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08x11 - Lady's Man

Posted: 01/23/23 12:07
by bunniefuu
Male announcer: In New York
City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

The weather situation
is much worse

across the country.

26 deaths are being blamed
on this cold snap,

and it's expected
to continue

for at least
another three days.

Stay warm if you can,
and if you have to go out,

make sure
that you are bundled up.

It only takes
five minutes outside

for exposed skin
to suffer...

You didn't have
to do all of this.

I'm sorry,
we're out of Jimmy Dean.

I just want you
to have a great day.

[Cell phone rings]


Who's this?
It's 5:00 A.M.

What doctor?

Where are you?

Okay, thanks.

Boz, I don't know
if I can meet you.

You're not rolling yet?


Ah, jeez, hospital.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You got to go there.

Yeah, just...Call me.

[Phone ringing]




Yeah, yeah, Craig, Max
has got a problem with his kid,'s just you and me.

I really hope
you're going to make it.


Hell with them.

Happy birthday to me.


Don't mean
to be immodest, but...

You're standing
between me and my clothes.


[Dramatic music]

* *

Why would I
want your clothes?

I'm just saying
maybe someone made a mistake.

Red silk.

Sorry, maybe you misplaced it.
[Phone ringing]

I didn't misplace it.


I'll be right there.

People saw him
from the road.

When I got down here,
I recognized him.

And it's Burnham?

Yeah. The guy I see on TV.

That's him.

Ah, what's it been?
Ten years?

I was the lead detective
on his first wife's m*rder.

Whole country was rooting
for this guy's conviction.

We tried.

From wife k*ller
to TV celebrity.

Go figure.

Looks like it was
from an intermediate range.

It's a good aim.

First guess, a .380.

And this here,
it looks like a Nematocysts.

You know, a jellyfish sting.

No jellyfish
in the east river.

They never
found his wife, did they?

Someone did
some nasty surgery.

Oh, you're kidding.

I love saving
the best for last.

It's like they made him
into a charismatic.

A what?

In ancient Rome.

Young boys--slaves--they'd...

Do a total removal
of all their genitals.

And they called
them charismatics.

Son of a bitch, it is him.

A.D.A. Kevin Mulrooney.

Sorry, two lanes
were closed on the Verrazano.


You're back
in the D.A.'S office?

Six months.

I don't think
this is the crime scene.

Why? Are we
ignoring the possibility

that he was k*lled here
and dumped in the river?

He was stung by a jellyfish.

Jellyfish aren't
found in fresh water.

So he was shot,
then he got stung.

If he was stung
after his death,

the immune system
just would not react.

There'd be no red Mark.

No, he was definitely
stung and then shot.

So you're saying
he took off all his clothes,

got in freezing cold water, then
he got out and someone shot him.

I have problems with that.

So Burnham's missing wife--
she wasn't a big woman.

About my size.

So it would've taken somebody
much bigger to move his body

from wherever
he was shot to here.

Plus, she's dead.
I prosecuted the case.

And lost.

Maybe if
the cops found her body...

Hey, come on.
Let's all get on the same page.

The guy had enemies

and possibly
this is something random.

You should take a look at the
little man behind the curtain.


It has the look
of something very personal.

you came here to gloat?

Let them talk, Max.

You weren't around then.

You don't know
what she put him through.

Does he have to be here--

does he have to be here?

Do you have to be here?

I work with Boz, and
Martha asked me to be here.


Boz had a deal
in place for his own show.

Re-examining cases where people
are unjustly accused

by people like you.

When was the last time you
saw your husband, Mrs. Burnham?

This morning, around 5:00.

I didn't want him to go.

I always worried
when he did this.

Sorry, did what?

Every year on Boz's birthday,

we'd all go for
a swim at Atlantic beach.

Atlantic beach.

Were you with him?

I should've been.

But I got a call saying
my son was in an accident,

and in the hospital.

It turns out
it was some stupid joke.

So he wasn't in the hospital?

It must've been some bim
my kid was partying with.

A woman?

If I knew who she was,
I'd wring her neck.

Who else was invited
to this swim?

Craig o'Keefe.

It's deja vu all over again.

How many times
did I say it, Craig?

Boz Burnham is an S.O.B.
and up to no good.

Give it a rest, Paula.

Let me guess,
you work for Boz too.

Yeah, kept his appointments,
schedules, stuff like that.

You with him
for the birthday swim?

Not with him, no.

I had to spend the night
in Jersey.

Craig was in Secaucus,
getting offices ready

for Boz's
new production company.

And that took all night?

I grabbed a few hours
of sleep in a motel,

and then I went
straight to Atlantic beach.

But I was late.
No Boz, no Maxie.

Atlantic beach, how did
you know where to find him?

Mohawk Avenue entrance.

It's the same every year.

20 degrees
with the wind chill.

People are crazy to do this.

This must be the clothes.

Something at
the tide-line over there.

These tracks here-too close
together to be a car, right?

People ride dune buggies
out here.


This towel.

He used this.
It was wet.

There's blood.

So I guess he would have...

Been in the water,
come out, grabbed the towel,

started to dry himself off as
he walked towards the clothes.

The k*ller
must have been right here.


This looks like blood.

So where is his--
k*ller might have took it.

You know?

A fetish.

Seagulls are always hungry.

It could be anywhere.

I'm going to call CSU.

We've got ourselves
a crime scene.

Mitch left his CPA office
in Rockaway at 7:00 P.M.

Now having lived in Rockaway,
I'm familiar with

every possible route
into the city.

Leaving Mitch's office at 7:00,

I was never able
to get here before 8:15.

So Mitch Muldaur may owe
a big thanks to you, Boz.

I know what it feels like
to be falsely accused.

And I'll have more for you
next week.

Yeah, I don't think so.

What about Boz's current wife?

Well, her doorman says
she never left the building.

But his friend
Craig o'Keefe says

he pulled
an all-nighter in New Jersey.

And we think he may be lying,
possibly for his wife's benefit.

We'll have him brought in.

You mind
giving us a minute?

Okay, I want you to bring
Nichols and Wheeler

up to speed on this case.

I am not making it official.

But I want you to withdraw.

I thought this might--
um, I don't agree.

You worked the trial,

it makes sense
you'd have personal feelings.

An I.A.B. complaint
was filed against you

for confronting Burnham
in a courtroom hallway.

Yes, Boz Burnham was joking
about his m*rder*d wife

in front of her parents.

It's about perception.

Because I'm not grieving
for Boz Burnham?

Are you?

No, of course not.

Right, a m*rder victim's
a m*rder victim.

Our personal feelings
about them don't matter.

At least that's the way
I've always worked a case.

You've made your point.

This is coming
from the DA's office.

I'll tell them
you're the best I've got.

I appreciate that.

The edges where the genitalia
were cut away are rough.

See the tissue's
actually been sawed.

No question he was dead
when that happened.

Done in the spur of
the moment, an afterthought?

Yeah, my gut was right,

a .380 lodged against
the back of his skull.

And the angle of entry?

I would guess eye-level
with the sh**t.

Victim standing,
maybe approaching.

It was all carefully planned
until this.

Why the sudden loss of control?

Maybe seeing him dead offered
something very fulfilling.

An ultimate act of vengeance.

We know a lot
about his past.

Maybe we should
take a look at his present.

What can I say,
the guy's a charmer.

Last Christmas, he showed up
with Tiffany bracelets

for all the secretaries.

And what was Boz's salary?

200 last year as a consultant.

Why not?

Anytime he was on, my ratings
went through the roof.

Now we're going to have
to find something else

for Tuesdays at 10:00.

I'm running short on time.

Was he particularly close
to anyone here?

Like women?

No question he was a flirt,

but he was devoted to Martha.

She sometimes
came to his tapings.

25 seconds.

Could be she didn't trust him.

Look you obviously
have some prejudice

that I just don't share.

He told me that life
had given him a second chance

and he would
never blow that.

I believed him.

Now, I--I have to sit down.

Ten seconds.

Were you alone with him
when he told you that?

I'm not going
to dignify that with a response.

In five, four, three...
You just did.

So now it makes sense
how he got the job.

I made the trip to see
what sort of headway you made.

You could've just called.

Okay, guilty, you got me.

I wasn't opposed
to spending some time with you.

We worked a case together.

You were a friend
when I needed a friend.

And I appreciate that.


That makes it sounds like
I let you ahead of me

in line at Starbucks.

Things changed with us.

Should I come back?

No, no. It's fine.
What have you got?

The charting
the river currents

it's likely that Boz
was dumped off city island.


Vacation capital of the world.

Keep me up to date.

[Door closes]

Is there a problem?

Joe and I rented
a weekend place up there

after we were married.


And how would Mulrooney
know that?

Boz Burnham was the first case
I worked after Joe's death.

It's a time in a person's life

when they need
to talk about things.

You slept with him?

[Door opening]

brought in Craig o'Keefe.

Interrogation one.

So you have several women,
or, like, just the one?


We understand you had
to lie in front of your wife.

I mean, who was she?

She would make a good alibi.

I love my wife.

Right, and you'd never,
you know,

do anything like this.

The fact is,
I never got lucky.

This woman, a redhead--
I met her that night at a bar.


She invited me to party.

What, you think
she was involved?

Do you?

Jeez, I don't know.

So you went
back to her place...

All I know is
I woke up in room 216

at the Clinton hotel
on 10th Avenue.

I swear to god, I don't remember
a damn thing after Murray's.

Look, can we keep this quiet?

Well, here's an upside
to the economic downturn,

motel rooms go unrented,
beds go unmade.

Maybe there'll
actually be some evidence.

You know, Max said
that a woman called him

to tell him about his son.

Craig's redhead?

Would a redhead
wear a red blouse?

That's a rhetorical question.

Uh, I'm sorry,
it's just that I had--

have the same shirt.

You mean one like it.

Same size, same label...

Swizzle stick.

Lion's rock, second Avenue--
I know that place.

I wondered
what became of you.

I got busy at work.

Yeah, that's
what your friend said.

My friend.
[Clears throat]

He still comes in here.

I think he's
in the DA's office now.


We need
to know about a redhead.

Possibly wearing a red blouse
the night before last.

I wasn't here.
That--that'd be Denny's night.


Uh, yeah.
You got something for me?

She's something, huh?

I've been trying
to, you know...

You know, her friend,
the one that talks about her,

can you tell me anything?

Like anything I--
come on, I know.

You're a bartender, right?

Tight lips, big tips, right?

All right, I've been there.

Look, she and Mulrooney
used to come in

and sit at that table over there
for hours.

She'd talk, he'd listen.

She was going
through something.

White wine, bourbon rocks.
I never forget a drink.

She likes wine.

She was the bourbon.


Between me and you,
I wouldn't worry.

He still comes in
but he's always alone.

You got it.

We got a hit on
the ATV rental at Rockaway.

Rented by a woman,
a redhead.

Gabrielle Roth.

She didn't leave an address,

but she paid with a debit card
from East Manhattan Savings.

So you okay?

I'm fine.

You find out everything
you wanted to know?

About me?


Bourbon, huh?


Gabrielle Roth's files,

she opened
a checking account last week,

deposited 3,000 cash.

the personal information.


Look what she put
for a home address.

111-1967 [indistinct]
Forrest Hills--

that's your address.

I just want to know if Boz's
wife was cheating on him.

Jenny? No way.

Yet, you claim
to be her best friend.

Yeah, and as far as I knew,
their marriage was okay.


Detective Eames found a letter
that she wrote in her desk.

Do you know about that?

Yeah, it sounded like
she was afraid of Boz.

We just have
a few more questions for you.


What is this?

Well, there's things--
current things that...

Still connect
to the Burnham case.

So you think there are answers
in ten-year-old depositions?

Paula mentions this letter,
you never told me about.

You know, maybe Ross
should reassign this.

I'm asking questions.

Do you know
that's what we do, right?

We ask questions.


The letter
she's talking about is...

Something Jenny Burnham left

in a sealed envelope
in her office.

It said,
"if something happens to me,

"Boz is responsible."

I'm the one who found it.

They should have
convicted him.

Except the defense experts
successfully challenged

the prosecution experts
over Jenny's handwriting.

His lawyers suggested
to the jury that you planted it.

Yes, it was very effective.

And you still feel guilty?

You know, why are you
taking this tone with me?

You don't know what I feel.

I did not
plant that letter.

When Mulrooney
left the DA's office

when he lost the case,
he was fired?

No, not exactly.

Um, but his career
as a prosecutor was finished.

So he had
a reason to obsess?

Well, that's crazy.

Mulrooney might be irritating...
But a k*ller?

We should at least
find out if he likes redheads.

Whoever k*lled Boz
had to know

about his birthday routine.

That's a wide net.

I'll bet that Boz bragged
about that birthday swim

to anyone who'd listen.

Oh, I agree.

We're on the wrong track.

So prosecutor, you've been
in all kinds of law,

for, well, a while.

Seven years.

Must be tough
being back here.

The average age here is--
well, they're kids really.

28, right?

I bring a little thing
called experience.

Is this a little closet?

He's got a closet,
we don't have a closet.

Everyone keeps clothes
for court.

This is impressive.

The way you have
all the colors in line,

everything is so...


Lily Dillon west.

She was a paralegal
during the Burnham case.

We started out here together.

Now she's heir
apparent to Jack McCoy,

you think she'll get it?

[Nervous chuckle]

Lily's paid her dues.

You know, you could probably--
I mean, if you hadn't left...

You would probably.

Do you mind?

Yeah, Mulrooney.

Do you mind?

In seven years,
Mulrooney's not listed

as council
on any court documents.

A lawyer can eke out a living
doing temp legal research,

but there's a gap
in his life.

His career died.

Maybe he sat at home watching
Boz Burnham's career rise on TV.

When he showed up
at the east river,

he complained about traffic
on the Verrazano.

You take the Verrazano
from Staten Island.

He used to talk about his dad,
Harry Mulrooney,

who lived on Staten island.

Mm, well, maybe
he knows something

about those missing years.

I worked ladder 51.

30 years.

They had to drag my butt out
of there kicking and screaming.

Wow, fire department,
prosecutor's office...

Just a family
of public service.

I don't trust anyone
in a suit.

No disrespect.

I'm with you on that.

Alexandra Eames.
That's right.

Yeah, I remember him
talking about you.

Honestly, I thought
he made you up.

That bad?

No, no.

But a woman cop...

I hoped he was
up to the challenge.

Have a seat.
Who wants a beer?

Well, I'd love to, but...


Gals always like Kevin.

But there comes a time when
you got to stop chasing skirts.

No offense,
but his type was always...

[Sighs] But hey.

Nothing wrong with a woman
who can handle a firearm.

Did he ever tell you
I had him out at the range

starting when he was six?

And he was good.

Then he goes on this
ban g*ns kick.

My wife always
took his side.

And she could be scary.

Adele, she was
one of the good ones.

She brought this back
from Galway for me.

Nothing like
the Irish coast.

Uh, still has people there.

She used to visit
once a year.

So what did he do?

Kevin? Nothing.

It's just a routine
check for the DA's office.

He put you down
as a reference.


But it doesn't seem
like you see him very often.

Not that much.

He stopped coming by
once Adele...

The kind of closeness
they had,

it's different
than a father and son.



You don't mind if I, uh...

No, no, help yourself.

How you doing?

Very good.

Two, please.

Thank you.


Thank you very much.

Oh, ooph, ooph.

Look at that.


* bah bah bum bum bum *



She's a little intimidating.
Doesn't that intimidate you?

It's the Versace.

Underneath that
there's a scared little girl

with fake breasts,
skinny bottom, a nothing.



Have been victimized.


[Gasping chuckle]

Is this about something?

Well, Eames--
you know, the case--

I think that
she was overzealous.

It's ancient history.

She came out
of the whole thing, you know,

like, smelling like a Rose.

And then you
got stuck in that...

Well, like a cubicle.


Right, I mean you might
as well be doing...

[Both laughing]

You might as well be
in traffic court.

[Both laughing]

[Clears throat, sniffs]

[Paper ripping]
Yep. Well...

I could've won.


She ever tell you how
she blew her cross examination?

No, no.
Of course not, no.

Ruth Petrie...

Was an eyewitness.

She saw Boz...

Loading garbage bags
into the trunk of his car

the night
that Jenny disappeared.

Okay, Ruth
was a little confused.

She--she messed--
she messed up the date,

uh, the model of the car.

But she corrected herself.

All that Eames had to do...

Was overlook
Ruth's previous mistakes.

Aw, ph-ugh.

I know, I know.

I got to go.

All right, well...Okay.

Thanks for the drink.

You know, Mulrooney
doesn't simply blame Boz

for his life's failure.

He blames you
for losing the trial.

You're a hell
of a detective.

Well, that's
only part of it.

I mean, there's everything
that you haven't told me.

What haven't I told you?

I asked if you slept with him
and you didn't answer me.

I didn't.

But I would have.

But before
anything could happen,

we were hit with a pile
of motions, the trial started...

And whatever
we felt for each other soured.

Well, I'm concerned.

For me?

I think he's unstable.

I need his wife's letter.

That would be people's 18.

All the best stuff
is in these three boxes.

Can I have people's 36?


The second search
of the Burnham house.


Your office
wouldn't give out your number.

It's all fancy, and...
I have a meeting.

I just wanted
to you know come by

and, you know, keep
you up-to-date on things.

Is there some urgency?

Have you found a redhead yet?

We haven't found a redhead,
but we have found a red shirt

at the same motel
that she brought Craig oKeefe.

This is crazy.

I'm looking...

And then...

You know?

What do you--
you know what I'm saying?

I mean it's like
two different people live here.

Yeah. is just me.

I was wondering if,
you know, you'd come by

and, you know, look
at evidence lock-up with me?

I really think it's time
that the two of us--

we put our
heads together on this one.

Are we leaving?

Yeah, I can stop by
after work.

You promise?
Yes, of course.

Oh, damn, I just remembered
I have to send a fax.

Mulrooney's going
to meet me

at evidence lock-up
in about two hours.

Well, I hope
you're not saying I can't go.

No, I’m--

things are going to be said.

You know, things revealed...

That won't be pleasant for me.


It's about getting him.

So what's the problem?

I'm supposed to see
a case in all of this?

Well...the case is here.

It's unformed yet.

Well, I don't go to court
until things are fully formed.

I learned that lesson.

Well, we clearly
don't want a repeat of that.


It's too bad
that detective Eames

didn't fudge her testimony,

That's not
what I'm suggesting.

Oh, come on.
If I hadn't found that letter,

you'd be on that yellow brick
road to bureau chief,

not taking orders
from your former paralegal.

You know, I'm not
really sure you should be here.

I think she needs to be here.

I think she's carried around
this guilt of that acquittal

ten years.

I think detective Eames needs
to see how you...

Jennie Burnham's letter

and planted it
so she could find it.

This is a search warrant.

This is
the second request by you.

"All furniture and furnishings
owned by the deceased."

Including the slant-top desk
the letter was found in.


The search is specific
because I ran a tight case.

But it's the paper.
Letter paper.

This is only made and sold
in Ireland.

is Jennie Burnham's paper.


This one your mother
brought back with her

on one of her annual
visits to Ireland.

Absolutely none of this has
anything to do

with Burnham's m*rder.

You are looking for a woman.
Without her, there's no case.

We have a woman.

I just want a...

This shot,
right between the eyes.

Very calculated, deliberate.

A marksman.

And this,
total emasculation.


Crudely done with this.

Now it's two crimes.

One is meticulously
thought out.

The other--

have you...
Ever heard of Carl Jung?

Just show me a case.

If I want expert
psychiatric testimony,

I'll get a shrink.

Carl Jung believed

that rage is the, um...

Female side of our nature.


An aggregate of all
the females in our lives.

It gives us strength.
It makes us stronger.

Uh-huh, good, yeah.

I don't really care
what Jung believed.

Do you remember
the girl at the bar?

Remember you said she was
skinny and she had fake breasts?

Remember that?

You said but
she was wearing Versace

and that made her confident.


I think that he knows
how that feels.

I think you know
how that feels.

You're desperate.

I think that you want Eames
to feel the same failure

that's been haunting you
for years,

and that's why
you left clues.

Red blouse, the swizzle stick
from the bar.

That's why you dumped
Boz's body at City Island,

to bring it back
to detective Eames.

You wanted me
to know it was you,

and to think there wasn't
a damn thing

I could do to prove it.

our search team calls

and tells us
that they found a red wig.

I wonder what else
they're going to find.

Without probable cause,

that search is invalid.

Probable cause?

You bought
these clothes for her.

Size 12 or, what was it,
maybe 14?

She's a big girl, confident
girl, struts her stuff.

Very much like
you're doing right now.

Okay, right.
I'm out of here.

Are you afraid?
Is she afraid?

What would you guys
be afraid of?

What would the two of you
be afraid of?

What's the matter,

the undergarments pressing
against your skin

don't make you feel protected?

I think you screwed up, Kev.

A little too much Rouge.
You know, scent.

There's nothing worse than
having your makeup not right.

I bet you can't wait
to look in a mirror.

All right, all right.

All right.

You'll find things.

This bitch can gloat.

But I've seen her broken.

A crushed flower.

For poor, dead Joe.

And wanting me.

But not as strong as you.

Not strong like Gabby.

But she's someone
you'll never find.

I'm ready to see a lawyer.

Hold still, sweetie.


I'm placing you under arrest
for the m*rder of Boz Burnham.

You have
the right to an attorney.

If you lack funds,

an attorney
will be provided for you.