04x18 - Identity Crisis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x18 - Identity Crisis

Post by bunniefuu »

Tarchannen III investigation,
stardate 40164.7.

Ensign Anthony Brevelle recording.
Lt Susanna Leijten in command.

- You up and running, Brevelle?
- Yes.

I checked buildings four
and five. Just like the others.

No phaser hits, no sign of a fight,
it's like the outpost just vanished.

You'd better come see this.
No footprints, no vehicle tracks.

The wind probably erased them.
But look...

Freeze visual.

That's Hickman on the right,
Mendez on the left.

As noted, the recording was made
by Ensign Brevelle five years ago.

You said before Brevelle deserted
Starbase 112 last week,

he'd been ill for several days.
What about Mendez?

Mendez was seen on the Aries
an hour before she disappeared.

According to witnesses,
she seemed normal.

And Hickman?

He just passed a routine physical
on Alia IV with flying colors.

No, wait, I know Paul Hickman.
He's a family man with two kids.

He wouldn't steal a shuttle
and desert.

He was spotted by a supply ship

on course to Tarchannen III.

The original disappearances
were never solved?

No. We never learned what happened
or why. 49 people, gone.

And five years later the away team
investigating their disappearances

have started to disappear themselves.

Geordi and I are the only two left.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds...

...to seek out new life
and new civilizations...

...to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 44664.5.

We have set a course to intercept
Lt Hickman's stolen shuttlecraft,

and, hopefully, to discover the
whereabouts of the missing officers.

And then,
I almost married Paul Bogrow.

Bogrow, now, which one was he?

You remember.
The one with the thin moustache.

- Not Bogrow!
- I know.

The one who always
used to drive you crazy?

You always thought
he was so full of himself.

Well, I decided that
I had prejudged him unfairly.

And then I decided that I'd
been right in the first place.

What about you?

I enjoy the bachelor's life
too much.

Doesn't sound like my little brother
who always wanted advice on women.

Yeah, obviously you were a...
a great advisor.

Well, Suz...

- What do you think?
- I don't know.

But I'm not ashamed to tell you,
I'm a little scared, you know?

Yeah,... I know.

If anyone can figure this out,

it'll be the Leijten
and La Forge show.

- Yeah.
- We always made a good team.

A hell of a team.

Cmdr La Forge, Cmdr Leijten,
to the bridge.

We have a fix
on the missing shuttle.

On our way, Commander.

- Entering the Tarchannen system.
- Slow to impulse power. Mr. Worf?

Long-range sensors
holding on the shuttle,

bearing 010 mark 271.

Hail the vessel.

Lt Hickman does not respond, sir.

Put a repeating message
on all channels.

Order him to come about
and stand to. Priority one.

- Still no response, sir.
- The craft is now in visual range.

On screen.

The shuttle is accelerating.

Its trajectory is moving directly
into the planet's atmosphere.

He will reach an atmospheric
interface at an altitude of 210kms.

If he stays at that speed,
he'll self-destruct.

- Correct, Commander.
- How soon, Mr. Data?

- 53 seconds, sir.
- Options?

He's out of transporter range.

He's too far away to get a lock
with the tractor beam.

- Open a channel.
- Open.

Lt Hickman, listen carefully.

This is Capt Picard
of the Enterprise.

You are in danger.
Slow your rate of approach.

The shuttle is approaching
the outer thermosphere.

- He's panicking.
- At current acceleration,

the shuttle will be destroyed
in 28 seconds.

- 16 seconds to impact.
- Lt Hickman, do what I tell you.

Reduce velocity, bring your craft to
a positive pitch of 20 degrees. Now!

The shuttle is entering
the lower ionosphere.

Sensors detect two more Federation
shuttlecraft on the surface.

No life signs.

- Number One, prepare your away team.
- Worf, Data, Geordi.

I'd like to volunteer to join you,


Leijten, Geordi, check the shuttle.

Data, Worf,
you've got the perimeter.

It's the shuttle pod
Mendez stole from the Aries.

No life signs, Commander.

I am certain we are being watched.

Cmdr Riker.

Found it in the shuttle.

Where's Cmdr Leijten?

Riker to Susanna, report.

Fan out. Let's find her.


La Forge to Leijten.

Over here.

Where have you been?

Mendez and Brevelle are alive.

- You saw the footprints?
- Yeah.

- But they're not human.
- They're here.

Just stand still and listen.

You can feel it. They're here.

I'm not picking up anything.

Wait a minute. Where are you going?

- Stay away!
- Suz,...

La Forge to Enterprise,
medical emergency. Two to sickbay!

- Do I look as bad as I feel?
- You look fine... now.

- What happened?
- Your blood chemistry is way off.

You had a histamine response.
To what, I don't know.

I'm running
a blood and tissue analysis.

I need to get back to the surface.

Until I have some answers, I don't
want you to leave the Enterprise.

- I have work to do.
- Look, Commander,

you may have just had
an anxiety reaction down there,

but I've got to know for sure.

Might not be such a bad idea
to take it easy.

I won't stay locked up on this ship
while the investigation's going on.

Your devotion to duty is admirable,

but Dr Crusher is right,
you'll remain on board

until we know if this is connected
with the disappearances.

- Captain...
- We've surveyed the surface.

Analyzing all that data
will keep us busy for a while.

Yes, sir, I understand.

Data's got a preliminary report
if you're up to it.

Sure. Let's get going.

- What about La Forge?
- I gave him a complete bioscan.

The results say
he's in perfect shape.

That's what the reports
said about Mendez and Hickman

before they disappeared.

Capt Picard's wrong. The best way is
to go back with a dozen away teams,

fan out from the shuttle,
cover a lot of ground fast.

- Use proximity detectors, sensors...
- Susanna.

It's started! What if what happened
to the others is happening to me?

You don't know that.

Suz, I'm here

and I'm not gonna
let anything happen to you, OK?

OK. Come on.

During examination
of the torn uniform,

I discovered
these alien skin cells.

- Source?
- Undetermined.

Without something to compare,
it'll take weeks to identify them.

we have more evidence.

We determined

that these footprints were not made
by any known Tarchannen life form.

If we're pursuing a theory that
somehow unknown aliens are involved,

I should tell you that
we didn't find tracks like that

- during the original investigation.
- The planet has frequent sandstorms.

Prints might have been
obliterated prior to your arrival.

Dr Crusher and l
will search the medical database

in an attempt to match these
with some known life form.

Aliens or no aliens,

why would our people return
after five years, to be abducted?

Some sort of compulsion,
like a post-hypnotic command.

Something that happened
while we were there before?

We can take the records
and chart everyone's movements.

Look for some commonality,
something we all touched.

Maybe... a plant, or... the sand.

Or even something we ingested.
It could even be in the air itself.

The parameters are broad, Data.

Any match we make
will be inconclusive at best.

I am aware of that. I see no other
reasonable course of investigation

available to us.
We may not have much time.

You're worried about Geordi,
aren't you?

I am an android.
It is not possible for me...

For you to feel anxiety.

Starfleet personnel have vanished.
Others may be at risk.

We must try to find out why.

However, I am...

..strongly motivated
to solve this mystery.

Ensign Hickman.

Freeze visuals.

We're wasting our time.

That's not how you felt before.

It was your idea to look
for a commonality.

Yeah, well, I was wrong.

We're not going to find anything
this way.

We should go back to the planet.

It's all down there,
everything we need to know.

That's just not an option.

At least, not until
Capt Picard says it is.

Computer, resume.

I can't look at that any more.
It hurts my eyes.

I can't think. My mind feels
like it's wrapped up in a blanket.

- Take a break. I'll work on this.
- I don't need a break!

I need to get off the ship.

Susanna, why don't we...
go and see Dr Crusher?

Forget Crusher and forget your logs!

Tarchannen's down there, Geordi.
It's waiting for us.

That's where we should go.

Susanna,... you can't leave.


Blood pressure's still falling.
Apply T-cell stimulator.

We have got
to stabilize her immune system.

She has developed
an extreme sensitivity to light.

We're trying to make her comfortable.

Oh,... God!



..hold on. OK?

Dr Crusher... will help you,

..so... just hold on.

It's inside of me, Geordi.

I can't fight it.

- It's winning.
- Don't give up.

Do you hear me?

You can't give up, Suz.

This is one of Susanna's altered skin
cells and an alien cell Data found.

Almost identical.
How do you explain that?

The people from Tarchannen III
who disappeared weren't abducted.

I think they were transformed
into another species.

Can you stop it?

The T-cell stimulator
will slow down the rate of change,

but until I find the cause...

- Is the Enterprise at risk?
- No.

I checked the cell-wall integrity.
Its viability is low.

- I don't think she can transmit it.
- Then how did she get it?

I wish I knew.

The only thing I do know, Geordi,...

..is that it's very possible
that you will be next.


I had two full bioscans today.

You said I was fine.

I gave Susanna a bioscan, too. I
didn't find anything wrong with her.

How long?

Brevelle was sick
for days before he left.

Mendez was normal
an hour before she disappeared.

You may have weeks
or very few hours.

Then there's no time to waste.
I should get back to work.

Geordi, until I know
what we're dealing with,

I think
you should stay here in sickbay.

You said that it would help
if you knew the source.

If I continue analyzing the records,
I might find an answer.

Mr. La Forge,...
what if you begin to change?

What if you feel compelled to go
down to the planet?

Program the computer
to monitor my movements.

That way we can be sure
that I don't leave the ship.

What would you do, Captain?

Would you sit it out here in sickbay,

or try to learn
what it is that's got you,

and maybe stop it?

Very well.
You proceed with your investigation,

but report for a bioscan
at the start of the day watch.

Aye, sir.

Geordi, if you have symptoms of any
kind, I want to know immediately.


One to transport.

I'll make another sweep.

La Forge, building four.
Mendez and Brevelle, two.

I'll take five.

Alright, Computer,
analyze audio elements

from time index 1447 to 1558.

List all anomalies.

No audio anomalies present.

Any subspace projections?
Z-particle emissions?

Interferometric frequencies?

No subspace projections present.
No Z-particle emissions present.

No interferometric
patterns present.


May I ask how your investigation
is proceeding?

It's not.

- You attempted an audio analysis?
- Yes, Data.

And a spectrographic analysis,
and a screen for ionizing radiation.

I even ran an enhancement
for micro-seismic disturbances.

I've tried it all, OK?

I'm sorry.

There is no need for an apology.

Perhaps if you indulged
in a brief rest period,

you could approach this problem
with a fresh point of view.

You're probably right,

but I've got to keep scanning
these records while I can.

May I assist you?

If I knew what I was looking for.

Really, Data,... I think it's
just a matter of me going over it,

maybe finding something I forgot.

I'll let you know
if I come across anything.

Alright, Computer.

One more time.

- Sorry to disturb you...
- What's happened?

I thought you should see this.

Her skin is simulating light!

A radiant reaction.
Some sort of mimetic ability?

That's not all.
Her body temperature is dropping.

It's as if she's
generating a disruptive field.

I can barely get
any readings off her.

- Her rate of transformation?
- Increasing.

Impossible! It should have been
inhibited by the T-cell stimulator.


If there's a foreign body inside her
that's producing these changes,

something like a viral cr?che.

A very small one if our scans
haven't found it.

I want a full genetic analysis.

We'll examine any abnormality, no
matter how insignificant it seems.

- One to transport.
- Computer, delete the audio.

Wait a minute. Freeze visual.

- Whose shadow is that?
- Please restate question.

the shadow currently displayed

in section B-3, what is its source?


Come on,
it's gotta belong to somebody.

Computer, replay a visual
of the last time index.

No audio,...
and slow to 50 percent.


Brevelle's behind the camera.
Susanna and I head off

in that direction. Mendez moves off
that way. Freeze visual.

Now,... magnify four times.

And spectrally enhance
those shadows.

Do you have sufficient data
to compile a holographic simulation?

A simulation would be limited
to areas scanned by the recording.

Fine. Scan the entire record
and recreate it on holodeck three.

is the Tarchannen simulation ready?

Affirmative. Program complete.
Enter when ready.

Computer,... scan Starfleet records
and create a simulation of Brevelle.

Place him where he was
while recording this.

OK. Good.

based on their speed and direction,

can you extrapolate
each one's movements

as they walk out of the recording
device's field of view?

Affirmative, with
an increasing probability of error

reaching 95 percent
after ten seconds.

Understood. Run simulation.

I want to make another sweep.

La Forge, building four.
Mendez and Brevelle, two.

I'll take five.

Computer, freeze.

It's all happening too fast.
Computer, reverse simulation.

Run it back to time index 1472.

Freeze program.

Computer,... remove La Forge.

And... now remove Leijten.

And now... remove Mendez.

Computer, using vector analysis,
identify the source of this shadow.

There is no object in the program
which could generate the shadow.


..there has to be something

between the camera light
and this wall.


..given the distance
between the light and the wall,

can you determine
the most likely shape and position

of the object causing this shadow?

Insufficient data
to reconstruct the requested object.


Let's say that my friend and I here
are about the same size, say...

1.7 m. Now, can you extrapolate
its shape and its position?

- Affirmative.
- Do it!

There, in the thymus.

Some sort of parasite.

It's using Susanna's immune system
to spread genetic instructions.

- How did it get there?
- Maybe during the original mission.

It's small enough to enter
through any mucous membrane.

But it isn't behaving
like a typical parasite.

It isn't feeding off of her. It
transforms her DNA to match its own.

There's not much
of her original DNA left.

We're gonna need unaltered genes
or we're never gonna get her back.

We've got to get
that thing out of her now.

- Any luck?
- Negative, Commander.

Nothing suggests
the source of a parasitic infection.

Crusher to bridge.

- Go ahead, Doctor.
- The surgery was successful.

It'll be a few hours before we know

whether her regenerative systems
are responding.

In the meantime,
we better get La Forge down here.

- Keep us informed.
- Crusher to La Forge.

Computer, locate Cmdr La Forge.

Cmdr La Forge
is not on board the Enterprise.

Bridge, the computer says
La Forge is no longer on board.

Is that correct?

I am showing no transporter activity.

All shuttles are secure.

No indication he's left the ship.

- Last known location of La Forge?
- Holodeck three.

If Geordi has transformed,
he may be a chameleon.

The skin develops
mimetic capabilities.

He may still be on board,
but undetectable to our sensors.

You search the structure.
I will take the perimeter.


Geordi's uniform.

Security, intruder in
transporter room six!

The security lock-out on transporter
room six has been broken.

Re-engage now.

I cannot. The transporter
cycle has already begun.

Captain's log, stardate 44668. 1.

Dr Crusher's research indicates
we have less than an hour

before Cmdr La Forge's transformation
becomes irreversible.

However, all attempts to locate
him on the surface have failed.

I do not read any life signs
on the surface.

Our sensor array is useless. We must
find another way of locating him.

If we can get close enough to Geordi,

we can read his spectrum
with an ultraviolet light.

Can you modify an emergency beacon
to operate on UV?

- Yes, sir.
- Make it so.

As soon as Data is ready,
I want you to lead an away team.

Aye, sir.

How long, Data?

I must replace the emitter module
and reconnect the power supply.

It will take two minutes
to complete the modifications.

- Hendrick to Cmdr Riker.
- Go ahead.

I've determined La Forge's
transport coordinates.

He beamed down
next to the Aries shuttle.


He's on foot. He can't have got far.
Let's assume a radius of... 10kms.

That still leaves a search area
of more than 300 square kilometers.

We've got to narrow that down.
The enhanced sensor arrays?

All scans are still negative.

We've got to find a way to track him.
The high-resolution EM scan?

We are adjusting sensors
to read his absorption spectrum,

- but it will take several hours.
- Geordi doesn't have several hours!

I have completed modifications.

Excellent. Dr Crusher,
meet us in transporter room six.

He's gonna need a sedative.
Give me 10ccs of kayolane.

Dr Crusher.

- You look a lot better than you did.
- What did you do?

Removed a parasite from your thymus.

No, it's not a parasite, Doctor.

It was their method of reproduction,
to plant a DNA strand

in a living host
that causes metamorphosis. Geordi?

- He's gone?
- Yes.

- Back to the planet?
- Stay calm.

- We have to find him.
- An away team is searching.

You'll never be able to find him.
I'm the only one who can.

No, turn them off,
the light frightens them.

- What about UV?
- Beyond their visual spectrum.

They won't run away from it.

He could be several kilometers away.

No, he's here. They're all here.



Geordi, stop!

No, wait.

Geordi. Geordi, my voice is familiar.
Listen to it.

You can feel that we share this.
You know I'm not a threat.

The others, Mendez, Brevelle,...
they don't exist as humans any more,

but a part of you still does.

You're not one of them yet, Geordi.

I can help you
if you'll just trust me.

I know what's going on
inside of you,...

the w*r
you're fighting with yourself,

your humanity slipping away.
The instinct to run,

it's overpowering.

But they know how to beat it now,

Look at me!

I've come back, Geordi.

Let me take you back, too.

Just take my hand.


lock onto Cmdr Leijten's signal.

Prepare to beam two to sickbay.

We're going home, Geordi.

Is there no hope
for Brevelle or Mendez?


- Susanna.
- I'm right here, Geordi.

So are Dr Crusher and Capt Picard.

Here's your visor, Geordi.

Lt Cmdr La Forge
reporting for duty, Captain.

Welcome back, Mr. La Forge.

Geordi, this species,
can you communicate with it?

No. They... act on instinct alone.

In another few minutes, I wouldn't
have responded to you, Susanna.

Then we will leave them be.

I'll order warning beacons
placed in orbit and on the surface,

so no one else goes through
what you did.

You know,... down there,
l... didn't know who you were.

And yet,... somehow,...

..I believed you, I trusted you.

That must have been because of all
the good advice I used to give you.

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