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07x21 - Last Rites

Posted: 01/23/23 18:09
by bunniefuu
(Male announcer) in new york city's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

[Monitor beeping]

Bless me, father, for I have sinned.

It has been 16 years, one month, and one day since my last confession.

July 1992, in the south bronx.

I'm responsible for the deaths of three people.

How are you responsible?

I m*rder*d them.

[g*nsh*t, person groaning]

[Telephone rings]

Father shea.


Well, rest his soul.

Thank you.

[Wolf whistles]

Wow, wheeler.

You clean up good.

Thank you, logan.

Oh, you remember my fiancé, colin?

Of course I do.

Colin, good to see you.

Hey, inspector logan.

Um, well, the benefit is starting.

We should go.

Okay, great.

Hey, have fun.

Hi, sorry, excuse me.

I'm looking for a detective mike logan.

Yeah, that desk.

Hey, logan.


All due respect, father, there's, I don't know, why me?

Lennie briscoe.

You were his partner.


I was his friend.

South bronx, '92, huh?

You know how many homicides I'd have to sift through?


An innocent man is serving time.

Who told you this, father?

I'm sorry.

How 'bout the name of the guy doing the time?

I'm sorry.

Well, at least, I need to talk to the guy who came to you.

Well I'm afraid that's not possible.

(Man) this is all some mistake.

[g*nsh*t, woman screams]

Oh, my shut up! Oh, my god.

What did you just do?

What'd you just do?

Shut up! [Breathing heavily]

Oh, my you want to re-open a triple homicide that's been closed for 16 years?

The priest who gave me this was friends with my old partner lennie briscoe.

I told him I'd take a look at it.

And this priest won't say where the info came from?

Yeah, the church; they're flexible as a brick.

Tell me you have something.

(Wheeler) south bronx, multiple m*rder, summer of '92.

There's only one that comes close to your priest's.

A cfo, peter bottner, was shot dead in his volvo off the major deegan.

The k*ller left the toddler alive in the back seat.

But r*ped and k*lled the mother near by.

That's a double m*rder, not a triple.

The mother was pregnant.

Church says that makes three.

Who'd they get for it?

A randy nichols.

Only prior is minor pot sales, as*ault, pled down to harassment.

Okay, walk it over to cold case.

See what they say.

Oh, yeah, this guy.

My pen pal.

You've heard from him before?

Every week since I got here.

Shouldn't he have given up by now?

If I had his alibi, I would have.

Claims he, um he couldn't have committed the murders because he was busy breaking into a car around the corner.

Did you check on that?

Twice, and guess what?

No cars reported broken into in the area that night.

A miracle in the bronx.

What's he keep hanging on for?

Hope springs eternal.

(Wheeler) what does he want you to do?

He keeps asking to see the dna evidence in the case file.

But he knows most of that stuff was compromised when the roof at the evidence warehouse fell in years ago.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse before.

I can double check.

Hey, uh the original detective on the case, you happen to know where he's working?

Nice white couple shot dead in the bronx.

Had to be a lot of heat to close that one in a hurry.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, a lot of press.

You know how that goes, brother.

Oh, yeah.

You know, I didn't see anything about shannon bottner being pregnant in this clip.

Oh, family wanted us to keep it out of the papers.

Bad enough the little girl lost her parents.

Yeah, how'd you clear it so fast?

Caught a break.

I had this squeegee guy who saw nichols sh**ting into the car.

But then squeegee goes south on us before the trial.

Some break.

It sounds like a disaster.

We had to drop the m*rder charges.

Luckily, another witness fell in our lap.

Who was that?

Uh, it was a workin' girl, you know, who saw nichols dragging the lady out of the car.

How'd you find her?

Well, that's a funny thing.

I didn't.

It was actually the a.



Who caught the case.

This cute thing just out of law school.

You remember her name?

Sure do, she's running for attorney general next year.

Nothing at the evidence warehouse?

Then nichols is out of luck.

What about the rookie prosecutor who dug up a witness before the police did?

Who was the prosecutor?

Terri driver.

The gift that keeps on giving.

(Wheeler) well, we know she's not above coercing a witness.

She put kyle jones away for seven years for a r*pe he didn't commit.

That doesn't mean she put the wrong man in prison this time.

But if she did, she'd keep him there before she'd admit to a mistake.

You're sounding like this is personal, logan.

It's not personal.

I just can't stand the woman.

Yeah, and she knows it, which is why you're not going to talk to her.

Wait a minute, I'm primary on this case.

Yes you are, but for the time being, wheeler, you fly solo.

Try your soft sell.

You track down the witness that driver dug up.

That is quite a rock you have there, detective.

I take it you're not marrying somebody from within the ranks.

Actually, he's general counsel to credit belgique.

Ah, that's nice work if you can get it.

So what's on your mind?

We're looking at an old case you worked.

The bottner murders.

Oh, my first big trial.

I made my bones on that.

Can I ask why you're looking into a closed case?

We're checking on a tip naming a different sh**t.

Some skel trying to cut a deal?

A priest, actually.

Look, detective, I don't know if your partner is yanking your chain, but that case was rock solid.

Two witnesses put randy nichols on the scene.

But only one testified, right?

The other one vanished just before the trial.

He probably ended up buried in potter's field.

And so how did you find the prost*tute?

The one who saw shannon bottner getting r*ped?

I [sighs]

I kept thinking of that poor baby girl trapped in her car seat.

So I had a uni drive me around until we found somebody who saw something.

But the g*n was never recovered, right?



You know as well as I do that the pieces never fit together that easily.

Well, the piece we have doesn't fit at all.

We got the right guy.


Randy nichols doesn't get out.

Not if I can help it.

So, miss vertel, how did driver find you?

She didn't have to look very hard.

They had me locked up for soliciting when she came down to the pens to talk to me.

You told her you saw nichols drag the lady from a volvo that night.


Then you picked nichols out of a police lineup without any problem?

Might have seen him around the way a couple times, sellin' pot, chasing squeegee men off his corner.

It was rainin', and I was down the street by the loading dock.


Well, you knew nichols.

Did you know anyone else in that lineup?

Three of 'em were plainclothes.

Two of them had arrested me before.

And one was a regular customer.

Look, they already had nichols' name from someone else.

The d.


Said I help her, and she'd help me.

Logan, this is alan bottner.

He's the spokesman for both families.

His son peter and daughter-in-law shannon were the victims.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Now how come terri driver tells me that you want to set this monster free?

Now, hold on.

We just want to make sure the wrong man hasn't been doing the time.

He hasn't.

He's in prison.

(Wheeler) are you sure about that?

Yes, I trust terri driver.

Nichols did it, and he's never shown any remorse for making my granddaughter an orphan.

Your granddaughter, natalie, did she ever talk about that night?

She was only just leave her out of this.

Please, have a seat.

Now, uh we don't want to drag anybody through anything, certainly not your granddaughter.

But we do have a job to do.


Look, my wife is dead.

Natalie's all I've got.

You get nichols to confess, and I will not oppose parole.

[Door buzzer]

Nichols, you've got visitors.

Logan, wheeler.

Major case?

Uh, I'm sorry.

I've written 8,000 letters to everybody in the system, and I I can't remember your names.

Are you, uh, following up on the letters I wrote to the innocence project?

No, but we do have news for you.

You found the dna evidence?

We've been pursuing some other leads, and it's not enough to overturn your conviction, but that may not be necessary.

I don't understand.

We spoke to mr.

Bottner from the victim's family, and he said that he won't oppose parole if you'll make a statement.

Saying that I k*lled his son and daughter-in-law.

But I didn't do it.

The only thing I'm guilty of is trying to break into a car.

You know no cars were reported broken into that night.

Yeah, then the nypd lost the report, just like they happened to lose the dna for my case.

You know that, without parole, you're facing another eight years in here, don't you?

I didn't waste to get out on a lie.

I want my name back.


Your major case: find the real k*ller.

The car was found here.

The passenger door was still open.

So nichols allegedly dragged shannon bottner from the car over there.

It used to be an open lot.

Where she was r*ped.

Vertel says she heard her scream, saw nichols dragging her.

So where was vertel for all this?

(Wheeler) down by that loading dock.

So vertel is all the way down here, and she sees nichols here.

No, please! In the rain at 9:30 at night.

It had to be dark by then.

If nichols had a half-decent lawyer, he would have demolished her on the stand in cross-exam.

Where was the squeegee guy?

He was up there.

It's pretty far away.

Squeegee guy working in the rain?

The sh**ting took place practically around the corner.

How's he gonna see that?

No wonder he didn't testify.

I bet terri driver bought him a one-way bus ticket.

She says he's in potter's field now.

We're supposed to believe that?

They told me they was gonna call me to testify.

Who did?

The lady d.




That's her.

She did me right.

How's that?

She told me they was lookin' at me for them murders.

Unless I could give them the real k*ller.

Well, you said you saw randy nichols sh**t peter.

I saw nichols running right after I heard the sh*ts.

But you didn't see him pull the trigger?

I gotta think.

Give me a minute.

What happened to your eye?

Got shrapnel in it.

Scarred my cornea.

I'm blind in that eye.

Which w*r?


The battle of khe sanh.

I know it was raining and dark that night.

Is it possible that maybe you made a mistake about nichols?

The d.


Didn't think so.

(Wheeler) well, you told us she said they were looking at you for the murders?

Did she pressure you in any other way?


In fact, she told me she wouldn't tell disability about my other job.

Other job?


Being a squeegee.

That would have screwed up my benefits.

She did me a solid.

Peter bottner's autopsy; how'd it look?


The wound path trajectory, it says bottner was shot in the left temple.

From outside the car?

Well, you could infer that.

The only problem is the b*llet entered under his right ear and exited the left temple.

The got it backwards.

Someone told them what to write.

Since when do m.


'S listen to cops?

'92 Was the wild west days.

Half a dozen victims flying in here every day, mistakes were made.

Look at these pictures.

Look how he's slumped over.

You tell me, rogers, where do you think the sh**t was?

My best guess, in the back seat.

On the passenger side.

[g*nsh*t, woman screams]

Shut up! Get out of the car! (Shannon) no, no, please.

What'd you do?

Not my baby, not my baby! [Indistinct yelling]

Get out of the car! No, please! I won't please! Captain ross, you had the m.


Pull the bottners' files.

You care to tell me why?

Some inconsistencies have come to light.

Don't you mean that your detective has a hard-on about me?

That's not what this is.

Oh, really?

So we cross swords in an entirely different case a couple of weeks ago, and he just happens to come sniffing around this one?

Do not shine me on.

Counselor, you're reading too much into this.

We're all on the same team.

You better hope so.

Excuse me?

Your detective has a vendetta.

And you need to ask yourself if you want to go to w*r against my office.

Is this a battle you want right now?

What was that about?

She thinks your partner has a vendetta, and she's willing to go to w*r about it.


Her case is a house of cards.

First of all, the k*ller was inside the car, not out.

According to your priest, who's hiding behind his vows, and refusing to give us a name.

So you're saying you want us to walk away, just let nichols rot?

No, he's saying he's worried because she's running for attorney general.

Now, hold on! Isn't that what's going on, captain?

You never see the bigger picture, do you?

What's a bigger picture than this?

Go back to the prison.

See father shea.

If he doesn't tell you how or where he got this, we're done.

Let's hope father shea realizes this is nichol" last chance.

Either way, I'm not dropping the case.

Great, so you want to piss off the captain and the d.



Wheeler, you can walk away from this any time you want.

What is that supposed to mean?

[Alarm blaring]

We're here to talk to father shea.

That's not possible.

We're going into full lock-down.


O2 sat: heart rate: 128, b.


: 90 Palp.

Respiratory rate: 28.

He's crashing.

Go, go, go.

What happened?

Father was saying morning mass in the prison chapel when he was att*cked and stabbed 12 times.

I don't think he's gonna make it.


Wheeler, when you talked to the d.


, Did you say anything about father shea?


You think terri driver put out a hit on a priest?

Well, then you're sounding paranoid.

I'll take that as a yes.

[Pager beeps]

The warden.

He's got a suspect.

Like I told the c.


'S who wailed on me.

I didn't 1-8-7 father shea.

I saved him.

Oh, another innocent man in prison, huh?

Look, wayne, they found a bloody shiv in your cell.

What I heard, it was a pack of guys.

It was open season.

Open season?

What did father shea do to deserve it?

I don't know.

Ask him.

He loves talking to cops.

Wayne's prison record.

The day before father shea's beating, he testified at queens supreme court.

The only person who could possibly know that a prison priest talked to us is in the queens d.


'S office, terri driver.

You're telling me a top a.



Is ratting out a prison priest to a con.

She's running for attorney general.

Who knows what she'd do to protect her reputation?

Well, for now, it's a coincidence.

Coincidence, do you believe in the easter bunny too?

I mean what the what's the matter?

You miss staten island?


We spoke to mr.


We haven't yet spoken to shannon's parents.

They were on their way up to the family's country house when they were k*lled.

Well, if they'll talk to you, keep it low-key.

But don't get their hopes up.

Don't get their backs up.

What could we possibly tell you after all this time?

Well, let's, um let's go back to that weekend.

This was a family gathering, right?

It was supposed to be a fourth of july barbecue.

It turned into a wake.

And, uh, who else was coming?

Our younger daughter, mary ann, and her husband came up the next morning.

Why did shannon and peter drive up so late?


Hewlitt) peter liked to avoid traffic.

Is that why he was cutting through the south bronx?

Peter always bragged about that route.

How he skipped a toll.

He saved a buck, and it cost our daughter her life.

Made natalie an orphan.

Your granddaughter natalie survived the crime.

Did she ever say anything about it?

She was just a baby.

Sometimes children say something months later.

Or they react when they see someone.

As far as natalie is concerned, her parents were k*lled in a car accident.

This is all some mistake.

My ass, it is! Have it your way.

[Baby whines]

I, uh I found your card in my grandparents' kitchen.

Listen, I don't want my grandparents to know I know.

I don't want to worry them.

How did you find out about what happened?

Well, three years ago, I googled my parents.

And, uh, that's when I found out that I was the baby in the back seat.

Do you remember anything about that night?


Sometimes I think I do, but how could i?

Were you ever afraid of anyone when you were little?

Like, a neighbor, friend of your parents?


You think it was someone who knew my parents, don't you?

We don't know.

Well, uh um, you can ask my aunt.

Mary ann.

She was really close to my mom.

Natalie was traumatized.

Months after she finally began speaking again, she would say over and over, "mommy sad, mommy crying.

" Shannon was pregnant that summer.

Had she told anyone?

No, just me and her husband.

She was gonna surprise our parents that weekend.

What about your husband here?

That's not dylan.

That's my second husband.

Oh, what happened to dylan?

My first marriage fell apart in '98.

I was so busy taking care of natalie and my parents, we drifted apart.

And what was dylan doing while you were care-taking?

He was working his butt off trying to keep mr.

Bottner's business afloat.



He worked for peter's father?

Yeah, that's how I met dylan.

He and peter went to business school together.

They both worked for peter's father on wall street.

Well, we'd like to get in touch with dylan.

Are you still in contact with him?


You go through a tragedy like we went through, sometimes you just move on.

Captain, the forensic accountant's here, I think he has something.

In a minute.

Uh, can you close the door?


What's up?

Your fiancé, how much do you know about his work?

He's general counsel to one of the most important banks in europe.

And he's on the board of several charities and corporations.

What's this about?

These arrived in an unmarked envelope.


Well, that's from the world hunger benefit he took me to last week.

Who the hell was trailing us?

Do you know colin's friend?

Yeah, nelson james.

He's a hedge fund guy.

They bid against each other at the benefit's auction.

I hope he let nelson win.

Vito "the snake" gardino.

Why is your fiancé's buddy talking to a mob guy?


So he knows someone who knows someone who's a crook.

You don't?

That's not the point.

Colin's on the radar.

Could be fbi, sec how 'bout the queens d.



Her too.

She's connected and her back's up.

I don't want you to get hurt.


My eyes are open.

So I did some digging.

Turns out bottner is sole proprietor of an investment firm.

His son peter was cfo.

Dylan farlis, peter's friend, joins the firm in '91.

When peter's k*lled, dylan becomes cfo.

Mary ann, dylan's ex, said he worked his butt off to keep bottner's firm afloat.

You mean he robbed it blind.

In '99, six months after dylan divorces his wife and leaves the firm, bottner liquidates his assets.

Borrows against his homes.

Ten million.

How'd he spend the money?

My god, he poured it back into the company to replace what dylan stole.

Did you check dylan's financials?

Oh, yeah.

Get this.

A year after dylan divorces his wife, his social security number goes quiet.

He takes the money and disappears.

Well, he wasn't on the grid before the marriage, either.

As far as I can tell, dylan farlis exists for eight years.

'91 To '99.

Goes underground, then pops up again last year.

Doing what?

(Simmons) opens a bakery in chelsea.

We're looking for dylan farlis.

I'm dylan.

I told you, he's not dylan.

I am.

Then who is he?

A very old boyfriend.

Jared bellon.

When's the last time you saw him?

Ten years ago, he borrowed some money and took off.

Haven't heard from him since.

Did you know he was married?

I know he went through her money.

Her money?

Then why did he need your social security number?

That started early on.

He had some visa problems.

He was canadian.

Then he landed some cushy wall street job, but he didn't want them running a background check.

And you weren't using your name?

I need to call my lawyer.

We're not interested in your career path.

We're just interested in your ex.

I was in a cash business.


I sold pot to yalies.

I was famous for my hash brownies.

Okay, so jared needed to go legit, and you needed money on the books.


Win, win.

Until he took off.

So where is he now.

Any idea?

He told me he was going to san francisco.

But he told me lots of things.

[Fax beeps]

You locate jared bellon?

Yes and no.

There was a jared bellon, canadian, but he died in '87 in a car crash.

(Ross) another borrowed identity.

So neither his wife nor his mistress ever knew his real name.

We still don't know, either.

Go back to bottner, tell him the guy who robbed his company may have k*lled his son.

How well did your son know dylan?

Peter met him at yale.

Dylan was getting his phd in econ, and peter was finishing his mba.

And because he was your son's friend, you never vetted him?

Well, how much did he steal from you before you caught on?

It's all been repaid.

Is that why you're working on a friday afternoon in august, mr.


You never pressed charges, did you?

No, I didn't want to upset my clients.

I felt it was my responsibility to make good.

And dylan would have known that.

After you discovered he was embezzling, did you ever suspect he had anything to do with the murders?

It was six years earlier, what do you what?

Nichols was in jail.

What do you what is this?

Dylan farlis was a con artist.

He never went to yale.

Dylan wasn't even his real name.


Your son peter was cfo.

Was it possible he caught on to dylan?


Peter, calm down, man.

We're friends.

Pull over.

Let's talk this out.


I'll pull over.

There's nothing to talk about.

This is all some mistake.

My ass it is! Keep your voice down, you're upsetting the baby.

You want me to sit in this car and pretend I don't know what's going on?

Have it your way.


Oh, my god.

Peter called me that afternoon, and he said that something important he wanted to talk about.

After shannon was k*lled, we found out that she was pregnant, and we just assumed that that was it.

And what happened after you confronted dylan about the money he stole?

I never got the chance.

He he was he was gone by then.

(Wheeler) after he left, did you ever hear from him again?

Once, once.

Yeah, he, uh he sent me this from the company he started out west.

Sports memorabilia.

Mickey mantle.

I wouldn't count on this being real.

Marty's memories?


The names keep coming.

(Wheeler) jared bellon, a.



Dylan farlis, started running his ponzi scheme at bottner's company six months after he was hired.

By the time bottner uncovers it in '99, dylan is gone, and he's using his real name, marty swenders.

(Logan) next, he's running marty's memories out west.

In short order, that company tanks.

He pulls an o.


At a new york trade show.

Robs a dealer.

Winds up at owenoke prison.

Dies in bellevue of cancer and t.


The day father shea came to see me.

And we think peter might have been about to out dylan to mr.


So dylan shot him.

Why r*pe the wife?

He was gonna k*ll her anyway.

The r*pe was a misdirect.

Made people think a stranger did it.

Pretty brutal, but still circumstantial.

Well, shannon's sister, mary ann.

I wonder what she remembers about dylan's behavior the day after the murders.

I slept next to him for six years after he ugh, I feel sick! (Logan) let's get back to that night.

I was in d.


I flew up the next morning, and dylan whoever he is picked me up at la guardia.

Did he seem agitated or distracted?


How did he give you the news?

Oh, I was in the middle of yelling at him.

The night before, he left the car in the street, and it had gotten broken into.

I felt so stupid after I finally calmed down and he told me what had happened.

Wait a minute.

Your car was broken into that night?


Did you file a report?

As if that mattered.

Besides, nothing was taken.

Wait a minute.

Do you remember what kind of car it was?

I told the d.


This the car I broke into was a brand-new red audi parked on 144th street.

Now who leaves a car out like that?

Which window?

Passenger side.

I didn't know what I was doing, and the car alarm went off, and I couldn't get the radio out.

What's goin' on here?

We believe you.



Oh, wow.

A car radio.

Get me out of here.

Nichols may have looked good for it at the time, but it turns out that dylan, the victim's brother-in-law, was a con man who died in jail.

Long after this case was closed.

Uh, wait wait a minute.

Dylan was bleeding the bottners' investment firm dry before the murders.

Peter was onto it.

You know, that is pure conjecture, logan.

It would never stand up in a court of law.

This was a crime of opportunity by nichols, pure and simple.

But didn't nichols have an alibi?

He said he was breaking into an audi at the time of the murders.

And we checked.

There weren't any reports of that.

Yes, and we checked it out.

Dylan was driving a red audi.

His wife said it was broken into the night of the m*rder.

That was a coincidence which would have created doubt in the minds of the jury.

It wasn't a coincidence, okay?

Dylan parked the audi around the corner so he could make his getaway.

He knew peter's route.

The whole thing was a staged hit.

You were looking for a high-profile win.

You're out of line.

Why don't you just admit it, counselor?

It's easier to convict a black kid from the bronx than it is some wall street guy.

You took 16 years of an innocent man's life.

Just to make a name for yourself.

How does that feel?

Don't you slander me! You try and take this crap to court, I will have your shield.

A threat, wheeler.

Jeez, that's as good as a "yes.

" You had witnesses lie on the stand.

You withheld evidence.

My job is on the line?

You're not too bright, are you, logan?

I gave you fair warning.

Appreciate it.

Logan, wheeler.

A word.

Tomorrow's news tonight.

It's all in there the audi, the hooker, the one-eyed witness.

Captain, neither of us talked to a reporter.


"The brass are afraid to go after driver "because she's making a run for a.


, According to a veteran homicide detective.

" w*r is hell.

Do you know how vindictive she is?

I know she put a hit on a priest and we all looked the other way.

Are you trying to get yourself fired?

Are you saying she's coming after me?


I want her to.

Martin luther king said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

" That's why this morning, I have asked that the bottner m*rder case be reopened.

I've also requested that randy nichols be released on his on recognizance, pending the outcome.

This isn't the end of it.

The commissioner's calling about you.

Am I gonna get an award?

Or maybe a raise?

This isn't a joke, mike.

She's going for your throat.

What, over this?

She won.

So what?

Where's your partner?

Driving james bond to jfk.

Your partner went after this woman, so she goes after me, and you tell me this now?

Do you know vito gardino?

[Siren blares]

Keep your hands on the wheel, ma'am.

Excu I'm I'm sorry, I'm on the job.

This isn't a traffic stop.

You colin ledger?

(Colin) yes, I am.


Step out of the car, please.

No, no, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey.

Stay in the car, ma'am.

Get out of the car now.

Hey, take your hands off of him.

Excuse me! Stay in the car.

Hey, what are you hey, what do you think?

Megan! Colin ledger, you're under arrest for money laundering, racketeering, and fraud in the first degree.

Randy nichols.

The man doing time for your k*ller, marty swenders, just was released today.


Thank god.

Let's not give him the credit, father.

He brought me to you, and you got him out.

You came to me the day that swenders died.

I wanna know, is that a deathbed confession, or were you just sitting on that?

I did everything I could within my vows.

You ought to think about that, father, because it sounds like an excuse.

I have thought about it.

Every day since.

But I took an oath, just like you.

Vows, oaths, prayers, they're just a cover.

None of those helped nichols.

He just finally got lucky, if you can call it that after 16 years.

If that's the way you really think, I feel sorry for you.

I guess I can't give you anything else.

Yeah, you can give me something.

I want an apology.

An apology?

That's right.

If it wasn't for your vows and your oaths and your protocol, my partner's life wouldn't be in a shambles.

I wouldn't be hanging onto my job by a thread.

And I wouldn't be here.

I did everything I possibly could.

That's not good enough! Do you have any family, mike?


Have you ever asked yourself why not?


I see.

Wait a minute.

You work in a prison.

You know what my world is.

I do.

Do you?

Because I'm up to my neck in it every single day.

Mike you sound angry.

So what?

Who isn't?

I'm not.

Maybe it's because I'm connected to something.

Well, you're a very lucky man.

And I've been doing this for a long time.

So for what it's worth, mike, my advice to you is: get out.

You've done your duty.

You've served.

You've protected.

There's another world out there.

Is there?

You just haven't been able to see it.


Oh, my thank you for that thought.

I didn't mean to be disrespectful, I just I guess I'm not good at doing what people think I should be doing, even when it's a priest telling me.

I already pieced that together.

Take care of yourself, detective.

And may god watch over you.

That ought to keep him busy.