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08x09 - Family Values

Posted: 01/23/23 12:07
by bunniefuu
Male announcer:
In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

Things long dead.

See how they rise again?


Why keep silence
all these 14 years,

when on this letter,
which he never wrote,

the beloved tears
were your tears?

The blood stains were his.

[Sound slowing]
Why your noble silence
kept so long?

[Echoing] You ask why?

Alas, why for anything
other than my love, Roxanne?

Seeing her, I heard...
The revelations.

Arrayed in Scarlet,

decked...with golden stones,

offering abominations,
the filth of fornications.

But I will save her.

I'll save them all.

[Cheers and applause]

Me? Oh!

[Cheers and applause]

Lots of hard work.

And it showed!

Thank you.

Next time, something modern,
like Tennessee Williams.

One step at a time.

Did Mr. Devildis enjoy it?

I saw him in the audience.

He did, yes.

Uh, he would be here now,
but he was called away.


Excuse me.
I've got to circulate.

Well, daddy didn't leave
before the end, did he?

He left when you were
in the garden.

That's my best scene.

Honey, I'm sure
it was important.

[Door closes]

Guess who's the luckiest couple
in the world.


Remember nobody
wanted the pistons,

and you thought I was...

Huh! Ohh!


I'm sorry.

There's nothing more
I can do for you.



Single coffee cup
and saucer.

Coffee pot's been washed.

But these grounds, they're...

They're still moist.

If she was expecting
her husband home,

why not have the coffee pot
in the coffee maker,

waiting for his arrival?

You think the k*ller
washed up?

I think he was,
you know, comfortable here.

I think...She sat here
with him, talking,

when he struck her.

She was listening.
She trusted him.

I don't envy whoever
has to deal with next of kin.

We got the address books,

Yeah, and all this here.


So if she
was k*lled first...

The neighbor said
the husband often worked late.

Yeah, I think
he knew that too.

I think he...

Sat here.

He had a cup of coffee.

He waited until he heard
the husband arrive.

And then he came in...

k*ller strikes him
on the left side.

Husband falls
into the refrigerator.

With a left
temporal fracture.

There's also a fracture
in the occipital crown.

Two selective blows.

Enough to k*ll,
but not more.

It lacks disorganization
of someone out of control.

Nah, I think
he was in total control.

I think he knew this place.

He planned this.

And he showed up
with a small, heavy w*apon.

Yeah, from the injuries,
my guess would be a hammer.

And the k*ller
didn't want this.

It doesn't have the look
of sexual as*ault.



Maybe she was holding it
when she fell?

Yeah, but her right hand
is under her hip.

Her left
is on top of her head.

No, it would
take him two hands

to arrange the towels

to cover
her exposed breast.

Our k*ller is concerned
about modesty?

My first question
is about that money.

He had $1,000 in 20s.

He might have held it
in his hand, you know,

to show to his wife.

A successful score
from a drug deal?

but the narcotics sweep

of the house and vehicle
was negative.

What about
a sexual component?

The preliminary autopsy

showed no signs of any
sexual activity.

But an exposed breast,

covered with a towel--

we shouldn't discount
something weird.

She was young, attractive.

Maybe she got involved
with some deranged nut?

Who kills
her and her husband

out of jealousy.

Why would she
sit at the table

and have coffee
with a lover

if she was expecting
her husband to come home, then?

[Phone rings]


Thank you.

[Hangs up phone]

Her sister
and brother-in-law

have come to identify
the bodies.



It's okay.

Oh, my...

We saw them about...
A month ago?

I was hoping they would
come to the play.


Our daughter Kathy was
in a school play last night.

If they had come,
you know, maybe...

I can't even
think about it.

Did they ever
talk about anyone

they thought of
as an enemy?

An enemy? No.

No, there was nothing
like that

with Millie and Joe.

Any problems?
Maybe something financial?

Um, I mean,
things were a little tight.

But they always knew
that Paul and I

were there to help them.

And their marriage
seemed good?

Very good.

They were gonna
have a baby.

I'm sorry, I don't--

I don't think we can
do any more of this.

Yeah, there's just
one last thing.

Do you know of any problems

that he was having
in the work place?

Uh, not that I know of.

Uh, so...

[Whispering] It's okay.

Joe got along good
with everyone.

Never a single conflict

Do you know
what a crane operator does?

You're working down here
while the crane

is holding three tons of steel
over your head.

Your life
is in Joe's hands.

Anybody had
a problem with him,

I'd have heard about it.

He went home

with quite a bit
of money last night.

Yeah, a basketball pool.

Gave me and the crew
a couple hundred bucks

for beers and, uh,

took the rest home
to surprise Millie.

Passed on the party?

Kid on the way.

Work's not as steady
as it was.

So he was maybe having
financial problems or...

He was always asking
for overtime.

He had a balloon payment
on his mortgage.

[Scoffs] Was hoping his
brother-in-law could fix it.

The guy's a banker.


I, uh, spoke to everyone
but your mother.

Oh, uh, yeah.

I called the home.

They're gonna keep her
away from the news.

And I'm gonna
go out there tomorrow.

Is this...For the bank?

Yeah, it's modifications

on the first plan
that I submitted.

It, uh...

It helps keep
my mind off things.

Well...they have
no idea what they lost in you.

[Approaching footsteps]

Okay, I know
that it's a bad time.

But I have this big scene
for drama.

I promised Trina

I'd be over at her house
tomorrow night,

and we'd run lines.

What play is it?

Oh, uh,
it's sweet bird of youth

by Tennessee Williams.

He was a h*m*,
wasn't he?


He was a brilliant writer.

And he wrote great roles
for women.

Honey, you know,
what you're doing

is helping you keep your mind
off our tragedy, it's--

yeah, mom's right.

This would help me too.




Thank you.

Mr. Devildis,
what a surprise.

I, uh, I felt bad
not seeing you

and thanking you
after the play.

You came all the way
out here to tell me that?

Uh, no,
I had business nearby

and my wife
prevailed on me

to look
for your acting studio.

And, anyway, here I am.

I, uh, left the play early.

It was rude of me.
Business call.

I understand.
That's okay.

Kathy's very enthusiastic
about drama.


Yeah, I hear that you're
not 100% approving.

Well, it's uh...

Not something I'm used to.

Didn't seeing her
in the play turn you around?

Had a very strong
impact on me.

And Kathy wants to continue
with acting.

Maybe...if we could talk.

Well, come in.
I'll make coffee.

Try selling you on
sending Kathy to Yale drama.


That's a big order.

She's a big talent.

I remembered
mention of the flyer

in the interprecinct bulletin.

That, coupled with
the cause of death...

Blunt force instrument?

A lot of similarities
in the M.O.

No sign of forced entry.

So she knew her k*ller.


Multiple blows delivered

with a similar blunt force

While pouring coffee
for her k*ller.

Sadly, very familiar.

the Stegeman's injuries

were rounded indentations.

A ball-peen hammer.

This has an almost
identical look.

Time of death?

Well, from lividity
and rigor I'd say last night,

7:00 to 10:00 P.M.

She...directed plays?

Drama teacher
at a Christian high school.

Who found her?

Doreen Howell.
They live together.

We have her
with a paramedic.

All right, thanks.

Vilma taught drama.

Millie Stegeman
taught special ed.

Both teachers.

What, besides this,
connects them?

I'm certain she didn't
know those people.


I called her
from my mother's

when those murders
were over the news.

We talked about them.
She would have said something.

Did the same person
k*ll Vilma?

That's something
we have to consider.

Vilma's classes
were only for children?

No adult ed?

Only kids.


She just did a production
of Cyrano.

Yeah, I was wondering
if you knew

if there was any way
we could find out

who received these flyers
from the play.

Yes...the parents
gave us a list of names.

We sent them out.

Three killings
in two days.

The tabloids
have already labeled him

a serial k*ller.

There may be no reason
to argue that.

Make sure everything
goes to the F.B.I.

For possible profiling.

Well, we'll send it,
but there isn't much.

Paul and Mary Devildis,

the sister and brother-in-law

who came to identify
Millie Stegeman,

their daughter
was in the play.

They put Millie and Joe

on the list
to receive a flyer.

It's probably
just a family connection,

but we'll take
a closer look at them.

Anything from cross checks

of the victims'
phone records?

Still underway.

The names of anyone
who called both victims

will go in vicap.

I don't expect much
from vicap.

There were no hits
on latent prints

from either crime scene.

I--I'm pretty certain

that we're dealing with
a first offender.

All right, then,
our only linkage.

How many of these went out?

There were 116 names
on the list,

but people could have
handed them out to anyone.

No robbery,
no sexual component.

People have been k*lled
over school beauty pageants,

soccer, little league.

Maybe it originates
from the drama class.

We debated closing down.

First the media,
now the police.

We're a conservative
Christian school.

It's a--a nightmare for us.

Well, it's worse
than a nightmare

for your late drama teacher.

Now, you said
that she's worked here

for six years.

Was she well-liked?

Her classes
were always capacity.

You called this

a conservative
Christian school.

Was there opposition
to the kids being onstage?

Not with plays
like Mary Poppins

or sound of music.

What about Cyrano?

Most parents felt a play
about unrequited love

was a lesson in abstinence.


That's not everyone.

I can assure you

there was no conflict

between any parents
and Vilma.

Every student was required

to give us a letter
from their parents

if they wanted
to participate in drama.

We'll want to see
those letters.

Think they're police?

Well, there
are privacy issues.

Your drama teacher
was m*rder*d.

You don't want it
getting around

that you won't cooperate.

Vilma's students need help
dealing with this.

I was about to lead them
in a prayer session.

Well, we'll wait
for the letters.

Hey, Ray,
it's Paul Devildis.

Oh, how are ya?

Oh, well as can
be expected.

So sad about
your wife's sister.

Anything, anything we can do.

Ah, I appreciate that, Ray.

I understand the pressure
that you're under.

As you know, it's not easy
making decisions

that impact people's lives.

Well, it'll end.

You know, it's been, um,
therapeutic for me

to work on my own
restructuring plan.

If I dropped it by,
would you review it?

Of course.

Uh, and since
I'm no longer at the bank,

could it be
for your eyes only?

You have my assurance.

Thanks, Ray.

[Phone beeps]

Poor guy.


Perfect quote.

"They that sow in tears
shall reap in joy."

That still doesn't explain
why or who did it.

You know, the police
were at our school.

They're gonna solve this.

I hope they solve it before
something happens to us.

People we knew are dead.

Why shouldn't we
be scared too?

Because...we trust
in the shield of our faith.

[Scoffs] Well...

You trust in faith
all you want, dad.

But if I'm here on my own,
I am not answering the door.


I just spoke to the bank
that holds the loan

on Joe and Millie Stegeman's

Let me guess:
They needed that money

from the basketball pool.

Oh, it wouldn't
have helped.

Their monthly payments
had doubled.

The bank holding the loan
is the same bank

where Paul Devildis worked.

That explains
why they could ask for help.

Except Paul was fired
five months ago.

So Paul Devildis.

Looks like
he was feeling pressure

from more than one place.

This is the consent letter
to allow Kathy

to go to drama class.

We should pay them
a visit.


[Car alarm chirps]

Mr. Devildis.

Oh, yes, detectives.

Uh, any developments?

We're just gathering

We're talking to people
whose children

were in the play Cyrano.

Oh...yeah, my daughter Kathy
plays the lead,

but I don't see that--

Uh, Kathy, yeah.

Come meet detective Eames
and Goren.

Yeah, I saw you at school.

Yeah, you're
in Vilma's class.

Do you enjoy drama?

Well, I--I want
to study acting in college.

Do you have a problem
with that?

Is there a reason
for asking me that?

Well, we were reading
the parental consent forms

for the drama class.

Most of the, uh, forms
were signed by both parents.

But Kathy's were only signed
by her mom.

Yes, I did
have some resistance.

You know, Kathy's
daddy's little girl.

And it's...

Hard to imagine her

not ten years younger
than she actually is.


Oh, come on,
I've come around, haven't I?

You saw her
in Cyrano, then?

You asking me where I was

the night that Joe and Millie
were m*rder*d?

What, honey? It's okay.

The cops gotta check up
on everybody.

Isn't that true?

It is routine.

Yes, of course
I saw the play.

Kathy, uh, how many
curtain calls?

Uhh, three.

[Chuckles] That's right.

Does that answer it?

If you'll excuse me,
I have an errand.

And then, um,
we'll be attending

Joe and Millie's
memorial service.

Okay, I'm gonna go.

Okay, I'll see you later.

They were having
financial hardship,

on the verge
of losing their house.

But I--I guess
you knew that, right?

I wouldn't
have let that happen.

You no longer
have your job at the bank.

So how would you...
Help them?

They're family.

I would have found a way.

I see.

Well, he lied.

About the play?

No father forgets
his daughter's curtain calls.

I also think he lied
about the Stegemans.

You know, this offer of help
that he couldn't fulfill.

Joe, Millie,

and their unborn child.

Now let us reflect on
a passage from revelations...

To lift the heavy cloak
of our grief.

They are now before
the throne of god.

Never again
to hunger or to thirst,

nor shall the sun
beat upon them.


For a Shepherd has come

to lead them to the spring
of eternal waters.

And god will wipe
the tears from their eyes.

[Choking up]

Well, we know the flyer
wasn't delivered

in the b*mb itself.

The fragments we found
are too large.

Anything enclosed with the b*mb
would be confetti.

It was probably
with other papers on his desk.

He move from a ball-peen
hammer to a b*mb.

What do we know
about the device?

Homemade, probably
from a downloaded diagram.

Gunpowder, number three
goose shot in a delivery box.

Simple, but deadly.

Well, we know
the time of death.

This clock was stopped
by the blast.

after closing time.

The victim was here
with another man--

Greg Phillips.

They took him to Columbia pres.
With serious injuries.

I know who sent the b*mb.

He called and told us
he was bringing it.

That he was bringing
a b*mb?

He said it was
a restructuring plan.

He used to work at the bank.

His name is...
Paul Devildis.

And Devildis
brought it himself?

I met him at the door
and took it to Ray Balger,

the bank president.

Ray wanted coffee,

and I was leaving
to bring it...

That's all I remember.

Now, why
was anything accepted

from Paul Devildis?

He'd been fired.

Well, we all
felt sorry for him.

Sorry for him?

He was our manager,

until corporate pushed him
into subprime lending.

It went bad.

People started
losing their homes.

They made Paul
the scapegoat.

Go! Go! Go!


[Religious music
on radio]

* *

there's somebody upstairs.


That's a bad sign.

She was shot
with a small caliber.

And then carefully
tucked in.

That leaves the daughter.


Daddy's little girl.

Maybe he couldn't do it.

Let's hope.

A family annihilator.

I'm a guy with kids.

I really hoped I'd make it
through my career

without this particular

Well, all the markers
are there.

He's controlling,

the go-to person
for family problems,

uh, devoutly religious.

But two of the victims
weren't family.

Why them?

Well, a gay drama teacher

who challenged his authority?

I mean, he probably thought

that she was a corrupting
influence on his daughter.

And then the banker--he was
trying to save the man's soul.

This man who was throwing
people out of their homes.

There is a biblical web site.

We found these downloads
on his computer.


"They that are in the flesh
cannot please god."

So he's k*lling
to send them to heaven.

Assuming the daughter
is probably already dead,

who's next?

His mother.

He'd want to spare her
the agony

of hearing
about what he's done.

A woman
who saw the news coverage

claims the missing daughter

spent last night at her house
for a sleepover.

So she's alive.

Her father picked her up
this morning at 7:00.

Maybe she's
not part of his pan.

Nah, I think
she is part of the plan.

I think that he wants to...

Spend some special moments
with her.

And where does he
take her for that?

Don't know.

Maybe the family has
a beach house, cabin.

Well, we'll ask any family
member we can get a hold of

where that could be.

Also find
every piece of property

belonging to the family

within a 200-mile radius.

Maybe there's
still a chance.

We almost there?


When do you think
mom'll make it?

Uh, your mother had to...
Run some errands.

She had to buy groceries.

Uh, she might not make it
to the farm till tonight.

So it's just...You and me.

Sound boring?

I feel safe with you.

[Speed increasing]



[Tires screeching]

Dad, what are you doing?!

I'm sorry, honey,
I just...

Just daydreamin'.

Okay, give it some gas!

[Engine surges]

[Truck ignition stalling]

All right, give it a rest.

I gotta
check the carburetor.

[Truck door slams]

[Radio tuning]

Identified the victim

as a Mary Devildis, 37.

Devildis' body was discovered
early this morning

in her home.

Police are looking for
her husband, Paul Devildis,

who was last seen driving
a dark blue, four-door sedan.

Anyone with information
on his whereabouts

should call the police

The police chief held a press
conference this afternoon.

The Devildis's have
a teenage daughter, Kathy.


We spoke
with a local resident...




No! My mother!
You're a m*rder*r!

What did we do?
Don't you love us?!

It's because I love you.

You k*lled mom.

And Millie and Joe
and Vilma.

Are you gonna k*ll me?

We're going
to god's kingdom.

I've thought.
I've prayed.

This is the best thing
for everyone.

It's about our salvation.

I am a Shepherd who must
lead his flock from care.

It was falling apart.

I couldn't let that happen.
I had to save it.

What was falling apart?

I saw you on that stage.

A harlot cannot
enter the kingdom.

I couldn't let us fail.

Daddy, I don't wanna die.

It's okay.

We're all
gonna be together.

I am giving you
eternal life.

No! You really bel--

you really believe that?

You really do?

I know it.

My beloved daughter.

On--on the radio,

they said that they were
looking for your car.

That's why
you're taking the truck.

I need to save grandma.

Kathy...please know

that I agonized over this.

But, dad...Then--

then let me--

let me wait until
you come back with grandma.

Please, daddy.
No, no, no!

Wait, I get it now!

I understand now.
I understand now.

And I wanna go with--
with you.

If we go together,
I promise...

I won't be afraid.

I trust you.

I'm ready for salvation.

I just...Don't want
to go alone.





I got this fax
from the probate office.

Paul inherited a family farm
from his grandfather.

You know,
I just saw something

in one of these photo--
here it is.

Uh, this is dated
last August.

So it hasn't been sold.
This must be the place.

I'll get troopers out there.

Someone just called
the retirement home

about Paul's mother,

claiming to be her brother.

Wants her taken
to a local bus station

so he can pick her up.

Said the news
about what Paul has done

should be broken to her
in a family setting.

According to these
probate papers,

Paul's mother
only had one brother,

and he died in 2004.

[Train whistle]

There he is.

We have a visual.

Suspect is getting out
of a red pickup.

No. No.

No, my god!

Not yet! Oh, god. No!

Hang on. Don't move.

I'll be there.

I'll find you, Kathy.


I'll find you!

[Police radio chatter]

Don't move.
Stay there.

They searched the house,
the barn, the out buildings,

an abandoned well--

The surrounding woods?

Local police called in
civilian volunteers


So these electrical ties,

he used them to bind her.

We don't think
she was k*lled here.

No blood, no signs
of a struggle.

But she wasn't in the truck
when he was taken,

so it doesn't look good.

CSU says no blood
was found in the truck.

Maybe he strangled her?

It's...too personal,
I think.

But this is where
he actually did the binding.

Arms behind the back.

He shoved her down.

Legs were apart.

Now, when he pulled them

to bind them,

I think she dug her heels down

to make
these trenches here.

Not exactly
a breadcrumb trail.

No, and this.

With her hands back here,

she drew this in the dirt
with her fingers.

Looks like, uh...

A box with a cross
jutting out.

What is it?

You tell us.

You're thinking...

The box is a coffin,
cross means a cemetery.

We have state troopers
searching every cemetery

in a 50-mile radius.

So far, nothing.

Then this stone.

While he was getting ready
to throw her in the truck,

she rubbed this against
this Boulder here.

Makes this Mark.

It's nothing we can read.

She had to have a reason
for doing it.

Okay, it's now, what,
the mid-40s?

It's gonna be in the low 30s
by midnight.

If she's outside...

Exposure will k*ll her
before dawn.

I believe, by law,

I'm entitled
to a book of scripture.

Oh, yeah?

And what chapter
would you use to comfort you?

Uh, several.

For the pain I feel

at not being able
to take my own life.

Stand here.

That's funny, I don't remember
there being a scripture

that endorses su1c1de.

Interpretation comes
only through absolute faith.

Such assurance.

Even Abraham
had moments of doubt.

He raised a knife
over his son...

As god commanded.

Yes, but...

God saw Abraham's agony,

and he stopped him.

You, you used a...

A hammer, a knife,

a g*n, a b*mb.

Nothing stopped you.

God's will was clear.


God was merciful
with Abraham's son.

But showed no mercy
in your case.

I don't question
the voice of god.

Why is Kathy still alive

when all the others
were sacrificed?

You don't know
that she's alive.

Now I do.

It's so obvious
what you're doing.

I won't hear
any more of this.

God commanded Abraham
to show his devotion

by k*lling Isaac,
his only son...

Who he loved most.

But the one that you
love most is still alive.

What, did god say, "k*ll
all the others, spare her"?

You won't trick me.

You've already
been tricked.


Kathy's sweetness.

Yeah, the...Glow
in her eyes.

Her soft, young flesh.

That warmth that you feel
when you hold her tight.

Yeah, the voice
that speaks those words,

is that the same voice

that told you
to spare her life?

I won't hear this.

No, you know
in your heart that

that's not god's voice--

that that's the trickster,
the tempter.

The master of all deception.

You know who
I'm talking about, Paul.

You know what his name is.


I'm saying
you don't serve god.

You serve him.

Say his name.

Come on, say it.

Come on.
Does it terrify you?


I am the Shepherd...

Who leads them
to the eternal waters.

You deliver death.

You serve the deceiver.


I saw her on that stage

and he commanded me.

The deceiver
sees your desire.

He commands you--

don't say such filth.

A gay drama school teacher.

Did she ever
touch your daughter?

Did she ever want
to touch your daughter?

She's dead.
I ended all of them.

Why is that?

Is that because
when you saw her on stage,

you were aroused?

You felt that vileness
inside you.

You were aroused
by your daughter,

so, therefore,
everyone is aroused.

You see, the tempter
sees that in you.

He seized on your weakness,

and you obeyed him.

Just say his name.

Say his name, Paul.

Say it!

Say his name!

Come here.

Whose servant are you?

If there is a god--

there is a god,

and I acted
on his will alone.

If you are god's servant,

than how can you
k*ll the people that you love?

My faith, passed down

from generations of those
who have served god,

will not be undone by you.

Your faith?

Passed down by them?

Your Dutch ancestors.

And this?

That's a stone rubbing
of the gravestone

of my great,
great grandfather.

Yes, stone rubbing.

Kathy made this one.

She told me about it.


That you...Taught her
the family history.

You showed her how
to make stone rubbings

of the family graves.

In fact, she told me
about it today.

That's impossible.

She's told you nothing.

Then how could I know?

When you were with her,

and her arms were bound
behind her,

she drew in the dirt

a coffin and a cross.

See, she meant cemetery.

And then she took a stone,

and she pushed it
against a Boulder.

She made a Mark, she...

Stone rubbing, you see.

You see,
she was calling out to us.

You see, she wants to live.

God wants her to live.

She--she wants
to be with me.

She can't be with you!

She serves god.

Are you still blind
to god's will?

Don't you see
what's happening?

Can't you see?

It's just like with Abraham.

You see, god...
Stopped Abraham

from k*lling his son.

That's what's happening
right now.

It's god's hand
stopping you.

Kathy prayed to god
and god answered.

Don't you want to serve god?

[Weakly] Uh, yes.

I want only to serve god.

So then tell me...

Tell me where she is.

Paul, while
there's still time.

Tell me, Paul.

Help god answer
Kathy's prayers.


I see--


I've served evil.

Then break that servitude

and put your god
above all else.

And tell me where
the cemetery is.



* nearer, my god,
to thee *

[dogs barking]

* nearer to thee *

* even though
it be a cross... *


* that raiseth me *

* still all my song *

* shall be *

* nearer *

* oh, nearer *

* my god *

* to thee *