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07x03 - Smile

Posted: 01/23/23 18:00
by bunniefuu
The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Your smile makeover awaits you.

Oh, my god.

They're so white.

Thank you.

You his brother?

We just had another cancellation.

Don't worry about it, Mimi, please.


I'll be right back.

What's up, Doc?

What's going on?


/ Guilty pleasure, Roy.

Don't tell.

How could this happen to my boy?


Who will feel my pain with me?





Honey, a patient just walked in.



A lot of pain.

If you take the car, I'll grab the train.

I love you too.

The laughing gas was for the patients.

He never used it.

- When was your last appointment?

- 7:00.


Goldman walked me to the subway at 7:30.

He did every Friday, you see?

Then he was going to his house in the west hampton.


The clinic was that successful?

No, his Park Avenue practice.

But his heart was here.

He opened it with his own money.

Any problems with patients or neighbors?


They all loved him.

TV, boom box, his wallet.

Even on a crash and grab, you'd think they'd take the scrap gold.

By the way, the receptionist swears he's a saint, and not a t*nk addict.

He's got bruises on his face.

So someone pressed this against his nose, his mouth.

They pressed hard, reduced the oxygen and asphyxiated him.

It's hard to fight back when you're on a nitrous toot.

Three loose cigarettes.

But no pack.

Doc's wife's here.


All right, well I got all you need.

You need smokes and swipes.

You wa want You want to talk to her?

I'm gonna see if the swipes guy saw anything.

Come on, now.

I know you need a ride.

Everybody need a ride.

Selling swipes, huh?

Right here in front of everybody.

You don't even try to hide it.

I like that.

And you're not talking about running me in, right?

I like that.

You didn't by any chance know Dr.

Goldman, did you?

Sold him a couple loosies yesterday afternoon.

This entrance here closes at 9:00.

You move on after that?

Before you left, you didn't see anybody go in that clinic?

A lady.

A little after 8:00.

Came out before not too long.

Then two teen boys, about yay high, and they went in about close to 9:00.

All right, thank you.

Sounds like a beautiful marriage.

He was a workaholic, she took sleeping pills, they'd kiss in the morning.

He told her he had a late patient.

The swipe guy saw a lady and then two teens.

Two teens getting dental work on a Friday night?

We got a hit on Goldman's credit card.


Most of my customers are kids.

Yeah, okay.

Any chance two of them came in when you opened the gate this morning?

Oh, buying 20 pairs of $200 sneakers, various sizes.

Oh, them.

They were kind of scrawny.

Which one did you think was Dr.

Norman Goldman?

You wanna fit me with a size 13?

Stop! Police! Son, tell them what you told me.

We didn't k*ll no one.

All right.

Eames, I'm gonna call Rikers.

We saw some fat lady leave.

She left the door open.

We went in after.


All right.

Uh Doc was out cold.


- We didn't touch him.

- Did you know the woman?

Seen her around.

Talks to herself.

Talks to herself like trying to remember something, or like crazy?

Everybody in the projects is crazy.

All right, come on.


We'll process him while we try to corroborate.

- He's a good boy.

- No, he's not, Mrs.


A good boy would have stopped his burglary when he saw a dead body, and called us.

I hope he straightens out.

Who was straightening out that dentist?

Sorry, what do you mean?

Means, can't mess with the kids on Park Avenue, so he opens a clinic in Harlem.

I'm surprised he wasn't k*lled sooner.

That dentist was no saint.

- You sure there's no more?

- Mr.

Kettle, I swear these are all good.

Look at the logo.

Five mountains, not six.

You can wait up front.

I'm checking every box.

Lots of goody bags for the kids.

Doc hustled local stores for donations.

We'll need a list of that.

Why did all these moms cancel their sons' appointments, like these on Friday?

You know kids when a bug goes around.

They go to the same school?

No, but they all live at the Theresa projects.

Maybe that's how it spread.

Four doors.

Four door slams.

Just because I asked about a cancelled dental appointment.


Colt was home with her son, who really was sick with the flu.

She said she was worried that what happened to Toby Borden might happen to her boy.

Borden Yeah, Jacqueline Borden, 5k.

Yeah, there were condolence cards and flowers outside her door.

Her son just died.

I knocked.

A woman yelled "stop broadcasting at me," and hurled a glass at the door.

Thank you for helping us.

I like the sound of your voice.

You know how to address a mother in mourning.

My partner, Mrs.

Eames, is here too.

We know what that dentist did to your son.

Um you can keep the chain on if you want.

Come on in, officer.

Don't lie to me.

You're the ones doing that radio show about me in the basement.

We did that show.

We said we said that Mrs.

Borden that she won't hurt her children.

You went to see Dr.

Goldman to confront him, because what he did, what he got away with, is unspeakable.

Toby came home from him a week ago, drunk.

I asked him, "Did he touch you?

" Toby passes out.

At the ER, the doctors say it's the flu.

Next day, Toby can't move his arms.

I rushed him back at the ER, but oh no, now they run out of answers.

Next day Toby's gone.

You told the local precinct?

I said, "That dentist got Toby drunk, "molested him, k*lled him.

You need to k*ll that dentist.

" But they didn't.

You did, right?

You did.

Can't breathe now.

I know what I'm doing.

Look, I lost my mom, okay?

I lost my mother recently.

Can I get a glass of water from you?

I'm sorry for your loss.

Captain of the five-nine says Mrs.

Borden did call about a dentist who got kids drunk and messed with them.

Cops pegged her for a loon.

So she took matters into her own hands.

Toby's symptoms were typical of alcohol poisoning.

Rodgers is going through his file.

Desean Colt, the boy who had the flu, he's been hospitalized.

Just 'cause Jacqueline Borden is crazy doesn't mean she's wrong.

Could Goldman have sauced up both boys?

See what Desean has to say about Dr.



Goldman didn't do anything to us.

Desean, he can't hurt you now.

No, miss.

We did it to him.

While he was showing me how to brush, Toby took some things to get high.

Like mouthwash from the cabinet?

Toby said we'd get a buzz from it.

He called it robotripping.

Toby drank most of it?

It was just you and him?

And three of our friends.

They gonna be okay?

Leslie, this is a health crisis.

It should have been dealt with already.

I I am with you, Jim.

I got Mr.

Palin to schedule an emergency meeting for tomorrow.

Oh, finally.

What time?

Jim do you really think that's a good idea?

You're afraid I'm gonna blow it again, right?

It's just, you know how you get when No, no, but I'm the only one who can spot the stuff, right?

I I'm Look, uh, I will put you in for a commendation.

Don't forget.

There are six peaks on the logo.

It should be five, there are six.

I'll update you after the meeting.

This is why you don't get sick over Labor Day weekend.

Public hospital, newbie docs covering shifts.

What did they miss?

Well, first, Toby's high level of alcohol.

Then they waited until he was paralyzed to run a tox screen.

It came back after he died, so nobody checked it.

So he wasn't k*lled by alcohol poisoning?

No, turns out he also had a lethal amount of D.



in his system.

Diethylene glycol, AKA antifreeze.

It's sometimes used illegally as a cheap replacement sweetener.

In Panama, 100 people died from drinking cough syrup that contained it.


I checked the dentist's mouthwash, it tested positive for D.



We put area hospitals on alert, and I contacted the FDA.

Also No sign Toby Borden was molested.

Oh, man.

So Mrs.

Borden k*lled Dr.

Goldman for an unspeakable crime he didn't commit.

The FDA is waiting for us upstairs.

Are you sure they're ours?


Uh, aren't you all with the FDA?

No, me and Leslie are.

I'm deputy director Palin.

Atlantic division.

Leslie's my number two.


Schorr is the CEO of Schorr labs, makers of SnoMint.

Emergency like this, we all work together.

Marty called me about a half hour ago.

I've already contacted our lab, and they've assured me that there's no chance any D.



got into our supply chain.

Uh, funny, because our lab found levels of 4% in your mouthwash.

Well that's impossible.



Schorr, how many mountain peaks in your logo?

- Uh, five.

- Yes, this logo has six.

Well, that proves it's counterfeit.

See, we're the victims here.

Director Palin, any of your inspectors find this counterfeit on store shelves?

This is completely news to us.

Our focus now is to find, confiscate, and then find the counterfeits.

We track backwards to the source, and forward to the point of sale.

We'll get this off the street.

And then, of course, you'll issue a recall.

You've done good work here.

But the ball is in our wheelhouse.

We'll take it from here, thanks.

Any news about the boys Call immediately.

Schorr, Palin those boys seemed chummy.


Leslie seemed like the odd man out.

Like she's worried that more kids may die.

Points well taken, detectives.

Desean Colt.

He didn't make it.

Two boys dead.

Find out how the mouthwash ended up in Goldman's clinic.

I got it from a jobber.

Haven't seen him since.

He come back, I call.

- I didn't know it was bad.

- Really?

We, uh, found this letter from Dr.

Goldman thanking you for your generous donation.

Ten boxes of SnoMint.

I paid top dollar for it.

And then Jim come and says I can't sell any of it.

He said that they were counterfeit.

Took all of my boxes.

Then I found ten boxes in the basement.

And you couldn't sell them, so you donated them for the tax deduction.

So this Jim, did he say who he works for?


Jim in Harlem must be Jim Kettle.

He's one of my best field inspectors.

Jim's sort of a lone wolf.

We're gonna need to talk to him.

I'll beam you his info.

I've been paging him all morning.

Does he have an office here?

Uh a cubicle, but he carries his active files with him in a portable case.

Leslie, the response team is meeting.

She's on her way, Mr.


If I hear from Jim, I'll call you.

Kettle's not answering, and his mailbox is full.

Jim Kettle, NYPD! Wanna bet Jim Kettle wasn't the only one who knew about the tainted mouthwash?

The blood from these cuts is superficial.

Why did he fall?

There's nothing to trip on.

An inhaler.

We got an air filter here.

Looks like Jim Kettle was asthmatic.

So he had an attack, and he fell.

If someone k*lled Jim Kettle to silence him, why leave his files?

I guess it depends on which files they left, right?

He got a lot of books here.

There's no TV, there's no stereo.

This guy's a reader.

An autodidact.

Happy birthday, dad.

Jim's divorced.

I guess his books keep him company.

You know, he has these arranged by the Dewey decimal system.

I guess he finds peace here in this chair.

I got another inhaler.

It's a different brand.

Status asthmaticus.

An unstoppable asthma attack.

The facial cuts were ugly, but they didn't k*ll him.

And his inhaler didn't help?

Well, first, it wasn't his prescription.

Next, the tox screen showed no meds on board.

It turned out the trigger mechanism was defective.

- Tampered with.

- No.

So I checked with the FDA and Schorr labs, there was no recall.

Schorr labs, who also make SnoMint.

So how hard would it be to trigger an asthma attack?

Ah, easy.

Jim Kettle was allergic to cigarettes, dust, mold, pet dander, car exhaust, and cleaning fluids.

The guy was allergic to New York.

So we went through Jim Kettle's files.

We found dupes of all the confiscation receipts he'd written in numerical order.

One missing from the day he confiscated the SnoMint.

You're implying someone k*lled him as part of a cover-up.

Jim thought he was better than everyone else.

No one at the health department likes a stick in the mud.

The health department.

He inspected restaurants?

That's a job with perks.

Free dinners, champagne.

Just for cutting restaurants some slack.

But Jim wouldn't.

It made his coworkers look bad?

These cats, you know stuffed cats.

Your daughter She doesn't have a real cat?

Jim's allergies.

After we got divorced, she could finally get a cat.

But when she'd go to visit Jim, he'd have an asthma attack.

Even though we used a lint roller.

Did you know about his asthma?


You couldn't smoke around him or wear perfume.

Poor guy drove everybody crazy with his allergies.

You gave me your card.



When Palin said he didn't know about the mouthwash, it wasn't true.

Jim Kettle told him?

Jim wrote a memo to Palin, cc'd me.

It wasn't in his files?

Then here.

My copy.

- I'm trusting you.

- I know.

Tragic news from Scarsdale where the SnoMint scandal has snowballed.

Four fifth-graders have been admitted to West Chester Grace Hospital after being sickened by the tainted product.

It's over.

We have to do a recall.

A recall?


There's nothing wrong with SnoMint.

You don't get it, do you?

What good is having a friend at the FDA if the friend is a complete idiot?

Bing, I have done everything I could think of.

Well, Marty, that's the problem.

Call my PR team.

Draft a joint press statement.

Just do this.

Kettle's windows were sealed.

He ran air filters 24/7, and no sign of a pet in his apartment.

But his attack was triggered by cat dander.

How'd it get there?

Maybe it was brought by the same person who gave him the counterfeit inhaler.


Not defective?

Turns out both.

The lab missed it on the first pass.

And get this, there were no warnings issued by the FDA.

Possible they didn't know about it?

Yeah, sure, like they didn't know about the SnoMint.

Kettle wrote a memo to Palin and Leslie ten days before his m*rder.

"Haven't heard back about counterfeit SnoMint.

"Very worried it might contain D.



Request matter be given urgent priority.

" A smoking g*n.

You found this in Kettle's files.

No, Leslie Lezard.

She slipped me her copy.

Well, talk to Palin and see if he remembers Jim Kettle's memo.

Guess what.

Those Scarsdale kids are going to be okay.

And Schorr labs is doing a recall.

The counterfeits will be swept up too.

It's all good.

Not for Jim Kettle.

He'd be alive if he didn't reach for an inhaler that didn't work.

Another Schorr knockoff.


We confiscated those a year ago.

That's funny.

There's no record of that.


Cause that time we could find the point of sale, pull the product, trace the factory, and shut it down without worrying the public.


"Thanks, team.

Take a breather.

Job well done, Marty.

" You had a defective inhaler mounted.

I gave them out for team spirit.

Our system worked.

I guess that's what you were hoping with the SnoMint.

And in order to protect Schorr again you were willing to sit on this memo.

- I never saw this.

- You sure?

Then we can check your files.

Stacey, please come in here.

Happy to cooperate and be cooperative.

Please uh help the detective access my files.


So you got nothing to hide.

You're a man with nothing to hide.

Well, then, I'll be straight with you.


Someone m*rder*d Jim Kettle and engaged in a cover-up.

How much pressure has Bing Schorr put you under?

- Bing?

- Mm-hmm.

We've been buds since college.

- Oh, so you can vouch for him.

- Absolutely.


Where were you Tuesday night?

- Seriously?

- Yeah.

In my apartment.

I see you have a ring.

Your wife can confirm?

My family stayed in Bethesda for the schools.

Did you get yourself a cat to You know, keep yourself company?

My kids gave me whiskers so I wouldn't be alone.


Palin, she wants your shredder.


Nice idea to meet on the water.

I saw you talking with Marty.

You don't think he k*lled Jim Kettle?

I'm not sure that Marty would do that to protect the agency's rep.

It's not the agency.

Is it Bing Schorr?

They're old friends?

Bing got Marty tapped for skull and bones.

That's a big deal in our world at Yale.

Then he got Marty his first job, trade association lobbyist.

So he went from lobbyist to agency watchdog?

More like Bing's watchdog.

So Kettle's memo Palin showed a privileged FDA document to his old pal?

A piece of paper is not privileged.

Marty and Bing, they're the ones who are privileged.

Toby's sister.

What happened?

Since her mom went into Bellevue, her grandmother was watching her.

Apparently not closely enough.

She found Toby's stash of SnoMint and drank it.

Grandmother didn't notice she was sick until it was too late.

I'm sorry about the poor little girl, but you've gotten the wrong man here.


And you had nothing to do with Jim Kettle's death either.

Even though the pet dander from your lint brush matches the pet dander that k*lled him.

We worked in the same office.

CSU pieced together one of Kettle's memos from your shredder.

I never saw that memo.

But Leslie had summarized it for me.

So you knew about the counterfeit SnoMint before we did, and you didn't have it tested.

Look, they use D.



in the mouthwash in China.

No one ever gets hurt from it.

When did you tell Bing about Kettle?

Before we met with you here.

Yeah, and that night Kettle ended up dead.

Bing used your position to protect Schorr labs.

Jim Kettle was trying to protect the public.

Heck of a job, Marty.

His cat's DNA may be all over the crime scene, but Palin lacks the imagination to do this on his own.


Schorr pulls his strings.

But good luck getting past his lawyers.

Well, maybe Shorr has a mole.


Lately, Mr.

Palin calls Mr.

Schorr five times a day.

I dial for him.

Ever see anyone go into his office when he's not there?

Oh, like when Leslie forgets things?


What do you mean?

A month ago, Leslie left her PDA in his office.

I ducked in.

She was looking at her salary charts.

The next day she asked for a raise.

Did she forget anything lately?

Um last Tuesday night, the crisis response meeting in Mr.

Palin's office.

Leslie came back for her gym bag.

- Did you see her take anything?

- She doesn't take.

She just makes sure she gets what she's due.

Like with the car vouchers.

Agency rules.

When the bosses stay past 9:00, they can take a car service home.

Leslie does email till 9:01 every night to get a free ride.

You sure that she doesn't work late?

I mean some people like to spread rumors about whistle-blowers.


Try suck-up.

Leslie turns it on for the higher-ups.

- Are she and Mr.

Schorr friendly?

- She tries.

When she's with him, she'll wear one of her sexy power suits, the red one.

She wears red when she wants something.

Anything link Leslie to Schorr?

They couldn't have less in common.

Schorr inherited a small family business, built it into a fortune 500 company, and Leslie's self-made.

Maybe self-invented.

Her resume says that she graduated from Yale in 1997, but Yale has no record of her.

And she also claims to be a marathoner, but I checked and she never finished a race.

Okay, so she's a career fabulist.

What turns her into a k*ller?

Well, her career arc is tied to Palin.

You know, he moves up, she moves up with him.

Only this guy, he's not a leader.

She knows that.

I think that That this scandal, I think it's an opportunity that she's been waiting for.

It could be.

Except Schorr.

His company means everything to him.

If he thought Kettle could destroy Schorr labs, who knows what he'd do.

Schorr labs?

We protected ourselves.

Business schools will study how we responded to this crisis.

Well, they won't study this part.

Palin told us that you had no idea that D.



counterfeits were out there.


The thing is, Kettle knew about the counterfeits two weeks before Toby died.

Two weeks?

You've never seen this?

You kept this from me?

I'm sorry, Mr.

Schorr, but we did discuss it.

All right.

Marty briefed me on the way to one P.


I was furious he withheld it, but the kid was already dead.

There was nothing to do.

Except k*ll Jim Kettle.

You don't like successful people, do you?

- Who does?

- And you don't understand them.

I wouldn't k*ll Jim Kettle.

I would have put him in charge of quality control.

You weren't worried Jim Kettle would go public?

No, I wasn't.

Leslie told me she had spoken with him.

He was a team player.

It Jim Kettle would have never played ball.

He was a man of integrity.

When did you decide?

Excuse me?

When did you decide?

You know, that the SnoMint, and Toby Borden's death, that it You know, it wasn't a crisis.

That it was, you know, your moment.

How can you think this?

I gave you the memo, and I'm the whistle-blower.

You You did what?

You wanna know why you'll always be a number two?

Marty may have gone too far, but he gets loyalty.

You don't.



I carried that idiot's water for seven years.

She did, she you did, didn't you?

Marty can hardly speak english, right?

And you'd sutured yourself to him.

And somewhere along the line you decided that he was dead weight.

And that, um that this office, that you deserved it, not him.

Yeah, your marathon picture here.

Did you see this?

It's she says "under four hours.

" And that's an official Yale hat you have.

You get this on the street?

I got it at the reunion.

No, see, we checked.

You never matriculated.

Got your power jacket here.


No, wait.

This is not your jacket.

It's full of cat hair.

It's Marty's jacket.

It's got cat fur.

It does match the pants he wore.

The meeting was too important.

I mean, you didn't want him to go to a meeting with all this All this cat fur.

So you thought you'd convince him it was a better idea to keep it here.

He needed to be mommied, okay?

Yeah, like Jim Kettle?

Did he need to be mommied?

Is that why you went to him after the meeting broke up?

I went home.

It it was late.

Did you?

Stacey, could you come in here for a sec, please?

Why are you asking her?

She doesn't know anything.

She's a G2.

Could you put those expense vouchers up on the screen, please?

- There you go.

- Thank you, Stacey.

So Leslie, most nights you work late.

You take a car service home.


That's agency policy.

Then why didn't you take a car service home after the crisis meeting?

It was I took a cab.

It was easier.

Well, that's strange, because that's the only night this month that you did.

You didn't take the car 'cause you didn't go home.

You went to Jim's.

No, it it was Marty.

Come on, you said it yourself.

Marty he's an idiot.

The guy would never, ever think of k*lling Jim Kettle with cat dander.

How would that k*ll him?

Jim carries an inhaler.

Well, what a nice gift to give his whole team.

We did our job well.

We covered Mr.

Schorr's ass.


And you got all the defective counterfeit inhalers off the shelves and protected the public and Schorr labs.

You know, Marty, he used the defective inhalers in the keepsake.

This one works.

You took the defective inhaler and you brought it to Jim's.

And you triggered his attack, and you gave him an inhaler that you knew would not work.

Triggered the attack?

You you're saying Kettle was allergic to me?

No, not to you.

To the jacket.

You wore it in his apartment.

And your DNA must be all over it.

Those kids were stupid.

It was mouthwash, for god's sake.

You swoosh and spit.

Nobody could have anticipated that they would drink it.

Those kids were stupid.

Toby Borden is dead.

His little sister Lissa, she's dead.

Desean Colt, too.

Jim Kettle anticipated it.

He told you that people could die.

And you saw it as a career opportunity.

You k*lled Jim and you set up Marty.

And you positioned yourself as the whistle-blower.

Leslie Lezard, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Jim Kettle.

Good research.

I researched you too.

You think you're brilliant.

You will never make senior partner.

- You could be right.

- And you'll never make captain either.

You'll be tainted by him.

He's insubordinate, unstable.

How long before he loses it and takes you down with him?

You worry about what she said, that your career is tainted by me?

- I used to.

- And now?

It's too late.