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02x03 - Fear Itself, Part 1

Posted: 01/23/23 08:25
by bunniefuu

I was running an errand for my tutor.

I should be your tutor.

Selena and Nicole and Angus
got to keep theirs.

I don't know why I got singled out.

Keep theirs, what?

You know what we should do at break?

Go to my parents' in Saint Lucia.
It's gorgeous.

Oh, yeah, I can't do that.

You can and you will.

I want to show off that hot bod of yours.
My brother's gonna get an eating disorder.

[clears throat] Um...

Oh, damn, I'm late.

You don't have a class.

No, I'm doing... I'm meeting Chad
for a one-on-one.

He's helping me finesse my basket toss.

Ah, I knew you'd like cheer.

Are you kidding me?
I live for cheer squad.

I'm just praying someone sprains an ankle,

so first alternate gets his big break.

We can only hope.

I miss you already.

Your cupie could use some work, too.

I thought I could do this, Hamish, but...

this whole Order thing
is making me queasy.

Look, I know things are a mess right now,

but the only way out is through.

You're right.

No guts, no glory.

Heads up.

Oh, look.

It's the Hardy Boys.

For acolytes who just met,
you guys are pretty tight.

Well, it does feel like
we've known each other for a while.

You can't fight your feelings.

Yes, you can, but what's the point?

Kiss me.

-Let's get out of here.

Excuse me. Oh!


Called it.

Flos conspice.


if you're into that kind of thing.

The incantation you're using
is mihi transferat.

Mihi transferat.

So, gee, I wonder
who's a total natural around here.

It's a pretty easy spell.

No spell is easy.

You're light-years ahead
of where I was in my training.

You should be really proud of yourself,
because I am--


You can't stand compliments.

Shut up.


It makes you even more adorable.

I have to go.

I found your on/off button.

I like your shoes!

"I like your shoes"? [sighs]

She's not wrong.

It could use a little work.

Hey, my cupie is tight.

If I wanted to act this much,

I would have majored in theater.

I've scheduled fake texts
every minutes,

so I always have an excuse
to get away from Gabrielle.


Randall and I had to kiss each other
to get away from our monitors.

[Randall] Yeah.

"Had to." We "had to."

What I hate is how everything's a lie,
even if it doesn't feel that way.


at least you're lying to each other.

Doesn't make it any easier.

Sometimes I wish
I'd never gotten my memory back.

Sure would be a lot more peaceful.

Guys, you don't mean that.

We'd be total strangers.

I feel like a stranger to myself.

I have to live in a fake apartment
with fake friends.

At least you have your own stuff,
and your own place.

I mean, Gabrielle treats me
like her own private Ken doll.

She must have really hated her Ken dolls.

-Crash here.
-[Hamish] No.

We agreed.

This place is only for debriefs,

and the occasional cocktail.

That's it.

We have to destroy them.
Let's go, right now.

That's a great fantasy,

but we're a month into classes

and we have yet to come up
with a decent plan.

Even if we did,
they still have all our stuff.

Our hide lockers, Midnight.

No, they don't have all of our stuff.

They stole it.

So let's steal it back.


No, no, look, all of our stuff
is in their vault.

So if we take it back
and we steal all of their stuff,

doesn't matter if anyone knows
we have our memories back or not,

'cause we would have
ripped the heart out of the Order

and left them spurting arterial blood
all over the wall.

Are you suggesting

a magic heist?

Yes. Magic heist.

Magic heist!

Magic heist!

Magic heist! Magic heist!

Magic heist! Magic heist!

Magic heist! Magic heist!

Sanguis meus tuas laminas acuit.

Sanguis meus tuas laminas acuit.

[Jack] There's only one entrance
to the vault, and it's in the reliquary.

It's a secret door
behind one of the bookcases,

so access is no problem.

And the corridor itself is a cakewalk.

No booby traps, no secret handshakes.

The door doesn't even have a lock.

[door creaks]

Sanguis meus tuas laminas acuit.

[continues speaking Latin]

It's shocking how easy
this is going to be.

Only challenging part will be
moving everything out and stashing it.

May be able to help with that.

[Jack] This is unbelievable.

You own this but you were
still living at the den?

Well, I find wolfing out
in downtown Norwich

basically impossible.

-Will this hold the contents of the vault?
-Yeah, this'll hold everything

[Randall] We're doing a magic heist!

I can't believe you own this apartment.

I own the building.

You do realize we have one small problem.

And that is?

None of us can access the reliquary.


Lilith's right.
We're gonna need a Magistratus.

Or, at least their access sigil.

[Alyssa speaks Latin]

-[Jack] Alyssa.
-[Alyssa] Damn it.

What are you doing here?

Returning this.

What are you doing?

Ooh, you look like Pete after he tried
cooking pancakes that one time.

I'm trying to fix my magic.

[exhales deeply]

Just give it a few days.
It'll work itself out.

It will.

[scoffs] It's one thing for my magic
not to work.

-It's a whole other to--
-Hurt someone.

I get it.


k*lled that girl.

I know the feeling.

Let me help you here.

You didn't tell anyone, did you?

Tell them what?

About my magic.

I meant that like, "Tell them what?"

because there's nothing to tell.

Except for my secret.

My homicidal secret.

Yeah, I mean, the last thing you'd want

is anyone here to find out
you don't wanna k*ll someone.

It's not funny.

It's kind of funny.



It's gonna be okay.

No, it's not.


is my everything...

and now I'm losing it.

Mihi transferat.


You'll get it back.

Wait, what?

Your magic, you're going to get it back.

No, before that, you said something else.

Alyssa, I'm just trying
to be supportive here.

Are you?

Well, I thought I was.

I guess you know better.

[Alyssa sighs]

-Are you sure this is gonna work?
-What happens if it doesn't work?

This better work.

It's gonna work, guys.

Hm, Milton.

Mm, Goethe.

[speaks Latin]


Smell you.

Big sign over Pop's bathroom,

and truer words were never spoken.

This is too easy.

It's like Vera wants to be robbed.

Candy from a baby.

Don't jinx it.

[roaring noise]

[Randall] Guys?

[Jack] What's happening?

-Hamish. Lilith. Randall!
-[Randall] Guys?

[Hamish] Guys?

Where'd everyone go?

Where have I gone?


Keep your eyes open.

Looks like there's a good-sized spider
around here someplace.

What do you get when you cross
a spider and a squirrel?

You get a bug that will climb your leg
and eat your nuts.


Why did the spider cross the road?

There was no spider.

He's a metaphorical manifestation

of your pathological
and subconscious fear!


Hamish? Lilith?

You're one of us, Randall.


Hamish, Lilith, Randall, where are you?



-[Alyssa screams]


No, no, no.


[Jack] No!


-A ventriloquist doll?

Stupid Ricky Simarco
and his stupid fifth birthday party.

What'd you see?





At least now I know why
Alyssa calls it the fear corridor.

You didn't think to tell us that
before leading us down

the creepy-ass hallway
that turns our worst fears into a reality?

It wasn't like that when I went with her.

So what was it like?

It was a hell of a lot less scary.

[Hamish] Jack, buddy,

specificity is kind of important
right now.

We went through the entrance,

and she told me
it was called the fear corridor,

and then she took my hand
as we passed under the inscription.

The inscription must be
some kind of enchantment.

Alyssa must have some kind of neutralizer.

Did she utter an incantation?

Was she carrying anything?

She was wearing a necklace
I'd never seen before.

Big amulet.

About so big with a raised symbol on it?

Yeah, an inscription around the edge.

I've seen Vera wearing the same one.

Mm, Vera.

Sounds like we need that amulet.

I burned all my good will with Alyssa.

We'll just have to go to the source.

Redi ad ista inferna in quorum genitus es.

-And then you s*ab--
-With the sickle. Yes, I know.

This isn't a dance recital.


I'm here to help.

May I?



This takes me back, huh?

Remember that first convention in DC?

The night out with the Brazilian chapter?

How could I forget?

You keep using that one same photo
for all your social media profiles.

Well, every time I try to change it,
someone messages me to switch it back.


Excuse me, Grand Magus.

I figured it was : somewhere
and you might want a cocktail.

-We're busy.
-Yes, please.

The Julian Assange for you.

-And a Grand Magus for the Grand Magus.


Similar to a Winter's Eve, with a twist.

Thank you, acolyte.

You're welcome.

What is this, vodka and nut milk?

It's horchata and brennivín.

The subtlety isn't for everyone.

How is yours, Magus?

Very spirit-forward,

but intriguing.

I hate nut milk.

I'm glad you like it.

Why is it called the Julian Assange?


he did overstay his welcome
at the Ecuadorean embassy.

You get it?

Think so.

Prodatur quod visum est.

[faint distortion noise]

So evocative.

I'm reminded
of Sebnem Ugural's portraiture.

Sweet use of that fine arts education.

Well, I'll tell you, the necromancer
version of this was hella messier.

What's this called?


Selena showed it to me.

She's actually a fine tutor.

Well, you know, except for the part
where I hate the Order,

I'm actually enjoying the training
this time around.

It's definitely easier when
you already know what you're doing.

I feel like I'm absorbing more.

Yeah, great, the Order's amazing.

Let's buy them a present.

Relax, buddy.

No one's lost the plot.

Yeah, we're still gonna burn it down.

But it is cool to learn new things.


I will get this D-printed...

[camera sound]

...and then we are saying goodbye
to optography and the Order.

Actually, I just learned an incantation

that could replicate it
without the D print...

[Jack] Okay.



who wants to do the honors?


Here we go.

[clears throat]

Didn't you say something about...

holding hands?

As we pass under the inscription,
we have to.

[Randall] Mm-hm.

It's not 'cause I'm scared.


It's protocol.

Exactly. Protocol.

Nothing else.

It's gonna work, you guys.

Magic heist.

-Magic heist.
-Magic heist.

[roaring noise]


[exhales deeply]

Anyone got a plan C?

[clears throat] Oh, all right.

Uh, wave hello to Salvador,
and then settle yourselves.

She's my new TA,
which makes her your new TA,

and she'll be making my life easier when
she takes over the class on Thursdays.

Also, I understand the AV system.

Quit bragging.

[low] They're so banging.

[girl chuckles]

[woman in video speaks Latin]

Is that Latin?

[students gasp]


It's photoshopped.

[man] Buzzkill.

Well, you all looked like believers
until Mighty Mouth here yelled, "Fake!"

So what changed your minds?

Oh, come on, it's obviously fake.

Someone just happens to come across it
at exactly the right moment?

So it's fake because of timing?

-Where did you even find this?
-[Foley] Oh.

Now its providence makes a difference
as to whether it can be real or not.

-[Foley] Okay.

Fine, let's say it's fake.

Let's say whoever filmed this
went to all that trouble. Why?

For clicks, obviously.

To convince you that everything you see
is unverifiable.

Why do that?

To control the narrative.

If you can convince everyone
that the truth is fake...


then you can keep the truth
and the power to yourself.

Are you disagreeing with me?

We need to tell Vera.

Tell her what,
that a professor showed us a video?

A video of some rando practicing magic.

-And why did you--
-[clears throat]

Don't forget to pick me up at : .

-We're going to dinner tonight, remember?
-Yeah, I wouldn't forget.

Surprised to see you trying
independent thinking on for size.

[Gabrielle] So was I.

I didn't think your zip code went for it.

Don't worry. I fully expect
to be back in line by graduation.

[Foley] Well, I hope not.

Everyone these days wants
college to be a safe place,

but I think it should be
the most dangerous place on Earth.

Intellectually speaking.

If you don't spend undergrad
challenging the system...

what a waste of four years.

Yeah, well, I'll take that
under advisement.

You should.

Babe, we need to get going.

No question
who's controlling his narrative.

-[Foley scoffs]
-Got that right.

What was all that about?

Once again, the one percent is to blame
for everything wrong in this world.

When did it become okay to blame us?

If you prick us, do we not bleed?

I'm not sure Shakespeare thought that
the rich was a disenfranchised minority,

-Believe me,

there are days I'd be glad
to not be so special.

I'd trade places with that TA
and her ridiculous wardrobe, even,

to get out of this demon containment
Vera's got me doing.

What? Demon containment?

Some big demon who pops up
every now and again,

and apparently he's some sort of issue,
and it's so not fun.

I thought demons would be fun.

No, no, yeah.

Yeah, demons should be fun.


[music playing]

We summon a demon to do our heist.

There are hundreds to choose from.
They all do different things.

Found the perfect one.

Its name is Zecchia.

It's a baron demon,

and it steals whatever
the summoner desires.

Isn't there demon blowback?

Won't we have to do something for it?

No, that's the beauty of it. Okay?

We call them, they show up,
we pay the toll, and they do our bidding.

It's all about
following the protocol perfectly.

I read half a dozen books,
and it's the one basic rule.

I'm in.

-Me, too.
-[Randall] Nope.

No, thanks. No way.

Not a demon. Not ever.

Quintuple negative.

You wanted a new plan, here it is.

You're talking full-on Order magic here.

That doesn't make you nervous?

Says the guy who wanted to be a w*r-wolf.

Uh, were-lock.

Randall, this does not make us converts.
It's just a means to an end.

If we do this, the end is us

totally absorbed into the Order.

What we saw in the fear corridor
were nightmares, not prophecies.

Are you sure?

Demons are in Hell.

I'm pretty sure Hell is a Judeo-Christian
concept applied to scare people.

Demons are from wherever they're from
for a reason.

We shouldn't try to draw them
into our... wherever.

Well, look, yesterday you were all
"whatever it takes,"

and today, you're all "no demon,"
so make up your mind.

You weren't the one with a Sabnock sigil
stuck in your neck.

It's a hard "no" for me.

Should be for you, too.

We're still doing this.

Of course we're doing it.

He'll get over it.

Is that milk?

Maybe you can conjure up a cookie for me.

You don't need a cookie,
but maybe you need a friend.

I'm actually a really good listener.

I thought I had it all figured out,
you know?

Med school...

couple years overseas saving lives,

and then I'd set up a sweet practice.

So that goes sideways,

in a good way, with the whole...

[whispering] werewolf knights thing.

And that was great.

More than great.

But now...

Now you don't know who you are.

The thing you thought you were,
you aren't anymore,

and you can't figure out how or why
it happened, if you can ever get it back?


I'm worried about some friends.

But now I'm a little worried about you.

I'm fine.

What are some friends up to?

It must suck when your magic doesn't work.

Okay, whatever that nimrod told you...

It does suck.


He's worried about you.

The first k*ll is always the hardest.

Especially if you never expected
there to be a first k*ll.


What are they up to?


Are you a diversion? Is that why
you're here? Are you diverting me?

Wow. A guy goes out for a glass of %,
and all he gets is the third degree.



-You guys.

[people chuckle]

Busy here tonight.

What's going on?

Vera's preparing for a demon ritual.

Oh, yeah?

What's this one do?

Decimate a village?

Break up the Girl Guides?

This one?


What's the Order need with a demon anyhow?

They've already got Vera.

We're not summoning.

We're containing.

Eighty-one years ago, some idiot

failed to follow the Order's first rule
of demon summoning.

So now, every years,

we clean it up.

There's a first rule of demon summoning?

Well, it's the only rule.


[exhales deeply]

[yawns loudly]

[sighs] All this milk has made me sleepy.

I gotta go.


[all] Zecchia, appear before us

so that we may negotiate
the fee for your service

to empty the vault
of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose

and remand those goods into the possession
of the Knights of Saint Christopher.


Maybe we messed up the incantation?

We did everything right.

[door opens]

Guys! Don't do this! [blows out candle]

Alyssa and I were discussing
demon summonings, and--

-[Jack] You told her?
-I didn't tell her, per se.

-The topic just came up.

My point is,
even the Order doesn't summon demons.

[in spooky voice]
Because they learned their lesson.

Unlike you noobs.


first of all, thanks for nothing.

Back in this sh*thole.

Wait, you've...

been here before?

This realm, dummy.

Your little patch of paradise.

The only thing that redeems this dump
is the alcohol.

So, second of all,

give me.

It's part of the price. Come on. Give me.

You are Zecchia, our...

Our thief demon, right?

In the flesh.

'Cause that's the only way
I can survive down here.

Don't you mean up here?

So f*cking arrogant.


How do we know she's who she says she is?

[roaring noise]

[ripping sound]

It appears I am now flying commando.

She's good.



[Zecchia] So,

you want me to rob the Order, huh?

That's a big request. Expensive.

We should go all-in and add the reliquary.


[exhales deeply]

There's a protocol
when dealing with demons.

Asking for anything additional
breaks the contract.

Obliviscere cancels the ask.

-[Hamish scoffs]

Is asking to go back
from where she came additional?


[Zecchia] Fine.


Zecchia would like to go home,
so let's get with your program.

Would it be breaking the contract
if we waited until tomorrow

to wrap up some business?

Business like what?

You want to clear out our lockers,

write a last piece of graffiti
on the washroom wall?

This might be the end of our fake lives,
but not all of our feelings are fake.

Well, I'm good to go.
I don't need any goodbyes.

Couldn't care less.

So that's what denial looks like.

[Lilith] So can we?

She can't go back to her realm

till our request is satisfied.


Standing by.

Keeping these.


We can find another way to do this, okay?

It's not too late, right, guys?

Guys! [groans]

So, you're sorry for dating me?

Is that what you're saying?

Not sorry.


'Cause I'm not, either.

I mean, I probably should be.

You know, I'm your tutor, and--

Unbalanced power dynamic.

Also, I think the Grand Magus has a rule
about kissing in the temple.

I'm going to make you sorry
that you know me.

You couldn't, Lilith.

It's just not possible.

I need you to make this easier for me...

not harder.

[exhales deeply]

You know why I chose this?

All the violets I ever saw in my life,

they were...

well, violet.

Or blue, and...

this one...

is just so sunny and bright.

I especially love the dark center of it.

You know?

Hidden depths.

I'm not an orange violet.

[Nicole] Still there.

I'm gonna be poison to you
in a couple of days, so...

Flos abi.

[Nicole exhales deeply]

I'm firing you as my tutor.

I'm sorry, but it's...

It's better if you're not connected.

I've been lying to you.

The Order made us do this thing,
and it's been the worst.

I've been the worst.

It's called pulvis memoriae.

It wipes your memory,

and whenever you start
remembering stuff, I...

I use this to reset you,

so that you remain in the Order...

so that they...

We can control you.

-I can't do it anymore.
-It doesn't work on me.

It hasn't for a while now.

So you know...

and you're not mad at me?

The Order makes us all do things
that we don't want to do.

So in the temple,

when you kissed me...

That was really you?

It turns out that

my feelings for you

are the same, no matter what I remember.

[exhales deeply]

We're in a lot of trouble, aren't we?


We are.

[approaching footsteps]

I'll miss you.

Are you speaking to the stemware?

Dreaming up new recipes.

Something gin-based, perhaps.

Stay in the bourbon lane.

That cocktail you made
the other night was delicious.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I can make you another Grand Magus...

if you like.

Bring me something in a tall glass.

You have excellent stalking skills.

More hunting, actually.

So, look--

Thank you for telling Randall
about my catastrophic magic.

I told Lilith.

Not better.

'Cause I thought she might have an idea
on how to help you, all right?

And then I had to tell Hamish and Randall
or it would've seemed like--

Like you didn't trust them?

Like I was leaving them out.

Because you didn't trust them.

Oh, hey, Alyssa, is there something
you want to talk about?

Trust, maybe?

Randall was drinking milk
in the antechamber.


And he was noticeably less manic.

You idiots are up to something.

Technically, we're not up to anything.

You're making a move against the Order.

It's not how I wanted to describe it--

Whatever you're planning to do,
can you just not?

I'll make sure Vera doesn't think
you're involved.

I'm not involved!

Not intentionally.


So, we good, Alyssa?

We good?

[exhales deeply] Okay.

So he's always had this place
and he chose to live at the den.

Well, it's only got the one balcony.

Sorry I'm late.

-What happened to you?
-Nothing. What happened to you?

Are we ready to go? Let's go.

Yes, finally. Are we ready?

-Good to go.
-I still think this is a bad idea.

Your objection will be noted
in the minutes.

We're supposed to keep minutes?

Shall we?

[all] Zecchia,

who sees each in its place and knows
the place in which each can hide,

we ask you to steal from our enemies.

Zecchia, we,
the Knights of Saint Christopher,

do summon you to do our bidding,

and no more nor less.

Finally. You ready?

We are. Are you?

I was born ready.

Although, technically, I wasn't born.
I spawned from the husk of a cosmic being,

-one of thousands.
-[Lilith] Zecchia,

you shall take all goods and chattel

from the vault of the Hermetic Order
of the Blue Rose

and remand these goods into the possession
of the Knights of Saint Christopher

in this place we have anointed.

Okay, so, how does she...

This what you wanted?

Uh, I think so, yeah.

Contract fulfilled.

It can't be this easy.

It's that easy.


You're going to wanna see this.

[gasps] Midnight!


We're free!

We're free, m*therf*ckers!

Free? We're in charge! Yeah!

[pop music]

Don't. Don't.


-Try it.

No, I'm not gonna...
No, I'm not gonna be able to do it.

Imagine the hubris it must have taken

to think you could summon
an emperor demon, let alone control it.

Even the best of us overreach at times.

Just because I want to see
the office of the Grand Magus

ex*cuted in the proper fashion

doesn't mean I don't admire
and trust your knowledge.

"Doesn't mean I don't admire..."

I've heard the stories
since I was an acolyte,

and I am terrified that this demon
may come through.

But it hasn't given me a reason to run,
Vera, because...

of you.

What I'm trying to say is...

I'm glad you're handling it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[roaring noise]

You can force him
back into his realm, right?

It's nothing I can't handle.


[speaks Latin]

Congratulations, Bitsy.

You just found a reason to run.

Oh, demons are so scary.

Okay, some demons are scary.

We just confiscated
the Order's entire magic arsenal.

I think the Knights of Saint Christopher
are back in business.

So how do you want to tell the Order
that they take magic orders from us now?

With big shit-eating grins on our faces.

I second that. All in favor?


Okay, okay.

[cell phones bleep]

Here it is.

[all chuckle]

Vera is probably pissed.

Jack, I just want to say I forgive you for
being such a burden these past few months.

Well, what's going on? Did someone die?

Not yet.

[Nicole] Lilith!


I'm so glad we talked.

The idea of dying
in the middle of a lie, I--

Hey! Hey.

No one's gonna die.

Let me dispel the rumors.
We are all going to die.

In less than hours,

a demon will break through the veil
between our realm and the demon realm.

Now, it has long been
the Order's sworn duty

to stand between humanity and this demon

and escort him back
through the gates of Hell.

But unfortunately...

the weapons forged for this sole purpose
have vanished.

She's hiding the fact that the vault's
been cleared out. That's smart.

-[Vera continues talking]
-Dude, are you hot for teacher?

I admire good leadership.

Jack. Can I talk to you for a second?

You did this.

So this is your way of getting back
at the Order? By k*lling everyone?

We weren't trying to k*ll anyone.

The Order took our stuff,
so we took it back.

Yeah, along with everything else.

Yeah, we're the Knights.
We fight bad magic, all right?

Besides, I met a demon. It's no big deal.

Rogwan is an emperor demon.

The demon who controls fear.

You know what he caused
the last time he got out? World w*r II.

All right, well,
we'll bring back them... the...

-The sickles.

So we went through all this trouble
just to give everything back?

We're not giving anything back.

We're lending them the artifacts
they need to do the job.

Under the circumstances,
I think that's fair.

[exhales deeply]


I'm not an "I told you so"
kind of guy, but...