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08x13 - All In

Posted: 01/23/23 12:09
by bunniefuu
Male announcer:
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders

are pursued by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.


[Chips clinking]

You know how it works?


There's players.

And those that get played.

Which one are you?

God's not smiling
on anyone.

'Cause I'm feeling
his warmth.

[Clears throat]

Temp's up.


Hartley, that your pacemaker
making all that noise?

You need to get
that thing lubed.

Give it a rest.

30k, what is that?

Kid's private school.

Wife's trip to Europe.

making you sweat.

Wake me when it's over.

[Clears throat, yawns]

30...and 30 more

says you ain't got zip.


You stupid son of a bitch.

I am tired of getting hit
in the seat for you.

Look, Lou, I ran bad
for a couple of games.

Couple of games?
Try nine months.

"Josh Snow, poker genius."
What a joke.

shut up.

I want
what you owe me, Josh.

[Scoffs] What,
I'm supposed to pull 80k

out of my ear?

Honey, his game's
gonna come back.

I'm not waiting on that.

You work it off.


No, I told you,
I can't do collections.

Like you have a choice.

His father was a loser.

Bag man.

It's in the blood.

Angela'll bring you around.

Make sure everything
he gets ends up with me. went late.

Be there in a little while.

All right, give me an hour.

You think that last call
was a charge?

This is a charge.

Ooh, back off.
You got me fouled out!

You mother--

Take a shower.

Go on!

I should have let him
clean your clock.

Those were all lousy calls.

The Vig plus five grand?

The guy owes me 15k.

Not always easy, Lou.

He took a beating
to get that.


[Ice bag crinkling]

When you collect,
you don't go light.


I'll show you
a trick I use.

This comes home
every night.




Who the hell are you?

You owe Lou Cardinale.

So Lou's
sending kids now, huh?

I can't hear you,
tube steak.

Oh, yeah?

Listen to this.

Oh, so you're really
gonna do this?



Bet again?

Your heart for 20k?

The guy pissed himself.


You are intense, Josh.

I'll tell you,
Lou was right.

Blanks really
put the scare in people.

Lou sh**t nothing
but blanks.

[Both laugh]

Doing this is gonna be
really good for you, Josh.

Okay, give me the blanks.

Okay, that's Kip.

I'll be right back.



You owe Lou Cardinale.

What are you,
his muscle?

[Tires screech]

Get in!

Come on, get in!

[Tires screech]



They pull up,

leave a sh**ting victim.

Happens more times
than you think.

Crown Vic, dark blue,
maybe black.

Driver's male,
approximately six feet.

You can see
the license plate here.

Yeah, I can enhance that.


There you go.


I'm on it.

Soon as our people got there,
he took off.

And rule out robbery.

Still had on an expensive
Rolex watch

and a wallet
full of cash.

What do you know about him?

His name is Kip McGonagle.
42, high school teacher.

He died within an hour
of arriving.

Never regained

Any idea where
the sh**ting occurred?

We're checking 911 calls.

No g*nshots reported
in this area.

All right, thanks.

The owner of the crown Vic
has a default warrant

for marijuana possession.

I didn't even know
Kip McGonagle.

He just walked up
with a fatal g*nsh*t wound

and asked for a ride?

I saw him staggering.

Knew he was hurt bad.

But I don't know
what happened.

Well, he bled
all over the seats.

Right? The whole car
was a bloody mess.

Yet you took him
to the hospital.

You saying
I should have left him?

It's just hard to believe.

I was driving home
from work.

Dude came out of nowhere.

I couldn't just
leave him in the street.

So a good Samaritan...

Picks up
a fatally-wounded guy

and dumps him at the E.R.,

and then takes off.

It doesn't look good,

Look, I got
a good job, man.

Cleaning offices, you know?

They don't know about
that old warrant.

If I would have stopped,

they would have
found out at work.

It could mess me up.

I'm being straight.

Check my time card.

So where did this happen?


Market street.

Guy's dead.

Know what that means?

I don't know
what happened.

I mean, you gave us
the g*n...The shells!

You are not putting this
on me.

Lou, it was
some weird accident.

Admit it.
He was showing off.

For you.

Looking to get
his rope greased.

Don't be a pig.

You wait in the back.

Look, you gotta
believe me, Lou--

talk about grief.

It is around
that Kip owed me 11 grand.

He's dead.
Know what that means?

You leave, and I do not
want you near this place.

You got it?

Now give me the g*n
and the blanks.

Give you the g*n
I shot someone with?

Sucker's not
in my job description, pal!

Hey, you do not
talk to me that way!

So McGonagle's hit,
and he goes down.

The blood trail
goes past the gutter.

Steps out into the street.

I don't understand.
Why does he go this way?

There's nothing here.

You know, why not head
towards Chinatown?

You know,
there's more traffic.


Maybe he thought
help was over there?

Let's get a full canvas
of those buildings.


Think maybe we caught
a real break.


Goren and Eames.
I know those cops.

Know them how?

They put away the guy
that k*lled my father.

Kip McGonagle described
himself on the lease form

as a single man.

Guess we know
what this place was for.

[Door squeaks]

Porn and sports.

The elements
of Kip's secret life.

Betting slips?

He was keeping track
of a lot of action.

I'd say more than
just his own.

This looks like
flash paper.


So in case there's a raid,

they can
get rid of it quick.

You know, flash paper
and all that action.

That might explain the change
in his betting patterns.

You know,
maybe he moved up the scale

to a mini book operation.

And became someone's

I still can't believe it.

Your husband taught
high school science?

That's right.
11 years.

I don't mean to be blunt,

but it looks like teachers

are finally getting paid
what they're worth.

Your house is so beautiful.
I mean, there's lots of--

he did
a lot of moonlighting.

He tutored kids.
He reffed college basketball.

He was reffing yesterday.

Oh, yeah?
Uh, where?

City college.
Home game.

And after that?

I don't know.
I--I was away.

It wasn't strange

that he didn't come home
after the game?

What are you suggesting?

What did he usually do
after reffing?

There...was a sports bar
where he'd unwind.

Um...players or play--
I don't know.

Sports wasn't something
we shared.

Well, maybe we can find it
in the receipts.

We're gonna need to see
his financial records,

phone bills,
stuff like that.

Keeping records
wasn't his strong suit.

This is one of Kip McGonagle's
last games as a ref.

We wanted to see if he made
any obvious enemies.

One of our councilmen
called him a model citizen

who gave his time
to outreach programs.

Not exactly a model ref.

We're seeing
some questionable calls here.

Isn't that
why everyone hates refs?

There's another one.

He's calling repeated fouls
on the same players.

That's seven
for the home team,

none for the visitors.

It's more than just
bad reffing.

Kip McGonagle
had some kind of agenda.


You've taken up accounting?

It's the final scores
from Kip's games

from the past two seasons.

This is the point spread
of Kip's games.

I compared it to the Vegas
spread from the same games.

The games he reffed
usually beat the Vegas spread

by a couple of points.

85% of the time.

You know the chances of that?

Kip was shaving points.

That could have paid
for his lifestyle.

Yeah, then he stops
beating the spread mid-season.

Probably his local bookie
got wise and,

you know,
wouldn't take his bets.

But we saw him make bad calls
the day of his death.

He found
another way of betting.

Well, I can't
imagine his old bookie

would have liked that.

Familiar to many
through his work

with underprivileged kids,

the mayor's office
has praised his displays of--

it's all over the news.

The mayor's office is saying
he's some kind of do-gooder,

and the cops
will stop at nothing

to get his k*ller.

[Chamber snaps shut]

Like I don't feel bad enough
as it is.

Singed ends.

No lead.

There's no way this could
have k*lled somebody.


Lou rigged it?

I think we're getting framed,


Well, if I go down,

the cops got you on
a felony m*rder

just for driving the car.

We got to get out
in front of this, Josh.

Without Lou finding out,
you mean.


That's exactly
what I mean.

So this pad--

any witnesses see
who comes and goes?

Well, he chose well.

Four floors,
six apartments.

Nobody sees anything.

What about his finances?

Should have stuck
with the games that he fixed.

'Cause what he won on those,
he bet on other sports.

His accounts
are maxed out.

He made weekly
ATM withdrawals

from a cash machine
down the street

from a sports bar
he frequented.

Phone records?

Numerous calls
to the bar.

They stopped
a few months back.

The bar is owned
by Lou Cardinale.

Not just any old bookie.

Owing Lou would certainly
have its risks.

Yeah, hon, I found
that car you want.

A demo.

I'll have someone
bring you to see it.

Okay, gotta go. my wife
over to see that car.


So, detectives...

We have some questions
about one of your regulars.

Kip McGonagle.

what happened to him.

We're all sick about it.

Are those
real Hawken's r*fles?


Any one of them could have
belonged to Daniel Boone.

When was the last time
you saw Mr. McGonagle?


He hasn't been around here
in a while.

But my bartender
would know for sure.

Name's Lon Fiore.
I'll get you the number.

You really seem
to have all the answers.

So what kind of action
were you taking for Kip?

What kind of question
is that?

Kip gambled,
this is a sports bar,

and you've had numerous
indictments for bookmaking.

How many convictions?

How many as*ault charges?

All dismissed.

Do I have to call my lawyer
and get billed,

or can we keep this civil?

People come in here.

They may bet
among themselves,

but I make it my business
not to know about that.

Hey, that's Josh Snow.

[Pool balls clack]

Josh Snow, isn't it?

He comes in here?


You follow tournament poker?

I do, I do.

I like the suspense,
you know.

The tells, you know,
the bluffing and...Heh.

That's the best part
of any game.

He's smooth.

You know, juries,

they usually see bookmaking
as a victimless crime.

Well, it wasn't victimless
for Josh Snow's father.

over a gambling debt.

Now Josh
is in the same world.

I've seen his name...
A few times.

He placed high in, uh,
top poker tournaments.

Then he fell off the map.

You can bet he's still
close to some game.

They never lose the itch.

Omaha, high-low.

Bail out.

I want to see the flop.

Raise you.


Game's boring you?

A little.

[Chips clink]

Josh Snow.


Well, I was just saying
there's no Josh Snow here.

You know?

What are you, a groupie?

Well, you know who he is?

Josh Snow.

Who the hell
is Josh Snow?

Who's up?

Where are we at?

That's clever.


Well, let me guess.

Uh, some
over-the-counter speed.

Maybe a cocktail
of cocaine and caffeine.

You know, keep you
drenched in sweat

so that you're
hard to read.

Except this deodorant here,

it's not gonna cover up
this chemical smell, you know?

And I should care
what you think?


Oh, jeez.

Huh, I wonder
what's in here.

So...Josh Snow.

Played him
and you beat him?

I mean, for some reason
you felt the need to brag

when his name came up.

I was wondering.

[Scoffs] And I didn't
read you for much of a player.

Yeah...I beat Josh.

But you might say
I took advantage.

That thing with his wife
made him run bad.

I don't know her name.

But she died of cancer,
and it k*lled his game.

He's having to do collections
for Lou Cardinale.


Are you actually
taking me in?

[Pills rattling]

Josh is a bit small
for collections.

You know Frankie Martin?

I don't know,
remind me,

while I'm forgetting
about arresting you.

He's a degenerate
who bets college games.

Lost a lot of money to Lou
a few months back.

Said Josh looked real big...
With a .38 in his hand.

Josh Snow, yeah.

So what's this about?

He collected some money
from you?

Yeah, he came,
and I paid.

What's the crime?

It was that easy?

You're, like,
twice the guy's size.

He was persuasive.

And I was afraid
that Lou had found out

that I had shifted.

You mean you were
betting with someone else?

I gave Kip McGonagle
some action.

And I thought, if this is
what this is really is about,

I could be dead.

So Josh threatened you
with a g*n.

He shot at me...
And missed.

Or I'd be playing
drag acts.

An Escalade was over there,
and he jumped in.

That's all I'm saying.
Well, hang on a second.

Did you see the driver?


Babe. Babe.

All right, come on,
I'm try--

I'm trying to drive.


I'm keeping it.

Give me the hat back.


Give me the hat.

Give me this, I will--

I will buy--I'll buy you
another one.

I know.
It's for her son.


How long has it been
since your wife passed?

You don't talk about her.

I had an aunt die of cancer.
It was really--

I said drop it, okay?


You better take the car.

Whatever's happening here,
you shouldn't be a part of it.


Didn't get the card
about our reunion.


You remember
detective Eames.


So we parted on good terms.
We got a problem now?

This warrant...

We're looking for the .38
you used

to k*ll Kip McGonagle.

It would help
if I knew who that was.

Well, he owes
Lou Cardinale money,

the man that you were
making collections for.


I play tournament poker.

Lou backed me
in a couple games.

End of story.

You were I.D.'d
by someone you shot at.


I'm thinking if you guys
had someone

willing to pick me
out of a lineup,

I'd be in handcuffs
right now.

That's the tell,
so I can relax.


You want a tip?

Well, it's just that,

back when we investigated
your father's death...

What was it you said?
No games of chance?

The numbers
are a recreation.

I always got "A"s in math.

Blanks for a .38.

We're getting warm.

What would you
use these for?

Fourth of July.

Can you guys make
a weapons charge on blanks?

I didn't think so.

I'm sorry about your wife.

What are you hoping
to find here, Goren?

10 of hearts?

Jack of spades?

I didn't k*ll that guy.

Now, don't play me, Josh.

[Sighs] What happened?

They got nothing.

I might need you
as a witness, though.

What would I say?

You know, I didn't mean
to k*ll the guy.

They were blanks.
You saw me load them.

You aimed at the guy,

I mean, it's got to be
some kind of crime.

Maybe reckless

Look, we play this right,
you get immunity,

I plead out
for less than a deuce.

They connect it to Lou,
charge him with m*rder?

Well, Lou rigged it.
That's where my mind goes.

My mind goes to him
k*lling us.

Not if he's jammed up.

Are you still hoping

maybe he's gonna
leave his wife and...



I'm hoping he'll go down.

He will.

It's a game, Angela.

I'm holding a solid hand.

I'm gonna talk to the D.A.

We've empanelled
the grand jury.

Without a suspect?

Josh Snow.

No m*rder w*apon?

No hard evidence?

Frankie Martin will testify
he was shot at.

You found witnesses

that Josh collected
for Lou Cardinale.

Who'll hide behind
ten defense lawyers

the minute you indict.

Isn't Lou the prize
in all this?

We're thinking indict Josh,

he delivers Lou.

So, uh, Josh
has spoken to you?

Any conversations like that
would be off the record.

I have a meeting.

So they want Lou.

Sounds like
they're gonna get him.

If Kip owed
Lou Cardinale money,

why would Lou
want him k*lled?

Unless it wasn't
about the debt.

[Mechanical humming]


Medical history
for Josh's wife.

She died of multiple
brain tumors.

And how long was she sick?

Less than a year
between diagnosis and death.

The sudden
loss of a spouse,

you're in a daze, numb.

You question your judgment.

You're angry about things
you think you should have done

that might have
changed things.

And in poker, nothing will
k*ll your game like anger.

Come on, Tommy,
let's see some hustle!

He's nine now?


How's he doing?

He's okay.

He's been through it.

Rough for you too, right?


This is where you tell me...

It'll feel better
if I talk about it

and I confess to something
I didn't do, right?

You're talking to the D.A.

Did that hurt
your feelings?

Don't take it wrong.

I told my lawyer
you'd be harder to play.

Well, if it's the truth,
what's the play?


You're good.

I almost miss seeing you.

But something's
always in play.

The game is endless.

Look, since you're
not our main target, you know,

I was wondering if you could
fill in some blanks for me.

Frank Martin
said an Escalade waited

while you...
Collected from him.

Who was waiting
in the Escalade?

You kidding me?

Well, I need something
more basic, you know.

Lou's motive.

You're faking sincere.

Tilting your head
to the left...

And breaking off eye contact
to put me at ease.

Same old tells.

You got some tells
too, Josh.

Yeah, well, you're right.

Tells of the heart
can't be hidden.

The places
you want me to go...

I'm smarter than that.

Ho ho!
He scored!

All right!

Nice one, Tommy!

My office has signed off on
charges against Josh Snow.

So he'll be arrested?

Yeah, let me guess.

He'll be indicted for
third-degree manslaughter,

maybe reckless endangerment,
but not m*rder.

And are you recommending
a suspended sentence?

The important thing:
He'll be indicted.

Sure, and it prevents
Lou Cardinale

from guessing Josh gave you
a m*rder case against him.

Then Josh will be safe
until Lou is gone.

That was a consideration.

I think...

That you're being played.

By who?

Not Josh Snow.

My office
has probable cause

to search the bar and home
of Lou Cardinale.

I'd like major case
to execute it.

And I thought
only accountants used excel.

Any bookmaker
can pass the C.B.T.,

no schooling at all.

They're legal.
He's licensed to own them.

I fired a Kentucky
squirrel r*fle once.

Quite an art.
I did.

You know, loading it.

You got to pack the powder
and the ball, you know.

Neither of them
is a .38.

True. Oh.

When we were here
last time...

Remember her?

Oh, I remember.

Lou called her "sweets."

Here she's standing
away from Lou

with her arm around
another guy,

so as not to arouse
his wife's suspicions.

Late model Escalade.

We can enhance that
and get the plate.

So maybe we found the driver
Josh wouldn't give up.

Could have
a love triangle.

Lou, Josh, and...
This woman.

She being the wild card.

She ended up
in Josh's hand.

But if she's an accessory
to m*rder,

how can she do Josh
any good?

It depends on how
he plays her, right?

I understood
you'd be with your attorney.

I'm early.
She's late

sit down.

I suppose we should
hold off discussions

until you're represented.

What I want is simple:
Full immunity.

That can only come after
I hear what you have to offer.

Once my deal is in place,

you're gonna have
a m*rder conviction

on Lou Cardinale.

I'd like that.

But we'll need more
than your testimony.

We'll need additional

That's why I wanted
to meet you here

and not your office.

I would never have gotten this
past security.

It's registered to Lou.

It's the m*rder w*apon.

It's yours.

It's legal.

It doesn't matter.
It's a m*rder w*apon.

I swear, I gave them blanks
to scare people.

And I warned Josh:
Stay back.

Even a blank
can cause powder burns.

Evidence in the testimony.
It all lands on you.

You armed them
and sent them to k*ll.

So is somebody
gonna maybe ask me

why I would
want the guy dead?

Kip was competing with you,
running his own book.

Every year there's
some twinkie like him.

One season,
and they're gone.

No one kills them.

And I sent them
to his home,

not that crib where
he was banging Angela.

Kip and Angela
were sleeping together?


So maybe you had
a more personal reason.

Not Angela.

You got her the Escalade.

Yeah, 'cause
she's a dynamite lay.

But that's it.

I got a wife
and three kids.

Family's everything to me.

The fact she was
having sex with Kip McGonagle

didn't bother you?

He was one of many.

You start k*lling
over Angela,

it's gonna be
a large body count.

Tell us how long
you worked with Lou Cardinale.

Three years.

We met in Atlantic city.

And exactly what
did you do for him?

A lot.

He wasn't very appreciative.

Kip McGonagle
owed Lou money.

Why would Lou
want him dead?

For reasons
that were personal.


Oh, really?

'Cause he--Lou told us

that you weren't
worth k*lling for.

So? So what?

I mean...

He's not gonna talk to you
the way he talks to me.

How'd you know about

Kip's apartment
on market street?

I took Josh there
when Lou said to find Kip.


Okay, so I knew
where to find him.

But I swear...

I never thought Kip
would end up dead.

We think immunity for Angela
was a mistake.

It's obvious
that she's lying.

What's with you people?

She brought us
the m*rder w*apon.

And a story
that conveniently

hangs everything
on Lou Cardinale.

Where it belongs.

She witnessed the crime.

She'll testify
that the g*n, the a*mo,

the order to sh**t
Kip McGonagle

all came from Lou.

And wouldn't that
put Josh Snow

in the perfect position
to make a deal?

Quid pro quo
is an accepted part

of criminal law.

Learn to live with it,

[Door opens]

Ah, from the search
of Josh's apartment?

Yes, it's Josh's
betting numbers.

Odd for a guy who swore
he didn't believe in luck.

Well, maybe his wife's death
changed his beliefs.

Yeah, but this
is more recent.

He's trying to work
winning numbers combinations.

Don't people usually
bet numbers they find

in their daily lives?

Yeah...real gamblers
believe they can

help Providence, uh,
with a little effort.

Snow picked 1864.

It's written all over
the margins of these papers.

They're all dated two weeks
before Kip's death.

And he bet it
several times a day.

What do you think it is?

Well, Josh would have
wanted something

that was mathematically
challenging, right?

Something with four digits.

Square root.

1864 is 43.17406.

But the cube root
of the digits--

of 1864--are 124.

124 market street.

That's Kip's apartment.

Where Angela was seeing Kip.

You think he was jealous?

I-I don't think
he was jealous.

I think he was trying
to build the hand against Lou.

That he found out
that she was cheating.

And then when the cops
investigate the crime,

they think that Lou
has a motive to k*ll Kip.

He's not without
a certain brilliance.

And you think all this
relates to Josh's past?

Well, his father used him
as a poker prodigy.

And then the man
who k*lled his father,

he took him in
for the same purpose.

He had very mixed emotions

when we sent his mentor
to prison.

So then Lou backs him,
takes over the mentor role.

Doesn't explain why Josh
is sandbagging him.

Well, it could be
he wants to break away

from father figures
who controlled him.

He's thinking that
if he reclaims his life,

he'll reclaim his game.

It's working.

We've got a case on Lou
and nothing on him.

There's still
a major piece missing.

How does a g*n
loaded with blanks

k*ll Kip McGonagle?

I don't know.

I bet Josh would
play that card, though.

Maybe that card
won't hold up.

I think it's time
to force his hand.

You think Lou
might actually beat this?

Well, Angela will testify

that she saw you
load blanks.

I'll swear to it.

I mean,
how could this g*n

and--and this b*llet
k*ll Kip McGonagle?

Well, obviously, I've given
this a lot of thought.

What Lou
must have done was...

Break the lead
off a live round,

poke it down into
the barrel of that .38.

You mean turn it
into a muzzle loader? the g*ns
in his bar.

So I load the blank
behind that b*llet,

fire it...

It's deadly.

All right, well,
that could work.

It did work.

Something I'll regret
for the rest of my life.

k*lling Kip or...

Getting played?

Getting played?

Yeah, well, your game
had gone bad.

You needed to turn
yourself around, right?


You're wrong.

Oh, I don't know.

Lou goes down,

you get a suspended sentence

and what's left
of Lou's empire: Angela.

Knowing Angela
was cheating on Lou

set everything in motion.

Josh, what are they saying?

They're fishing.

It's their game.

If he got you to lie
in your proffer,

your immunity is gone.


I know that you're--
you're good at card tricks.

You know, that you're
amazing with your hands.

That he can palm
a live round.

[Chamber clicks]

Did I just load this?


Did you see me load it?


Careful with that.


Is it loaded or--
or is it empty?

I know what I saw.
What is this?

Oh, yeah?
You want to bet?

You want to bet
that I don't have the rage

to take a life,
like you did?

I don't have rage, Goren.

Oh, yeah?

You know, you let
Penelope die.

I didn't let her die.
Don't you ever say that.

Yeah, you did.
It's obvious.

Your rage, you know,

it destroyed your ability--

your ability
to read things.

I didn't miss anything.

You did!
There's a live round in there.

No, you missed.

You did, you missed
her tremors, you know.

Her slurred speech.
Her--her dizzy spells.

And now I'm playing you.

No one's playing me.

You missed her tells, Josh.

Missed her tells?


I missed her tells, huh?

I missed--I missed glass

breaking in the middle
of the night?

I missed her in the kitchen
with all the lights on,

telling me that it's dark?

Telling me she can't see,

her feet cut and bleeding

from the mustard jar
that she dropped?

I held her
and I cleaned up the glass.

But it didn't matter.
It was too late.

And where were you
for the early signs?

Atlantic city?
Las Vegas?

Were you at Lou's tables?

He said,
"you're slacking, Josh!

"It's time at the tables
that makes a champion.

All wives call and complain."

Like I cared about
the tables, you know?

All I wanted
was to be with her.

He took that away from me.

He played you.

Lou played you,
like I'm playing you now.

No, no, I played him.

He's in jail right now,
pissing himself

because I put him there--
for her.

And you k*lled
Kip McGonagle?

You're damn right I did.

It was part of the game.

Nobody plays me.

[Trigger snaps]

You see?
You're wrong.


It's an old
magician's trick.

You see?
Beeswax on the thumb.

It's just...

Just an old trick.

You're gonna have to...

Call your lawyer.

Tell him to meet you
downtown, okay?