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07x09 - Untethered

Posted: 01/23/23 18:05
by bunniefuu
(Male announcer) in new york city's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

[Door buzzes]

What the hell is this?

In your cells, fellas.

In your cells! You think you're funny, lowry?

Humor was not my goal.

I thought a bath would be delicious.

Now, you lap it up, blanche.

Get your hands off of me! Lap it up! Get your hands off of me! Get off! Get off! I want my mommy! [Sobbing]

I want my mommy! Bring me my mommy! [Sobbing]

'Scuse me, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm homeless and hungry.

You see this brick?

I could use this brick.

But I don't want to.

I'm going to put it away.

Thank you.

(Man) don't pass me by! I'm hungry.

Don't pass me by.

I'm a human being.

Human being.

'Scuse me, sir.

I got $20 here.

I could use a brick like that.

[Keys jingle]

[Lock clangs]

Oh, no, no water.

No how many days?

Too long.

It isn't fair.

I'm not a duck, duck, duck.


I'm not a goose, goose, goose.

[Screaming, sobbing]

What happened to him?

What did you do to him?

What did you do to him, huh?

I know you can hear me! What did you do to him?

(Man) detective eames?

If I'm lucky, you don't remember me.

I'm frank.


I know who you are.

Last time I saw you, I was on the soup line.

Not my best moment.

What about the last time I didn't see you at your mother's funeral?


I started using again.

The day she died.

Took me a while to hit bottom, and I don't know, found my way back to church.

My higher power was lookin' out for me.

How long have you been waiting out here, frank?

About a half hour.

Because bobby goes to work before I do, which means you saw him, and you were waiting for me.


Detective, bobby's written me off.

Which is fair enough.

But I need his help.

I can't do that.

I have a son.


He's 19.

He's in trouble.

It's a police matter.

Bobby could help.

I'm not getting in the middle.

I had to ask.


He has a son.

Frank's a junkie, eames.

He'll say anything.

He didn't ask for money.

Just wait.

For what it's worth, I don't think frank's using.

He looked healthy.

And he took responsibility for his past.

When frank is not in program, frank talks program.

So wha y-you said he's downstairs?

I didn't promise him anything.

Bet he thinks you did.

(Goren) so what'd you do with it, frank?

You sell it to get your next fix?

Mom's ring?

Bobby, if that's what you're upset about she gave me the ring, okay?

She gave it to me.

She'd never give you her engagement ring.

She'd know that you sell it.

That's why she gave it to me.

Mom knew I needed money.

Every single time I went to see her, she'd slip me a 20 like I was a teenager.


Every time?

What'd that come out to, like 40 bucks?

All right, look you're angry, man.

I deserve it.

But he doesn't.

That's your nephew.


This is your son.


He doesn't look like you.

No, he doesn't.

He looks like you.

He lives in pennsylvania with his mom.

And you're his father.

So how come you're just telling me about this now?

I would have ruined the kid, bobby.

Now that I'm clean, his mom lets me see him.

Mom know about donny?

I disappeared before he was born.

How was I gonna tell mom that?

Do you know what it would have meant to her to to to know that she had a grandson?

All right.



Well, he's in trouble?

Is it dr*gs?


Donny doesn't use.

He was riding in a car that had dr*gs in it.

He got a year for possession.

I can't do anything in pennsylvania.

No, he was arrested in upstate new york.

He's at, um tates corrections.

I'm okay with donny doing the time.

But the kid called me last week.

He was totally freaked out.

He's having nightmares and I don't know what else.

What do you mean?

You mean like voices or visions?

If he's bipolar, he goes off his meds, that could give him nightmares.

No, I'm not talking about something like mom's thing.

He's a kid, and he's scared.

He's he saw some really terrible stuff in jail.

He wants to talk to you about it himself.


Did you tell him I was a cop?

I'm proud of you, bobby.

What's his last name?


With a "c.

" So you'll go?

I'll look into it.

Thanks, man.

That's all, all right?

Come on.

You know hey, bobby, thank you.

Donny was arrested in truby, new york, four months ago.

Cops found crystal meth in the car that he was riding in.

Got a year and a day at tates corrections.

Well, that's tough.

What'd the driver get?

Tom huffaker was drmng drunk.

Has possession priors.

He got time served.

What, he caught a break for turning on donny?

When I called the truby pd, they connected me to the town supervisor's office.

Harry huffaker.



So tom's dad had an in with the judge.

(Goren) some judge.

Truby's a village with a part-time justice, judge clyde averton.

He's not a lawyer.

He's a car dealer.

Donny got screwed.

Twice last month, he was transferred to the mental observation unit.

The new york state village justice system.

Amateur hour.

You've got mechanics, crossing guards, people with no legal training ruling on cases from their rec rooms.

That's how donny ended up in tates.

He's got eight more months to serve.

In a prison that's what outside our jurisdiction?

Well, if he's dirty, he's dirty.

I just feel the arrest is sketchy and he's my nephew, and I wanna help him.


He's your nephew, we'll keep your fingerprints off this starting now.

I need a word with your partner.

Shouldn't I stay in here for this?

I understand.

You're worried about bobby upstate dealing with tates.

I can be the face person on this.


Not you either.

There's a crystal meth task force.

A friend from vice is on it.


Have him talk to the ada and request that donny be transferred to rikers as a witness.

And make sure the trail doesn't lead back here.

It's yours.

They told me I was bipolar.

So they moved me out of gen pop to m.



They put me on these meds which I stopped taking.

'Cause they make me go to the bathroom too much.

Don't say gen pop.

It makes you sound like you've been in too long.

So you went off your meds.

What happened?

I mouthed off to a couple cos.

Mom says I have authority issues.

Well my mom said that to me too.

Doesn't mean you're crazy.

If you ask me, the people who are really crazy are the people who watch reality television, hook up with strangers on the internet.

That's everyone, though.


Uh I don't know you.

You seem like a smart kid.

What are you doing selling dr*gs?

I'm I wa I wasn't.

Huffaker goes to altoona college, which is where I do janitorial, okay?

Now, one day, he comes up to me, says he's gonna go up to truby and he wants company for the drive up.

Company what?

He's on a meth run.

He wanted a fall guy.

Well, he got one, 'cause that's why I'm here at rikers right now, and he's probably back at class.

Don't get me wrong, though.

I'd rather be here than back at tates.

You know that this transfer's temporary, right?

You gotta go back there.

Please don't send me back there.

Please do not send me back there.

Jail's jail.

Jail I can take, okay?

Up at tates, they're k*lling people, and they know I know.

(Eames) tates did have a death last week in the mental observation unit.

Jay lowry, 21.

Penny ante arrests shoplifting, loitering for purposes of prostitution.

The report says he died of natural causes.

At 21.

Jay have any health problems?

Schizophrenia and bad teeth.

A fey kid like this be an easy target for sadistic cos.

I've just been informed donny carlson is in holding.

Yeah, uh I couldn't evaluate him in rikers.

It was noisy and I don't have a lot of time.

He asked for tea.


Thanks, captain.

Okay, this is what we have.

That's him! That's the guy.

That's the guy that they k*lled.

He flooded his cell, then they took him to heaven.

Okay, slow yourself down.

You're talking fast.

Do you know that?

I know.

I'm sorry.


Now, they took him to heaven that's not the heaven that I'm talking about, okay?

There's an isolation unit.

It's a room in in tates, okay?

Heaven is a room in tates in the isolation unit which is six different cells.

Then they have a completely different room that they call heaven.

Okay, heaven.

And they use restraints there?

Yes, they use restraints there.

They strap you to a slab until they break you or they k*ll you, just like lowry.

And you're sure that they k*lled him, because the report says that he died of natural causes.

You called the warden?

Now she's gonna know that I'm telling you about this m*rder, and then she's gonna k*ll me.

We didn't call the warden.

And you're sounding a little paranoid.

I think I got a little right to be paranoid, okay?

I heard what I heard.

If you wanna hear it from the shrink, her name is dr.


Go ahead and ask her.

Just don't send me back there.

Calm yourself down.


Let's sit down.

Sit down here.

Sit down and calm yourself.

Dad tells me that your mom just died.

Nut job.

You think I have what she had.


I don't think that.

(Ross) task force ada heard from the warden at tates who was surprised they subpoenaed donny as a witness considering his history of hallucinations.

Donny says he saw the cos k*ll an inmate.

Now, the warden, she's worried about what he knows.

She's discrediting him.

Whatever's going on up there, it's not in our jurisdiction.

Understood, captain.

It's an interesting photo.

Jay's wearing a hockey uniform.

He's got a princess on his cake.

Jay was such a sweet boy.

Every mother envied me.


Lowry, did the warden tell you the cause of jay's death?

She said he died of an infection.

What are you after?

Why do two city cops care about what goes on up here?

We talked to a witness who believes jay didn't die a natural death.

Oh, god.

No, no, no.


Jay's finally at peace.

Leave him and us alone.

The warden said infection.

You think that he died of aids.

Jay didn't have aids.

We think jay was mistreated by guards and that it resulted in his death.

I'm not listening to this crap.

Don't you walk away, james.

They're talking about our son.

He wasn't our son.

He wore dresses, lipstick.

He wanted to get an operation.

He was a freak.

We hope that jay's at peace.

But you are not gonna have peace until you find out how he really died.

What are you asking us to do?

Infection no.

Severe dehydration based on blood work and urinalysis down at the hospital.

We're talking at least four days without any water.

And these bruises on the wrist from restraints?

The ankles too?

Once I scrubbed off the mortician's makeup, I found bruises around the wrists, ankles, and pelvis.

Biopsy revealed chronic and acute trauma.

From restraints.

Very likely.

Donny was right.

Jay lowry was tortured to death.


(Ross) just got off the phone with an upstate police captain.

Wants to know why my detectives were in his jurisdiction.

Captain, something's bad up there.

They're torturing prisoners for minor infractions then we should notify the state i.


Where's donny?

Bobby, I was the ada couldn't extend his transfer.

He went back to tates this morning.

You can't send him back there.

He's at risk.

(Ross) we did everything we could, detective.

(Goren) 'cause of what he knows.

Then we shouldn't draw attention to him.

When this dies down when it dies down?

We'll ask the ada to speak to the warden.

When it dies down?

Put donny into protective custody.

That's not good enough! Are you crazy?

Detective, in my office, now.

Captain, listen.

The warden.

Donny says that everything that happens there is under her orders.

You send him back there, she'll make sure that donny never talks to anyone again.

Sounds a little paranoid, detective.

It does?

I know you're worried about your nephew's safety and mental health.

I'm worried about yours.

I'm fine.

How are you?

You've been under a lot of stress.

I can tell you're not sleeping.

I need you to take a week's sick leave.

Uh there's nothing wrong with me.

One week.

Don't come back till you've been to psych services.

There's nothing wrong with me.

I'm on sick leave, but then he gives me a rubber g*n.

So you need us to input a 30-year work, financial, and medical history for this guy?


We can do that.

If anyone asks, you didn't help me.

Sir, you look mesmerized by this car.


And, sir, this judge is gonna make sure you get a fair deal.

This brick here wh-why don't ya put that down, friend?


I'm not a friend of the devil.


Okay, mr.


Since you're not talking, I wanna give you sodium amatyl to loosen you up.

All right, mr.

Brady, let's try this again.

What is your name?

Robert goren.

William brady.

Well, which is it?

I'm also robert goren.

What is your occupation, mr.


I'm a detective in major case squad.

In new york city.

Major case?

Well, you're certainly a long way from home.

You investigating something?


Look, I'm sure you believe that, but, frankly, I have a hard time believing it.

k*lling people here.


Tell me how, detective goren.


Detective goren.

You said you were detective goren.

Don't understand the question.

Detective goren, you said that they were murdering people here.

Tell me how.

I'm a history teacher in high school.

William brady.

Okay, very good, mr.


And are they still k*lling people here?

Why would they do that?

[Cell phone vibrating]

Is that your partner's cell phone?

Uh, yeah.

He left it.

He said he didn't want to be disturbed on his leave.

Tell you where he was going?


Just somewhere quiet.

I got this.

Hey, big guy.

The food's okay.


So what do they do to people here?

They don't like it here when you make a mess.


What are they gonna do to me, huh?

Nothin', big guy.

Listen you like peanut butter crackers?

Come on.

I'll get you some, hmm?

Come on.

Your t-shirt your eyes followed me.

Following me.

No, no.

This t-shirt's okay.

It belongs to my friend.

Where is he?

Where'd he go?

He's in iso.


Can I see him?

The cos like me.

Let me see what I can do.

Come by my bunk in about an hour.

(Goren) hi, sis.

I'm still on my cruise.

I thought I'd see frank's son, but I guess he's, uh in a single room below deck.


(Boy) let me go! I don't wanna! Keep a look out for the bulls.

This kid's a let him go! Let him go! What are you doing?

You're supposed to do what I say.

That what you do to donny, huh?

Is that what you do to donny?

Did you do it to donny?

They like it, big guy.

I'm like a father to them.

You did it to donny?

Garvin! Manos! You like it here, don't you?

All these lost boys, right?

You're not crazy, are you?

You're not crazy, are you?

You're sick! You're sick (shep) what about you?

(Manos) what the hell is goin' on here?

(Shep) the big guy just snapped.

Get him tranqued.

Get him tranqued! Let's go.

Let's go.

I'm comin' for you! [Laughing]


I need you to swallow.

You're cheeking them.

Swallow the damn pills.

Okay, now, you listen to me.

The guards already called the warden.

Just take the pills.

I'm here to help you.

If I take these pills, you'll put batteries in me.

Swallow, or they're gonna take you to isolation.


Let them.

No, you don't want that.



Gmng my staff a hard time?

The guards tell me this inmate has been problematic.

It's under control, warden.

It is under control.

It's simply that I don't wanna take my pills.

I've said it a few times, and nobody seems to be listening to me.

I don't wanna take my pills.

I'm not gonna take them.

Okay, mr.

Brady, that's just no more pills! That's the last time you act out.

You're going downstairs.

I don't think that's necessary.

You're new, doctor.

You're not getting the big picture.

I see an inmate who could decompensate in isolation.

My staff has to put up with constant abuse.

They get urinated on, they get blood and feces thrown on them.

These people have to learn restraint.


(Guard) all right.


Okay, come on, big man.

Easy does it, big man.

It's too hot in here.

Let's get outta here.

It's hot 'cause we're next to the boiler.

How long do I have to be in here?

You see, that's not up to us.

It's up to you.

[Locks clicking]

All secure?



[Clears throat]

Can I get some water, please?


5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

I need some water! [Softly]

Can I have water?


[Clears throat]

I keep asking for water.


I been asking for water, please! I keep asking for water! (Manos) shut up in there! I keep askin' for it.

Here's your water.

Oh, wait can you get me some more?

Can you believe that?

He spills his water after all that bitching?

Get me some water.


You spilled it all.


You spilled it all over! You spilled it! I'll take my pills.

Just get me outta here.

I'll take the pills.

Just get me out! 8 [Sobbing]





Overture begins at 7:00, eames.

I got a half hour to get to lincoln center.

It's about goren.

Talk to me on the way down.


How many hours have passed since he should have called?


You let your partner go on a rogue mission in a prison mental unit?

Eames, where did your judgment go?

All due respect, what did you think would happen when you sent donny back up there?

You mean when I didn't rewrite the entire penal code for one detective trying to stash his nephew?

Eames, we did everything we could for donny.

Goren saw it differently.

He thought eames be very careful here.

That your hands were tied.

So what do we do now?

Do we go to the d.


, The chief of ds?

Absolutely not.

Then I head up there myself.

I'll drive all night.


We go together.


(Garvin) all right, brady.

Come on.

Back to heaven.

No wells, altin.

Let's get our friend up here.



Hey, I'm a cop, bud.



Me too.

This is not fair.

It's too long.

(Goren) not good.

It's too long.


Let's go.

No! It's too long! It's not fair! Yeah.

How come his prints didn't show in the system when they arrested him?

He took care of that and created an alias.

On his own?

How many people in mcs are involved in this?

Counting you and me?

How long has he been like this?

I don't know.

I think his appendix burst.

You want another accident like last time?

He needs to get to a hospital now.

All right, come up.

[Donny groaning]

What did he think he could do up here?

Was he just trying to get as close to the edge as he could?

All he was thinking was he had to save donny.

I'm gonna arrest you.

I'm gonna arrest you.

I'm gonna arrest all of you.

I'm gonna arrest the whole prison, arrest the whole world.

You're gonna arrest us?

How you gonna do that?

I'm a cop.

My badge number's my badge number is that's crazy eight.

I k*lled dillinger.

Bang, bang, bang.

I'm a space cop from a spaceship.

And I found jimmy hoffa.







All right, cowboy, all right, all right.



[Door slams]

I understand you've left her messages.

Can she be paged?


A prisoner's escaped.

We thought he had appendicitis, so we took him to the hospital good morning.

I'm warden pellis.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

You've come a long way.

So our inmate william brady, you're saying his real name is robert goren?


He's one of my detectives in the major case squad.

How did you know he was here?

His brother called us, said goren had some kind of breakdown, that he's been here several days.

This goren's on active duty?

That didn't show up when the police processed him.

He recently altered his prints for an undercover operation.


Well, by the time he was brought to us, he was catatonic.

The psychiatrist diagnosed him as schizophrenic.

Psychiatrists make mistakes.

Good wardens correct them before the i.


Finds out.

That almost sounds like a threat, captain.

This detective is very important to nypd.

(Goren) and I was able to confirm that inmates were subjected to punitive use of top of bed restraints for up to 18 hours without food or water.

At least one inmate, jay lowry, died as a result of this t*rture.

And while my investigation was unauthorized I feel it was the only way to uncover the truth.

Thank you for your statement, detective.


Now, detective, would you like to tell me who the hell you think you are?

You thought you were gonna get an "atta boy" out of this?

You misrepresented yourself in a state prison, involved your partner and your captain as unwitting accomplices in discrediting ways that shall be duly noted in their jackets.

And you provoked an already overburdened m.



Unit to forcibly restrain you.

If you ask me you think that I wasn't playing insane, that I am insane.

You ever asked yourself that question?

Yes, sir.

And I believe asking the question proves that I am sane.

And that I was willing to take my investigation to the end of the line.

Warden pellis and tates m.



Will be investigated by the proper authorities.

Meanwhile, pending a departmental hearing and a psychological evaluation, you are suspended.

I'm a cop, okay?

When I call, you answer.


Now, where is he?

Where is donny?

I look, man, I got neighbors.

Just take it easy.

Your neighbors?

You care about your neighbors right now when your son is out there somewhere?

He called me.

He's all right.

He only escaped 'cause he wanted to save your ass.

What do you mean?

What do you mean, you knew?

You knew?

You knew that I was get your hands off me, all right?

What do you mean?

Just donny was doing fine up there without you stomping around.

Just you know what?

Just take eames to a motel and get it out of your system.




Stop! You tell me how I can reach donny.

I don't know.

He calls me from pay phones.

Okay, so what do you hear when he calls?

Do you hear city sounds, you know, sirens?

I don't know.

Who pays attention to that?

Why didn't you call me when donny was arrested?

I already told you, man.

It was tough love.

No, you were trying to save that favor, because you knew it was just a matter of time when you could call in that favor for yourself.

From my from you what have you done for me, bobby?

What have you done for me?

You gave me a coat?

You slip me a couple of bucks so you can feel good about yourself?

Well, guess what.

I don't need that.

Neither does donny.

Donny's smart, frank.

He doesn't need you.

I'm smart! I'm smart! You forget! Everyone in this family forgets! I was the one.

Look, we both caught a raw deal, okay?

Could have brought us closer together, but this is it.

This is us, you know?

You don't wanna be my brother.

Just get the hell outta here.


Not till you tell me how to reach donny.

He just wants your money, like me.

Ah, you tell me! Think! Think hard! What did you hear in the background?

I don't know.

It was late.

It was like 4:00 a.


What did you hear?

Video games or something in the background.

All right.

So could be times square.

All right.

I need your, uh, cell phone.

Give it to me.


Wait a minute.

Not there.

No what is this?

Give it give it just give it to me.

I'm done with you.

You you can't contact me anymore ever again.

You understand?

If I hear that you're on the bridge, ready to jump, you know, I'll I'll listen for the splash.