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08x04 - In Treatment

Posted: 01/23/23 12:03
by bunniefuu
Male announcer: In New York
City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

I just want to talk
to one of the guests.

Then I suggest you call him.

I'm not gonna eat
anyone's shrimp cocktail.

This is a private event.

If you don't have an invitation,
you can't--

they're a bunch of crooks.

You do realize that,
don't you?

Oh, I'm sure they are.

But you still can't go in.

The debt's triple-a rated.
Solid gold.

Poor bastard's peeing
his pants

just because they laid off
half the state.

Like the one thing's
connected to the other, right?

So he's asking fifty cents
on the dollar.

And you got it for what,


And he threw in the headquarters
at Hartford.

That kid's a prick.
I know.

We should hire him.

Honey, there you are.

Ron wanted to have a word.

I just wanted to thank you
for letting me into your fund.

I know you're oversubscribed.

You know my associate,
Frank Hatcher?

No, I don't.

Good to meet you.

He's our numbers guy.

He knows the inherent value
on the different--

okay, if you're all finished
getting down to business,

let's get down to business.

It is time for our speaker,
Archie Beuliss.

Oh, that's me.
Quick, hide me.

Call you tomorrow?

Nice to meet you.
Good to meet you.


So how much did he invest?

Only a billion.
1.13 billion.

Do we get the Gulfstream?

His and hers.
You want pink?

We welcome tonight
a man who's never heard

the words "no" and "deal"
in the same sentence

unless they came from his lips.


A man who has proven
that the business cycles,

ups and downs,

are just a matter of which way
you hold the chart.


A man whose company,
Beuliss Securities,

is leading a resurgence
in the reputation

and the profitability of
the private investment sector.

A man who I hope...
Will be back in a minute.

Bloomberg and Dow Jones.

"Beuliss Securities under

Sources report--"

it's tomorrow in Japan.

We have 2 billion
in redemption orders.

"Because of this market


where the hell
is this coming from?

Damn it, more redemptions.
All right, we have to stall.

We have to put on a good face.
We are not that liquid.

Nobody's that damn liquid.

Oh, no!
Not our Caribbean companies.

Son of a bitch!

How the hell did they find out
about this?

[Cell phones beeping]

We all know that nothing
creates opportunity

like adversity.

And I for one look forward
to hearing from...

Archie Beuliss.

What? What?
You want to see a show?

You want to see a show?


There's your damn show!


I gotta go to the bathroom.

[Water running]

[Cell phones beeping]

And here is the man

we've been waiting
to hear from.

Thank you.

Fear. Hope.


They are universal
human emotions

that have destroyed investors
over and over again.

But for us in this room
they do not exist.

At least not
in our business lives.

Because when others panic,
we are steady.

We understand the temporary
market distractions

are at worst meaningless,

at best our friends.

Thank you.

How much do we have
with Beuliss?


I want you there
when the doors open.

But wait.

Can we post the redemption
in Singapore?

I mean now.
What time is it over there?




[Water running]

If you say something
and you're wrong,

she'll never forgive you.

Come on.
Don't you think it's obvious?

I thought it was obvious
with my cousin Rita.

For 14 years she's given me
cat toys for Christmas.


Nothing.'s the, uh,

how's the body?


Knife in the chest.

It's a hotel steak knife.

There was a banquet
over there.

Big sh*ts from wall street.

The Vic was one of them.
Frank Hatcher.

CFO of Beuliss Securities.

Archie Beuliss is the guest
of honor.

And somebody stole
the silverware?

High class crowd like that.

Spur of the moment m*rder?

Looks like.

Premeditation you bring
your own cutlery.

Half the people
at that banquet

had means, opportunity,
and definitely motive.

They were going broke

between dessert course
and coffee service.

It's so ho--hot in here.

You wanna take off your, uh,
your coat?


They all invested
in Beuliss Securities.

Enough of them.

It was a fund of funds.

People collected money
from their clients

then funneled it to Beuliss.

Yeah, until last night

he was netting consistently
15% a year.

Which is not possible.

So someone gets the bad news,

pops a vein,
grabs a steak knife,

and shafts Beuliss' number two.

Why Frank Hatcher?

Sending a message?

Target of opportunity?

Trying to intimidate
number one?

Or somebody didn't like
Frank Hatcher.

Go see the guest of honor.

Maybe he has an idea.

It's just terrible.
Must've been some lunatic.

Some lunatic?


What, that just happened
to be passing by

the, uh, men's room containing
your right-hand man

at the exact moment
when word was spread

that your company
was collapsing?

Well i--i don't see
collapsing, detective.

Do you?

No, what I see
is an emotional overreaction

to a speculative news report

about an unconfirmed

The sec confirmed it
this morning.

I have been investigated
by the sec

virtually nonstop
since 1996.

I've given so many depositions

I swear to tell the whole truth

when I order dinner
at a restaurant.

Beuliss Securities is sound.


You have frozen redemptions,
don't you?


Look, our customers understand,
or they should,

that this company is not
a piggy bank

that they can break open

whenever they get
a funny little feeling

in their tummies.

The whole point
is that I stay calm,

I convince them
to do likewise.

And if you're suggesting

that someone worried about
his or her investments

in Beuliss securities
m*rder*d Frank Hatcher,

perhaps you can tell me why.

Maybe because they lost
all their money.

Just off the top of my head.


And k*lling Frank Hatcher

was gonna get
their money back how?

Mr. Beuliss?

You wanted to be informed
when Dr. Ernst called.

Please reschedule for tonight.

Tell him I'll meet him
at the south Hampton house.

Book him the car
and send him the helicopter.

Thank you.

Do you know of anyone

who might've had a grudge
against Mr. Hatcher?


A few months ago
one of our staff accountants

came in with some wild
accusations against frank.

They didn't make any sense
to me so I fired him.

He didn't take it well.

Someone at Beuliss securities
isn't playing fair.


Whenever the company
is about to make

a major purchase with
its investors' money,

some other little company
in Barbados or Antigua pops up,

buys the asset first,
and then sells it back

to Beuliss at a profit,
then vanishes.

These little companies
always somehow

uh, know what Beuliss
is gonna buy?


So illegal.

Someone inside Beuliss

is getting ahead
of the trades,

making a guaranteed profit
on every one.

I thought it was Hatcher

so I told Beuliss
but he didn't believe me.

So after he fired me
I went to the sec.

But I didn't have proof.

When did you go to the sec?

Months ago.

Nothing happened except
now Beuliss is bust,

I can't get a job,

and my life savings is tied up
in the company's fund.

So the man who ruined
your life was at that party

and you decided
to crash that party.

Not to k*ll him.

To beg for my job back.

To surrender.

But they wouldn't let me in.

Nobody's gonna give that guy
any job back.

He finds Hatcher
in the bathroom.

Hatcher tells him
to get lost.

Yeah, but where does he get
the hotel steak knife?

They never even let him
into the ballroom.

Well, he could've picked it
off the tray.


You know, if this is our guy,
the jury might want

to give him a medal
instead of a prison sentence.

Hatcher worked for a fund
that profits

off everyone else's misery.

And to top that off,

was stealing from his investors.

Which by your logic
would be a good thing

since they were doing
a bad thing?

Since when did you become
such an expert

in vulture funds anyway?

Since I live in the land
of the vultures.

No, it's--the psychology to me
is just interesting.

For these guys,
good news is bad.

Bad news is good.

You gotta feel that your right.
Everybody else is wrong.

So don't tell me
you admire these people.


Kramer went to the sec
but they didn't do anything

'cause they didn't have proof.

But now the sec is pursuing
an investigation.

Somebody went to them
with proof.

Somebody from the inside.


You know I can't comment
on an active investigation.

Law enforcement.

S--same team.

Nice meeting you.

The sec said
it was referring

potential criminal aspects
of the Beuliss case

to the U.S. Attorney
for you office to pursue.

It did.

We are.

Yeah, but if Frank Hatcher

was the target
of the investigation

but now he's dead,

it, uh, wouldn't be active
anymore, right?

But she said it was active.

Didn't she say?
She said it was active.

So Hatcher wasn't the target.


Beuliss was the target.

Swindling his own investors,

maybe with Hatcher's help.

If we're
on the right track here

blink your left eye.

The investigation
has been hampered,

but it is ongoing.


By Hatcher's death.

Hatcher was the snitch.

Ratting out Beuliss
to save his own skin.

I don't think Archie
would have liked that.

They left that dinner

And only one of them
came back.

Uh, thank you.

What the hell am I supposed
to do?

Your cards are still good.

The platinum people
already called.

Just polite.
Expressing concern.

Talking about a limit.

I know there's cash
in your name, Elaine.

You made sure of that.

For a rainy day, Martin.

How hard is it raining?

Uh, hello.
This is detective Wheeler.

I'm detective Nichols.

We're looking
for Archie Beuliss.

I'm Mr. Beuliss' attorney.

This is Mrs. Beuliss.

Pleasure to meet you.
Is your husband here?

We just have a few questions
for him.

I'm afraid Mr. Beuliss
is not available.

Oh, no, we--we saw him
this morning.

He said drop back any time.

He's been admitted

to an inpatient treatment

Is he sick?

Because he looked fine
this morning.

It's a psychiatric


We'll pay him a visit.
Thank you.

His therapy requires
a total break

with the outside world.

Doctor's orders.

My bags are in the trunk.

Is there a massage room?

Let's start with a massage.

[Trunk shuts]

Archie Beuliss
is in rehab?


A place called pledges
on the Upper East Side.

I assume it doesn't treat
heroin addicts

from Spanish Harlem.

Not unless they got
20 grand a week

and pass the social screening.

Riff raff diseases
need not apply.

And what is Mr. Beuliss'
alleged affliction?

I'm guessing
it's a bad case

of "the sec is up my ass
for fraud

and I'm preparing
a psychiatric defense-itis."

Yeah, he couldn't help

It's a financial twinkie

He just has to sell it
to a couple jurors.

Remember the days
when you'd break a window

and you'd knock
on Mrs. Smith's door

and say, "Mrs. Smith,
I'm sorry.

I broke your window."

Now there's probably some kind
muscle twitch disorder

you can blame.

You want to talk to this guy
about the m*rder, right?

Yeah, but the rehab
has a strict no-contact policy.

Yeah, free the patients
from contact

with the world that created
the problems.

Psychic disentanglement.

Find a way to entangle.

Ask Beuliss if he knew
Frank Hatcher was screwing him

and how he felt about it.

I'm afraid I don't understand
what you want me to do.

You're Mr. Beuliss'
psychiatrist, Dr. Ernst.

You admitted him to pledges
so we thought that

you could get us
a few minutes with him.

That's out of the question.

Well, we saw him
a few hours ago

and he seemed fine.

With his world collapsing
around him

you think that's
an appropriate reaction?


So if he'd been healthy,

he would've been freaking out.

But he seemed calm,
so that means he's sick?

Well, that's a simple way
of putting it, yeah.

What's his condition,

You know I can't tell you that.


Let me take a crack
at it.

He gets a big thrill out
of taking extraordinary risks.

Maladaptive gambling behavior.

And he's preoccupied
with power.

He uses others
to achieve his goals

and has a grandiose sense
of self-importance.

Narcissistic personality

Very impressive.
Very impressive.

You learn that
at the police academy?


I think I saw that
on a TV show.


Anyway, put those
two things together

and you got the ideal
financial CEO

or a sick man in need
of rehab

depending on whether or not
the sec is after you, I guess.


Um...are you always
this hostile?

Sort of comes
with the job.


You're an authority figure,

but you have a problem
with authority.

You mask it in buffoonery
but it's rebellion.

How does he behave
with his superiors

in the police station?

Hmm, your insistence

on putting everything
in your own terms,

your need to know more
than someone

who's clearly an expert,

your twisting conversations
to control them.

In a child that would
be diagnosed

as oppositional defiant

And in some sense
you still are a child.

Have you thought about seeking
professional help?

Is that your speech
to recruit new patients?

Very good.

Uh, I don't accept union
health insurance,

so I'm afraid you couldn't
afford me.

You're not crazy
about that guy.

I think I hate him.

The captain said
your father is a shrink.

Yeah, that's true.

So all that psychobabble?

Yeah, I used to get that
every morning

when I was a kid
with cornflakes.

But not lately?

I haven't seen my father
for a while.

Couple of weeks?

Or decades.

Because he lives in Tibet?

Or west 64th.

What, are you gonna
get together with Dr. Ernst

and do a joint diagnosis?

No, I've just been thinking
about fathers lately.

You're pregnant,
aren't you?


And the father?

Lied to me.
Made me a fool.

Is in federal prison
for 12 years.

Otherwise, perfect.

Come on, let's go!

Hey, Archie.
How you doing?

Food's not bad.

Tell you what though.
I could use a cocktail.

Don't you have a bar here
for the non-alcoholics?

You know you could
take advantage of being here.

Pledges is a fine rehab

Come on, doctor.

I thought I was here
for just a little break.

Well, you have issues,

Intimacy, frustration,

Issues, issues, issues.

Yes, I know I have issues.

But my main issue right now

has nothing to do
with my head.

The sec investigation?

Frank's m*rder.

I just feel like everything
is coming down

on me right now.

The sec could destroy

It's a liquidity problem,

What isn't a liquidity

You have enough cash,
there are no problems.

You have loyal investors.

Loyalty is not such
a big word

out on the street right now,

in case you haven't noticed.

Well, maybe they just need
to understand

what you're trying to achieve.

You've done so much.

Thanks, doc.
I appreciate that.

If only they would just
continue to invest.


Yes, that would be nice,
wouldn't it?

How'd things go
with the shrink?

I'm pregnant.

That well?


You knew.

We are detectives,
my dear.

Yeah, male detectives.

A female would've figured it out
weeks ago.

So how are you?
How are you feeling?

I'm fine.

It's not a disease.

And, uh, I will be able
to perform my duties, so.

Aren't there any murders
we can talk about?

Yes, we got the lab report

on the steak knife
in Hatcher's chest.

Some of the blood on it
was not Hatcher's.

Was it the cow's?

No. Human.

So it would be nice

to get a DNA sample
from Archie Beuliss.

We can't even get
an interview.

The shrink wouldn't help?

Well, he gave Nichols
a free diagnosis.

Issues with authority.

Tell me about it.

he needs therapy.

You know what?
Maybe I do.

Everything's going to be
all right.

Yeah, well which everything,

Archie still has money.

Your investment is safe.

Redemptions are frozen.

I can't even talk to Archie

except for how we feel
about our mothers.

You just need
to be patient.

It's gonna be fine.


I'm leaving.

And you...

Should grow up.

I've been abstinent
for 11 days.

That's good, Charlie.


But I do have some--

some confusion about one thing.

Um, I told my father
what you said

and he doesn't want me

to give up sex all together.

He wants me to find a wife.

I don't think Dr. Ernst
was suggesting

that you abstain from sex


He just means abstinence

from having sex only
with yourself.

Thank you, Caroline.

You're communicating
very clearly today.

And how are you feeling?

excuse me, everybody.

Is this, um, room 18?

We're in a therapy session

Oh, no, I know.

Um, adult oppositional
defiant disorder.

Leave. Go.

Come on, please.


See, oh.

If any of you are outpatients

there are police officers
waiting outside

to take your names
and addresses.

We're asking questions
about a m*rder investigation.

What m*rder?

I--I should call my father.

He is blackmailing us.


Your father is Dr. WP Nichols.

What did you do,
look that up?

No, I studied with him
at Columbia.

He's one of the most brilliant

of his generation.

And he had a son

who was admitted
to medical school

but dropped out to join
the police department.

For the pension plan.
It's great.

Oh, you rebel against
your father,

you give up
a golden opportunity,

and you spend your days
as a civil servant.

No, it's not
for the pension plan.

Uh, it's, uh--
it's fascinating.

Some days it is.

No doubt.

Look, you call off
your troops.

And I'll let you talk
with us,

if--if that's what you want.

I would love to hear
what you have to say.


All right.

Uh, everyone,
this is Zachary.

Hi, Zachary.

So sit down.


Excuse me.
I'm so sorry.


Why don't you tell us

how you think
this will help you?

Well I feel a,
uh, compulsion

to judge people
in situations,

to solve puzzles,

to assign blame.

I think I'm just trying
to say the truth

but other people think
I'm being hostile.

Wow, it ruined my marriage.

How was the sex?

No cross talk, Charles.

> I think it's admirable
that you speak the truth.

I mean,
there are so many people

in my life
that I can't trust.

It's just the worst.

When you get betrayed
by somebody.

Somebody close to you.

Oh, my husband betrayed me.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

It's an epidemic.
I'm telling you.

Ask anybody here.

Archie, were you betrayed?

I ask the questions.
Was it somebody close to you?

Somebody, uh,
maybe at your business?

this is not allowed.

How did it make you feel?

What did it make you
want to do?

Just stop now--stop.

But doctor, I think
we're on to something.

This is fertile territory.

Hey, I was betrayed!

I trusted someone.

And it was all a lie.

Ron, no personal att*cks
are allowed.

I feel like I was att*cked.

All right, all right.

I lost something here.

And you lost something too,
didn't you?

Someone close to you died.

All right, Ron--
how did you like it?

All right, that's enough!

Now Archie, you just go
to your room.

And Ron, you're gonna come
with me.

All right, I'm sorry.

But this therapy session
is over.

All right, I'll see you all
tomorrow, okay?

It's okay.



[Clears throat]

I feel better already.

I can't wait
for our next session.


Beuliss' DNA
on that coffee mug

you picked up doesn't match
the blood on the knife.


He was last night
very passive.

Dr. Ernst handled everything.

He's the kind of guy
who's used

to having other people
take care of him.

So he'd hire a k*ller.

Oh what, like
get his secretary?

Say to her "go get me
a Frappuccino

and while you're out
s*ab the cfo."

So now where does this
leave us?

Ron Hemmings...

Last night at group

had a very strange
and interesting outburst

toward Archie Beuliss.

Turns out the Hemmings runs

an investment company.

Mostly with his family's

A week ago, he parks
most of that money

with Archie Beuliss.

Just in time
to lose it all.

Was he at the banquet?


Go see how he enjoyed it.

Or is he off limits too?


He's a, uh--
he's an outpatient.

Like me.

Well, that was the therapy

See, things like that happen
at therapy sessions.

Things like, uh, losing
a billion dollars?

Nothing's lost yet.

Beuliss Securities
is still in business.

But you read the papers,
Mr. Hemmings.

You know it's in trouble.

Well ma'am, there's more
going on

than what you read
in the papers.

But even if it is all true,

well then, I made a mistake.

And I have to take
responsibility for it.

Yeah, but last night

you seemed to be putting
that responsibility

on Archie Beuliss.

He did not make me invest
with him.

I made that decision.

You see, things don't always
turn out the way we want.

But failure can be a part
of success.

Is this how
your family feels?

'Cause this is your family's
money, right?

Mostly, yes.

My family's in Texas.

I'll be flying home
this weekend to explain.

That's gonna be some
family reunion.

"I'm sorry, but y'all have
to sell your houses now

and move in to aunt Luanne's
rumpus room."

You said this guy was excited
last night?


It seems like he took
a crash course

in zen and the art of losing
every penny you have.

Yeah, or Dr. Ernst

had him on the couch
for a couple hours.

Or somebody had him
on the couch.

What do you mean?
You didn't smell it?

Lilacs and cypress.

It's a fragrance called

$400 an ounce.

Elaine Beuliss was wearing it
the other day.



Yeah, heightened sense
of smell.

One of the fringe benefits
of being pregnant.

Especially when you're throwing
up at 4:00 A.M.



Sure, I've been
to Ron Hemmings'' office.

He's a business associate
of my husband.


Do you visit all the, uh,

business associates
of your husband?


Only the ones I'm screwing.

Well. That's why you're here,
isn't it?

I assume Ron told you.

Not exactly.

He's being such a baby.


I mean, my husband was busy
all day every day

being the king
of wall street.

There's only so much time
a girl can spend shopping.

So you picked
Ron Hemmings.

He has a wife and kids
out of town,

but he's got a wife
and kids so no muss, no fuss.

Now Archie needs me,

so I tell Ron
"thanks, it was fun."

He goes all Romeo and Juliet
on me.


And so if Hemmings
is telling people

that he's been betrayed,

it's not about his investments
in your husband's company?

It's about sweet little me

and our supposedly
undying love.

I don't know what's wrong
with men today.

They used to handle break-ups
so much better.

Actually, Hemmings didn't
mention you to us at all.

Then why are you here?

We thought maybe
he was upset

about the money,
but maybe he--

k*lled frank Hatcher?


Are you sure he didn't?

He was with me.

When Archie and frank left
that banquet hall

he was at my table
like a shot,

begging for another chance.

Never give a man
another chance, honey.

I talked to Ron
and I told him

everything would be okay
about his money.

Then the police came

and I told them
about me and Ron.

About the affair?

About Ron's anger?


But I don't know
if they believed me about that,

and I don't know if Ron
believed me about the money.

I mean, I meant everything
that I said.

Why doesn't anyone
take me seriously?

What is it about me?

Well, are you sure
they didn't believe you, Elaine?

You know, sometimes
your self-esteem issues

get in the way
of your objectivity.

I don't know.

But they just--

they all seemed so skeptical,

and they kept asking
all these questions.

Is it the way I talk?

The plastic surgery?

Why do I always end up feeling
like such a fraud?

Oh, I don't know, Elaine.

But I think this is something
we really need to work on.



Elaine Ianucci.
Bayside high school

class of '98.

tolerance club.

Voted most likely
to succeed?

How'd you guess?
Her favorite quote.

"Never ever ever
let anyone stop you

from getting what you want."

Yes, the Dalai Lama
said that, I believe.

Did it also say
that what she wanted

was to marry a wall street

You know, if she figured out
that Frank Hatcher

was k*lling
her golden goose...

"Never, ever let anyone
stop you

from getting what you want."

You left out one
of the evers.

Hey, you know she gave

a, uh, an alibi for the time
of the m*rder,

but maybe she was really
giving herself one.

Let's see if Hemmings
backs it up.

What's going on?

Stiff on a skiff.

A su1c1de in a bathtub.

What apartment?
12 B.

That's Hemmings.

Would it be callous of me

to hope that he has
a roommate?

Apartment door was locked
from the inside.

Firemen broke it down
after the downstairs neighbor

complained of flooding.

This water's ice cold.
When was that?

About an hour ago.

Doorman saw Hemmings
come in just before.

Said he looked upset.

That's a whole lot
of therapy gone to waste.

And it, uh, looks like
he kept the drug companies

in business.

Excuse me, sir.

Can we inventory all that?

Hang on, hang on.

What is this?


Take this.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Wrist cutters like warm water.

Keeps the blood flowing.

The direction and depth
of the cuts on his arms

are consistent with su1c1de.

Did you run his blood

the Frank Hatcher
m*rder w*apon?

No match.

If this guy felt guilty
about something,

it wasn't
about k*lling Hatcher.

Well, it could've been
about losing

his entire family fortune.

Well, I guess that'd do it.

I felt terrible about losing
my cell phone on the subway.

Any chance he was helped
to su1c1de?

There's no sign
of other trauma.

No bumps on the head.

The cuts are neat.
He wasn't struggling.

Tox scan?

It's in the works.
You'll be the first to know.

A few hours before
this happened

he seemed totally at peace
with things.

Well, maybe because
he'd already made up his mind.

I don't think so.

Something happened.



Did he ever play well
with others?

I don't think he's even
fully aware we're here.

That's the mythology
of psychotherapy

that patients are eager
to tell all their secrets.

Wow, so you're surprised

that Ron Hemmings
committed su1c1de.

I'm a psychiatrist,
not a psychic.

I knew he was distraught.

You saw him
at that therapy session.

I thought I had him
calmed down.

We saw him yesterday.

He seemed pretty calm.

Mm, yeah.

That's repression of the chaos
within in hindsight.

What your father would call
"hell in a skin suit."

Yes, yes.

He was always very good
at putting labels on things.

As for Ron Hemmings,

I found
that wealthy individuals

tend to find their identities
in their financial success.

So when their portfolios
collapse, so do they.

Yeah, that's your specialty,
isn't it, doctor?

The wealthy individuals.

It's a niche.

Not all psychiatrists
would be comfortable.

Yeah, the five-figure

The helicopter rides
to therapy sessions

in south Hampton.

I can imagine that could be

The super rich
have different frustrations

than people
of more modest means.

Because they usually
get their way.

No, they're more resistant
to opening up.

To showing vulnerability
of any kind.

It requires someone
who understands their world

to help them.

And yet they'll open up to

and receive help and advice

from a relative pauper
like yourself?

Well, they're smart enough
to know what they don't know

and they're willing to listen
to an expert

to help them achieve
their goals.


Well, they hire gardeners
and tennis instructors,


I dare say everyone

that I'm in a different


One of you pushes down
the cuticles.

Somebody puts in the gazebo.

You do...


You--you help them keep
their tempers in check

with the third wife?

No, I help them have
successful relationships,

be happy and fulfilled,

achieve their goals,

make another billion dollars.


Make a billion dollars.

And happiness.

Those are two different things.

They're supposed to be.


He seems more interested
in the shrink than the m*rder.

Something about his father.

Yeah, don't go there.

I already did.

I'm afraid I have a little
father issue of my own going on.

Have you told
the ex-fiance?

Somehow I feel like
it's none of his business.


Look, if you ever need
a hand...

You mean, like,
change diapers?


Thank you, captain.

Hey, I've been going over
Dr. Ernst's patient list.

Which you obtained how?

Um, the patients threw him
a birthday party

a year ago at per se.

Made the society page.

Um, do you have the list
of Beuliss Securities investors?

I'll get it for you.

In the meantime,

the tox report on Ron Hemmings
just came in.

Guy was a walking pharmacy.



Ooh, Sertraline
and Moclobemide?


Well, that combination
is definitely contraindicated.

Can cause seizures.

Uh, delirium.
Heart rate through the roof.


And raised body temperature.

The cold water bath.




But if he put himself
in cold water,

he was trying to relieve
the symptoms.

Well, maybe the delirium
hit after the hot flashes.

CSU found Sertraline
in Hemmings' apartment

prescribed by a doctor
from Houston.

That's where
Hemmings was from.

But no bottle labeled

No prescription.
Somebody gave it to him.

Somebody who should've
known better.

Or who did know better.

So how are
you feeling today, Caroline?

Oh, um...

I'm still guilty about
the spending.


But my husband keeps putting

my credit card bills
on my pillow.

I think that's very hostile.

I mean, I think he should
be here too.

No, not this charade
again, detective.

It's not a charade.

I'm here in my official


If that's the case,

can we do this
after the session?

Okay, first I need to ask
everybody here a question.

How many of you invested money
in Beuliss securities?


My dad and I invested
50 million.

I--I put in my whole
trust account.

Interesting coincidence.

And I wonder who gave you

the advice to invest there.

The doctor.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

The doctor.
The doctor.


Is it funny?

and investment tips.

One-stop shopping.

Too bad the investment tip

Especially for Ron Hemmings.

He put in a billion.

I wanted to pull out
my money.

You said that that would be
repeating old behaviors.

That I should stay the course
and not run away.

Now is not the time to
discuss your problems, Charles.

Come on.
Actually it is, doctor.

'Cause you are the problem.

Archie, your psychiatrist

was one hell of a fund raiser,
wasn't he?

And you probably didn't even
have to pay him commission.

I had no idea.

I was running a business.
The money came in.


Never being aware
that Dr. Ernst

had taken an unhealthy
interest in your affairs--

of course we talked
about business

in my sessions.

It was what was on my mind.

Those therapy sessions
that took place

on the flight to south Hampton,
on the yacht.


So doctor,
what was this exactly?

Positive reinforcement

Getting your other patients
to invest

in Archie's failing company?

Who said it was failing?
The business was sound.



In the last few months,

did you happen to mention
to Dr. Ernst

the problems the business
was facing?

It--it was a temporary

We just needed new capital.



There's no we, doctor.

You're his therapist.

Or did you start
to actually think

that you belonged
on that yacht?


Are you trying to do
therapy on me, detective?

Ron Hemmings
was reluctant

to invest
with Archie Beuliss

solely on the advice
of a shrink.

So you sent over a...
A convincer.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.


Elaine, what are you doing

I'm sorry, Archie.

I had an affair
with Ron Hemmings.

I just wasn't getting
the emotional support

that I needed from you.

Dr. Ernst made me realize
that I owed it to myself

to actualize my feelings.

And from his sessions
with Ron Hemmings,

he knew that Hemmings
liked your wife.

Did you know that Dr. Ernst
pimped her out

to get Hemmings' investment?

Of course not.
I'm shocked.

He sent her back again
after things went bust

to calm Hemmings down
and to convince us

the only thing he was upset
about was their love affair.

She wasn't sure
it had worked.

I told you they didn't
believe me.

And you didn't want him
talking about your involvement

in Beuliss securities

because that might lead us
to start asking some questions.

So you made sure
he'd keep quiet with this.

This is insane.

This is, uh, something
we found

in Ron Hemmings' bathroom
waste can

with traces of Moclobemide
and your fingerprints.

Yeah, if anyone needed
anti-depressant medication,

it was Hemmings.

He was already on one

that's commonly known to mix
very badly

with this one.

I'm sure that we'll find out
that you knew

that he had been
on Sertraline

when we get the warrant
for his patient file.

Wait a minute.

Here's that warrant
right here.

There's such a thing
as patient-doctor privilege.

And it belongs
to the patient.

Ron Hemmings heirs
will be happy to waive it.

Which brings us
to frank Hatcher.

Also a patient, yeah?

So doctor, when he was
on your couch,

did he tell you that
he was going to the sec

so save his own skin
which would bring down

Archie's company,

a company which
at that point,

you had come to think of
as your own company?

He was my best friend.

He wasn't your friend,

He was gonna bring us down.

Would you please stop
saying "us"?

Oh, please.

I certainly helped guide
some decision-making.

You what?

Your business was in trouble.
You were in trouble.

I just helped you clarify
some things.

You think
I actually took the advice

that you gave me?

I had perspective.
You were distracted.

I humored you because
you were bringing in money

from these people.

If my dog-Walker had told me
to invest other dogs,

I would've dropped you
in a second

and gotten a real psychiatrist.

Your dog-Walker?

Yeah, he was a better
therapist than you were too.

You know why?

He got Princess to stop pissing
in the sun room.

Yeah, and that's what
you were thinking about.

Your business was collapsing,

a business that I helped
you build,

and all you could talk about,

all you could talk about
was your stupid dog

or the new airplane
that you couldn't even

begin to pay for because
you couldn't see

what was happening.

Somebody had to do something.

He was gonna destroy us.
You k*lled frank.

He was giving everything
to the government.

He was there that night.

He said he came
to the banquet

to buck me up before
my big speech

and then I didn't see him
for the rest of the night.

We'll need a sample
of your DNA, doctor, to see

if it matches the m*rder*r's
blood on the knife.

Fine, and then I'll tell
the SEC everything that

Hatcher told me and that
he told me

about how they swindled
all their investors.

I'm sure that'll be
very much appreciated.

Maybe the two of you can
continue your therapy sessions

in prison.

I don't want any of you
to talk to these people.

Not a word.
I forbid it.

And we have a lot
of work to do.

All of you.

I think that's all
for today.