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02x08 - Spring Outbreak, Part 2

Posted: 01/23/23 08:28
by bunniefuu

What the hell happened?


Second assassination attempt.

I think I got some in my mouth.

God damn it.

This chair's an antique.

What spell did he use?

I don't know.

I think he customized a m*rder spell
and cast it on himself.


He changed the magic word.

That's impossible.

It's not impossible, it's just...

It's extremely difficult.

There are several different incantations
that could cause this kind of damage.

So much blood.

I hope it's not mine.

Clean yourself up,
and send down some disciples.

You need to delay the vote.


You'd love that, wouldn't you?


You're not actually implying
what I think you're implying.

A mysterious, secret organization
appears out of nowhere,

its leader miraculously captured
on the eve of Invocare.

Of all the incompetent things
you have ever done, and they are legion,

this is by far the most incompetent.

My incompetence is not in question here.

-No, it isn't.
-[footsteps approaching]

I meant that it will be up to
the new Grand Magus to decide your fate.

You can't proceed until you know
what you're dealing with!

I couldn't stop Invocare
even if I wanted to.

And I don't.


Get those three idiots in here now!

You do not have the authority
to command disciples anymore.

I am still Temple Magus.

And I am head of the Gnostic Council.

Fine, Bitsy! What do you want to do?

Get those wolves in here now.

-But as prisoners.



Look, Salvador must have Midnight's hide.

Well, I can't believe
Midnight would bond with her.

I don't know if you've noticed, dude,
but Midnight is kind of indiscriminate.

-We gotta get the hide back.
-[door closes]

[Gabrielle] Get to the temple.
Vera wants to see you.


Yeah, hi.

[Angus] We're here to escort you back.

Well, tell her thanks, but we're busy.

You're liars

and werewolves.

And one way or another,
you're coming with us.

Do yourselves a favor. Put those away.

Orders are orders.

Would you all just put them
back in your pants?

Foley is dead.

Everyone thinks you're responsible.

So Vera's throwing us to the wolves?

The metaphorical ones.

We don't know that.

She doesn't want to.

But her opinion might not matter
much longer.

Is Vera okay?

[Angus] They're going to vote her out,

and once she's gone,

so are you.

[Gabrielle] The way I see it,

you can wolf your way out of here

and force the Order
to send an army after you--

-An army of elitist douche nozzles?
-[Hamish chuckles]

Or you could go and face them head on.

And you're going in chained.

[whispering] Not happening.

He doesn't like you.

I don't like you, either.

-[electrical humming]
-[liquid dripping]



It always gets on the ceiling.

I don't understand why we can't
just use magic to clean all of this up.

If we use the wrong cleaning spell
and there's a bad reaction,

we might have a bigger mess on our hands.


[Selena] You're cleaning that up.

From the sounds of things,
we won't have to worry about

Vera Stone's opinion for much longer.

Or her pet wolves.


For someone who was all up
in her wolf's grill not so long ago,

you've sure seemed to change your tune.

Just 'cause I had feelings for Lilith
doesn't mean I like the rest of them.

Hm. For your sake, I hope that's true.

Excuse me?

Well, you sound legit, it's just,

when Vera's gone, you may be called on
to prove your loyalty.

After we learned about the att*cks
on the Order,

which included the capture
of one of our disciples...

[snaps fingers]

-That would be him.
-Can you be serious for one second?

Not if I can avoid it.

...we then tracked down Cameron Foley
to a Praxis safe house,

captured him,
and brought him here to the temple.

Thank you,

and thank you for your work.

And what special considerations
did Vera offer you

in exchange for bringing her a scapegoat?

Foley's not a scapegoat.

Look, you're wasting time.

If you want to know about Foley,
find Salvador Grant.

We think she's their true leader.

I thought Cameron Foley
was the leader of Praxis.

Yeah, so did we.

But now that he's dead,
someone else is the actual leader?

Isn't that a little convenient?

I'd argue that it's actually inconvenient.


And is there anything else we need
to know about this new villain?

-I would--
-[Kepler] Answer the question.

-I mean...

Uh, she's...

also a werewolf?

[Vera sighs]

Oh, man.

This is so sad.


The wolves are just
trying to do their jobs,

and we're treating them
like they're the bad guys.

Thank you, philosophus.

Please wait until we ask
for your testimony.

I mean, come on! What did they do
to deserve this kind of treatment?

[Vera] That will be all, Mr. Brown.

You're wrong to treat them like this.

Get a hold of yourself.


There's so much

anger in the world.

Things would be so much better if we just
took a moment to appreciate one another.

What is wrong with you?

-[ghostly roaring]

-Notas argenteas!
-[loud thud]

I think cleaning up the Ethics professor

-earns me the day...
-[loud creaking]

[loud creaking continues]

[loud slam]

They locked us in.

You have no right
to put us into quarantine.

Whatever incantation k*lled Foley

-has some kind of chain reaction.
-[door shuts]

We can't risk it escaping from the temple.

More likely you k*lled Foley
and then Robert yourself.

Robert wasn't k*lled by an incantation.

We didn't hear any ringing.

What ringing?

Anytime anyone does bad magic,

the Knights hear a ringing.

It's like a magic alarm.

Oh. Yet another convenience.

Your conspiracy theories
are starting to bore me.

[Kepler] And your willingness to resort

to fear and lies to achieve your goals
is starting to terrify me.

[Jack] Think this through.

All right?
Foley knew exactly what he was doing.

This is how Praxis works.
Strategy and deception.

All right? They played us.

I was so desperate
to do the right thing, I let it happen.

So you admit it?

This is your fault.

Oh, you want to blame me?

Go ahead,

as long as we can concentrate
on trying to stop this.


The temple is cleansed. Again.

Then we can proceed.

[receding footsteps]

She's wrong. This is just the beginning.

Of course she's wrong. She's Kepler.
[inhales deeply]

The problem is proving it

before she strips me
of the rest of my authority.

Was there something else?

Alyssa thinks that
you kept the Vade Maecum.

She thinks it's the reason
her magic is on the fritz.

Miss Drake has made me aware
of her theories.

That's not a no.

You know, so far this week, I have sworn
an oath I didn't know I swore,

and I've put my thumbprint
on a worthless amnesty.

In case you haven't noticed,
we have more pressing concerns.

And then I found out
that you lied to us again.

You know what I told Alyssa?

That if you did keep it,
you didn't do it with malicious intent.

Don't make me regret that.


[mystical whooshing]

-[ghostly roaring]

-[loud crash]
-Oh, shit.

She deserved that.

Okay then.

[ghostly roar]

[Kepler] The sun rose on the first dawn.

Magic rose with it,

and cleaved itself in four,

creating the elements:

water, earth, air, and fire.

Fire appeared before the first human.

She said,


I am that which can sustain you.

Worship me, and I will share my magic."

The first human said, "Yes."

His name was Magus.

Vera Stone has been nominated
for Grand Magus.

Who here will bestow upon her their light?

[mystical ringing]

Are you f*cking kidding me?

She betrayed Edward Coventry.

She inducted the wolves
she betrayed him with.

And she destroyed the Vade Maecum.

How can you vote for her?

The way I see it...

she saved us from Edward.

She brought the wolves to heel,
and now they're our trusted allies.

She also just cut the head off Praxis.

Ian Ziering, put your mask back on

and stop using your celebrity glamour.

Okay, couple things.
One, I can't turn this off.

Two, I support Vera Stone for Grand Magus.

She brought power, strength,
sophistication to the Order.

She deserves our fealty.


God, how many m*rder incantations
does one secret society need?

[exhales deeply] Apparently, all of them.

You guys do realize that technically,
we're walking m*rder spells?

Wow, way to take all the fun
out of being a werewolf.

Hey, I think I got something.

On the dangers
of a ricocheting incantation.

Yeah, but the magic half-life rule
still applies,

so whatever k*lled Foley
wouldn't have k*lled Robert.

It's only going to glow
once the vote is unanimous.

I know.

[Randall] Guys, wait.

I think I found something. Look.

[exhales deeply]

Randall, this is serious.
People are dying.

Correction, people who are trying
to k*ll us are dying.

Which is why we have to figure out what's
happening before anyone else is affected.

-Or infected.


What if we're looking at this wrong?

Maybe it's not a m*rder incantation.

Maybe it's an enchanted virus.

So what are we talking about here?

Magic Ebola?

Yes! Alexander Hame-ilton for the win!

Please stop.


Okay. Okay.

If I was an uptight,

manipulative liar
with impeccable lip liner...

where would I hide
the most dangerous book in the world?


[mystical ringing]

[exhales deeply]

Secreta revelentur.

-[ghostly roar]
-[loud thud]

[Salvador] It's obviously empty.


How was the rest of the party?

-Get laid?
-You're with Praxis.

Really? Even with your messy magic?


-[both speak Latin]
-[ghostly roaring]

Nice sleep spell, dum-dum.

You think Foley enchanted a virus?

It explains why it didn't die
with Foley or Robert.

The virus is alive,
carrying the magic with it.

The sacrifice is the death of the host,

propelling the virus to the next victim.

So how do we stop it?

[Randall] With this.

An enchanted cure-all.

BT-dubs, you ever think of sharing this?

It's literally a cure-all.

Editorials aside,

this is excellent work.

We should have all these ingredients
in stock...

except for the St. John's wort.

[book shuts]

So much for that.

I stock a bitters made of St. John's wort.

Would that work?

It might.

I'll get it.

[Hamish] You'll mess up my bar.

I don't need a babysitter.

Why do you sound like a baby?

-Why do you look like a baby?
-Oh, man.

Look, we can brew the potion,
but we can't force anyone to drink it.

I mean, we could, but we shouldn't.

Our first priority's the adepti.

And anyone that came in contact
with the blood.

Of course. Brew the potion.

I have to find a way
to break the conclave.

[Kepler] God damn it, Ziering.

Everything you have is because of us.

Now quit stalling.

This has gone on long enough.

Councilor, are you trying
to dictate my vote?

I am imploring you to do what's best
for this Order.

That's funny.
I thought that's what I was doing.

-[cell phone buzzes]

-Now what?
-[Ian] Oh, nice.

And you're the one who said
no cell phones.

Let's get this over with.

Hey, sleepyhead,
come have a glass with me.

Your leader was captured.

It's over.


Foley didn't run Praxis,

and if everything's gone
according to plan...

[inhales through teeth] ...he's dead,

along with your beloved Grand Magus.

Thanks, but I don't want anything
from you.

We can break bread.

Or bones.

Your choice.

[inhales quickly] Pull up a seat.


That's better.

I don't take drinks from strangers
who m*rder my friends.

Plus, I've seen The Princess Bride.

As you wish.


[whispering] Acheron's cauldron.

You summoned Zecchia.

You robbed the Knights.

How did you know when to strike?

There's only one divination that accurate.


I dabble.

[inhales deeply] But right now,
I am all about this risotto.

Well, in that case,

don't forget the Parmesan.

Parmesan! [sighs]

You read my mind.



Not impressed.

How do we know

-you're not trying to poison us?
-Oh, for God's sake.

What? Like I haven't seen
The Princess Bride.

William Goldman's a genius.

Mr. Morton, if you would be so kind.

[mystical ringing]

-[sniffs] Those bitters are nice.

-The little things make the drink.
-[mystical ringing]

Still not taking it.

None of us got any blood yakked on us.

You got blood on you?

[sighs] Better safe than sorry.

[mystical ringing]


-not disgusting.

What are you doing?
You didn't get any blood on you either.

Why take the risk?

[mystical ringing]

It's like what Vera said
when she inducted the wolves.

This Order is my family.

Remember when we inducted Jack
after he slayed the golem?

Or that crazy elemental transference?

Fighting the wolves
in that abandoned house?

Those memories are better than Christmas
for me.

[whispering] Who is she again?

[whispering] I've literally never seen her
before today.

There is nothing
that I wouldn't do for you.

Any of you.

Even these stupid wolves,

you mean the world to me.

Uh, I barely know you.

-She's infected. Stand back.
-Loneliness is terminal.

We need to reach out.

We need to bond.

-Te repello!
-[ghostly roar]


[all gasping]

[Randall] Nicole.

The wolves robbed the Order!

Yeah, and then Praxis robbed us, remember?

It's their fault.

Nicole knew about this and I didn't?

[sighs] I was trying to cheer her up.

Did you know about this?

Concern yourself with cleaning her up.

I don't think so.

The Grand Magus just gave you an order.

She's not my Magus.

I'm gonna go try not to die.


Clean her up.

Did we just get stuck cleaning up Terry?


-[Hamish and Randall] Not it.

[Randall chuckles]

[all groan]

I said, "Not it."

[moist squishing]

Uh, guys?


Holy shit.

Is it alive?


it infects the host, consumes the blood,

and then when it reaches critical mass,
it alters our behavioral pattern.

Like a toxoplasma gondii.

Oh, yeah, right, that one.
How could I forget?

It's a parasite.

It gets into mice
and takes away their fear of cats

so it can get into the cat next.

Maybe that's what's happening here.

The parasite makes the host
incredibly needy.


They seek comfort,
which only seems normal

in a situation like this.

But it's just trying to get close enough
to puke blood on you.

Exactly. [groans]

Even if the blood vomit misses its target,

then the parasite still has a chance
of finding a host.

Basically, it could be in all of us,

and we don't even know it.

So how do we k*ll it?


I don't even know
how to get it off my shoe.

You knew those bastards were responsible
and you didn't tell anyone?

I wish I hadn't said anything.

Kepler's just looking for an excuse
to k*ll them.

I don't want anyone else's
blood on my hands.

-She's starting to sound like Terry.
-Hang on.

I'm not infected.

-But you did get Terry's blood on you.
-You got Foley's on you.

So did you,

-which makes you infected twice.
-This is bullshit.

I'm not going to wait around
and let those assholes pick us off.

Hmm. But the virus...

There's no virus.

Who's with me?

Tell me you have good news.

Okay, so we think that it might be
a magic blood parasite.

It's ambulatory and appears to be
highly aggressive.

So there's a good chance
that everybody's already infected.

How is any of this good news?

Okay, so it's not technically good news.

[Angus] Vera Stone!



How dare you?



Praxis wasn't responsible
for the temple thefts.

The wolves were.

[people murmuring]

Well, can't walk that one back.

This is a boilerplate recipe.

But I add a little something extra.

Human blood.

[breathes deeply]



Fresh shaved truffle.

Yeah, I'm not hungry.


Come on, you're going to like it.

And if I don't, are you gonna k*ll me?


Once we've liberated magic,

the k*lling ends.

It's the hoarding that makes
practitioners so murderous.

The desire to keep magic for themselves

at any cost.

Yeah, that's...

It's an interesting way to justify
all the murders you've committed.

Please. The Sons of Prometheus
slaughter any intruder on their land.

The Order's legacy is bathed in blood.

And don't get me started
on the Knights of Saint Christopher.

[inhales deeply]

I have yet to encounter a magic society

that doesn't endorse v*olence
as a means to an end.

Present company included.

Praxis isn't a secret society.

You know how you can tell?

It's not a secret.

You can dress it up however you want.
People are still dying because of you.

It still bothers you.

That I k*lled Ellie Taylor?

Of course it does.

I think about it every day.


if you had stuck me with that knife...

you'd never forget me?

Probably not.

Well, I'd rather you remembered me
for this risotto.

Oh, my God.

It's actually really good.


maybe you can learn something
from hanging out with me.

[Kepler] All this time...

the culprits have been under our nose,

and you've been protecting them.

Well, I wouldn't really
call it "protection."

Look, forget about the robbery.
We've got a bigger problem on our hands.

Somehow I doubt that.

Then it's your funeral.

We've heard enough from your pets, Vera.

That will be all.

God damn it, that won't be all.

If you don't listen to me, you'll be dead,

all of you.

It's time to end this farce
and install an actual

Grand Magus.

You all saw that.

A Knight of Saint Christopher,

our sworn enemy...

in the reliquary.

You cannot elect Vera Stone.

Well, you still haven't offered us
an alternative.

We all know there is only one among us

with the magic knowledge

and strength to lead this Order.

[exhales deeply] My fellow adepti...

so nice to see you again.

[chuckling] What?

I didn't know they made robes
in kids' sizes.

Don't expect me
to vote for this necromancer.

Who you calling a necromancer?

If you bathe in the blood of virgins
to maintain your youthful glow,

you're a necromancer.

Says the one practitioner

who couldn't use magic
to salvage his career.

Really? Well, six Sharknados and counting,
Mr. "I'm Famous in Canada."

-Oh, my God!
-[Ian] Really small...

Both of you, be quiet.

You expect me to renounce my support
for Vera Stone for him?


Not without any special consideration.

I'm sure the next Grand Magus
would be eager

to reward a loyal supporter.

I may consider it.

You stay away from the next ten
Comic-Cons, how about that?






Adeptus Major Jason Priestley
has been nominated for Grand Magus.

Who here will bestow upon him their light?

[mystical ringing]

Nine, ten, eleven...

Guys, it has to be unanimous.




I'm sorry, Vera.

I saw Angus and I just...


I almost died yesterday.

Now it seems like I might die anyway.

Part of me wishes
we never got our memories back.

I could just go back to being... happy.

The way you're talking, acolyte,
you better vomit blood next.

Step back.

[mystical ringing]


Happiness is a fallacy.


fed to those afraid to be great.

[approaching footsteps]

This next part is gonna hurt.

Jason Priestley?

-And Ian Ziering.

She's going to lose, isn't she?

We don't know that.

We never should have signed that amnesty.

What choice did we have?

Option C: "None of the above."

We will never rescue Lilith

without the Order's resources
or knowledge.

-You think you can live with that?
-[approaching footsteps]

At least I'd be alive to try.


So, a magical utopia?

That's your plan?

I don't believe in utopias.

Equal access for all.

No more hierarchies.

Make your own rules.



can never be equal.

It's too complicated.

People are either too lazy

or greedy.

What if I told you

that there's an incantation that could
make magic accessible to everyone?

A spell that did away
with all of your rituals,

all of your bullshit sacrifices?

All the stuff put in place
to make it hard for you?

But the sacrifices are
the most important part of our training.

That's a scam to keep you
under their control.

You don't need their rules.

You don't need them.

Do you think the ice queen eats ice cream?

Hm. She's an actual person.

[mystical ringing]

-Quidquid requiritur, fiat.
-[loud mystical ringing]

What was that?


But you can't outrun magic.

I'll destroy it. I swear I will.

Sure, whatever, go for it.

I am finally impressed.

You've got to join me.

Come on. Be my Huckleberry.

-Be your what?
-You see?

We have so much we can teach each other.

I'll teach you about westerns,
you'll teach me--

How not to m*rder?

A smart person told me once,

when you know what's right for you,

you have to push through and do it...

even if you end up breaking a few hearts,

including your own.

I'm not leaving without this book.

Go to town.

It doesn't have the spell
I'm looking for anyway.

I could take it straight to Vera.

That's your choice.

And that's all I want for anyone.

Make your own decisions, live your life.

When you figure out what you want,
call me.

My card's in your pocket.

[grunts quietly]




[Gabrielle groans]

[cell phone bleeps]

Stupid metaphor.

I dreamt that Jason Priestley
was Grand Magus.

Sounds more like a nightmare.

Couldn't be worse than that reboot.

Will you all shut up
and let me die in peace?

No one's dying.

Not today.

Except we don't know how to k*ll
those magic parasites.

[Hamish] Okay.

Let's go through what we do know.

[Gabrielle] Yes. Let's do that.

Let's spend our last minutes alive
talking about homicidal bugs.


Foley said a magic word
and then exploded magic parasites

all over Robert,

and then Robert spewed blood
all over the antechamber,

and it crawled onto Terry.

[Gabrielle] I was being sarcastic.

So what magic spell
instantly turns your blood

into a murderous magic parasite?

I don't memorize m*rder spells.

[scoffs] This has to be racial profiling
or something.

And there's no such spell.

[Randall] Foley blew up.

Robert and Terry both vomited.

If it was decaying magic,

Terry should have done
something different,

but she and Robert both died
the exact same way.

[Hamish] You said Foley changed
the magic word, right?

Who's to say he didn't change
two magic words?

Two different incantations
at the same time.

One incantation to transform the blood,

the second incantation
to blow it all over the room?

How can you transform your own blood
into a parasite?

[Vera] You can't.

There's no spell that transforms
your blood into a magical creature.


there is a creature that mimics blood.

Open his stomach.

[Hamish clears throat]

You're looking for something small,
about this big, with a hard shell.

[mystical whoosh]


Homunculi Sanguis.

We need to get out of here.

[Randall] Nicole?

We're not supposed to talk to you.

I know you're mad at us,

and maybe even at Lilith
for all these lies,

and we probably deserve that.


Okay, yeah, we do.


I get that you're scared of screwing up.

I don't know what happened
at your last chapter, but...

if you don't let us out,

everyone will die...

and there will be no one left
to save Lilith.

They lied about the virus.

We can't trust them.

Maybe she deserves that.

Maybe I hate her.

Miss Birch...

I know what happened at your last temple.

It wasn't a mistake.

You showed compassion.

Don't let anyone convince you
that kindness is a failure.

It doesn't seem like a virtue around here.

[Vera] So help me change that.

Members like you prove

that having a conscience and being
in the Order are not mutually exclusive.

[metallic clanging]

This doesn't mean I forgive you.

It means you're going to.

[Jack] Dude, come on!

[Randall] Yeah.

Get to work on that potion.

To the new Grand Magus.

-[people chattering]
-Thank you. Thank you.

[man chuckles]

I need everyone to take
a big step away from each other.

You have no authority here, Vera.


Foley swallowed
an Egyptian homunculus beetle.

Right now,

your blood is being replaced
by a sentient creature.

We are brewing the potion as we speak.

All you have to do is take it.

[Jason] Do you hear that, everyone?

We are creating life.

Soon, we will all get to experience

the biological imperative.


Oh, surprise, surprise.

It's a trick.

Protect the Grand Magus.

For f*ck's sake, Kepler!

Come on, you won!

I have nothing to gain.
Just take the stupid potion.

Save your lives!

But if I take the potion,

the homunculi will die, and I...

-I always...
-Oh, hell, no!

...wanted to

get to... joy of...

[ghostly roar]


[people gasp and chatter]

[moist squishing]

[mystical ringing]

This changes nothing.

You're not fit to lead this organization.

That's fine.

This isn't the kind of organization
I want to lead anyway.

The Order has faced
great challenges lately,

and we have met them with fear,
paranoia, and hostility.

Meanwhile, three outsiders,
people we consider our enemy,

did more for the Order today
than any other member.

That's the kind of Order I'd rather lead,

instead of this paranormal yacht club.

[Alyssa] Words.

Nice words...

but just words.

Miss Drake, I'll get to you in a moment.

There's nothing wrong with my magic.

You were in my house?

You know, I really thought
that you'd be a different leader.

A better one.

But you're just like all the rest.

Uh... I cannot believe...

-Don't start with me. wrong I was about you.

To have the Vade Maecum this whole time
and not say a word?

Well, that is truly the sign
of a great leader.


There it is, Vera.

It's all yours.

But the cost...

is my loyalty.

Miss Drake, you really need to learn
the concept of timing.

That's what I thought.

You have my full support...

Grand Magus.

I should have known she'd send you.

Actually, she didn't.

And I wouldn't do it,

even if she wanted me to.

Look, Vera said if I could convince you
to come back and talk to her,

-she would explain everything.
-She already had her chance.

The Order's changing, Alyssa.

It's becoming the thing you said it was,
the thing I hoped it would be.

I used to be exactly where you are...

with the Order...

with Edward.

I thought for sure...

good would prevail.

But I can't believe the Order
will serve anyone but themselves.

No, we can fix it, from the inside.




[mystical roar]

You know, I was under
a terrific amount of pressure back there.

Wasn't until that werewolf
showed up that...


That's what sunk ya.

[Vera chuckles]

Ian, I know my candidacy
was only viable for as long as it was

because of your support,

and this spell

is my way of thanking you.

Greater riches and fame

will be yours.

For a few hours.

Oh, no, acolyte, I modified the spell
so it will last a lifetime.


Fame forever?


Lay it on me.

What is this?

Oculi veteres. Forma nova aeternum.

[mystical ringing]

You may remove the hood.


Your name is Alyssa Drake.

You go to Belgrave University.

Forget the Order.

Forget the Knights.

Forget Jack Morton.

[mystical whoosh]

Hey. Hey.

You okay?

Come on.

I think you must have had
low blood sugar or something.

Do we have

class together?

I wish.

I would've remembered you.


This looks all in order.

[Randall clears throat]
We, uh, removed the dress code.

[clears throat]

Now, then.

Your first assignment.

Rescuing Lilith.

Yes, Mr. Carpio, all in good time.

Unfortunately, the grimoire detailing
any possible rescue is still missing.


until we find it,

I have your first task.

The original Knights of the Blue Rose

guarded the Vade Maecum
for their Grand Magus.

They saw how it twisted him,

how it perverted his ambitions,
and they took it away from him.

They tried to destroy it,

but it will do anything
to stay in existence.

I have already had a taste of its lure,

and I cannot...

allow it to tempt me any further. So...

for your first official duty...


tear apart this book.

And for the love of God...

never tell me where you hide it.
[clears throat]

Thank you, Grand Magus.

On three.

One, two, three.

[mystical ringing]


Find Alyssa.


Can I keep this risotto recipe?

You were right.

About everything?

Ninety percent.

Mmm. Even necromancy has some gray areas.

Yeah, I guess it keeps things interesting.

Thanks for protecting my memories.

I told you you'd like my risotto.

You ready to do this?

Yeah, I'm ready.

As for this...

That's yours, remember?

I want us to share it.

Alyssa Drake!

You and I are going to stir shit up.

Suits me.

You know the Vade Maecum can't burn,

I know.

You didn't.

Didn't I?

[cell phone buzzes]

You okay?
