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06x17 - Players

Posted: 01/23/23 17:53
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Good morning, New York city.

This is Mack the morning man.

It's 7 A.


all the way live here from WBID.

I'd like to send a shout out to my man Apokalypto who is up for sentencing today.

About time.

Jacob! Turn that noise down.

Not noise.

You should listen to it.


Let's go.

NEW YORK SUPREME COURT 66I4 I'll see you downtown later today, correct?


Surprise me, concentrate.

- Jacob, what's goin' on?

- Wanna play?

- How you doin' man?

- Alright.

- Hey.

- Hey, babe.

So, listen man.

- Tonight at your house right?

- Yup, my daddy's out of town.

Completely out of town.

IN GOD WE TRUST Docket ending 094682.

People vs.

Calvin Liscomb.

Judge Nicholas Fenner presiding.

I'm now ready to pronounce sentence.


Liscomb, you could have used your talent to help the community.

But you chose not to.

I sentence you to 5 to 15 years.


Hell, no, man.

- One more.

- Are you crazy, Judge?

Don't worry about it, Lips.

We got your back.

I hope those who look up to you will realize that if you wave a g*n around, it doesn't matter how many gold records you have.

Clear the courtroom, we're done.

You think this done, Judge?

It ain't done! It ain't done! SUPREME COURT 66I4 Law & Order CI Nicholas Fenner Jr.

They shot a judge's son in front of the courthouse.

No, I think they dumped him.

He bled out somewhere else.

Anybody reached judge Fenner yet?

He's away for the weekend, a legal conference in Chicago.

That's a call no father wants to get.

Get the security camera videos, see if we can ID the vehicle they used.

Ace of hearts.

It's pretty old school.

It's like when some of our soldiers would mark their k*ll in Vietnam.

Or red, code for the bloods?

Sending a message.

After you see the ME, find out if judge Fenner was working a g*ng related case.

No dr*gs.

Few drinks in him, but nothing record breaking for a Saturday night.

Hard to believe he was 21.

He wasn't even shaving yet.


Shot right below the ear.

Maybe execution style.

No stippling, so not close range.

And no ligature, so he wasn't tied up.

But, I found synthetic fibers in the wound.


Like someone put a hood over his head before they shot him, maybe.

b*llet's intact.

Through the scull, out the back of the head, stuck in the scalp.

It happens.

He's supposed be in college in Maryland.

Has he ever been in any trouble?

Sure, a little after his mother died, but nothing that would lead to this.

This is judge Fenner.

Wheeler, you remember Thomas Grady, his friend, former head of the US Attorney's office.

I'm just here as a friend.

The boy's my godson.

That's not Nicholas.

That's my youngest, Jacob.

He was so young.

I drove Jacob home from court, Friday.

Then Thomas picked me up, and we drove to JFK.

That was the last time.

I don't remember if I told him I loved him.

Do you know where your car is now, judge?

Where I left it.

In front of my house.

It might not be there any more.

Is this your SUV?

Come on.

Judge, we found this lying on Jacob's chest.

It's an old design.

We're trying to trace it.

Does it have any meaning to you?


You mentioned you drove Jacob home from work.

Why was he there?

I was giving a heavy sentence to one of these rappers he listens to.

A Mr.

Calvin Liscomb A.




You get any static for that?

Yeah, Mr.

Liscomb warned me it wasn't over, his friends yelled.

I didn't take it seriously.

Any of them see you with Jacob?

They might have.

Do you know where Jacob was last night?

He went to the movies with my son Riordan and a couple of friends.

I talked to him earlier in the evening on the phone.

Everything was fine.

Yeah, we're gonna wanna have a word with them.

You know where they are?

He and his friends are up at Hunter, skiing I tried to call'em.

But the cell phones don't work that well up there.

They'll be back at school tomorrow.

THE APPLETON SCHOOL Sorry you had to miss one of the sessions with your grief counselor.

That's alright.

You guys might actually do something useful.


Your father says that all of you were at the movies Saturday.

What did you see?


I don't think that's playing any more, Colin.

Wanna try again?

Alright, we might've had a party at Jacob's house.

You don't have to tell my parents, do you?

Did it get out of control?

No, it kinda broke up early.

Jacob was in a weird mood.

Why do you think that was, Daphne?

We had a misunderstanding.

He walked in on Riordan and me.

We were just talking, but he might have gotten a wrong idea.


Were the two of you going out?

In his mind, they were.

I mean, Jacob had a kind of overactive imagination.

- How about a temper?

- Not usually.

He sort of went off and I tried to get him to chill.

But he just kicked us all out, got in the car and drove off.

He got in the car, huh?

Whose car?

Jacob's dad's.

He only had a learner's permit.

But he liked to take it into Manhattan on weekends when his dad went out of town.

He had his old brother's ID on him.

Any idea where he was going with it?

There's a club in the West 20th.

Not Spire?


You know him?

No, who is it?

It's the judge's son who was k*lled this weekend.

You're not blaming me for this.

I don't serve underage.

Ask your task force.

They're in here every night.

Relax, Flaherty.

He had a good ID.

It was his older brother's.

Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm looking.

I've seen him here a few times.

When was the last time he was here?


He was talking to Twitch, DJ.

Any idea what that was about?

Well, there's a lot of them here.

So, I thought it was collegial, But Twitch works with the guy who that judge just sentenced.

- Apokalypto.

- Yeah, Apokalypto.

- So, that'll be on your security video?

- Yeah.

Are you sure it was Friday night, not Saturday night?

I know the difference between Friday and Saturday nights.

Saturday's all bridge and tunnel.

They wear jackets like the leather thing of yours.

Do yourself a favor, Flaherty, and don't tell Twitch we're looking for him.

You have my word.

That somehow doesn't comfort me.

Ah, Wheeler, I gotta ask you something.

Hey, it's private, Logan.


You know a guy named Johnny Wheeler?

Yeah, why?

I was talking to someone about the grief you cops always give me.

And he asked me if you were related.

He's my father.


That's a small world.

Who was asking about him?

Bobby Grey, has best Puerto Rican rum in East Harlem.

He asked to send your old man his regards.

East Harlem Liquor Warehouse Bobby Grey, Head Distributor Give him a call.


What was that about?

Flaherty's rum man says hello to my dad.

Your dad?

Didn't you say he?

Disappeared when I was 10.

What's he got to do with Flaherty?

I don't know.

He was a lawyer, worked in midtown.

We lived in Armonk.

One day, he took the train in, never came back.

So, Twitch, it looks like you're talking to Jacob the night before he died.

All right, so I talked to him.

He liked my mixes.

A lot of people do.

Sure it didn't have nothing to do with the judge sentencing your friend, Lypto?

Hey, I didn't know anything about that.

We've got witnesses, who put you in the court room on Friday.

Yelling at the judge.

That was just a show.

I'm alright with the time my man got.

Best thing for his street cred.

You're happy Lypto got sent away?

Tell you the truth?

I was kinda relieved.

He was freebasing lately.

Getting a little unstable and hard to be around.

I can do my own music now.

So what were you talking about on the tape?

He was apologizing.

He said he tried to school his old man about Lypto's talent.

Wanted me to know, I guess.

This is Mr.

Twyman's lawyer.

Detectives, this conversation is over.

Hey, Maurice! FENNER, N JUDGE Who brought this thing in here?

His nickname is Twitch.

He's got no priors.

I don't think he's got the stomach to k*ll a judge's son.

He also doesn't have an alibi for Saturday night.

He started off by lying about knowing Jacob was the judge's son.

- He's still in the mix.

- Maybe not.

The ballistics report.

Turns out the b*llet that k*lled Jacob was fired from a court officer's g*n.

So you lost your g*n, jumping in the river Saturday night, trying to save a homeless man from drowning, huh?

It sounds like you're the man of the hour.

Why wasn't it in any of the newspapers?

I'm not looking for any publicity.

So, where is this guy you saved?

Wandered off to get some dry clothes.

Where do you think he went?

Today's Man?

Gonna need your g*n, Hector.

Like I said.

It fell in river.

You remember how you had to have it tested last year after it misfired?

Ballistics' kept an imprint on the system.

Your g*n fired a b*llet, Saturday night.

Huh, alright.

It might not have gone down exactly like I said.

We're listening.

Ah yeah.

I had a little too much to drink.

And I wound up 3 A.


at a pit bull fight in Spanish Harlem.

Pit bull fight?

I'm getting my car, when this silver SUV come screeching up alongside me.

And was this before or after you rescued the homeless guy?

No, this is for real.

The guy in the back seat, he pulls out his g*n gangster style.

He's yelling "Give it up, cr*cker, give it up!" cr*cker?

Who says that any more?

How many of them were there?

Four or five, It was kinda hard to see.

Do you remember if you had your g*n out already?

No, I mean, after the guy took a shot, I pulled my g*n, it goes off, then they tore out.

I mean, I don't even know if I hit anything.

Oh, yeah, you hit someone all right.


D'Angelo is less than a model civil servant.

Police called twice to his home, domestic disturbances, a month in a rehab, and for having his g*n accidentally discharge into a grill at a family barbeque.

And, last year the judge received death threats after he ruled against the court officer's union in a contract dispute.

Hector used to be a delegate.

Go rattle his cage a little.

All right, listen, if we're done, I gotta pick up my youngest at daycare.

It's Jacob Fenner, the boy you shot.

I shot the judge's son?

Wasn't that the same judge who ruled against your union last year?

He did?

Hector, this answering a question with a question thing.

It's not helping you.

We know you were a union delegate.

I was pushing to get that contract signed, I mean, it's in the minutes.

So, you're saying that it's a coincidence that your b*llet ended up in Jacob's head?

Maybe I've said enough already.

Tell my union I want my lawyer.

Hector's a liar.

Is it possible someone really did try to carjack him?

Maybe, he said four or five people were in the SUV.

Based on the court house tapes, when Jacob was dumped, there had to be at least two.

One was driving, and one push the body.

Jacob was alone in his father's Mercedes.

Could have been carjacked and then the g*ng tried for another.

OK, if it was a carjack, the judge's car won't be in one piece for very long.

I'll have auto theft keep pushing the chop-shops.

Two carjackings and dumping a body.

Busy night.

Sprees like this usually have a build.

They might have started the night small.

Then, there should be a pattern on the incident reports from Saturday night.

Hector says he was carjacked in Spanish Harlem.


Three attempted robberies in a four block radius.

And here, armed robbery at a bodega Assailants left in an SUV.

How about that?

That's it.

That's the car they were driving, the guys who rob my store.

- What about a security tape?

- It's broken.

My brother-in-law said he was going to have it fixed.


So, how many of them were there?

Two came into store around 3, two others in the car.

Did you get a look at them?

Black guys in ski masks, gloves, fired a shot into the wall behind me.

How do you know they're black?

They were wearing ski masks.

Their voices.

And the way that one guy held his g*n.

We'll get CSU to take that b*llet out of the wall.

So, what did they get?

$400 from my register.

Hey, did they take anything else, you know, lottery tickets, cigarettes?

They took cookies and a malt liquor.

- OK.

- Alright.


Hey, get that fixed.


Thank you.

- Judge's car just turned up.

- Chop shop?

- Where?

Brooklyn or Queens?

- Brooklyn.

Any chance you can cover for me?

Yeah, sure.

What's up?

- I mean, if there's a problem, I can - No no no, I'm fine.

- Oh, alright, so, see you later.

- Mm-hmm, thanks.

East Harlem Liquor Warehouse Bobby Grey, Head Distributor I didn't wanna say too much to Flaherty, 'cause he's complicated, you know.

But, I just was wondering if you were Johnny's girl.

I'm a little confused.

How did you know my father?

Ah, well, he helped me out with some legal matters.

That man knew his way around the state liquor authority.

When did you last see him?

Oy, it's, it's 20 years ago?

And after that we kinda lost touch.

Man, what a good guy.

I used to call him "Tall Johnny".

Hum, he called me "White Bobby".

You, huh, you want a bottle of Puerto Rican Rum?

No, thank you.

Was there something specific that you wanted?

No, I just, I just was wondering what happened to him.

- I don't know.

- Really?

God, and you're a detective, huh?


Your dad would have got a kick outta that.

Yeah, how so?

Oh, he just would've.

I mean, you know, I didn't really know more that well.

I had more dealings with his partner, Venini.

Now, those two guys, they were close.

Do you, uh, do you know Venini?

Who brought it in?

A couple of gentlemen I've done business with in the past.

You know, lots of people bring in their totals for us to work on.

I wouldn't call this a total.

Come on, will you?

I'm one of the good guys here.

I didn't have to call this in.

Well, but you're glad you did, right?

Cause you really don't wanna be involved in a m*rder investigation, Maurice.

Good, now, I'm gonna want the names of the guys who brought this in and I'm gonna want their addresses.

What do you think, I send them a 10-99?

- Maurice, I'm not feeling the love.

- Ah, Jesus.

Alright, Laurel, he's about yay tall.

He's got a port-wine stain on his forehead.

And Hardy, he's fat.

He's got these bicycle clips at his pants legs.

- Bicycle clips?

- Yeah.

- Dude, dude.

Look, dude! - What?

Who is she?

Come on, damn it! Let's go! - Open the door! - I can't.

It is locked! - There's gotta be a way! - This just won't! - Show me your hand! - Get outta the car! Look, we didn't know the kid was in the car.

Alright, well, which kid are we talking about here?

Are we talking about the five year old that you kidnapped last night?

No, that was a misfortunate circumstance.

Shut it.

I'm not done talking.

Or you're talking about the teenager that you dumped out of this SUV on Saturday?

We've never seen this car before.

Your fingerprints were all over that car.

That's Grand Theft Auto, kidnapping, m*rder.

That's 25 to life times three?

- Back up, back up, m*rder?

- Yeah, m*rder.

There was blood all over that back seat from the teenager.

Did I mentioned that he was a judge's son?

Hey, just, just look at our rap sheet.


m*rder and kidnapping, I mean, that's not who we are.

I'm telling you, that SUV was empty when we found it.

Empty, huh?


Around the corner from this club we were at, a place called Spire, in Chelsy.

- When was this?

- It was Saturday night.

We're partying with the ladies, like, till the break of dawn.

OK, then we came out, and boom, there it was with dome light on and the keys were in the ignition.

Alright, well, we're gonna wanna talk to these lady friends here right away.

We didn't get their names.

Well, Willy's right about their rap sheets.

It's long and dull.

There's no sh**t, no kidnappings, nothing very interesting.

Might have been their career night.


tell me their g*ns have matched with bodega b*llet.


Turns out it can't fire.

It's a toy g*n.

But Hector the court house told us someone in the SUV fired a shot at him.

Yeah, that's right.

In Spanish Harlem.

These dopes here claim they got the car right outside the Spire.

The night after Jacob was supposed to have been there.

Garbage in, garbage out.

OK, go back to Spire, and check out the security tapes.

Those aren't women.

Those two clowns are dancing with men.

The tape's timecoded, it may mortify them, but it also alibies them.

They recovered your car, but they weren't the ones that took it from your son.

And the court officer who shot my son?

Did so in drunken self defense?

My son's death, this tragedy.

It's turning into farce.

Judge, you can be sure that we're taking this very, very seriously.

Yeah, you still have no idea who took my Jacob.

We may have one small new lead.

The playing card?

We've seen this before.

It turns out the company stopped making cards with this finish back in 1952.

And that's supposed to be significant?

We're wondering if Jacob's death was some sort of payback.


From 1952?

Uncle Pete.


My God! If it isn't little Megan! Look at you! Here, sit down.

You make sure you tell your mom that I send my love.

Why don't you tell her yourself?

It's been 20 years.

She could have used the help.

Darling, your lovely mother never thought much of me.

Johnny was the only Wheeler good enough for her.

Did you know Bobby Grey?

No, does he owe me money?

He says dad got him a liquor license.

And I thought dad was a copyright lawyer.

Did your mother tell you that?

What did my father do?

Well, if you wanted to get a liquor license back then, you had to go to what Johnny called an 'in-lawyer'.

If you went to an out-lawyer, you wouldn't get one.

Your father was a 'way-in'.

You're saying he took bribes?

You never wondered how he paid for the house, the cars, a private school?

Did he have a partner?

In a way, a Victor Venini.

A wine importer, had a little storefront down in Soho.

Must be 70 by now.

Do you know what happened to dad?

No idea.

Victor Venini?

I called.

Detective Wheeler.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

We were just tasting some Buonissimo Vino from Sicilia.

Can I pour?

I was expecting someone older.

Oh, that would be my father, Victor senior.

He, um he passed, about 4 years ago.

But maybe I can help you.

Was he in business with Johnny Wheeler?

Johnny, sure.

They were great buddies, you know, when needed, one hand washed the other.

How exactly did they do that?

My guess, Johnny pulled some strings to help my dad, and dad payed him back.

In those days, he needed a good lawyer in Albany who knew people.

How long did you know my father?

My whole life.

How's he doing?

It's been a while since I've seen him.

Yeah, yeah, me too.

I haven't seen him since, since my wedding.

No, you know what?

It was my daughter's christening.

He went to your daughter's christening?

Oh, yeah, very generous guy, I mean, he gave a big envelope.

You know him.

Do you know how I can get in touch with him?

You don't?


Wow, it's been a while, but I'll give you the last number I had.

That'd be great.

Let me see, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny Wheeler.

Here it is.


Thank you.

They found an old ace of hearts on the kid's body.

Yeah, so?

Police are starting to think that one of the older crews might be involved in what happened to the boy.

I'm just an old man in here for littering.

What's it to do with me?

It seems like that kind of thing your crew would get up to.

What a way to talk to your father.

Do me a favor, Thomas.

Learn to look after your own for once.

Don't worry, dad.

I will.

Unsolved m*rder Continues to Vex Neighborhood We found this in a 1955 Daily Mirror.

An ace of hearts was found at the crime scene, leading police to suspect the brazen "g*n Hill Road Boys" may have struck again.

The "g*n Hill Road Boys".

What do they got to do with our judge?

It may not be about our judge.

Take a look at who's doing 25 to life in Sing Sing for kidnapping and m*rder.

That's your father's signature card for his old g*ng, the "g*n Hill Road Boys"?

Why didn't you point this out to us?

To be honest with you, I didn't make the connection at first.

Come on, you saw it twice, Mr.


So when is the last time you saw him?

Day before yesterday.

First time in 4 years.

I went up there to ask him about the card myself.

He denied any knowledge.

Thanks for tipping him off.

- Tipping him off?

- You heard me.

Everything I've done in my life has been to distance myself from that man.

Why do you think I became a federal prosecutor?

Well, I'm no shrink, but my guess would be overcompensation.

Still I guess it had to be awkward to have a convicted k*ller for a father when you work for the Department of Justice.

You gonna tell me he never put the arm on you?

Not on me, on my best friend.

Judge Fenner.

My father was up for parole, couple of years ago.

One of his emissaries tried to pressure the judge into using his influence with the board.

Your father's still in Sing Sing.

So the judge must have shot that down.

How'd that go over?

My father is not very evolved.

Still he's your father.

Didn't it piss you off a little when your friend couldn't lend a hand?

It pissed me off, detective, that my father, who never lifted a finger for anyone in this family, humiliated me, and took advantage of my friendship.

If I was on that parole board, I wouldn't let him off either.

Thank you for the coffin nails.

Seniority carries its privileges.

Do you know why we're here?

Community outreach.

This turned up recently on a corpse.


Yeah, I heard about that.

Sinatra's got his imitators, I got mine.

Any idea which of those imitators that might be?

Well, I, uh, I heard this kid has a father who's a judge, huh?

So he probably aggravated lots of people.

You know, what goes around comes around.

Am I right, sweetheart?

Where would somebody get a card that old?

Beats me.

All my own crew are either dead or in the can.

You got a parole coming up.

Probably gonna be your last.

Maybe you wanna see your grandchildren.

When they put me away, they melted the key.

Can't turn my nob talking about parole.

So what are you doing leaning on your son?

My son?

I never asked that tight-ass for anything.

You didn't ask him to help with the parole board?

No, he offered, said that, his friend, judge had pull with the board.

Anyway, I'm sorry you wasted this beautiful afternoon driving up here.

Thanks for the smokes.

Next time, I'll tell you my brand.


Grady, the COs aren't done tossing you room.

What would they do that for?

They're searching for the rest of the deck this card came from.

Come on.

They're not gonna find it there.

My son holds all my possessions for me.

Nice to see you.

Oh, for God's sake, I have known Thomas since law school.

Did he ask you to speak to the parole board on behalf of his father?

He would never impose that way.

It was one of his father's associates.

We're looking into the possibility of revenge motive.

Because you didn't assist in that matter.

It was 2 years ago, and the man who came in my office was using a walker.

I've lost a son.

And this is your investigation.

I'm very disappointed.

Uh, one last thing, judge.

Ballistics is gonna need to have a look at that Glock you have a permit for.

What do you think?

I kidnapped my own son?

We can send a squad car to pick up that Glock if you like.

What the hell was that about?

We asked for a Sing Sing visitor's log.

Take a look at who's been going up to see Tommy Grady Senior.

Well, before you take a run at him.

Call the warden and make sure nobody else sees this.

Wheeler, a word, please.

I understand you've been looking into a case of your own.

What's this about your father?

Just family issues.

I'm sorry if Logan had to cover for me.

I didn't hear about this from your partner, and I didn't hear about it from you.

I wish I had.

It's personal, captain.

It may be.

But it crosses over.

Detective Wheeler, this is detective Daniels, from the city's club enforcement task force.

I understand you've met with Venini Junior.

What's he have to do with the club enforcement?

Wine and liquor wholesaler.

One of the last Mom and Pop businesses in the city.

when his father Victor Senior died, there were 70 wholesalers supplying downtown clubs.

Now there are 19, including Bobby Grey.

And when Bobby Grey got in touch with you to ask after your dad, he was asking for help.

He wanted me to suspect Venini had something to do with my dad's disappearance.

And he didn't want it traced back to him.

And here's why.

These two wholesalers refused to sell to Venini Junior.

One of them complained to us.

They've both disappeared in the last 6 months.

my dad disappeared 20 years ago.

He might have, or he may have just had to relocate.

Sometimes bagman dip into the bag.

Your father, Johnny made things easy for Venini's customers in exchange for 10% of Venini's business.

But when Victor Senior died, Junior would have wanted Johnny out.

He had a new business model.

And if my father refused?

Thank you detective.

Keep us posted.

And just one last, when you met with Junior, he gave you a number for your father?

He did.

It's a no-name cell phone.

I dialed it, it just rang and rang.

Hey guys.

Daphne, do you have a minute?

OK, I guess.

Eh, girl talk, you know.

So, you guys caught the sh**t.

- Stick?

- Sure.


Yeah, we're trying to keep it out of the press until we find, you know, who helped dump Jacob's body, which reminds me, I wanted to ask you something.

How you feeling?

Thing's been kinda weird around here.

Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions about this weekend?


So we pick up these two guys, right?

And they were trying to sell the judge's SUV.

Have you noticed there was a big dent on the front bumper?

You didn't happen to see that dent Saturday night, did you?

No, sir.

But it was pretty dark.

It's probably pretty late, too.

Didn't you have a track meet that morning or something?

- Not track, skiing.

- Oh yeah, skiing, how was it?

It hasn't been the best year for snow.

How about you?

Did you go, Colin?


Hmm, no room in the car?

Something like that, yeah.

Anyway, must have been pretty tough on the slopes, 'cause you'd been partying all night?

What time did you get to sleep?

Ah, me and Daphne didn't go to sleep.

I was in bed by 1:00.

But I was still hung over on the slopes.

Big mistake, why?

We're still trying to establish exactly when Jacob left, where he went.

Could he have gone somewhere to buy dr*gs?


We told you he went to Spire.

We checked.

He was there the night before, but not Saturday.

Anyway, I tried skiing.

It was a total disaster.

- Where did you go?


- Yeah.

No wonder.

You gotta try Vail.

These western powders, Awesome! I don't know.

It was too cold for me.

I almost froze my nose off.

You didn't wear mask?

- No.

- Dude, you gotta wear the gear.

- You guys have ski masks?

- Yeah.

That's funny.

The guys who dumped Jacob.

We got them on tape.

- They were wearing ski masks.

- Really?

I guess it's a part of the whole gangster thing now.

You know, part of their look.

Gangsters, oh, no, no.

These guys were total amateurs.

Get this.

These same guys held up a bodega that night, didn't know there was a camera in the place, and put a b*llet in the wall.

Not too smart.

Good, then, they're probably pretty easy for you guys to catch.

Hey, you ever play cards with your grandfather when you visit him?

Not for nothing, detectives.

But I'm a lawyer's son and a Harvard legacy.

Don't you think you're getting a little out of yourself here?

That's not an answer.

I don't like where this is going.

What, that scared you bro?

Oh, come on, homeboy.

I thought you're the real deal.

I'm starting to think you're about a street as Jessica Simpson.

Oh, yeah?

What does that make you?

I'm true to the game, bro.

Easy to say if your dad used to work for the Justice Department.

Be easy, Jack.

I got your back, OK?


Come on, Harold, let's roll.

Why don't you tell me the truth, Riordan?

Oh, so, now you've got your driver spying on me?

You weren't gonna tell me those detectives were at your school today?

Why are you sweating me dad?

It was stupid, alright?

They think Jacob might have been mixed up in dr*gs.

- Was he?

- I wouldn't know if he was, dad.

You know I'm not into that.

Sit down.

I'm gonna ask you this once.

And I need to know the absolute truth about it, otherwise I can't protect you.

Is there anything about what happened that night that you haven't already told me?

Son, I'm speaking to you as your father right now, not as your lawyer.

Whatever it is, we'll get through it.

But I need you to man up and be straight about it.

It was Colin, dad, And he's into this old school gangster stuff.

There was nothing I could do.



So Riordan's a gangster wannabe.

This is his homepage.

He's a self-proclaimed "Wanksta", whose parents pay $30,000 a year in tuition, and SAT tutors.

No surprise there.

Still is a big leap from keeping it real to robbing a bodega at g*n point.

Right, thank you.

Maybe not.

That was judge Fenner.

He normally keeps his g*n in a locked box at the back of his closet.

- Turns out it's missing.

- So what?

Jacob stole his dad's car and his g*n, went on a senior spree that went horribly wrong?

It's a good theory.

Do you have anything that links any of the others to any of this?

They were lying about the time line.

Daphne said she was home by 1:00.

Riordan says they never went to sleep.

She'll say she was lying to look like a good girl.

One of them has to turn.

Well, Riordan's not giving anything up.

And Daphne's father is a Fortune What about Colin?

He's a scholarship student with a single mother who works night shifts at King's County Hospital.

Then I'm sorry to say Colin's just drew the short straw.

I don't know nothing about it.

Colin, is that how they teach you to speak in private school?



Colin's best chance here is to help himself.

Don't you try to play me detective.

You've got a lawyer's son, a businessman's daughter and my son.

It probably took you all of 3 seconds to figure out who to put the pressure on.

Not even 2, Mrs.


Colin, look at me.

I'm no snitch.

Well, you'll do just fine.

'Cause we're not greedy.

Do you hear him, Colin?

Do you think these rich folks are gonna let their kids go to prison?

You've got one chance to get out in front of this, son.

So take a deep look inside before you take the weight for them.

Keep going son, you're doing fine.


So, Jacob and Colin wanted to hit the clubs.

And everything was chill until Jacob let Colin drive.

'cause Colin was trashed.

Um, he hit a lamppost, and Jacob freaked.

You know, he said his father would k*ll him because he wasn't even the one driving the car.

Where did you take the car after?

Colin knew of some all-night mechanic in Harlem.

But the guy wanted 500 bucks to fix it.

And that's when everything got crazy.


/ Because Colin got the idea to get Jacob's dad's g*n and pull a robbery.

So you're saying that Colin robbed the bodega to help fix the judge's car?

Why would he do that?

He's a scholarship kid.

He has the need for approval.

What confuses me here is the bodega owner, said he saw two people in the store, and a girl with blonde hair in the car, - which could be Daphne, right?

- No, he's lying.

But you were all wearing the ski masks, right?

And Detective, my son wasn't there.

We're trying to be helpful here.

Maybe, he wasn't.

But Daphne could have been.

Are you covering for her?

No, I swear.

Colin told me he picked up a couple of his thug friends from the neighborhood.

Did he tell you about how Jacob got shot?

He just said something bad wend down, and he and his friends dumped the body at the courts, and then dumped the car.


This all checks.

The only thing we can't figure out is where Colin got the idea of putting the ace of hearts on Jacob's body.

You ever tell him about your grandfather's crew?

Riordan has nothing to do with his grandfather.

Last time I took him up there for a visit, he was 13 years old after his confirmation.

Oh, so, you don't know.

Well, you see, Riordan's been going up to see his grandfather once a month for the last 2 years.

Riordan, Colin says this was all your idea, robbing the store, dumping the body.

He's lying.

The thing is we have an independent statement from Daphene, and she backs Colin on everything.

She says that you were in charge, taunting Jacob and Colin until they took the judge's g*n.

Alright, I was covering for her.

Now, she's trying to save herself.

So, you're the only honest one, huh?

You have no case.

I wasn't the one who fired the shot.

Jacob had the g*n, and I'm not responsible for his getting shot trying to rob someone on the street.

That's his damn fault.

Tell 'em, dad.

Alright, so, so, what are you charging me with?

Unlawful disposal of a body?

That's a littering offense.

A littering offense! Is that something you got from your grandfather?

He's the man.

It's a little more than littering, Riordan, you see, Daphene said that Jacob was still breathing.

And then she begged you, begged you to take him to the emergency room.

You let him die?

He was shot in the head.

He was gonna die.

You, stupid! Is this how I raised you, huh?

I gave you everything I never had.

And this is what you do with it?

You're no better than your grandfather.

You mean your dad, dad?

You turned your back on him.

I didn't.

He's still my flesh and blood.

Well, maybe you ought to ask him for the name of a good legal aid lawyer.

Come on, dad.

Come on.

Be for real now.

Detectives read my son his rights.

Well, Daphene's a cute girl.

She's got a rich father.

So, she'll skate.

You think the DA will cut Colin a break?

I hope so.

Looks like Riordan's finally gonna get to spend some quality time with his grandfather.


Everything OK?

It maybe not.

Can you drive?

- How long you been out here?

- Going on hour 6.

What is this place?

Detective Daniels' task force received an anonymous tip about a hijacking.

Turns out this is a mob k*lling field.

All male.

Excuse me.

How long have they been buried?

These guys?

One about 6 days.

The others up to about 6 years.

It'll take some time to ID them.

How tall was your father, Wheeler?

Oh, then, he's not one of these.

But they're still digging?

Yeah, I'm afraid so.


Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.