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08x05 - Faithfully

Posted: 01/23/23 12:04
by bunniefuu
The worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

bless us, oh lord,
for these thy gifts,

which we are about
to receive

from the bounty
of Christ our lord,



Butter beans?

Okay, thanks.

You son of a bitch,
I'm gonna k*ll you.

Pull this on me?

Listen, I had nothing
to do with this.

I know they paid you.
How much?

You pay off the Bentley?

Keepin' that place
in the Hamptons?

Have a seat.
Let's talk about this.

Done talkin'.

Know what that means?

That means
I'm not coming with words.


(Reverend Wyler)
Love believes all things,

hopes all things,

and endures all things.

But how often is our love

We give, expecting
to be given in return.

God's love is selfless.

Can't we emulate god's love

in the way that we love
each other?

[Shattering glass]


Wonderful sermon.

Well, she wrote most of it,
my personal authority on love.

He's my inspiration.

Good words, reverend.

Thank you.

It's living up to them
that's the trick.

Well, anything worth doing
takes effort.

Mm-hmm. We give our all
and hope for the best.

That's what gets us
through it, right?

Dr. Conlon,
your wife called.

Wanted me to pass
this message.

Thank you.
Nothing serious, I hope?

No. Sleepyhead
wants me home.

Made me a special lunch.

Take care.


Carrie, are you upstairs?


[Tires squealing]

[Phone beeps]

hi, it's me, Carrie.

Sorry I couldn't make it
to the services.

I'm wishing
the reverend a happy birthday,

and I have a gift for him.

[Voice on phone]
End of messages.

[Horn blows]

I'm just coming into the city,

Where's the crime scene?

Yeah, have a car meet me.

You were supposed to be away
another week.

I got back last night.

I went and saw family.

You look good.


Well, we should
get going.

I make it to be
a simple B and E gone bad.

Smashes a window,
ties up the wife,

tosses the place.

Takes some jewelry,
coin collection,

but he leaves 400 bucks
in a handbag.

Victim surprised him.

I'm a burglar,
I get caught,

my first instinct
is to flee.

Yeah, maybe disable
the victim,

but finish him off?

what do we know
about the victim?

Dr. Ryan Conlon, 35.
I know that name.

All over the sports section
couple months ago.

Got fired as the doctor
for the cougars.

He must have landed
on his feet.

are all high-end.

And not stolen.

What's the timeline?

He did his rounds
at Lenox hill,

then he caught the 11:00
services at St. Edgar's.

Got home by 12:40, 12:45.

There's another bloody
footprint here.

The k*ller wore boots.

The tread looks like
motorcycle boots.

I couldn't get
to the phone.

I tried,
but I-I couldn't.

Can you describe him?

Uh, he was wearing
a ski mask,

but he was, uh, tall,
maybe six feet.

Anything else?

His eyes.

I was looking right
into them when he hit me,

and I thought
he was gonna k*ll me.

They were blue-gray.

You were expecting someone?


No, I was alone
all morning.

We'll talk to you after they
check you at the hospital.

The lace Teddy, makeup.

And perfume.

Either she was planning
a matinee with the doctor

or she was entertaining,
as my mom would say.

Check the bedding
for semen.

Here we go.

"Star k*ller
addicted to painkillers."

A lot of medical clinics are
dishing the dirt these days.

The one in L.A.,
what's the other one?

The guy gets fired,

maybe he's supplementing
his income.

You look rested.
Hope you had a good time.

What have you got?

We have a m*rder staged
to look like a home invasion.

That's fresh.

The k*ller took some
rare coins and jewelry.

The canvass found them
in a drain near the house.

We're looking at this.

It might have been
a payback k*lling.

The victim

had that and
the number of the ledger

on his speed dial.

Dr. Conlon was,
until recently,

a team doctor
for the cougars.

Cleon Lewis was
their star running back.

The ledger's not admitting
anything, but we think

they might have bought
the medical records from Conlon.

What about leads
from the canvass?

A woman
taking out the trash

saw someone
peel out of the alley

on a black motorcycle,
black helmet, gloves.

Great. Batman.

Actually, Batman
was a vigilante, sir.


That douche-bag had no right
selling my "story"

just 'cause his ass
got fired.

When's the last time
you saw Dr. Conlon?

Day before yesterday.

And I got in his face.

See, I know
he was behind it.

He denied it?

A guy like that's
not about to sack up.

Which made you angrier.

Conlon was spreading lies
about be being addicted.

But what happened to him
don't help my case.

It actually messes me up.

You see, I got a lawyer,
and we're suing Conlon.

Not gonna get my money
off a man if I off him.

You feel me?

He presented it as logic,
but still, it's an excuse.

He could have lost his temper,
didn't stop to think.

Yeah. I wouldn't say
he was in the clear.

Shall we see
how far the doctor

spread his particular
brand of joy?

Yeah. The last people
to see him were in church.

So Dr. Conlon
attended services regularly.

Was he involved
in any church activities?

We could count on him
for our charity drives.

This is
a well-to-do congregation.

[Phone rings]
Many of his best patients
were also involved.

Excuse me.

St. Edgar's.

I'm Alison Wyler,
the reverend's wife.

I'm glad major case
is handling this.

You'll appreciate
our need for discretion.

And Dr. Conlon,

he was here at the service
shortly before his death.

Yes, I remember
greeting him.

His wife called here
after services,

wanted him home for lunch.

It's strange she wouldn't have
called him on his cell phone.

Cell phones are a no-no
in our church.

Now what time was--
of course they are.

That call was at noon?

I talked to her at 12:15.
It's logged.

Is Carrie's call
somehow important?

That morning? I didn't call
at 12:15 or any other time.

The church secretary says
one thing and you say another.

I mean,
who are we to believe?

I didn't call her.

I swear.

Well, maybe she's telling
the truth.

Maybe there's a reason why she
didn't want her husband home.

yeah, right.

Who were you with?

No one.

DNA results will put someone
else in that bed.

I don't have a lover.

somebody breaks in

and kills your husband,

leaves you alive.

K*llers usually
don't leave witnesses.

So what happened?

Your husband came home
and found you with someone?

I was alone.

After he taped me up,
he waited for my husband.

Oh, so you hired the guy.

No. That's crazy.

It happens, Carrie,
all the time.

A successful professional,
hefty life insurance policy.

Unhappy wife with a lover.

I should not be talking
to you.

He taped me up,
he hit me,

and you think
that I k*lled Ryan.

Um, I-I need to call
a lawyer.

I'm not talking
to you anymore.

Beloved husband,

dear friend,

fellow congregant.

We can't know god's reason
for calling Ryan to his glory,

so we can only say good-bye.

Go with god.

Carrie. Ryan's prayer book?

I used to think,
to wonder,

why can't he just die?

don't do this, Carrie.

It's true.
When he was mean.

But now, it's like
I made it happen.

Do you think he knew
how I really felt?

Shh, shh, shh.
Just keep praying.

Pray that Ryan
is at peace in death,

and you'll have peace
in life.

You'll go on.


You'll be okay.
You'll go on.

Carrie, we can't be
in contact right now.

What are you
talking about?

No more messages.


Detectives, this is
hardly the time.

These people are paying
their respects.

Oh, well, we're investigating
Dr. Conlon's m*rder.

I think that qualifies
as very respectful.


Could be for a motorcycle.

Yeah, the blue isn't shiny
like the black.

It's sticky. Adhesive.

Put electrical tape
on those blue flames,

and the bike is solid black.

That's my bike.

It's nice, man.

I like the blue flames.

Is that--this custom?

Look, I gotta split.

I have a class.

Yeah, we need
to talk a little.

What's going on here?

Well, we would like
your acolyte

to account for
his time Sunday morning,

around 11:00.

Well, that's easy. Kevin
was at services with us.

any way you can
make us certain of that?

(Reverend Wyler)
Of course. There were a dozen
other acolytes there.

What is that?
Hey, you don't
get to touch me, understand?

All right,
we'll just talk downtown.

Okay, Kevin, we're gonna
hire you an attorney.

Do not speak to them
before you speak to him.

You hear me?

You're wrong
about this young man.

Mr. Paxton.

Isn't your legal name

Your foster parents
adopted you.

The Micklers didn't deserve
the grief that I gave them,

and I don't
deserve their name,

criminal charges,
drug arrests.

I'd agree with you
on that.

Your juvie
probation report

shows that you made
a lot of bad choices.

Until the presence
of god in my life.

my client has been clean
for three years.

Let's get on with this,

Sunday morning,
Mr. Paxton.

You were scheduled to assist
at an 11:00 service.

A great sermon.

Um, I've been reading it.

It was about
the definition of love.

I heard it.

I traded with another guy

and I did
the early service instead.

You need the morning free.
For what?

Service to god isn't restricted
to the church.

I had some old clothes,
things I don't wear anymore.

Uh, I dropped them
at a homeless shelter.

Bloody boot prints matching
the size of boots you wear

were found at the Conlons''.

No, I went to the--

yeah, that's right.
The shelter.

That's right,
the shelter.

I had some clothes to donate
for the--yeah.

That's right.
The homeless people.

I believe that you
went to the shelter.

That's the true part
of your lie.

But you went
after the k*lling

to get rid of the clothes
and the boots.

You didn't like Dr. Conlon,
did you?

was that because

you were sleeping
with his wife?

Or did she pay you?

you don't have enough to charge
Mr. Paxton with anything.

You're never going
to indict

with a boot print
that's not his.

Defensive wounds
on his neck.

horsing around
with his friends.

Make sure
that he's available

in the morning
for a line-up.

the woman you nearly

hit coming out of the alley,
she wants to take a look

at your big, blue eyes.

I think I hear him.

(Reverend Wyler)
Oh, Carrie, stop.

I do.

I wanted it.

Being alone, seeing you
anytime I wanted.

But this--

this just feels weird.


Look, we may have to face

that what we did
was very, very wrong.

So--so what do you mean?

Are you backing away
from me?


I just--
are you?

No, that came out wrong.

I'm just--i'm--
i'm--I'm sorry.

I-I need you.

I need you to listen

and understand.

I need your tenderness too.



but not now, not now.

We have to wait...

So we don't make
any mistakes.

I have to go.

I have
a planning committee.

I have to go, Carrie.

Just go, Dan, okay?

Just know
that I love you.

And no more calls,
Carrie, no more calls.



Not unusual that the wife
works with the hit man

to place the husband.

it's a little neat.

Two people
don't like each other,

they don't have to hire
a hit man.

They can just hire
the dirtiest lawyer in town.

Believe me,
the damage is comparable.

Okay, we go
with what we know.

The acolyte, what would
he have gotten out of this?

Kevin Paxton's
at the rectory.

He's young,
he's not unattractive.

So it wasn't some deep,
spiritual bond.

Dr. Conlon
doesn't seem the type

who'd be oblivious
to his wife's affair.

I finally got a hold
of his nurse.

She didn't know
what Carrie was up to,

but she said the doctor
was a total gland.

He hit on everyone.

So if Carrie was hurt
by his behavior

or needy--

it's fairly obvious
who she'd turn to.

A lineup. Do you know what
that means? 'Cause I do.

Kevin, we got you
the best lawyer.

With him
and a silent prayer,

god will protect you.

They know my priors.

The drug busts,
the B and E.

How many times
have I told you,

I hate when you use
police terms.

All my efforts,
and you sound so common.

I'm sorry.

But they're gonna arrest me.
I can tell.

I've been there,
and now I'm not underage.

I'll end up in prison.

Kevin, you're showing
no faith in me.

I have absolute faith
in you,

in no one else.

More than anything
in the world.

I'm so disappointed.

I took you to be
someone special.

I think you should go
to another church.

I'm nothing
without this place.

I tried to give everything.

That's been my life,

what you wanted.

Find somewhere else, Kevin.

Kevin, are you all right?


Kev--what's wrong with him?
What happened?

The police now think
he's involved with Carrie.

They're saying he k*lled
Ryan Conlon for her.

What? Why--
why would he do that?

You don't have to worry.

He hasn't told them
anything yet.

What do you mean? Told them
anything about what?

You mean,
how long have I known?


Oh, god.

I should card you, man.

I'm old enough to die,
but not old enough to drink?

Oh, what? Iraq?

You going over?

God's army.


12 bucks.

Yo, man, you left
eight bucks change.

I won't be needing it.

"For they loved
the praise of men

more than the praise of god."

What did John mean?


only god's approval counts.

Try only for the praise
of others, and what happens?

You miss
the real purpose of life.

Which is not
the private sale at Barney's,

which some of some of us think
is the second coming.

And I'm not naming
any names, Megan.


Alex, you're never
at a loss for words.

Get a discussion going.
I'll be back in five.


There's no easy way
to tell you.

We just got some news.

Kevin Paxton,
apparently a drug overdose.

Oh, my god.

He tried once before,
sleeping pills,

but they saved him.

we know that you gave him
a lot of care.

He was so damaged.

His birth parents.

Father beat
his mother to death.

Imagine living with that.

That kind of thing is hard
for some people to get past.

Why couldn't you have
left him alone?

Bad combo,
methadone and alcohol.

Sent him into respiratory
failure and his heart stopped.


No one told us that Paxton
was on a methadone program.

For sure not the only thing
they're keeping from us.

blood alcohol level

of .34,
and a methadone level

consistent with an oral intake
of 240 milligrams.

Well, they sometimes give
"take home" methadone

to addicts
who are doing well.


It's a hard choice for
someone who's truly devout.

I have no reason to rule this
as anything but su1c1de.

Wyler's way of making
his sermons relatable.

He always puts in a story
about himself.

Yeah, but sometimes
it's what he doesn't say.

This one on adultery.

There's nothing personal
in it, you know?

In fact, he barely touches
on the subject.

He makes it a lesson
in forgiveness.

Kevin Paxton, he heard
these sermons every Sunday.

They could have been
a big influence in his life.

And he didn't buy the reverend's
lesson in forgiveness.

I'm sorry.

I was trying to contact
the other acolytes,

Kevin's friends.

You had hopes for him.

Hey, I've been reading
your sermons.

They're fascinating,
by the way.

Oh. Yeah.

Trudy told me
that you'd asked

that the whole year
be sent to your office.

You have
a very methodical approach.

You seem to hit every one
of the seven deadly sins

but somehow you manage
to keep it fresh.

Well, you fall into a rut,
the congregation falls asleep.

I'm trying to think
of your sermon on adultery.

Do you think adultery
is one of the lesser sins?

[Laughs lightly]

Sin is sin, detective.

Look, we're--we're, uh,

we're dealing
with loss right now.

I'm not really up to
a theological debate with you,

if you don't mind.


Do you know what made him
despondent and suicidal?

Well, I think
that's a question

you might better
ask yourself.

I have.

Now I'm asking you.

I believe we all had
a hand in failing him.

I'm even more inclined now
to go with my motive,

the one that you avoid
in your sermons.

That he was having sex
with Mrs. Conlon.

No, he wasn't. No.

You're wrong.

Well, someone was.

Somebody was there
that morning.

Doctor left for the hospital
at 5:00 A.M.

You an early riser?

Yes, I am, at times.

I just remembered
your sermon.

Would you mind giving us
a sample of your DNA?

You might as well prove now

that you're not the one that
had sex with Mrs. Conlon.

Fine, I'll comply
with your request

when you have a court order.

Are you satisfied?

Yes, I am.

That's what I needed.

Did you return
the bishop's call?

No, I didn't.
Not yet.

Smart move.

Avoidance is always
perceived as strength.

You know what?

You're so full of advice,
why don't you handle it?

Just handle it, Allison.
Handle it.


Tell him we knew
about Kevin's rap sheet.

Thought we'd make him
an acolyte anyway

because he's a bright,
shining example

of the power of faith.

We both know you are far
from blameless in this.

[Cell phone rings]


Dan, why haven't you called?

I miss you so much.

Stop it, Carrie, stop it.

I can't--I can't do this

[Shuts phone]

[Phone clatters]


[Approaching footsteps]

This is my niece.
She's nine.

She's cute.

The academic background
on Mrs. Wyler?

I figured her

for a degree in social work.

Turns out
she's a speech therapist.

A master's in
speech language pathology.

You know, I remember
odd speech characteristics

in Paxton's interview.


Certain words
he almost stammered.

Let's read it over.

Captain, this statement--

just a sec.



Uh, you know,

when I noticed Kevin Paxton's
dislike for Dr. Conlon,

it made me overlook
some things.

His--his statement.

Read this right here.

uh, "I had some clothes

"to donate for the--
yeah, that's right,

the homeless people."

Hard to cram it all in there.

Some people talk like that.

Yeah, but not him,
not usually.

He uses the phrase
under stress.


He uses the phrase
as a stop,

you know, to keep
from stuttering.

He would have learned that
in speech therapy.

So being interviewed
stresses him out.

I don't get
the significance.

Well, the reverend's wife,
Mrs. Wyler,

was a speech therapist.

Loyal and deeply indebted
to the person

who taught him how to speak.


Employee records
at the Lincoln youth center.

Alison Wyler
mentored Kevin Paxton

when he was 14

and helped him get rid
of a stutter.

so Alison brings him

into the family,

the first
that he's ever had,

and then the affair
between reverend Wyler

and Carrie Conlon threatens
to tear it apart.

Take the reverend
out of his comfort zone.

See what jogs loose.

Hmm. Tragic.


Why are we doing this?

We think he k*lled
Dr. Conlon

as a way
of protecting you.

Protecting me?

Well, a sex scandal
would ruin your ministry.

Dr. Conlon finds out

you were sleeping with
his wife, threatens--

we've been
through this before.

Carrie and I
were not involved.

Your reputation
as a man of god

is worth this--

Kevin Paxton's life.


I honestly didn't think
it was connected,

Ryan Conlon's death
with Carrie and I.

About six months ago,
she came to me for counseling

for her marriage.

And I know how that sounds,

but at the time, I thought
we were very good for each other

and we didn't hurt anybody.

That's the usual lie,
isn't it?

Carrie called me last night
and left me a voicemail.

You should hear it.

you never thanked me
for your birthday present.

I made the ultimate sacrifice
for you.

For us.

And now you're pulling away
from me.

It's not fair.

Do you realize
what I did for you?

What is that?

It's you.

It's not me.

Stop wasting our time.

That's my voice,
but that's not me.

I've never said those things.


there are other calls.

One to the church secretary
around the time of the attack.

and in the same timeframe,

a birthday message
for reverend Wyler.

No. That's not me.

Play them all.

Play them.

I want to hear them.

To me, it sounds
exactly like her.

Well, you have
to listen closely.

There are
subtle differences.

And it's not
her personality type.

Like saying,
"the ultimate sacrifice."

It's too theatrical
for Carrie.

Yeah, and Carrie,
she uses her sexuality

for leverage, not guilt.

Like saying,
"you don't appreciate me."

That's not Carrie.

I think our caller
is Allison Wyler.

Who else would have
a motive?

A trained speech therapist.

I imagine it helps
imitating voices.

Spectrographic analysis
could eliminate Carrie,

but then how do you
get Alison?

Conveniently for her,
Kevin Paxton is dead.


And she could actually
get away with it.

Can't fault Alison
as an enthusiastic mentor,

but her style didn't
quite mesh with ours.

She was fired?

She became too attached
to the boys,

and they became
too attached to her.

She only mentored boys?

Well, at that age,
five times as many boys

have stutters as girls.

At what point did her closeness
with these kids

become a problem?

It was becoming
a personality cult.

They idolized her.

Some of the foster parents

that she was undermining
their authority.

At that age, boys, 13, 14,

they're very impressionable.

Yeah. Well, it's like a fantasy
girlfriend, you know.

More glamorous than girls
their own age.


Must not be confused
with love.

Need can be twisted

and perverse

and dangerous.

In Kevin's life,
it was need,

not love,

that led him
to unconscionable sins.

We can only pray

that god forgives him.

Why does Alison act
when she acted?

What prompted her to
solicit m*rder at this time?

Well, she might
have been worried

about Dr. Conlon's need
for resources.

Something like
the Cleon Lewis scandal

blowing back on the church.

An adulterous
Upper East Side minister?

That's a headline.

Okay, say that's motive.

How does Alison
pay Kevin for m*rder?


Who knows how far
she took it with Kevin.

So we have decent conjecture,
but no evidence.

I'm glad you called me
about his things.

You've been very cooperative.
We appreciate it.

Will this take long?

The interment
is this afternoon.

I'd like him to be buried
with his mementos.

Well, we're almost done.

The only thing that, uh,

we haven't found is evidence

that Carrie Conlon
solicited him

to commit m*rder.

There you go.

What about what she said
to Dan on the phone?

Uh, well,

Carrie claims
she never made that call.

You have
the phone message.

It's not enough.
She never mentioned Kevin.

we can see
how she could easily


I mean, just on her--

just a purely
physical level, I mean.

Sleeping with her
was his dream.

And I'm saying this
not in judgment,

but we know that others
shared that dream.

No. Kevin wasn't
taken with her.

His ideal was someone
quite different.

My god, of course.

He had feelings for you
before he joined the church,

back when
you were his mentor.

Not sexual feelings.

Kevin was attracted
to something more profound.

Teenage boy?



We heard that the boys
that you mentored

were in love with you.

Please. From those gossips
in children's services?

All that power
over others.

You know, I was
looking through this.

I noticed something
that Kevin wrote

at the end
of his daily prayers.

It was a plea.

"Heavenly father,
give me the strength

to make the ultimate sacrifice
for your ministry."

"ultimate sacrifice"?


Well, there's a connection.

What are the chances

two people would come up
with that phrase?

Carrie Conlon
described in her voicemail

the m*rder as
an "ultimate sacrifice."

So there's your proof,
your link to Carrie.

Yeah. It won't work.

It's not Carrie
on that voicemail.

It's you.

That's absurd.

You're a very good mimic.

This is a voicemail graph.

This is Carrie.
That's you.

I mean, you didn't
get everything right.

I mean, tone, pitch,
everything was there.

Except for the, um,

the breath.

Where you breathe
when you speak.

That can't be altered.

It's connected
to your nervous system.

Do you wanna--

this is Carrie.

you never thanked me
for your birthday present.

I made the ultimate sacrifice
for you, for us,

and now you're pulling away
from me.

It's not fair.

And this is you.

you never thanked me
for your birthday present.

I made the ultimate sacrifice
for you, for us,

and now you're pulling away
from me.

It's not fair.

Catch the difference
in the breaths?

20 words with the same

graphic signature can make
a voiceprint I.D.

We can prove this was you.

All you can prove
is that it wasn't Carrie.

I'm a trained speech therapist.
I can read a voiceprint.

You ready to bet your life
on it?

You've gone to great lengths
to hurt my ministry.

You're not the first.

And you will not succeed,

You mean Carrie.

She distracted my husband
from his purpose.

She's trash.

your husband didn't see it
that way.

he was blinded by her.

Once Dan saw her diminished
and rightly accused,

I knew he'd reject her.

So Dr. Conlon paid
the ultimate price.

Ryan Conlon lived
by exposing people.

He could have turned
our parishioners against us.

Poor Kevin.

He was collateral damage
to your sense of greater good.

I cared about Kevin.
I did.

But his death rests
on your conscience,

not on mine.

You'll never convict me
in court.

Your final judgment will--

well, it won't
take place in court.

Then you know my sacrifice
had no bounds.

What I did was for us,
for all that we built.

Does that make it right?

Do you hear yourself,

We've brought
the word of god

to the most important people
in this city.

I preserved our good work.

Tell me you understand that.

Yes, I understand.

We're through.

I don't know you.

I don't want to know you.


Listen to me.

We have to fight together.

We love each other.

We've built something.
Don't let them destroy it.

I want it destroyed.

All of it.

I'll start over.

Without me?

With God.

If he'll forgive me.

[Handcuffs lock]

[Door opens]

[Keys jangle]