04x26 - Redemption

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x26 - Redemption

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 44995.3.

We're en route to the Klingon
home world,

where I will participate in the
installation ceremony of Gowron,

the next designated leader
of the High Council.

This visit should also
provide an opportunity

for one of my officers
to correct a grave injustice.




- Am I intruding?
- No, sir.

My apologies, captain.
I can be back--

No, that won't be necessary,
Mr. Worf.

I'm not here as your captain.

I'm here as the man who stood
with you before the High Council.

Your cha'Dich.

We will arrive at your home world
in less than a day.

It is not time yet.

That doesn't sound like the man
who came to me a year ago,

fiercely determined to return home

to clear his father's name
or die trying.

Isn't it time to confront the Council?
To regain your family name?

Let the truth be known?

I have been told

that patience

is sometimes a more effective w*apon
than the sword.

Patience is a human virtue.

One that I'm glad to see you've
taken to heart.

But doesn't this situation
require a more

Klingon response?

Your discommendation

is a facade

to protect less honorable men.

Itis a lie.

Lies must be challenged.

I have grown weary
of bearing this dishonor.

Riker to Picard.

Go ahead, Number One.

We've been intercepted
by the Klingon vessel Bortas.

They claim to be our escort.

No escort was scheduled.

- The Bortas is standing by, sir.
- On-screen.


This is an unexpected pleasure.

I must speak with you, Picard.

We will have to move quickly
if we are to be successful.

- Successful?
- Yes.

In preventing a Klingon civil w*r.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

The family of Duras
is massing support.

They have many allies
on the Council.

But Duras died in disgrace.

By Klingon tradition, his family
should share that disgrace.

Their corruption
has poisoned the empire.

Honor will soon have no meaning.

And who speaks for his family now?

Lursa and B'Etor.

The sisters of Duras.

And they would claim the leadership
of the Council?

Women may not serve
on the Council.

- Then how--?
- I don't know.

But they are plotting something.

They have secured the loyalty
of at least three fleet commanders.

Lursa and B'Etor are feared.

And fear is power.

I do not see what I can do to assist.

You were first chosen
as arbiter of succession

because no Klingon
could be trusted.

You accepted this duty.

And you must see it through
to the end.

You must ensure my installation.

That is beyond my purview.

You will not support me?

I will not step outside the traditional
role of the arbiter.

And if they attempt
to block my installation?

Then I can only assure you

that I will deal with any challenge
according to Klingon law.

I fear

that will not be enough.

Mr. Worf, would you escort our guest
to the transporter room?

Begin monitoring Romulan activity

along the Neutral Zone, Mr. Data.

And have the outpost stations
send us their tactical reports.

Aye, sir.

The Duras family are preparing
to move against Gowron.

- Backed by Romulans?
- I don't know.

But there is too much history
between the Duras

and the Romulans to discount
the possibility.


I would speak with you.

I do not hear the words of traitors.

I am not a traitor.

You admitted your guilt
before the Council.

I accepted discommendation
to protect the Empire.

Protect it?


It was Duras' father

who betrayed our people to the
Romulans at Khitomer, not mine.


There is proof of this?

There is.

Why would you accept dishonor
to protect Duras?

His family was too powerful.

To expose him
would have split the Empire.

Instead, that Council
chose to blame my father.

The Council knew?

I believe you to be
a man of honor, Gowron.

I ask you,

restore my family name.


you k*lled Duras.

I consider that no small favor.

- But what you ask is impossible.
- But after your installation...

The grasp of Duras
reaches out from the grave.

Much of the Council

is still loyal to his family.

I must have the Council's support

to survive.

I cannot expose their treachery.

You chose to accept this disgrace

for the good of the Empire.

Now you must live
with your decision,

like a Klingon.



It was a little quiet down
at Ten-Forward,

so I thought I'd get off
a little target practice.

Do you mind if I join you?

You, practice?

I like to keep my eye sharp.

I practice at level 14.

Hmm. Guess I could come down
to that level for a while.

Begin program.

You know, I had a bet with the
captain that I could make you laugh

before you became
Lieutenant Commander.

Not a good bet today.

I've seen you laugh.

I like it.

Klingons do not laugh.


Oh, yes, they do.

Absolutely they do.

You don't. But I've heard Klingon
belly laughs that would curl your hair.


Your son laughs. He's Klingon.

He is a child, and part human.

That's right.

And you're not.
You're full Klingon, except,

you don't laugh.

I do not laugh
because I do not feel like laughing.

Other Klingons feel like laughing.
What does that say about you?

Perhaps it says
that I do not feel like other Klingons.


Program complete.

Good game.

Don't feel bad. I was doing this long
before you were born.

So how is he?

Your son.

He is having difficulty
adjusting to life on Earth.

Ah, I could see where it might be hard
for the little guy.

Living with humans, being Klingon.
It could be very confusing.

- It will not be easy for him.
- No, it won't.

But at some point,
he's gonna wanna know

what it's like to really be a Klingon.

Just as you're learning now.




I request a leave of absence.

Mr. Worf, request granted.

Thank you, sir.



And good luck.

Lieutenant Worf, personal log,

stardate 44996.1.

I have located the Klingon ship

on which my brother, Kurn,
serves as captain,

and have arranged to meet him.

It has been too long, my brother.

Too long.

We have much to discuss.

I have asked Gowron to restore our
family honor. He has refused.

Gowron will not live to see the day
he leads the Council.

What do you mean?

He stands alone,

surrounded by his enemies.

Lursa and B'Etor
would have him k*lled,

and if they don't, I will.

- You will?
- Gowron is weak.

The family of Duras must never be
allowed to rule the Council.

Our leaders have failed us.

They no longer deserve our loyalty.

It is time to sweep away
the old Council

and put a new one in its place.

How can this be done?

I already have the support
of four squadron commanders

in key strategic sectors.

When the time comes,
they will follow me.

Join us, Worf, and we will usher
in a new era,

and regain our family name.

- No.
- What?

Gowron has completed
the rite of succession.

It is our duty to support him.

Gowron spits in your face

when you ask him to give back
what is rightfully ours,

and you would support him?

We cannot regain honor
by acting dishonorably.

I will not support Gowron.

I am the elder brother, Kurn.

I speak for our family.

We will back Gowron.

But not now. Not yet.

We will wait

until he feels the grasp
of his enemies

around his throat,

then we will offer him our support.

And the price will be the restoration
of our family name.

It will be difficult to convince my allies
to back Gowron.

But I will try.

I must go to the Mempa sector

to meet with the other squadron

Contact me when you have gained
their support.

Then I will be ready for Gowron.

Captain's log, stardate 44996.8.

My role as arbiter of succession

has again brought me to the Great
Hall of the Klingon High Council.



Have you reached a decision
regarding the succession of power?




Gowron, son of M'Rel, hakt'em.

The arbiter confirms that you have
completed the rite of succession.

Your enemies have been destroyed.

You stand alone.

Do you wish to claim leadership
of the Council?

I wish it.

Are there no other challengers?

There is one.

I will challenge him.

- An arrogant child?
- Who are you?

I am Toral, son of Duras.

- Duras had no son.
- But he did, Gowron.

So this is your doing, Lursa.

We wish to address the Council.

Lursa, B'Etor, come forward.

Members of the High Council,

it is a day of great rejoicing
for the family of Duras

and the Klingon Empire.

We have discovered that our brother
did indeed have a son and heir.

This is outrageous.
Duras had no mate.

Where did you find him, Lursa?

In a harlot's bed chamber?

I will personally
cut your tongue out, Yintagh.

Impudent wretch.

A simple genetic scan
will prove his bloodline is valid.

The illegitimate son of Duras
cannot rule the High Council.

The arbiter will consider his validity.


Our allies on the Council
backed Toral's claim.

- It's in Picard's hands now.
- Excellent.

Everything is proceeding
as scheduled.

Why not just k*ll Picard?


Do we want the Federation
as our enemy?

- No.
WOMAN: At least not yet.

But when the time is right,

we will deal with the Federation,

and Captain Picard.

I have met with the other squadron
commanders here.

Three will join us. One will not.

That gives us enough strength
to control seven key sectors.

Do you know the strength
of our enemies?

They have at least
seven squadrons.

But most of the fleet has not decided
which banner to follow.

Well, Gowron
is nearly out of options.

Soon he will have no choice.

I will return soon to the home world.

We shall meet then.

Do you also require the original logs
recorded during the attack, lieutenant?

Everything we have
on the Khitomer m*ssacre.

We can provide you
with our analysis

of the communications
between the Khitomer outpost

and the Romulan ships.

However, for a complete record,

you will have to contact Starbase 24.

Mr. Worf,

have you cancelled your leave?

No, sir.

Lieutenant, would you join me
in my Ready Room?

Mr. Worf,

you're using our files
on the Khitomer m*ssacre

as evidence against Duras' father?

Yes, sir.

Do you not see an inherent
conflict of interest here?

Sir, those Federation records
will help me prove

my father was falsely accused
of treason.

You are using your position
as a Starfleet officer

to effect political change
on your planet.

There could not be a worse

of our fundamental principles.

Do not tie my hands now.

I must be able to prove
my father's innocence.

Those Federation records
can do that.

Mr. Worf,

here I am lecturing
you on a conflict of interest,

while I'm desperately trying
to avoid one of my own.

Do you think I wish to allow
the Duras family

to solidify their hold on the Council?

Do you think I cannot see for myself
the implications for the Federation?

Good Lord,
Duras tried to have me k*lled.

All of my instincts, my training,

my very being as a Starfleet officer,

are at odds with my responsibility
as arbiter of the Klingon High Council.

We walk the same tightrope
between two worlds, you and I,

we must try our very best
to keep those two worlds separate,

or we shall certainly fall.

Yes, sir.

I will make the Khitomer m*ssacre
files available

to anyone who wants them.

To the High Council,
to the Duras family, to you.


Thank you, sir.

Mr. Worf,

this is as far as I will go.

RIKER [OVER COM]: Riker to Picard.
- Yes, Number One.

There's a message coming in for you
from the surface.

It's coded personal.

Send it through.



Please, come in.

Be seated.

Something to drink, captain?


Earl Grey, perhaps?

Thank you.

You come alone

and unarmed.

Nothing will be served by k*lling
the arbiter before his decision.


a brave act, captain.


Your invitation was unexpected.

We should have extended it
much sooner.

We don't want you to judge us

by your experience with our brother.

- Duras was a fool.
- He deserved to die.

Forget him.

We have.

We do not wish to be your enemy.

Quite the opposite.

That pleases me.

Have you--?

Have you made your decision
regarding Toral's challenge?

I'm pursuing it with due vigilance.

Allow me to heat up your tea.

Toral has the bloodline to lead
the Empire into the next century.

He has the support of the people.

Then it remains to see if he has
the support of law.

But he must.

Surely you can see that.

I'll tell you what I see.

If I find Toral's challenge valid,

the two of you will very quickly gain
control of the Council,

and Gowron will be found dead
shortly thereafter.

If I reject Toral's claim,

you will accuse me of serving
Federation interests,

and it will serve as a rallying cry
to declare w*r,

and overthrow Gowron.

You see very clearly, captain.

But one thing is missing.

If you rule against us,

and we are victorious in a w*r
against Gowron--

Which we would be.

--it will mean the end of the alliance
with the Federation.

And we would hate to see
that happen as much as you would.

This is not a threat, captain.

Just an unfortunate truth.

So why be our enemy,

when you can be our friend?

You have manipulated
the circumstances with the skill

of a Romulan.

My decision will be announced
at high sun tomorrow.

Excellent tea. Good day, ladies.


What is your decision?

PICARD: K'Tal, this Council knows
the law of heredity well.


A son shall share in the honors
or crimes of his father.

Toral is Duras' son.

That has been established
by genetic scan.

But with due respect
to the traditions and laws

of this High Council,

there is no basis for accepting
a petition for leadership from a boy

who has fought no battles,

shed no blood for his people,

nor earned honor for himself.

One day, perhaps, he shall.

But not now.

Duras is dead. His claim
to the leadership died with him.

Gowron shall lead the Council.


The arbiter has ruled.

There are no more challengers.

Does the Federation
dictate Klingon destiny?

Or do we?

Follow me,
and I will show you honor.

Follow him

and you reject all Klingon law.

Can you not see
what you are doing?

Are you blind to what they represent?

Then go.

Your blood will paint the way
to the future.


Your message said it was urgent.

What do you want?

Your forces are weak, Gowron.

You need help
to fight the family of Duras.

From one dishonored Klingon.

I offer you four Klingon squadrons.

Why would they follow you,
a Starfleet officer?

They are pledged to support
my brother, Kurn.

- Kurn is your brother?
- Yes.

His true bloodlines
were hidden to protect him.

Kurn will follow me?

He has opposed me in the past.

I am the elder brother.
He will do as I say.

What is it you want in return?

You know my price.

The return of your honor

for the support of four squadrons?

No. That will not be enough.

The Duras family
controls most of the fleet.

We must have Federation help.

- They will not intervene.
- Perhaps not yet.

But Starfleet Command
will listen to Picard, and Picard,

listens to you.

I can ask nothing more of him
in this matter.


- My duty as a Starfleet officer--
- You come to me

and demand the restoration
of your family honor,

and now you hide behind
human excuses.

What are you, Worf?

Do you tremble and quake with fear
at the approach of combat,

hoping to talk your way
out of a fight like a human?

Or do you hear the cry of the warrior,

calling you to battle,

calling you to glory, like a Klingon?



- Status?
- Aft shields down.

Warp coils damaged.

Red alert.

A second ship is joining the attack
on the Bortas.

It's begun.

Send an emergency signal

to any loyal ships.

Impulse engines not responding.



Engage emergency override.

Override engaged.

Disruptors still not responding.


The Bortas has lost
her port shields, sir.

It is unlikely they will withstand
another hit in that quarter.

Their primary life support
has failed, sir.

The Bortas has put out
a general distress call.

Ensign Reel,

plot a course to take us safely away
from the combat area.

Half impulse.

Captain, the Bortas is Gowron's ship.

If he's the legitimate leader
of the Empire, shouldn't we help?

If we go to the aid of the Bortas,

we'll be dragging the Federation
into a Klingon civil w*r.

What about Worf?



Port shields are still down.

Disruptors on-line.

- Lock on target.

Don't you see? Their sensors
will detect a weapons lock.

If they think we're helpless,
they will try to board the ship.

I can aim and fire disruptors
manually when they drop their shields.


Thirty-five thousand kellicams.

Twenty thousand kellicams.

Now within transporter range.


- They're dropping their shields.
- Fire!

Firing on the second target.

They were able to raise the shields
in time. Minor damage only.

Disruptors off-line.

All power to shields.

Shields failing.

Incoming message.

On viewer.

This is Captain Kurn of the Hegh'ta.

We come to defend the Empire,
and to follow the banner of Gowron.

You have done well, Captain Kurn.

Lursa and B'Etor have moved
more quickly than I anticipated.

We shall not
underestimate them again.

Meet us at the Great Hall.

Advise the Enterprise

that their delegation
is welcome to attend

my installation as leader.

Captain's log, stardate 44998.3.

With new-found support,

Gowron has chosen to proceed
with the installation ceremony.

The Enterprise has returned

so that I may perform my final duty
as arbiter of succession.

Receive now the loyalty
of the Council and of the Empire.



You both fought as warriors.

You have proven your hearts
are Klingon.

I return your family honor.

I give you back that
which was wrongfully taken from you.

Let your name be spoken
once again.

You are Worf,

son of Mogh.

The Duras family is gathering
a large force near Beta Thoridar.

As per the terms
of the Treaty of Alliance,

I now formally request
your assistance

in fighting these enemies
of the Empire.

These enemies are Klingon.

By right and tradition,

I am the sole leader.

All who oppose me

are traitors.

I understand your position,
but I'm sure you're aware

that the Federation cannot interfere
in what is by definition,

an internal Klingon affair.

You arbitrated the rite of succession.

You are already involved.

My duties in that regard are finished.


we must intervene.

The Duras family is corrupt
and hungry for power,

with no sense of honor or loyalty.

They represent a grave threat
to the security of the Federation.


you and I know

that they have conspired
with Romulans in the past.

If they should be victors in this w*r,

they would surely form a new
Klingon-Romulan alliance.

And that would represent
a fundamental shift of power

in this quadrant.

Starfleet must support Gowron.

It is in the interest of both
the Federation and the Empire.

I beg you,

support us in our cause.

Mr. Worf, I don't have to lecture you
on the principle of non-interference.

And as Starfleet officers we have all
sworn an oath to uphold that principle

whatever our personal feelings.
I'm sorry, I must refuse your request.

Mr. Worf.

I'm afraid I must recall you to duty.

The Enterprise will be leaving
this sector immediately.


I respectfully request

that I be allowed to take
an extended leave of absence.

Mr. Worf, your responsibilities
as a Starfleet officer

are incompatible with remaining
on board a Klingon ship

during a time of w*r.

- Captain.
- I order you to return to duty at once.

Then I resign my commission

as a Starfleet officer.

I will await you aboard the Bortas.



Am I intruding?

No, sir.

I understand you'll be serving
on board the Bortas.

As weapons officer.

Your tactical knowledge
and experience will serve them well.

Thank you, sir.

Mr. Worf,

are you certain
that this is the right decision?

I was rescued from Khitomer

by humans.

Raised and loved by human parents.

I spent most of my life
around humans, fought beside them.

But I was born Klingon.

My heart is of that world.

I do hear the cry of the warrior.

I belong with my people.

Being the only Klingon
ever to serve in Starfleet

gave you a singular distinction.


I felt that what was unique about you

was your humanity.

Compassion, generosity, fairness.

You took the best qualities of humanity
and made them part of you.

The result was a man

who I was proud to call
one of my officers.

I'll have your belongings
transported to the Bortas.

Thank you, sir.

Attention on deck.

Permission to leave the ship, sir.

Permission granted.




Picard has rejected
Gowron's plea for help.


The Enterprise has left orbit.


He didn't have the courage
to face us.

- The Federation is a--
WOMAN: Celebrate later, Toral.

We should not discount
Jean-Luc Picard yet.

He is human.

And humans have a way of showing
up when you least expect them.
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