04x28 - The Nest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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04x28 - The Nest

Post by bunniefuu »

Here, kitty,
kitty, kitty!

Where are you?





Oh! Kitty!

I can hear you under there,
you little rascal.

Come on.


Ah. There you are.

Wait, if you're there,
then what --

oh, man! Oh, no!

Help me! No! Aah!

I had
a really weird dream last night.

I asked penny to marry me,
and she said,

"aah! Oh, man! Oh, no!
Help me! No! Aah! Aaaah!"

I took it as a yes.

We interrupt this cartoon
with some breaking news.

Elmore police are investigating

the disappearance
of a number of local citizens.

Who's to blame?
Feral teenagers?

The Internet?

We don't have
all the evidence,

but it's never too early
for a verdict,

so we say yes!


And yes!

Here is one
of the alleged victims.

Ahh, it's okay.
We don't know him.

This photo
is several years old,

but this is what he may look
like now.

It's the guy next door!

Oh, how could
this have happened to you,

dear Mr...


Guy --

i have no idea
what he's called.
Me neither.

And to think we live
right next door to him.

We've got to help
find him!

Because we refuse
to let you go without a fight,

oh, dear Mr.

Sorry. I thought
it would come.

We might need this.

You don't just disappear
like that

without leaving
some kind of evidence.

There must be something.


And that is why
I'm not a cat person.


Oh, nothing.

Oh. Wait up.

Uh, you might want
to take a look at this.

I'm not exactly sure,

but I'm certain I've seen
something like it in this book.

It's an egg,
so it's obviously not mammalian.

From its leathery surface,
i rule out avian.

Then it must be reptilian.

But let's not
get ahead of ourselves here.

I need to study
the cold-blooded facts.

Get it?


Didn't you want to hear
what she thought?

Nah, she lost me
at "book."

Let's just keep looking
for clues.

Maybe this obvious trail
of shredded clothing is a clue.

Nah. If it was,
it'd be more dramatic than that.

Okay! Okay! Okay!
It's a clue! It's a clue!

The number
of mysterious disappearances

continues to rise.

Elmore police have made
the following statement.

We are doing everything
in our power

to find the missing citizen,
leaving no stone unturned.

Wait --
these shredded clothes

lead right back
to our own house?

This can only mean
one thing.

Whoever is in there
is naked.

Okay -- reptiles. It's got to be
in here somewhere.

Snake? No.

Crocodile? No.

Banker? No.

Oh, what could it be?

The trionyx.

An aggressive predator
from the nile river.

Hey, that's the same

"Eggs will only hatch
in a warm environment."




Hold on!

Hey! You!

Say hello
to my little friend...


Gumball, distract it!

Uh, uh, uh...

Whatwasthat thing?

That was
our evil turtle's baby.

Which means our evil turtle
was a girl.

And she wasn't
really evil.

She was just pregnant.

And i think she --

One more shocking revelation
and we might explode.

Please continue.

She must have escaped.

But how? We blocked
the top of the t*nk.

She must've
chewed her way down.

we have a little problem.

I think
it's abigone.

It says in this book
it'll grow

according to
how much food is available,

so imagine what she could become
in an American suburb.


Breaking news --
the monster has been caught...

...on camera eating
an old man walking his dog.

Mom, dad!

Kids, please.

No! No!
Please, no!

Elmore news --
do you have any comment?

Oh, my gosh.

I know.

Our turtle is famous!

...Full recovery.

Unfortunately for our sponsors,

the turtle's now been captured
by elmore pest control.

How has this

She escaped to make a nest
to lay her eggs.

She must've been pregnant
when dad bought her.

Who's to say
this pregnant turtle is a "her"?

We need
to find that nest.

The only traces of the victims

are shredded pieces
of their clothing.

What do you see?


The light! The light!

No, don't go
into the light.

Stay with us.
Stay with us.

No, i meant the flashlight.
You're shining it in my eyes.

Oh. Sorry.

Why did the turtle
bring you here?

For food.

We got to
get out of here -- now!

They're coming!


Not again.

Aah! Aah!

Wait! Wait!




♪ La, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

La, la, laaaaaaah!

What do you want?!




Hot dogs?


Yes! Turtle food!


But you didn't want
the hot dog!

Get away from my kids,
you little --



Breaking news.

Foreign k*ller turtles
are swarming elmore.

Are they here to eat you
or, worse, take your job?

Elmore news will cover
these terrible events

until we find
something worse to exaggerate.

Aah! Oh, no! No! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Keep rolling!
Keep rolling!

Why are they
so evil?!

Well, in the wild, they follow
their mother back to the river.

Without her, they're taking over
any territory they can.

Then there's only
one solution --

we welcome
our new rulers,

put on loincloths,
and surrender as their slaves.

She meant we need
to find their mother.

Well, it's still
a democracy for now,

so who votes
for my idea?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Explain that again.

The babies will follow her
to the river,

and the town
will be saved.

You make a lot of sense,
young lady.

That's the only sense --

wha-- what?!
He agreed with us!

He did?
Oh, well. Force of habit.

Usually people
just say no to us.

Get away!

Get away! Get away!


It's working.
It's working!

It's working too well!
It's working too well!

They're chewing
through the tires!

Why don't you
drive faster?!

Why didn't you
buy a puppy?!

Yes! The river!

Aah! Daah!

They've eaten
the brakes?!

We're gonna
have to jump!

I'm sorry
we never understood you.

Goodbye, evil turtle.


She was never evil.

She was just
looking after her babies.

maybe it was both.
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