Then I quit.

Really? Is that wise?

You think you can strong-arm me?

After what you just did?

You and me. We're done.

Look, I just want to know if my dad is okay.

TIM: Without making any emotional judgments, I can tell you that he spent most of the morning checking various hospitals to see whether you've been admitted as a Jane Doe.

I... I want to speak to him.

And my phone doesn't work down here, so can you please call him for me Tim?

That is your name, right?

Yes, it's an acronym for...

Can you do it?

If you're asking whether it's within my capabilities...

The answer is no.

Don't take it out on Tim.

He can only do what he's programmed to do.

Then program him to call my dad.


Sorry Astrid. Can't do it.

It's not safe.

As long as you're still a target for Ultra, you gotta stay off the grid.

Look, I'm sorry.

Tim's protocols are in place to keep us safe.

You know, as leader, Cara is the only one who could...

So, Cara's the person I need to be speaking to?

I was just gonna find you.

Here, it's the warmest of the bunch.

I need to call home.

I'm sorry, Astrid. That can't happen.

You guys don't get it.

I'm not like you. I can't talk to my dad telepathically, and right now, he does not even know if I'm alive.

And that is the only thing that is keeping him safe.

You should get comfortable. You could be here a while.

She's not gonna last down here.

It's only a matter of time.

Can't you pull some strings at Ultra?

No, I quit.


I had to.

They were putting Astrid in the crosshairs, Jedikiah went too far this time.

Any other bombshells?

There is.

I... I think I felt a breakout this morning, like I was in her head, telepathically.



For whatever reason, I could feel that she was a girl.

So you felt her? The same way that you felt me?

Not what I meant.

Like I was seeing the world through her eyes while I was sleeping.

Through her eyes? How?

I don't know, maybe this breakout and I were...

Well, I'll... I'll keep a lookout.

Maybe I can get a read on her too.


I'm glad you're here.

Massive tele-signature spiked on Wall Street last night.

Robbery at the Fed.

But the readings for this breakout were like nothing that we've ever seen.

I'd be less concerned with the supposed breakout, and more concerned about the absence of your nephew.

Where is Mr. Jameson?

He quit.

See that word implies he had a choice in the matter.

Yes. Well, you and I both know he's a little hardheaded.

Like his father. But he'll come around eventually.

Oh, I think it'll be far sooner than that.

What do you say, Stephen? Have you got a minute?

An unfortunate debacle, Ultra going after your friend.

Especially since the whole thing could have been avoided had you come to me sooner.

What are you saying, you're on my side? It's all my uncle's fault?

I understand the burdens you bear, Stephen.

All of them. And I want to help you.

Okay. Clear Astrid's name. Call off the k*ll squad.

Indeed I could.

What's the catch?

I need you to bring me a rogue breakout.

Her name is Cassandra Smythe.

Extremely powerful and dangerous.

Okay, but there's gotta be other agents with more experience.

Well, you've shown a certain knack for solving problems other agents can't.

If successful, you have my word no harm shall come to your friend.


Do we have a deal, Stephen?

I still don't get it.

Why go through all this trouble for one breakout?

Because she's my daughter.

STEPHEN: Meet Cassandra Smythe, the Founder's daughter, and bank robber extraordinaire.

Who robs a bank and doesn't make off with the cash?

She must have known Ultra would be tracking her.

A hot paranormal mess. Mmm.

Must have gotten her looks from her momma.

It's a mess the Founder wants me to clean up.

So, all we have to do is turn her over to the old man and Astrid's clear?

It's easier said than done.

The way she teleported those police cars without touching them, I've never seen anything like it.

JOHN: She's a synergist.

RUSSELL: What? No way.

It would explain why I can't get a read on her.

Someone want to catch me up here?

A synergist is a breakout whose parents are both paranormal.

The theory is, they have heightened powers.

It makes sense. If the Founder is Cassandra's father, maybe her mom is one of us too.


I mean, if she is, you know, a synergist, what does that mean for us?

RUSSELL: Nothing.

If we can't figure out how to find her off that drive.

RUSSELL: Irene...

I'm gonna check on Astrid.

Let me know if you get a hit on Cassandra.


Why don't you keep this between us for now?

You don't want to get Astrid's hopes up.

Yeah, okay.

You on board with all this?

Making deals with the Founder?

You don't think Stephen's getting ahead of himself?

What? You don't like the chances of Stephen finding a super powerful breakout, capturing her and then trading her for Astrid's freedom with a mysterious paranormal who's name we don't even know?

So why are you letting him do this?

'Cause we don't have a choice.

That's impressive, honey.

For my next trick, I'm going to make the magic fork...



Oops, I'm still working on that one.

I got it.

You got a minute?

I'd like to talk.

About what?

There are those within our organization who don't take too kindly to quitters, Stephen.

The Founder?

Is this when you remind me what happened to my dad?

You can save it. I'll take my chances.

Given your history, I would expect you to be a little bit more cautious.

And if he's contacted you in any way, I would expect you to tell me.

I don't have to tell you anything.

I don't work for you anymore.

I'm sorry about what happened to Astrid, I truly am, but I am warning you, the Founder is nobody to be trifled with.

And any promises he makes you, are meant to serve his purposes alone.

If you are truly sorry, you would do something about it.

Thank you for your concern.

Regardless of what you think of me, I've never lied to you.

What was that about? Why didn't your uncle come in?

I quit working for him today.

Did something happen between you two?

(SIGHING) I'm just not sure his company is the right fit for me anymore.

So what does that have to do with Astrid?

I heard him say her name.

Nothing. I was just saying, the reason I quit is because I want to spend more time with my friends.

You know, like her.

Friends who are hiding under a rock some place?

Come on Stephen, you're gonna have to do better than that.

I never should have let you get close to him.

I thought it might bring you some peace with your dad's disappearance if you did, but instead, working for your uncle has just turned you into your father.

Now you're living some secret life, apart from your family.

Just like he did.

And then he left us.

Hey. Any leads on the Founder's wild child?

Uh, technically, we've got like 20.

CARA: Her tele-signature's all over the island.

It's why I can't get a read on her, it's like she's everywhere all at once.

We got these hits at hotels across the city.

The Waldorf, the Essex, the Quin, the Plaza.

A woman of style and substance.

You taking notes, Cara?


She's at the Gosford.

I'm not getting anything on her telepathically.

I don't know how, but I saw her again.

I could feel where she was.

Maybe you two are connected.

If she's as powerful as we think she is, we can't just take her head-on.

Okay. Then, what's the plan?

You go undercover and bring in the breakout you have a psychic connection with.


You know what they say, Stevie?

You catch more flies with honey.

You're the honey.

STEPHEN: (THINKING) I don't know, guys, you really think this is gonna work?

CARA: All you have to do is get her guard down long enough to slap the suppression cuff on her wrist.

I'll be with you the whole time.

And I'm here for, you know... gigolo advice.

Now, get in there, stud.

STEPHEN: (THINKING) Maybe I was wrong guys. I don't see her anywhere.

I am so sorry. I didn't see you.

It's her. She's here.

RUSSELL: But I don't know how I missed you.

But I don't know how I missed you.

Smooth. Real smooth.

(THINKING) Okay, shut up, if she's as powerful as we think she might be...

It's okay, after two of these, I suppose I had it coming.


I'm Stephen.

By the way.

Cassie. Charmed.

Sort of.

Let me buy you another.


Another martini.

So, Cassie, what brings you downtown?

I'm looking for fun.

And I think I just found it.

Wow, so high school in England.

They call it secondary school over there.

What was that like?

Um, British?


Okay. And Brown. I'm impressed.

Don't be. My Dad was an alum.

He got me in. Made me go.

It's typical.

You don't sound too fond of him.

Understatement. But, you wouldn't understand... and anyways, this isn't exactly "pick up at the bar" talk.

Oh, so I'm picking you up now?

No. I'm picking you up.

Right. Um.

Well, you can still tell me about your old man, I promise to keep the overshare between us.


Um, my Dad's... powerful. Opinionated.

A man who doesn't care about anyone, or anything.

He just wants to win.

At all costs.

You just described nearly every guy on the Fortune 500.

Mmm-hmm. You don't get it.

My Dad takes ruthlessness to a whole new level.

And, of course, he wants me to follow in the family biz.

Can I get you one more?

Which is... Uh, thank you, I'm good.

He'll have another.

You're worried I'm trying to get you drunk.


Why? Should I be?

What exactly are you looking for tonight, Stephen?

How about we get out of here?

The view from the roof is incredible.

Sure. Lead the way.

STEPHEN: Cara, I have her alone, are you ready in the lair?

I'm on it.

As soon as you get the suppression cuff on her, teleport her back here.

CASSIE: God, I love this place.

Yeah, it's the best.

And the worst.

At least for me.

It's complicated.

Brings back memories.

Dad again?

In a sense.

Again, you wouldn't understand.

Well, you'd be surprised.


I've been waiting for you to do that.

Waiting for...

AGENT: Jameson! Freeze.

Who the hell are they?

It's complicated.


STEPHEN: She doesn't know where she is, her powers are blocked, and the second I contact her dad, she's on her way.

Make it fast.

Hey, how are you holding up?


Your friend said you were off on some kind of secret mission.

Yeah, well, mission accomplished. Almost.


Meaning everything's going to be okay.

I'm gonna get you home, Astrid.


This doesn't look like any part of Ultra I remember.

This is an off-site Ultra safe house.

We're holding you here until we get further instructions.

Can't we just get it over with already?

Get what over with?

I'm a rogue paranormal using my powers in public.

I know the drill.

Now, you give me that shot.

And you take my powers away, right?

It sounds like you want that to happen.

Why do you think I let myself get caught by you?

I knew you were conning me the whole time.

Why would anybody want their powers stripped?

Well, if you have to ask, then you've obviously already drunk the Ultra Kool-Aid.

Try me.

We've already established I'm down with oversharing.

How much do you know about my Dad? The great Founder?

About Ultra?

As much as I need to.

A lot of it's classified.

When I was a kid, my Dad used to levitate me around the house.

Like I was Supergirl.

Both my parents had powers.

So when I developed them, it seemed normal.

I never really understood what we were.

Other than special.

It's what my dad called us.

And I never really understood what he did, either.

Until last month.

I was coming home from Providence as a surprise.

And he didn't know I was coming, so he wasn't blocking me telepathically, like he normally did.

But this time, I saw inside him.

I saw who he really is.

What did you see?


That he's a monster.

And he wants me to be the same.

But I won't do it.

I won't work with him.

And the only way to make sure that he leaves me alone is to become human.

But he'd never take your powers himself.

Now that you've captured me in front of Ultra, he doesn't have a choice.
You shouldn't be out of bed.

Never was one for lying around.

You were never one for putting down work and picking up a...

A book of poetry?

It's for Astrid. To help her pass the time.



Are we gonna talk about what happened?

Nothing happened.

I kissed you.

And you kissed me back.

It's old habits.

Well, I'm pretty sure that one's not dead yet.

It doesn't matter, what I want.

When we're together, I can't be impartial.

You of all people should understand.

I can't put my feelings before the group.


I'm, uh, going topside to make arrangements with the Founder.

I'll be back soon.

And, just so you know, Cassie thinks she's in an Ultra safehouse.

Wait, then why isn't she climbing the walls?

You're not gonna believe this.

She wants her powers removed.

That's why she's been robbing banks and taunting her dad.

She's trying to force him to give her the needle.

Does she have any idea what that does to you?

She wants out.

The Founder must have known, that's why he came to me, so that I could save Cassie from herself.

The man has all of Ultra at his fingertips, and he asks you to bring in the most powerful breakout we've ever seen. Alone.

Something's not right.

Well, it's a little late for second guessing.

The deal is in place, if Astrid wants to...

What happened to this girl that she wants her powers stripped?

Something tells me this is about more than just a wild child being reined in by Daddy.

Like what?

Like maybe the Founder has something more in mind for his daughter that will come back to haunt us.

No. You are pulling this out of nowhere.

We are trading Cassie for Astrid.

That's the deal I made and that's what I'm gonna to deliver.

No, we're not.

Until we figure out what's going on, Cassie stays here.

How many times have I told you, I don't like people barging in to...

Uh, that's fine, she's family.

So this is Ultra.

Marla, had I known you were coming, I would have arranged for a warmer welcome.

Save it.

So, I suppose you're here to talk about Stephen.

Why did he quit?

What did he tell you?


Lies that he learned from you.

(STAMMERING) I don't know what you're implying.

Where's Astrid?

I'm sorry, refresh me. What's an "Astrid"?

Stephen's friend. The two of you were talking about her last night at my house.

Marla, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

But if you want me to get in touch with my friend at the Bureau...

You have a history of making people disappear.

If you're talking about your husband...

You know I am.

Now, I am warning you. If anything happens to Astrid, or Stephen, or anyone close to us, I'm gonna go to the police, and the newspapers, and I'm gonna use every resource at my disposal to come after you and Ultra, and take you down.

Before you do anything rash...

Go to hell, Jed.

I'm sorry. Have we met?


Always been your Achilles' heel, hasn't it?


I guess we all have our soft spots.

CARA: Tim?

Pull up everything you can on Cassandra Smythe.

Cassandra Smythe. Born 1992, London.

Graduated valedictorian, Royal Halloway, 2009.

Lettered in tennis, squash, and served as editor of the school newspaper.

Okay, and past that?

Unfortunately, I am unable to gather additional data beyond that date.

That doesn't make sense.

We know she graduated from Brown.

Someone there must have a record of her.

Nothing whatsoever.

Is it possible she isn't who she says she is?

No, Tim, I think it's possible she isn't who she thinks she is.

Is it time to get my shot?

Where's Stephen?

Who are you?

I'm his partner.

At Ultra.

I just need to ask you a few more questions before we process you.

Whatever. Can we just get it over with, what's the point?

Tell me about Brown.

What do you want to know?

Where'd you live? What'd you study? Who's your advisor?

That's so... that's so strange, it just slipped my mind.

What dorm, but I can... I can picture it so clearly.

Are you sure?

If you don't believe me, call Dr. Albert Lehrman.

He's the professor who guided me through my thesis.

Which was what, exactly?

I was helping him build a device that... that would...

God, I don't understand.

Why is my head so cloudy all of a sudden?

It's okay, Cassie.

You can just show me.


What did you see?

Exactly what you said.

Dr. Lehrman and the lab where you two worked.

STEPHEN: So you think they were messing with her mind, planting false memories?

It was Ultra. Room B36. She was strapped to some sort of device.

If they brainwashed her, how do we know what's real and what's not?

What is real is that Astrid is stuck down here.

And we have the one person that we can trade for her safety.

Cassie is more powerful than anyone we've ever found.

Don't you wanna know what they were using her for?

Ultra? I don't work there anymore.

You still have access.

Wow. (SIGHS)

I can't believe this.

Now you're holding Astrid hostage?

If that's what you wanna call it.

I will find out whatever it is you wanna know about this Lehrman guy.

But after that...

Astrid goes free.

Astrid goes free.



It looks like your uncle failed to revoke your badge when you quit.

What are you doing here, Stephen?

And more importantly, where is my daughter?

I'm working on it.

So you've gotten too clever for your own boots?

The only way you'd know about this lab is if you'd already found Cassandra.


Stephen's been gone for hours.

He should have checked in with you by now, telepathically or something.

Maybe he's in a secure part of Ultra.

Tim, can you get a lock on him?

Unfortunately, Stephen's signal has gone cold since he entered the building.

That means he could be in trouble and we wouldn't even know.

I'm with John.

If this Founder dude is willing to mess over his own daughter, think what he'd do if he catches Stephen.

JOHN: He'll have him k*lled.

That's after he's tortured him to find out where his daughter is, leading Ultra straight to us.

John, what are you doing?

Saving Stephen.


By making good on his promise to the Founder.

CARA: If Stephen is in trouble and we hand over Cassie now, we have nothing.

No leverage. We do not do anything until we know what we are up against.

Mom? Dad? Ixnay on the ightfay, you're upsetting the children.

What's going on, is this about me?

It's about a lot of things. Better to stay out of it.

John, this is not your call to make.

I know you're leader now, Cara.

But I'm taking Cassie back to her father.

You do whatever you have to do.

Who are you?

You and I are taking a little trip.


You had your chance, Stephen.

You could have brought my daughter to me, but instead you chose to complicate our arrangement by investigating things that don't concern you.

(STRUGGLING) What was in that room?

You experimented on your own child. What did you do to Cassie?

Why does she think you're a monster?

As I said, that's none of your concern.

Now, I know that you have my Cassandra, and I'm going to give you one chance to tell me where she is.

(BREATHING HEAVILY) Okay. Okay, okay, I'll bring her to you.

I just need more time.

Your time has run out.

I've been inside your head before.

I know how difficult it is to read your thoughts.

But once you're fitted with a port, I'll have direct access to them.


Of course, I'll have access to all your other dirty little secrets as well.

Where are we?

Around the corner from Ultra. It's where you wanted us to bring you.

So why aren't you bringing me in?

I can't walk you to that building, Cassie. Only you can.

I don't understand.

My father's inside. They've got Stephen.

Dr. Lerhman.

Dr. Lehrman was not your college advisor.

He is an Ultra scientist who experimented on you, tortured you, and he is about to do the same thing to Stephen.

Why did you bring me here?

Why are you telling me all this?

'Cause you're like us. You hate your father and everything he stands for.

You want to keep him from hurting anyone else?

Stephen is our best chance to stop him.

He is working for us on the inside but he is about to be exposed and tortured, and the only way to help him is to give your father what he wants.


What are you doing?


I can't force you to go back to him, Cassie.

But if you wanna stop your father, you'll save Stephen, and maybe he'll save all of us.

I entrusted you with the most important thing in the world. My daughter.

And you failed me.


Sir! A breakout just teleported into the operations room.

Hi, Dad!

You looking for me?


So this is how you thank the agent who tracked me down?

If anything, he deserves a promotion.

What? Stephen didn't tell you I was coming?

I guess he didn't want to ruin the surprise.

I kept my part of the deal.

So it seems.

What about Astrid?

Oh, your friend is free to return to her former life.

She needn't fear our organization ever again.

Was this really necessary?

Surely you don't think me such a monster that you'd rather be human?

I'm sorry, Daddy. I don't know what I was thinking.


For what?

To go home?


Ultra wiped you from their system. You're safe now.


That's the most hugging we've done since eighth grade.

Well, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be going home.

If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been forced into hiding.

Yeah, well. It has been an experience.

Guess I go back to being a regular human being now.

I wish you could do the same.

All of you.

That you could live without looking over your shoulder.

Just give me a sec.




I just wanna say thank you, again, for saving my life.

(CHUCKLES) Well, if I ever need a b*llet pulled...

You should go to a hospital.

Take care of yourself.

You too.

Let's get you home.

CARA: John?

We need to talk.

I know what you're gonna say. I shouldn't have done that.

No, your gambit paid off, we got Stephen back.

The problem is, you took Cassie and traded her to her father, without my authority.

But I made the right call.

Wasn't your call to make. You overrode my leadership in front of everyone.

I am sorry if I humiliated you.

This is not about me or my feelings.

How are they supposed to respect my decisions when you don't?

Respect or obey, Cara?

This attitude of yours is dangerous for all of us.

So this is my first warning?

Defy you again and you'll have me scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush?

This is your last warning. Do it again and you are gone.


Don't walk away from me, John, we are not through.

I will not be chastised for making the right damn decision!

Keep your voice down.

Let me save you the suspense, Cara.

I am gonna do what I think is best for our people, no matter who's leader down here.

John, don't.

And if you're gonna thr*aten to kick me out every time I step out of line, you should just do it already.

Finally some leadership advice I can actually use.

Pack your stuff.

You can say your goodbyes, and then you need to go.

Goodbye, John. Good luck.

Where are you going?

Astrid's home.

But then, you know that, don't you?

Do I wanna know how you pulled that off?

Not unless you wanna be in the same boat Astrid was just in.

Honey, what is going on?

(CHUCKLING) I, um... don't even know where to begin.

I got myself into something bigger and more dangerous than I ever imagined, working for Ultra.

I thought I was doing the right thing, okay, for all of us.

But you were right. I should have listened to you.

You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay.

You, me and Luca, what are we?


The iron triangle.

And who breaks the iron triangle?

No one.

That's right.

So whatever this is, whatever you're going through, we're gonna get through it together, okay?

Astrid's dad invited us to stop by the cafe for a bite.

He wants to say thanks.

I think we should go.

Okay, I'll meet you there. I'm just gonna talk to Luca real quick.

Oh, okay. See if you can get him to come.


Got a sec?

Um... depends.

Are you gonna get all weird again?

Because if this is about what happened with Peter, you can chill. We're good.

No, it's not about that.

I've just noticed that you've been acting a little different lately.

I've been acting different?

What's up, kettle?

Okay. But seriously, I'm worried about you.

Okay, I have been where you are, I know what it's like, and if there's anything that you want to tell me...


Or show me, now's the time to do it.

All right, don't make me read your mind.

Damn it, I thought I was being careful. How'd you know?

You're my little brother, Luca.

Of course I'm gonna notice something like this.

This totally sucks. You're not gonna tell Mom, are you?

No. This will be our secret.

But you gotta be more careful. There are rules, okay?

It is off-limits in the house.

Yeah I didn't even like it that much.

What is this... a bong? That's your secret?

Yeah. What'd you think I was talking about?

Do your homework.

What are you going to do with me?

Do with you? Nothing, darling.

I just want for you to put all this irresponsible behavior behind you.

So you can return to school.

You and I both know I've never been to Brown.

Oh darling, darling, will you listen to yourself?

You sound unhinged.

Will you be so kind as to give my daughter a sedative?

No. No, get off me! I don't need your dr*gs!

It's okay, Cassie, it's okay. Isn't that better?

I'm going to put you on the train to Providence now.

Take her away.

And activate the clean-up unit tailing Astrid Finch.

But Stephen...

You made a promise.

It's okay, Cassie.

It's already done.

Three target's inside.

No civilians. Weapons-free.

CASSIE: (THINKING) Stephen, are you there?

Cassie, are you okay?


CASSIE: They're going to k*ll her. They're going to k*ll your friend.

What is it, Marla?

Get down. Under the table.



No! No! No! Mom!

I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner.