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02x01 - Free Radicals, Part 1

Posted: 01/23/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
[animal growling]

-Why am I naked?
-Oh, no.



I'll see you in Hell.

[breathing fast]

What the hell?

Where am I?

[girl moans quietly]


What's wrong?

Oh, Gabby.

I just had the worst nightmare.

I was with this old man, and he...

He frickin' blew up in front of me.

And the old man was Pete.

It was just a dream.

It was so real.

The missing billionaire was there and...

And there was this blonde.

[sighs] Not again.

Again? What do you mean, "again"?

Your name is Jack Morton.

You go to Belgrave University.

You have a scholarship.

Your mom died in a car accident
when you were eight.

Your grandfather recently died
of a stroke.

You have never heard of
the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose

or the Knights of Saint Christopher,

and you're so in love
with Gabrielle Dupres

you are willing to wait until marriage.

And you think all blonde girls
are stuck-up skanks.

[Vera] This isn't the first time
we've had issues

with your use of pulveris memoria,
Miss Drake.

Wasn't intentional.

Oh, so you didn't want Mr. Morton
to wander around Norwich

with complete amnesia for two days.

Maybe promoting you to Magistratus
was a premature decision.

I didn't want to modify his memories
in the first place.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were questioning my decisions.

Of course not, Magus.

Grand Magus.

I only wonder if our response was
a little overzealous.


Well, can't be a secret society
if outsiders know your secrets.

The Knights of Saint Christopher
would've always been a threat to us

as long as they knew we existed.

Or they could be powerful allies.

No, the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose
doesn't have allies.

But they helped us defeat Edward Coventry.

If you are looking for happily ever after,
you're in the wrong place.

Comfort yourself with the knowledge
that Jack Morton is still alive.

Sometimes that's the best
you can hope for.

Now, what is it you wanted to show me?

I think I figured out
how the Knights make their werewolves.


Grand Magus.

Thought you said you wanted to try out
a transformation spell.

I do.

The Knights possess a set of magic hides,

each one imbued
with the spirit of a werewolf.

You never said anything about werewolves.

You didn't ask.

Stand in front of the locker.

Now what?

We wait.

Any day now, Miss Drake.

The hide chooses the champion.

So... [chuckles]

your plan consists of, what,
marching every disciple in here

to see if a fur coat
takes a fancy to them?

You said you wanted a werewolf,
one you can control.

I want a practitioner with
the magic strength of a werewolf.

There's a difference.

You're dismissed, Diego.

Thank you, Grand Magus. Thank you.

[echoing thud]


Wait. Come back.

Do what she says.

-[growling sound]

[cracking sound]

[man] Jack Morton, you've been summoned.

Will you accept the call?

I promise to give my life...

to cheer squad!

["Own It" playing]

♪ When I was younger
I was insane for fame ♪

♪ In big letters up in lights
I could see my name ♪

♪ Since my mouth could move
I've had something to say ♪

♪ Now I’m a little older
But I remain the same ♪

♪ You can't cheat, you can't defeat ♪

♪ You can't beat me ♪

♪ What you do, I do it better
Don't compete with me ♪

♪ You can't cheat, you can't defeat ♪

♪ You can't beat me ♪

♪ The world is my stage ♪

♪ I've got it made ♪

♪ I'm on it ♪

♪ I own it ♪

♪ I want it ♪

♪ I've got it ♪

♪ I'm on it ♪

[distant bell ringing]

Come on, babe. I made first alternate.

"First alternate" is just another term
for "best loser."

I worked hard.

Fixed your hair, fixed your clothes.

Created you.
Should have made the team.

Honestly, I don't really care
if I make cheer squad or not.

You live for cheer squad.

Do I?

You will.

-[gasps] Excuse you!

-Check your route, dude.
-Yeah, okay, coach.

Stick to the bench.

You stick... I'll bench you.

Carpio, let's go!

You were over there so long,
I thought you were proposing.

Yeah, he wishes.

Hey, let's go to the gym.

-Let's take a break.
-Let's go to the gym later.

-Uh... Okay.

Sorry I'm late.
I got tied up with something.

Ooh, sounds kinky.

It could be.

-You don't give up, do you?

I will...

as soon as you tell me
you're not interested.

You know,

I'm not the good girl you think I am.

How long have we known each other?
Two years?

But how long have we
really known each other?

Out of all the time that we spend
together, and that's going to be, what...

two, three months?

We've taken eight classes together.

We are in the same study group.

-We live in the same building.

We're practically strangers.

Oh, undergrads. So naive.

They actually think their education
will be used in the real world.

Don't be cruel.
If they didn't want their useless degrees,

we would never get
the teaching assistants jobs

we need to pursue our useless degrees.

My doctorate isn't useless.

"Help! My wife has fallen.
Is there a metaphysician in the house?"


"Well, my son's choking.

Oh, dear God, where is an epistemologist
when you need one?"

Probably the nearest bar.

It's noon somewhere.

Would it have k*lled you
to smile more for the judges?

But I was just busy
trying to be sharp and tight.

You were sharp and tight,
but you also need to snap and shine.

But you tried your hardest,
and that's all I care about.

It is?

Of course it is,
because you are my sweet Jack snack pack,

and I love you.

And I can't wait until we're married.

-We don't have to wait for everything.
-Uh, yes, we do,

because I made a vow
and I intend to keep that vow,

and if I meant anything to you,

you wouldn't put
that kind of pressure on me.

[ringing sound]

Do you hear that ringing sound?

I don't hear anything,
and don't interrupt me.

As I was saying,
if I meant anything to you,

you wouldn't put that kind of pressure--

[Jack groans]




He's okay. He's hypoglycemic.

First week of school.

Your name is Jack Morton,
you go to Belgrave University,

you have a scholarship.

But you live for cheer squad.

-Quality still needs to be up there.
-Oh, my God.

Okay, so how long are we gonna be here?
'Cause I've got an exam.

The pulervis memoria
isn't working anymore.

I have to powder Morton
every few days now.

You're right, it does seem to wear out
faster than before.

Randall's had more relapses, too.

In all honesty, the hardest part for me
is keeping pace with Hamish.

That man can drink.

Tell me about the transformation.

Jack and I were walking
on the main concourse

when Randall almost k*lled me because
his monitor can't keep him on his leash.

You wanna swap? Say the word.

The guy needs, like,
hours of exercise a day.

Focus. The transformation.

Jack said he heard a ringing noise,
and then he went all werewolf.


[Nicole] Same.

Were any of you performing magic?

What does that have to do with anything?

We've performed magic all summer.
They've never transformed before now.

Do I really need to remind you

of the dangers of answering my questions
with a question?

No, Grand Magus.

No magic.

So, what should we do?

Go back to your charges.

And as of now, no one is to perform magic
of any kind without my permission.

So, I have to open the door...

with my hand?

What are you waiting for? Get the door.

Oh, my God. Chivalry is dead.

[door opens loudly]

No magic.

[door shuts]

It's rather barbaric.

Werewolves transformed.

In broad daylight?


This endeavor has become
more trouble than it's worth.

But this is the first time
that any of them have transformed.

But it is not the first time we've had
issues with their memories resurfacing.

Which is why I developed this.

It's a more potent version
of pulveris memoria.


And how long do you think it will take
for them to become immune to this?

We can make them compliant.

I know it.

Unfortunately, I don't share
your sense of optimism.

And if we cannot control them,

we cannot induct them.

-Then induct them first.
-[scoffs] You're not serious.

Well, the Knights hear a ringing sound
when magic is performed,

except when I helped them find Randall

because we were working together.

You want to control them
before we induct them,

but maybe we have to induct them
to control them.

I already have a reputation
for being too soft.


If I induct them now,
people will think I'm a bleeding heart.

You wouldn't want them dead, either,

because that would be the waste
of a potentially invaluable commodity.

We'll try your new powder.

The next time they're out of control

will be the last.

-[man] I don't wanna practice anymore.
-[man ] Okay.

[clears throat] Morning.

All right. Settle down.

-[Gabrielle] Take my picture. Get in here.
-[Foley clears throat]

This is your tutorial group
for ethics and politics.

[groans quietly]

My name is Professor Cameron Foley.

Uh... You can call me Professor Foley.

Uh... Okay, housekeeping.

Office hours are : to :
every Thursday

unless following a holiday,

then it's the Tuesday preceding
the next scheduled lecture,

provided that lecture doesn't fall
on an even-number day,

in which case,
office hours are : to : ...

on Wednesdays.

There-- Oh, God. There's no, uh,

extensions on assignments.

Good morning. How was the sleep?

And so...

What was I talking about in the lecture?

Seriously, folks.
I was on autopilot yesterday.

You discussed the two branches
of political ethics,

process and policy.

Okay, sounds like something I'd do. Yeah.

So who can define them?

-[makes popping sound] You.

Didn't ask.

Um... [clears throat]

Ethics of process is the idea

that a leader or a party may have
to do wrong in order to achieve right,

and ethics of policy
are the moral questions that arise

from a leader of party's propositions,

mainly around contentious issues
like healthcare,

taxation, and the death penalty.

Okay, great.

Now we know you read the textbook.

[students chuckle]

So what do you think?

About what?

Let's just s*ab at the deep end here,

Should your government have the right
to assassinate an enemy leader?

I guess that depends on the leader.


Hey, some leaders deserve it.

Maybe by your standards,

but maybe by their standards,

that leader's awesome.

Is there even such a thing
as good and evil, or...

is it all just perception?

Remember, when Truman dropped the b*mb
on Hiroshima,

we were all thrilled.


Japanese, however...

I doubt they were thinking,
"You know what? We had that coming."

[ringing sound]

Do you hear that?

The sound of someone
who loves their own voice? Sure do.

No, it's a ringing sound.

For the love of God, okay.

[Ellie] Las an dorchadas.


Someone call !

[breathing fast]

-[Gabrielle] Quidquid requiritur.
-[students scream]

[man] Hurry up, let's go!

-Don't look!
-[woman] Get help!

[Vera sighs]

Do you know why you're here?

Because every time someone dies on campus
from magic,

I'm the first person everyone blames.

And it's not fair.

I would say it was very fair,

given your predilection
to settle your disputes with magic.

I already told you,
I don't know what happened to Brandon.

[muffled shouting]

But I'm sure he got what he deserved.

Yes, well...

Thanks to this latest incident,

I was compelled to perform yet another
respondeo incantation.

Respondeo can be an effective
memory modifier, but it has a drawback.

And that is?

The longer you wait,
the weaker the impact.


That's right.

Time is of the essence, and today,

I lost precious time to tracking
and tranquilizing four werewolves

to prevent the spell from triggering
their transformation

because magic makes werewolves angry.

And you're only telling us that now?

-Apologies, Grand Magus.
-Did you ignore my explicit orders

and practice magic?

No, Grand Magus.

Send in the next disciple.

[Gabrielle] Your turn. Have fun.

Do you know why you're here?

Because someone performed magic
without your permission.

It's you.

You're dismissed.
Send in the next disciple.

Grand Magus,
maybe a magic tourist is responsible.



A fluff-bunny can't even use
tarot cards properly,

let alone cast a successful m*rder spell.

But it is possible that
a rogue practitioner k*lled that student.

Sure. It's possible,

but not probable.

What's going to happen to the Knights?

You know what has to happen.

I also know the Knights are experts
at hunting down rogue practitioners.

You want me to induct them.

I can't induct them
if I can't control them.

Uh... They're our enemies.

But they don't know that.

[groans] Let's say I was willing
to entertain your proposal.

How would this work?

Well, for starters,

we'd have to invite them
without using any magic.

Since we spent the entire summer

making them forget
that the Order even exists...

we'll need to establish our mystique.

Is that a blue rose?

Oh, my God, did the Hermetic Order
invite you to join?

The Hermetic what?

Like you don't know about the Order.

They're like the Illuminati,
if the Illuminati existed.

[Alyssa] But it shouldn't be too hard
to catch their attention...

"According to rumor,
a gender-neutral collective

originally formed to protect
magic knowledge

from religious oppression."

...and pique their curiosity enough
to draw them out.

"Kneebend Trail, midnight.
A new world awaits you."

[muffled shouting]

[animal sounds]

Is this the place for...


Have any of you even ever
heard of this Blue Rose group before?

No. You guys?

Yeah, I did. I heard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elon Musk,
and Jason Priestley are all members.

Wow, someone's Wikipedia-smart.


Have you and I met before?

I don't...

think so.

[man] Silence.



You are no longer students.

You're neophytes.

Find the gold coins.

Take only one...

-[ringing sound]
-...or we will know.

Oh, shit.

[crows cawing]

Where am I?


How did I end up naked?

Why am I covered in blood?

This can't be blood.

Oh, yeah, that's blood.

Does anyone remember anything?

Only up until that weird meeting,
and then it all goes blank.

I think we did something terrible.

And not the fun kind of terrible.

I just hope we didn't hurt anyone.

You were supposed to tell him, "No magic."

[Alyssa] I did tell him "No magic."

[Vera] So much for your new formula.

It should have worked.

I enchanted it myself.

Then maybe
there's something wrong with you.

They're long gone.

We lost their tracks,

but I have a good idea of where they went.

Go, find them.
Make sure they haven't k*lled anyone else.

Let's go.

Sorry about your plan, Alyssa.

Thought it had potential.

Any other ideas?

I was thinking that we could try adding
a servitudinis spell the next time around.

They k*ll someone,
and you want to try again. [sighs]

Don't blame the disciple for this, Vera.

We all know a fish stinks from the head.


This is a surprise.


How are you gonna
respondeo your way out of this one?

Shaving accident?

Still trying to generate that new eye?

Unforeseen side effect
of a werewolf attack.

Their injuries are harder to heal.

If only we had known earlier.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Well, it's so rare for a werewolf
to leave someone alive.

Case in point.

We'll have this resolved soon enough.

If the Council listened to me
in the first place,

there wouldn't be an issue to resolve.

Is that why you're here, Kepler?

To try and gather amm*nit*on?

I'm here to ensure that
the situation doesn't get out of hand.

But if this is a bad time...

[Vera] Not at all.

Let us retire to the reliquary.

I'll catch you up to speed.

Clean this up
before a jogger trips over it.

[loud chatter]

We're your "we."

[Randall] Hey, think fast!

Wow, nice catch.

It's so weird.

There's this really dope room upstairs
with clothes that fit me.

We had the same luck.

I'd swear we lived here.

Yeah, it's weird.
I do feel like I've been here, but...

definitely haven't lived here before.

That would explain the lack of clothes.

Or you're a pervert.

No judgment.



So many questions.

I need a drink.

But you're not an alcoholic,

-you're an alcohol aficionado.
-Alcohol aficionado.

All right, I'm sure we've met before.


And I keep getting wave after wave
of déjà vu.

It's been happening ever since I woke up.

It's like memories from the past
that we just can't quite remember.

Someone's coming.

I don't hear anything.

I can...

smell them?

That's ridiculous.


Jack! Jack, are you in there?


Oh, God, I was so worried.

You ran off again.

Did you have another blackout?
You did, didn't you?

-A blackout?
-Yeah, they started just after Pete died.

Who's Pete?

His grandfather.

Don't worry,
the doctors call it a fugue state.

-I brought your medication.

-She's lying.
-Let go of me!

They don't have medication
to treat a fugue state,

-only the underlying conditions...
-You're hurting me!

-Jack, help me.
-[Jack] What the hell is that?

Your last chance.

Oh, God!

I told you it wouldn't work.

-He's pre-med.


Something you want to tell me, "babe"?

You're a dead man. All of you.

You're dead.

I have no idea why,
but I'm really gonna enjoy this.

That is for dyeing my hair.

We should get out of here.

They'll be after us.

Who will be after us?

The Blue Rose people.

Who put tall boy in charge?

A disciple is dead, Vera.

Grand Magus.

How many more have to die before
you realize the stupidity of this notion?

How often did you express your concerns
about dead disciples to Edward?

Was it after the three neophytes
were m*rder*d?

Those deaths were not his fault.

No magic.

What about the Gnostic Councillor

and the neophyte
that he sentenced to death

for those murders?

Did you ever question that decision?

He was performing his duties.

Was he performing his duties
when he dissolved the Gnostic Council?

He said he was speaking metaphorically.

And then there was Hemmings,
his assistants,

every other disciple who died
enforcing Edward's will.

No one could have anticipated
the fallout of his commands.

So then what gives you the right
to think you can question mine?

My job as Gnostic Councillor
is to act as a safeguard.

You did a hell of a job with Edward.

Maybe if you keep your mouth shut
and let me do my job,

our disciples will have a fighting chance.

You talk a good game, Vera.

But you care about those disciples
about as much as I do.

I bet you can't name
even one of your precious victims.












Shall I go on?

Diego should only count as half.

See, werewolves are
powerful practitioners.

If we can harness their power properly,
they will be an asset to the Order.

Perhaps you should put
your prejudices aside

and remember the greater good.

I hate what you've done to the place.


Pull, not push.

[door shuts loudly]

Nicole's my friend.

Why would she attack me?

She's not your friend. None of them are.

Do you think they're all
part of this Blue Rose cult?

We have to find some place to hide
and just figure out what's happening.

We're safer in public.

We should split up.
We're a pretty conspicuous group.

-We should stick together--
-[ringing sound]


[Lilith] What the hell was that?

-We were changing.
-Into what?

I don't know. Something scary.

-Is that what happened to us last night?
-Yeah, I think so.

So why did it stop this time?

I don't think it stopped.
I think we stopped it.

Is that why our memories are messed up?

Because we're monsters?

[woman screams]

Could be a trap.

It's probably a trap.

We have to do something.

Stuck-up skank.


[people screaming]

[woman shouting indistinctly]


Come on.

Over here!


Those guys were right there.

-Not my problem.
-Explaining to Vera will be.

It was... sloppy magic.


I've never met
a practitioner who'd consider

casting a spell like this
in public before.

Maybe if you tried performing
a convertat incantation,

that student might still be alive.

I... I...

I wish I thought of that.
I guess I just...

I panicked in the moment.

Miss Drake...

you were romantically involved
with the double agent Jack Morton?


There was an attraction,
but then I learned the truth about him.

You know that werewolves
are duplicitous and dangerous,

but you don't suspect them
of this heinous act?

If anything, they'd be trying to stop
whoever performed this incantation.


I think in a situation like this,
it's better to be safe than sorry,

especially when
innocent lives are at stake.

Don't you agree?

Grand Magus, there's no way the Knights
would do something this vicious.

Not to an innocent civilian,
not on purpose.

Prepare for another respondeo incantation,
Miss Drake.

You're dismissed.

-[door shuts]
-You've made the right call.

You're dismissed as well.

[rock music playing]

Okay. So...

Magic is real.

At least we know what
that ringing means.

What the hell are we?

Aliens? Superheroes?

Alien superheroes.

We're not aliens.

How can you be sure?

I don't know, I just know.

I agree with Kilith.


-More memories.

Ever since we saw that blonde.

The real one.


You're a monster.

[clears throat]

Look, these things inside of us...

I think they want us to remember.

I'm going somewhere I can let mine out.

You guys smell that?


We totally k*lled that masked dude.


I don't really have a problem with that.

Probably why we call you Kilith.

Okay, we're here.

Now what?

Whoa, dude.

-Little aggressive, don't you think?

[crackling sounds]

[faint roaring]


I take it back.

That's not scary.

That's badass.

They're not coming back here.

They might, so someone needs to be here.

Might as well be us.

God, I hate it here.

Everything is so...

-I like antiques.


You like your wolf.

I haven't done anything inappropriate.

Except mess with her mind a little.

Make sure she's into you.

Don't be disgusting.

I would never do anything like that
to someone,

because I'm a professional.

But you like her, right?

[groans] Ye-- Yes.

-Yeah, I like her.

I'm evil.

I'm an evil person.

I keep trying to make her not like me,

The last time I powdered her,
I tried to make her hate me,

-and it didn't work.
-[door shuts]

Then go for it.

I can't.

-[approaching footsteps]
-It's wrong.


you can go.

What about me?

Angus, right?

I've got a plan
to catch the wolves, but, uh...

I need the perfect partner for it.

I'm perfect.

What's the plan?

Right. Um...


[nervous chuckle]

I knock you out
with a simple sleep incantation,

and the sound of my magic
draws the wolves right here.

Sounds g-- Wait, what?

Dormi regulia.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


That was not supposed to happen.

Are you okay?

-Can you speak?

[low growl]



I'm gonna take that as a yes.


I know you have a lot of questions

and you're really confused.


I can help you.


[Jack] You can help a monster?


You're not monsters.

You're the Knights of Saint Christopher.

You're champions.

And we were friends.


Close friends,
which is why I can help you.

Your memories, your real memories,
they've been suppressed.

-I can return them.
-[loud growl]

You need to be human.

What do you think, guys?

Oh. Thank God.

Did you say that we're champions?

Yeah, you mean champions
as in "alien superheroes," right?

Who took our memories?

Okay, I can answer all your questions,
or I can just return your memories.

It's up to you.

Okay, we'll try.

Is this a "Blood in, blood out"
kind of thing?

[Alyssa] You have passed our tests...

and proven yourselves worthy.

Thank you.

[Alyssa] You may now know the first truth.


is real.

Magic is real?



And with practice, dedication
and commitment,

anything is possible.

Weapons, now.

[Alyssa] Damn it.

Yo, magic is real.

[Alyssa] Jack Morton.

Randall Carpio.

Lilith Bathory.

Hamish Duke.

You have all been summoned.

Will you heed the call?

-I will.
-I will.

[Alyssa] Rise, acolytes.

So was our whole relationship just a test

to see if I have what it takes
to be in the Order?

Oh, hell, no, babe.

-This was just the cherry on top.
-[piano music playing]

We're going to be

the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose's
new power couple.

Oh, that's...

just great.

[Gabrielle] Yeah, it sure is.

[Randall] Angus, Angus!


This is awesome.
We're going to be magic buddies.

Yeah, yeah, it's great.

Yeah, yeah.

So what's the coolest spell you know?

Like, what's the craziest thing you've
ever done with magic? Can you fly?

Can I fly?

Dude, can we fly?

Why didn't you tell me you were
a member of a secret magic society?

You kind of answered your own question.

But I can give you the full story
over dinner?

What's wrong? You've been asking me out
for three months,

and now that I say yes, you don't want to?

-It's not that I don't want to--
-You changed your mind.

I've kept this huge secret from you,
and now you're mad at me.

-No, no, no, please.
-I totally understand.

Nicole, listen.


You just caught me by surprise.

I didn't actually think
you would ever say yes,

but dinner...

Dinner would be great.

This is the happiest night of my life.

If you're gonna stand there,
you might as well make yourself useful.


we welcome four new members
into our family.

That is what the Hermetic Order
of the Blue Rose is,

a family.

And it has chosen
each and every one of you...

-to be a member.


lag agus


[Vera] Just like any family,

there are going to be disagreements,

and fights,

and you are going to hate
doing your chores.


Oh, Éirí lag agus básaigh.


lag agus


[Vera] But at the end of the day,
we rally together.

-[ringing sound]
-We protect our own.

And tonight...

we are stronger

because of you.

[rat squeals]

To our new acolytes.

And to the Hermetic Order
of the Blue Rose.

-Hear, hear.


Any idea who was performing magic
during Vera's little "Kumbaya" moment?

Probably someone
who was as bored as I was.

Are the ceremonies always so long?

Oh, yeah.

This is my second time
and it doesn't get any better.

See, that's what I love
about our initiation ceremony.

It's brief and casual,

and we get to the drinking
a hell of a lot quicker.

It was nice of Alyssa
to return our memories.

Did she?

Or did she just return the ones
that would get us on side?

She returned them all.

How can you be so sure?

Because I want to k*ll her
for betraying us.

You'll have to get in line.

If the Order finds out what she did,
they'll k*ll her.

And us.

We better make sure that doesn't happen.

How do we do that?

Let them think they've won.

They have won.

They stole all our magic crap,
our journals, our hide lockers.

They have Silverback.

We'll get him back.

We'll get it all back.

Sounds like you got a plan.

Not yet.

But when the time is right,
we're gonna make them pay.

All of them.

And then we're gonna burn this place
to the f*cking ground.

["Get Loud" playing]

♪ You got nothing to lose ♪

♪ We got nothing to lose
We got nothing to lose ♪

-♪ Hey ♪
-♪ Do you wanna see me? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna be me? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get down? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna see me? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna be me? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get down ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get loud ♪

♪ Yeah, you know you wanna ♪