04x01 - The Best of Both Worlds Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x01 - The Best of Both Worlds Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Last time on
Star Trek: The Next Generation:

Mr. Worf, dispatch a subspace
message to Admiral Hanson.

We have engaged the Borg.

Data, fluctuate
phaser-resonance frequencies.

Random settings,
keep them changing.

Don't give them time to adapt.

We're coming with every
available starship to assist, captain,

but the closest help
is six days away.

All you know how to do
is play it safe.

If you can't make the
big decisions, commander,

I suggest you make room
for someone who can.



If we can generate
a concentrated burst of power

at that same frequency distribution...

- How do we do that?
- The main deflector dish.

Shelby to Enterprise.

We found the captain's uniform
and his communicator.


We were unable to retrieve him, sir.

The captain has been altered
by the Borg.

Will, he's alive.

If we could get him back to the ship,
I might be able to--

This is our chance to destroy them.

If they get back into warp,
our w*apon is useless.

I am Locutus. A Borg.

From this time forward,
you will service us.

Mr. Worf.


And now, the conclusion.

LA FORGE: Deflector power
approaching maximum limits.

Energy discharge in six seconds.

Firing, sir.

- The Borg ship is undamaged.
- Impossible.

COMPUTER: Warning. Warp-reactor
core primary coolant failure.

Can't maintain it much longer,

Warning. Exceeding
reaction-chamber thermal limit.

- Cease fire.
- Shutting down warp engines.

They couldn't have adapted
that quickly.

The knowledge and experience
of the human, Picard,

is part of us now.

It has prepared us
for all possible courses of action.

Your resistance is hopeless,
Number One.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

First officer's log, stardate 44001.4.

The Borg ship has resumed its course
toward Earth.

We are unable to pursue,
pending repairs to the Enterprise.

As we anticipated, the blast burned out
our main navigational deflector.

We also have damage to our shields
and our reactor core.

We should be back up
in eight to 12 hours, admiral.

Well, we'll miss you at the party.

The Enterprise will be there.

Maybe a little late,
but we'll be there, sir.

Your engagements
have given us valuable time.

We've mobilized a fleet
of 40 starships at Wolf 359,

and that's just for starters.

The Klingons are sending warships.

Hell, we've even thought of opening
communications with the Romulans.

You realize, admiral, that
with the assistance of Captain Picard,

the Borg will be ready
for your defenses.

Lieutenant, a few years ago,

I watched a freshman cadet
pass four upperclassmen

on the last hill of a 40-kilometer run
at Delula Il.

The damnedest thing I ever saw.

The only freshman
to ever win the Academy marathon.

I made it my business to get to know
that young fella

and got to know him very, very well.

And I'll tell you something:

I never met anyone
with more drive, determination,

Or more courage
than Jean-Luc Picard.

And there is no way in hell
that he would assist the Borg.

I want that clear.

Of course, admiral.

He is a casualty of w*r.

Then we have abandoned
all hope of recovering him.

In less than 24 hours,

this armada's going to hit that Borg
vessel with everything we can muster.

Either they survive or we do.

As for Picard,

a great man has been lost.

Your captain. My friend.

Commander Riker,

I hereby promote you
to the field commission of captain.

The Enterprise is your ship now.

I wish the circumstances
were different.

Likewise. Good luck, admiral.

To us all.

And Mr. Crusher suggests
we might design a chip

that would automatically
retune the phasers

to a random setting
after each discharge.

- Engineering.
- That would be a great advantage.

We should also see
if there's some way

that we can neutralize
their force fields.

We've gotta let them know
that we can adapt too, Mr. Worf.

We're no longer
just fighting the Borg,

we're fighting the life experience
they've stolen from Captain Picard.

Now, how the hell
do we defeat an enemy

that knows us
better than we know ourselves?

The Borg have neither
honor nor courage.

- That is our greatest advantage.
- I hope it's enough.

Accelerator coils
are responding normally.

Excellent. Forward shields
at 58 percent, aft shields...

- Sensors must be down.
SHELBY: Checking.

Sensors are fine. No.

Aft shields have completely failed.
Damn it!

Auxiliary generators are out again.

Just the man I need.

We're having some problems
with the aft shields,

generators going on- and off-line.
I could really use your help, Worf.

How soon do we
get under way, Geordi?

Still a couple of hours.
Commander Shelby can fill you in.

The main navigational deflector
is functional again.

Sherbourne and Barclay are running
the final testing sequence now.

The warp-reactor core?

Reconstruction is proceeding normally.
It's slow work.

If we can nail down this
shield-generator problem...

I agree with La Forge.

We'll be back at operating capacity
in two to three hours.


Anything else, sir?

Yes. You did a good job
on the Borg ship.

I didn't get Picard.

You stopped them.
You gave us our shot.

- Sir, I--
- Commander,

we don't have to like each other
to work well together.

As a matter of fact, I'd like you
to continue to keep me on my toes.

Some might define that
as the role of a first officer.

Damn. You are ambitious,
aren't you, Shelby?

Captain Riker,
based on our past relationship,

there's no reason for me to expect
to become your first officer,

except that you need me.

I know how to get things done
and I have the expertise in the Borg.

And you have a lot to learn,

Yes, sir.

Almost as much as I had to learn

when I came onboard
as Captain Picard's first officer,

a fact he reminded me of

when I commented on
what a pain in the neck you are.

Yes, sir.

DATA [OVER PA]: Data to Riker.
Message from Starfleet, captain.

Go ahead, Data.

Starfleet reports it has engaged
the Borg at Wolf 359, sir.

Admiral Hanson
on subspace, captain.



The fight does not go well,

We're attempting to withdraw
and regroup.

Rendezvous with fleet...

Captain's log, stardate 44002.3.

Repairs are complete
and the Enterprise is warping

to rendezvous with Starfleet
at Wolf 359.

Communications from the
site of battle have been cut off,

possibly due to Borg interference.

Lieutenant Worf, everyone
in this room shares my respect

for your service to this ship.

But right now,
I need your experience at tactical.

Commander Data, I realize
your very nature omits ambition.

Nevertheless, I want you to know

I seriously considered you
as first officer.

Thank you, sir.

But this is not the time for change.

I need all of you where you are.

Where Captain Picard
always relied on you.

I have been, reluctantly,

forced to conclude
that Commander Shelby,

our expert on the Borg, is an
ideal choice at this time for first officer.

Based on our latest communication,

we can assume that the Borg
survived the fleet's attack.

Your thoughts
on our next encounter?

What about the heavy-graviton beam
we were talking about?

I've gone over it four times.

The local-field distortion just wouldn't
be strong enough to incapacitate them.

Dr. Crusher and I have been
working on an interesting premise.

With our recent experience
in nanotechnology,

we might be able to introduce
destructive nanites into the Borg.

- Nanites?
DATA: Robots.

Small enough to enter living cells.

How long would it take
to execute that?

That's the problem.
Two to three weeks.

In two or three weeks, nanites
may be all that's left of the Federation.

We have the new phaser adapters.

Maybe, in concert
with the photon torpedoes,

we can slow them down.

I'm sure Captain Picard
would have something meaningful

and inspirational to say right now.

To tell you the truth, I wish he was
here, because I'd like to hear it too.

I know how difficult this transition
has been for all of you.

I can take over for him,

but I could never replace
Captain Picard, nor would I ever try.

Whatever the outcome,

I'm sure our efforts in the coming
battle will justify his faith in all of us.


What would you do?



- May I speak to you, captain?
- Actually, Guinan, I--

You know, Picard and I
used to talk every now and then,

when one of us needed to.

I guess I'm just used to
having the captain's ear.

What's on your mind?

I've heard a lot of people talking
down in Ten-Forward.

They expect to be dead
in the next day or so.

They trust you, they like you,

but they don't believe
anyone can save them.

I'm not sure anyone can.

When a man is convinced
he's going to die tomorrow,

he'll probably find a way
to make it happen.

The only one
who can turn this around is you.

I'll do the best I can.

You're gonna have to do something
you don't want to do:

You have to let go of Picard.

Maybe you haven't heard.
I tried to k*ll him yesterday.

You tried to k*ll
whatever that is on the Borg ship,

not Picard.

Picard is still here with us.
In this room.

If he had died, it would be easier.
But he didn't.

They took him from us,
a piece at a time.

Did he ever tell you
why we're so close?

- No.
- Oh.

Then let me just say that
our relationship is beyond friendship.

Beyond family.

And I will let him go.
And you must do the same.

There can only be one captain.

It's not that simple.

This was his crew.
He wrote the book on this ship.

If the Borg know
everything he knows,

it's time to throw that book away.

You must let him go, Riker.

It's the only way to beat him.

The only way to save him.

And that is now your chair,



WESLEY: We are now approaching
the Wolf System, captain.

On my way.

Slow to impulse.

Take us to the battle coordinates,
Mr. Crusher.

Yellow alert.

Sensors are picking up
several vessels, captain.

The fleet?

No active subspace fields,
negligible power readings.

- Life signs?
- Negative, sir.

- Visual contact.
- On-screen.

The Tolstoy.

The Kyushu.

The Melbourne.

Sir, sensors are picking up
unusually strong eddy currents,

bearing 200, mark 211.

Data, analysis?

It could indicate
the course of the Borg ship, sir.

Ensign Crusher, set in a course
that follows those currents.

Commander Shelby,
prepare to initiate your plan

to separate the saucer section
when we find the Borg.

Sir, I must remind you that Captain
Picard was briefed on that plan.

- The Borg will be prepared for it.
- I'm aware of that, commander.

In fact, I'm counting on it.

Crusher, Cartaino, Gleason,
report to the Battle Bridge.

Mr. Data, Mr. Worf,
I have a special mission for you.

Locutus of Borg,

this is Captain William T. Riker
of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

- You may speak.
- We wish to end the hostilities.

Then you must
unconditionally surrender.

We are prepared to meet
to discuss your terms.

It is unlikely you are prepared
to discuss terms.

It is more likely
that this is an attempt at deception.

Come, now, Locutus.

If Picard's knowledge and experience
is part of you,

then you know
that I've never lied to him.

You should also implicitly trust me,
is that not so?

Picard implicitly trusted you.

Then trust me now.
Meet to discuss your terms.

Discussion is irrelevant.
There are no terms.

You will disarm all your weapons
and escort us to Sector 001,

where we will begin assimilating
your culture and techno--

Mr. Gleason, can you pinpoint
the source of the Borg transmission?

I can put you
within 30 meters of it, sir.

O'Brien, report.

The Borg have adapted
their electromagnetic field

to prevent
main transporter function, sir.

As expected. Mr. Data, Mr. Worf.

Proceed as we discussed.

Aye, captain.

Channel open, sir.

We would like time
to prepare our people for assimilation.

Preparation is irrelevant.

Your people will be assimilated
as easily as Picard has been.

Your attempt at a delay
will not be successful, Number One.

We will proceed to Earth.

And if you attempt to intervene,
we will destroy you.

Then take your best shot, Locutus,
because we are about to intervene.

Channel closed.

Reset subspace communications.
Scrambler code Riker One.

Scrambler code Riker One,

- Shelby, report.
- Ready for separation.

Make it so.

Order subsequence initiated.

Docking latches clear,
separation complete.

Saucer velocity 100 meters
per second and increasing, sir.

- Open fire, all weapons.
- Fire.

Borg tractor beam
attempting to lock on, sir.

Evasive maneuvers,
pattern Riker Alpha.

Riker Alpha, confirmed.

They're ignoring
the saucer section completely.

Just as you should, captain.

- Ensign, evasive pattern Riker Beta.
- Riker Beta, confirmed.

Proceed to second phase,
Commander Shelby.

Fire antimatter spread.

Shuttle launch sequence confirmed.

Departing Enterprise
in exactly three seconds.

The Borg tractor beam has moved
toward the antimatter spread.

They might be picking up
the engine ionization from the shuttle.

Data, cut your engines.
Take her in unpowered.

Shuttle has penetrated
the Borg electromagnetic field.


The shuttle escape transporter
should provide enough power

to beam us onto the Borg ship
from here, sir.






Mission accomplished.
We have him.

Firing shuttle thrusters.

They're clear of the Borg field, sir.

Beam them out of there,
Mr. O'Brien.

Locked in.

Transport successful, sir.

Captain, we've sustained damage
to the impulse drive.

The saucer section is disabled.

Reading subspace-field fluctuations
from the Borg ship.

Looks like they're getting ready
to increase power.

- Stand by, Mr. La Forge.
LA FORGE: Aye, sir.

The saucer section's a sitting duck.

Prepare to draw their fire.

Captain, the Borg ship
is moving away.

It's resuming its course
towards Earth, sir.

Rendezvous with the saucer section.
Lay in a course of pursuit.

There is extensive infiltration
of the microcircuit fibers

into the surrounding tissue.

- His DNA is being rewritten.
- Can you revive him?

I'd like more time

to study the structural changes
on the motor pathways.

We don't have more time, doctor.

Once he was wired into the Borg,
they knew everything that he knew.

I just hope it goes both ways.

If we're lucky,

he had access to everything
we need to know about them.

Especially their vulnerabilities.


It's Beverly. Can you hear me?


Crusher, doctor.

Yes. Don't try to move.

- I am onboard the Enterprise.
- That's right.

A futile maneuver.

Incorrect strategy, Number One.

To risk your crew and ship
to retrieve only one man.

Picard would never have approved.

You underestimate us if you believe
this abduction is any concern.

There is no need for apprehension.
I intend no harm.

No harm.

I will continue aboard this ship
to speak for the Borg,

while they continue without further
diversion to Sector 001,

where they will force
your unconditional surrender.

Using multimodal reflection sorting,

I have been able to detect
a complex series of subspace signals

between Locutus and the Borg ship.

That's how they're controlling him?

It is not just a matter
of control, doctor.

The signals are interactive
across a subspace domain

similar to that of a transporter beam.

I would hypothesize
that these frequencies

form the basis of the Borg's
collective consciousness.

- Can't we block them?
- Possibly.

But as you may recall,
on several occasions,

we have witnessed the Borg removing
key circuits from injured comrades,

no doubt separating them
from the group consciousness.

The injured Borg
immediately self-destructed.

That is correct, sir.

Cutting the link to Locutus
might be fatal to the captain.

We have to find a way to reach him.
We must know what he knows.

Without these interactive signals,

it would only be a matter
of microsurgery. I could do it.

But as long as these Borg implants
are functioning,

there's no way I can separate
the man from the machine.

Then perhaps there is a way
I can access the machine, doctor.

Klingon species, a warrior race.

- You, too, will be assimilated.
- The Klingon Empire will never yield.

Why do you resist?

We only wish to raise quality of life
for all species.

- I like my species the way it is.
- A narrow vision.

You will become one with the Borg.

You will all become one
with the Borg.

The android, Data.
Primitive artificial organism.

You will be obsolete
in the new order.

Take him to your lab, Data.


SHELBY: Shelby to Riker.
- Go ahead.

Captain, the Borg
have entered Sector 001.

SHELBY: The Borg have dropped
out of warp, sir.

Jupiter Outpost 92
reported visual contact

at 1200 hours, 13 minutes.

- Planetary defenses?
- Responding.

No reports on effectiveness,

but I really can't believe
that against the Borg...

Ensign Crusher, at their current speed,
when will they reach Earth?

- Twenty-seven minutes.
- The soonest we could intercept?

Forty-two minutes, sir.

Riker to Data. What's your status?

The initial cybernetic connection into
Captain Picard's neural net pathways

has been established.

Mr. O'Brien is ready
to process the Borg signal

through the transport-pattern buffer.

Make it so. With dispatch, Mr. Data.

Proceeding immediately, sir.
Data out.

DATA: The neural link will be
established in three stages.

Doctor, I suggest you closely observe
Captain Picard's life signs,

while at each stage Chief O'Brien
monitors my positronic-matrix activity.

Counselor, hopefully
you will be able to determine

whether I am reaching
Captain Picard.

At what point should I shut it down
if there's a problem?

I do not know.

I have never done this before.

Initiating first neural link.

The captain's vital signs are stable.

Positronic activity unchanged.

First neural connection is confirmed.

I cannot report any significant access
to the Borg consciousness.

It is confirmed.

The Borg have broken through
the Mars defense perimeter.

Enterprise now approaching
Terran System, sir.

Slow to impulse. Time to intercept?

Twenty-three minutes,
14 seconds, sir.

Second neural connection
is confirmed.

I still cannot report
any significant access.

Proceeding with the final link.

CRUSHER: Significant increase
in premotor-area

and hypothalamus activity.
His heartbeat is accelerating rapidly.

Sir, your submicron-matrix activity
is increasing exponentially.

Neural connections complete.

I have access
to the Borg subspace signals.


- Processing.
- Data.

Stand by. Processing.



The Borg group consciousness
is divided into subcommands

necessary to carry out all functions:

Defense, communication,

They are all controlled

by a root command
implanted into each--



CRUSHER: Data, I'm picking up
increased neural activity

in Captain Picard, localized
in the prefrontal and parietal lobes.

The Borg might be trying
to terminate their link with him.

Negative. The subspace signal
configuration is unchanged.

What is causing the increased
neural activity is unclear.

No, it's not. It's him, it's Picard.


Troi to Bridge.

Data has made first contact
with Captain Picard.

Can you communicate
with him, Data?

I have been unable to create a neural
path around the Borg implants, sir.

It is Captain Picard himself who has
somehow managed to initiate contact.

Sir, the Borg have halted
their approach to Earth.

I think we got their attention.

- Time to intercept?
- Two minutes, four seconds, sir.

They're worried.

They're worried because
we have access to Picard.

Mr. Data, we have two minutes
to figure out what we can do with it.

Sir, it is clear the Borg
are either unwilling

or unable to terminate
their subspace links.

That may be their Achilles' heel,
captain: their interdependency.

What do you mean, doctor?

He's part of their
collective consciousness now.

Cutting him off would be like
asking one of us

to disconnect an arm or a foot.

We can't do it.

They operate as a single mind.

If one of them jumps off a cliff,
they all jump off?

Data, is it possible
to plant a command

into the Borg
collective consciousness?

It is conceivable, sir.

But it would require altering
the pathway from the root command

to affect all iterative branch points
in the--

Make every effort, Mr. Data.

Sir, what command
shall I attempt to plant?

Something straightforward,
like "Disarm your w*apon systems."

- Visual contact with the Borg.
- On-screen.


Sensors reading increased
power generation from the Borg.

Red alert.


- Load all torpedo bays, ready phasers.
- Aye, captain.

Status of Borg weapons.

- w*apon systems are fully charged.
- Data?

Attempting to reroute
subcommand paths, captain.

Defense systems
are protected by access barriers.


Borg attempting
to lock on tractor beam.

Rotate shield frequencies.
Data, report.

I am unable to penetrate defense
systems command structure, captain.

Try the power systems, Data.

See if you can get them
to power down.


Attempting new
power-subcommand path.


Shields have failed.
They've locked on, sir.

- They're pulling us in.
- Fire all weapons.

I cannot penetrate Borg
power-subcommand structure, sir.

All critical subcommands
are protected, captain.

Then it's over.

Mr. Crusher, ready a collision course
with the Borg ship.

You heard me, a collision course.

Yes, sir.

Mr. La Forge,
prepare to go to warp power.

Aye, sir.


He's regaining consciousness.


It's Captain Picard speaking,
not Locutus.

Sleep, Data.

- He's exhausted.
- Yes, doctor.

But if I may make a supposition,

I do not believe his message
was intended to express fatigue,

but to suggest a course of action.

Borg cutting beam activated.

Mr. Crusher.

- Enga--
DATA: Data to Bridge. Stand by.

Stand by, all stations.

I am attempting to penetrate the Borg
regenerative-subcommand path.

It is a low-priority system,
and may be accessible.

Warning. Outer-hull breach.

Sir, shall I execute
evacuation sequence?

Negative, Mr. Worf.
Mr. Data, your final report.

DATA: Stand by.
- I can't, Mr. Data.

COMPUTER: Warning.
Inner-hull failure imminent

on decks 23, 24 and 25.

Decompression danger.

Mr. Data, what the hell happened?

I successfully planted a command
into the Borg collective consciousness.

It misdirected them to believe
it was time to regenerate.

In effect, I put them all to sleep.

To sleep?

Yes, sir.

Status of Borg power drive?

Minimal power.

Electromagnetic field?


Commander Shelby,
take an away team

and confirm
that the Borg are asleep.

Delighted, sir.

Mr. Worf.

Shelby to Enterprise. It's true.

They're all in a regeneration mode.

They're dormant, sir.

Any indication to how long
we can keep them like this?


Tricorder readings
are fluctuating rapidly, commander.

Shelby to Enterprise.

There are indications here
that their entire power net's

about to feed back on itself.

I'd say we're looking at
a self-destruct sequence

activated by the Borg's malfunction.

Do you want us
to attempt to disarm it?

Stand by.

There's no way to know

what the destruction of the Borg ship
will do to him.

DATA: We should also consider
the advantages

of further examination
of the Borg and their vessel, sir.

I don't think so. Data, separate
yourself from Captain Picard.

Away team, get yourselves home.

Mr. Crusher, upon their return,
move us to a safe position.

Aye, sir.

Life signs are stable.

The DNA around the microcircuit-fiber
implants is returning to normal.

How do you feel?

Almost human,

with just a bit of a headache.

We'll get you to Sickbay.

We won't have any trouble
getting those implants out now.

How much do you remember?


Including some brilliantly
unorthodox strategy

from a former first officer of mine.

And Earth Station McKinley
has advised

that they're ready to begin
refitting the Enterprise.

Have they estimated
time for repairs?

Five or six weeks.



Request permission
to disembark, sir.

Permission granted.

They picked a fine officer
for the task force, commander.

We'll have the fleet back up
in less than a year.

I imagine you'll have your choice
of any Starfleet command, sir.

Everyone is so concerned
about my next job.

With all due respect,
commander, sir,

my career plans are my own business,
and no one else's.

But it's nice to know
I'll have a few options.

I hope I have the fortune
of serving with you again, sir.


Course for Station McKinley
ready and laid in, sir.

Make it so, Number One.
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