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07x04 - Lonelyville

Posted: 01/23/23 18:01
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I need to see you tonight.

Niko, you are home early.

You don't even check his diaper, huh?

Were you on the computer all day?

No, no.

We just came in.

You are lying.

Don't lie.

Change the baby.

What are you doing?

Turn that off.

It's for the benefit tonight.


The Audubon Society's Honoring my daddy for saving two Hawks - whose nest was destroyed - Right.

I'm just really on a roll right now.

But everyone wants to see you.

Did you hear back from The New Yorker?

Anya, what happened to your arm?


I just need a break.

Be good, boy.

Tomorrow I make Babka.

Can't make it tonight, sorry.

- Ready for another one?

- Might as well.

Is this taken?

It just freed up.

And this seat?

My friend and I love New York.

Are you a native?

Born and Raised.

Join us for a drink?

Should we ask him?

- You ask him.

- What?

Ask me Ask me what?

Go ahead, ask me.

Ask me.

Don't tell our husbands, but we've always had this fantasy about a three-way with a cute stranger.

Okay, kiss her neck.

That's it.

Keep moving.

Naughty boy.

Kiss her all over.


Somebody spent a lot of time tying her up before they strangled her.

Didn't just tie her up.


Erotic Japanese bondage with natural jute rope.

Whatever you say, Falacci.

Multiple bruises here.

This one's new.

These are older.

S&M games that went too far?

What do you think?


You with me?

These earrings look like Dana Crane.

If they're real, they're real emeralds.

Not what a girl with cheap shoes usually wears.

Hotel manager has security footage from the elevator.

There's our Jane Doe.

Key card opened the room at 1:25.

And the guy with the glasses her m*rder*r?

There's someone else in there with them.

Rewind it, would you?

She's embarrassed.

Always great when drunks make out in front of you.

Come on, honey.

Show us your face.

She doesn't get off with them.

Well, it's gonna be tough tracking her down based on that.


Finally pulled the credit card receipt.

Room was paid for by a Gerry Mitchell.

He's a local.

Compost is nature's best soil amendment.

Ours is manure-free.

Yeah, but we're not interested in that kinda dirt, Gerry.

Where were you last night?

Where I am every night at home, alone.


Your credit card was used to check into a room at the East Houston Hotel.


A hotel?

It w wasn't me.

Uh it's missing.

I must have lost it, or it was stolen.

We checked with the company.

You didn't report it.

No, I just I just noticed it now.

When was the last time you used it?

Don't remember.

I been a little unsettled since my wife left.

Well, then, I guess she can't verify that you were home last night, right?

I I was playing Deathscam.

My avatar is yesterday73.

You can check my game log.

The hotel clerk doesn't remember who signed the register, but she took one look at Gerry's photo and said she's positive it wasn't him.

- Because of his weight or his race?

- Both.

Their clientele is all anorexic models and euro trash named Serge.

Gerry's alibi checks out.

He was, uh, Deathescamming till 6:00 am.

Nice life.

How about the elevator video?

It's blurry, bad angle.

Placebo security.

We can't ID our Jane Doe's companion.


Any progress ID'ing our Jane Doe?

Her prints aren't in the system.

And there's no matches in missing persons.

There is one thing, though.

Her clothes were all discount knockoffs, but the earrings are Dana Crane.

They're worth 10 grand.

Makes you wonder why the k*ller didn't take them.

Oh, what's the matter?

No kiss.

Tammy, I asked you to meet me outside.

Why, is one of your wife's friends here?

I'll explain later.

Let's go.

Your Jane Doe died from strangulation.

Tox screen showed a few drinks, no dr*gs.

Traces of semen in her mouth.

What about the bruising, Rodgers?

The one on the arm I put several hours before death.

The others are older.

Up to two weeks.

Well, maybe she's in an abusive relationship, and this time the guy couldn't stop.

She's also a mother.

Exam of the uterus indicates she gave birth about 18 months ago.

Well, if someone's watching her kid, you gotta think they'll call missing persons.

Yes, I'm the one who reported Anya missing.

Have you found her?

When was the last time you saw her?

Monday night.

I was babysitting Nikos Junior.

Did Anya tell you where she was going or who she was meeting?

She told me nothing.

She She just said she needed a break.

You were watching the kid.

Was there a husband?

She's not married.

They live together.

Nikos refuses to do the right thing.

Yeah, well, where was Nikos on Monday night?

At his diner.

He came home late.

But you filed the report, not him.

What happened to her?

Did he beat Anya too?

She said don't tell anyone or he'll do it more.

Okay, so, Nikos comes home, he finds Anya gone, and He went crazy.

He smacked me.

And then he went right to her computer.

- And then he went after Anya?

- I don't know.

He yelled, "Take the baby.

" So I did.

He misses his mother.

Why won't you tell me where Oh, the son of a bitch.

Nikos Bakalis?

All right, we're police officers.

We have a few questions to ask you about Anya Pugach.

- Where is she?

- Come downtown, and we'll tell you.

I don't need to hear.

Please, go away.

Sir, no, no, no.

Put that knife down, sir.

She left.

I didn't do anything.

Sir, put that knife down.

This is my kitchen.

I do whatever I want.

- I do whatever I want! - Put that knife down! Put it down.

Drop the knife! And now you're under arrest.

Tell him that in Greek.

Why am I here, huh?

She's the one who left.

Me and my son.

Also she was cheating on you, Nikos.

It is no one's business.

That's it.

I'm done with her.


- We know.

- No.



Sweet, beautiful girl.

You loved her?

Why didn't you report her missing?

She's here illegally.

Didn't want her to be deported.

But you didn't marry her.

So she couldn't leave you?

You need that, Nikos?

To be in control?

Did it piss you off that she spread them for someone else?

Where were you Monday night?

You think I did this?


It was her boyfriend.

- What boyfriend?

- I don't know.

She's always on the computer.

Hiding it from me.

You need to try an alibi, Nikos.

I was at my diner.

I work hard.

- What time did you get home?

- I don't remember.

I went home, and I stayed home.

Check the tape.

So Nikos's alibi holds up.

He had a spy cam in the kitchen, which proves he went home and stayed there.

There he is, thanking Olga.

And stayed up drinking all night.

So he controlled Anya, beat her up, but didn't k*ll her.

If it wasn't him, who else was in her life?

Well, she's got no family in this country and Olga says she's her only friend.

Nikos thought he had her where he wanted her barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

Until she ended up dead in the East Houston Hotel.

She wouldn't be the first Ukrainian girl to get caught up in organized crime.

Look at this.

Anya's computer had a "Hide from my husband" button.

When she hit F12, the screen changed to the Kiev Weekly.

- Was she talking to her boyfriend?

- Maybe.

I keep finding these E-mails in her trash from csherman@fromsonschool.

edu this one was from Monday night.


A pricey private school on the upper east side.

I wonder how Anya from the Ukraine hooks up with that world.



I wonder if he bought her those emerald earrings.

This girl, we only met once in person.

But I'm in a custody battle for Wyatt, my five-year-old.

I can't have my wife find out.

Then you'd better keep talking.

We had a few drinks, went to a hotel.

Then she asked for money for her sick relatives.

I said I couldn't help her.

Never saw her again.

- When was that?

- Six weeks ago.

But you've continued to e-mail her.

These e-mails to her, they're all from csherman@fromsonschool.


- That's you, right?

/ Well, yeah.

- Chris Sherman.

But I didn't write these.

I never use all lower case.

And this week where there are five messages I was camping in the Adirondacks with Wyatt and two other families.

There's no WiFi up there.

Does anybody know your password?

- I'm very careful.

- Maybe they guessed?

Could it be "Wyatt's dad"?

So what's the name of the website where you met Anya?


com It was a mistake.

All right.


Asking for money for sick relatives.

Anya was a real pro.

She h*jacked his e-mail address so client could contact her anonymously.



That's half of New Jersey.

of the lower east side.

We did a little matchmaking of our own with the security video from the East Houston Hotel elevator.

You see the bottom edge of this dark strip here?

His head is about four inches below it.

That makes him about 5'8".

You gonna use height?

Every man lies about that.

We factored in the traditional male 2" lie.

We're looking at guys who are 5'10".

Caucasian receding hairline.

Not that anyone's gonna highlight that.

Well, six of them couldn't help it, including two who also wear glasses.

Our elevator make-out man wears square black frames.

We think we have our match.

Screen name Lonelyman.

A writer.

They always pose like that.

Hides the double chin.

According to his profile, he's had one short story published by the Red Moon press and a new collection being considered by a major publisher.

Translation, Lonelyman has lots of time on his hands.

Track him down.

Find out how he spent it Monday night.

Hey, who knew short story writing paid so well?


My housekeeper told me you're looking for my husband.

He's not here right now.

Can I help you?

We need to ask him a few questions.

- Is in Noah in some kind of trouble?

- Well, a friend of his may be.

Can you tell us where Noah was on Monday night?


As usual.

I'm sure he's not involved in any criminal matter.

He's on a deadline.

Well, this may have something to do with his research.

Can see how.

He's working on a collection of short stories about the desolate and forlorn.

There must be some mistake.

I'm running late.

Is that a Dana Crane bracelet?

- Yes, it is.

- Oh, wow.

I love her stuff.

Doesn't she make a matching earring with emeralds?

Yes, actually, I own them or used to.

I just noticed they're missing.

Are these your earrings?

She may have crossed paths with your husband.

Now, our concern is that whoever did this to her is looking for your husband next.

We keep a studio in the village.

He uses it for writing.

I'll call him.

No, don't.

Noah Brezner.


Just a second.

Open the door, Mr.



- Hey, Noah.

- Hey.

How's the writing going?

What's this about?

We'll explain it downtown.

She's um my copy editor.

We're working.

My short story collection is called Lonleyville.

It explores the price we pay for love.

You mean it's about married men who wanna get laid.

Some of my stories depict spouses with yearnings, yes.

Is that why you had a profile on marriedbutsolonely.


You know, I still don't know what this is about.

Recognize these?

Your wife did.

We found them on a dead girl in the East Houston Hotel.

And you're on a security video, kissing her.

And now that we have your prints.

We're gonna find them on the victim, too, right Noah?


I was at a bar.

I had a few drinks.

I'm a writer, I drink.

These two women sat next to me one a blonde with an accent.

They said they were leaving town tomorrow.

Back on a plane to their husbands and kids in Shaker Heights.

We all got a little drunk, and then they invited me to their hotel.


And then what happened?

I don't know.

I remember kissing the blonde, but that's it.

They must have drugged me.

Next thing I knew, I woke up with a dead woman.

So I just bolted, just ran home.


Is this the blonde woman?


And what about the other one?

Remember anything about her?

Brown hair.

Nice figure.

Uh, she was friendly.

Uh, and she was gone when I woke up.

- Can anyone verify any of this?

- The bartender.

The bar on Ludlow Street.

He saw me with both of them.

- Just ask him.

- Oh, we'll do that.


So, uh, I can go now?


Not yet.

You're under arrest.

For what?


Oh, yeah, I remember that guy.

Uh, single malt.

We talked about the creative process.

Anyone else with him?

Lychee martini.

Very blonde.

Eastern European accent.

You got a good memory.

I'm an actor.

And a writer.

So single malt and the Lychee martini.

You happen to catch their conversation?

I didn't have to.

I've seen that a thousand times, man.

The three drink hookup?

Blonde had her room card on the bar.

What about the other woman they left the bar with?

The brunette?

What other woman?

No, no, it was just the two of them.

Guy was grinning like he hit the jackpot.


It's my wife.

Then the bartender is lying.

He must be in on it.

You mean he slipped you a Mickey?

Maybe that's why I can't remember.

You know, I hear bad alibis every day.

But you're a writer.

I expected something a little better from you.


There were two women.

Someone at the hotel must have seen us in the lobby, in the elevator.

We did see a second woman on the elevator.

- You see?

- But only Anya got off with you.

Is that where you got the idea?

No, the other woman, the brunette The one whose name you don't remember.

She said she had to go to her room and call her husband.




I'm being blackmailed.

By the mystery brunette?

I don't know.


The morning that I woke up, there was a photo of me and the dead girl, and she was all tied up.

You into that, Noah?


I grabbed the photo and cut out.

A few hours later, a woman called and said she had videotaped us.

She wanted 200,000 in cash.

So you're saying the whole thing's a setup The girls, the drinks, the hotel.

I am a patsy, not a k*ller.

Good rewrite.

Any proof?

I told my girlfriend, Tammy Mills.

The one you found me with.

She's not really a copy editor.

You're kidding.

I was supposed to meet Tammy that night, but she cancelled.

So you consoled yourself with a three-way?

I got drunk.

I never would have cheated on Tammy otherwise.

You told your girlfriend that you woke up next to a dead woman?

I never lie to Tammy.

Just to your wife.

And us.

I didn't think you would believe me.

The photo makes me look guilty.

So you threw it away.

No, I saved it.

It's in my writing atelier.


You mean the studio your wife bought?

We already searched that.

You looked through every manuscript?


It is tucked in the fifth draft on the bookshelf behind my desk.

It's next to the Raymond Carver.

Here's the Carver.


"What we talk about when we talk about love.

" I'll put it right on my list.

And here's Lonelyville.

Fifth draft.

But no photo.

- Surprised?

- Falacci.

Look at these ropes on the dead plants.

Natural jute?

Oh, this guy wants to get punished.

Lab says that Noah's houseplants had the same Kinbaku rope found at the crime scene.

But wasn't it Noah who sent you back to his studio?

You mean his atelier?


He said we'd find the photo that would verify his blackmail story.

Which we didn't.

Coffee, light, two sugars.



Tough it out, Falacci.

So this guy sends us up there.

Why would he set himself up?

Maybe he's just vamping until his wife's money buys him reasonable doubt.


He's a flailing.

She won't even post his bail.

Turns out he's already dipped into their funds.

Which is the exact amount he claims he was blackmailed for.

You don't really buy into this.

Come on, elevator video.

Bartender testimony.


We're waiting for his DNA, but we don't even need it.

In my experience, guilty guys make up believable lies.

What, like a one-armed man burst into the room and threw me out?

Yeah, like that, Falacci.


You talk to Hemingway's girlfriend?

Oh, Tammy Mills?


She's on her way in.

Come on, that's a waste of time.

She's just gonna lie to save him.

She's his last hope.

See if you can trip her up.

You're trying to trick me.

We were together all night.

Detectives, why are you questioning my client without her lawyer?

Oh, you're just in time.

She was in the middle of obstructing justice and hindering a m*rder investigation.

Back off.

We need a moment.

We're on track now, Detectives.

Isn't that right, Tammy?

I I was supposed to see Noah that Monday, but I texted him and told him I couldn't make it.

He texted back and said he was gonna write.


It's all in my cell.

Did he call you the next day?


He said he missed me.

He tell you how his night went?

He said his writing went well.

Did he mention he woke up next to a corpse?


/ My client has no idea what you're referring to.

When's the last time you spoke to him?

Well, it's been hard to talk over the phone.

He wanted me to visit, but I figured I'd just see him later today.

That's still all right, isn't it?


Mills, are you saying Noah didn't say anything to you about being blackmailed?

About a photograph?

What photograph?

Did he say anything about needing money?


You found out about that.

Well, we'd like to hear your side.

Go ahead, Tammy.

Noah's marriage was over.

He was gonna borrow some money from their savings so we could get away and make a fresh start.

How much does a fresh start cost?

He said up to 200,000.

His wife wouldn't need to cosign.

I don't understand.

Try this: No one's backing you up.

Not even your girlfriend.

She did say you were stealing from your wife.

could start a new life together.

No, I already told you.

I took the money to pay the blackmailer.

Tammy was there outside when I made the drop.

This doesn't make any sense.

So Noah - How well did you know Tammy?

- We're soul mates.

I thought I was happily married until I met her.

- How long ago was that?

- About two months.

We made an instant connection.

Speed dating.

More research?

It was for authenticity.

Like you were researching Kinbaku.

Hold on a second.

See, here's the problem.

We went back to your studio, Noah, and we found the same jute that strangled Anya Pugach.

That's impossible.

The blackmailer must have planted it! Well, was that before or after she took away the photo?

We checked your manuscript.

Nothing there.

Then it's Tammy.

See, she's scared.

Let me let me talk to her.

She will tell the truth.

We gave her every chance.

Get me to a phone, please.

Tammy, it's me.

I need you to tell the truth now.

I love you, mew mew.

Just don't be afraid.

I'm gonna hand the phone over to the detectives.


You don't need to lie anymore.

I need you to Tammy?

Wait Tammy?


She hung up on me.

I I don't understand.

She hung up on me.

Noah sounded so upset.

Guilty conscience.


It's gonna be okay.

God, I want you.

We have DNA results for the semen found on Anya.

It's a match for Noah.

Guy's not having a good day.

His rich wife's divorcing him.

His girlfriend says he's lying, and his DNA's in a dead Ukrainian.

Yeah, well, if he is a mark, someone did a real number on him.

A mark?

What, are you working for legal aid now?

/ Ross You can't still believe the guy's innocent.

Thank you.

That was the watch commander at Rikers.

Noah Brezner just k*lled himself.

Cause of death, strangulation.

He hanged himself with a torn bed sheet tied to the bars of his cell window.

Yeah, but what about these marks here?

My best guess he made three attempts.

The first two knots didn't hold?

Apparently not.

What happened to his foot?

Broke two bones.

Probably on one of the early attempts.

Guy couldn't even tie a knot.

Sound like a Kinbaku master?

Sad su1c1de note.

Not an angry one.

I looked over the case.

Arresting him was the right call.

For now, say Noah was framed.

Tammy denied his story.

She could be in on it.

- What do we know about her?

- Not much.

She's separated.

Moved here from Des Moines six months ago.

- Talk to the husband?

- Took a while.

He's on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to him, when he took the job, Tammy felt abandoned, began an online romance.

"Lee, I'm so crazy happy I found you.

" Her husband found the e-mails.

She left and moved to New York.

To be with Lee?

Who knows?

The e-mail address dead ends.

If she was part of a blackmail ring, she set up the date.

Anya and the brunette came in to close it.

How did Tammy and Noah meet?

I remember her.

And OPD overly picky dater.

All the guys would check her box, but she only chose one a night.

Six minutes up.

Who did Tammy check?

Here's the last one.

Anyone before that?

This man.

Why him, I don't know.

He was so depressed.

Remember him, Falacci?

The manure-free composter, Gerry Mitchell.

Maybe he didn't lose his credit card.


I tried speed dating.

She might have been one of the ten women I met for six minutes.

But I didn't hook up.

I'm trying to get back with my wife.

Then you probably don't want her to know that you're involved in an extortion ring.


This video spy cam charged to your credit card?

Sex, lies, and videotape.

You didn't exactly lose your card, did you, Gerry?


Tammy now, I thought she understood my sadness.

But she came over once, and then my credit card was gone.

And you didn't report this because Because she was gonna show the videotape to my wife.

Now what was I supposed to do?

I want my marriage back.

Tammy and her partners seduce and video married men, then blackmail them?

Gerry Mitchell.

He was the first mark.

Stole his credit card.

Next up, Chris Sherman.

School accountant.

They took him for 10 grand, h*jacked his e-mail account so he'd keep quiet.

Used that to coordinate Anya's hookups.

I'm confused.

Was Anya an accomplice or a victim?

Well, we think victim.

We went back to see Olga, and she showed us this photo.

Anya had given it to Olga just in case anything ever happened to her.

Anya must have been cheating on Nikos.

They taped it, then they threatened to tell that maniac.

And forced her into prostitution.


So Tammy from Des Moines is the ringleader?

Who's pulling her strings?

The only lead we have is the second woman, the brunette that Noah said he met in the bar.

Except the bartender told us it was just Noah and Anya that night.

Newsflash, the bartender's being blackmailed too.

I'll be right there, honey.

Nice family.

/ Yeah, we're going to the Global warming rally.

Okay, then I'll make this quick.

You lied to us.

Tell us the truth.

Your wife will never know.

And then you're free to save the planet.

Hey, Patrick, work with us.

Otherwise, you're gonna be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.

Worrying every time the phone rings.

I had to lie.

So there were two women at the bar Monday night talking to the writer.

He left with both of them.

The second woman came back the next day, convinced me not to talk to the cops.

Can you describe the second woman?

You can see for yourself.

My daughter came home from preschool with an envelope.

Had a DVD in it.


That's more of Patrick than I wanted to see.

Where's the woman?

He'll flip her over any second.

If he's cheating on his wife, he's not going missionary the whole way.

Wait a second.

Rewind it.

Slow it down.


Now zoom it in.

Isn't that Tammy's lawyer?

Leanne Baker.

A blackmailing con artist and possible m*rder*r.

A new low even for a lawyer.

If she really is a lawyer.


She passed the bar ten years ago, started out at a top firm.

Bounced around.

Ended up posting bail for low-level drug dealers.

Last year, she got fired for sexual harassment.

Apparently, she was hitting on her female secretary.

So Leanne isn't just Tammy's lawyer.

She's the Lee that Tammy left her husband for.

None of her e-mails to Tammy specified gender.

Bait and switch.

Pretty cocky to walk into a major case when you're leading the scam.

Hey, it's not just cocky, it's smart.

If we question Leanne, she can claim lawyer client privilege.

And if they are lovers, Leanne knows Tammy won't turn on her.


Maybe not.

I'll put a call into the DA.

Once he signs off, we'll pull Tammy in for a lineup.

Let's see how hard it is to con a con artist.

- Your witness is late.

- He's on the way.

Coffee, counselor?

- I'll pass.

- It's free.

You'll be looking through this window.

Do you recognize any of these women from your bar on Monday night?

Yes, number two.

You sure it's her?

Take your time.

She was with the other blonde and the writer.

Uh, three Martinis.

She paid for the drinks.

Thank you.

We'll be arresting your client for the m*rder of Anya Pugach.

This is ridiculous.

He was lying.

I heard bartenders don't lie.

Now, just relax.

It's just I I wasn't at the bar.

I was at home texting Noah.

Not according to the bartender.

He said he saw you at the bar.

Noah would have said it was me if it was me.

Unless you're the m*rder*r and he was protecting you.

But I wasn't there.

And Noah k*lled Anya.

Is that what he said?

Um, I just assumed.

I mean, you arrested him.

Noah seem like a k*ller to you?


He was always gentle with me.

You're not a very good judge of character, Tammy.

Even now, these two aren't your friends.

- You need to stop talking.

- Suit yourself.

Holding's right this way.

- I have to go in there?

- Just till I post bail.

Well, good luck.

High-profile case, brutality of the m*rder.

DA's recommending no bail.

I can not go in there.

Well, if you have more to tell us She has nothing more to tell you.

How did you know Noah wasn't guilty?

It was the way he committed su1c1de.

He hanged himself.

But it took him three tries.

Turns out Noah couldn't tie a knot.

But Anya she was bound and strangled.

The k*ller planted this rope in Noah's studio to frame him.

Oh, my God.


Tammy, don't look at that.

Noah told us he gave you a key to his studio.

These your ropes?

It wasn't me.

Maybe someone took your keys?

Noah k*lled himself because he was so guilty.

No, actually, it was because he was heartbroken over you.

He wrote you a note.

Read it.

"Mew, mew," "I tried to understand why you betrayed me.

" "I know there must be a reason.

" It's fake, Tammy.

No, it's not.

It's his writing.

I recognize it.

Mew mew.

That's my nickname.

- Said I was his muse.

- You were and, apparently, he didn't want to live if you didn't love him.

- It's my fault.

- Yeah.

You knew about the blackmail, and you lied to us.

Don't listen to her, Tammy.

Why did you lie, Tammy?

Because Leanne told you to?

Or is it Lee?

Listen to me.

I'm on your side, not them.

Your side?

She made you sleep with Anya, with Gerry, with Noah.

Now you're going to jail, and she has the money.

Tammy, that's blood money.

Oh, no.

No one was ever supposed to die.

That was never the plan.

Just tell them, Leanne.

What you're doing is highly unethical.

Staging lineups?

Pitting a client against her lawyer?

How did you know it was a false ID?

We've got a lawyer waiting for you in case you think that Leanne is no longer serving your interests.

I did everything you told me because I believed that you loved me.

They were gonna film Noah with the two of them, then thr*aten to send it to his wife.

You started to like Noah, didn't you?

It's been a tough slide for you, huh, Leanne?

I have no idea what you mean.

Graduating with honors.

Passing the bar on your first try.

Then what happened?



- You don't know me.

- We know this, Counselor.

Your career has sunk like a rock.

Four firms in eight years.

Two stints in rehab.

A sexual harassment suit.

Career over.

Plan "B" Con Tammy.

And then you come up with this blackmailing scheme.

You can't prove any of this.

You were in control.

Your own boss.

Till Tammy went soft.

She was gonna let Noah off the hook, you big fish.

You're getting older.

How much longer are you gonna be able to play men for sex?

You tell me, honey.

thr*aten Noah's marriage.

That's risky.

But extort him for m*rder that's worth 200,000.

His death is on you, not me.

Yeah, but Anya.

Her m*rder.

That's all you.

How could you k*ll Anya?

God, she was so sweet.

- She was a whore.

- I liked her.

Good Lord, Tammy.

Who don't you like?

I wouldn't have had to do any of this if you had just done your job with Noah.

You were supposed to sit in his lap, take off his glasses, and unzip his pants.

Not get him to fall in love with you.

He did love me.

He was the only one.

You are pathetic.

Leanne Baker, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Anya Pugach.

You need everyone to love you.

Now what do you have?
