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07x02 - Seeds

Posted: 01/23/23 17:59
by bunniefuu
(Male announcer) in new york city's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

Who the hell does he think he is, god?

Look, I know how you feel, but you need to calm down.

Calm down?

This is my son.

Is everything all right you're the guy I want to talk to.

No, I'm not talking about it.

It's done.

And it doesn't matter what I think?


I run the business.

You're my little brother, and I love you, but stick to what you do best delivering babies.

It's happening.

Call dr.


Is this your first?


She's having contractions.

Have a seat.

I need you to fill these out.

And I need your insurance card.

Jason, where the hell have you been?

I called, mom.

Where the hell have you been?

I'm sure he's on his way.

And when he arrives, I have a very nice table waiting for the two of you.



Sorry I'm so late.

I got called in to the hospital, emergency c-section, triplets.


! Thank god they all made it.

You look fantastic.

I'll show you to your table, dr.


All right already, I'm here.

Where's dr.


I think it's time.

Ooh, this baby is coming.

Get that son of a bitch here now! [Panting]

[Cell phone rings]

Shouldn't you take that?


My brother's on call.

Where were we?


(Falacci) the wig's in the closet.

Put my lipstick on and you're good.

Gotta go.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

What do we got?

Relax, falacci.

I just got here myself.

I know it's your day off, but it is what it is.

Trust me, I'll take a crime scene over playing a clown at the neighbor's kid's birthday party any day.



Zach rush, 42.


That blood trail leads right into the exam room where he's trussed up on the table.

That's the primary crime scene.

(Logan) who found him?

(Hassan) his brother eli.

They share the practice.

He called 911 around 3:00 a.


He's around the corner at zach's apartment comforting the wife.

Get him back here.

It's bleach.

Just on these blood droplets.

k*ller's trying to cover his own dna.

Might have cut himself on this.

Photo cube.

Turned into a m*rder w*apon.

Blunt trauma.

Bits of glass in the face and scalp.

Lacerations around the mouth.

What's that doing on the floor?

Let's bag this.

Pretty advanced rigor.

Stiff but not rigid.

Puts the time of death at somewhere between homicide investigator's masters class.

I'll have to check that out some day.

Hey, there's something off here.

Look at his belt.

It's out of half the loops.

Victim's brother's here.

I saw zach around 7:00 last night before I went on a date.

He was on call.

So what were you doing back here at 3:00 a.



Zach wasn't answering his cell.

The hospital called me for a delivery.

After I finished, I still couldn't get through to zach.

So I came to the office.

And you found zach on the exam table?

It was horrible finding him like that.

Is that why you pulled his pants up?

I'm a medical professional.

I shoulda known better.

But he was my brother, and I panicked.

I understand.

What else did you do?

There was an instrument lodged in his mouth when I found him.

The speculum.

I took it out, and tried to give him mouth to mouth.

There must have been glass on his face.

I cut myself.

Well, we're gonna need a sample of your blood.

So we can see which dna is which.

Of course.

Uh, doc, one more thing.

Does your office perform abortions?


From the body's staging, looks like someone might have been trying to send a message.

My brother did terminations.

Not me.

Well, we're gonna have to look at that angle.

Who handles your appointment records?

Helen combs, our office manager.

Are you sure it wasn't a robbery?

Miss combs, the drug cabinets were locked, and his script pads were still in his desk.

It makes no sense.

Who would do this to him?

We understand that he performed abortions.

Just for his regular patients.

We were under the radar of fanatics.

Still a very sensitive issue.

Do you recall any boyfriends, husbands, who were particularly upset?


These beautiful babies.

His patients loved dr.


Well, what about employees?

I mean, sometimes when you do your job right, people still don't like you.

Well, there's me, the girls, and tom.

Oh, both the brothers were upset with him.

Tom who?

Tom pittino, our genetics counselor.

Comes in once a week.

Something was going on with one of his clients yesterday.

I council patients about their options.

These are tough decisions.

"Their options"?

You mean "abortion," don't you?

Sometimes there are no easy answers.

People get emotional.

Do they get emotional?

Or do they get angry?

And we heard you had a problem with dr.

Rush's yesterday.

You wanna tell us what that was about?

Not me.

A client was upset with zach.

Keep going.

Who was the patient?

You know I can't tell you that.


We'll get a court order.

Jason, is that vodka?

You would know.




You might not remember me.

Of course, um tom, you're the new counselor.

Your husband was a good man.

Thank you.

Paula, your mother's leaving.

Excuse me.

He's a strange guy.

How are you holding up?

Get me another.

And keep an eye on jason.

And stay out of my way.


Could you get your dog to heel?

He's making my partner nervous.

Flynn, heel.



Good girl.

I'm the patient with a record.

So I lose my right to confidentiality.

Well, you, uh you did sic your dogs on a teenager.

He was 19.

He was making it with my 14-year-old.

What would you do?

Your fight with dr.

Rush, you wanna tell us about that?

The man talked my wife into having an abortion.

And you think abortion is m*rder?

No, that's not it.

My wife was carrying a boy with spina bifida.


But I wanted the baby anyway.

They didn't consult you?

No, the bastard just k*lled my boy.

I got three daughters.

He was gonna be my son.

Where were you monday night?

In the park training my dogs.

Anybody see you?

They're not always the most social animals in the world.

So that would be a "no"?

We're not talking, but my wife, she saw me leave the house.

She saw me go home.


That's a beautiful dog.

Yes, she is.

I agonized over the decision.

George wanted a son, but he had no idea what it would do to our family.

How did george take it?


Uh, he he's still furious.

Every night, I come home.

George goes out.

Just paces with the dogs.

Was he pacing monday night?

Till 1:00.

I watched by the kitchen window, hoping that you don't think george we know he had a problem with rush.

George yelled a lot, but I'm who he was mad at.

I called dr.

Rush to apologize.

He's very understanding.

Said he's been through a lot.

Especially with his son.

What about his son?


It's just not easy.




I've called three times for the dna results.

I mean, I thought major case had pull.

Rogers tells me it was five calls, not three.

And she explained the lab needed time because the crime scene was contaminated by a blood relative.

So you always make excuses for the people you work with?

Detective, it's okay to have the thought.

You don't always have to say it.

Moving on about rush's son jason impulse control issues.

He was expelled once for cheating, once for bullying.

Appreciate that.

That was an old drinking buddy of mine down at the two-one.

Says they got called to the rushes' apartment about six months ago on a domestic dispute.

Apparently, the father and son were going at it during a passover seder.

Guess we know who didn't find the afikomen.

It's like an easter egg hunt with a matzo.

Anyway, pay a call.

See if the boy and his father ever buried the hatchet.

Logan, you got a sec?

How are things working out with you two?


Falacci's not really a people person.


But she's a closer.

Besides, I wanna take a shot at being the diplomat for once.

What was that all about?


Did he say I'm not a people person?

I'd let it go.

Jason revered his father.

He's straightening up.

In fact, he's going to appleton this fall.

Hate to tell you, but we just locked up one of their finest for m*rder last year.

Hear that, mom?

That's where you're sending me to straighten up.


That's funny, your mom said you weren't home.

So, um, where were you the night your father was m*rder*d?

Chillin' with friends by the bandshell.

(Logan) well, we're gonna want to talk to them.

Good luck, they were getting tweaked on vicodin and coke.

And what were you, a chaperone?

I was wasted.


Rush) jason.

At least I'm being honest about it.

Hey, I'm all about peace.

Well, if you're so peaceful, why did you thr*aten your father on passover?

Stand up.

Stand up.

Let me see your hands.

Where'd you get these nicks?

Cutting coke.

Anything else you wanna see, fire crotch?

That's it, I'm taking this little prick in.

No need, logan.

We got his dna right here.

You can't take that.

Well, it's either him or the shirt.

Your choice.

If the lab ever gets back to us, we might have a match.

I mean, this kid's three stages from sociopath.

If you say so.

For now, he admits to being in the park with his friends doing dr*gs.

What, you think that's an alibi?

How 'bout a habit?


So if he was in his dad's office, why leave the dr*gs and prescription pads?

I was more interested when he said, "at least I was being honest.

" He was looking at his mother right in the eye when he said that.

So he could just be acting like a teenager.

Or she could be hiding something.

Falacci, does that mean that you just agreed with me?


It's my turn to drive.

Oh, come on, logan.

I wanna get there.

Nice catch.


Well, jason was right about one thing.

He was being more honest than his mother.

What have you got?

Paula rush signed up for a family plan with one cell phone carrier last year.

But then she set up an indmdual plan just for herself with a different carrier.

She only calls one number on that line.

A no-name cell.

(Falacci) one other possible tell she's up to something.

Here's her credit card statement.

She joined a new gym last year.

Two sessions a week with a personal trainer.

I already told you, my son had nothing to do with zach's m*rder.

(Logan) his friends confirmed he was partying in the park.

So what time did he get home?



You seem very sure about that.

We came home within minutes of each other.

I had just come back from the gym.

I was with my trainer, ted.

Oh, we can call the gym, find out if you were there.

What are you people saying?

I was devoted to my husband.

Well, uh, if you were so devoted, why do you have a private cell phone?

Excuse me?

So you just have the one number?

[Cell phone rings]

The one I just dialed you on.

[Cell phone rings]

That's right.

We must have made a mistake.

[Second cell phone rings]

You want to answer that?

[Second cell phone rings]

So paula, you wanna save your son, right?

Well, you can start by being honest with us.

Who were you having the affair with?

I was having a close relationship with someone.

But I don't think I'm sure he has nothing to do with this.

We don't care what you think.

Who is he?

My brother-in-law, eli.

And your husband knew about this affair?


In fact, it was over.

Over when?

Monday night.

I met eli for drinks, and I broke it off.

For my son's sake.

He suspected something, and he was starting to act out.

Looking for me?

You okay?

They called.

I thought fine.

Just needed an oil change.

Yes, I was sleeping with paula.

And if I heard that about anyone else, I'd be appalled.

But like the man said, the heart wants what it wants.

You can just have the thought, doctor.

Did your brother know about the affair?

No, I'd never hurt him like that.

Neither of us wanted this to happen.

We drew close because paula was having a problem with jason.

Zach couldn't handle him.

And you could?

Do you have children?

No, I can't actually.

It's the sadness of my life.

But at least I'm able to bring that joy to other people.

Let's get back to your time line.

Time line?

Yeah, the night your brother was getting his head bashed in.

You went for that drink with his wife at 7:30 until and no, I didn't go back to the office until 3:00 a.


So it's just a coincidence that an hour after his wife dumps you, your brother ends up dead?

Dumped me?

I broke it off with paula.


Any reason?

Yeah, kiki.

That's who I spent the rest of the evening with.

And the restaurant can confirm that.

Kiki doesn't need to know about paula.

I thought he was standing me up.

He was so late.

What time did he finally get there, kiki?

Close to 9:30.

I was like, phh.

They almost gave our table away.

Did he say where he had been?

Yeah, at the hospital, delivering triplets.

So did he seem a little upset or tense to you?


We talked about work.

You mean he talked about his work.

Yes, he loves it.

The joy that he brings to families.

Did he say anything to you about the sadness of his life?

How he can't have children?

How did you know that?

He's a dog.

It doesn't mean he's a k*ller.

Eli left paula at 8:15.

He kept kiki waiting until 9:30.

That hour would be when he was delivering the triplets.

Not according to the hospital.

No triplets delivered the whole week.

Well, maybe it was simple as him trying to impress his date.

The bar where he met paula was right by his office.

So an hour to k*ll his brother, truss him up, and then to get through his dinner.

If he's moving fast, sure.

What's your theory?

His brother confronted him about the affair, they argued, eli k*lled him?

Well, zach rush was k*lled using a cube full of family photos.

Interesting metaphor.

Was it a metaphor or a symbol, falacci?

Guess I'd have to take your homicide investigation course to find out.

The lab sorted it out.

There was blood from three separate indmduals at the rush crime scene.

So what was the holdup?

The holdup, falacci, is that it's a complicated case, and the lab wanted to get it right.

All right, the first sample is from your victim, zach rush.

The second sample from the exam room.

It matches the dna you were given by the victim's brother, eli rush.

Yeah, well, there's no surprise there either.

He made a point of telling us that he contaminated the crime scene.

So this is complicated because?


The third sample, which was taken from the underside of the bleached carpet swatch, it's a third blood relative.

Direct relative?

Zach's son jason.

Our first guess, but we ruled him out when we ran the dna from his t-shirt.

Did zach rush have another son?

No, it's not zach rush's son.

It's the son of this man, the victim's brother.

Eli rush.

Are you sure?

He told us he couldn't have children.

Falacci, two things we know dna doesn't lie and eli rush does.

You told usyou were sterile, dr.


I am.

I have been my whole life.

That's your son's dna, doctor.

You're looking right at it.

Oh, I work with labs all the time.

They make mistakes.

This is probably my nephew jason's dna.

Yeah, jason gave me a sample of his dna.

It doesn't match this.


Does it mean anything to you that your brother's dead?

First you tell me I k*lled my brother.

Now you're telling me I have a son.

I don't know how you managed to screw this up so badly, but from now on, you can talk to my lawyer.

Why would he tell us he's sterile?

Hey, he's an ob-gyn.

He's not mistaken.

He's lying.

To protect his son because the kid's the m*rder*r?

Or to protect himself because the kid's a witness?

There's a third possibility.

Maybe eli doesn't know he has a son.

You mean, like, a one night stand, or an ex who decided to have the kid on her own?

Those were my first guesses, but the doctor's never been sued for child support.

With a practice like his, he'd be a prime target.

Then it occurred to me, a lot of med students donate to sperm banks.


Doctors and ivy leaguers, they get paid a premium.


Here's a guy who claims he's sterile.

They got a premium for blanks?

Doctor rush has an inability to tell the truth.

You need to look up some of his old med school buddies.

See if he's always had that condition.

We were roommates for two years.

But, uh, rush was a little too alpha for me.

Yeah, we get that.

He made my wife uncomfortable too.


See him around lately?


The baby he delivered becomes our patient.

But, uh, eli doesn't do a lot of follow-through.

You mentioned that he made your wife uncomfortable.

Does that mean he hit on her?

He hit on all beautiful women.

But once he got them, he was on to the next.

Or maybe they left him once they found out he was sterile?


Is he still using that line?


He came up with that in med school.

When a girl got too serious, he'd mention his condition, and they'd move on without a seed.

Smart cookie.

Did he ever get anyone pregnant?

No, he wore protection.

He was paranoid about stds.

I could go on all day about eli.

But what's this about?

We're looking for his biological son.

Good luck.

Eli hit the sperm bank twice a week back then.

He bragged about his popularity.

How do you become popular at a sperm bank?

It's anonymous.

He really thinks he's god's gift.

And his profile made him sound like it.

He claimed he was a green-eyed tennis star with perfect pitch, who played the oboe and spoke russian and greek.

You closed your eyes.

You have eidetic memory?


Also he had me write it for him.

Good, 'cause we're gonna need you to remember where that sperm bank was.

There he is.

Right down to the oboe.

Donor 305.

Gives the month and year he was born, but not the day.

Doesn't mention red hair either.

Yeah, you'd think that would be a selling point.

Logan, where's your ring?

Don't worry, my dear.

Everything is going to be fine.



We're interested in this profile, please.


Number 305.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

This should have been deleted by now.

Well, he's the one we want.

We're both musicians.

Well, I had a nice trumpet player come in today.

No, I'm russian, and he's greek.

So this one's perfect.

A lot of couples thought so.

That's why he's sold out.

We read that sometimes people buy more than they need.

Any chance you could put us in touch with anyone that's used him?

Confidentiality is the core of what we do.

Look, miss lee.

This is a m*rder investigation.

We need to be in contact with anyone who was conceived using donor 305.

Those records are closed.

We'll come back with a subpoena.

It won't make a difference.

The law's the law.



'S office says we can't get a subpoena for sperm bank records.

They've been through this a lot.

Well, rush could have hundreds of kids out there.

I mean, where do we even start?

Same place donor kids would start if they got shut down by the sperm bank.

Go online.

It's a natural instinct to want to find your parents.

There's gotta be websites, chat rooms.

Logan, you ever want to have kids?

You know when we'll be able to tell that we're partners?

When we don't have to ask each other a lot of questions.

Okay, here we go.


Com a registry for children conceived by sperm donors.

They're comparing donor profiles, searching for half-siblings.


We all made contact in different ways.

Some of us knew which sperm bank our mother used.

And what about the others?

Well, it turns out we had a lot in common.

We're all really good at languages.

Play an instrument.

Do you have any idea how many of you are out there?

At least a dozen, from all over.

We once heard from somebody who moved to nepal with his mother.

(Logan) let me ask you something, how can you really be sure that you're related?

Do you send out your dna to be compared, or some people did.

Not all.

I did.

There was this one guy who was really into that.

He wanted us to send a sample to a lab.

Who was that, ben?

Well, we never met him.

But he got in touch with us through donorsibs.

Ben thinks he might have been our father.

Who else would care that much?

He asked us all these questions about who we were and what our lives were like.

He asked a lot of medical questions.

Medical questions?

He wanted to know about our health.

Like he was a doctor.

That's why I'm sure it was our father.

His profile said he was a med student.

So this guy wanted you to send in a dna swab?

Actually, he wanted a blood sample.

He had access to a lab, and said he could process it right away.

See, he has to be our dad.

Some day he's gonna get in touch with us.

Do you have the address of that lab, ben?

So you you can't make it?

No, don't worry about it, man.

I'll have another birthday next year.

Yeah, I'm hanging in there.

So just keep doing what you need to do, and I'll keep doing what I need to do.


See ya.

All six kids from the pool hall volunteered dna.

They're all eli's kids, but none matched the unknown blood at the crime scene.

So where does that leave us?

The only leads we have at the moment are these emails.

Which these kids want to believe are from their father.

Any reason to think they are?


This guy isn't interested in anything beyond his own reflection.

To some people, that's all children are mirror image.

But younger and without the baggage.


Now, it turns out the emails aren't from eli's server anyway.

They're from a bunch of different i.



The sender kept moving around.

Speaking of addresses, we get one yet for that lab the kids were sending their dna to?


Deja vu.

Turns out we've been there already.

It's where tom pittino works.

You ran blood tests on these kids?

Yeah, I recognize a couple of the names.

Who asked you to do it?

Tom pittino.

He was doing a research project on dna profiles.

Tom pittino.

Can you go get him?

Sorry, he up and left about an hour and a half ago.

Didn't even wait for his paycheck.

Do you have any idea where he might have gone?


But if you find him, tell him there's a lot of anxious people waiting to talk to him about their dna.

Trouble is it's his dna we're interested in.

Tom pittino spent how many years in a quest for his sperm donor father?

At least the last six.

Here's tom's freshman college i.


Here's his i.


For his first job at an ancestry website.

He had access to their database.

He used that to start narrowing the field.

And next stop, hudson school of medicine alumni office.


Rush's alma mater.

How did he figure that one out?

His siblings knew their mother's cryobank.

Hudson was one of the two medical schools in the neighborhood.

Last year, tom gets his current job at metropolitan genetics.

By now, he'd zeroed in on a handful of potential donors.

We figure he probably stalked them to get their dna off a piece of gum, maybe a coffee cup.

Once he ided rush as his genetic father, he had himself assigned to rush as a counselor.

Say pittino did finally track down his biological father.

How does his biological uncle end up dead?

That's what we wanna know too.

We have teams staking out metropolitan genetics and his apartment.

How 'bout his mother's apartment?

His mother died in '99 of leukemia.

His father last appears on his freshman financial aid form.

John lucas.

He runs a construction outfit.

This kid was able to track down his anonymous donor father.

You ought to be able to track down lucas.

Tom grew up thinking I was his real father.

I didn't tell him the truth till he hit me up for college money.

Why wait so long?

His mother didn't want him and his brother to know they were baster babies.

Baster babies?

You raised them as your own.

Yeah, but tom and I never bonded.

I think he was relieved to find out he wasn't mine.

I take it you two have not been in touch.

No, last time he called was about three years ago.

Another favor.

This time he says his little brother's sick.

He needs medical information about their genetic father.

I told him what little I remembered.

And that's all the help you gave him?

Hey, I got two of my own to worry about now.

They fixed the problem with my delivery pipeline.

All right, so you haven't talked to tom since?


Hey, what about the younger brother?


Great kid.

I was sorry to hear he was sick.

Last time I heard he was in a hospital in queens.

I sent him a card.

Sensitive guy.

Wiskott aldrich syndrome.

It's okay if you don't mind low platelet counts and a leaky immune system.

I'm dealing.

Has your brother tom told you what he's been up to in his lab?

I know he's working with a lot of doctors.

Trying to get me better.

Where is tom?

One of those doctors has been trying to get in touch with him.

I never know where he is.

He's listed here as your next of kin.

Small family.

Listen, I'm getting kinda tired.

Could you guys close the door on your way out?

Detectives, please, he's wiped out.

Yeah, sure.

Nurse, how sick is he?

Without a bone marrow transplant, maybe three months to live.

It's a shame his brother isn't a match.

A courier brought this.

And those detectives are still in the waiting room.

They're not leaving.

I'm not talking to them.

Give them my lawyer's number.

They seem pretty persistent.

Get rid of them, helen.

Yes, dr.


You want the sample brought into the other room?

Don't worry about it.

I'll take care of it.

I'm sorry, the doctor must have gone out the back.

He was due in surgery.

Here's his attorney's number.

You want this?

Logan, you notice anything unusual about the way these babies look?

Don't all babies look the same, falacci?

There were 300 people in my high school graduating class, maybe nine other redheads.

I count that many in just 65 pictures here on this wall.

Eli rush impregnated dozens of patients with his own sperm.


He's a raging egomaniac with a god complex.


And tom pittino?

We think tom took the job so that he could bond with eli.

In order to get eli to donate bone marrow.

While tom's working there, he starts to notice that a lot of the babies born into the practice share eli's dna profile.

And did he try to use this as leverage?

Well, if he did it didn't work.

Ralph's still sick.

And eli, he couldn't care less.

So eli turned tom down.

And somehow zach rush turned up dead?

Well, here's what we're thinking.

Tom visits uncle zach, right?

So he outs eli, hoping that zach's gonna help.

Zach confronts eli.

Eli's a total narcissist.

He'd k*ll his own brother to save his reputation.

Tom's still a.







We're gonna need him to shake eli.

Call ralph, tell him his brother's in trouble, have him set up a family reunion.


Got it.

Dad, you've never even seen me.

Don't you have anything you want to say?

You said your brother wanted to talk to me or he was going to the police.

Now where is he?

Can I at least have a glass of water?

Hey, ralph.


It's about time you got here.

What the hell is he doing here?

Wasn't this your idea?

Actually, it was ours, doc.

So I take it you've met your two sons.

All right.

Yes, I was a donor.

And tom stalked me with the misguided notion that I'd be a father to him.

[Cell phone beeps]

You have my lawyer's phone number, detectives.

Excuse me.

I have a baby to deliver.

A baby.


Another son or this time a daughter?

(Rush) I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, well, see that's why we thought this reunion might be helpful.

But if you have to go, I'm sure tom could probably give us a lot of the answers we need.

I don't follow either, detectives.

Hey, eli.

We're on to your whole johnny appleseed routine, okay?

Yeah, how many gingers do you have out there anyway?


Maybe a thousand?

Whatever he told you, he's lying.

Well, if he's lying it must be genetic.

Not only were you having an affair with your brother's wife.

You also inseminated his patients.

He confronted you.

You k*lled him.

That's why your blood was at the crime scene.

No, you tell them the truth, tom.

He was angry.

Because I wouldn't let them dig out my bone marrow for a stranger.

Then he tried to blackmail me with a bunch of phony lab results.

I had to throw him out of my office.

And once everybody was gone, he came back for zach.

After my brother's funeral, he said if I'd keep his secret, he'd keep mine.

Say something already.

Okay, uh, tom.

Where were you when zach was k*lled?

He was here.

With me, visiting.

Go back inside, ralph.

(Logan) now see, here's the thing, tom.

We can arrest eli for m*rder, but is that what you really want?

Is that why you spent the last three years hunting him down?

Yeah, when people need something from each other, there's usually a way of working things out.

(Rush) what is that supposed to mean?

It means your son ralph needs a bone marrow transplant.

He is not my son.


You marrow is the only perfect match I found.

Forget him, tom.

If he donates, I'll talk.

Are you all blackmailing me?

What's it gonna be, eli?

You gonna do the right thing?

Or are we gonna arrest you for m*rder?

I don't owe them anything.

I gave them life.

(Falacci) doctor, this is your son.

Look at him.

I am not doing this in front of him.

Ralph, let me handle this.

This disease, he got it from his mother.

But you could save him.

Do you know how much a bone marrow surgery hurts?

I've never been good with pain.

One thing ralph didn't get from you.


Just give me the donation papers.

Let's get this over with.

You tell them what they wanna know.

I don't trust you.

So what if you sign?

Tom, anything you tell us is off the record.

Eli is liable for m*rder until ralph gets the bone marrow.

I used to just wonder where I came from.

I knew our father wasn't really our father.

Then he abandoned us after mom died.

So you started your hunt?

It was just a fantasy until ralph got sick.

I thought if I found my dad and he was a match, he couldn't turn us down.

His profile said he was gonna be a doctor.

What do you want?

If I gave something to every kid with my dna, there'd be nothing left of me.

(Logan) all right, hold on.

Tom, this is the part of the equation I don't get.

Why k*ll zach?

Was he a match?


I'd already checked.

But after eli turned me down, I went to zach and I begged him to talk to his brother.

He said that he had been cleaning up your messes his whole life and he couldn't get involved.

We started to argue and he said that if I was looking for you to be a father, that I should forget it.

That I would never be a part of your family.

I snapped.

I didn't realize I'd grabbed the cube until I saw it in my hand.


Crime of passion.

Covered up the crime scene, huh?

He was he was bleeding pretty badly.

I panicked.

So you dragged the body to the exam room.

You tied him up on the table, and tried to make it look like a political statement?



Zach was dead.

I ran out of there.

I went home and I cried.

I finally found what I'd been looking for.

And it broke my heart.

Oh, you can't believe him.

He's a k*ller.

But you had too much to hide.

The bleach on the blood stain.

You didn't want us to find out you had a son.


You trussed up your own brother?

He was dead.

I checked.

So what if I restaged the scene?

Tom's your m*rder*r.

Arrest him.

All right, just so you know, everything is still off the record.

Deal's a deal.

Right, tom?

You have my word.

You're not gonna make me do this.

Well, we can't make you do it.

But eli, what can you do?

It's family.