04x09 - Final Mission

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x09 - Final Mission

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 44307.3.

I am preparing to leave
by shuttlecraft for Pentarus V

where I've been asked
to mediate a dispute

among the salenite miners,
a contentious group

prone to v*olence.

But first, I must deal
with a situation

of a far more personal nature.


Mr. Crusher, I summoned you
almost ten minutes ago.

Yes, sir, I'm sorry.

I was in the middle
of a very important experiment.

I was using some
very volatile compounds.

I couldn't just leave them...

Excuses, Mr. Crusher?

No, sir. I was just
attempting to offer...

Because I can assure you

that will not go down well
at Starfleet Academy.

Yes, sir, I'm aware of that.

The Academy?

I just received a message
from Admiral Nsomeka.

She expects you
to report in two weeks.

A position has opened up
in this year's class.

Thank you.

Now, you're going
to have to work overtime

in order to catch up

but I have assured the Admiral
that you are capable of it.

Please, don't make
a liar out of me.

Oh, no, sir, I won't.

Well, for your final mission
on board the Enterprise

you will accompany me
to Pentarus V

while I try to sort out
the problems with the miners.

Commander Riker has told me
that you have been studying

the effects of outpost
judiciary decisions

on Federation law.

What better way to get
first-hand experience?

Captain, I am picking up

a general distress signal
from Gamelan V.

On screen.

Please, does anyone read us?

Open a channel.

I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation
Starship Enterprise.

Captain, I am Chairman Songi
of Gamelan V.

An unidentified spacecraft

has entered orbit
above our planet.

Radiation levels
in our atmosphere

have increased by 3,000 percent.

We can only assume
we are under attack

but the ship will not answer
our hails.

We are a peaceful planet.

We have no ability
to defend ourselves.

Please, can you help us?

Mr. Data, are we close enough
for a scan?

No, sir, we are out of range.

Any other ships in that sector?

Negative, Commander.

Chairman Songi, we'll proceed
immediately to your planet.

Thank you, Captain.

Commander Riker,
take the Enterprise

and investigate the problem.

Ensign Crusher and I will
proceed to Pentarus V.

The miners have sent a shuttle.

We shall leave in ten minutes.

Yes, sir.

You know, I've noticed here
that your maneuvering thrusters

are rigged in a configuration
I've never seen before.

It's my own modification.

It's more efficient.

You can study it if you want.

Excuse me, Captain.

I've run safety and operational
inspections, Captain.

Everything checks out all right

but I won't make any claims
as to its comfort.

Captain Picard.

Captain Dirgo
of the Shuttlecraft Nenebek.

Ah, Captain.

It's good to meet you.

Of a mining shuttle?

Yes, Ensign, Captain.

My ship isn't pretty.

She isn't big.

But we've logged almost
10,000 hours together.

Oh, yes.

She seems a very...

a very sturdy craft.

We should go.

Captain, will you take Ops?

I'll let Ensign Crusher
perform that task.

I have to study up
on Regalian law.

Shuttlecraft has
cleared the bay, sir.

Ensign Allenby, set a course
for the Gamelan system.

Warp six.

Aye, sir.

You've done this before.


Your Captain back there, if he
isn't tougher than he looks

those miners
will tear him apart.

Don't worry
about Captain Picard.

He'll handle them.

I've lost navigation.

The port thruster quad's gone.

Guidance coupling system

I can't stabilize her.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

The port thruster module blew.

Nenebek to Enterprise.

Do you read?

Pentarus Station, come in.

Communication's gone.

Is your navigational
system functioning?

Switching to manual.

50 million kilometers
to Pentarus V.

We may have to put down
somewhere else.

Mr. Crusher, scan
for a Class-M environment.

Aye, sir.

I'm going to have
to throttle back

on the main impulse engines.

Sir, one of the moons
around Pentarus Ill...

it registers as Class-M


The mean surface temperature

is 55 degrees Celsius.

Life-forms indicated?

Uh, negative,
but scanning is limited.

There's a very strong magnetic
field around the surface.

We don't have a choice.

Save the impulse engine
for controlled entry.

Mr. Crusher, reconfigure
working thrusters

to manual input.

I'll try, sir, but this grid
looks about 100 years old.

We don't have
the Federation's resources.

Captain, take the helm.

I'm re-routing
the deuterium flow.

Hull temperature 700 degrees.

Beginning braking maneuver.

We're below Mach One.

Bypass to thrusters now.

Brace yourselves for impact.

Dear God.

Let's salvage what we can.

The first thing we'll need
is shelter from the sun.

In this heat, the shuttle
will act like an oven.

All the systems are out.

Can't get
a communication channel.

Location transponder's
gone, too.

Let's check the craft

for something to protect
our heads and eyes.

And, Captain, please recover
your medical supplies

food and water rations.

Well, the medical supplies
are all right.

Food and water?

The replicator...

damaged beyond repair.

Surely you have
emergency supplies.

This isn't a starship.

I have to choose what I carry.

Are you telling me
there's no water?


The vessel reads as an unmanned
sublight freighter.



Propulsion appears to employ
a gaseous-core fission reactor

but it is not functioning.

The radiation levels from
that ship are off the scale.

Could that be leakage
from their engines?

No, sir.

Engine reactor elements
appear to have been inactive

for approximately 300 years.

The vessel is carrying
various unstable waste products.

You mean it's a garbage scow.


Mr. Worf, open
a hailing frequency.

Chairman Songi,
this is Commander Riker

on board the Enterprise.

Yes, Commander.

It appears you have inherited
someone else's problem...

an old waste vessel

caught by your planet's
gravitational pull.

Have your people begun to suffer
from radiation sickness?

Not yet, but some areas

are already detecting
dangerous levels.

We'll do our best
to get it out of here

as quickly as possible.

Thank you, Commander.

We're going to push that
barge into the Gamelan sun.

Sir, the Meltasion asteroid belt
lies between here and the sun.

Then we'll take it in ourselves.

We'll use our deflectors

to clear a path
through the asteroids.

I don't like the idea
of getting close enough

to that barge to tow it.

The radiation levels are
so high, we'd be risking

the contamination
of the entire crew.

Do you have a better idea,

We could send
a construction module over

to attach thrusters to it.

Then we could direct it

through the asteroid belt
from a safe distance.

Commander, a message

from the mining
settlement on Pentarus V.

The shuttlecraft
carrying Captain Picard

has not yet arrived.

They left here at 0800 hours.

They have asked
if we are beginning a search.

Tell them we have
an emergency situation.

We will begin a search
as soon as we've completed that.

Aye, sir.

Mr. La Forge, prepare to launch
the construction module.

I'd like to get this over with
as fast as possible.

Any luck with the tricorder,

I think so, sir.

The scanning range
may be a bit limited

but it's better than nothing.

These were on board, Captain.
They're working.


Our communicators
may not be able to get a signal

through this strong
a magnetic field.

I'm fashioning an arrow.

If a search party
finds the wreckage

they'll know that we've
headed for those mountains.

Are you crazy?

They're too far away.

We'll never make it.

We can't survive in this sun.

Where there's mountains,
there's shelter.

You've got no right
to make the decisions.

I'm the Captain of this ship.

If you want to get out of this

I suggest you listen
to Captain Picard.

He's the one who's going
to keep us alive.

Thank you, Ensign.
That's enough.

Captain Dirgo,
you're an able pilot.

I welcome your input.

Do you feel that there
is an alternative

we're overlooking?


Very well.

I suggest a steady pace,
not a brisk one.

We need to ration our energy.

Try breathing through your nose.

That way, it will help
to prevent dehydration.

I'll lead.

Captain Dirgo, will you
bring up the rear?

And you were worried
about how tough the Captain is?

Did you find water?

No, not yet.

What are you doing with that?

Mr. Crusher?

I'm not sure, sir.

It's an energy reading.

Energy reading?
What kind?

Low frequency EM.

It's been getting stronger

the closer we get
to those mountains.

What are you saying?
There's something over there?

Waiting for us?

I'm not sure what it is.

It just keeps registering
as a repeating energy pattern.

Ensign, are you suggesting

that this energy is not
naturally occurring?

These readings
could be indicative

of some electromagnetic
properties in the rocks

but I don't think so.

A life-form?

It's possible.

The pattern is fairly organized.

Well, we can't go back.

We can't stay here.

We've got to keep going
for those mountains...

no matter what
is waiting for us.

There has to be water in here.

Aren't caves formed by water?

Not necessarily.

This could be created
by volcanic activity...

lava flow...
these walls are dry.

Mr. Crusher, do you have
any moisture reading?

No, sir.

But that EM reading...

the pattern's changed.

The frequency's
peaking a lot higher.

You have water!

I wouldn't hide water.

That's called dresci.

It's from my planet.

It's alcohol.

It's medicinal.

It's for emergencies.

I was going to share
it with you.

This wouldn't
quench your thirst.

It would make it worse.

Well, I'll take my chances.

I'm not going to let
you waste this.

This is more valuable
to us as a coolant

a disinfectant.

It's mine.

Mr. Crusher, stow that
with the medical supplies.

Keep your eye on it.

All right, we're going
to explore the cave.

Mr. Crusher, look out
for any signs of water

no matter how faint.

Captain Dirgo,
will you lead the way?

We're projecting
that the bulk of the radiation

will affect
three small island groups.

Fortunately, they're
very sparsely populated.

We'll begin
replicating hyronalin now

and be ready to transport it to
them, if it becomes necessary.

Please coordinate with all the
medical personnel on the planet.


We've contacted
the nearest Starbase

for a search vessel.

I'm afraid the closest one

is almost a week away.

I see.

Thank you.

But we have asked
the mining settlement

to send any vessels
they might have.

You know, there
are many reasons

why the shuttlecraft
may have been delayed.

Deanna, thank you,
but I'm all right.

And right now,
I have work to do.

Commander, the miners report

they have very few
operable shuttlecraft.

They want to know when we
will be joining the search.

Tell them to stand by.

If this works,
we'll be on our way.

Aye, sir.

Thrusters are attached
and ready, Commander.

Initiate prefire sequence.

Prefire sequence transmitted.

Thrusters to standby.

Fire thrusters.

We've lost one module.

Correcting thrust vectors
to compensate.

Structural integrity
of the barge

has been compromised.

Disintegration is continuing.

Shut down thrusters.

Ensign, take us to 1,000 meters
ahead of the barge and hold.

External radiation
levels increasing, sir.

Coming into position
at 1,000 meters.

Worf, extend the shields
around the ship.

Lock on the tractor beam.

Aye, sir.

Warning. Radiation levels
at 70 millirads per minute

and rising.

Allenby, set a new course.

We'll take it through
the asteroid belt ourselves.

One quarter impulse.

Aye, sir.

Dr. Crusher, to the Bridge.

On my way.

Mr. Data, I'll need a projection

of the radiation's
impact on the crew.

Mr. Worf, contact
the mining settlement.

Tell them we won't be joining
the search for a while.

I knew there had to be water.

What was that?

It seems to be
a tightly-confined

annular force field, sir.

Placed there
to protect the water.

Yes. There has to be a way
to deactivate it, sir.

We can, with our phasers.

Mr. Dirgo, I think
it would be wiser...

Captain, the EM reading...

the power level's
really spiking now.

I think it's working.


Stop firing!


Apply pressure to that wound.

This is the worst break.

What was that thing?

Keep the pressure constant!


how bad is it?

Your right leg is broken.

You have a fracture
in your left arm

and you took a blow to the head.

But we're getting the bleeding
under control.

Well done.

I'm going to be fine.

I just... just need...

to get my breath.

Will you tell him the truth?

What truth?

He's bleeding inside.

I've seen it before.

He's never going to survive.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

You're wasting your time.

Will you save
that dresci for us?

Mr. Dirgo,
I would appreciate it

if you didn't bury me
before I'm gone.

The trouble is
he could be right.

No, he's not, sir.

You're going to be fine.

Wesley, you are going to have
to keep a... a rein on Dirgo.

He's willful, stubborn.

That's dangerous.

You'll handle him, sir.

Wesley, listen to me.

I have no feeling
in my right leg.

My vision is blurred.

I'm going to get worse,
not better.

I'm not going to be able
to help you.

No, you are going to have to
stand up to Dirgo on your own.

Yes, sir.

Hey... good man.

First Officer's Log,
Stardate 44307.6.

Radiation levels on the
Enterprise continue to rise.

The ventilation system
has started pumping hyronalin

into our air supply
to counteract the effects.

At the rate the radiation
levels are increasing

the hyronalin additive
will only be effective

for another 38 minutes.

Crusher to Medical Unit One.

Evacuate and seal off
all non-operational areas.

Group the crew
and their families

in the interior corridors
of decks nine and ten.

Radiation exposure protocol.

Acknowledged, Doctor.

Mr. Data, at our current speed,
how long will it take us

to get through
the asteroid belt?

51 Minutes, 14 seconds, sir.

There's going to be
a lot of casualties

if we can't get there
any faster.

Mr. La Forge, how much more can
we get out of that tractor beam?

We're already
at the maximum limits

of our towing speed, Commander.

Let's see if we can establish
a new upper limit.

Yes, sir.

Data, monitor
the shearing effect on the beam.

Increasing to one-half impulse.

Tractor beam is holding.

Shearing force,
80 metric tons per meter.

to three-quarters impulse.

Shearing force, 92 metric tons.


Tractor beam is destabilizing.

We are going to lose
the barge, Commander.

Reduce power.

One-half impulse.

Geordi, you've got
to stabilize that tractor beam.

I can't divert any more power
to the shields.

We're already hitting
our maximum thermal limits.

Only other choice is to bring

some other fusion reactors

but we're running
at peak coolant pressure.

Do it.

Warning. Radiation levels

at 150 millirads per minute,
and rising.

Lethal exposure in 35 minutes.

Look at that.

The phaser.

How did this happen?

That thing did it.

These are selenium fibers...
electrically deposited.

The EM pattern is back down.

It only peaks
when we move towards the water.

Whatever we saw
must act like... a sentry

to try to guard the fountain.

When we're not moving
towards the water

the wave pattern stays low...

right here
between five and 15 megahertz.

Dirgo, move toward the fountain.



It just went to 40.

What is this getting us?

We've got to get to the water.

If I can figure out
how to manipulate the frequency

maybe I can control it.

Now, the sentry first appeared
when you used your phaser.

That means it could respond
to heat or collinated energy...

If you're right

we can use a phaser
to lure it away.

Hold on. We need

to know what we're dealing with
before we do anything.

No, enough talking,
enough thinking.

It's time to do something.

I'll start firing.

When it comes,
you fire and draw it away.

Dirgo, I can't.

Put your phaser on a*t*matic

leave it on that ledge
and take cover.

And what makes you think
it's going to go for my phaser

and not for yours?

Because I'll be firing
at the lowest setting.

You use maximum.

There is no evidence

that it responds differently
to higher settings.

We have to figure out
our options before we just...

While we are doing that,
your Captain is dying.

Wounds like that,
most men would be dead already.

If he doesn't get water...

When I start firing,
you better do your part.

First Officer's Log,

Mr. La Forge has diverted power
from auxiliary fusion generators

in an attempt
to stabilize the tractor beam.

This is the only hope
of increasing our towing speed

so we can clear
the asteroid belt

before radiation levels
become fatal.

Warning. Radiation levels

at 300 millirads
per minute, and rising.

Lethal exposure in one minute.

Ready, Commander.

I'll be rotating the output
of the auxiliary reactors

but it should still give us
the power we need.

Proceed, Mr. La Forge.

to three quarters impulse.

Shearing force is
at 103 metric tons.

Tractor beam is stable.

Full impulse.

Tractor beam is holding.

Warning. Lethal radiation
exposure in 30 seconds.

We are within visual range
of the asteroid belt.

On screen.


Lethal radiation exposure
in 15 seconds.

Prepare to cut the barge loose.

Warning. Lethal radiation
exposure in ten seconds.

We have cleared
the asteroids, sir.

Let it go.


When the sun went down,
the temperature really dropped.

This should help.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

I'm not much good
to you, Wesley.


Dirgo is dead.

I should have tried harder
to stop him, but he...


Captain Picard?

Sir, stay with me.

I'm trying.


Do you remember when we took
the shuttlecraft together

to Starbase 515?

Oh, I was dreading it.

Six hours alone with you?

But it didn't turn out
the way that I thought.

You opened up to me.

I... I kind of got to know you.

Wesley, it's my fault
that you're here.

I shouldn't have asked you.

Sir, I'm honored
that you wanted me along.

I was selfish.

I thought I...
wouldn't see you again.

I'm sorry.


in the past three years,
I've lived more

than most people do
in a lifetime.

I think I'm very lucky,
no matter what happens.

How many people get to serve
with Jean-Luc Picard?


You don't know this...

no one knows this,
because I've never told anyone.

All of the things
that I've worked for...

school, my science projects...

getting into the Academy...

I've done it all because
I want you to be proud of me.

If there is one thing
that I've learned from you

it's that you don't quit,
and I'm not going to quit now.

I've seen you think yourself

out of worse
situations than this

and I'm going to think us
out of this.

You're not going to die.

I'm not going to let you die.

I'll get to the water

and I'll keep you alive
until they find us.

I promise.

First Officer's Log,

The Enterprise is returning
to the last known location

of the missing shuttlecraft.

Are you certain?

It is definitely debris.

The primary material is duranium

with smaller proportions
of sonodamite and ermanium.

Most shuttlecraft hulls
are made of duranium.

Then, they're gone.

Not necessarily, Doctor.

There is far too little debris

to account
for an entire shuttlecraft.

So what is it?

You know, Dirgo had

his maneuvering thrusters
rigged a funny way.

Claimed it was more efficient.

If one of them blew

it might have left debris
that looks like this.

If only one
of his thrusters was out

he still could have
set down somewhere.

The only Class-M planets in the
system are Pentarus II and V.

Both of which have been

thoroughly searched
by the miners.

Then we'll search them again.

Sir, there are also four moons

in the Pentarus system
that could support life.

Have the miners searched them?

Not yet, sir.

Which one is closest
to the debris coordinates?

Lambda Paz, one of the moons
of Pentarus III.

Set a course, Ensign.

Ensign, where are we?

We crashed, sir.

We're in a cave.

Need water.

Sir, we don't have any water.

Don't you remember?

We tried to get to the fountain
and Captain Dirgo...

Yes... I remember.

I think I'm onto something.

I've analyzed
the sentry's energy patterns.

Wesley, I may not make it.

I've taken
the transponder element

from my communicator

and I've used it
to modify my tricorder.

No. No, Wesley...

I think I can use it
to interrupt

the sentry's electrical pattern.


Stop it, maybe slow it down.

Listen to me.

Yes, sir.

There's so much
I wanted to tell you.

The Academy...

there's someone...

someone who meant
a great deal to me.

He's been there for...
oh, forever.

Someone you must get to know.

His name is Boothby.

Now, you tell him
that you and I were friends.

When I was there, he...
he helped me.

Listen to him.

What does he teach?

He's the groundskeeper.

He's one of the wisest men
I ever knew.

Oh, I envy you, Wesley Crusher.

You're just at the beginning
of the adventure.

Go on.

Get the water, stay alive.

They'll find you.

I'll be back soon.

Of course.


You remember...

I was always proud of you.

It worked!


Captain Picard, wake up.







Oh, Mom.

Wesley, thank God.

I'm so happy to see you.

You're okay.

Come on.

How did you find us?

We found the wreckage

and the arrow which
indicated your direction.

We'll take Wesley
by stretcher, as well.

No. I can walk.


We're taking you back
to the Enterprise.

We've stabilized
your vital signs.

All right, let's go now.

One moment.

Mr. Crusher?

Yes, sir?

What are you doing
in such a filthy uniform?

You don't look
so ship-shape yourself, sir.

Wesley, you will be missed.
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