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02x09 - New World Order, Part 1

Posted: 01/23/23 08:28
by bunniefuu
[mystical ringing]

Are you sure?

I have to do this.

Breaking a pact with the most
powerful grimoire ever created is--

It's kind of a big deal.

I was going to say "potential su1c1de."

I can't live my life without magic.

[faint mystical whooshing]

Bain na ceangail seo.
Cuir deireadh leis an ngeimheal seo.

All right, then.


[man speaking over radio]
Officials are still looking for answers

after five terminally ill children claimed
an angel came to them in the night

and cured them of illnesses as varied
as cancer, Krabbe disease, and--

Wow. You hear that?

I'm glad I'm not on the respondió team.

Hey, dude, trying to study.

Yeah. Greek mythology.

That'll come in handy in the real world.

[mystical ringing]


-See? There it goes again.
-[mystical ringing fades out]

And what are we gonna do about it?

You know the rules.
We gotta wait for permission.

That's all we've been doing
for the last three months.

We hear the ringing,
we track down the magic,

it turns out to be a bunch of Prax-holes,

-and Vera makes us sit here and wait.

[together] And wait, and wait, and wait.

[together] And wait!

That was the deal, okay?

It's a bad deal, Jack, it's like...

getting paid in Bitcoin.

Never should have signed it.

If Lilith was here, we never would have.

Joining the Order was the only way
to preserve the Knights.

But we didn't preserve the Knights,
did we? Or, uh...

can't you count?

-[smacks lap]
-We serve at the Grand Magus's pleasure.

See, that's another thing.

I do not have time for
your Hamish and Vera shipping theories.

I'm calling them "Ver-mish."

I cannot fail this exam.

[ominous droning]


Still think we should ask for permission?

Where is everyone?

Looks like they were trying
to lure a leprechaun.

Wait, leprechauns are real?

Oh, yeah.

Except they're covered in fur
and they've got claws and sharp teeth.


Check it out. Someone's clothes.

[Jack] So they were here.

Then there was a loud noise
and a big, red light, and now...

[gasps] Puppy!

Oh, hello. Hello.

Do you know what happened here?

I bet you do.

-[puppy whimpers]
-I bet you do.

Randall, these puppies are brand new.

I know.

-They've still got that new puppy smell.
-No, dude,

I think these are the Praxis members
we followed here.


[approaching footsteps]

All right, split up.


Randall, leave the puppy.

But I already named her.


Wait here, Bandit.

[exhales deeply]


Basc chun báis!


[Randall] Jack, you need to see this.

[Jack] Hey, I just saw...

Holy shit.

Yeah. That's what I said.

No hide lockers, though.



What kind of monster
puts black olives on a Hawaiian pizza?

Alyssa Drake.

[Kepler] She was there?

-Based on the books and the pizza,

I would say she was
in full-on research mode.

Researching what, exactly?

I would've asked her, but she was busy
trying to blast me through a wall.

I thought her magic was defective.

Felt pretty fixed to me.


[Kepler clears throat]

Remember your place, disciple.

Tell me about these puppies.

The girl one is Bandit,

and the other girl one is Larry. See?

I'm a Bandit guy, but--

Who cares about puppies?

Your wolves just let a traitor
slip through their hands.

We also recovered
a third of your stolen inventory.

Yeah, "we" sure did.

Inventory that we wouldn't have to recover

if you hadn't stolen it
in the first place.

Blame us all you want,
Praxis always had the Order in its sights.

It was just a matter of time.

Your actions made it a damn sight easier
for them to hurt us.

Councilor Kepler, as always,
your opinion is welcome.

However, this raid was a success.

I think the Knights should be rewarded.

I'm promoting you all
to the rank of Magistratus.


-Five points to Gryffindor.

Vera, please.

We should have a party.

I think we could all use one.

Elizabeth, if you will see
to the arrangements.

I'll order some wine.

Champagne, please.

We're at w*r with Praxis, not good taste.

That will be all.

[Randall clears throat]

[Hamish] Randall, buddy,
I think we need to have a little talk.

[Randall] What's to talk about?

Something on your mind, Mr. Morton?

Well, I was just wondering...

If I saw Alyssa again,
maybe I could convince her to come back.

Miss Drake made her choice.

You said there was a flash of light.

Was it red?

You know what it was, don't you?

I have a theory.

If I am correct, dark days are ahead.

I suggest you prepare yourself.

Cryptic, great. Prepare for what?

The worst.

Always prepare for the worst, Mr. Morton.

Enjoy your party.

[server] Champagne?

So they steal everything from the vault,
lie about it,

nearly get us all k*lled, twice,

and they get promoted?


[indistinct chatter]

That's such bullshit.

A real Grand Magus
would have k*lled them by now.


Good evening, medicums.

Beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?

[both] Magistratus.

If you say so. [chuckles]

Randall. We need to talk.

Ooh, I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm not really in the mood for

"It's your fault Lilith is in Hell"

Well, it is your fault.

Great. Enjoy the party.

Your last raid... There's a book.

I think it's the book.

The one to help retrieve Lilith.

Oh. Okay. Let me just sober up.


I need crackers.

And olives and almonds.

Tomorrow is fine.

Meet me here at : .

Here, : .

There she is. [chuckles]

[clears throat]

[gasps] Yeah.


Are we fighting again?

Okay, I really need you
to keep me in the loop on this.

You've got to be kidding me.

What? Vera's had us out hunting down
those Prax-holes.


That's what I'm calling Praxis assholes.

I was there when you thought of that,

Yeah, I remember.

Well, maybe not
that specific event, but...

Sometimes your charm isn't that charming.


How about...

right now?



[glass shatters]


What's the deal with this place, man?

Everyone is so serious.

Yeah, that's a $ bottle
you're going to yak up later.


In that case...

No, thanks, I'm good.

What are you, pregnant?

Come on, if we hurry we can get back
to the den before my brain goes numb.

No, we can't leave. This is our party.

Guys, we're
the Knights of Saint Christopher.

We're beer pong and bouncy castles,
not... [chuckles]

...whatever this is.

It's a celery stick.
You know what celery is.

Don't tell me what I know.

You're not our leader anymore, Hamish.

Leaders show up.

I was helping the Grand Magus.

-Yeah. He was "helping."

In case you haven't realized,
we're at w*r.

I know we are, but what are you?

Let's go.

f*cking dicks.

Morale problems?

I never thought I'd have to choose
between my friends and my integrity.

Maybe they're right.
Maybe I should go on the next raid.

I can't spare you right now.

I need you on a research project.
Have you...

ever heard of a Tartarus eruption?

I always thought they were a myth.

Some story my father told me
to scare me off magic.

-[mystical ringing]
-Qui fractus, sanetur.

And then I saw one, and it was...

[voice wavering] It's incredible.


-Thank you.

Thank you.

[approaching footsteps]

[man gasps]

Salvador, this is serious.

-We need to stop these eruptions.
-[mystical whooshing]

We need to find
the Fors Factoram incantation,

and then these eruptions
will stop on their own.

That's assuming
the Fors Factoram even exists.

It does.

I've gone through every book we liberated.

If there was an incantation that let
everyone do magic without sacrificing,

I would have at least found
a reference to it by now.

-You need to have faith.
-[people chattering]

[mystical ringing]

Okay. Well, at least

put a stop to the magic until we find it.

Look around you, Alyssa.

We're helping people.

We're saving lives.
We're making the world better with magic.

If a few Tartarus eruptions are the cost
of doing business in the short-term,

so be it.

If we don't put a stop to these eruptions,
people will get hurt.

People like who?

Jack Morton?

I can't help that I still care about him.

There's this quote I remember
from a story my father used to read me.

"The only choice between love and w*r
is which will k*ll you first."

That's depressing.

So was my father.

Hold on, hold on,
you found The Sworn Book of who?

The Sworn Book of Honorius.

It's the greatest hits of demon magic.

And right here...

is how to retrieve someone
from the demon realm.

Why can't I read this?

I thought I could read Latin.

It's the medieval Latin dialect.

-We need four powerful practitioners,

an owl to sacrifice,
and a tether to Lilith.

Right. Right, a tether.

A tether. [chuckles]


-A tether can be anything.

-A person, an object.
-Person, object.

It's something that ties a soul
to the earthly plane.

Her hide.

Timber is tethered to the hide locker.

That's perfect. It creates a passage
into the demon realm directly to the soul.

Great. So all we have to do is get
Timber's hide locker back from Praxis.



So this spell is as useless as the others.

Slow down, Eeyore.

We may actually have an in.

Let me get this straight.

You want me to track down my ex,
a magical fugitive,

and ask her to give us back
a werewolf's hide locker?

So we can save Lilith, yes.

-Did you talk to Hamish?

We need to talk to Hamish.

Okay, look, I think it's better
if we keep Hamish out of this,

only until we know
if it's going to work or not.

This is Lilith we're talking about.

Exactly, which makes this
"Knight business."

And Hamish is all about the Order
right now.

We need to keep this on the down-low.

Have you ever thought about
plotting secretly in private?

-How do you do that?
-You're like a little sister.

I can tell that you're up to something,
so spill it.

It's a werewolf thing.
You wouldn't understand.

So just because I don't have
some gross dog living inside me,

I can't be in your boys' club?
That's sexist.

You're sexist.

I think you mean "sexiest."

We're a gender-neutral collective.

Yeah, and it's not like that. It's just...

-It's about Lilith.

I get it.

Believe me, Randall, you've made it
very clear what actually matters to you.

Okay, I'm going to take it
that you two are off right now.

Honestly, I don't know.
It's hard being enemies with benefits.

Go talk to her.


Actually, no. She kind of scares me.

Also, you need to talk to Alyssa
and get that hide locker back.

How? I don't even know where she is.

Yeah, but you do know
where to look for her.

Can I get a ham and pineapple
with black olives?

[man] Yeah, sure thing.

I have a confession to make.

I'm in a magic secret society
that controls the world.

Also, I'm a werewolf.

Plus, I cheated on my Ethics exam,
and then my professor exploded.

Did Vera send you to k*ll me?

No, I came alone.
I need to ask you a question.

Please, it's important.

Grab us a table. I'll be right there.

And you better not try to k*ll me.

[man] That's $ . .

[people chatter]

How'd you find me?

Hawaiian and black olives.

It wasn't hard.

That's a cool disguise.

Yeah, it's great that I can't even
get a pizza without hiding my face.

What did you want to ask me?

Do you ever wish it could be
like it was before?

Oh, my God, you're here for closure.

No, no. It's just...

[sighs] I'm reading this Greek myth
about a king named Lycaon,

and he pisses off the gods,
so they turn him into a werewolf,

and it's pretty cool at first, but...

eventually Lycaon realizes that

he'll never get to see
his friends and family again.

Okay, and?

It just means sometimes when
you make a choice, you can't undo it.

I don't want to undo it.

Praxis does everything
the Order claimed to stand for.

We actually help people, Jack.

When was the last time the Order
did something truly selfless?

Yeah, well, it's not what Praxis does
that scares me.

It's how they do it. It's dangerous.

Yeah, well, the truth
can be dangerous sometimes.

Yeah. Did you tell that to your friends

before or after they were
permanently turned into puppies?

-They knew the risk.
-They knew the risk?

Come on, Alyssa, that's not you.

[chuckles quietly]

You know, my whole life,
people have told me what I'm not.

Not strong enough, not brave, not smart.

"Just be pretty, just be quiet,
just do what you're told."

Well, I'm sick of it.

I'm done being guided by well-meaning
people who only see my limitations.

I just want you back.

I was never yours.

What are you gonna do?

Fight me? Hurt me?

Eat my heart out?

["Alone With You" playing]

♪ When your feelings
Don't feel like your own ♪

♪ Holding onto something
That fell through ♪

♪ Oh baby, I can feel the chemicals ♪

♪ But I can never be alone with you ♪

This is a terrible idea.

I totally agree.

♪ Don't feel like your own ♪

No, why can I walk away
from everything except you?

Even with my memory erased,
I still remembered you.

I always will.

♪ Can never be alone with you ♪

♪ You you you ♪

Wait, wait. What did you want to ask me?

At the pizza place,
you said you had something to ask me.

Okay, but bear in mind, I meant
to ask you this before we ended up here.

Yeah, get to the point.

Nicole found a spell that can bring Lilith
back from the demon realm.

But we need Timber's locker.

Those lockers are powerful magic.

I'm asking you to help Lilith.

Salvador will want something in return.

You want to trade.

Fine. Um...

I... I will warn you
before the next raid happens.


You'd betray the Order for this?

I would do anything for my friends.



Now shut up and kiss me.

Vera. Wait, this is...
This isn't why I'm here.

Your text specifically said
you had something big to show me.

I can see how that might be misconstrued.

Make it fast. I'm busy.


You were right.

The Praxis puppies, they were the result
of a Tartarus eruption.

-You're sure?

There are several accounts
which corroborate

what Jack and Randall witnessed.

A loud horn, a flash of red light,
and after that,

pure chaos.

Okay, I'm listening.

Technically, eruptions are happening
all the time,

but they're small, almost microscopic.

You do a spell wrong, I stub my toe.
No big deal.

I do a spell wrong?

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Of course.

So why aren't these eruptions
staying microscopic?

'Cause Praxis is giving magic
to hundreds of tourists

who are performing
hundreds of incantations improperly.

Praxis is destabilizing
the magic energy field.

The eruptions will likely
keep increasing in size.

Combining and growing bigger
until they become an apocalypse eruption.

The plagues of Egypt.



[Vera] Okay.

Each one of these cataclysmic events was
actually caused by an apocalypse eruption.

[door shuts]

Well, Alyssa agreed to give us
Timber's hide locker.

-That's great.

first we have to tip her off
to the next raid on Praxis.

We have to betray the Order.



You know what you're agreeing to?

I do.

Look, it's not just the Order
we have to betray, it's a fellow Knight.

I mean, Hamish has all the intel.

What if he says no?

I know a way to make him talk.

Me, too, but I feel squeamish
about t*rture.

I was talking about a truth potion.

Yeah. Me, too.

Oh, you were being serious?

Let's do that.

What is that?

You've never used a Cretian loom before?

Have you?


But I've read about it.

The loom is basically
the original portal g*n.

Daedalus built it,

and he hid it at the center
of the labyrinth

in case he got lost in his own creations.

So this thing'll take us anywhere?

Like straight into Praxis headquarters.

-You need to know where you're going.
-Then what's the point?

The point, Tyler,

is that Randall and those other mutts
are at the Blade & Chalice right now

and they're sitting ducks.


So what spell do you want
to hit them with?

[people chattering]

Hame-burger Helper.

What seems to be the problem?


[both chuckle]


Problem? What--

We saw you in here and just thought
we might have a drink... together.

I haven't had a drink
for three months now.

After Salvador att*cked me,

I had a "Come to Jack Daniels" moment.


[clears throat]

That is quite the change...



-What's in it?

and... a little...

truth potion.

[inhales through teeth]

I see.

And what truth do you need
from me, exactly?

When the next raid on Praxis is.

-You better have a damn good reason for--
-It's for Lilith.

Porta rescindatur ut vis fluat.

Transitum ad laminam calicemque
nobis permittatur.

[mystical ringing]

[mystical whooshing]

[Hamish] So this is where we're at?

You need to lie to me and drug me
to get information?

We don't know what side you're on.

You think I would turn my back on Lilith?

I don't know what you'll do
now that you're Vera's little lap dog.

Are you intentionally ignoring the fact
that our interests align with the Order's?

Can you tell us when the next raid
on Praxis is or not?

Why should I?

Because we're Knights.

Because we gave our lives to the cause,
and right now that cause is saving Lilith.

What about fighting the anarchists that
got her trapped there in the first place?

We got her trapped, okay?

We did.

We robbed the Order,
and Lilith paid the price.

And yeah, Praxis made it worse,
but this is on all of us.

And we can't fix it without your help.


You could've asked.

Yeah. We should have.


What do we do now?

You could put some in my coffee.

Plausible deniability could be useful.

Look that way.



[Randall clears throat]

Next time you question my loyalty...

remember who taught you how to be Knights.

[Gabrielle] I knew you idiots
were up to something.

[all] No, we're not.

-Not you.
-[ghostly roaring]

These idiots.

That can't be good.

You better start explaining.

I don't have to explain myself
to a wolf-loving acolyte.

You may outrank me,
but you're way beneath me.

-[ominous droning]
-[Selena] Um, Angus?

Is the loom supposed to be doing that?

[mystical hissing]

What the hell?

Is that another portal?


Get away from that thing!

[ominous roaring]


[Kepler] An eruption?

In the temple?

I always assumed
Tartarus eruptions were a myth.

They are very real,
and they are getting bigger.

But if they only affect inexperienced
or incompetent practitioners,

then we should let the eruptions
do our work for us, and...

Praxis wipes itself out
and we don't have to lift a finger.

Every time one occurs,
magic itself gets more unstable,

and in turn, the eruptions get bigger.

So if Praxis continues unchecked,

they will eventually perform
enough bad magic

to cause an apocalypse eruption.

And that is...

An eruption that's big enough
to cause the apocalypse.

I can't stop Praxis
if I have to confer with Council

every time I need to make a move.

I'm requesting you grant me Imperium.

-[man clears throat]

N-No Council has granted a Grand Magus
Imperium for over years.

Not even Edward Coventry.

All I'm asking for
is the temporary authority

to save the Order and everyone else
from extinction.

Based on some very questionable evidence.

But you have asked, so we shall vote.

Council, all in favor?

It's unanimous.

I'm sorry, Grand Magus,
you'll just have to soldier on. [chuckles]

As do I. I have a corrupt politician
in my courtroom

who is about to owe me a huge favor.

Mm. The wheels of justice,
they do love their grease. [chuckles]

However, if you're free tomorrow...

you should join us on a raid.

Then you can see firsthand
what we're up against.

-Hm, sounds--
-[man] Exciting.

Yes! Well...

wouldn't be a magic w*r
if it wasn't exciting.

Excuse me.

[man clears throat]

Does the raid have to be tomorrow?

I asked Hamish the same thing.

Jack, I don't know what to say.

Thank you.


So what happens now?

I'll tell Salvador,

and we'll clear out,
and then you get the hide locker.

I don't mean that.

I mean you and me.

Do we have to talk about that?

What else is there?


Talk about the weather...



or this overpriced hotel room.

Yeah, we're splitting this, right?

[breathes deeply]

I hate that we have to choose a side.

They say the only choice between
love and w*r is which will k*ll you first.

Where have I heard that before?

Probably a classroom.


[mystical crackling]


Ah, thank you, medicum.

Or wait, it's "acolyte" now, isn't it?

Where are they?

Maybe they knew we were coming.

There's nothing here.

Well, then there's nothing for us to do.

We're done. Everybody out.

Porta rescindatur ut vis fluat.

[mystical humming]

Would it k*ll you to use
a little fabric softener with this?

You're leaving?

I thought this was a raid.

Well, I thought so, too, but look around.

I know a tracing spell,

as long as they were here
in the last minutes.

Oh. Worth a try.

Damn, I wanted to see
more werewolf action.

That was thrilling. [chuckles]

-I told you to leave.

Yes, it's so thrilling
having your eye clawed out.

-[mystical whooshing]

[ominous droning]

-[mystical ringing]
-Uh, Bitsy?

-I didn't know that would happen.
-Who expects a double-cross

-when you conspire with the enemy?
-I didn't conspire.

Bennett died. Horribly.

And that's on you
for giving this info to Praxis.

How do you know
they even caused that eruption?

Because they cause them all.
They gave magic to the masses

and they're trying to start
the apocalypse.

[Randall] Hey.

Everything all right?

-[Gabrielle] I'm fine.
-You sure?


You seem more

Gabrielle than usual.

Which makes me better than fine.

And since when do you even care?


I do care...

when you let me.

Oh, please.

I know what's happening.

You're gonna get Lilith back
and you're gonna be a happy family,

and you can go back
to pining all over her,

and I'll just be that super hot girl
with the great hair

who isn't good enough
to be in the wolf pack.

Would you stop?

You're plenty good enough, you're just...

You're just too insecure to see it.

Too bossy, too stuck up, too insecure.

I guess I can never win, can I?

[door creaks open]

-That's not what I meant.
-Your attention, please.

Counselor Kepler has an announcement.

Following the ambush at the last raid...

and the...

gruesome death of...

Councilor Bennett,

the Gnostic Council
hereby grants the Grand Magus the right

of Imperium.

[Vera] Praxis is a threat

to this Order,

to Belgrave, to civilization.

The time has come
for swift and decisive action.

Prepare for the Obcidione Caedo.


It means "the annihilation."

-[whispering] They know what it means.

You have to get out of here.

Get as far as you can.

You never should have caused
that eruption.

-Eruption? What are you talking about?
-That Tartarus eruption.

The one you activated
when we raided your headquarters.

God, I wish I could weaponize
those things.

This whole fight would've been over
months ago.

We're looking for something else.

Something I believe is in
your Grand Magus's possession.

Call the search off,
because the Order's coming,

- and they're coming hard.
-Vera wants to k*ll you both.

She can't k*ll me,

not as long as Praxis lives.

Damn it, Alyssa, the Gnostic Council
just gave Vera total authority

to do whatever she wants.

A lot of people are about to die.

You can't have magic for the masses
if everyone is dead.

You think there's another path?


You want some spell,
and we need the eruptions to stop.

-A parley.

Salvador and Vera bound together.

You can talk in safety,
and just maybe find a way to peace.


My father would have liked you.

He was always trying to save the world.

And it almost k*lled him.

[inhales deeply]

I'll agree to a parley,
as long as your Grand Magus will.

In the meantime...

-[ghostly thud]

Consider this my gesture of goodwill.

We'll be in touch.


W-- Wait a minute. There's five of--

[cell phone bleeps]


But if this is Midnight,
then what hide is Salvador wearing?

Timber's locker is empty.

So technically Salvador--

No, she can't, because Lilith isn't dead.

Salvador must be Alpha.

Alpha? Who the hell is Alpha?

Right, you were dead when we learned that.

Okay, so Alpha is the hide that
this guy named Grafton Davis wore

when he defeated Jurgen Sawyer
and tore apart the Vade Maecum.

After that, he just disappeared
and took the hide with him, so...

That's it.

Salvador's Alpha,

Lilith is Timber, Timber's in Hell,
we're saving her.

Yeah, after we get the Order on board

and stop everyone from destroying
the world and k*lling each other.

Dude, we need to do this now.

No, what we need to do is grow up

and take responsibility for our actions
and learn to work together.

Look, I don't know about you, but I'm
tired of screwing up and hurting people.


So, what's the plan?

First, I go to the Grand Magus

and convince her to parley with Salvador,
all right?

And she'll be so grateful
that she will help us get Lilith back.


Sure, that totally sounds like Vera Stone.

Give me one day, okay?

Then we'll get Lilith back,
no matter what.

You negotiated behind my back?

Are you out of your mind?

What were you thinking?

Hey, I did this to help you.

I'm trying to give you a way out
that doesn't involve some sort of

magic genocide.

You should thank me.

I should feed you to a leprechaun.

You know, you're really starting
to remind me of my father.

I am nothing like Edward Coventry.

This gives us a chance to stop
the eruptions, and no one has to die.

You want to be a different kind of leader,
create a new Order.

And I believe in you,
and I'm not the only one.



Make the arrangements.
I'll need to prepare.

Thank you, Grand Magus.

I promise you won't regret it.

Be careful, Mr. Morton.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

[receding footsteps]

I think that this is a mistake.

We have to stop the eruptions
before they get out of control.

If I can do that
without resorting to m*rder,

all the better.

I've been researching the Cretian loom.

I have a theory that, with a few
modifications to the portal incantation,

we can use it to close an eruption.

I don't have time for your theories.

[breathes deeply]

You can see yourself out.

[receding footsteps]


At Praxis headquarters, you had a bag
for the Magus. What was in it?

You're the right-hand man. Go and ask her.


You sure you didn't peek?

Why would I? Nobody cares what I think.

Apparently, I'm only good
to carry water and chop wood, so...

After the eruption,
what happened to the bag?

How should I know?

Okay. Thanks for your help.

[Nicole] Gabrielle.

-Are you busy?
-Are you kidding me?

Does anyone have classes anymore?

Hi. Sorry.

I just thought you could help me
find an owl.

What? Ew. No. Why? Ew.

We're saving Lilith.
The Knights got her...

hide locker, so that means we can use it
to pull her out of the demon realm.

You're saying the only way to get her back
is with some stupid box?

I know. Magic, right?

I should go.

Uh, I guess I'll see you later?
We should have a party when she gets back.

If she gets back.

I know who you are.

You're Alpha.

Where did you get the hide?

They feel a little loose.

Hae animae ligentur ligeturque haec caro.

Allow me.

[ghostly ringing]

The binding is complete.

Play nice.

All this beauty and creativity,

and they just keep it locked away.

Perhaps they're trying to protect it.

Art has a purpose.

To be seen and shared
and given to the world.

Well, art, and magic
aren't the same thing.

[Salvador] I know a million artists
who would disagree with you.

And the worst thing
you can do with either...

is to hoard it.

[sighs] Just cut to the chase.
Tell me what you want.

The Fors Factoram.


Did I say something funny?



Anyone here?

-[axe clatters]

[exhales deeply]


I'm better than this.

I'm Gabrielle-f*cking-Dupres.

It should be enough, damn it.

-[loud roar]
-[Gabrielle screams]

They've been in there a while.

Yeah, well, I mean,
they're probably best friends by now.

Braiding each other's hair,
that sort of thing.



what happens after this?

I thought you didn't
want to talk about it.

Yeah, well, that was before
I thought we had a chance.

Now, things are different.


We might even get to be
on the same side for a change.

Maybe Salvador's wrong.

We won't have to choose
between love and w*r.

Wait, Salvador said that?

Something her father used to say.

"The only choice
between love and w*r is--"

"Which will k*ll you first."
I know, we discussed it in class.

The last words of the Lycaon,
the first werewolf.


So Lycaon's daughter, Psophis,
wanted to avenge her father's death.

So she lured the gods into a trap

and then she k*lled herself
to destroy them. That's...

That's how Salvador got Alpha's hide.
She's his daughter.

-Whose daughter?
-Grafton Davis,

a former Knight
and the Lycaon to her Psophis.

We have to break that binding spell.

-What? No, we can't.

The Fors Factoram
is the Order's greatest secret.

Only the Grand Magus and the adepti
are ever granted access to its power.

And yet, those are my terms.


Well, then, pardon my French,
but your terms can f*ck right off.

Then Praxis will keep distributing magic

and training people until there are
too many of us for you to fight.

And the eruptions will
keep getting bigger,

and you'll end up causing the apocalypse.

All the more reason for you
to give me what I want.

I'd rather watch the world burn.

I read about this special
kind of pine tree.

Its seeds only grow after a forest fire.

Let me guess.

You're the fire?


I'm the tree.

And a new world will grow
because of my sacrifice.

A world with no inequality,

no hunger, no pain.

If you surrender peacefully,

you won't have to speak of yourself
in the past tense.

[chuckles quietly]

Jack Morton was right.

You'll never give up,

and so long as you survive,

Praxis won't.


Salvador, stop!

[low growl]



How did you know?

I didn't know, but I prepared.

Miss Drake, surrender now. It's all over.

Nothing's over.

Miss Drake, put the knife down.

Haec forma et omnia quae noto plicentur.

[mystical ringing]


Is this what you meant when you said
dark days are ahead?

Pretty much.